I guess it may be safe to say that I survived a bout with Covid-19. Positive test was 17 days ago. Several days of flu-like symptoms, extremely violent coughing, temp never went above 100.3. Shortness of breath. Fatigue lingers. Wouldn't have had to be much worse for me to have gone to the ER, but within a week most of the really bad stuff had passed. Glad to go ahead and get it over with.
I was "impressed" by how vocal so many of the democraticals and lefty/LLR-lefty media have been in attacking the Bay of Pigs Brigade 2506 survivors of the complete betrayal of the anti-communists by, of naturally, the democraticals.
You would think that at the very moment the democraticals and their LLR-lefty lap poodles are pretending they aren't marxists intent upon fundamentally changing America into a leftist socialist "utopia" they would be a little more hesitant to be celebrating the betrayal of anti-communist American allies.
But nope.
They want cops dead, you disarmed and their maximally armed marxist street gangs roaming into your neighborhoods to remove your property and in many cases your lives as well.
I had a strange week. Without even trying, on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday, in deepest blue Montgomery County, MD both a good friend and I ran into explicit Trumpers. Her doctor on Tuesday (a Cuban) gave her, without prompting, an earful on the election. I ran into a guy coming out of a Dunkin Donuts in north Rockville with a Trump 2020 hat on Wednesday. I told him he was a brave man to wear that in Montgomery County, MD, and he said "There's more of us than you'd think." On Thursday, I sat close enough to a quartet of old Jewish guys at a Panera to hear the conversation, and it was clear that at least two of the four, if not 3 of them, were pro-Trump.
I certainly don't think that Trump will take MD, but in 2016 it was HRC:60%, Trump:34%. I think this time it'll be closer to Biden:54%, Trump:43%. I think a lot of the 2016 third party protest vote will move to Trump this time, as will a chunk of black male voters.
My sunrise photos lately look similar, without the land on the horizon, of course. There is Boon's light to the south. An occasional working boat, with masthead light lit. The random bird.
Beautiful. I've noticed many of the same people out taking photos when I do. We face the coming sun and snap the occasional photo. Over the weekend there have been families with young kids, moms and dads explaining the tides, sunrise, waves, etc. Kindred spirits all.
What a restful sunrise to a perfectly great day. I skipped the NFL and had a great day going out with the wife and playing Golf. And then we watched an old movie "Petulia" about '68 San Francisco. Julie Christie is one of those odd actresses that look every beautiful from one angel and very odd from another.
BTW, I'm skipping more and more of the news since its nothing more than old tired trump bashing. Evidently, the MSM are no longer interested in telling us the news, just electing Democrats.
50 years I've been a Packers fan. Today they couldn't be bothered to come out for the national anthem. That's the end for me. I know athletes have always laughed at fans, that's just part of the cynical business arrangement. Now the athletes hate, loathe, detest the fans. An honest fan should return the sentiment.
The FDA is outsourcing COVID-19 testing to China At least 10 Chinese companies have received FDA authorization for U.S. testing.
"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has come under fire for seemingly rubber stamping Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 testing without offering virtually any data-driven or appropriate testing standards, has been delivering EUAs to China-based pharmaceutical companies at an alarming rate."
I think this time it'll be closer to Biden:54%, Trump:43%. I think a lot of the 2016 third party protest vote will move to Trump this time, as will a chunk of black male voters.
Senate Homeland Security Chair Ron Johnson (R-Cheeseheads) is asking a Justice Department watchdog to probe recently revealed documents that suggest members of special counsel Robert Mueller's team wiped records from their official phones.
According to Wiki, Ron can't seem to get his head screwed on straight.
In January 2018, Johnson said that he had an informant with information that the FBI and Department of Justice had conspired against Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election; Johnson described it as a "secret society" and said that there was "corruption at the highest levels of the FBI". The same day, he walked back the comments.
In February 2018, Johnson suggested that a text message between FBI agent Peter Strzok and Lisa Page raised questions about “the type and extent of President Obama's personal involvement” in the Clinton emails investigation. However, the text message from September 2016, which said "Potus wants to know everything we're doing", referred to the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, not the Clinton emails investigation which had concluded months earlier.
So the Senator knew from what transpired with Strzok and Page's FBI-issued phones that their messages were read and investigated with no charges made. He also must have known that Rudy Giuliani put up a false claim about the deliberate wiping of Special Counsel Office phones in 2018 when in fact the Office of the Deputy Attorney General had already advised the OIG that the AG Department routinely resets mobile phones to factory settings upon their return from a user because the phones are re-used.
will things get hot enough in the next 2 weeks to see Corn Pop? (It's getting ready to harvest.)
Finally something from Durham/Barr? Clinesmith fallout? Antifa terrorist designation/arrests?
Who Will Karamela Harrass Be Proud Of: The Shooter Or The Cops? (Fundraiser w/ the HildaBeast tomorrow. [or should that be 'Hellraiser'?])
graphic photo of the moment after they were shot. Ffemale deputy was shot through jaw, still radioed for help & applied tourniquet to male deputy’s wounds. Both stable now. per Bill@FOXLA
Trump did some campaigning here in Nevada this weekend. Had a a rally in the north part of the state Saturday in the middle of the nowhere. The line was literally miles long through the desert. Today he was in Las Vegas and I tried to attend, but parking was all taken out to over a mile from the venue, which many were walking in high spirits. I was not that interested in attending, just wanted to be around some people not attacking Trump and our country for a change. I ended up not parking and just going to a local bar where all the talk was pro Trump anyway. I just don't see how Trump loses this state this time. There is no Biden support at all, and I have never seen so much support for any candidate as there is for Trump. It's really an unusual phenomenon with a lot of energy. Trump is getting tons of benefit from Americans who just want to show love for their country and it's traditional values when they are so under attack. The radical left is Trump's best electoral asset.
I’ve been to them a few times (when I’ve been w/ other folks that wanted to go there). But I never liked that place. The food was bad (including the stuff that was supposedly good according to my pals/family). The ordering process seems like a cattle call of riffraff (IOW, the customer-to-staff interaction seems to position the customer as a POS moron who should get lockstep such that trash food can be stuffed down their pie holes w/ minimal effort/concern re the staff). The interior design felt like a twenty first century hospital cafeteria. IOW, cheap relish and other such adornments that’s supposed to make dummies think that the place is upscale. IMHO.
Follow up question: since it’s a safe bet that you spend a lot of time at Olive Garden, how many MAGA,A folks are scarfing down bread sticks?
For the first Sunday in years, I didn't watch a nanosecond of NFL. I have no idea who won or lost. Same for the NHL. BLMers are cop killers, looters, and arsonists. May they rot in hell.
Crimso said... "I guess it may be safe to say that I survived a bout with Covid-19...Fatigue lingers."
Years ago I too had chronic fatigue (with low blood pressure) after a bout of pneumococcal pneumonia. Two weeks in the hospital. Head of psychopharmacology recommended a trial of antidepressants...which I declined because I was annoyed, not depressed.
About a month latter I responded to a call for subjects for a World Health Organization (WHO)study of EGb-761 Ginkgo Biloba extract for fatigue. They took my blood pressure and administered a QEEG, then 120 mg of the extract. Post results (after 3 hours): systolic blood pressure went up 18 points (to 118) and the marked slow-wave brain activity seen in the first Q went away. The fatigue also went away. Doctors couldn't figure out why.
After digging into a medical library I found out that EGb-761 (Nature's Way Ginkgold in the USA, other names overseas) inhibits both platelet activating factor (PAF)and tumor necrosis alpha (TNF-α), two products of something called the "Arachidonic Cascade (AC)". PAF lowers blood pressure. TNF-α is an initiator of the AC, a component of the immune system's response to perceived pathogens...which sometimes can get out of control. It can lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome and septic shock in people with poorly-modulated immune systems.
Basically, my immune system continued to operate in overdrive mode even after the pneumococcal pneumonia was successfully dealt with by penicillin. If you have low blood pressure along with your fatigue, 120 mg of EGb-761 (taken twice a day) might be something to consider. YMMV.
BTW, the WHO study I mentioned was scrapped before it was completed.
Remember me. I did say Dems are going to win it all.
Next POTUS/ VP = Biden/Harris. The press has already drafted the Nov day after election issue. Party in every news room. Masks who cares. Trump and Pence lose even red states. Ha ha ha.
Next Cabinet:
Treasury = Warren DOJ = Sally Yates or V. Gupta DOD = Michèle Flournoy Etc
More and more POC and women of color in power. House and Senate with Dems. GOP in ruins till 2040 - for next two decades.
New York Times correspondent Michael Schmidt wrote in his new book, "Donald Trump v. The United States," that reports had surfaced that Vice President Mike Pence was put on standby after the president’s unexpected trip to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center last year.
Trump tweeted his response on 9/1/20, which read: "It never ends! Now they are trying to say that your favorite President, me, went to Walter Reed Medical Center, having suffered a series of mini-strokes. Never happened to THIS candidate - FAKE NEWS. Perhaps they are referring to another candidate from another Party!"
Nope! The only person who mentioned "a series of mini-strokes" was our stable genius president, all by himself. Perhaps we too can speculate that drugs were involved in his inadvertent announcement of the reason for his emergency visit to Walter Reed.
I watched a about thirty seconds of the Dolphins at the Patriots when the boys in teal scored a FG and it went to commercial break, and what happens at the end of it? The same wokescold who drove me away from watching the PGA Tour appears with almost the same speech on the NFL. I guess she ‘works for’ NBC, or rather has embedded herself in their sports announcing team to push her politics.
That’s OK, I don’t need the NFL. It felt weird not watching it on a Sunday afternoon, that’s why I turned it on. As soon as it became about politics, that was enough. I streamed a movie instead, a movie made before 2010, as is my habit now.
Good article at Powerline re: Europe's second wave. It appears to be far less deadly than the first wave because it:
1. Is infecting a younger population 2. Treatment is better 3. Identification and isolation of the infected is better 4. It may have mutated to a weaker form.
From the above link, which I got from smalldeadanimals.com
One of most popular slogans at the Canadian rally is, “NO MORE BULLSHIT.”
Why aren’t they chanting “No malarky”? This is Canada we are talking about. Anyway, the media in both our countries has shredded their own credibility by taking sides in politics in blatantly obvious ways.
Fernandinande said... Image search at The Ministry of Truth.
"Of the black inventors shown, probably only George Washington Carver ranks among the top ten American inventors."
Wow, where'd you get that idea?
Carver didn't actually invent anything at all; he just got a couple of useless patents for mixing paint and makeup.
Something mumble peanuts and sweet potatoes?
He also must have known that Rudy Giuliani put up a false claim about the deliberate wiping of Special Counsel Office phones in 2018 when in fact the Office of the Deputy Attorney General had already advised the OIG that the AG Department routinely resets mobile phones to factory settings upon their return from a user because the phones are re-used.
A fig for your ignorance. Blackberries are wiped *in the process of,* i.e. *not until,* provisioning of the reused handset for a new user. There is no need to wipe them until re-issue. Wiping takes effort that is not necessary. And is typically done by the tech. The wiping happens naturally in the setup of the phone under the new users identity. It is more likely to keep the phone unwiped and correlated with the user, precisely so that senior management can look into the phone data if desired.
@tm, thanks for the link to the demonstration in Montreal. However if the Québécois are thinking of seceding from Canada and applying to become our 51st state they can forget it. Bad enough we have Vermont.
1. Is infecting a younger population 2. Treatment is better 3. Identification and isolation of the infected is better 4. It may have mutated to a weaker form.
My comments from early on in the pandemic are holding up pretty good, to do a little Scott Adams. I will be convinced that France is out of the woods though in another month.
I am, perhaps excessively, interested in reading your equivalent description of a restaurant that you DO like. Always interested to see you negative types struggle to be positive, to praise. Hard, right?
Oh, we do. Aren't you that babu that works for Boeing in the offseason, on the 737 Max and the Starliner? Yeah, we've been seeing your handiwork lately. Keep it up for the Ds. By the many arms of Vishnu, they should hang on your every word.
Detroit Will Breathe, the Motor City's BLM franchisee, won a hollow victory last week when a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order that bars Detroit police from using certain non-lethal tactics on "peaceful protesters." Detroit police chief James Craig responded to the TRO with a shrug. It changes nothing, he told reporters, because that's how his department always handles peaceful protesters. "Every time we've had to use less-than-lethal force, it's been to address violence by protesters, resisting arrest, or when they've tried to take over an intersection in violation of the law."
Let me add that if the police were using excessive force on actual peaceful protesters, I would join the inevitable chorus of criticism. But it seems like BLM were being too clever by half, trying to get the police to stop using certain tactics on violent protesters by calling them “peaceful.”
"However if the Québécois are thinking of seceding from Canada and applying to become our 51st state they can forget it. Bad enough we have Vermont.”
Vermont used to be a very conservative state, it’s trustafarians and other outsiders, offspring of the wealthy from Long Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts that turned this state left since it was so sparsely populated it was easily overrun. Where mostly long time Vermonters live is very much Trump country. I still blame the Interstate Highway System.
While I was typing that stuff I was also thinking that many folks consider me to be lame because I go to Starbucks a lot.
I was considering working that into my comment, but I didn’t want to dilute the mocking of others w/ taking shots at myself.
BTW, back to Panera: Not too long ago we had a lot of snow (as defined re the PNW) so I was helping a super old (eighty something) friend of a friend by driving him to his moored boat so that we could make sure it’d be fine w/ the snow.
Anyway, essentially everything (except for Panera) was closed and the roads were a total mess. Even so, on the way back from checking on the boat this guy wanted to go to Panera. My POV was to give the geezer whatever he wanted. The snow was coming down bigly and we were the only people in the Panera. Of course this guy wanted to eat in the store and chit chat about the olden days instead of getting our stuff to go. After about twenty minutes the store decided to close and send all the staff home. The situation reinforced my view that the best interaction re Panera is not being at Panera.
“Trump did some campaigning here in Nevada this weekend. Had a a rally in the north part of the state Saturday in the middle of the nowhere. The line was literally miles long through the desert.”
Not the middle of nowhere. Minden. One of the most perfect places I have ever lived. Nice and dry down in the Carson Valley, looking up at the Sierra Nevadas, dominated by Job’s Peak. I could see the Heavenly Valley ski area from my house, and from work. If we had blue sky, I would often pop up there, catch the first lift at 8:30, ski hard for an hour or two, and be at my desk by 10:30-11:00. Minden is the county seat of Douglas County, that extends up to Lake Tahoe and includes Stateline, just across the border from South Lake Tahoe in CA. Both are less than a half hour drive, except for in snowstorms in the winter, and tourist season in the summer. The nice thing about Minden (and the adjacent Gardnerville) is that you are close to Lake Tahoe, but don’t have to deal with the horrid weather up there. Very similar to Denver weather, except maybe a bit less snow.
Walked to and from work a lot of days. Maybe a mile, with the only complication being the stupid geese that shit over everything. Was out at the very edge of town, and would often hear cattle late at night. Indeed, a herd would be rotated into the field behind the house a couple times a year. Up through the 1950s, most of the valley had been a very large, self contained, cattle ranch. Now, it is more horse country.
I keep trying to get my partner to move back there with me. Nope. They have some snow. Not much, but some. And you get a few 100 degree days in the summer. Not a lot, but some. She loves her MT trees in the summer, and being around her kids in PHX, in the winter.
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U.S. media really, really suck.
So busy with their Trump obsession.
That's why I'm only now discovering that the Tour de France is on right now -- and has been for two weeks. In Stage 15 actually.
And no, the riders aren't wearing masks.
Hmmm... https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/09/13/surprise-surprise-data-reveals-where-the-majority-of-bidens-donations-came-from--and-its-bad-news-for-dems-n2576113?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&newsletterad=09/13/2020&bcid=abbb94277476de4341be479806e75212&recip=23277963
It looks cold. Or am I just projecting?
Lovely photos
I guess it may be safe to say that I survived a bout with Covid-19. Positive test was 17 days ago. Several days of flu-like symptoms, extremely violent coughing, temp never went above 100.3. Shortness of breath. Fatigue lingers. Wouldn't have had to be much worse for me to have gone to the ER, but within a week most of the really bad stuff had passed. Glad to go ahead and get it over with.
I was "impressed" by how vocal so many of the democraticals and lefty/LLR-lefty media have been in attacking the Bay of Pigs Brigade 2506 survivors of the complete betrayal of the anti-communists by, of naturally, the democraticals.
You would think that at the very moment the democraticals and their LLR-lefty lap poodles are pretending they aren't marxists intent upon fundamentally changing America into a leftist socialist "utopia" they would be a little more hesitant to be celebrating the betrayal of anti-communist American allies.
But nope.
They want cops dead, you disarmed and their maximally armed marxist street gangs roaming into your neighborhoods to remove your property and in many cases your lives as well.
Ann, you are very insightful. I'm really enjoying the old diavlogs. I only wish I could navigate by date better.
Wright doesn't get it. But I'm reading one of his books anyway.
I had a strange week. Without even trying, on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday, in deepest blue Montgomery County, MD both a good friend and I ran into explicit Trumpers. Her doctor on Tuesday (a Cuban) gave her, without prompting, an earful on the election. I ran into a guy coming out of a Dunkin Donuts in north Rockville with a Trump 2020 hat on Wednesday. I told him he was a brave man to wear that in Montgomery County, MD, and he said "There's more of us than you'd think." On Thursday, I sat close enough to a quartet of old Jewish guys at a Panera to hear the conversation, and it was clear that at least two of the four, if not 3 of them, were pro-Trump.
I certainly don't think that Trump will take MD, but in 2016 it was HRC:60%, Trump:34%. I think this time it'll be closer to Biden:54%, Trump:43%. I think a lot of the 2016 third party protest vote will move to Trump this time, as will a chunk of black male voters.
Image search at The Ministry of Truth.
My sunrise photos lately look similar, without the land on the horizon, of course. There is Boon's light to the south. An occasional working boat, with masthead light lit. The random bird.
Beautiful. I've noticed many of the same people out taking photos when I do. We face the coming sun and snap the occasional photo. Over the weekend there have been families with young kids, moms and dads explaining the tides, sunrise, waves, etc. Kindred spirits all.
What a restful sunrise to a perfectly great day. I skipped the NFL and had a great day going out with the wife and playing Golf. And then we watched an old movie "Petulia" about '68 San Francisco. Julie Christie is one of those odd actresses that look every beautiful from one angel and very odd from another.
BTW, I'm skipping more and more of the news since its nothing more than old tired trump bashing. Evidently, the MSM are no longer interested in telling us the news, just electing Democrats.
50 years I've been a Packers fan. Today they couldn't be bothered to come out for the national anthem. That's the end for me. I know athletes have always laughed at fans, that's just part of the cynical business arrangement. Now the athletes hate, loathe, detest the fans. An honest fan should return the sentiment.
I think the temperature was about 57. Perfect!
Went up to about 70. We went for a hike late in the day. That was also very pleasant. Not too warm.
Thanks, wild chicken.
the meme that cost Longtime Illinois police chief his job:
"Looting. When free housing, free food, free education, and free phones just aren't enough"
HIS job is gone, but may this meme have a long career
please maybe not please
The FDA is outsourcing COVID-19 testing to China
At least 10 Chinese companies have received FDA authorization for U.S. testing.
"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has come under fire for seemingly rubber stamping Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 testing without offering virtually any data-driven or appropriate testing standards, has been delivering EUAs to China-based pharmaceutical companies at an alarming rate."
Now watching the 3rd NFL game. Still enjoying the play but not the obligatory virtue signaling. I imagine it will wear heavy on fans.
AND the fan noise is not piped in but dubbed and very irritating. I did discover that if you turn off your surround sound it’s less annoying.
Glad you're here, Crimsoned.
Image search at The Ministry of Truth.
"Of the black inventors shown, probably only George Washington Carver ranks among the top ten American inventors."
Wow, where'd you get that idea?
Carver didn't actually invent anything at all; he just got a couple of useless patents for mixing paint and makeup.
I think this time it'll be closer to Biden:54%, Trump:43%. I think a lot of the 2016 third party protest vote will move to Trump this time, as will a chunk of black male voters.
@YoungHegelian, watch the Hispanic voters.
Senate Homeland Security Chair Ron Johnson (R-Cheeseheads) is asking a Justice Department watchdog to probe recently revealed documents that suggest members of special counsel Robert Mueller's team wiped records from their official phones.
According to Wiki, Ron can't seem to get his head screwed on straight.
In January 2018, Johnson said that he had an informant with information that the FBI and Department of Justice had conspired against Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election; Johnson described it as a "secret society" and said that there was "corruption at the highest levels of the FBI". The same day, he walked back the comments.
In February 2018, Johnson suggested that a text message between FBI agent Peter Strzok and Lisa Page raised questions about “the type and extent of President Obama's personal involvement” in the Clinton emails investigation. However, the text message from September 2016, which said "Potus wants to know everything we're doing", referred to the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, not the Clinton emails investigation which had concluded months earlier.
So the Senator knew from what transpired with Strzok and Page's FBI-issued phones that their messages were read and investigated with no charges made. He also must have known that Rudy Giuliani put up a false claim about the deliberate wiping of Special Counsel Office phones in 2018 when in fact the Office of the Deputy Attorney General had already advised the OIG that the AG Department routinely resets mobile phones to factory settings upon their return from a user because the phones are re-used.
will things get hot enough in the next 2 weeks to see Corn Pop?
(It's getting ready to harvest.)
Finally something from Durham/Barr? Clinesmith fallout?
Antifa terrorist designation/arrests?
Who Will Karamela Harrass Be Proud Of: The Shooter Or The Cops?
(Fundraiser w/ the HildaBeast tomorrow. [or should that be 'Hellraiser'?])
graphic photo of the moment after they were shot. Ffemale deputy was shot through jaw, still radioed for help & applied tourniquet to male deputy’s wounds. Both stable now.
per Bill@FOXLA
It is just past the 5:00 hour here in Hawaii, such a beautiful picture AA!
Burger King in S. Africa dropping 'ham' in hamburger
Gotta Love the Imam's Response!
not to be a ham, but--
More SJW Burger Action
Trump did some campaigning here in Nevada this weekend. Had a a rally in the north part of the state Saturday in the middle of the nowhere. The line was literally miles long through the desert. Today he was in Las Vegas and I tried to attend, but parking was all taken out to over a mile from the venue, which many were walking in high spirits. I was not that interested in attending, just wanted to be around some people not attacking Trump and our country for a change. I ended up not parking and just going to a local bar where all the talk was pro Trump anyway. I just don't see how Trump loses this state this time. There is no Biden support at all, and I have never seen so much support for any candidate as there is for Trump. It's really an unusual phenomenon with a lot of energy. Trump is getting tons of benefit from Americans who just want to show love for their country and it's traditional values when they are so under attack. The radical left is Trump's best electoral asset.
What do you like about Panera?
I’ve been to them a few times (when I’ve been w/ other folks that wanted to go there). But I never liked that place. The food was bad (including the stuff that was supposedly good according to my pals/family). The ordering process seems like a cattle call of riffraff (IOW, the customer-to-staff interaction seems to position the customer as a POS moron who should get lockstep such that trash food can be stuffed down their pie holes w/ minimal effort/concern re the staff). The interior design felt like a twenty first century hospital cafeteria. IOW, cheap relish and other such adornments that’s supposed to make dummies think that the place is upscale. IMHO.
Follow up question: since it’s a safe bet that you spend a lot of time at Olive Garden, how many MAGA,A folks are scarfing down bread sticks?
This one was a beauty.
For the first Sunday in years, I didn't watch a nanosecond of NFL. I have no idea who won or lost. Same for the NHL. BLMers are cop killers, looters, and arsonists. May they rot in hell.
Lawrence Person said...
Image search at The Ministry of Truth.
Do a google image search for "white couples" and see what you get. Almost everything but.
"black couples" gets you mostly that.
"asian couples" is somewhere in between.
Crimso said...
"I guess it may be safe to say that I survived a bout with Covid-19...Fatigue lingers."
Years ago I too had chronic fatigue (with low blood pressure) after a bout of pneumococcal pneumonia. Two weeks in the hospital. Head of psychopharmacology recommended a trial of antidepressants...which I declined because I was annoyed, not depressed.
About a month latter I responded to a call for subjects for a World Health Organization (WHO)study of EGb-761 Ginkgo Biloba extract for fatigue. They took my blood pressure and administered a QEEG, then 120 mg of the extract. Post results (after 3 hours): systolic blood pressure went up 18 points (to 118) and the marked slow-wave brain activity seen in the first Q went away. The fatigue also went away. Doctors couldn't figure out why.
After digging into a medical library I found out that EGb-761 (Nature's Way Ginkgold in the USA, other names overseas) inhibits both platelet activating factor (PAF)and tumor necrosis alpha (TNF-α), two products of something called the "Arachidonic Cascade (AC)". PAF lowers blood pressure. TNF-α is an initiator of the AC, a component of the immune system's response to perceived pathogens...which sometimes can get out of control. It can lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome and septic shock in people with poorly-modulated immune systems.
Basically, my immune system continued to operate in overdrive mode even after the pneumococcal pneumonia was successfully dealt with by penicillin. If you have low blood pressure along with your fatigue, 120 mg of EGb-761 (taken twice a day) might be something to consider. YMMV.
BTW, the WHO study I mentioned was scrapped before it was completed.
Remember me. I did say Dems are going to win it all.
Next POTUS/ VP = Biden/Harris. The press has already drafted the Nov day after election issue. Party in every news room. Masks who cares. Trump and Pence lose even red states. Ha ha ha.
Next Cabinet:
Treasury = Warren
DOJ = Sally Yates or V. Gupta
DOD = Michèle Flournoy
More and more POC and women of color in power. House and Senate with Dems. GOP in ruins till 2040 - for next two decades.
WARNING: GRAPHIC: 24 years ago Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates celebrated the Windows 95 launch
I broke down the film
New York Times correspondent Michael Schmidt wrote in his new book, "Donald Trump v. The United States," that reports had surfaced that Vice President Mike Pence was put on standby after the president’s unexpected trip to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center last year.
Trump tweeted his response on 9/1/20, which read: "It never ends! Now they are trying to say that your favorite President, me, went to Walter Reed Medical Center, having suffered a series of mini-strokes. Never happened to THIS candidate - FAKE NEWS. Perhaps they are referring to another candidate from another Party!"
Nope! The only person who mentioned "a series of mini-strokes" was our stable genius president, all by himself. Perhaps we too can speculate that drugs were involved in his inadvertent announcement of the reason for his emergency visit to Walter Reed.
If You Don't Buy This Magazine We'll Kill This Dog:
strictly law-and-order Republicans who have responded in dismay to scenes of rioting and looting have an interest in Biden winning—even if they could never bring themselves to vote for him.
Holy crap!
“Dey are chanteeng USA. What de fuck?"
I watched a about thirty seconds of the Dolphins at the Patriots when the boys in teal scored a FG and it went to commercial break, and what happens at the end of it? The same wokescold who drove me away from watching the PGA Tour appears with almost the same speech on the NFL. I guess she ‘works for’ NBC, or rather has embedded herself in their sports announcing team to push her politics.
That’s OK, I don’t need the NFL. It felt weird not watching it on a Sunday afternoon, that’s why I turned it on. As soon as it became about politics, that was enough. I streamed a movie instead, a movie made before 2010, as is my habit now.
Good article at Powerline re: Europe's second wave. It appears to be far less deadly than the first wave because it:
1. Is infecting a younger population
2. Treatment is better
3. Identification and isolation of the infected is better
4. It may have mutated to a weaker form.
From the above link, which I got from smalldeadanimals.com
One of most popular slogans at the Canadian rally is, “NO MORE BULLSHIT.”
Why aren’t they chanting “No malarky”? This is Canada we are talking about. Anyway, the media in both our countries has shredded their own credibility by taking sides in politics in blatantly obvious ways.
Fernandinande said...
Image search at The Ministry of Truth.
"Of the black inventors shown, probably only George Washington Carver ranks among the top ten American inventors."
Wow, where'd you get that idea?
Carver didn't actually invent anything at all; he just got a couple of useless patents for mixing paint and makeup.
Something mumble peanuts and sweet potatoes?
He also must have known that Rudy Giuliani put up a false claim about the deliberate wiping of Special Counsel Office phones in 2018 when in fact the Office of the Deputy Attorney General had already advised the OIG that the AG Department routinely resets mobile phones to factory settings upon their return from a user because the phones are re-used.
A fig for your ignorance. Blackberries are wiped *in the process of,* i.e. *not until,* provisioning of the reused handset for a new user. There is no need to wipe them until re-issue. Wiping takes effort that is not necessary. And is typically done by the tech. The wiping happens naturally in the setup of the phone under the new users identity. It is more likely to keep the phone unwiped and correlated with the user, precisely so that senior management can look into the phone data if desired.
@tm, thanks for the link to the demonstration in Montreal. However if the Québécois are thinking of seceding from Canada and applying to become our 51st state they can forget it. Bad enough we have Vermont.
1. Is infecting a younger population
2. Treatment is better
3. Identification and isolation of the infected is better
4. It may have mutated to a weaker form.
My comments from early on in the pandemic are holding up pretty good, to do a little Scott Adams. I will be convinced that France is out of the woods though in another month.
anti-de Sitter space said...
What do you like about Panera?
I am, perhaps excessively, interested in reading your equivalent description of a restaurant that you DO like. Always interested to see you negative types struggle to be positive, to praise. Hard, right?
Is the Food and Drug Administration controlled by China? I'm starting to wonder.
How else do we make sense of them blocking this (for many months now) which could stop this epidemic in its track.
and approving ten more Chinese companies for even more PCR testing. (thanks for the link Ingachuck...)
America’s Politico said...
Remember me.
Oh, we do. Aren't you that babu that works for Boeing in the offseason, on the 737 Max and the Starliner? Yeah, we've been seeing your handiwork lately. Keep it up for the Ds. By the many arms of Vishnu, they should hang on your every word.
The BBC has caved on the traditional singing of Rule Britannia at the last night of the Proms, and has produced this socially distanced albeit maskless version.
Detroit Will Breathe, the Motor City's BLM franchisee, won a hollow victory last week when a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order that bars Detroit police from using certain non-lethal tactics on "peaceful protesters." Detroit police chief James Craig responded to the TRO with a shrug. It changes nothing, he told reporters, because that's how his department always handles peaceful protesters. "Every time we've had to use less-than-lethal force, it's been to address violence by protesters, resisting arrest, or when they've tried to take over an intersection in violation of the law."
Let me add that if the police were using excessive force on actual peaceful protesters, I would join the inevitable chorus of criticism. But it seems like BLM were being too clever by half, trying to get the police to stop using certain tactics on violent protesters by calling them “peaceful.”
"However if the Québécois are thinking of seceding from Canada and applying to become our 51st state they can forget it. Bad enough we have Vermont.”
Vermont used to be a very conservative state, it’s trustafarians and other outsiders, offspring of the wealthy from Long Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts that turned this state left since it was so sparsely populated it was easily overrun. Where mostly long time Vermonters live is very much Trump country. I still blame the Interstate Highway System.
"However if the Québécois are thinking of seceding from Canada and applying to become our 51st state they can forget it.'
The only Canadian Province that could fit in as a US state is probably Alberta.
While I was typing that stuff I was also thinking that many folks consider me to be lame because I go to Starbucks a lot.
I was considering working that into my comment, but I didn’t want to dilute the mocking of others w/ taking shots at myself.
BTW, back to Panera: Not too long ago we had a lot of snow (as defined re the PNW) so I was helping a super old (eighty something) friend of a friend by driving him to his moored boat so that we could make sure it’d be fine w/ the snow.
Anyway, essentially everything (except for Panera) was closed and the roads were a total mess. Even so, on the way back from checking on the boat this guy wanted to go to Panera. My POV was to give the geezer whatever he wanted. The snow was coming down bigly and we were the only people in the Panera. Of course this guy wanted to eat in the store and chit chat about the olden days instead of getting our stuff to go. After about twenty minutes the store decided to close and send all the staff home. The situation reinforced my view that the best interaction re Panera is not being at Panera.
“Trump did some campaigning here in Nevada this weekend. Had a a rally in the north part of the state Saturday in the middle of the nowhere. The line was literally miles long through the desert.”
Not the middle of nowhere. Minden. One of the most perfect places I have ever lived. Nice and dry down in the Carson Valley, looking up at the Sierra Nevadas, dominated by Job’s Peak. I could see the Heavenly Valley ski area from my house, and from work. If we had blue sky, I would often pop up there, catch the first lift at 8:30, ski hard for an hour or two, and be at my desk by 10:30-11:00. Minden is the county seat of Douglas County, that extends up to Lake Tahoe and includes Stateline, just across the border from South Lake Tahoe in CA. Both are less than a half hour drive, except for in snowstorms in the winter, and tourist season in the summer. The nice thing about Minden (and the adjacent Gardnerville) is that you are close to Lake Tahoe, but don’t have to deal with the horrid weather up there. Very similar to Denver weather, except maybe a bit less snow.
Walked to and from work a lot of days. Maybe a mile, with the only complication being the stupid geese that shit over everything. Was out at the very edge of town, and would often hear cattle late at night. Indeed, a herd would be rotated into the field behind the house a couple times a year. Up through the 1950s, most of the valley had been a very large, self contained, cattle ranch. Now, it is more horse country.
I keep trying to get my partner to move back there with me. Nope. They have some snow. Not much, but some. And you get a few 100 degree days in the summer. Not a lot, but some. She loves her MT trees in the summer, and being around her kids in PHX, in the winter.
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