September 29, 2020

Here's a place to talk about the debate.

I probably won't talk about anything until tomorrow, but I'll try to approve comments for at least a little while. I expect to fall asleep. It's starting too late! I don't know how old man Biden — and old man Trump — can take these late hours. And I'm in the Central Time Zone. 

ADDED: My son John is live-blogging here.


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Freeman Hunt said...

The third party candidates won tonight.

glam1931 said...

I hope you got some sleep, Ann!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Humper Biden: a chip off the old blocK

THREAD #MiddleClassJoe
How does he do it $-- SloJo getting rich in office

*While his only job was in Government for 47 years?
*Now unemployed since 2016

pacwest said...

Trump obviously decided a brawl would be the best way to handle the debate. He's the President. I've never been fond of his public persona, and I don't think he did himself any favors with the fencesitters in that regard. Biden was a constant stream of lies. Wallace pulled a Candy Crowley with the "good people" lie. I do think Trump cold have made some of his points much better if he was playing to anyone other than his base.

M Jordan said...

Trump won big. He was good with the facts, better with the answers, and best as a force of nature. He threw a Biden off his game plan with his grinding, aggressive, interruptions. He showed the nation its Trump versus everyone: the Dems, the media, academia, all the elite institutions.

His poll numbers will rise from this.

MadTownGuy said...

First impression: a reality show where Trump drives a bulldozer through the debate set. I recorded it so I can have the sheer enjoyment of hearing three people talk over each other (mostly Trump over everyone else) but I mainly want to look at the moderator's questions. Seemed like at least a couple were intended as gotchas aimed at Trump and opportunities for Biden to parrot his talking points.

Patrick said...

Trump lost my Florida vote tonight. He was a lock for it until he closed the country for a virus that only kills 90 year olds. I thought I would never vote for a Democrat, especially one a senile as Biden.

This debate should have been a layup for Trump. I can't believe after all he has been through over the last four years he could mess up this bigly on this stage.

I probably won't vote for Biden, but unless something miraculous happens I will do as my father plans to do and not check either box for president.

Bay Area Guy said...

Messy and hard to watch!

Bay Area Guy said...

Didn't like the debate, bailed at halftime. Too much mutual interrupting.

But it's very hard for me to determine who "won". For example, the excitable Andrew Sullivan says that Trump was dominating. , but gives no explanation.

I will say one thing - Trump the tv star feeds off crowds. Biden the non-tv star doesn't. Therefore, a silent audience tends to hurt Trump, more than Biden.

rehajm said...

I'm sure in the next debate the moderators will have time to get to foreign policy decisions, violence in our leftie cities, who is causing it, who is funding it and who is enabling it, the existence of Biden's connection to the Russian collusion hoax or the existence of Democratic corruption and Biden's excuse for his participation...

I will say Trump could have done less interrupting but if anyone still believes Fox News sides with the GOP they are delusional.

rehajm said...

From JAC: Trump ignores the facts and says about the economy under Obama: "It wasn't booming!"

A 'booming' economy is somewhat subjective but for economic experts - and even the experts in the Obama White House- the expectation was for a far robust V shaped recovery. Remember The Summer if Recovery that never came! Believe the experts. Believe the Science. The Obama administration made it worse...

rehajm said...

Did CNN fact check? I'm sure they caught at least the largest of Biden's lies...

Rusty said...

Well. That was fun. The participation trophy left is claiming victory. How precious. You candidate doesn't even know where he is half the time unless he's pumped full of prednizone and puddin' cups. Yeah. Vote for that guy.

Mr. Forward said...

Finally, an honest debate. These two really don’t like each other and they let us know. Much more refreshing than the usual bipartisan bull. It’s us against them, now you know.

tim in vermont said...


tim in vermont said...

"Am I the only one bothered that Chris Wallace made up an idea of 'independent certification’”

Just like Kerry’s “global test."

Kevin said...

Did CNN fact check? I'm sure they caught at least the largest of Biden's lies...

No, the panel just collectively agreed Trump is too terrible to be President.

When Santorum brought up Hunter, Anderson Cooper cut him off.

DeepRunner said...

Final score...a near draw.

Trump was boisterous and bordered on bullying. He made his points. He was Billy Mays after 48 cups of covfefe.

Biden was the direct-response TV sales guy, selling Kirby vacuum cleaners to the suburban Frappuccino Femmes.

Chris Wallace was the apple that doesn't fall far from the tree. His old man woulda been proud of him having his thumb on the scale.

It was rich hearing Biden blame Trump for all the COVID deaths of black people. But Trump missed some golden opportunities (He should have compared his bunker to Biden's basement).

AllenS said...

Chris Wallace works for Fox News. This debate removes all doubt that Fox News is right wing propaganda.

David Begley said...

I’m interested in Ann’s take on the fine people on both sides lie. Wallace was wrong to bring that up.

Trump tried to get Biden to meltdown, but it didn’t work. Joe was very rehearsed and stuck to the script.

Calling antifa an idea was laughable, but the Fake News focused on the fact that Trump didn’t condemn the Proud Boys.

For the first time in 2020, I’m afraid Biden might win. The Dems are stealing votes and have planned this for months.

Wall Street will be down today.

RMc said...

I made two predictions beforehand: If Biden stays upright for 90 minutes, then the media (1) will declare Biden the winner and (2) demand the remaining debates be cancelled, because reasons.


stevew said...

I didn't watch but reading the comments here and from across the internet I score this a draw. Not a single vote changed, nor a fence sitter convinced to come down on one side or the other. And, really, how can any thinking person be undecided?

The other thing all the commentary exemplifies is Scott Adams' One Screen, Two Movies idea.

tim in vermont said...

I wonder if the interpreters at Telemundo framed Trump’s words more clearly than he did himself.

Breezy said...

At one point Biden said that Trump wants the violence since its good for his campaign, and claimed his own campaign admitted it. Trump denied that and asked who said that. Biden paused then said, “Kellyanne Conway“, a little meekly. It struck me that he was fed that in some way. I’m not sure he could recollect that detail. I could be wrong of course.

Maddad said...

In not even that old and I also think it started too late. But since I have a personal animosity toward Joe Biden due to an interaction we had when I was just out of college (nothing dirty, he was a, I'll use the word jerk but I think everyone knows what I mean) and a couple of really nice interactions with Trump around the same time (not a jerk, but definitely in charge), I already know who I'm voting for. So I didn't have to watch it, lucky me.

Matthew Heintz said...

By now peeps should know that linking to Althouse's son's Facebook efforts is a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME!!!

I Callahan said...

Trump lost my Florida vote tonight. He was a lock for it until he closed the country for a virus that only kills 90 year olds. I thought I would never vote for a Democrat, especially one a senile as Biden.

And Biden said he'd lock down THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. So on what basis are you making this decision?

I probably won't vote for Biden, but unless something miraculous happens I will do as my father plans to do and not check either box for president.

So it really is about the feelz. Why do I get the distinct impression that the above is concern trolling at it's most transparent? Pull the other one; this one is sore...

MartyH said...

The most revelatory exchange to me last night was Wallace's question to Biden if he had called the Mayor of Portland or the Governor of Oregon (i.e., shown some leadership on the issue.) Biden's excuse was, "I don't hold public office. Now I am a former vice president. I've made it clear. I've made it clear in my public statements that the violence should be prosecuted."

Zero actual leadership on the issue. Zero actual thought about how he could really contribute to solving the problem.

Biden was a Senator and understands committees, not leadership. His solution to solving everything was gathering everyone together for a kumbaya session.

Kai Akker said...

"I was a little embarrassed by it. We should be better." [Bagoh20]

Definitely. Debates are a civilized activity, a sort of intellectual football game, that might have worked in other times. Mental and verbal combat within strict rules. Certainly they are highly artificial set-ups; and making them ever more free-form, like this one was supposed to have been in theory, works against the purpose and point of a debate.

These are definitely not times conducive to structured debate. There are not just differing viewpoints, but two wholly different universes on either side. With a moderator full of the conventional wisdom like Chris Wallace, Trump -- or any unconventional or new-conservative candidate -- has to re-invent the wheel just to get to the starting line against the moderator's assumptions and prejudices.

Maybe this will be the end of this whole "Presidential Debate" stuff. Who will be watching another one of these? I for one won't miss them, although I am sorry Trump did not make better use of this opportunity. If Mike Wallace's son ended up destroying this media tradition, it will be one more little irony of the transition into different times.

jim said...

obviously, Trump was afraid to debate Biden. Because he's a chicken shit.

roesch/voltaire said...

Inciting domestic terrorism will not go over well for most voters.

Karen of Texas said...

"Am I the only one bothered that Chris Wallace made up an idea of "independent certification" for our election? who? What? How?"

No, you're not. My immediate thought was "well, well, the UN smucks are finally going to get to play in our election sandbox in a big way afterall." One world, don'cha know.

stlcdr said...

Blogger Patrick said...
Trump lost my Florida vote tonight. He was a lock for it until he closed the country for a virus that only kills 90 year olds. I thought I would never vote for a Democrat, especially one a senile as Biden.

This debate should have been a layup for Trump. I can't believe after all he has been through over the last four years he could mess up this bigly on this stage.


Why? What did he mess up? You didn't like his rhetoric?

Have things not been good for you? It's not as if anything he has said here is changing policy: that is, to quote, "just a debate!"

Douglas B. Levene said...

The only issue that mattered was whether Biden appeared senile and confused or alert and with-it, and he passed that test. The rest is sound and fury signifying nothing.

Qwinn said...

What's the Left's entire basis for claiming Proud Boys are a "hate group" and "White Supremacist"? The word of the Southern Poverty Law Center, itself a hate group.

That's it. All they got. Read their ridiculously biased wiki page. It mentions the SPLC attacks like 8 times, because they have nothing else.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Here is 10 minute of left-wing violence coupled with all the top democrats asking for it.

MadTownGuy said...

God bless Rev for posting the transcript so I don't have to listen to the recording! Now I can catalog the questions and rate them on the Gotcha-O-Meter.

Looking ahead to the vice presidential debate next week, I'm hoping Mike Pence will get inside Kamala Harris' OODA loop and incite her to say what she really thinks instead of the typical canned responses as Biden did last night. Hoping...

Michael K said...

Blogger AllenS said...
Chris Wallace works for Fox News. This debate removes all doubt that Fox News is right wing propaganda.

Great sarcasm.

jim said...

And, as we all know, Sarcasm makes America great!

FGH said...

Jefferson's reference to the "roiling seas of liberty" is helpful here. Just drawing Biden out of his bunker and into the discussion, the macro take from the debate, redounds to Trump and the side he represents in the pitched battle of political visions that is Election 2020. It will now be difficult for Biden to lie low, a strategy that has worked well for him until last night. If you stir muddy water enough, get it swirling, clarity emerges.

jim said...

And, btw, last night ranting was not so much an attack on Biden (who with only 1 or 2 slips handled the chaos), but an attack on the American people.

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "Inciting domestic terrorism will not go over well for most voters."

Yes. A leftist wrote that.

Just now.

Without irony.

As if the previous 6 months never happened at all.

History began anew this morning.

Gospace said...

Patrick said...
Trump lost my Florida vote tonight. He was a lock for it until he closed the country for a virus that only kills 90 year olds.

What the hell world do you live in? Trump hasn't closed anything- he doesn't have the power. He left decisions up tp 50 state governors. Some, like Kristi Noem, have demonstrated they believe in liberty and haven't closed their state at all. Others, like Dictator Cuomo, have used the virus as an excuse to establish their dictatorships.

hstad said...

:...It is a very entertaining debate if you like professional wrestling..." Yep, you're correct, that's why Hispanics, watching on Telemundo, said 66% to 34% said President Trump won the debate. Another hint, MSM next morning said debate was: "sh*t show", unpresidential, nuts, , call for no more debates, etc. So if Biden won, whey did the MSM not praise Biden for his performance.

hstad said...

Biden came across as weak. It’s one I’m seeing from a lot of lefties on Twitter.
I just switched to MSNBC and CNN, and they seem to agree with Andrew Sullivan that Trump dominated (of course, that means Orange Man Bad to them):

Nicole Wallace: Trump showed “an insatiable need to dominate and control.”

Biden had notes that he had been looking at during the debate. At the end he picked them up and folded them in half and stuck them in his jacket.
There were a few times when he seemed to start into a prepared answer for the wrong question.

Jim at said...

He was a lock for it until he closed the country for a virus that only kills 90 year olds.

Trump did this? He locked down the entire country?
When did this happen? I must've missed it.

Jim at said...

Inciting domestic terrorism will not go over well for most voters.

As opposed to your side which is, you know, actually doing it?

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