September 6, 2020

"This girl should be the poster child for white privilege... I wonder how her rich parents feel about their daughter. How would they feel if they graffitied their townhouse?"

Said a cop quoted in "Wealthy NYC woman busted in BLM rampage" about the arrest of "Clara Kraebber, 20... one of eight people arrested Friday night after a roiling, three-hour rampage... from Foley Square up to 24th Street.... 'Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground!' the group chanted as it moved up Lafayette Street while busting the plate glass facades of banks, Starbucks and Duane-Reades."

It's not surprising that privileged young white women would get caught up in Black Lives Matter. It's a classic theme. Haven't you read "American Pastoral"? Don't you remember Patty Hearst? Haven't you looked at the photos of who's out rampaging on the streets this year?

Here's my teaser line for a movie about a young white woman in the BLM protests of 2020: Sometimes protesting against white privilege is the most white-privileged thing you can do.


Biotrekker said...

"Her father is Markus Kraebber, an Upper East Side child and adolescent psychiatrist who teaches at the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry." Oh, the irony!

Michael K said...

They hate their parents, just like the Boomers.

mccullough said...

So her parents can afford to pay the restitution for her.

William said...

It doesn't take much virtue to feel superior to a wife beating, drug addict. It's banal and ,in fact, rather low class to express any feelings of superiority to such a damaged person. What takes virtue, breeding, and discrimination is the effort and willingness to feel superior to the police officer who gets caught up in the shit storm that hovers around that damaged person. If the police officer does not respond with restraint and tact to that damaged person and his shit storm, then the truly superior person knows who's at fault.

Wince said...

"And this one time, at Antifa-camp, I stuck a raised fist in my pussy."

LYNNDH said...

Michael, I a 74 yr old Boomer did not hate my Parents. Other Boomers I know didn't either.

Wonder how these Young White Boys and Girls that are rampaging freely will react when heads start getting busted. And it will happen as they get more violent.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

"Clara Kraebber didn’t have much to say when reached by phone at her second home in Connecticut Friday night."

Gotta love it!

In other news John Malkovich's 38 year old son arrested for rioting in Portland.

Bay Area Guy said...

A Democratic voter at her finest.

Big Mike said...

I’m sure the parents will have some variation on “kids will be kids.”

chuck said...

Same thing in the sixties. My hypothesis was that the left was a way for the privileged to hang onto their privilege. Merit stood athwart the road to their destiny.

Fernandinande said...

while busting the plate glass facades of ...whatever

I wish they'd start shooting these assholes as soon as they started a fire, broke a window or threw anything at anyone.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I think the family is OK with their little princess. Dad's a child shrink a mom's an architect

buwaya said...

Is there a possibility of a civil suit, that can eventually collect damages from her inheritance?

Fernandinande said...

Haven't you read "American Pastoral"?

No, but your link goes the same page as the first link.

Scalito said...

To be fair, young Clara isn't the brightest bulb. With all of her privilege, including her mother's and father's connections to Columbia and NYU, she attends ... Rice University.


Michael K said...

Biotrekker said...
"Her father is Markus Kraebber, an Upper East Side child and adolescent psychiatrist who teaches at the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry." Oh, the irony!

I disagree. It explains a lot.

Tina Trent said...

Hmm, American Pastoral. I would definitely add author Philip Roth himself to the list of privileged incoherent whiners lashing out at other people. Goodbye, Columbus, in which the main character of AP first appears, is one of whiniest books I've ever read, filled with bitching about how his girlfriend's WASP family was athletic and happy, as if this was some conspiracy against him, which filled him with non-ironic rage, plus the way he tendered that rage by fantasizing about them as closet anti-semites as he pressured the girlfriend, for whom he had nothing but contempt because she was a "shiksa," to have sex with him so he could get his "revenge" on her family's imaginary crimes against him.

I went to high school and college with a lot of jerks like that and learned early to not let them guilt me out with their preferred form of victimization masturbation. A good, if not professionally helpful skill to possess these days.

Tina Trent said...

The Weathermen and other terrorists almost all came from very elite if not extremely wealthy backgrounds, including most of the red-diaper babies who have always exaggerated their families' relative poverty. So did a statistically improbable percentage of their black and Hispanic counterparts.

Matt Sablan said...

See, they won't graffiti that girls townhouse, because Democrat mayors and governors would move to protect a white rich neighborhood, as we've seen when they deploy people to protect their own homes. But, go ahead and burn down the commercial district or minority neighborhoods.

I guess Wheeler is perhaps the least hypocritical, since it sounds like he was going to let them burn his place down too until he decided to just move instead.

JAORE said...

Sometimes protesting against white privilege is the most white-privileged thing you can do.

Good one.

Rebels without a clue.

What are you rebelling against?
What 'cha got?

rcocean said...

Its like people don't understand the Left. This is all funded by Rich leftists like George Soros. Many of the leading Bolsheviks came from well-to-do families or were rich. Litinov came from a wealthy Jewish family and so did Trotsky and Zininov. Lenin was a well-to-do father, and his Grandfather owned an estate. Probably the only Bolshevik who was NOT from a well-to-do family was Stalin.

How many of the bombers and criminals of the SDS and the "New Left" in late 60s and early 70s were from well-to-do backgrounds? Almost all of them.

Paul said...

Marx and most of his communist friends were ... rich kids. So are we shocked? It's always rich spoiled kids doing the biggest crimes. It's their way out of boredom.

Sebastian said...

"Sometimes protesting against white privilege is the most white-privileged thing you can do."


Not sure if I wanna see that movie, but I'll take it as a good summons to action for those of us who intend to fight white privilege in all its malignant prog forms.

Roughcoat said...

She probably thinks she's "basically a nice person."

Note: I didn't hate my parents and neither did anyone I knew growing up. Knock it off, Michael. Stop painting with that broad brush.

BamaBadgOR said...

Great teaser line!

Ralph L said...

NYP did a pretty thorough job of exposing her. Nice contrast with the late Rosenbaum, unless she's a goat-fucker.

Spiros said...

Violence, trashing stores and bombing police cars is not going to work. It is repulsive. But nonviolent civil disobedience will fail as well. This tactic is incredibly disruptive: streets are blockaded, traffic is brought to a standstill and work stops. But what happens when bureaucrats and professionals can work from home?

Jupiter said...

A ginger, and her Dad is a psychiatrist? Poor kid never had a chance.

Spiros said...

Also how wonderful is the term "vandalism"? Vandals were barbarians that destroyed art and civilization in the sack of Rome. Are these protesters ruthless thugs hell bent on destroying our society?

Spiros said...

Also how wonderful is the term "vandalism"? Vandals were barbarians that destroyed art and civilization in the sack of Rome. Are these protesters ruthless thugs hell bent on destroying our society?

Temujin said...

Our generation were the worst parents in history. The previous generation scaled cliffs at Normandy under intense fire, while others (women) took to the factories to turn out jeeps and airplanes instead of cars. They then returned to their homes and built a country the likes of which had not been seen previously.

Our generation went to school, got degrees, made money, then let their kids be taught by those we went to school with. We should have known better. We were there with them. We knew they were full of shit in the 60s and 70s. Yet we let our kids be taught by them. And now, a gen and a half later, they are wealthy beyond words, have pretty much everything they could ever want in their lives, and they are screaming to tear it all down.

This is some seriously messed up stuff.

Fernandinande said...

John Malkovich’s son is arrested at protest in Portland

Spiros said...

During WW2, American soldiers painted "Kilroy was here" on virtually everything. This is pretty cool. I wonder what future generations will think of BLM and antifa graffiti?

iowan2 said...

White woman have to run BLM

Because African Americans as a group, and especially African American Men lack the mental capacity to organize a two car parade.

Michael K said...

Note: I didn't hate my parents and neither did anyone I knew growing up. Knock it off, Michael. Stop painting with that broad brush.

Well, now we have three. How else do you explain the 60s? OK, the war but that wasn't all of it. I was pre-boomer and saw the boomers close up.

Lars Porsena said...

You can bet mommy and daddy are very progressive and raised baby to be like them.

I'm Not Sure said...

I'm a boomer and I don't hate my parents. I don't remember hearing any of my friends say they hated theirs, either. For the record, Markus Kraebber was born in 1963, so just barely a boomer. A silly classification anyway, if you ask me- I'm not sure how grouping people born in 1946 with those in 1964 describes anything useful.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The Socialist And The Socialite

Ken B said...

She will get the best lawyers, and feel unashamed about it.

wbfjrr2 said...

It’s amazing the percentage of these neurotic morons live in blue cities. Must be something in the water.

mockturtle said...

Having been involved in radical leftist politics, myself, when I was young, it is understandable to me that young people, especially those from comfortably affluent homes, get swept up into a frenzy of rage and destruction because of youthful naivete and rebellious spirit. The problem is that, today, the grownups are joining in the fray and there are no adults left in the room.

Mary Beth said...

Her mom's an architect and she wants to burn down buildings.

Unknown said...

No one ever tells them "no"

mockturtle said...

Again, the only Churchillian adage: "If you're not a Liberal when you are 20, you have no heart. If you're not a Conservative when you are 40, you have no brain"

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

"I wish they'd start shooting these assholes as soon as they started a fire, broke a window or threw anything at anyone."

Second the motion! All in favor?

Big Mike said...

All in favor?

I move unanimous consent.

Yancey Ward said...

No surprise- it takes a lot of money to travel from city to city burning and rioting- it isn't like you can do it while actually working or going to school. I imagine a lot of these professional protest groups are filled with kids from wealthy families.

Rabel said...

"Well, now we have three."

Make it four.

narciso said...

one of the sds was a child of one of johnson's domestic advisors, kind of like the scenario in bely's petersburg, also the twins in that dreadful joyce carol oates tale I referenced earlier,

Paul said...

Third the motion. The National Guard should be ordered to shoot on sight any arsonist or rioter.

Joe Smith said...

Three hour 'rampage' and only 8 arrested...all you need to know.

I support law enforcement, but this sounds like incompetence.

Doug said...

Her mom's an architect and she wants to burn down buildings.
Yeah, 'cause it's always somebody else's shit.

Cheryl said...

Reason No. 523 that colleges need to get back to in-person classes. She should have been in school in Houston, not back home in "the city."

Also, Rice is a really, really competitive university for admissions, unlike what someone alluded to previously. I'm in the middle of college admissions for my four kids (three down, one to go). I hear about how competitive a school is and then see some person like this who gets in and I have absolutely no desire to throw my kid into that mix. Honestly, and then people like this graduate and think they are the "betters" of everyone in the country.

gspencer said...

The bull dykes are gonna have a lotta fun this one. Tight ass and little titties.

Highly, highly unlikely little Clara is prepared for what's in store.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I'm not sure how grouping people born in 1946 with those in 1964 describes anything useful.”

Actually, 1949 is a better start than 1946. Of course, if you use that metric, the only Boomer President was Obama, and that was only barely.

There was a small Baby Blip right after WW II around the world. But it fairly quickly died out. The real Baby Boom started in maybe 1949 or so, when all the women who had taken the jobs of the men during the war got married and quit their jobs, so the men could go back to work, and then started having babies. It pretty much only occurred in Anglosphere countries that had not experienced the war directly, as much of Europe had. The women were encouraged to do this by a combination of government and MSM propaganda. And it really didn’t involve an increase in the number of kids per family, but rather an increase in the percentage of the cohort married. In my grandparents’ era (all born in the 1890s), there was a significant number of maiden aunts and uncles. They mostly disappeared with the generation that went away to fight in WW II. That was the real cause of the Baby Boom - the significant increase in the percentage of the WW II fighting cohort that got married and had kids. And that was intentionally done in order to give the jobs that the women had done through the war to the returning war vets.

I have always found it interesting that the proto-Boomers, born throughout the 1940s, and esp in the first several years after WW II, formed much of the Boomer leadership, and benefitted more because they were conveniently positioned right ahead of the Boomers. We are talking both Clintons, AlGore, GW Bush, Trump, etc. along with many of our leaders in popular culture. This group was able to also scoop up a lot of the academic slots that became available when the Baby Boom exploded college attendance.

Leora said...

I haven't read "American Pastoral" but the wealthy radical girl is a the character who gets killed in "Native Son." Also back to the a9th century there're the women in "The Devils" by Dostoevsky.

Not Sure said...

Patty Hearst, kidnapping and torture victim, isn't really a close comp to this rich bitch.

Rusty said...

Yancy. I suspect uncle George is paying for a lot of it.

n.n said...

She is probably em-pathetic with the principles and false premise of Some, Select Black Lives Matter.

Leora said...

Joe Smith, it's not incompetence by NYPD. it's lack of will on the part of elected officials and their appointees.

Richard Dolan said...

AA compares the UES riotess portrayed in the Post article to Merry in American Pastoral, surely Roth's best novel. Tina T upthread offers a dim view of Roth, to the effect that in his novels he's a tiresome whiner lashing out at others. TT particularly dislikes Portnoy, a character who dissects his sexual frustrations in a long monologue with his psychoanalyst. Whiner isn't the word I would use to describe Portnoy -- each to her own on that. But it's hard to see how, in that book or his others, Roth was lashing out at others -- his consistent theme was himself, depicted under various guises as an irreverent and very sex-obsessed member of the post-war Jewish-American tribe. Clara, the UES-er arrested for bashing store windows in Manhattan, doesn't sound much like Merry Levov, the unrepentant bomber in Pastoral, who turns out so badly. Roth was unrelenting in showing how Merry's crazed, self-destructive acts pulled her and her family (especially the father) ever deeper into their own special hell.

Clara sounds a bit frivolous and bubble-headed in the Post write-up, and her crime has a similarly dumb-ass quality to it -- how does smashing windows at Starbucks (of all places) advance whatever agenda she thought she had? With luck she would have quite the same descent to absolute bottom as Merry. Dum spiro spero, as they used to say.

doctrev said...

Is she yet another "German," with a strong national and Christian heritage? Like Mr. Reinoehl? Inga's warnings about Nazi militias may have been spot on, especially with Richard Spencer's endorsement of Joe Biden.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

after they are arrested - they are let go

Catch and release terrorists.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

just some kids having fun with fire. TDS must be satisfied... If your business happens to burn down, sucks to be you. Vote Biden!

Larry1984 said...

Guilt about their superiority complex!

chuck said...

How else do you explain the 60s?

What makes you think their parents didn't support their children? The thirties were a radical period ended by WWII. My father voted for Norman Thomas in 1940, I was naturally more conservative than he, although it took a while before I realized it. Ayers' father was a radical. The wave of divorce started with the greatest generation. In many ways I think the 60's generation realized the postponed dreams of their parents.

Ken B said...

Facing 4 years, will serve ... nothing. Nothing.

Ken B said...

Blogger gspencer said...
The bull dykes are gonna have a lotta fun this one. Tight ass and little titties.

Highly, highly unlikely little Clara is prepared for what's in store

It’s kinda touching you think she'll serve time. Naive, deluded, but touching.

Joe Smith said...

"Joe Smith, it's not incompetence by NYPD. it's lack of will on the part of elected officials and their appointees."

Then it's incompetence on the part of the police union. There should be mass arrests, with every one documented.

When they are let go the same night, or the DA refuses to prosecute, the head of the union should be calling a press conference every day to go over the numbers.

People on the right (correct) side of the law need to learn how to play the game.

FullMoon said...

Don't you remember Patty Hearst?
Kidnapped by antifa type assholes who had assassinated a black school superintendent, Marcus Foster, by bravely firing from the bushes and many who later burned to death while in a gunfight with police. Brainwashed and raped.

Exactly same thing as this princess.

Jon Ericson said...


FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

I have always found it interesting that the proto-Boomers, born throughout the 1940s, and esp in the first several years after WW II, formed much of the Boomer leadership,

I am amused at the Boomers here denying that they hated their parents. My wife is an early Boomer, born in 1945. My generation is Depression Babies. Depression courtships often lasted for years. My parents dated for almost ten years before marrying. My mother went to California for three years during that time. The Boomers were the bulge that went through the college age population about 1968 to 1975. College age. And maybe they didn't hate their parents but they acted like it.

narciso said...

there was also a film that young henry winkler was a star of in the 70s, technically co star with sissy spacek, either titled katherine, (who an analogue to diana oughton, bill ayers girlfriend,) I was surprised to read that they rebuilt the greenwich village townhouse where she was blown up,

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

narciso said...
one of the sds was a child of one of johnson's domestic advisors, kind of like the scenario in bely's petersburg, also the twins in that dreadful joyce carol oates tale I referenced earlier,

9/6/20, 11:33 AM

Don't forget Tim Kaine's son. The son of the 2016 VP candidate was arrested for disrupting a Trump rally:

Of course, you might not have heard about that at all. The media mainly ignored it.

Sally327 said...

In the article it mentions she worked on Beto O'Rourke's Senate campaign against Ted Cruz (she is a student at Rice University in Houston,hence the TX connection). Maybe Beto's loss was so devastating it tipped her over the edge and she decided violent anarchy was the only answer. Depending on what she thinks the question is.

I haven't read about any rioting in Houston. Maybe she will bring the struggle with her if/when she returns to school.

mockturtle said...

Breaking windows, looting and setting buildings on fire is just damned empowering, doncha know? So easy to destroy in seconds someone's business that took a lifetime to build.

Bunkypotatohead said...

That must be the daughter Carrot Top gave up for adoption at birth.

Michael K said...

The birth rate and illegitimacy rates of the 30s are on record.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I am amused at the Boomers here denying that they hated their parents. My wife is an early Boomer, born in 1945. My generation is Depression Babies. Depression courtships often lasted for years. My parents dated for almost ten years before marrying. My mother went to California for three years during that time. The Boomers were the bulge that went through the college age population about 1968 to 1975. College age. And maybe they didn't hate their parents but they acted like it.”

Note that someone starting college in 1968 was probably born around 1950. Which I should know, because that group includes me. Don’t know when my parents got engaged, but they corresponded throughout the war. They met at a USO dance at the University of Illinois in probably 1943, while the Army was still trying to train my father as an engineer, and he was taking classes there (as was my mother). The program was discontinued, and he was ultimately shipped to rural China where he was in a Signal Corps unit that got one coded message through a day. Pretty boring, which is why they were writing letters to each other almost daily. After the war, there seemed to have been a rush for everyone getting married, but I think, at least for some, it was delayed by the men finishing their education under the GI Bill. In my parents case, he had started law school by the time that they got married a bit over a year after he got back.

Professional lady said...

I'm a boomer - I never hated my parents.