And this is embarrassing:
State Sen. Annette Taddeo, a Miami Democrat, said she wasn’t too worried about Hispanic voters in the county because, she said, they’re notoriously late to cast ballots. “We are Hispanics, we leave everything for ¡mañana!,” she said....
Then there's this, from Rep. Fredirica Wilson, "a party institution who represents Miami’s heavily Black congressional district":
“I’ve been going to the different polling places... and you know, I never dreamed that Black people would be reticent at this point in Mr. Trump's administration about voting.”
The excuse making starts now.
Wilson said the good news is that Biden’s running mate, California Sen. Kamala Harris, is working with her on a turnout event for this weekend geared toward young Black men.
“For some reason L’il Wayne was available,” she enthused, “it’s like God is directing our efforts toward the finish line.”
Your October surprise: Trump is winning.
Personally, I am getting in the car today to drive from Boston to Florida to vote in person. I don’t trust the mail. I want my vote to count.
Does anyone actually love Biden?
I suspect his support can be characterized as a mile wide and a millimeter deep.
"I’ve been going to the different polling places... and you know, I never dreamed that Black people would be reticent at this point in Mr. Trump's administration about voting.”
Maybe black people are not as stupid as you think and are looking at the facts of their daily lives and believing their own lying eyes.
Good pollsters and even some of the school/leftie network pollsters have shown a blacks and latinos moving to Republicans in meaningful numbers. Numbers good enough for Trump to win Florida. We'll see...
More good news for Trump- it's not just happening in Florida.
The second quote selected captures to some extent the degree to which the Democrats have taken the African American vote for granted. They know a lot, but so much of what they know is wrong
Why are the early vote numbers in FL so important in this election? It’s not exactly what you think! I [Jake Novak] explain
I'm seeing articles today, typical racial politic pablum for the most part, about how whites are breaking from Trump due to his racist policies and yet "surprisingly" and "unexpectedly" sizable numbers of hispanics and blacks are voting for Trump this cycle.
It seems too much to ask the question: why would races Trump supposedly discriminates against vote for him in greater numbers this election cycle? Could that be a sign that the other party panders to them but does not promote policies good for their communities?
There is enough of an uptick in Hispanics and Black Americans for Trump that this thing could get away from Biden very quickly. Despite the best efforts of the national media to aggressively not cover and block any mention of the Biden Crime Family being on the dole of the Chinese, Ukrainians, Kazakhs.
Florida is going for Trump.
Miami is "It's Chinatown, Jake" on steroids
One of many white privileges is that I'm looking forward to Election Day.
Some people are going to be very surprised Tuesday night...
biden will travel to minnesota on friday as he seeks to hold an emerging battleground state that republicans haven't won since 1972
the state is also important for senate democrats, as their path to a majority is virtually gone if tina smith loses
Can you imagine the reaction if a White Republican described Hispanics the way Taddeo did? Or Black people the way the Smithsonian did with their poster? When did the KKK and minorities start agreeing with each other?
The first thing we need to do is get rid of the bigotry (not so soft) of low expectations.
We need Black cultural leaders to start demanding better from the Black community.
Right now I think even "our" pollsters haven't caught up to the fact that this electorate is MUCH more male, whiter, older, and less college educated, and is far LESS feminized, suburban, Karened, sniffenpoofed and shetterstiddled.
Guess the Dems will have to go over budget on the "pass around" money this election...
We’ve got to stop the bleeding.
Put a sock in it.
If you want to find people who indulge in racial, ethnic, gender, etc. stereotypes, the Left/Democrats is where you go.
As one who has lived with Cubans, eaten in their homes and restaurants, dated their girls, gone to church and to school with them "tomorrow" is not embarrassing. It's their laid back and slowed down culture and rather indigenous across the Greater Antilles, Central America and Mexico.
For AA it's race, race, race.
I've been reading comments from posters on other blogs who seem to be pretty dialed into the nuts and bolts of mail-in + early in-person + election day voting. He's got lots of data. He's been saying FL is over for Biden and it's been over for him for over a week. Didn't know if I should believe him because I hadn't see any independent reporting of his conclusion....until now.
If Trump should happen to win on Tuesday, how does one start to go about convincing TDS acquaintances that it's time to stop acting crazy? The two prongs that I have so far are:
(1) persisting with "resistance" at this point is based in vanity*, which opens the door to bias and stupidity; and,
(2) that Biden is the most similar politician to Hillary Clinton, and his nomination is proof that the "resistance" was never an honest reform movement.
And they call Trump the racist?
“We are Hispanics, we leave everything for ¡mañana!
Overall, general intelligence was the best predictor of performance for all of our timing measures.
A vote for Biden is a vote to KEEP bleeding. Uninformed by Pravda is making people idiots.
Baltimore City: Early voting started Monday, with - Glory be! - one station (out of a dozen) around the corner from my block, social distancing. First morning, there were people lined up down the block and around the corner at 6 am, and it wouldn't open till 7 am. I said, Whoa. Looks like Black Friday. These people are motivated.
By later in the day, the line was gone, no wait. Next morning, another smaller line, emptied out. Next day no line at all.
We'll see, but I'm guessing no one in his right mind wants to show on Election Day this year.
I remember we had huge lines here in 2012 but nothing in 2016. If most black voters don't care Biden may be in for a surprise.
For a second there I read that as "we've got to stop the cheating." Instant double-take. New THAT wasn't right.
Trump will get the largest % of the Black vote ever for a Republican president. The vote swing will be a significant reason for his victory. Liberal reaction will be to reveal themselves to be the racists they are.
Not excited about Corrupt Biden money whores? gee.
Why Is the Time Always Right for White and Wrong For Us? How Racialized Youth Make Sense of Whiteness and Temporal Inequality (University of Minnesota)
Woke time dilation, that's how.
"Although whiteness is linked to modernity and that which is future oriented, racialized youth viewed their white counterparts as behind time, lame, or just plain “wack” (uncool)."
Awww, those racialized youth have such cute little ideas.
reticent about voting...they're reluctant to speak about voting? Is that what this person meant to say?
"State Sen. Annette Taddeo, a Miami Democrat, said she wasn’t too worried about Hispanic voters in the county because, she said, they’re notoriously late to cast ballots. “We are Hispanics, we leave everything for ¡mañana!,” she said...."
Does that mean they will wait until Wednesday to vote?
Is Wilson coercing votes at polling places?
Love versus like (or reluctantly tolerate) may be the story of this election.
I’m betting on love.
Biden's been running ads specifically targeted at Florida Latins to vote early. Saw one two days ago, which tells me they don't like their numbers.
The fun part, The tag line is "Voting: It's as easy as making a cafecito."
The woman in the ad is pouring a cup of coffee. She is not "making a cafecito."
Cubans down here are mocking their stupidity.
Doesn't anyone care how Asians are voting?
The blacks and Hispanics I've known usually weren't all that concerned about health and tended to just go about their business as if the rules didn't apply to them.
Or, what rules? We don't need no stinking rules.
I saw LA cops trying to break up a block party for a toddler's birthday in South Central and seems like they haven't changed much. They were all like wtf? It's a baby's birthday! Lol
So in that way they are quite in tune with Trump.
I never dreamed that Black people would be reticent at this point in Mr. Trump's administration about voting.”
I guess they "ain't black" then?
Seriously though, Biden is the worst major party presidential candidate since... well Hillary I guess. It's insane to me that I borderline senile, demonstrably corrupt disaster like Biden is the best the Democrats can come up with. And honestly, it's not like most Democrats don't know this.
I think it's safe to say that in pretty much 95% of the cases a vote cast for Biden isn't really about Biden at all. To state what should be obvious at this point, a vote for Biden is really a vote against Trump. A vote for Biden is all about getting rid of the bad orange man. For whatever reason evidently many view Trump as the source of all the badness in the world (and maybe even in their personal lives in some cases). They seem to believe that Trump is somehow preventing good stuff from happening I guess. It's truly wierd. In their minds Trump is like some all powerful evil god. He's so bad that many of them would happily vote for almost anyone who isn't him.
Taddeo was an Italian surname where I grew up.
Biden voters do not like Biden, they hate Trump and will do anything to kick him out of office. End of story.
Heartless Aztec has it exactly right. In South Florida, I've heard it called "Cuban Time." Besides my experiences similar to HA I remember a Roman Catholic church in Coral Gables w/ a Cuban majority of parishioners and a priest from Africa. He grew so tired of the faithful strolling into Mass 20-30 minutes late he would lock the doors at the scheduled start of the Mass. He was reassigned.
As I’ve mentioned on several occasions, the local Democrat honchos have known Trump will win FL for at least a month. It is puzzling that Trump and surrogates are still spending time here.
Fernandinande said...
"Although whiteness is linked to modernity and that which is future oriented, racialized youth viewed their white counterparts as behind time, lame, or just plain “wack” (uncool)."
Awww, those racialized youth have such cute little ideas.
10/30/20, 8:22 AM
The hep cats once more putting down the squares. While diligence, timeliness, and sobriety are not cool, they certainly seem to pay off in the long run.
All this extended voting time combined with mail in voting is giving the usual "voting organizations" plenty of time to get thousands of ballots from homeless people, shelter residents, nursing home patients... Who will all be voting Biden.These stories are just to let the operators know they need to up their game.
RK said...
Doesn't anyone care how Asians are voting?
I know a lot of people who voted for Hillary and generally always voted for democrats.
A solid number of them are voting for Trump.
The Riots turned them. Asian people really do not like riots.
DC is already boarding up for the riots which means Antifa thinks Biden is losing. No way you're going to convince me they are 'victory riots'...
Shaheen is running non-stop ads in NH and Mass despite a double-digit lead in the polls.
That tells me they are worried about the composition of voter turn-out in NH driven at the top of the ticket, and in the hope people will vote straight party line.
Shaheen is running non-stop ads in NH and Mass despite a double-digit lead in the polls.
That tells me they are worried about the composition of voter turn-out in NH driven at the top of the ticket, and in the hope or fear people will vote straight party line.
Heartless Aztec said...
As one who has lived with Cubans, eaten in their homes and restaurants, dated their girls, gone to church and to school with them "tomorrow" is not embarrassing. It's their laid back and slowed down culture and rather indigenous across the Greater Antilles, Central America and Mexico.
As someone who's known and worked with a lot of Catalans, I can assure you it's not an exclusively New World phenomena.
stevew said...
Biden voters do not like Biden, they hate Trump and will do anything to kick him out of office. End of story.
10/30/20, 8:54 AM
I get it, I felt that way about Hillary. Difference is I knew/know why I was against Hillary and can rattle of a list of her actual malfeasance. Things that would get any normal person long stretches of prison time. This on top of her just not being a nice person.
Ask the majority of anti-Trump folks why and you will get a list of media lies about what they say he has done, things provably false. You will also get what basically amounts to "he talks icky and he is crude, he "demeans" the office" which I understand. I think he demeans it less than others have. He has not had affairs while in office, that we have heard of. He did not send pallets of cash over seas to our enemies. He did not stand by while Americans were killed and then tried to blame it on a video. He did not aid a slander and a coup of his political opponent nor use the rest of the government to try and get him. He did not use the IRS to attack non-profit groups he didn't like. He didn't keep a home-made compromised email server in his bathroom that was full of government secrets so that he could extort money from other countries and businesses to enrich his fake "foundation".
But sure, each citizen has a right to cast their vote as they see fit. This is still America after all, for at least a few more months.
“In their minds Trump is like some all powerful evil god. He's so bad that many of them would happily vote for almost anyone who isn't him.”
I have two Biden voting friends with whom I occasionally discuss politics. One, an Ivy educated, book smart woman, told Mr. X that “Trump is literally a monster.” He pressed her for an elaboration but got none. The other has been high-horsing about Trump’s sleaziness (real estate! shady deals!) since he became the nominee in 2016. Policies are completely irrelevant to her.
A non-representative sample, true, but I do think they represent a significant portion of the electorate unwilling to engage in any kind of critical thinking or holding their ears going la la la. This is particularly bizarre to me re Friend Two, whose husband, unemployed for three years, finally landed an excellent job thanks to the Trump economy.
The Democrats are doing everything in their power to lose, and lose big. Why ? That's what you should be worried about.
It cracks me up the there's an independent organization aimed at getting the vote out...for Biden. This after Sheldon Whitehouse's grandstanding about dark money in politics.
For several weeks, I've been seeing ads about how to vote early and it gives a website. It's I will Two days ago for the first time, those ads have "I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message" attached to them.
"Mañana, mañana, I love you, mañana, your only a dia awaaaaaay."
Sure. Sure. Everyone wished they were running as the first Democrat to lose the Hispanic and black supermajorities they’ve enjoyed for 50 years! Yeah that’s the ticket!
Why is the white Wisconsin professora embarrassed for the hispanic lady. Surely Taddeo knows her own culture better than you.
Maybe if the Democratic Party had not taken African American support for granted for so long, it would not find itself sending in a "brown" prosecutor-enforcer who is very unpopular in her very blue, very diverse home state to make its case in states like Florida.
Black people are serious about safety. They also are serious about religion, not least Jesus' preaching that all men are brothers. They can spot condescension at 100 paces.
They resent their children being zoned into overfunded, underperforming schools and out of really "good" school districts in expensive white leftist neighborhoods.
They know all the deplorable disdain would be extended to them if not for their skin color, and they suspect, possibly with justice, that the disdain does apply to them in private conversations.
If fewer African Americans are voting reflexively for preening white know-it-alls, well, good for them.
Trump will get the largest % of the Black vote ever for a Republican president.
I doubt he'll come anywhere close to what Grant got.
But if you restrict yourself to "after the Black vote shifted Democratic in the 1930's", I'd agree.
Per the article, Kamala Harris is supposed to help with the young black man vote, which seems counter-intuitive since she built her career as a prosecutor figuring out ways to throw that exact demographic in jail. Maybe that will be sold as getting them the help they needed.
“I’ve been going to the different polling places... and you know, I never dreamed that Black people would be reticent at this point in Mr. Trump's administration about voting.”
Agitating citizens with race-identity polemics always worked in the past for the Progressive/Democrat campaigns. Is substance now an issue?
Ah, Fredricka Wilson, my gerrymandered Congressperson known for her ubiquitous spangled cowboy hat. Too stupid or uneducated to know the difference between "reluctant and "reticent".
But in all fairness, it's sadly an error I hear and read all too often from our friends in the media.
When Republicans ran Romney, McCain, Dole I voted for them because their opponents were vile.
I did not vote for them because I liked any of them. They were amazingly poor candidates, whose weak efforts to oppose their leftist Democratic opponents were appallingly inadequate. Palin at least went on the attack against the opposition. Ryan was amazingly bad at campaigning. And who was Dole's VP? Google says Kemp, and damned if I remember him doing anything useful. I'm thinking Trump took advantage of an ineffective Republican Party leadership to become President.
So Democrats ran the corrupt ex-wife of a disgraced adulterous former President, who had carpetbagged her way into a Senate seat and then abandoned that for position as chief bribery recipient in the Obama administration. Then they ran the next-most corrupt bribery recipient they could find, this time. I'm thinking they have a problem in their party, a loss of effective leadership and corruption at high levels. Let them lose, they don't know what they're doing in this campaign, and what they're doing in office is horrible.
According to Gallup polling, 62% of Biden voters planed to vote early, and only 28% of Trump supporters
This guy has nice pictures of FL and NC:
This guy has fewer pictures, but every early voting State:
Somehow those polls missed a lot of Trump supporters who are voting early. Either that, or there's a ton of registered Republicans who are voting for Biden, and they're all voting early.
The RNC is still spending money in Florida. But Trump's moved his Fl spending the MN instead.
And Joe Biden's visiting MN today. Perhaps he'll tour the places that were burned down because the Democrat Mayor and Democrat Governor weren't willing to stop the Democrat rioters
And perhaps the people who had their homes / shops burned down might be voting GOP this year. Perhaps the suburban people who can no longer go into Minneapolis because the places they went were trashed / destroyed, and the crime (abolish the Police!) is high enough that they don't feel safe going to what's left will be voting GOP this year.
We'll see.
But I'm pretty sure that at this point you can't draw a picture where the early voting results are consistent with the polling
Blogger readering said...
For AA it's race, race, race.
Hilarious. The Democrat that has spent the past four years on nothing but race is complaining. Is The Black Lives Matter sign still on the front of your house ? Or apartment ? Lots of Democrats don't have houses as such. Too Bourgeois.
stevew said...
Biden voters do not like Biden, they hate Trump and will do anything to kick him out of office. End of story.
51% of the Country does not hate Trump with sufficient passion to get out and vote against him.
20%? Probably. 30%? Maybe
You can't win the election just with people who hate the other guy.
The fact that you Lefties are convinced that you can is, to me, one of the biggest indicators that you're going to lose
Mañana is good enough for me
Sally327 said...
Per the article, Kamala Harris is supposed to help with the young black man vote, which seems counter-intuitive since she built her career as a prosecutor figuring out ways to throw that exact demographic in jail.
Yeah, the was my thought when I saw that. We have Joe "Get those predators off the streets! I mean, 'Oops!'" Biden and Kamala "Sure I smoked pot while throwing young black men in jail for doing the same thing!" Harris running against Don "I did prison reform and got a bunch of people out of jail" Trump.
I'm sure Kamala will do a great job getting those young black male voters out and voting for her
I would rather be in our position than theirs
Maybe. Let's wait a week and see whose position is preferable.
"[A]n independent organization coordinating... to turn out voters for Biden." Independent? "I do not think that word means what you think it means."
We have 3 groups comprising probably 90% or more of "hispanics" in the US. Puerto Rican, Mexican, Cuban.
Not a lot of love lost between the 3 and to lump them all together as "hispanic" or the even more odious "latino" does us all a disservice.
Taddeo is of the other 10% born and raised in Colombia until she was 17.
Just sayin'
OTOH, she does have an Italian-American father. So I guess that would make her a true "Latino". Italian = Latin.
John Henry
Blogger Heartless Aztec said...
"tomorrow" is not embarrassing. It's their laid back and slowed down culture and rather indigenous across the Greater Antilles, Central America and Mexico.
Ditto Puerto Rico. Ditto pretty much all of the tropics.
I once had it explained to me as the climate and lack of seasons. If you need to paint your house, for example, you need to do it in the summer while the weather is nice. Because come fall and winter, you won't be able to.
In the tropics, around the world, If I need to paint my house in July, I can put it off to August. August comes and I can say "Screw it, I'll do it next month" and so on until it is July again and I still haven't done it.
In general, think how much more productive you are when you are on a deadline. "Dagwood, I want that report by tomorrow or your fired!" and you get it done tomorrow. If the boss says "When you get a chance I'd like to have that report" you will procrastinate.
Seasons impose that deadline to some extent.
Nothing is ever on time here. We call it Puerto Rican time. It is also called Caribbean time. When someone wants to emphasize punctuality they will say "American Time" As in "We are going to start the presentation at 7:30 American time" which means that it will start at 7:30. Or at least a valiant effort will be made to start at 7:30 and it will start at 7:40 instead of 8:15.
John Henry
A bit OT but my daughter was in charge of regulatory affairs for a pharma plant here in Puerto Rico.
They sent her to a sister plant in France for a year to help with regulatory issues there. (I do NOT want to use French drugs)
In Puerto Rico, she told me, getting people to do something was hard. She had to keep after them and would get mañanaed. But, she told me, she could eventually get them to do it. ..
In France they would just refuse. "Fill out the completed batch record." "No"
And no amount of nagging would get them to do it if they decided they didn't want to . Her French boss just told her that this was the French culture.
So there are things worse than "Tomorrow".
John Henry
Diversity politics... Some, Select Black... Color Lives Matter
State Sen. Annette Taddeo, a Miami Democrat, said she wasn’t too worried about Hispanic voters in the county because, she said, they’re notoriously late to cast ballots. “We are Hispanics, we leave everything for ¡mañana!,” she said
just looking at it from an amateur's view point but Trump looks like he's massively outperforming 2016 in Miami.
As for the black comment, don't they remember deSantis winning over a black guy in their state?
Who helped put deSantis over the top? black women who wanted school choice.
Rory said...
“(2) that Biden is the most similar politician to Hillary Clinton, and his nomination is proof that the ‘resistance’ was never an honest reform movement”
“Resistance” was never about reform. Why should the Democrats think they need to reform? Trump was just a mistake to them. The resistance is everything.
--- One, an Ivy educated, book smart woman, told Mr. X that “Trump is literally a monster.” He pressed her for an elaboration but got none. The other has been high-horsing about Trump’s sleaziness (real estate! shady deals!) since he became the nominee in 2016. Policies are completely irrelevant to her. [Mrs.X]
E. N. V. Y.
Mrs. X. I think you're referring to the voting bloc known as "mush heads". My term but you may use it without attribution.
"mean tweets!". Talk about one, single, successful policy and you'll get a stare as if the actual concept of "policy" and "results" are from some other planet--and haven't arrived here.
Closest thing to an actual issue is something like "refuses to denounce white supremacy". Show Trump doing just that and it's "I can't believe you....that horrible man."
I knew one guy who'd been in big pharma his whole working life. Kept saying that HCQ hadn't been shown to be safe. Informed him that his industry had been shipping the stuff by the boatload for sixty years. Reminded him that he'd taken it during his gap year in SEA. That it was an OTC anti malarial in the tropics. Reminded him that he knew this. He continued to lie that it hadn't been shown to be safe. He's not a mush head. He's a lying partisan. Although how he came by his hate for Trump to the extent he felt he had to lie to people he knew knew he was lying I haven't figured out.
Seen the same thing with regard to other issues.
But that's not mush heads. Mush heads are "mean tweets!" "Have you heard him talk?"
"Some of those advocating for more spending -- who are largely people of color and say they feel that their communities are misunderstood by top Biden officials -- sent multiple written proposals over the course of several months, including to National States Director Jenn Ridder and her staff, outlining ways the campaign could bolster minority turnout, the people familiar with the effort said. They say the documents were ignored by campaign leadership."
This is a mark of a campaign run by grifters.
The people running the campaign are getting paid a cut of all political advertising money (that's how campaign consultants work). Redirecting $$$ from advertising to those other events directly hits their personal bottom lines.
So, it could be that the people pushing to redirect spending would get a cut of the redirected $$. Or not. It doesn't really matter. What matters is the people at the top take a personal hit if the spending is changed.
This is a cost of having polls tell you that you're easily winning. It lets people get their eyes off the "win the election" ball, and focus on other balls, like the "I want to get paid as much as possible" ball.
It takes a strong leader at the head of the campaign to keep this kind of crap from happening. I guess neither Joe nor Jill is qualified for that role.
The fecal matter must be seriously hitting the fan, for Bloomberg, of all places, to be running this kind of article about a Democrat campaign the Friday before the election
"Black people are serious about safety."
Except when they're cleaning out a Philly Foot Locker.
Or charging at cops while brandishing a knife...
They ain't b/Black!
Two weeks ago we were being told that Trump was losing seniors and I said bullshit, they'll never vote Biden. This week seniors are "coming back" to Trump. Remember these assholes have to write something - anything- every day. Not necessarily true, not necessarily accurate just words every day.
John Henry,
Yeah I quickly learned with the PR girlfriend that she would literally miss a flight if I told her the flight was at 7 pm or whatever.
I started telling her the plane takes off an hour or 1.5 hours earlier, depending on the day of the week (weekends it's 1.5 hours).
Wisconsin still is odd in that rural early voting is a larger proportion than 2016.
If that continues, I think Trump wins WI.
I also recommend watching Nevada. Biden appears to be underperforming in Clark County, which is the key to the state, obviously.
I think Trump is more likely to flip NV at this point than MN.
I think Trump is more likely to keep WI than polls predict.
We'll see.
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