October 11, 2020

"People like me – who have Asperger’s syndrome and autism, who don’t follow social codes – we are not stuck in this social game of avoiding important issues."

"We dare to ask difficult questions. It helps us see through the static while everyone else seems to be content to role-play." 

Said Greta Thunberg, quoted in "Greta Thunberg: ‘Only people like me dare ask tough questions on climate’" (The Guardian).
Thunberg believes her condition helps her look at the world and see what others cannot, or will not, see. She dislikes small talk and socialising, preferring to stick to routines and stay “laser-focused”. 
And her ability to concentrate fiercely is acknowledged by her father, Svante Thunberg. “She can read a book and remember everything in it,” he says ruefully. ... 
“For many years, people – especially children – were very mean to me. I was never invited to parties or celebrations. I was always left out. I spent most of my time socialising with my family – and my dogs.”...

 Meanwhile, Greta — who is not an American citizen — endorses Joe Biden:


Marcus Bressler said...

What an annoying little twerp. No wonder the MSM idolizes her.

rhhardin said...

A different talent is saying what people all think but are afraid to say.

MayBee said...

"voting to protect science"

Hahahhahahaha. The left really has latched themselves to that idea, haven't they? But it is hilarious to me to hear it.

wendybar said...

Give me a break. The only reason she is famous is because she is young, with a mouth. Like AOC. The squeaky wheel gets the oil....

Humperdink said...

Greta says vote Biden. And she will. Probably more than once.

Expat(ish) said...

“I never engage in party politics” and then engages in party politics in the same tweet.

She’s just a dopey kid with some additional fame and family related issues.

Why do we care about what she says? And by “we” I don’t mean me.


Gahrie said...

None of the chicken Littles have ever been right on climate change. Not one of their dire predictions have ever come true. Yet people still believe.

Civilization did not cause climate change. Climate change caused civilization.

RMc said...

"I never engage in party politics, but I'm totally engaging in party politics."

ConradBibby said...

If someone disagrees with prevailing beliefs about a science issue -- say the nature of black holes or how inorganic compounds tuned into life -- how does that disagreement "destroy science?" It's such an absurd and over-the-top claim, and so ironic that folks who are trying to shame others for their lack of reason would make it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Well I'm convinced. I'm voting for the government whore.

MD Greene said...

I buy the part about Aspies raising uncomfortable issues, which can be valuable. I am not convinced, however, that they are the wisest among us all. Personal grandiosity, in my experience, is almost always bullshit.

As for Biden, his and our unwillingness to face his son's raffling off -- or pretending to raffle off -- U.S. foreign policy for personal gain is a problem. That his Daddy seems to be planning to lighten the pressure on the newest dynastic emperor (with his high-tech thought police, ethnic suppression and great big geographic ambitions) is deeply concerning.

Or am I the one with the blind spot?

William said...

I was deeply saddened when Greta did not win this year's Nobel Peace Prize. I was hoping that the Nobel people would have made this the year of the woman and awarded all their prizes to women This would have served to increase the status of both women and the Nobel Prizes. Think of all the years when only white men won the awards. It's time to even things out. Well maybe next year.....Here's a suggestion: Greta could work with the World Food Program, Jimmy Carter, and Skippy Peanut Butter to increase consumption of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches among the world's poor. Peanuts are an excellent source of protein, and no cow farts are involved in its production. Isn't it about time that we factor in cow farts when discussing feeding of the world's poor. I think Greta with her past advocacy of climate change would be the ideal person to expand the discussion into the advisability of suppressing cow farts and eating PB&J sandwiches. I think if Skippy Peanut Butter launched a campaign with Greta as its spokesperson this would serve the dual purpose of reducing cow farts and increasing Greta's chances of winning next year's Nobel Peace Prize.

Kevin said...

Greta isn’t smart enough to determine which party is destroying science.

That’s why people aren’t listening to her about anything else.

iowan2 said...

Extreme self centeredness is a trait of aspergers? From the post I here a lot justifying Thunberg, nothing about Anthropologic Catastrophic Global Climate Change.
ACGCC. Define each of those words in context and get back to me with what we are debating.

Rob said...

. . . and the horse she rode in on.

iowan2 said...

“She can read a book and remember everything in it,” he says ruefully. ...

Memorizing is not understanding. My limited experience with aspergers, informs me, they have a very difficult time reasoning through multi-faceted situations. They are a black/white type of person with no ability to see, let alone consider nuance. This kind of makes sense, right? Also a dogged tenacity, that never lets go of an idea, no matter new evidence.

Jim in St Louis said...

So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!

Oso Negro said...

Yes, sure. Because we didn't have enough environmental doomsday talk before Greta burst on the scene.

wild chicken said...

Autism is a physical disorder, an impairment of the part of the brain that is intuitive, enlightened by experience, and more charitable toward human nature.

Instead they are cold, rationalistic, narrow minded crackpots. They glom on to an issue like this and never let go.

I don't want to be governed by autists.

Lucid-Ideas said...

St. Greta needs to point her weaponized autism at herself then, cause she's definitely playing a lead role in someone else's movie.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

What a blessing to see a tree, remembering each leaf, twig, and wrinkle of bark while others suffer the distraction of the forest. - G. Thunberg, superior being.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Dear Gretta,

I'm sorry your mother drank excessively during her pregnancy with you.

Best regards,
A person who's worked with FAS kids

JPS said...

Interesting, that first part. Because I really haven’t noticed her asking questions at all, except for famously rhetorical ones. (How dare you?!) Mostly she seems to want to declare, and denounce.

Now, a good example of her thesis would be if she asked some of her allies awkward questions about attributing any given event to Climate Change. That could get her cast out like Judy Curry if she kept it up, but she wouldn’t care.

In the meantime, if it makes her feel good to see Asperger’s as her superpower, good for her. I know several people who channel theirs productively. I’d still be more impressed if she came up with a dingle original insight.

Mr. O. Possum said...

She is 17-years-old. Seventeen.

A 17-year-old 'leading' an international political-environment-social-energy debate.

Just think about that.

How different are we from those who lived in the days of child rulers? Mary Queen of Scots returned to Scotland when she was 18 to begin her campaign to overthrow Queen Elizabeth.

Temujin said...

Great. Scientific American jumps into the election because Science! It's your religion, dammit! Not actual science, but...claiming science.

The left is doing to actual Science! what it already did to actual Journalism!

Skippy Tisdale said...

"What a blessing to see a tree, remembering each leaf, twig, and wrinkle of bark while others suffer the distraction of the forest. - G. Thunberg, superior being."

If Greta took a shit in the forest and no one was there to smell it, would it stink?

Jaq said...

"“She can read a book and remember everything in it,”

Maybe she should study a little bit of math and physics then.

Sebastian said...

"We dare to ask difficult questions."

Like, to what extent do human activities influence climate?

Anyway, I object to blatant foreign interference in American elections.

gilbar said...

As many people here will attest (hi Igna! hi TiFNV!) i am COMPLETELY without ANY social code,
and am COMPLETELY asocial (if not Antisocial). I do NOT like people, and they do NOT like me

THEREFORE; According to Greta; you MUST listen to, and OBEY me; in EVERY THING i say!
(including, when i say: Greta is Completely Full of SHIT, and is just a horrible person)

stlcdr said...

Has she just demonstrated that she has no idea what she is actually saying?

Humperdink said...

"What a blessing to see a tree, remembering each leaf ....... " - G. Thunberg.

My leaf blower, which runs on fossil fuels, says sayonara to each one of them.

gilbar said...

Speaking of Mentally Ill women, that we were all ORDERED to heed and obey...
What in the world ever happened to Cindy Sheehan?
Remember her? she was that Moron that thought that her opinion was relevant
I kinda think, that Greta needs to look at Cindy, and think:
That'll be me!

Jaq said...

It will be great when Biden does Putin the solid of banning fracking so that we can all go back to 3 or 4 dollar gas, maybe 5 dollars or more, and Putin can go back to funding his war machine once he gets back his market share. It will be great when heating oil is so expensive that we can spend the winter wrapped in blankets inside, that will be nice. All for a conjecture that has yet to be proven and a conjecture which hasn’t panned out as predicted.

California has a history of wildfires that goes back to the last ice age, and this year, even with all of the mismanagement by the State of California, isn’t really a bad year out of the last thousand or so. Fire histories are easy to find. Redwoods live 2,000 years, and fire scarring can be discerned in boreholes into them. This isn’t a bad year on climate historical scales, it’s just that California is full of people now. They should maybe stop encouraging immigration of millions of illegals if they want to help matters. It would also help with their water situation and their power situation. Oh, that’s right, those aren’t really what they care about, what they care about is electing Democrats.

stevew said...

Apparently Ms. Thunberg is unfamiliar with the meaning of the English word "never".

Fernandinande said...

People like me are special, and we're better than people like Greta Thunberg. A lot better!

Marxist Lysenko would have approved of Anti-Scientific American's article on banning research which doesn't produce politically correct results.

"Because racial identity is assigned at birth, ..." ...just like "gender".

SciAm is quite dishonest unless they're writing about asteroids and such.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Perhaps no one wanted to play with her because she is an annoying little twatwaffle and it has nothing to do with asperger's.

Kate said...

'Spergs tell the truth because they have no social filter. St Greta sees the advantage to this, but she misses the fact that, without tact and moderation, she's too unlikable for most people. I feel sorry for her and actively despise her parents.

Iman said...

Yumpin’ yiminy, the Left loves them some teenaged seer/revelators.

Steven said...

I mean, as someone with Asperger's Syndrome myself, I very much appreciate that we have a resistance to conformity.

But, that's not the same as correctly identifying the truth. It just means we miss one failure mode. I know that in my younger years, I tended to unhealthily obsess over some serious threats to the world (given my age, nuclear war was one of them). And our resistance to social pressure makes it harder for others to either correct us or give us perspective.

The issue here is not Greta, but the people around her, particularly her parents.

Mark said...

Sorry, one's particular developmental condition is NOT license to be a jerk.

gspencer said...

"She can read a book and remember everything in it"

Too bad understanding isn't part of the bargain.

The Genius Savant said...

Her father is her puppet master. He’s abusing her.

wendybar said...

OMG!! This changes EVERYTHING!!! NOT!!!

Bobby said...

This girl reminds me of the character, Abigail, in the play "The Crucible". She begins to accuse people in Salem of witchcraft. Once the adults begin to believe her accusations, the more Abigail becomes powerful in town, even though she is a teenager. Her girlfriends join in and begin accusing others of witchcraft, including their own parents. Substitute witchcraft for "climate denialist" and you have Greta. "Science" today is the new scripture and whoever has the right to interrupt "scripture" has the right to accuse others of heresy.

Darrell said...

Biden's son would have nothing to sell if his dirty Dad wasn't doing the dirty deeds.

RK said...

Maybe people can avoid being "cancelled" by claiming to have Aspergers and autism. The ADA could protect us non-lefty workers from being fired for pointing out the obvious.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Comedian Will Franken's imitation of Greta Thunberg (which starts at 2:11, but the whole clip is worth watching) is spot on. It also illustrates why he is playing at a comedy club in London instead of doing SNL. He'd be shouted down in LA or Manhattan for this:


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Comedian Will Franken's imitation of Greta Thunberg (which starts at 2:11, but the whole clip is worth watching) is spot on. It also illustrates why he is playing at a comedy club in London instead of doing SNL. He'd be shouted down in LA or Manhattan for this:


Bob Boyd said...

Greta's parents should get her a lab coat.

John henry said...

Didn't we go through 4years of shit about foreign interference in our elections?

Why does she get a pass?

Oh, yeah. I forgot. She's interfering on the side of angels. Or at least Biden.

John Henry

Tim said...

She is just stupid. Science! But ONLY MY "SCIENCE"

Michael K said...

The whole "Climate Change" scam is worth trillions to people like Greta and her fans. Amazon is now going into "Green Energy" in a big way. Bezos is no dummy.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Best thing for everyone would be some booze, cigs, and sexualization. We need some mandatory Britney/Miley sessions, perhaps Clockwork Orange style if it doesn't take right away.

If there is still too much tension, then we bust out the weed, ecstasy, and near last but not least (not at all), the damn penultimate meth with some H or Xanax kickers when we need some sleep.

After a year or two of my therapy, nobody is gonna be worrying about the planet being on fire again.

Birkel said...

This self-important idiot thinks she'll be safe across that big ocean if America goes forward with Civil War II.

She won't.
I would bet 2 billion people would die.

Kill the golden goose, dumb asses.

Ken B said...

Acknowledged by ... her father. It’s rare for fathers to talk about how great their children are, so this is significant.

It’s medieval, the way this child is sanctified.

MAJMike said...

Greta! Here's some advice. Take your meds. Go back to school.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


Ken B said...

Anyone seen Best In Show? Remember the couple, Parker Posey was the wife, centering their lives and opinions in their dog?

tcrosse said...

Greta does Insect Science.

tcrosse said...

Greta does Insect Science.

Caligula said...

When you think of Asperger's, do you think of someone who never shuts up, someone who has an opinion on everything and who demands that others must accept her opinions, not because she's at all knowledgeable but just because she's so self-righteous and loud?

No, I didn't think so. If she's Asperger's then everyone is Asperger's.

And if she's the Voice of Science then science, despite it's long and often spectacular success in explaining the natural world, is dead.

JAORE said...

Foreign teenager with mental limitations tells me how to vote.

"How dare you!"

rhhardin said...

I've never understood a single article in Scientific American. It's some artists' fantasy of science.

Francisco D said...

Michael K said... Amazon is now going into "Green Energy" in a big way. Bezos is no dummy.

Guess where they are buying their electric vehicles.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Pronouncements like this are not brilliance and not mere arrogance. Instead, they're a defense against the ambiguity of reality. Aspies cannot handle the ambiguity we all face on a daily basis. So, Greta's bullshit comes more from fear than anything else.

I have a 26 year-old stepson who's Aspergers. He makes the same narrow-minded statements she does.

PJ said...

Greta's Dad says she recently read a book of correct predictions made by CAGW proponents and can now recite the entire text from memory.

frenchy said...

So Biden's got the underaged female European mental case cohort in his camp.

hombre said...

“...think about voting to protect science instead of destroying it..” “...think about voting to protect [defective computer modeling] instead of destroying it.”

There. Fixed.

hombre said...

When Trump departs from the norm it pisses people off.

As far as Greta is concerned, her deficiencies rob her of self awareness. She sounds just like most Chicken Littles - maybe whinier.

Original Mike said...

“She can read a book and remember everything in it,” he says ruefully. ... "

Hell, I could do that at 17 as well. Big whup.

OldManRick said...

protect science instead of destroying it

Scientific American is destroying science rather than protecting it. Science has always been about listening to the dissenters, evaluating their hypothesis against real world observations, either improving the current understanding to incorporate the data generated by dissent or adopting the new understanding, and moving forward. It was religion that attacked Galileo not science. Scientific American is now taking the role of the church and persecuting dissenters. Consensus is not science - it is religion (and now even religion is allowed to have different sects).

tcrosse said...

Greta is probably a phlogiston denier.

mikee said...

I, for one, take opinions from underage political sock puppets with all the seriousness I can muster. See, I'm not even laughing out loud at her. As for climate change, the US has decreased CO2 emissions below Kyoto protocols while other nations haven't, due to plentiful clean cheap fracked natural gas for electricity generation. Go suck the tailpipe of a German VW diesel car, Greta, and tell me about the honesty of environmental regulations and regulators.

As for Biden, the GND is indeed a social compact written by marxists. To hell with that.

Big Mike said...

There are plenty of people with Aspergers who are properly skeptical of the whole global warming scam. We’re called mathematicians, and also real scientists. She has an eidetic memory? Big whoop. When she learns how to be skeptical of her conclusions, she has a 50/50 chance to amount to someone useful.

Tomcc said...

And people like me, who do not have Asperger's and do follow social codes give not one flying fig about your preferences; political or otherwise. You are a marionette but you can't see the strings.

hombre said...

Greta’s afflictions have robbed her of self awareness. She is not unique. She sounds like all the other Chicken Littles.

mikee said...

rhhardin: Martin Gardner used to write a nice mathematical games column monthly on the back pages in SciAmer. Sort of like the old PS in Roac & Track, but smarter.

Go look at them, and weep for the children of today who read that magazine.

NCMoss said...

Unstable genius.

Bilwick said...

Golly, Aspergers sounds cool! I wish I had it!

Anonymous said...

If Biden were serious about global warming, he would propose bombing the new Chinese coal power plants.

doing nothing about China's actual growth in dirty power, as opposed to their smiley statements means that every reduction in the US and EU is overwhelmed by a factor of 10 each year.

Earnest Prole said...

Greta's politics sound very... brutal. No compassion, no compromise.

rcocean said...

Yes, vote for Biden because a crazy, young Swede says so. I'm sure many Democrats find that quite persuasive. Sheep always do.

Joe Smith said...

I have been accused of having more than a touch of the 'big A.'

It allowed me to spend untold hours focusing on very small details, such as making sure every one of more than 3 million pixels in an app screen are perfectly (and I mean perfectly) in place.

But for the most part, it has only gotten me into trouble, especially in personal relationships.

She is a tool that is being gleefully wielded by her leftist overlords and she has no clue.

If she was a minor it would be child abuse.

Kiss my white American ass, Greta.

Yancey Ward said...

So, I guess Asperger's Syndrome means you completely contradict yourself in the space of a single sentence. It usually takes a person several sentences to do that- long enough to forget what they wrote or said a few minutes prior- like Joe Biden.

Joe Smith said...

@Michael K

Bingo...always follow the money.

Sally327 said...

I want to know more about this social game of avoiding difficult issues because I don't think we're playing it enough. We can't even have sports games played these days without it involving difficult issues. I think it's important for Greta to see the world and herself in it in this particular way because it's what allows her to function. But I don't think the rest of us have to accept her views as having any special significance beyond that.

And why do foreigners never understand that Americans don't really care what they think about which candidate we should be electing to office. I certainly don't care who gets elected to office in Sweden.

Leora said...


The only human endeavor that teaches that the accumulated wisdom may be wrong.

Matt said...

Why doesn't she ask China and India her special questions?

Assistant Village Idiot said...

She has this backwards. People on the spectrum have trouble seeing the forest for the trees, or get lost in the weeds, or whatever diminished perspective metaphor you like. They get caught on details and can't shake themselves free. They are not hyper-rational, but missing a piece of rationality because they cannot put competing claims in proper order.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Thunberg believes her condition helps her look at the world and see what others cannot, or will not, see.”

Oh, dear. I work with a gentleman who shares Thunberg’s “condition”. He’s fiercely competent at his narrow role and yet wildly misinterprets the motives of others on a regular basis. The condition doesn’t help you look at the world, it helps you filter out what you don’t want to believe, what you don’t want to deal with.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Thunberg believes her condition helps her look at the world and see what others cannot, or will not, see.”

Oh, dear. I work with a gentleman who shares Thunberg’s “condition”. He’s fiercely competent at his narrow role and yet wildly misinterprets the motives of others on a regular basis. The condition doesn’t help you look at the world, it helps you filter out what you don’t want to believe, what you don’t want to deal with.

Yancey Ward said...

The truth, Althouse, is that this is the post that needs the insect politics tag.

Assistant Village Idiot above is completely correct about the intellectual limitations of Thunberg and people like her.

MayBee said...

Is this foreign interference in our election?

Yancey Ward said...

And Ernest Prole beats me to it.

ALP said...

Gotta take issue with her bullshit claim of 'avoiding important issues'. I fled Facebook years ago due to so many important issues being raised in my feed, when all I wanted to do is keep up with friends I rarely see. Social media is probably 90% important issues. If there was any direct link between the volume of words being spewed about important issues and the overall condition of humanity - we'd be living in paradise right now.

ALP said...

Another thought: trying to one-up people with "I am more concerned for the world than you are" sure sounds like a social game to me. She's playing a game as well, just a different one.

Freeman Hunt said...

I know a great number of people with Asperger’s. When I see Thunberg speak, Asperger's is definitely not what she makes me think of.

SA is not a magazine for people who enjoy science. It's a magazine for people who want to imagine that they are people who enjoy science.

rightguy said...

Well she was just seventeen
You know what I mean...

Tinderbox said...

This mentally challenged Swedish child doesn't get involved in party politics but advises that Americans should vote for the mentally challenged elderly candidate.

Tinderbox said...

I should always read the comment section before commenting. Sometimes I forget that it's rare-nigh-unto never to have an original thought.

Rae said...

St. Greta the Insufferable.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Greta... from the bottom of my heart... Go Fuck Yourself.

PJ said...

“SA is not a magazine for people who enjoy science. It's a magazine for people who want to imagine that they are people who enjoy science.”

Sciencey American.

Jim at said...

And a dozen undecided voters yawned and asked, 'Who?'

Jim at said...

My leaf blower, which runs on fossil fuels, says sayonara to each one of them.

Hah. Perfect.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Horse hockey. The so-called climate models are only good for wiping one's a**. They don't model clouds correctly - some cloud features are much smaller than the grid sizes used. They over predict the temperature trend - three to five times faster than observed. They don't match the observed temperature history. There's dispute on whether the effect of a trace gas, carbon dioxide, on temperature is linear or logarithmic. They all assume that the sun's radiance remains the same, but the solar scientists are predicting a new Maunder minimum in the coming two to three decades. The sun has been spotless for 72% of the days this year and 77% last year.

The other part of the Green Nude Eel is the effort required to implement it would 1) bankrupt everyone, 2) there aren't enough materials, manufactures, installers to actually accomplish it. The power requirements for all the new electric vehicles are available, especially with the low power density of the wind/solar generators.

The very effort of implementing it would pollute the planet beyond belief. We'd get the Green Nude Eel at the cost of dirty water, dirty air and a brown environment. The correct name is Brown Nude Eel.

Howard said...

Nice to see a afflicted little girl trigger all you burly gun toting he men.

wildswan said...

Lucky for Greta that she didn't take up the 1619 project as her opportunity to tell the world the truth because the authors of the 1619 project are slowly changing the text on that book. Greta would be a lot of trouble if 1619 was her cause, what with remembering the original text and pigheadedly pointing out that it was being changed. Though come to think, the climatistas have already changed their predictions several times. Maybe someone should ask Greta what book on climate change she read originally and what she remembers about that book and its predictions.

MadTownGuy said...

From Greta's wiki page:

"Activism at home

For about two years, Thunberg challenged her parents to lower the family's carbon footprint and overall impact on the environment by becoming vegan, upcycling, and giving up flying. She has said she tried showing them graphs and data, but when that did not work, she warned her family that they were stealing her future. Giving up flying in part meant her mother had to give up her international career as an opera singer. Thunberg credits her parents' eventual response and lifestyle changes with giving her hope and belief that she could make a difference. The family story is recounted in the 2018 book Scenes from the Heart.

Interviewed in December 2019 by the BBC, her father said his wife stopped flying to try to 'save' their daughter rather than the climate. He added: "To be honest, (her mother) didn't do it to save the climate. She did it to save her child because she saw how much it meant to her, and then, when she did that, she saw how much (Greta) grew from that, how much energy she got from it.

JPS said...


"Nice to see a afflicted little girl trigger all you burly gun toting he men."

On climate change, as on so much else, the left prefers messengers you're not allowed to argue with.

I'm not triggered, I just think she's mistaken and overly sure of herself. As I was, when I was a teenager, but luckily I didn't have the means to badger people on such a large scale, nor did I have a major political movement holding me up at my worst and telling their opponents, "Better listen to him."

And I'm not burly. I'm wiry.

hstad said...

Just tired of this 16 - 17 year old ignorant inexperienced kid trying to lecture adults on a subject which has become mostly politicized. At the beginning of the "Climate Change" discussion I used to listen. The claims touted as 'Armageddon Events' in the future (always 50 - 100 years out) got more outrageous and absent of all science - the Greenies lost me. Since the '80s not one of their predictions have come to pass. But hey, Al Gore, became a multimillionaire hustling this junk. Oh, I forgot hustler by the name of Obama who prior to becoming President could not qualify for a mortgage on a house, without a backers support, but when he left the presidency Obama was a multimillionaire. Wow, I did not know government work made you as rich as as such 'Tech Gurus' like Jobs, Zuckerberg, Omidyar, Page, Brin and Gates - LOL!

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Scientific American was always a lefty magazine. About 25-years ago, they'd changed the tone of the magazine from a pretty hard-science tone to a more hip, squishy tone, to regain subscribers. I kept subscribing for a couple of years, but that change, combined with their lefty bias grew to be too much and I stopped subscribing.

New Scientist magazine was an acceptable substitute for a while, but its lefty bias, especially when it came to "climate change" was also too much. I'm now a former subscriber.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Scientific American was always a lefty magazine. About 25-years ago, they'd changed the tone of the magazine from a pretty hard-science tone to a more hip, squishy tone, to regain subscribers. I kept subscribing for a couple of years, but that change, combined with their lefty bias grew to be too much and I stopped subscribing.

New Scientist magazine was an acceptable substitute for a while, but its lefty bias, especially when it came to "climate change" was also too much. I'm now a former subscriber.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

It's not Asperger's. Plenty of autistic people disagree with her.

It's her true believer vibe that creeps me out.

Paul said...

Poor little Greta....

Hey Greta, I went deaf in high school. Went to college without tutors, note takers, interpreters... yea chalk, talk, and books. Computer science. Was a programmer for over 35 years.

But poor old Greta... life is tough.

Joe Smith said...

I see Howard is wearing his assless chaps again and feeling frisky...

Krumhorn said...

It’s too bad that AGW is not actual science but rather, a vehicle to transport and obscure ideological objectives.

- Krumhorn

whitney said...

I bet she never makes one decision and her life that ever surprises anyone. Just like a little Ginsburg. The minute that woman ended up on the bench everyone knew which way she was going to vote on everything from that minute forward. 0 surprises. Same script

Iman said...

"Howard? Back that rig up over here. I be through with it before you know what to do with it."

-- - Rudy Ray Moore

Banjo said...

The Spectator had a nice piece that mentioned Greta: "In a still from the UN climate summit of September 2019 that may one day be called ‘The Judgment of the Old World on the New’, Trump strides to another meeting, unaware that he’s being watched by St Greta Thunberg. She is hatefully eyeballing him in a fuchsia sweater, her arms folded, her hair coiled into a puritan ponytail as tight as her expression. Trump is bronzed, Greta is pale as leprosy. She has the spoon eyes of a hobgoblin that has scampered out of a Bosch painting."

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Yes, the climate-catastrophe is upon us! Not! Britain is now in a quantum superposition of Siberian climate and "snow being a thing of the past", depending upon if Schrodinger's cat is alive or dead.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Greta von Thunberg should request a meeting with candidate Biden.
They can discuss the weather in 50 years, and the scent of her hair.

Amadeus 48 said...

They are idiots all the way down— climatistas, I mean. They are all somewhere on the autism spectrum.

Amadeus 48 said...

This is child abuse by this girl’s father. Next up, Joe will want to sniff her.

Dr Weevil said...

Poor Greta! She can endorse Biden and even campaign for him, but he will never ever sniff her hair or caress her shoulders and adjacent areas. At 17, she's way too young to be taken seriously by sensible grown-ups, but way too old to interest Pervy Joe Biden.

RobinGoodfellow said...

“I never engage in party politics.”

Really? Seems like your while life is politics. Get on that short bus and go back to school!

FIDO said...

It is good that the mentally ill are supporting their own this election.

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