October 27, 2020

Look at how the Lincoln Project is trying to make us hate Trump!

This is a fascinating symptom of Trump derangement syndrome — an inability to see how the things that you hate are what make the people who love him love him. And I'm not talking about racism. 


Achilles said...

Nobody is more irrelevant than the Lincoln Project.

roesch/voltaire said...

What is not to like, why Trump just suggested that Joe might be shot in three weeks; I mean this guy just reeks of presidential statue fit for Russia

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The Lincoln Project - a grifter group that just keeps on giving. Almost all of the donated money was spent on project members or project member firms.

They are "Republican" consultants who always managed to spend their clients money without meeting their clients needs.

A better name would be "P.T. Barnum" Project - There's a sucker born every minute.

320Busdriver said...

I came upon a thread on facebook last night, this was a group of my former co workers. Mostly women were chiming in. The original poster was detailing how she had to let some of those who she thought were friends go over this election. She is African American and posted a MLK meme about remembering those who were silent.

The echo chamber was punctuated by another white woman who said:

“Anyone who votes for Trump is a racist”

These people are fucking nuts!

The Godfather said...

I live in NC and I've met a few Lumbees. Skilled workers, small business owners, etc. Good, hard-working people. I've never met a Lincoln Projector. Do they really exist, or are they part of the Democrats' rich fantasy life? Like the Poor Boys (that's what ABC News called them anyway)?

JAORE said...

They have one where a mother wakes her child saying, "You wanted to know who won." Trump won. Kid says, that I thought you could only be POTUS once. Apparently Trump won his third or fourth term. Mom has sadz.

Sheesh it's pathetic. I hope the left wastes even more money on those grifters.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left hate Trump's style, but they love Biden's corruption. What corruption?!

Just ignore it!

n.n said...

Show me the money! So to speak. Show me the principles. Most people are diversitist in neigther thought nor practice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey man. The Biden's are clean, man.
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Audio Confesses Partnership With China ‘Spy Chief’… Joe Biden Named as Criminal Case Witness

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the presidency is an Odd Job, but
Hats Off to This Man

Chris of Rights said...

I liked it. It was very Trumpy.

tim in vermont said...

BleachBit and Hammers will like this one: https://twitter.com/MattBruenig/status/1321071922650689537

tim in vermont said...

Somebody should make a film about Project Lincoln. Oh wait, it’s been done, it’s called “The Producers."

TexasBlue said...

I guess, but he's objectively ridiculous.

tim maguire said...

They don't care, they're just trying to justify that sweet sweet Soros money.

Amadeus 48 said...

I watched that, and it made me like Trump more. Very amusing, very energetic.

I got a haircut today. My barber, a hispanic guy who does a great job and is very discreet, said out of the blue, "I watched a little of that debate, a few minutes. Biden can't talk. He can barely get a few words out."

Trump doesn't have that problem.

Bilwick said...

Maybe they need to counterbalance all the Trump supporters by using their Soros Bucks to hire more actors to be "Lifelong Republicans" who have been so alienated by Trump that they've decided to jettison lifelong principles and vote for Sundown Joe!

Danno said...

That video was pretty lame. Just what were they trying to mock in Trump's behavior? It looked like random footage from his rallies that are happening all the time, sometimes two or three a day.

Fernandinande said...

And I'm not talking about racism.

Why would you be talking about racism? Trump is probably the least racist President in recent history, which is why his enemies need lies and "dog whistles" to imply otherwise. He undid some of Obama's racist policies, which is an example of actual "anti-racism".

Mary Beth said...

Honk, honk.

Temujin said...

Whatever. See you on the 4th.

Michael K said...

The Lincoln Project, like the Bulwark, is probably getting more Chinese money. Soros seems to focus on local elections like DA and Sec State which runs the elections.

Mini Mike to supposed to spend $50 million on ads in Florida. Better there than AZ, which is over run with CA money on ads for Kelly.

gilbar said...

this is similar to a brochure the Iowa Demcrats sent me with a list of things that our (republican) Senator Joni Ernst was "in favor" of...
after reading it, i was MORE inclined to vote for her

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tim in Vermont - hehehe oh yes.
That Trump kept that horrible private server international money whore out of the white house - I will be forever grateful.

Lets hope Trump can keep all the international corrupt international government money whores out of da house.

Jupiter said...

"Walls and wheels will never be obsolete."

That's profound.

gilbar said...

Bilwick said... to hire more actors to be "Lifelong Republicans"

indeed! in an anti Joni Ernst tv commercial here in iowa; the democrats presented a
"Life Long Republican" that was "going to have to vote against Joni"

This "Life Long Republican" was
a) an old baby boomer
b) STILL had his long greasy (gray) hair (except for his bald spot)
c) was wearing tie dye (i think)

you looked at this old hippy, and thought: YEAH! you're a "Life Long Republican"... SURE!

wildswan said...

It's mostly jokes- why are jokes not funny? But if you want achievement there's nominations for Nobel Peace Prizes what Trump has done in the MidEast and in Serbia. The US under Trump has lowered greenhouse gas emissions by more than those nations which signed the Paris Climate Accords while raising the standard of living and keeping gas prices down. ISIS is gone. Illegal immigration is way down. Trump beat the virus, showing older people can hope to do the same. Trump beat Hillary. Trump beat the impeachment. Trump beat the FISA Court. Trump is supported by rappers and readers of the classics. Trump is hated by dictators in Iran and China. Trump renegotiated trade deals. Trump exposed corruption in the FBI and the CIA. Trump has forced the NYT to drop the pretense of objectivity. Trump has exposed Twitter bias. rump nominated 3 Supreme Court justices. And I'm not tired of the winning.

tim maguire said...

Ok, finally got a chance to watch the video. That is funny. No wonder people like him.

Lurker21 said...

The Lincoln Project honchos have their own problems with bankruptcy, bad debts, missed support payments, and tax evasion -- the very sort of financial troubles that they like to attack Trump for.

The irony is that campaign consultants - which many of the projectistas are - aren't so different from real estate promoters. It's a hit or miss business. If your candidate wins, you can pay off your bills. If the other candidate wins, you are in trouble.

The Project may actually be a way for some of them to keep their heads above water, financially speaking.

mockturtle said...

You can't 'make' someone hate trump. Or like Trump. You either get Trump or you don't. And those who don't, hate him.

Kate said...

It's just him talking. Where's the pictures? Meh. Not worth unmuting.

Saw a sponsored ad on youtube with the tag line "how to spot a zombie". It was a Trump Team anti-Biden ad. I actually clicked through because it looked (and indeed was) so funny. That's how it's done.

Mr. D said...

These guys will never forgive Trump because he took their rice bowls and shoved them up their respective orifices.

BamaBadgOR said...

They don't get it. They just don't get it. Ann is right.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

The Lincoln Project has joined the "that's not funny" revolution. Maybe a sense of humor is the real line of demarcation between common sense and lunacy these days.

rcocean said...

Its just Trump making funny voices while he's mocking Biden, making a joke, or mocking himself. Or being entertaining. And its 2 minutes of a 120 minute rally. BTW, I love the pitch. Hey, who gives damn about Judges, Peace and prosperity, tax cuts, and good trade deals.
Trump writes mean tweets, and makes funny sounds at his rallies.

OMG, Smedley, how uncouth!

Drago said...

Here's all you need to know about the Lincoln Project by lefties who know perfectly well what these hack grifters are all about.

"Rick Wilson squirms talking anti-Trump Super-PAC, The Lincoln Project"


Since these grifters are utter failures as political consultants and are laughable jokes on both sides of the aisle, its a given that r/v is strongly attracted to them.

Sebastian said...

"an inability to see how the things that you hate are what make the people who love him love him"

Not just inability. An active desire not to see it, since you despise the Other and think they are unworthy of being understood.

So, Althouse, you know most of the anti-Trump stuff is BS. You understand what Trump is saying. Few of the things he has done, as a pretty moderate Republican, offend you. You are against what he is against. Why abstain?

Yancey Ward said...

Would you trust the people of the Lincoln Project with any task?

I think it was Drago either yesterday or this morning who wrote that no matter who wins the election on Tuesday, the people in the Lincoln Project will not be needed by anyone- if Trump wins, they are biggest idiots in the world, and if Biden wins, the Democrat donors will cut off their funds and send them packing, and their careers in politics will be finished.

Yancey Ward said...

Looking at some of their work, it almost makes me consider the possibility that Trump is funding these guys- their work so ridiculous that it is somewhat hard to believe that they could be so bad at this by accident.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Not working in my part of Jersey (South). Or most other places, I think.

My Trump flag is on my car, because my wife fears retribution in our leafy neighborhood if I were to hang it in front of the garage, per my original plan. And she has reason to feel that way, based on recent incidents nearby.

But strangers approach me in random parking lots and tell me that they "love my flag". They are optimistic that Trump, and our Nation as we understand it, will prevail despite the propaganda on TV and in lefty publications like those perused by Our Hostess.

So be it.

boatbuilder said...

Wow. Those Lincoln Project dopes think THAT would make people not want to vote for Trump?

I thought it was put together by Don Surber—I laughed my ass off.

Ann-when you get it you get it. Why don’t you get it more often?

Never mind...

tim in vermont said...

"I guess, but he's objectively ridiculous.”

You use that word “objectively” but I don think you know what it means.

boatbuilder said...

Althouse’s point about “racism” is that is what the bigots on the anti-Trump side think we deplorables are.
Of course if there were any basis in fact for that claim they could come up with at least a minute of video of Trump making racist remarks, which they could play on continuous loop.
Which they haven’t . Wonder why?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

The Godfather said...

I live in NC and I've met a few Lumbees.

I grew up in that area (Cumberland Co.). Robeson Co. has never been Republican friendly and the fact that Trump could pull off a successful rally there is just another indication that Joe is toast.

mikee said...

A clip of punchlines, without the setups. But if you've heard any one Trump stump speech, you know the setups, and the punchlines just provide a hearty chuckle for the listener.

This could only be made worse for the Democrats by including his pre-COVID economic statistics, his judicial confirmation record, his MidEast peace record, and the names of his three nominated and confirmed Supreme Court Justices.

JPS said...

The Lincoln Project really overestimate the demand for Republicans Who Hate Trump.

And more and more I think they should be called the Josephus Project.

Gunner said...

The gay 25 year old Democrat who runs the Lincoln Grift's Twitter account does not deserve his already low salary.

Freeman Hunt said...

Ha! And their other ads, like the third term one, make them look completely insane. Is this some false flag operation where they're actually *for* Trump?

William said...

Trump is crass and occasionally obnoxious, but, if you're in on the joke, he's not actually unlikable. He's like some WWF wrestler with an outsize personality. You're not supposed to take him at his word. It's part of the act....I live in NYC. I know some people who hate, really hate Trump with a ferocity that's even more outsized than Trump's braggadocio. I guess that's who the ad is aimed at. Their minute of hate. Probably very cathartic for them, but I don't think this ad will nudge the undecided or weaken the resolve of Trump voters. The producers did, however, pick up a pretty penny making it so you can't say it was all in vain.

Readering said...

You guys are not the audience for the Lincoln Project. Who is the audience for Trump?

Texan99 said...

It's not a style I naturally gravitate to, but I've found that it's grown on me over the last four years. These guys are really barking up the wrong tree.

Lurker21 said...

The presumed target audience for the Lincoln Project ads is Trump voters. The project people believe that many Trump voters are discontented and think they can convert the others.

The actual target audience is people who can find work for the campaign consultants who are involved in the Lincoln project. Or many there is no audience and it's just away for the project people to line their own pockets while they can.

Anonymous said...

That ad makes me like him a lot more.

Birkel said...

One wonders if Readering will be so self-assures after Xer preferred candidate loses horribly next Tuesday.

I think shim will.

Readering said...

Pocket lining explains how the Trump campaign is short of $$ for the final push. We'll know soon enough what works and what does not. The Lincoln Project admitted that a major target is POTUS himself, and his rally remarks show they hit the target. Just as the Trump campaign ran ads on DC TV to reach their boss. Whatever else, it is hardly deranged to find many of his rally remarks less funny ha ha than funny peculiar.

Bob Loblaw said...

What is not to like, why Trump just suggested that Joe might be shot in three weeks; I mean this guy just reeks of presidential statue fit for Russia

What did he say, exactly? Usually when I run this kind of thing down it turns out not to be true.

Rusty said...

Readering said...
"You guys are not the audience for the Lincoln Project."
Apparently nobody is.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Since Trump's stance on the issues: stop illegal immigration, renegotiate trade deals to be more favorable to the US, reduce taxes, reduce regulations, appoint originalist judges, etc. are both popular and what the "conservatives" in the Lincoln Project claim to support, mockery is all they have. And that makes them look like prigs. People don't like prigs.

tim in vermont said...

"The Lincoln Project admitted that a major target is POTUS himself, and his rally remarks show they hit the target.”

Trump is going to take comic material guaranteed to make people laugh wherever he finds it.

Bilwick said...

Bob Loblaw wrote:

"'What is not to like, why Trump just suggested that Joe might be shot in three weeks; I mean this guy just reeks of presidential statue fit for Russia.'

"What did he say, exactly? Usually when I run this kind of thing down it turns out not to be true."

There is no truth but socialist truth, comrade.

Bilwick said...

Bob Loblaw wrote:

"'What is not to like, why Trump just suggested that Joe might be shot in three weeks; I mean this guy just reeks of presidential statue fit for Russia.'

"What did he say, exactly? Usually when I run this kind of thing down it turns out not to be true."

There is no truth but socialist truth, comrade.