A gigantic spider and a car full of young ladies... pic.twitter.com/F7seARbOXa
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) November 27, 2020
November 27, 2020
"A gigantic spider and a car full of young ladies..."
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A gigantic spider and a car full of young ladies... pic.twitter.com/F7seARbOXa
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) November 27, 2020
OMG that is the scariest thing I'm seen all ...
where did it go?
Why didn't they stop and run away? I had a heart attack on their behalf.
Here’s the male version Oh my gawd Jay! Ho lee shit! Looks like fucking baby whale!
“Oh man, we’re callin’ the Coast Gahd!"
There's never a man around when they need one.
I am going straight to Hell. And Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, and The Notorious RBG will be waiting for me there.
Women make each other more hysterical.
My spouse would have just grabbed the spider with a tissue and toss it out.
Not a spider fan, but I find the skinny pale spiders the worst.
The really big ones, like tarantulas, are more like 'regular' animals.
Once I was driving at night and I saw a good-sized spider dropping down from the ceiling, outlined by the light from the windshield.
I couldn't see it once it got to dashboard height so I just flailed around with my hand, hoping it wouldn't land on me...
Right-side steering wheel. Australia and a Huntsman spider? Harmless.
I immediately thought about how the media reacts when the president golfs.
Is that what the NYT newsroom sounded like when the Cotton piece was published?
Am I the only person who by the end of it was feeling sorry for the spider?
That was a pretty big spider. I'd be a little freaked out if I saw it in my car while driving.
I like the driver, just trying to get them to shut up so she can drive the damn car.
Pull over the damn car. Get out, take off a shoe and look for the spider. Kill the spider. Get back in and proceed. Pay attention to the road. Get to the destination safely. My advice to young women.
Spiders can't hurt you...unless they bite you or something.
Spider in car, feminism hardest hit.
I want to know if girls screaming is nature or nurture.
The poor thing was just trying to find his/her way out. That said, I would have been shrieking, too, but would have at least stopped to let the thing out. Maybe it was just hitching a ride.
"Maybe it was just hitching a ride."
Probably a lot easier with 8 thumbs...
The only spiders I kill are house spiders. Putting them outside doesn't do any good because they will come right back in. [And if there's one, you can bet there's another one. We do have tarantulas here but so far none has come into my house. And I'm glad because smashing one would make a helluva mess.
They'd never make it in Skyrim. That thing's small compared to giant frostbite spiders.
I laughed. But that's just me.
They are obviously too young to have seen "Arachnophobia."
Jesus ! Can it be 30 years? I was watching it as "big bob," the giant spider, was creeping up on the guy, when my beeper, which I had set at "vibrate," went off. I jumped a foot.
Here's what they look like:
Giant Frostbite Spider
They're Australian, they should be used to this sort of thing by now.
And Trump wants this banned?
WHen my son was a lifeguard at a large neighborhood pool, he was the only male among 7 lifeguards. Lifeguard table discussions often revolved around feminist theory. One morning, a large mouse ran by their feet and got into the supply shed. Much shrieking ensued. Feminist theory went right out the window and it was my son's duty to trap and get rid of the mouse WITHOUT HURTING IT. He had to catch the mouse, safely trap it and release it into the woods a few hundred yards away to make them stop.
My mother in law grew up on an Arkansas farm. While having a nice dinner in the yard, a huge spider started crawling near the newborn baby. She got up, walked over and picked up the spider, and threw it over the fence while continuing the conversation the entire time like nothing was happening. Damn impressive.
Completely accurate. Mom of a 17-year-old girl and I have no doubt she would react that way. For that matter, so would I.
A small spider the size of a large spider!
Spiders generally leave you alone; wasps and the like freak me out a lot more when I'm driving.
Or anywhere else
In a TV show, one woman would've kicked the spider's ass, while another women would've made a snarky remark about men.
You can catch spiders with flypaper.
Once in a while the Geico geckos show up in our tub. It used to freak out the misses now not so much, though I still have to do the wrangling and release...
LOL is a common internet acronym, but how often does one actually LOL?
I LOL’d at this video.
Do spiders have ears? Can they hear the screeching? The windows were open - why didn't the creepy crawler just walk outside?
The spider was big and black, and it fell from the ceiling right down the front of my shirt. The pretty girl walking towards me saw it happen, and though she didn't scream she put on a Major League OMG face. I reached into my shirt, grabbed the spider and threw it out of the window. Pretty girl was seriously impressed.
- wow how brave
- c'mon it was just a spider
- no wow, if it had fallen on me, I don't know, wow
- it was just a spider
And a date ensued. Thanks spidey.
As it happens I'm fairly wussy about spiders myself, but the pretty girl was NEVER gonna be allowed to find that out.
There’s a new “Wonder Woman” movie coming out. Would Wonder Woman scream like — well, like “a girl” — over a spider? Come on girls! Have you never heard of child birth? Much less being married for life to a man? Can’t you be as tough as your mother? grandmother?
You can catch spiders with flypaper
Also geckos...
One of Shelob's evil spawn.
Recite after me: "A Elbereth Gilthoniel. . ."
As it happens I'm fairly wussy about spiders myself, but the pretty girl was NEVER gonna be allowed to find that out.
I can relate, Lee. In fifth grade I had a crush on a boy who liked to collect spiders--by hand [no, his name wasn't Renfield and he didn't eat them] so I buried my phobia and joined in. Later we caught garter snakes, which didn't creep me out at all. Still terrified of spiders, though, if they're in my house. If I don't kill them, I'll lie awake all night wondering when/if they are going to crawl into my bed.
Oh, rehajm, geckos are sweet.
mockturtle said @6:40 PM: " If I don't kill them, I'll lie awake all night wondering when/if they are going to crawl into my bed."
Actually, they're known to crawl into your open mouth when you're sleeping.
Chew on that for a moment.
In some of my student digs, it was unsafe to sleep with your mouth open--unless you liked cockroaches crawling or falling in. You knew a girl was serious if she came over twice.
OTOH they were cheap and fairly large.
The apartments, though I guess it's true for the roaches too
Thanks for clearing that up. Thought you might be talking about the girls.
Actually, they're known to crawl into your open mouth when you're sleeping.
Chew on that for a moment.
Thanks, roughcoat. I'd rather not. ;-)
Grist for the rhhardin mill. Surprised he didn't take advantage of it.
Paco, good catch. Just testing y'all.
Walkies. Back later
It’s a Biden Campaignspider. Natural habitat is major urban centers in swing states. If you’re freaked out it’s understandable because the Biden Campaignspider sneaks up quietly, puts his legs in your hair and sniffs and nibbles around your ears and neck. That’s all just a diversion, so don’t scream and run away. Because after you’re out of sight it jumps into the ballot processing machinery and all Hell breaks loose. By morning time it’s gone without a trace.
What Inga said, except just remove it. After stopping and evacuating the car.
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