October 29, 2020

"Less than two weeks after the beheading of a French schoolteacher, an assailant carrying a knife entered the towering neo-Gothic basilica in the southern city of Nice early Thursday..."

"... and killed three people, further inflaming tensions in a country already on edge and leading the authorities to increase the terrorism threat level. Officials in Nice described the attack as Islamist terrorism, and it was quickly followed by two similar events — including a knife-wielding assailant outside a French Consulate in Saudi Arabia — though it was not immediately clear whether the events were coordinated. The mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, told reporters on Thursday that a suspect, who has not been identified, was arrested after being shot and wounded by the police. The suspect 'kept repeating Allahu akbar in front of us even though he was sedated,' Mr. Estrosi said, adding this left 'no doubt' about the motivation behind the attack. 'There is a woman who quite clearly was attacked with the same modus operandi as Samuel Paty,' the Nice mayor, Mr. Estrosi, told BFM TV, referring to the teacher who was killed, suggesting that the victim was also decapitated....  President Emmanuel Macron visited the site of the attack on Thursday. He has vowed to crack down on 'Islamist separatism' in France.... 'Enough is enough,' said Mr. Estrosi, the Nice mayor. 'It is now time for France to exempt itself of peacetime laws to permanently annihilate Islamo-facism from our territory.'"


AllenS said...

The French people need to get busy.

Political Junkie said...

I have a new fav Frenchman. Love the mayor's quote.

gspencer said...

Pop quiz,

In 5 years time, will the French be better off having all these Muzzies in their country?

For extra credit,

Write an essay describing those times when Muslims, having moved into a new land, have settled down, adopted the ways and customs of their new land, and lived harmoniously with their new neighbors.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Mostly peaceful beheading.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Knife of peace.

Goldenpause said...

Another “incident” where the motive will remain a mystery — at least to most of the media.

YoungHegelian said...

My great-aunt lived near that basilica. I've been to mass there a couple of times.

There's a very good chance that the churchgoers who were murdered were immigrants as well.

Gusty Winds said...

The French did this to themselves, with the help of Brussels , Merkel, and Obama. This morning I saw Pope Francis tweet his fake condolences for Nice. Pope Francis is pushing the destruction of Western Civilization. He is having a great deal in of success in Europe with his efforts, but he’s running into a bit more resistance in the United Sates. Francis is a false prophet and the antithesis of John Paul II. Of course Obama contributed a great deal helping to create the purposeful migrant crisis.

Drago said...

Nice, France: Three dead, woman decapitated by man yelling "Allahu Akbar."

Sky News: "It was not immediately clear what the motive was for the attack."

Althouse Lefties: Was everyone wearing a mask?

Drago said...

We may never the reason this attack happened.

Plus, the victims are lucky to have been executed by "spark of divinity" democratical/LLR-lefty-aligned islamic supremacist allies. I am certain the murderers were "austere religious scholars" who love poetry.

Remaining question: how much have the democraticals raised for the murderers on GoFundMe?

Drago said...

Tomorrows Headlines Today: Republican's Pounce On Unfortunate Knife "incident" in France Where Some People Did Something.

traditionalguy said...

The religion of the sword is a dark place. You either submit to it and Obey the Prophet or they will cut off your head.

DEEBEE said...

Religion of mostly peace.

Joe Smith said...

Islam is clearly incompatible with a modern, secular, liberal society.

I understand the constitution guarantees freedom of religion, but in practice it really doesn't.

Polygamy is outlawed (Mormons). Marijuana is outlawed in many places (Rastafarians). Peyote is outlawed when not on a reservation (Native Americans). Human sacrifice is outlawed (Aztecs, Hindu).

It doesn't matter what France does to combat this. It's too late. In 20 years the President of France will be Muslim, and then the fun will really begin.

Original Mike said...

Religion of peace, peaceful protests, …

Sebastian said...

"He has vowed to crack down on 'Islamist separatism' in France"

Good luck.

"Enough is enough"

For progs and Muslims, enough is never enough.

Sorry, France. You brought it on yourself. Shoulda thought about this a bit harder.

TreeJoe said...

The French are fantastic of being proud of their country while disagreeing about all sorts of policies, and unifying when their country is under attack.

Meanwhile a man refuses police orders and charges them multiple times in Philadelphia, leading to his being shot to death on video, and Philadelphia orders police not to respond to burglary, theft, stolen vehicles, missing persons, or any other "non-priority" event - citywide.

Jim Gust said...

Now we will learn if the French really are cheese eating surrender monkeys. So far it looks like that reputation is deserved. What concrete steps will be taken against terrorism, aside from boosting the police presence?

The last European leader with a sensible policy on Islam was Queen Isabella of Spain.

Gusty Winds said...

Didn’t anybody in France bother to tell their new Islamic neighbors that they don’t believe in Jesus anymore?

Dude1394 said...

I'm sure it was a mostly peaceful protest.

RobinGoodfellow said...

“Officials in Nice described the attack as Islamist terrorism, ...”

How did they ever learn his motivation?

rehajm said...

Motive is unlclear...

I kid you not. Legacy media is still saying that...

Yancey Ward said...

Passionate intensity overcomes vast numbers pretty much every time. People like to keep their heads.

buwaya said...

This constant stream of attacks is inevitable once you have a significant Muslim population. It is inherent in those people. And it has little to do with the content of their religion nor does reasoning or textual analysis help. It comes from the cultural baggage that rides with most Islamic peoples, the reflex to see anyone else as prey.

Call me a bigot, but IMHO this is a sound empirical rule supported by history.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Will there be rioting an looting to protest this police shooting?

Todd said...


"Muslims brace for backlash from tomorrows terrorist attack"

"Lone distraught knife welding youth murders 3 while yelling Allahu Akbar, motives unknown"

Skippy Tisdale said...

Poland gets it.

Banjo said...

The secular priesthood that rules Europe did not anticipate that opening the door to tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands and then millions of devotees of a savage religion unchanged from the 7th Century would have downsides. Now they are faced with suppressing Islam, which will have as a byproduct the further inflaming of tensions between Muslims and everybody else.

Ironclad said...

This isn’t going to be very popular - but it’s the truth. Why do the Chinese have re-education camps for Muslim Uighars?

The answer is both cultures demand dominance - Han or Islamic You can’t be both. Christians like to pretend otherwise. Where did that get the Armenians and the Copts? The Syrian Christians support the regime because they know what the hard line Sunnis will do.

The Bamyan Buddha’s explain Myanmar’s attitudes too.

And the Haga Sophia ( beautiful place) isn’t a mosque.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

France has Islamic supremacists who behead people.

America has corrupt MSM, brownshirt Antifa thugs and there hero Joe Biden.

Howard said...

You mean your people, Buwaya Puti.

Michael K said...

It is many years too late for France. They should have learned from Algeria.

Larry J said...

Write an essay describing those times when Muslims, having moved into a new land, have settled down, adopted the ways and customs of their new land, and lived harmoniously with their new neighbors.

Offhand, I only know of a few countries that has really been successful at merging people from many different countries and religions. In the days when we considered ourselves a melting pot and people who immigrated here wanted to assimilate and become Americans, we were very successful.

I visited Singapore in 2011. I was told that 18% of the people in Singapore are Muslims. The government is considered by some to be rather heavy handed, but Singapore is a beautiful, prosperous, clean, and peaceful country. I wonder if the fact that all young men have to spend at least a couple years serving in the military has an impact on people getting along. When you serve and live alongside people from all walks of life, you learn to get along.

Rick said...

It comes from the cultural baggage that rides with most Islamic peoples, the reflex to see anyone else as prey.

It's less "prey" than it is having a medieval triumphalist outlook. They believe
they are winning a long term War with not-Islam and any opposition will be dealt with.

Believing Islam is their team (as opposed to Team America, say) is required by Islam and even people who aren't otherwise extreme agree and support this tenet. This alone is justification to exclude them from immigration.

...shall...declare, on oath...that he will support the Constitution of the United States, and that he absolutely and entirely renounces and abjures all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty; and, particularly, by name, to the prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of which he was before a citizen or subject; which proceedings shall be recorded by the clerk of the court."

Jupiter said...

Only happens on days ending in "y".

Narr said...

As Steyn put it so brilliantly: Islamic Leaders Fear Backlash from Tomorrow's Terror Attacks.

Fuck Muzzies

Clyde said...

"It's my nature," said the scorpion.

Howard said...

You people have no faith. That's why you cling to Trump like Mommies tit. Shameful

Mark said...

Note that the the birthday of Muhammad is celebrated by Sunni Muslims on October 29. Today.

Abdul Abulbul Amir said...

Thank god that the French government ensured the victims were unarmed.

buwaya said...

My people Howard?
My people are the Spanish.
They have more experience with the Muslim "bleeding border" thing than any Europeans outside the Balkans. And Muslims aren't popular in the Balkans.

Wherever there is a Muslim-anyone else interface, there are "raids". Robbery and random murder whenever some Muslim gets the urge. The default resolution of psychological problems or general unhappiness is to harass whatever infidels are handy.

The Filipino expression of this, with their own muslims, besides constant piracy, was the juramentado. Some man gets unhappy with his life and decides to go down fighting the infidel. A "suicide bomber" but with a knife, who runs into a public market, say, and starts cutting up as many as he can. This went on for hundreds of years.

These guys in France? Juramentados. Classic.

buwaya said...

"It's less "prey" than it is having a medieval triumphalist outlook. They believe
they are winning a long term War with not-Islam and any opposition will be dealt with. "

Its not that at all. The general view has no "triumphalism", or some strategic idea, that is for the preachers. This stuff is much more primitive.

buwaya said...

"It's my nature," said the scorpion. "

That is it exactly.

Iman said...

Religion of Peace®

NMObjectivist said...

Contrast this to Philadelphia where police shot a man with a knife BEFORE he killed anyone. Crazy years.

GingerBeer said...

French Muslims might want to consider that a couple more incidents like this might result in France's White Privilege disrespectfully and insensitively culturally appropriating Islamic Culture against them. Unless Larry Kramer has some "easy fix."

n.n said...

Diversity breeds adversity. That said, emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout.

Paul said...

No doubt the French will tighten up their gun and knife laws for those that obey the law.

And those that don't obey the law will still have theirs.. and use them.

Can't have the peons up in arms... so soon France will be like the UK, unarmed and full of Muslim nutjobs.

Fernandinande said...

southern city of Nice

While trying to park for the Monaco Grand Prix, I locked myself out of the car and ended up buying a block of good hash in Nice from two Moroccans who knew how to break into cars.

narciso said...

Macron was the one who apologized for the invasion of algeria, and subsequently colonization which ended in 1962,

Marc in Eugene said...

And the French government is again forbidding the public celebration of Holy Mass, from Tuesday onward, in the name of prudence over the plague. I hope that there is public defiance of the edict this time around; it is, so far, only the 'traditionalist' bishops who have raised their voices against this new overreaching by the State. Martyres novi Nicaei, orate pro Gallia.

tcrosse said...

Will Rogers once wrote his column datelined Nice. “That’s Neece. The French don’t have a word for “nice”.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Jim Gust,

The last European leader with a sensible policy on Islam was Queen Isabella of Spain.

I wouldn't say that. I imagine that the Austrians had some sense after the siege of Vienna, 1663.

Narr said...


Vienna, 1683. Good times.


mockturtle said...

When you nurse a serpent at your bosom you can expect to get bitten.

Stephen St. Onge said...

        "When you nurse a serpent at your bosom you can expect to get bitten."  Indeed.