October 13, 2020

"The difficult empathy of the porcupine."


It's a podcast — Amy Coney Barrett talks to the Senate, Joe Biden talks to an empty rotunda, and Donald Trump wants to kiss everybody.


Ann Althouse said...

This is a post only for talking about what's in the podcast. Go to the previous post for an open thread.

tcrosse said...

What did you settle on for a microphone setup?

wild chicken said...

Ann your Facebook friends must think you're hopeless lol.

But they have no soul.

Ann Althouse said...


I'm experimenting with microphones. What I learned today is that putting the iPhone in airplane mode is needed. I haven't "settled on" anything yet, but I read your question as a criticism of the problem experienced today, an intermittent interference noise.

tcrosse said...

I read your question as a criticism of the problem experienced today, an intermittent interference noise.

It was not written as such.

Ann Althouse said...

@wild chicken

I keep a very low profile over there. Minimal presence and what I do give is very light. Still...

rehajm said...

Gotta mic up Meade, too, even if his participation is nodding in agreement. We can hear that on our end...

Ann Althouse said...

Not sure Meade wants to be heard.

dreams said...

Trump wants to kiss everybody because he really loves the United States of American. He loves our country.

rehajm said...

Just suggesting if wants out, leave him way out. It's weird when he's heard faintly in the background.