September 4, 2020

Biden did another press conference, but the pressfolk are helping him too much.

Here's the transcript in case you'd like to check the accuracy of York's assessment. And here's video:


Gk1 said...

I think someone on twitter said "The press conference looked more like a parent trying to help their 3 year old win Candyland"

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Not only stupid lay up questions. It seems that Biden had the questions ahead because his answers were so fast. The question hadn't barely ended and he already had an answer lined up.

No one thinks THAT fast and especially not Slow Joe who can normally barely string four words together.

What a complete crock.

The media should be ashamed of themselves.....if they had the capacity for any self reflection.

Jon Ericson said...

Jim Lehrer's Rules of Journalism

Josephbleau said...

Biden is a complete and utter asshole. He lies. He has Emily Littella anger against stupidly false claims.

Michael K said...

Chris Wallace; "vice president Biden, please ,list all the reasons why president Trump should not be re-elected."

Lance said...

Speaker 10: (52:55)
Mr. Vice President, if I may ask. President Trump has just announced Kosovo and Serbia deal. President Trump has just announced an economic normalization deal between Serbia and Kosovo. And part of that deal is Kosovo and Israel having diplomatic normalization. You have stated that you support a two state solution in the Middle East. Would you support more Muslim majority countries normalizing relations with Israel, even though it may mean that the Palestinians will lose leverage in their fight towards a two state solution?

Joe Biden: (53:30)
Well, first of all, I don’t know what the deal is you’re referring to. Okay. What I have argued relative to Serbia and Kosovo, is that Kosovo should be an independent country, not a part of Serbia. I’ve spent a lot of time there. And so I don’t know how … I assume that would reinforce that independence, but I don’t know, based on what’s being said. I think normalization of relations among countries is a by and large an almost every instance, a good thing to have a Muslim majority country normalizing relations with Israel. And in a generic sense seems positive to me, but I have to know the detail of what’s happening, what’s going on. And I don’t know that and it may, you may be right, that, that would cause the Palestinians to lose leverage in a decision on a two state solution. I’d have to look [crosstalk 00:54:36].

I believe this was the only non-softball question (even though it wasn't particularly hard), and Biden flubbed it. First he spent a few seconds pretending to be an authority on Balkan affairs, then he finally realized the "two-state" question was about Israel and Palestine, to which he offered a "I'll have to think about it" answer.

Rocketeer said...

They think they're building Biden up, but they're just bringing more ridicule on both him and themselves. They're actively hurting everybody involved in that press conference and they're too wrapped up in that bubble to see it.

Mike Sylwester said...

What would you say to supporters of QAnon, and what would you say to President Trump for not rejecting that conspiracy?

I am not an expert on QAnon, but I have spent some time and effort studying the phenomenon. The wording of this question indicates to me that the questioner does not understand the phenomenon.

Last weekend, I watched the television show Firing Line. The host, Margaret Hoover, asked the guest, Rich Lowry, about QAnon. That particular interchange indicated to me that neither of them ever had spent any time or effort studying QAnon, although both were vehement that this was some kind of outrageous conspiracy theory.

I myself have come to the opinion that QAnon is Donald Trump's son Eric Trump. Donald knew all about Eric's hobby and even participated himself occasionally as the character QAnon+.

I wrote the above paragraph in the past tense, because QAnon has been quasi-banned for many months. For that reason, I myself stopped paying attention to it.

Because of my own understanding of QAnon being an Internet character played by Eric Trump, it does not make any sense to ask Joe Biden: What would you say to supporters of QAnon, and what would you say to President Trump for not rejecting that conspiracy?

First, we all can be sure that Biden does not know anything at all about QAnon.

Second, we all can be sure that Trump knows a million times more about it than Biden does. In fact, many people think that QAnon is Trump himself. In any case, Trump has hinted many times that he is well informed about QAnon.

Third, why would Trump reject that conspiracy? No matter whether President Trump himself participated in QAnon, Trump himself was the hero of QAnon.

Basically, QAnon was writing cryptic messages telling the public about how President Trump was struggling against -- and ultimately will defeat -- the Deep State and various other villains.

The big deal that is being made about QAnon now -- by people who obviously know nothing about it -- is preposterous. Even if QAnon is just some Internet hoax, it's an innovative, clever, entertaining drama that does no harm except waste some people's time.

Mike Sylwester said...

Those reporters should be ashamed of themselves for asking Biden only such fawning questions.

Drago said...

I was surprised to see there were no pudding questions.

todd galle said...

I don't see how they, meaning the media, can keep this up for two months without losing all credibility (well, what's remaining). The debates, if they occur, should have a drug test before. Check both Trump and Biden. Let the public see what is flowing through the veins. I've done it numerous times for the military, government, job interviews, and for blood donations. Forget tax returns, let's see what Old Scranton Joe is hopped up on. I would think it rhymes with 'B-12' and mild uppers. There is an accusation, let the Biden team deny it. I have the info from 4 sources, who won't go on the record, that insist it is true, that he's dropping uppers like Tic-Tacs. Isn't how this works? Bye the way, my sources are impeccable.

Ken B said...

I watched a few minutes here and there.

“Disgusting if true” is disgusting. You cannot call someone else divisive when you do stuff like this.

He often seems lost even just reading. “This is not who we are” is on every press conference drinking bingo card.

themightypuck said...

This has been obvious for at least 4 years. Once you see it you can't unsee it. Left is cool. Right is evil. The left: like power, use it, don't give a fuck, and get a free pass. When dealing with their friends (or hopeful friends) it's all hearts and minds. When dealing with their enemies it is total destruction followed by salting the earth, ripping up the graveyards, staking the desiccated hearts, and just in case, firing the whole mess into the sun.

Nonapod said...

Pathetic. The media are like a big mama bird who predigests all the questions and carefully regurgitate them into Joe's mouth.

rcocean said...

I especially liked the question by the CBS reporter. "Gee Mr. V-P, some people think you should be angrier at Trump given what creep he is. Why aren't you more angry?" Trump called them out in his press conference today, and labeled the questions Biden was getting, "Questions for a baby".

Sebastian said...

"Biden did another press conference, but the pressfolk are helping him too much."

Why too much? Not for us deplorables: we know our Joe. Too much for you? But that assumes you care -- why would you? Too much for regular Dems? Nah, they don't care. Too much for anyone who wants the pressfolk to do a proper press job? But no prog wants it, and everyone else expects nothing but partisanship.

Sebastian said...

By the way, did any of them ask which black man invented the lightbulb, and when?

RMc said...

the pressfolk are helping (Biden) too much.

You're...just now noticing this...?

Still, +1 for use of "pressfolk".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

13) what's your favorite color?

Kathryn51 said...

I read the transcript. Byron York was generous when he said that "many" of the questions consisted of reporters asking Biden to elaborate on how bad Trump is.

I would say that MOST questions were served up (aka softballs) so that Biden could trot out Orange Man Bad responses.

The one outlier was the reporter (Speaker #2) who tried to pin Biden down on the good economic news.

Bonus: Biden knew nothing about the Kosovo/Servia peace agreement.

Yancey Ward said...

The debates will be like The Bridge of Death. Joe Biden will be asked his favorite color, and Trump will be asked what is the air speed of a laden sparrow.

And Biden will still fuck it up.

Clyde said...

The press serves the same function for Biden as the pitcher does on a home run derby. Worse for them, it’s apparent to anyone with eyes, ears and a functioning brain.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey man

Why do BLM Marxist bullies use the N-word addressing black cops?
That OK with you Joe?

sinz52 said...

Logically, since Trump lies a thousand times more often than Biden, and is far more vindictive than Biden, and has a body count (190,000 from COVID-19) far higher than Biden's,

it stands to reason that the press would be tougher on Trump than on Biden. Trump has a lot more to answer for. Starting with the 190,000 dead (one of whom was my own father).

Retail Lawyer said...

Antifa people call other white people the N-word. Whats up with that?

Kevin said...

The best part was when he talked about the pin he “always carries”, but realized he didn’t carry today:

My anger is real because I must tell you, I carry and I deliberately didn’t bring it with me today. The Delaware National Guard had a pin made up. That’s a gold star that was made up for my son, Beau, who didn’t die in the field. And I always carry it with me and I didn’t carry it today because I was worried that if I focus too much on it, that I would engage in some of the kind of language the president’s used.

Bob B said...

Future reporter question to Biden: "Did you cash my campaign contribution yet?"

Kevin said...

Q: Could you tell us about your vision for the future?

Biden: “Everything is different, but the same... things are more moderner than before... bigger, and yet smaller... it's computers... San Dimas High School football rules!”

Rocketeer said...

Normally, I would default to compassion, but Trump didn't kill your father, and didn't remotely have anything to do with his death, you absolute jackass.

Kevin said...

Thank you all, and I now take your questions. I guess… Are you calling on people or how am I… I don’t have a list, so you go ahead and call.

Biden didn’t even take questions in random order.

Sometime was coordinating the order of the questions and the people were reading them off of their phones.

Patrick said...

Even if you hate Trump he deserves your vote in order to break the democratic media cabal.

Paul said...

People die of the CCP virus all over the world so why shocked if they die here? Nancy Pelosi tried to stop Trump from banning airline fights from China. So it ain't Trump's fault.

Polls now says Trump is 52 percent..

Economy is going up and up, unemployment is going down. And people do remember the 'mostly peaceful' riots, buildings burning, looting, 'defunding police',etc... and they will vote on those things.

Trump will win big. Softballing Biden will just show everyone how weak Biden really is.

Tough nuts Democrats... you reap what you sow.

Unknown said...


Nothing Trump did or failed to do is the reason your father died.

But you know that.

And by the way, it's not your (democrat??) Governor's fault, either.

And you know that, too.

pacwest said...

body count (190,000 from COVID-19)

I think what you mean to say is that Trump saved hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives since we were told to expect a body count of a million or more, way more.

(one of whom was my own father).

You sure you aren't the one who brought the virus into your parents home? By your logic you could have been the one that killed your own father.

Michael K said...

it stands to reason that the press would be tougher on Trump than on Biden. Trump has a lot more to answer for. Starting with the 190,000 dead (one of whom was my own father).

You lefties are always looking for someone to blame but yourself.

Birkel said...

sinz53 thinks the POTUS is responsible for every death during his administration.
I believe this principle is sincerely held.

Point me to your diatribe about Ambassador Stevens, please.

Also, are you mad about the 94% who had 2.6 comorbidities?
Or the 6% who had zero comorbidities?

Gunner said...

Dumbass Biden is basically admitting that he will believe anything MSN tells him about a Republican that is bad.

max said...

I only read from the comment posted earlier and the transcript and watched the final question. The belief in Joe's cognitive deficiency is greatly exaggerated. He understood the question. He gave a cogent though empty response.

Kansas Scout said...

talk about the walking dead. Press conference? Not what I saw.

Jamie said...

sinz52, I'm sorry for your loss.

But how do you explain the press's constant and baseless attacks on Trump and similarly constant and baseless tonguebaths for Obama, Clinton, Warren, Harris, Buttiegieg (I suspect I'm misspelling there - I never bothered to learn how to spell his name, only how to pronounce it), Beto, and Biden before COVID29?

Jamie said...

And I'll say again: a vote for Biden is a vote for the ascendancy of violence as a tool of American public policy. If Democrats aren't in control of the rioters but recognize that the rioters hate Trump (like the Democrats) and would go to extreme ends to prevent his reelection (like the Democrats), then Biden's election would mean that riots worked - and will be deployed as a tactic again and again. And not always solely against Republicans.

And if Democrats are in control of the rioters, well, that's pretty damning all on its own.

The only way to deter rioters from their present belief that they are effectively shaping American public policy (and therefore their future reliance on the tactic) is not to let them shape it.

Jamie said...

Man, I wish moderation allowed for editing - and that phone screens were bigger. COVID19, not 29!

Doug said...

Want my conspiracy theory?
The dems are throwing the election. Their payoff?
Shrillary! Comey, Clapper,Brennan, Lynch, et al go scot free, no indictments or trials. Billy Jeff gets all his Epstein shenanigans. absolved

GingerBeer said...

Think of these performances more as job interviews for a Biden WH Press Secretary.

William said...

I sampled it in a few spots. The true believers can take heart. He looked oriented, forceful, and sincere. I'm not a true believer. I thought he looked fraudulent, but he can fake sincerity much better than Kamala. You've got to give him that....If the virus abates and the economy improves, then Trump wins. If not, not. There's a good chance, Biden will be our next President. A performance such as he gave today will not hinder his chances.....The press was the big loser at this conference. If they wish to maintain credibility, they just can't be that blatant about their biases.

max said...

My earlier comment was about Joe. The last question was important because it was substantive. It was about policy. I will display it here.

Mr. Vice President, if I may ask. President Trump has just announced Kosovo and Serbia deal. President Trump has just announced an economic normalization deal between Serbia and Kosovo. And part of that deal is Kosovo and Israel having diplomatic normalization. You have stated that you support a two state solution in the Middle East. Would you support more Muslim majority countries normalizing relations with Israel, even though it may mean that the Palestinians will lose leverage in their fight towards a two state solution?

I do not take a side here. I do not claim that the questioner is taking a side. The question is interesting because it is implies a strategy and a goal. The question is posed as an action and a consequent. The action is more Muslim countries normalizing relations with Israel, the consequent is Palestinians losing leverage in their fight. Is the action part of a strategy? I think so. It is consistent with other actions to encourage normal relations with Israel by Muslim nations. Is the goal to decrease the leverage of Palestinians? I cannot say with certainty, but it does seem to be more than an unintended consequence. I do not fault Joe Biden for equivocating on the question. I will be interested if his campaign follows up with an answer.

Gretchen said...

I am sorry you lost your father.
I am curious how Trump was responsible.
My mother died at age 63 of lung cancer. Her mother outlived her and passed at 101, so longevity was in her genes. However, my mother, who was otherwise slim, athletic and healthy smoked. She started smoking when a doctor told her in the late 1950s she should smoke to deal with stress. That tragic advice aside, in the mid 70s when the dangers of smoking were clear, she wasn't willing to quit. Her death was sad, and I miss her, but I cannot blame the doctor.
It is called being a grown up. You think Clinton would have saved him?

Craig said...

These "journalists" are beyond pathetic.

Bruce Gee said...

"Mr. Vice President, if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?"

eddie willers said...

This has been obvious for at least 4 years. Once you see it you can't unsee it.

I guess it matters how old you are. I learned it the night Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy attempted their "High Tech" lynching of Clarence Thomas.

alanc709 said...

sinz52 said...
Logically, since Trump lies a thousand times more often than Biden, and is far more vindictive than Biden, and has a body count (190,000 from COVID-19) far higher than Biden's,

it stands to reason that the press would be tougher on Trump than on Biden. Trump has a lot more to answer for. Starting with the 190,000 dead (one of whom was my own father).

Could you be more full of shit?

DeepRunner said...

Byron York observed from the horizon...
"Many of the questions for Joe Biden after his remarks today consisted of reporters asking Biden to elaborate on how bad Trump is."

Yep, York pretty much nailed it. I checked the transcript. The MSM are all-in for Joe. Not surprising, since Old Thread-head ain't Orange Man Bad. Shrug. This is what passes for "objectivity."

Crazy World said...

Ol slow Joe running for President of the United States of America is the saddest thing I have ever seen in my non political life.
God Bless America
His handlers should be ashamed

Terry Ott said...

“What question that we didn’t ask did you hope we would have, Mr VP?"

tim maguire said...

Mike Sylwester said...I am not an expert on QAnon, but I have spent some time and effort studying the phenomenon. The wording of this question indicates to me that the questioner does not understand the phenomenon.

Do you know of a thoughtful trustworthy review of QAnon? Personally, I don’t believe it exists and by your description, it sounds like you don't either. Generally, what I’ve seen in the media are 1 or 2 sentence summaries of what it stands for—a mix of things that are undoubtedly true and crazy things that no sane person would believe—along with an unsupported assumption that it is some kind of major movement.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it were another 4-Chan joke or even a media invention that has spawned a small following in the real world in much the same way that a few isolated angry American Muslims act in support of ISIS without any direct connection to the actual ISIS—which small following the media then use to pretend their invention is a real thing.

Dan in Philly said...

It reminds me of when Lisa Simpson asked Mr Burns what made him so popular?

MadTownGuy said...

Joe Biden’s Kenosha town hall marred by eyebrow-raising statements

Besides all that, there's this:

"Participants at the event, meanwhile, appeared to have been screened prior to the town hall, where they were “told to go off” a prepared script, according to one woman’s remarks.

“My name is Portia Bennett. I’m just going to be honest, Mr. Biden, I was told to go off this paper but I can’t. You need the truth, and I’m part of the truth. I was born here, raised here,” the woman said. “I have to give you the truth of the people.”

Temujin said...

"it stands to reason that the press would be tougher on Trump than on Biden. Trump has a lot more to answer for. Starting with the 190,000 dead (one of whom was my own father)."

Jeez. You need to take your complaint to the Chinese. They shipped the virus over here by the planeload. That is until Pres. Trump stopped that on January 31. Later that week, Joe Biden said it was xenophobia to stop travel from China. Nancy Pelosi said it's "unAmerican and threatens our national security". Huh? She then proceeded to go to Chinatown in San Francisco (to hang with the little people) and told the world that they should feel free to hang out in Chinatown as well. At this point in time Dr. Anthony Fauci (or should I say Saint Anthony?) was telling us that this was not a threat to America. Two weeks later he was telling us that masks make no difference.

So when Biden or Pelosi talk about what they would have done, you have to note- they already showed what they would have done.

You may not know this if you get your news from CNN or try to look it up on Google (on google you'll get taken to a load of lefty sites that block the facts and paint a 'new history'. I'll give them this. They are ON it. Rewriting history that is.)

Temujin said...

I love #12. My translation:

Would you support a growing peace throughout the Middle East if it meant alienating the one group who has been offered multiple peace plans for decades and refuses to accept any of them?

DEEBEE said...

Would love to see Hiden Biden’s faux anger on a rumor to be matched with “clear and present” danger where the POTUS gets angry and bad things happen. SAD!

Sam L. said...

I learned a few years ago to not read The Atlantic.

Sam L. said...

#12: The Palis never miss a chance to miss a chance, singing "Poor, poor, miserable us."

FullMoon said...

Some say Joe Biden sexually abuses animals.
Disgusting if true!

Jim at said...

Starting with the 190,000 dead (one of whom was my own father).

Why is Trump responsible for your dad's death and not you? Why didn't you take better care of him?

Crazy World said...

Joe is so deep.

Banjo said...

"Even if you hate Trump he deserves your vote in order to break the democratic media cabal."

You're kidding, right? Always been with it. It's like a virus that can live in bleach.

Narayanan said...

Joe showed anger at the dereliction of SACRED DUTY (as evidenced by Trump remarks) that this country owes to the service men who return from USA adventures abroad.

spoke about his son Beau JAG OFFICER in Iraq.

impressive well scripted performance -

follow up should have been state of VA hospitals during his political career.
did not see any attempt at that.

Mars S said...

It was difficult listening to Biden rant. I say rant because he kept lying about the pandemic, employment, etc. He acknowledges that the claim hasn't been proven and then goes right ahead and condemms the Prez whether or not he'd actually said it.
This feels like he's spewing propaganda.

tim in vermont said...

"and has a body count (190,000 from COVID-19) far higher than Biden’s,”

How many people died in the Iraq war?