.@VDHanson has a great piece on the left’s unapologetic bias. A problem we face is that you can’t shame leftist “journalists,” social media moguls etc. because they don’t care to be perceived as fair or objective anymore, but as loyal to the leftist cause
A problem we face is that you can’t shame leftist “journalists,” social media moguls etc. because they don’t care to be perceived as fair or objective anymore, but as loyal to the leftist cause
True, ICTA. What they believe is that they are absolutely right and we are not just wrong but deplorable, unworthy of a place in government [or even in society!] and a threat to the survival of the planet. Their attitude toward us is similar to that Hitler had toward the Jews. Here's a tip: If they offer you a train ride, don't take it.
So the next debate will have no foreign policy subject and the Debate Commission will cut microphones at will. The plan here is obvious. Try to make Trump refuse to do it, so they can lie about why, as they did on the last one. Has there ever been such a biased and unfair process in an American Presidential election ever. None even come close. They found a bunch of new lows this time. This level of bias would invalidate a trial, a ball game, or a game of poker anywhere in the world. It started with armed Black racists guarding polling places in Philadelphia in 2008 and getting away with it, and the process continues to be de-legitimized daily by the Democrats. What have Republicans done to destroy our elections? Nothing.
Today, October 19, 2020 is a banner day in the internet universe. First, this election with leaked emails, laptop and a masturbating perv on video is better than the last election with leaked emails, laptop and masturbating perv on video. 2nd, the Trafalgar polling group is showing narrowing margins in the swing states (not making any judgement on accuracy) and finally this tonight (via the liberal WAPO “journalist” Seung Min Kim Twitter feed): “Mayor of Los Angeles Repeatedly Witnessed Top Adviser’s Alleged Sexual Misconduct” (note: the “top adviser” is gay).
A problem we face is that you can’t shame leftist “journalists,” social media moguls etc. because they don’t care to be perceived as fair or objective anymore, but as loyal to the leftist cause
Left wingers justify this by arguing it is necessary because Trump. But this has been going on for decades. The person most directly responsible for the recent acceleration is Ezra Klein, but people like Krugman and Raines predate him by a decade. Interestingly Klein got rich even as his plan accelerates the decline of the entire industry making everyone else poorer. But the example to young reporters is that left wing ideology pushers get rich and powerful and those who won't play ball like Mickey Kaus get pushed out.
Yesterday, we took a wine tasting tour in a 1930 Durant. The driver indicated that the radiator was leaking, and there would be some steam gushing over the hood.
Of course, the radiator was steaming faster than expected. We broke down on the Oregon-Washington state line. The driver was profoundly embarrassed, but I told him "You have just entered family lore". Your story will get better every time it is re-told. It didn't seem to resolve his embarrassment.
A second automobile was called, and the wine tour proceeded.
Today, I called my 94-year-old mother, and told her about our adventures.
"Yeah, Mom we were in a stretched 1930 Durant 6-14 Standard Sedan, and it broke down with a fantastic plume of steam!!"
My mother went dead silent.
The response finally arrived. "A 1930 Durant??"
"Yeah, Mom"
"My father, your grandfather, bought a used Durant in 1932, and we used it when we moved up to Skagit to work in the powerhouse at Diablo dam!!"
"That car damn near killed us all!! Dad caught a soft shoulder, and the car rolled!! It was a touring car without a hard roof. Your grandmother broke her arm!!"
If we didn't already have enough reason to find journalism as the most hated and least trusted profession, we now have to worry about what they are doing with their hands when we're watching. Think about it. Some of them masturbate to the thought of you watching them. "Fox - we keep our pants on."
Who would you trust more to give you an honest answer: a used car salesman like Biden's dad, or an MSNBC host?
the "Humper is fed up with being Pop's bag-man and went scorched earth by purposely leaving the laptop" angle is intriguing.
Team SloJo would likely want to throw Humper under the bus if his antics could hinder the campaign. After 30 years of supporting the crime family, only to be the scapegoat/fall guy, would surely embitter him to adopt a "If I go down, you all go down" attitude.
"What they believe is that they are absolutely right and we are not just wrong but deplorable."
I don't believe that anymore. There have been too many affairs, lies, blowjobs, handjobs, corruption, lies, cheating in debates, elections, lawfare, sedition, and on, and on to where it's not simply a different perspective. It's simple, unsophisticated, irredeemable and unshamable evil. Prove me wrong.
Back in the day - for six months or so, or maybe it was more than that - maybe a year or two - I suffered from something like depression. Looking back on it now, I realize what I suffered was a mix of bad nutrition, genuine grief (at the loss of a loved one is the nice way of putting it, but it was nowhere near as romantic as that...) and some nasty reactions and interactions, biologically speaking, to years of problems -physical and social - that I could have solved but which would have been extremely difficult to solve, and economic problems that were out of my control. So, I guess I would say it was a mix of things out of my control and things within my control.
Wish I could say that I got over it by doing the right thing but I just got lucky ---- without realizing it, I switched to a better nutrition diet, and the grief at the loss of a loved one faded because it was too hard to think about it .....
Anyway, not everyone gets lucky, I realize that. Nobody asks me what to do if a friend is depressed - ever --- I do not give off that vibe, in the real world, of having answers to questions. But if someone were to ask, I would just say, pray, pray to feel for a single moment joy, and then if that moment comes, pray some more. And eat better, watch out for side-effects from medicines (Coq10 is a good thing to take if statins are a problem) and if there are toxic people in your life, ask them to leave you alone for a while, if you can afford to do that. As long as it takes.
Trump should be allowed to make his own record of the debate. And then he could play back his responses and explain why he was cut off. And I think the President has to ask about Hunter Biden because the press will not and then he will get cut off. But the main point is: if they cut off the President, what will they do to us? Is cutting off the President's microphone an example of how Joe Biden will unite a divided country? Silence us and call the silence agreement?
The debate commission is fully corrupted. You know why they dropped foreign policy, right? Because of the Biden laptop scandal- can't have any questions that might segue into foreigners bribing the Bidens. I don't think Trump is going to play along Thursday night- he may well use every two minute response to bring up Hunter Biden and the media's full refusal to do their actual jobs.
So I finally got a 4k monitor. I'm hoping there is some 4k Althouse content. That is assuming it isn't anything involving the recent Jeffrey Toobin thing.
Ealry voting in Florida had begin and while there are what look like big numbers favoring Democrats it is nowhere lopsided enough. Some D's already starting to panic.
A taste of liberal meltdown tears. The 2020 vintage is superior to the 2016 vintage.
I think NH is too blue but there's some belief it is in play since the largest caches of NH lefties are in Hanover and Durham where the big schools are. Only need a few thousand to not show up because of covid..
Why doesn't the debate commission just add a ten second delay and that little cuckoo bleep in addition to cutting Trump's microphone if he starts asking about Joe's corruption?
For any who are interested, the monthly treasury state for September is out showing revenue and expenses for FY 2020, and allowing us to compare to 2019. Income is down very slightly (3462 B in 2019 and 3420 in 2020 down 1.3%. Expenditures have soared 4447B in 2019 up to 6552 in 2020 up 45%. I was surprised that revenue hadn't dropped more. Perhaps the impact of Covid will be seen in April 2021.
I have to ask. Is a candidate who has to take a week off during crunch time of the campaign in order to prepare for a debate on issues which his 47 years in office should have familiarized him with really fit to be president?
Remember all of the excuses when Joe couldn’t negotiate a “status of forces” agreement with Iraq? But he did negotiated a 1.5 billion dollar contract paid for with US funds for his brother in an area his brother knew nothing about. So I guess the idea that he couldn’t negotiate anything is wrong.
That 1.5 billion number comes up again when he tried to negotiate a deal with the ChiComs re the Spratley Islands, he got no deal with the ChiComs on what he was sent for, but he did get 1.5 billion for his son’s “investment fund”
Remember when National Review was a must read for the center right? At least they haven’t gone full Biden shill like gadfly and Chuck, but they have run an editorial that conservatives should abstain, which are all half votes for Biden.
To their credit though, they are running stories based on the emails. Unlike “The Bulwark” which thinks that it’s a matter of fierce urgency that these investigations into Biden are deep sixed ASAP.
If the favorable Trump evidence holds true he wins AZ and FL with comfortable margins in the 3-4-5 percent range. NC is a weird place but Tump pulls off the win, then gets a squeaker in MI. That's enough. PA doesn't matter...
Thing is if FL comes in towards the high end- like 4-5 percent chances are the rest of the country is adding Trump votes, too. That's when landslide numbers are more likely. Even PV...
The elite never Trump Republicans like Sasse and Romney should realize that if they are successful at sabotaging Trump, they don’t win, the Trump supporters will never vote for them again.
So, I just heard NPR’s piece discussing Trump’s comments on the coronavirus. They bleeped the word “bastard”. Seems to me that I’ve heard that word on NPR before. Anyway, I’ve always thought that “bastard” isn’t nearly the curse word or insult in America that it is in the UK. Struck me as odd, like censoring “bloody”.
"Hilarious that people think a story circulated by Giuliani would be believed.”
We are in Soviet territory now. Giuliani has been denounced! Except that he has the goods, the DNI has exploded Schiff’s lies, and the FBI has the laptop. What a strange way to pull a blindside October surprise of false allegations, to give it to the FBI a year before the election.
Where are the ruminations of why Hunter never picked up his laptop despite being asked to do so repeatedly? Was he bailing on his Pop, or was he hiding evidence, not aware the Mac guy wouldn’t play along?
I was astonished to read last night that there are an abundance of emails between Joe Biden and Hunter Biden on Hunter Biden's laptop discussing Joe's cut of Hunter's earnings. Joe Biden was generally receiving between 10 and 50 percent.
I am tired of being constantly lectured TV ads produced by woke-pretending businesses and public pr campaigns about how “exhausting” it is to be black in America and giving women the strength to motor on are worse than getting the clap. You can’t scratch the itch often enough and in the right location.
rehajm said... Ealry voting in Florida had begin and while there are what look like big numbers favoring Democrats it is nowhere lopsided enough. Some D's already starting to panic.
Seems to be the story in all the swing states--party affiliation in early voting does not favour the Dems as much as expected. My own expectation is that it is worse than that as there will be more Dems voting R than Reps voting D.
BUT, just as fewer Dems than expected are voting early, it is possible that more Dems than expected will show up on Nov 3, so the importance of these early indications shouldn't be overstated.
"I suggest the Trumpster do three hours with Joe Rogan next week."
Probably the best way for him -- and the Biden story -- to get to a large audience unfiltered.
My guess would be that it wouldn't make a lot of Biden-leaners change their vote, but it would cause a not-insubstantial part of them to not vote at all -- the Althouse reasoning taking effect.
If Trump were an decent and honorable President he would publicly condemn the folks who are harassing and posting death treats against the Fauci family to the extent that Fauci now has to travel with guards, but instead Trump calls Fauci an idiot adding fuel and permission to the crazy. No wonder people are tired of his narcissistic rants which are becoming more and more dangerous to the general public.
As I understand it, Hunter sent in three laptops for repair. They had "liquid damage" which I take to mean had drinks spilled on their keyboard at a party. I used to fix these in my computer repair days after every New Year's Eve and Christmas due to office parties. And just as in Hunter's case there were keyboards you could fix and keyboards that were fried. So Hunter got a new keyboard for one computer and was told one couldn't be fixed. And the MacBook was left to be worked on. Then someone came and got a copy of the hard drive on the MacBook and then a keyboard was fixed and picked up and then the borrowed keyboard was returned on request. And the MacBook was forgotten. After all Hunter O'Millions had the drive info which was probably put on a new computer and one computer was bad and he was ignoring the bills about the repairs and who could expect Hunter O'Millions to remember this tangle and that it meant that the MacBook was still there and its drive was intact and would be the computer store's property after 90 days? After 90 days what would Hunter remember about anything? And it's no surprise that the computer store owner knew how to copy drives and get past passwords and could understand advanced topics in American Government like coke and wild parties and influence peddling. The one unexpected event is that the computer shop owner went to the Republicans when the FBI remained inert. It's a similar move to Pelosi's hair stylist ratting her out and it shows once again the kind of bubble power-people move in these days. They simply aren't aware any longer of the people around them, and yet they have a lot to hide.
"Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s three liberal members..."
“We're likely to see that a lot in coming years.”
My bet is the opposite - that Roberts pretty much only goes left when it matters. 5-4 against him has him controlling the writing of the dissent. 6-3 and he controls the majority opinion. That is typically the holding of the case. Making it worse, 5-4 against him, and Thomas has first shot at writing the majority opinion. The left really hates Thomas opinions, because he tends to use a very broad brush. He might say something such as affirmative action is racial discrimination. Roberts, writing that opinion might say something such as this was an instance of racial discrimination, but since the Court doesn’t have to go any further deciding the case, they won’t. Thomas has a tendency to blow through the legal hair splitting, and forcefully make the fundamentalist argument.
In my opinion the Chinese have been planning an October surprise, something ugly in the line of foreign affairs like invading Taiwan to match their ugly export of the Wuhan virus into our domestic economy earlier this year. This, in their minds, will save Joe B, especially if he never says anything and questions about B's foreign policy are banned. The counter move was to release the HunterFiles showing the Bs are owned by China. No matter what the Chinese do there are only two people running for President and only one is a free man, not owned by China. The counter to that was suppressing the news that China owns B, a suppression that is possible in China. The counter to that suppression was the Streisand Effect. Total suppression is not possible here - yet - and the attempt alarms and alerts and spreads the news widely. It's just my opinion but I think the Chinese are a practical, realistic people who will wreck our election, get rid of Trump and reduce America to North Korea under Joe the Puppet if they can but who will deal with Trump and US power if they have to. It's up to us to make them have to.
In my opinion the Chinese have been planning an October surprise, something ugly in the line of foreign affairs like invading Taiwan to match their ugly export of the Wuhan virus into our domestic economy earlier this year. This, in their minds, will save Joe B, especially if he never says anything and questions about B's foreign policy are banned. The counter move was to release the HunterFiles showing the Bs are owned by China. No matter what the Chinese do there are only two people running for President and only one is a free man, not owned by China. The counter to that was suppressing the news that China owns B, a suppression that is possible in China. The counter to that suppression was the Streisand Effect. Total suppression is not possible here - yet - and the attempt alarms and alerts and spreads the news widely. It's just my opinion but I think the Chinese are a practical, realistic people who will wreck our election, get rid of Trump and reduce America to North Korea under Joe the Puppet if they can but who will deal with Trump and US power if they have to. It's up to us to make them have to.
"If Trump were an decent and honorable President he would publicly condemn the folks who are harassing and posting death treats against the Fauci family..."
I hope that soothes the pain of voting for a serial plagiarist who sold his office to our enemies for decades, raped a female subordinate, and physically assaulted numerous women on video, and lies to you on a daily basis when he's not in a fog of dementia. I know you hate Trump, but voting for the other guy really destroys any moral or intellectual standing you might have to argue against Trump.
BUT, just as fewer Dems than expected are voting early, it is possible that more Dems than expected will show up on Nov 3, so the importance of these early indications shouldn't be overstated.
I'm more worried about Democrat votes that show up on November 10 to 20th. Once they figure out how many they need. With the Chief Justice help, of course.
I am tired of being constantly lectured TV ads produced by woke-pretending businesses and public pr campaigns about how “exhausting” it is to be black in America and giving women the strength to motor on are worse than getting the clap. You can’t scratch the itch often enough and in the right location.
Et moi, Krumhorn. I can't watch a sports event without hearing a sermonette on racial injustice. But I think this is an intentional trigger by the Left and the best thing we can do is to simply ignore it. And vote for Trump!!!!
tim in vermont: "Remember when National Review was a must read for the center right? At least they haven’t gone full Biden shill like gadfly and Chuck, but they have run an editorial that conservatives should abstain, which are all half votes for Biden.
To their credit though, they are running stories based on the emails. Unlike “The Bulwark” which thinks that it’s a matter of fierce urgency that these investigations into Biden are deep sixed ASAP"
It gets worse.
Over the weekend we learned that the FakeCon grifters at the almost non-existent-readership The Dispatch, with the usual FakeCon suspects Steve Hayes, Jonah Goldberg and David "anti-abortion" French, amongst others, were working very hard behind the scenes with Facebook to deplatform and ban ACTUAL pro-life groups by FALSELY labeling the ads and commentary of those pro-life ads dishonest.
At first, just like our very own LLR-lefty *****, they pretended they were principled conservatives who would always support pro-life groups and would never work behind the scenes with the far left to deplatform actual conservative groups....right up until the moment these morons figured out they wouldn't be able to keep up the ruse any longer.
At which point they admitted what had happened but then claimed it was simply a mistake and gee whiz, how did that happen and golly, how can we make sure a "mistake" like that doesn't happen again.........
I think most Biden voters will never even have to deal with the knowledge of the now blatant evidence of Joe Biden selling his influence to foreign powers through his son, Hunter Biden.
Twitter, Facebook, the news networks, and most of our newspapers will work hard to prevent that information from getting to the average voter. And of course they will be helped out by the human tendency towards conformation bias. Biden voters would have avoided or discounted any information that didn't match with the way they wanted to view the world in any case.
Except that if this information were out there where they couldn't have avoided seeing it, some people would surely have changed their votes.
This is not the main reason not to vote for the Democratic Party, by the way. There are a large number of reasons not to vote for the Democratic Party. The sins of the Democratic Party, and Joe Biden, are much worse than this.
But what makes this significant is its simplicity. Here is unambiguous evidence of Joe Biden selling access to the government. It's something everyone can understand.
Wish this kid (16 yr old) had been part of the Republican Convention - Chandler Crump has a heck of a future in politics and the future, spreading the "Virus of Intelligence" in a stand-up style with pithy deconstructions of the progressives. He is part of the WalkAway campaign. Checkout one of his many videos. https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=mcafee&p=CHANDLER+CRUMP#id=3&vid=e199106a5170385aa3dbfab5ef52368d&action=view
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has a great piece on the left’s unapologetic bias. A problem we face is that you can’t shame leftist “journalists,” social media moguls etc. because they don’t care to be perceived as fair or objective anymore, but as loyal to the leftist cause
The Unapologetic Bias of the American Left
h/t D Limbaugh
Sean Ono Lennon confesses!
Read the helpful lefty asshole replies! lol
A problem we face is that you can’t shame leftist “journalists,” social media moguls etc. because they don’t care to be perceived as fair or objective anymore, but as loyal to the leftist cause
True, ICTA. What they believe is that they are absolutely right and we are not just wrong but deplorable, unworthy of a place in government [or even in society!] and a threat to the survival of the planet. Their attitude toward us is similar to that Hitler had toward the Jews. Here's a tip: If they offer you a train ride, don't take it.
So the next debate will have no foreign policy subject and the Debate Commission will cut microphones at will. The plan here is obvious. Try to make Trump refuse to do it, so they can lie about why, as they did on the last one. Has there ever been such a biased and unfair process in an American Presidential election ever. None even come close. They found a bunch of new lows this time. This level of bias would invalidate a trial, a ball game, or a game of poker anywhere in the world. It started with armed Black racists guarding polling places in Philadelphia in 2008 and getting away with it, and the process continues to be de-legitimized daily by the Democrats. What have Republicans done to destroy our elections? Nothing.
In that pic, if you zoom in on the shore just to the left of the smokestacks, there is what looks like a little man jerking off.
Oh, the fun continues - Jeffrey "Toot-Toot" Toobin on Anthony Weiner 9 years ago.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer says that the way to get rid of mask rules and be able to return to church is to vote for Joe Biden.
Not bothering to hide the fist inside a velvet glove anymore.
Today, October 19, 2020 is a banner day in the internet universe. First, this election with leaked emails, laptop and a masturbating perv on video is better than the last election with leaked emails, laptop and masturbating perv on video. 2nd, the Trafalgar polling group is showing narrowing margins in the swing states (not making any judgement on accuracy) and finally this tonight (via the liberal WAPO “journalist” Seung Min Kim Twitter feed): “Mayor of Los Angeles Repeatedly Witnessed Top Adviser’s Alleged Sexual Misconduct” (note: the “top adviser” is gay).
I can't believe we aren't getting foreign policy as a debate topic in any of the debates! What's happened to us?
Also, Supreme Court 4-4 affirms the PA Supreme Court that ballots can be counted up to 3 days after the election, with or without a postmark.
We are so screwed. What a mess.
Over at the paper of record. "Amy Coney Barrett sponsors a wayward, troubled youth named Hunter."
Nein! We eschew the Lefty 'cattle-cars of contempt'
...and opt for the Trump Train.
They are Big Lie propagandists, not journalists.
(to be clear, your bolded quote was from Limbaugh)
A problem we face is that you can’t shame leftist “journalists,” social media moguls etc. because they don’t care to be perceived as fair or objective anymore, but as loyal to the leftist cause
Left wingers justify this by arguing it is necessary because Trump. But this has been going on for decades. The person most directly responsible for the recent acceleration is Ezra Klein, but people like Krugman and Raines predate him by a decade. Interestingly Klein got rich even as his plan accelerates the decline of the entire industry making everyone else poorer. But the example to young reporters is that left wing ideology pushers get rich and powerful and those who won't play ball like Mickey Kaus get pushed out.
I'm in Walla Walla with the in-laws family.
Yesterday, we took a wine tasting tour in a 1930 Durant. The driver indicated that the radiator was leaking, and there would be some steam gushing over the hood.
Of course, the radiator was steaming faster than expected. We broke down on the Oregon-Washington state line. The driver was profoundly embarrassed, but I told him "You have just entered family lore". Your story will get better every time it is re-told. It didn't seem to resolve his embarrassment.
A second automobile was called, and the wine tour proceeded.
Today, I called my 94-year-old mother, and told her about our adventures.
"Yeah, Mom we were in a stretched 1930 Durant 6-14 Standard Sedan, and it broke down with a fantastic plume of steam!!"
My mother went dead silent.
The response finally arrived. "A 1930 Durant??"
"Yeah, Mom"
"My father, your grandfather, bought a used Durant in 1932, and we used it when we moved up to Skagit to work in the powerhouse at Diablo dam!!"
"That car damn near killed us all!! Dad caught a soft shoulder, and the car rolled!! It was a touring car without a hard roof. Your grandmother broke her arm!!"
Christine smiles.
If we didn't already have enough reason to find journalism as the most hated and least trusted profession, we now have to worry about what they are doing with their hands when we're watching. Think about it. Some of them masturbate to the thought of you watching them. "Fox - we keep our pants on."
Who would you trust more to give you an honest answer: a used car salesman like Biden's dad, or an MSNBC host?
the "Humper is fed up with being Pop's bag-man and went scorched earth
by purposely leaving the laptop" angle is intriguing.
Team SloJo would likely want to throw Humper under the bus if his
antics could hinder the campaign.
After 30 years of supporting the crime family, only to be the
scapegoat/fall guy, would surely embitter him to adopt a
"If I go down, you all go down" attitude.
Let's See What Happens
If I were Trump, I would bring my own bullhorn.
"What they believe is that they are absolutely right and we are not just wrong but deplorable."
I don't believe that anymore. There have been too many affairs, lies, blowjobs, handjobs, corruption, lies, cheating in debates, elections, lawfare, sedition, and on, and on to where it's not simply a different perspective. It's simple, unsophisticated, irredeemable and unshamable evil. Prove me wrong.
Back in the day - for six months or so, or maybe it was more than that - maybe a year or two - I suffered from something like depression. Looking back on it now, I realize what I suffered was a mix of bad nutrition, genuine grief (at the loss of a loved one is the nice way of putting it, but it was nowhere near as romantic as that...) and some nasty reactions and interactions, biologically speaking, to years of problems -physical and social - that I could have solved but which would have been extremely difficult to solve, and economic problems that were out of my control. So, I guess I would say it was a mix of things out of my control and things within my control.
Wish I could say that I got over it by doing the right thing but I just got lucky ---- without realizing it, I switched to a better nutrition diet, and the grief at the loss of a loved one faded because it was too hard to think about it .....
Anyway, not everyone gets lucky, I realize that. Nobody asks me what to do if a friend is depressed - ever --- I do not give off that vibe, in the real world, of having answers to questions. But if someone were to ask, I would just say, pray, pray to feel for a single moment joy, and then if that moment comes, pray some more. And eat better, watch out for side-effects from medicines (Coq10 is a good thing to take if statins are a problem) and if there are toxic people in your life, ask them to leave you alone for a while, if you can afford to do that. As long as it takes.
Howard's new hero is Jeffrey Toobin.
It is a birds of a feather thing, I suppose.
OK. Take that picture out of your mind when your are reading his next post.
Trump should be allowed to make his own record of the debate. And then he could play back his responses and explain why he was cut off. And I think the President has to ask about Hunter Biden because the press will not and then he will get cut off. But the main point is: if they cut off the President, what will they do to us? Is cutting off the President's microphone an example of how Joe Biden will unite a divided country? Silence us and call the silence agreement?
The debate commission is fully corrupted. You know why they dropped foreign policy, right? Because of the Biden laptop scandal- can't have any questions that might segue into foreigners bribing the Bidens. I don't think Trump is going to play along Thursday night- he may well use every two minute response to bring up Hunter Biden and the media's full refusal to do their actual jobs.
So I finally got a 4k monitor. I'm hoping there is some 4k Althouse content. That is assuming it isn't anything involving the recent Jeffrey Toobin thing.
Chief Justice Roberts Prevents Conservative Colleagues from Handing GOP a Stay in Significant Pa. Mail-in Ballot Counting Case
As it turns out, W wasn't really very good at picking SCOTUS justices.
Quaint recollection... https://amgreatness.com/2020/10/18/the-unapologetic-bias-of-the-american-left/
Ealry voting in Florida had begin and while there are what look like big numbers favoring Democrats it is nowhere lopsided enough. Some D's already starting to panic.
A taste of liberal meltdown tears. The 2020 vintage is superior to the 2016 vintage.
I think NH is too blue but there's some belief it is in play since the largest caches of NH lefties are in Hanover and Durham where the big schools are. Only need a few thousand to not show up because of covid..
"You know why they dropped foreign policy, right? Because of the Biden laptop scandal”
National security is still a topic, and if having a POTUS who is compromised by the ChiComs isn’t a national security issue, I don’t know what is.
Why doesn't the debate commission just add a ten second delay and that little cuckoo bleep in addition to cutting Trump's microphone if he starts asking about Joe's corruption?
For any who are interested, the monthly treasury state for September is out showing revenue and expenses for FY 2020, and allowing us to compare to 2019. Income is down very slightly (3462 B in 2019 and 3420 in 2020 down 1.3%. Expenditures have soared 4447B in 2019 up to 6552 in 2020 up 45%. I was surprised that revenue hadn't dropped more. Perhaps the impact of Covid will be seen in April 2021.
It seems to me PA is only a problem if the vote disparity is a few thousand. It's still tough to find 50k votes or more.
I have to ask. Is a candidate who has to take a week off during crunch time of the campaign in order to prepare for a debate on issues which his 47 years in office should have familiarized him with really fit to be president?
Remember all of the excuses when Joe couldn’t negotiate a “status of forces” agreement with Iraq? But he did negotiated a 1.5 billion dollar contract paid for with US funds for his brother in an area his brother knew nothing about. So I guess the idea that he couldn’t negotiate anything is wrong.
That 1.5 billion number comes up again when he tried to negotiate a deal with the ChiComs re the Spratley Islands, he got no deal with the ChiComs on what he was sent for, but he did get 1.5 billion for his son’s “investment fund”
"As it turns out, W wasn't really very good at picking SCOTUS justices.”
Neither was his father. It almost looks like they were playing for the other team, doesn’t it.
Remember when National Review was a must read for the center right? At least they haven’t gone full Biden shill like gadfly and Chuck, but they have run an editorial that conservatives should abstain, which are all half votes for Biden.
To their credit though, they are running stories based on the emails. Unlike “The Bulwark” which thinks that it’s a matter of fierce urgency that these investigations into Biden are deep sixed ASAP.
If the favorable Trump evidence holds true he wins AZ and FL with comfortable margins in the 3-4-5 percent range. NC is a weird place but Tump pulls off the win, then gets a squeaker in MI. That's enough. PA doesn't matter...
Thing is if FL comes in towards the high end- like 4-5 percent chances are the rest of the country is adding Trump votes, too. That's when landslide numbers are more likely. Even PV...
As pointed out above, national security is still an issue. As is corruption. Or at least it should be.
Hilarious that people think a story circulated by Giuliani would be believed.
Now we are back with 'unskewed polls'.
The meltdown here 11/4 is going to be epic.
The elite never Trump Republicans like Sasse and Romney should realize that if they are successful at sabotaging Trump, they don’t win, the Trump supporters will never vote for them again.
So, I just heard NPR’s piece discussing Trump’s comments on the coronavirus. They bleeped the word “bastard”. Seems to me that I’ve heard that word on NPR before. Anyway, I’ve always thought that “bastard” isn’t nearly the curse word or insult in America that it is in the UK. Struck me as odd, like censoring “bloody”.
"Hilarious that people think a story circulated by Giuliani would be believed.”
We are in Soviet territory now. Giuliani has been denounced! Except that he has the goods, the DNI has exploded Schiff’s lies, and the FBI has the laptop. What a strange way to pull a blindside October surprise of false allegations, to give it to the FBI a year before the election.
Will George Soros determine Austin's next District Attorney?
Where are the ruminations of why Hunter never picked up his laptop despite being asked to do so repeatedly? Was he bailing on his Pop, or was he hiding evidence, not aware the Mac guy wouldn’t play along?
Mark said...
Hilarious that people think a story circulated by Giuliani would be believed.
Now we are back with 'unskewed polls'.
The meltdown here 11/4 is going to be epic.
I'm taking the other side of this position...
I was astonished to read last night that there are an abundance of emails between Joe Biden and Hunter Biden on Hunter Biden's laptop discussing Joe's cut of Hunter's earnings. Joe Biden was generally receiving between 10 and 50 percent.
That puts response by Donald Trump in context.
If they cut Trump’s mic, he should just do commentary like the Althouse podcast on what Biden is saying, and release it later.
I am tired of being constantly lectured TV ads produced by woke-pretending businesses and public pr campaigns about how “exhausting” it is to be black in America and giving women the strength to motor on are worse than getting the clap. You can’t scratch the itch often enough and in the right location.
- Krumhorn
rehajm said...
Ealry voting in Florida had begin and while there are what look like big numbers favoring Democrats it is nowhere lopsided enough. Some D's already starting to panic.
Seems to be the story in all the swing states--party affiliation in early voting does not favour the Dems as much as expected. My own expectation is that it is worse than that as there will be more Dems voting R than Reps voting D.
BUT, just as fewer Dems than expected are voting early, it is possible that more Dems than expected will show up on Nov 3, so the importance of these early indications shouldn't be overstated.
"Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s three liberal members..."
We're likely to see that a lot in coming years.
I suggest the Trumpster do three hours with Joe Rogan next week.
If they cut Trump’s mic, he should just do commentary like the Althouse podcast on what Biden is saying, and release it later.
I'm thinking he brings flash cards. NO! WRONG! WHAT ABOUT YOUR CUT OF HUNTERS "EARNINGS"? They'll have to cut away from him on camera, too...
"I suggest the Trumpster do three hours with Joe Rogan next week."
Probably the best way for him -- and the Biden story -- to get to a large audience unfiltered.
My guess would be that it wouldn't make a lot of Biden-leaners change their vote, but it would cause a not-insubstantial part of them to not vote at all -- the Althouse reasoning taking effect.
I am Laslo.
If Trump were an decent and honorable President he would publicly condemn the folks who are harassing and posting death treats against the Fauci family to the extent that Fauci now has to travel with guards, but instead Trump calls Fauci an idiot adding fuel and permission to the crazy. No wonder people are tired of his narcissistic rants which are becoming more and more dangerous to the general public.
Trump should bring his own mic and amp.
As I understand it, Hunter sent in three laptops for repair. They had "liquid damage" which I take to mean had drinks spilled on their keyboard at a party. I used to fix these in my computer repair days after every New Year's Eve and Christmas due to office parties. And just as in Hunter's case there were keyboards you could fix and keyboards that were fried. So Hunter got a new keyboard for one computer and was told one couldn't be fixed. And the MacBook was left to be worked on. Then someone came and got a copy of the hard drive on the MacBook and then a keyboard was fixed and picked up and then the borrowed keyboard was returned on request. And the MacBook was forgotten. After all Hunter O'Millions had the drive info which was probably put on a new computer and one computer was bad and he was ignoring the bills about the repairs and who could expect Hunter O'Millions to remember this tangle and that it meant that the MacBook was still there and its drive was intact and would be the computer store's property after 90 days? After 90 days what would Hunter remember about anything? And it's no surprise that the computer store owner knew how to copy drives and get past passwords and could understand advanced topics in American Government like coke and wild parties and influence peddling. The one unexpected event is that the computer shop owner went to the Republicans when the FBI remained inert. It's a similar move to Pelosi's hair stylist ratting her out and it shows once again the kind of bubble power-people move in these days. They simply aren't aware any longer of the people around them, and yet they have a lot to hide.
"Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s three liberal members..."
“We're likely to see that a lot in coming years.”
My bet is the opposite - that Roberts pretty much only goes left when it matters. 5-4 against him has him controlling the writing of the dissent. 6-3 and he controls the majority opinion. That is typically the holding of the case. Making it worse, 5-4 against him, and Thomas has first shot at writing the majority opinion. The left really hates Thomas opinions, because he tends to use a very broad brush. He might say something such as affirmative action is racial discrimination. Roberts, writing that opinion might say something such as this was an instance of racial discrimination, but since the Court doesn’t have to go any further deciding the case, they won’t. Thomas has a tendency to blow through the legal hair splitting, and forcefully make the fundamentalist argument.
In my opinion the Chinese have been planning an October surprise, something ugly in the line of foreign affairs like invading Taiwan to match their ugly export of the Wuhan virus into our domestic economy earlier this year. This, in their minds, will save Joe B, especially if he never says anything and questions about B's foreign policy are banned. The counter move was to release the HunterFiles showing the Bs are owned by China. No matter what the Chinese do there are only two people running for President and only one is a free man, not owned by China. The counter to that was suppressing the news that China owns B, a suppression that is possible in China. The counter to that suppression was the Streisand Effect. Total suppression is not possible here - yet - and the attempt alarms and alerts and spreads the news widely. It's just my opinion but I think the Chinese are a practical, realistic people who will wreck our election, get rid of Trump and reduce America to North Korea under Joe the Puppet if they can but who will deal with Trump and US power if they have to. It's up to us to make them have to.
In my opinion the Chinese have been planning an October surprise, something ugly in the line of foreign affairs like invading Taiwan to match their ugly export of the Wuhan virus into our domestic economy earlier this year. This, in their minds, will save Joe B, especially if he never says anything and questions about B's foreign policy are banned. The counter move was to release the HunterFiles showing the Bs are owned by China. No matter what the Chinese do there are only two people running for President and only one is a free man, not owned by China. The counter to that was suppressing the news that China owns B, a suppression that is possible in China. The counter to that suppression was the Streisand Effect. Total suppression is not possible here - yet - and the attempt alarms and alerts and spreads the news widely. It's just my opinion but I think the Chinese are a practical, realistic people who will wreck our election, get rid of Trump and reduce America to North Korea under Joe the Puppet if they can but who will deal with Trump and US power if they have to. It's up to us to make them have to.
Will Welker’s mic be turned off during each of these 2 min responses as well?
Will Welker’s mic be turned off during each of these 2 min responses as well?
"If Trump were an decent and honorable President he would publicly condemn the folks who are harassing and posting death treats against the Fauci family..."
I hope that soothes the pain of voting for a serial plagiarist who sold his office to our enemies for decades, raped a female subordinate, and physically assaulted numerous women on video, and lies to you on a daily basis when he's not in a fog of dementia. I know you hate Trump, but voting for the other guy really destroys any moral or intellectual standing you might have to argue against Trump.
BUT, just as fewer Dems than expected are voting early, it is possible that more Dems than expected will show up on Nov 3, so the importance of these early indications shouldn't be overstated.
I'm more worried about Democrat votes that show up on November 10 to 20th. Once they figure out how many they need. With the Chief Justice help, of course.
I am tired of being constantly lectured TV ads produced by woke-pretending businesses and public pr campaigns about how “exhausting” it is to be black in America and giving women the strength to motor on are worse than getting the clap. You can’t scratch the itch often enough and in the right location.
Et moi, Krumhorn. I can't watch a sports event without hearing a sermonette on racial injustice. But I think this is an intentional trigger by the Left and the best thing we can do is to simply ignore it. And vote for Trump!!!!
tim in vermont: "Remember when National Review was a must read for the center right? At least they haven’t gone full Biden shill like gadfly and Chuck, but they have run an editorial that conservatives should abstain, which are all half votes for Biden.
To their credit though, they are running stories based on the emails. Unlike “The Bulwark” which thinks that it’s a matter of fierce urgency that these investigations into Biden are deep sixed ASAP"
It gets worse.
Over the weekend we learned that the FakeCon grifters at the almost non-existent-readership The Dispatch, with the usual FakeCon suspects Steve Hayes, Jonah Goldberg and David "anti-abortion" French, amongst others, were working very hard behind the scenes with Facebook to deplatform and ban ACTUAL pro-life groups by FALSELY labeling the ads and commentary of those pro-life ads dishonest.
At first, just like our very own LLR-lefty *****, they pretended they were principled conservatives who would always support pro-life groups and would never work behind the scenes with the far left to deplatform actual conservative groups....right up until the moment these morons figured out they wouldn't be able to keep up the ruse any longer.
At which point they admitted what had happened but then claimed it was simply a mistake and gee whiz, how did that happen and golly, how can we make sure a "mistake" like that doesn't happen again.........
So very, very LLR-lefty-like, eh?
I think most Biden voters will never even have to deal with the knowledge of the now blatant evidence of Joe Biden selling his influence to foreign powers through his son, Hunter Biden.
Twitter, Facebook, the news networks, and most of our newspapers will work hard to prevent that information from getting to the average voter. And of course they will be helped out by the human tendency towards conformation bias. Biden voters would have avoided or discounted any information that didn't match with the way they wanted to view the world in any case.
Except that if this information were out there where they couldn't have avoided seeing it, some people would surely have changed their votes.
This is not the main reason not to vote for the Democratic Party, by the way. There are a large number of reasons not to vote for the Democratic Party. The sins of the Democratic Party, and Joe Biden, are much worse than this.
But what makes this significant is its simplicity. Here is unambiguous evidence of Joe Biden selling access to the government. It's something everyone can understand.
Wish this kid (16 yr old) had been part of the Republican Convention - Chandler Crump has a heck of a future in politics and the future, spreading the "Virus of Intelligence" in a stand-up style with pithy deconstructions of the progressives. He is part of the WalkAway campaign. Checkout one of his many videos.
I don’t think you can argue with this take.
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