October 13, 2020

Is Joe Biden excluding the public from his campaign events only to be safe from COVID and to keep us from seeing how few people would show up? No!

I think the answer is no. In the previous post, about an appearance in Cincinnati — "in the massive rotunda of Cincinnati's Union Terminal" — where there were only invited guests — "about 20 local Democrats and union leaders" — and the publicly stated reason was "to follow COVID-19 safety protocols," I wrote: "That's lots of safety... and also lots of protection from creating an embarrassing visual if nobody shows up."

I'd only thought of one unspoken reason for closing the event to the public — to shield Biden from making a spectacle of his inability to draw a crowd. But after publishing the post, I thought, no, there's clearly another reason. It's not merely that he might not draw a big crowd. It's that he might draw the wrong crowd. Even before the George-Floyd-inspired protests began, protesters were ambushing Biden events. Remember this, from March 3rd? No COVID precautions at that time, I see. That's almost 2 months before the current wave of anti-police protests (and riots) began. 

One can only wonder what sort of chaos might flare up within a public Biden event if Biden dropped the COVID shield. So remaining closed to non-insiders is overdetermined.

Side note: I needed to look up when George Floyd died, and I was surprised to see how Google responded — and not just to see who the most Google-important Georges are:

I was surprised to see George Floyd identified as "American hip-hop artist." I really thought that was simply a mistake, but clicking through to the Wikipedia page "George Floyd," I see what Google is doing. It is identifying a person by his life, even when he is far more famous — or perhaps only famous — because of how he died. This might be a standard Google policy. The Wikipedia biography does show some experience as a "hip-hop artist" (along with other, varied forms of employment):
Beginning in 1994, he performed as a rapper using the stage name Big Floyd in the hip hop group Screwed Up Click. The New York Times described his deep-voiced rhymes as "purposeful", delivered in a slow-motion clip about "'choppin' blades' – driving cars with oversize rims – and his Third Ward pride". Between 1997 and 2005, Floyd served eight prison terms on various charges, including drug possession, theft, and trespass. In 2009, he was sentenced to five years in prison for armed robbery in a home invasion and was paroled in January 2013.... In 2014, Floyd moved to Minneapolis to help rebuild his life and find work. He was a truck driver and a bouncer, and lived in St. Louis Park.... From 2017 to 2018, he was a security guard for a Salvation Army facility. In 2019, George Floyd worked security at the El Nuevo Rodeo club, where police officer Derek Chauvin also worked off-duty as a security guard. In 2020, Floyd lost his security job at a bar and restaurant affected by the COVID-19 pandemic rules,  and in April of that year contracted COVID-19 himself, but recovered a few weeks later....

From the NYT article — something about his voice:

Mr. Floyd kept a Bible by his bed. Often, he read it aloud. And despite his height, Mr. Floyd would fold himself in the hallway to frequently pray with Theresa Scott, one of his roommates. “He had this real cool way of talking. His voice reminded me of Ray Charles. He’d talk fast and he was so soft-spoken,” said Alvin Manago, 55, who met Mr. Floyd at a 2016 softball game. They bonded instantly and became roommates. “He had this low-pitched bass. You had to get used to his accent to understand him. He’d say, ‘Right-on, right-on, right-on.’”


Matt said...

American Hip Hop artist? I thought Georgie's occupation was 'saint' or perhaps 'angel'.

Michael K said...

Saint George.

Nonapod said...

Summing up George Soros as simply an "investor" may be even more amusing than identifying Floyd as an "American hip-hop artist". But whatever. It's Google. They have an agenda. They generally dislike many of their users and feel they need to be spoon fed opinions as facts.

Darkisland said...

Joe is walking around with a big knife in his back/ Pelosi put it there when she said that she was looking at implementing the 25th Amendment. Not for Trump but "for future presidents" Assuming she thinks Biden will win, it sounds like she has shitcanning him in mind for February.

PDJT should be pointing this out. And making much of the fact that choice is not really him or Biden but him or Harris.

Scott Adams suggested in yesterday's podcast that PDJT should insist on debating Harris rather than Biden. I think it is a great idea. It would never fly, of course, but putting it out there would make for some great entertainment.

And if Harriss becomes Prez, will she name Nancy Veep?

Oy, vey! Woe is us.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Joe is walking around with a big knife in his back/ Pelosi put it there when she said that she was looking at implementing the 25th Amendment. Not for Trump but "for future presidents" Assuming she thinks Biden will win, it sounds like she has shitcanning him in mind for February.

PDJT should be pointing this out. And making much of the fact that choice is not really him or Biden but him or Harris.

Scott Adams suggested in yesterday's podcast that PDJT should insist on debating Harris rather than Biden. I think it is a great idea. It would never fly, of course, but putting it out there would make for some great entertainment.

And if Harriss becomes Prez, will she name Nancy Veep?

Oy, vey! Woe is us.

John Henry

mikee said...

TIL George was a fellow Aggie, a former student at A&M Kingsville. Thanks!
Now I get to wonder if he was a Century Club Member or a "Two-Percenter."
Things to ask about at the next Aggie Meetup, I suppose....
Wikipedia at least still includes his conviction for home invasion.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, regarding your second and third paragraphs, I think you’re onto something. BLM folks showing up would put Biden’s handlers in an impossible bind. Push back, and risk losing large parts of the base. Knuckle under, and risk losing independents and moderate Democrats who’ve passed their fed up point with “mostly peaceful, albeit fiery” protests.

Static Ping said...

Ann: It's not merely that he might not draw a big crowd. It's that he might draw the wrong crowd.

This is true to a certain extent. We have seen this campaign season that when Biden is challenged he tends to act foolishly, like threatening people and tossing out insults that make you think he was born in the 19th century. However, there is also the matter that the Biden campaign is playing a game of being both moderate and extremist at the same time, and any non-softball questions are not welcome. For instance, notice that he has repeatedly refused to answer if he will pack the Supreme Court, even admitting in public that this is entirely for political reasons and voters have no right to know what he plans on doing. The only crowd that he can tolerate are sycophants.

Jupiter said...

I understand he also did a little porn work.

How do you suppose you get a prison term for "trespass"? Plea bargained down from burglary?

Bob Smith said...

Somewhere Saul Alinsky shakes his head sadly and mutters to himself “What was I thinking?”

rehajm said...

Biden had Trump supporters at hie Ohio event. Was it yesterday? There's video about that shows the Trump people shouting 'four more years' in the distance while Biden stands on stage facing what appears to be the largest teleprompter in the world. No people except security.

...and he still made at least three major mental errors.

Joe Smith said...

Hip-hop artist?

Why not porn actor, money-launderer, or armed robber?

Rt41Rebel said...

I thought I heard that Trump supporters outnumbered Biden supporters at some of Biden's events lately.

Roughcoat said...

Whatever Biden's doing wrong, it's working for him. Sad to say, I think he going to win the election. Americans want what they want, and it seems a majority want Biden. Fools all.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

wasnt Floyd taking part in "undocumented pharmaceutical trials"?

anyway-- Trump is on his death-bed

...and his rally dancing is very unpresidential

Jupiter said...

We also have Koala Harris skipping the Barrett confirmation, because of the covid risk. That, and the risk that she would make an utter fool of herself trying to get the best of Barret.

Ken B said...

There is a symmetry here. Voters avoid Biden events because they don’t want to see how incapable he really is. Biden avoids big groups of supporters because he doesn’t want voters to see how awful those supporters are.

Iman said...

Hip-hop artist... getaway driver... armed robber... home invader... frequent guest of the State's correctional facilities...

Name His Game!

bagoh20 said...

Armed robbery? A typical Democrat hero.

I wish we had a breakdown of how many criminals are Democrats versus Republicans. Democrats by far make the most laws. They love doing that shit. It's kinda like how lumber companies plant the most trees.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


This is what Antifa Does in Portland

Media, Democratic politicians refuse to denounce. WHY? Do democrats stand shoulder to shoulder with Antifa?

Michael K said...

Sad to say, I think he going to win the election. Americans want what they want, and it seems a majority want Biden. Fools all.

I can't decide but think fraud will make the difference unless the GOP wises up a lot.

I think what Americans want is peace and quiet. Biden pretends to want the same.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I think they're keeping the Biden events small because they don't want anyone unfriendly to the campaign to hear what Biden's saying. Somebody was reporting that he announced his Senate candidacy at one Monday.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Yep, campaign stop in Toledo yesterday.

Psota said...

The other possibility is the Biden campaign wants to be able to cancel appearances at the last minute in case they need to call a lid.

that way you don't have the visual of an arena full of disappointed Biden fans.

Fernandinande said...

"Hip-hop artist" is usually Newspeak for "criminal".

I thought Georgie's occupation was 'saint' or perhaps 'angel'.

Wiki says he was merely a mentor in his "religious community".

bagoh20 said...

If Pelosi met him, she'd say "we have to kill him to see what he's good for".

If we could go back in time and prevent Floyd's death, which political side would really prefer we did so?
Would those who used his death for so much political juice really want him alive?
I could ask the same about Covid-19, or income inequality, or recession, or poverty, etc., etc. "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

minnesota farm guy said...

It really is a puzzle why Joe's campaign crew isn't trying to compete with the enthusiasm of the Trump crowds. The only historical parallel I have seen is Tom Dewey being so sure he would beat Truman that he stopped campaigning. We know how that turned out.

I can only surmise that Joe is in such bad shape that the stimulus of too many people will ensure that he goes off the rails.

One other element that I have been noting is that, unless I am missing something, there are very few Biden proxies out on the hustings trying to generate enthusiasm. One might think that Sanders, in particular, would be campaigning since Joe's platform is basically a Sanders reboot. And where is Kamala?

Gk1 said...

Not inviting people to an event is just a sign of weakness and nothing more. Its sending all the wrong signals of 0 support, too weak and enfeebled to be "exposed" to covid even after all the protocols are followed and a campaign that doesn't know what it is doing.

And his followers are feeling it too as they see organic, spontaneous and joyful parades and gatherings for Trump. They know in their hearts Joe can't draw flies and question the polls that don't jive with what their guts are telling them.

bagoh20 said...

You know that feeling you used to get when you would climb the rope in gym class and be struggling at the top? That's how I felt when Trump said he wanted to kiss me on the mouth. Biden doesn't do that for me, so my vote is an easy one.

minnesota farm guy said...

Here's video of Biden's "rally" in Toledo. Joe is being drowned out by Trumpers yelling out "four more years". Delicious!

bagoh20 said...

Maybe Biden doesn't want to win. Anybody that loves him should feel the same, and they should have told him not to run, as Obama did, but I don't think that was out of love.

Biden will surely decline visibly over the next four years. Nobody should want that to be the most public and substantial such occurrence in history. It will be embarrassing for him and the country. It's virtually inevitable, and it's 100% avoidable.

wsw said...

Ed Gein — Handyman

bagoh20 said...

"A poll found Republican challenger John James is in a dead heat with incumbent Sen. Gary Peters (D) in Michigan, with James closing a 10-point gap in just months."

I no longer trust polls, but when they show good news for the Republican, it's a lot more likely to be true or understated.


Big Mike said...

... when Biden is challenged he tends to act foolishly, like threatening people and tossing out insults that make you think he was born in the 19th century.

You mean he wasn’t?

Phil 314 said...

Is Nathan Hale remembered as an "American Spy"(his life) or better known for his death?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The Dems are fueled by hatred of Trump, not love of Biden.

We'll see in a few weeks if love really does trump hate - leftist hate.

Looking back, negativity normally does not win presidential elections. People go for the candidate who represents optimism, as Jimmy Malaise found out in 1980. Notice how upbeat and happy Trump rallies are. Joe's only attraction is that he's not Trump.

I'd like to think Americans are still a patriotic and optimistic bunch, not a country of sour, preachy Karens.

But 2020 is a weird year.

Francisco D said...

It's not merely that he might not draw a big crowd. It's that he might draw the wrong crowd.

I appreciate Althouse's insight. It never made much sense that Democrats could not muster a crowd for Biden. They could get a few thousand loyal. followers to listen to a yellow dog barking.

Another reason for this strategy is that they want to normalize virtual events because they cannot compete with Trump's ability to draw a crowd.

Yancey Ward said...

You are overthinking it now, Althouse. People know where he is going- it is public knowledge several hours or even a day before, so it doesn't keep people from showing up- Trump supporters routinely show up at his events in larger numbers than his own supporters- just to mock the feeble old man. They keep it only to invited people to keep most of the local media from trying to question Biden or interact with him on any level, and even that doesn't work- there was a chosen reporter the other day who had the temerity to actually ask Biden a question that wasn't pre-approved, and Biden fucked up the answer just like I knew he would.

Go back and watch those primary Biden rallies again- you will see that he didn't have any supporters then, either- no one wants to go see Joe Biden do anything- his crowds were always mostly media reporters and campaign staffers/security detail.

Bill Crawford said...

I have wondered how Trump avoids or manages potential trouble-makers at his rallies. Anyone know?

John henry said...

Why do people continue to use Google? It is not your friend.

It is not even a better search engine.

Bing and Duck Duck Go are every bit as good.

Don't trust Google! Google is asshoe!

John Henry

Bill Peschel said...

Trump doesn't seem to have that problem with Biden supporters crashing his events.

Leland said...

It is like the Biden campaign looked at the Hillary campaign failure to visit locations to motivate voters and decided that she spent too much time on the road.

SoLastMillennium said...

America would be a much more amusing amusing place if they had to worry about Pink-Floyd inspired protestors....

(am I showing my age?)

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Rush is exploring your theorem right now. Cool.

rcocean said...

Sometimes it feels like we're in Orwell's 1984. The variance between the Official Newspeak we're getting from Wikipedia, the social internet giants, and the MSM and the reality is astounding.

A drug addict and ex-con, dies from an overdose, while police mistakenly kneel on his neck to keep him controlled. And suddenly, he's turned from a thug who threatened a pregnant women with a gun into... Saint Floyd with 4 national Televised funerals, orations, and a detailed Wikipedia page!

Not only that, but the death of this one drug addict is used as an excuse for a month of demonstrations and riots (Billions in property damages, almost 50 deaths) and BLM marches with Mitt Romney singing "We shall overcome". Its like the USA's power elite and media have gone insane.

Dr Weevil said...

bagoh20 (10:35am):
"I wish we had a breakdown of how many criminals are Democrats versus Republicans."

After the Bush-Gore Florida recount, some newspaper (WSJ?) did a little research and found that thousands of felons who had not had their voting rights restored had voted anyway. Of course, thanks to the secret ballot, no one can know for sure whether they voted for Bush or Gore. However, the newspaper also checked their party registrations and it came down to roughly 3/4 Democrats, 1/8 Republicans, 1/8 independents. One more reason why Bush would have won by a lot more than 537 votes in an actual free and fair and legally scrupulous election.

stlcdr said...

I'm sure there are lots of people who are going to vote for Biden, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of enthusiasm to vote for him as opposed to voting against Trump.

Bob Boyd said...

They moved Biden's rallies indoors because on all the videos of the outdoor ones you could hear actual crickets.

hombre said...

IF Biden is excluding people it’s because of social media. He can count on the leftmediaswine to cover up his senility, but there might be Democrat attendees with enough integrity to post evidence on social media.

Personally, I believe it is widely known that he is the worst candidate ever and Democrats are in denial. Attendance at an event would create painful cognitive dissonance which they are committed to avoiding. Hence the silo.

Chennaul said...

It's that he might draw the wrong crowd.


Oh man. I didn’t even think of that but when I read this my mind flashed back to BLM grabbing the mike from Bernie Sanders. Can you imagine being that afraid of the base you have fomented and formed for years? (So afraid of their base that they won’t even tell them what they plan to do.)

rcocean said...

There's no personal enthusiasm for Biden, but there's none for DiFi, Leahy, or any number of number of D politicians. But that doesn't stop them from being re-elected over and over again.
The D voters, just vote D no matter what or who's on the ticket. And they accept whatever their party leaders do and say. They don't really care about anything except hating republicans and following the party line. baa baa.

Mary Beth said...

The Biden campaign could be trying to block those radical anti-dairy people, but how does that stop supporters from showing up outside events? I have not seen whether there were any crowds outside in Cincinnati, but there was a small crowd in Toledo when he was talking to cars. It was a crowd of Trump supporters and, admittedly, not a huge one, but more people there than were listening to Biden talk.

I know they don't do much to publicize his events, but if the Trump supporters could figure out where Biden was going to be, surely his own supporters could. If he has any. It's obvious that most of the votes he gets are for "anyone not named Trump".

Narayanan said...

How are media notified? are they bound by embargo rules to reveal not the time and place? BLM and others do not have flashmob technology?

hstad said...

AA - good analysis, I did not know the crowds prior to Covid where small. But the proof of the pudding is Biden's events are streamed (no need for Covid protection) to his own campaign's web site and other MSM carry the campaign on their streaming services. The two events which I'm familiar with as a contrasting view is: 1) Phoenix (1.6 million population) for Biden where the reported 77 thousand (19,000 from campaign's streaming service) on line views and 8 in person; 2) compared to Trump's Duluth (86 thousand population) event where they reported 2.4 million online and 4,000 in person. How would you reconcile these facts with the narrative coming from Biden's campaign? Covit excuse is pure garbage!

hstad said...

Blogger Bill Crawford said...
I have wondered how Trump avoids or manages potential trouble-makers at his rallies. Anyone know? 10/13/20, 11:17 AM

Here you go - look how Trump handles this heckler - a real 'tour de force' - quick on his feet. Can you see Biden create such comedy - yeah - "...If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black...." Interesting reaction!


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Bob Boyd said...
They moved Biden's rallies indoors because on all the videos of the outdoor ones you could hear actual crickets.

...all chanting "Four More Years!!",

hstad said...

Ann Althouse - comment on a Cincinnati Reporter asking Biden this quesition: “56% of Americans said that they are better off today than they were 4 years ago under the Obama-Biden administration. Why should they vote for you?”

Biden: "Well if they think that, they probably shouldn’t"

I lean more to this reason why no crowds are allowed at his events.

JaimeRoberto said...

I'm going to play Devil's advocate a little regarding Floyd's record. He was jailed when he was younger in Houston and moved to Minneapolis to start a new life. He's similar to a black man my brother had living with him for several months. The man was from his church and had moved from a midwest city to California to start a new life. He had been in prison for manslaughter and said he needed to change his environment in order to get straight. When he was back on the streets of his old city, he said he felt the urge to get back in "the game", so he left. He stayed with my brother, because he had lost his job and the family needed a place to live. It sounds like Floyd was taking a similar path. He joined a church and changed his setting. Given that he was on drugs and passing counterfeit bills, his path was going back in the wrong direction, but these stories do happen.

Yancey Ward said...

On the question about trouble makers at Trump rallies:

The trouble makers are outnumbered 1000 to 1. It is hard to get noticed at that level is disparity, and such people are easily outshouted if they do show up- they get surrounded and ejected, if they are lucky.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Is Joe Biden excluding the public from his campaign events

Maybe his campaign staff is.

Other than taking his daily afternoon nap, there aren’t many decisions being made by Joe. Half the time he doesn’t even know what office he’s running for or the names of his prior political opponents.

hstad said...

Well Ann Althouse - maybe social distancing isn't the issue? Of course it's not - via The New York Post:
"...I’m not sure Joe Biden’s drive-in rally in Toledo went off entirely as planned. According to Ebony Bowden’s New York Post report, “Biden delivered a speech in front of around 30 socially-distanced cars of supporters..."

It's been awhile since I've been in a drive-in but 30 cars back in my days was a disaster for a movie. Suspect the same for the Biden campaign.

Michael K said...

Blogger Bill Crawford said...
I have wondered how Trump avoids or manages potential trouble-makers at his rallies. Anyone know?

I understand that attendees, even those who don't get inside, are interviewed by staff and contact info is taken. It would be pretty easy to screen those getting in. I read this. I have not attended a rally.

alanc709 said...

Our media would reveal our nuclear codes if they thought that would give them ratings, but they won't reveal the time and location of a Biden rally?

GingerBeer said...

Armed robbery is sure spelled differently than it sounds.

Known Unknown said...

At this point, what difference does it make?

The Godfather said...

I don't think a "front porch campaign" has ever been successful against an incumbent President. But then there's never been a Presidential campaign in which the mainstream media has been so committed to the defeat of the incumbent. I guess Joe is counting on George Stephanopoulos et al to carry him over the top. To me, that's a reason to go out to vote -- in person. You ought to think of that, too.

Gk1 said...

"Donald Trump acts like he’s doing his damndest to be re-elected POTUS, while Joe Biden acts like he’s trying to decide where he wants to be buried. The enthusiasm gap isn’t just with the voters, it’s also with the candidates!" Well said!

wbfjrr2 said...

I think we’ve been misreading Biden’s lack of crowds. His base actually WANTS him not to have crowds. The Gallup poll a couple days ago was shocking. 95% of democrats do NOT want things to get back to normal now, while 65% of republicans DO want things back to normal. Covid is his number one issue and his base’s top issue. They’re terrified of it, beyond all rational thought.

So his not have a crowd, the ostentatious painted circles spaced acres apart, conspicuous mask wearing are all virtue signals to his fear addled base. It will be ironic if the true silent majority this time is the dem voters hiding in their basements.

It’s the only logical reason I’ve come up with. All of my liberal friends wear masks everywhere they go, many even when alone in their cars. Just fucking mind boggling. Yet CDC says 80-85% of Covid infected wore masks “constantly. They are oblivious to empirical data.

DeepRunner said...

Ann Althouse mused:
"Is Joe Biden excluding the public from his campaign events only to be safe from COVID and to keep us from seeing how few people would show up? No!"

I think the answer is probably a little different. In a small crowd, you can keep Dopey, Mopey, Gropey Joe from getting too carried away and start saying some r-e-a-l interesting things that would be the stuff of oppo-research advertising legend. It's really sad, and I really mean this, that the Dems are continuing to have Biden as their front man, when it's clear his faculties are so often in the faculty lounge. But 2020 has been a strange year, and it looks like right now, Biden may end up winning.

Side note: The Professor's Google research found that George Floyd comes up as a hip-hop artist. That is a fairly good airbrush of history that plays well with low-information millennials and Gen-Zers, the core audience of wokeness and BLM protests.

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