August 7, 2020

"Publishers Fret Over Obama’s ‘Failure to Perform’/Michelle finished her book. Why is Obama having trouble living up to his part of their lucrative contract?"

Headline at American Spectator.
Contracts that come with a reported $65 million advance, such as the one signed by Barack and Michelle Obama in February 2017 with Penguin Random House (PRH), will inevitably include [a "failure to perform" clause].... At the time the Obama deal was made in early 2017, insiders were telling Publishers Weekly that books by both Michelle and Barack would be released in fall 2018. Michelle’s book, Becoming, was released by PRH’s Crown division on schedule in November 2018 and has exceeded expectations. Barack’s book will be released at least two years behind schedule with no publication date in sight....

Barack Obama, in fact, has a history of failing to perform. A 2006 article by publisher Peter Osnos shed some unflattering light on Obama’s deadline problems. As Osnos related, a 1990 New York Times profile on the Harvard Law Review’s first black president caught the eye of hustling young literary agent Jane Dystel. Dystel persuaded Obama to put a book proposal together, and she submitted it. Poseidon, a small imprint of Simon & Schuster, signed on and authorized a roughly $125,000 advance in November 1990 for Obama’s proposed book.

With advance in hand, Obama repaired to Chicago, where the University of Chicago offered him a stipend, benefits, and an office to help him write what Obama told the administrators would be a book on race and voting rights....

In November 1992, he and Michelle married. After their honeymoon, in order to finish without interruption, Obama decamped to Bali for a month.... Simon & Schuster lost patience. In the summer of 1993, the publishing house noted his failure to perform and cancelled the contract. According to Osnos, the publisher asked that Obama return at least some of the advance. According to biographer Christopher Andersen, Obama had spent $75,000 of the advance and could not pay it back. The publisher let Obama keep the money only after he pled poverty due to “massive student loan debt.”

As Osnos told the story, Dystel did not give up. She solicited Times Books, the division of Random House at which Osnos was publisher. He met with Obama, took his word that he could finish the book, and authorized a new advance of $40,000.

In addition to his many distractions, Obama’s Luddite approach to writing slowed him down further. “I would work off an outline — certain themes or stories that I wanted to tell — and get them down in longhand on a yellow pad,” he would later relate to Daphne Durham of Amazon. “Then I’d edit while typing in what I’d written.”

In late 1994, Obama finally submitted his manuscript for publication, now a memoir titled Dreams from My Father.
How is it that "a slow writer and sluggish student who had nothing in print save for a couple of 'muddled' essays" had "suddenly found his mojo to write" such a lovely memoir? Well, maybe he actually took writing seriously and wrote like a literary person! But this is American Spectator, so they're going with the account in the 2009 book, "Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage": he got a ghostwriter, Bill Ayers.

If that's really how Obama gets it done, then why isn't the current book done on schedule? The Spectator article notes Obama's other book, "The Audacity of Hope," (2006), a book that perhaps no on believes Obama wrote on his own: "The New York Times’s Michiko Kakutani observed that portions of Audacity sounded like 'outtakes from a stump speech,' and she was righter than she knew. At least 38 passages from Obama speeches delivered in 2005 or 2006 appear virtually word for word as ordinary text in Audacity."

If the new book was going to be another "Audacity of Hope," it would be done. I think it's supposed to be more of a memoir of his White House years, which makes it like "Dreams from My Father" in literary aspiration, but much more tightly bound up with demands to recount the historical truth. Surely, he has people helping him, but there's also a lot of pressure to come across as a literary genius... and the same literary "genius" who wrote "Dreams from my Father." It must be hard working with ghostwriters under the pressure to replicate the earlier ghostwriter (or Obama himself) — whoever it was who at far greater leisure crafted the language of "Dreams."

I'd like to read a memoir about trying to write this memoir. Something meta. Or why can't some random literary genius make up a memoir like that? I'm giving this post my "unwritten books" tag, because I'm not going to do it. I just have the idea. The story of Barack, Michelle, Sasha, and Malia enduring the lockdown wherever they are — Martha's Vineyard? — and trying to get their projects done. Sort of like "The Shining" — you know, the wife thinks he's writing an important book, but he can't get a damned thing done, and it's wearing on him. Eventually, there's discord. Michelle goes public with her enigmatic self-diagnosis of "low-grade depression," and maybe that hurts Barack's vanity. Your husband is Barack Obama — the nation's mood elevator — how can you be sad?

It's hard to picture Obama getting mad in a family setting, but that's why somebody else needs to write this book.


Todd said...

"Publishers Fret Over Obama’s ‘Failure to Perform’...

When I first read that, I thought that was the name of his book, "Failure to Perform" than I realized he would NEVER be that honest.

Why is the book delayed? All the ghost writers busy?

AlbertAnonymous said...

Bill Ayres, unavailable for comment, must’ve gotten too busy with Antifa to complete the book writing.

Does anyone believe either of these people are actually writing anything?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

65 Million.
those poor poor people. So much American racism and injustice.

Nonapod said...

I mean, were they really stupid enough to believe that they could ever get any return? Did they actually believe that the Obama's would sell $65 million worth of books? If so, they're pretty stupid. I just assumed it was, like, a donation for Obama being Obama. The guy got a Nobel Peace Prize just for existing. Heck, it could be (and has been) argued that his whole political career was based on him just existing and not really earning anything in a traditional sense.

NCMoss said...

There may be a voice in his head that keeps saying, "You didn't write that".

hombre said...

Bill Ayers is all tied up teaching young people how to be seditious assholes. No time to ghostwrite another book for the Lightbringer.

ga6 said...

Deadlines, what deadlines?
He got the advance, what they going to do, sue him? You know that would never happen.
He does not want to be accused of acting white.
He appropriated the classic line from Goodfellas "fuck you, pay me".

madAsHell said...

Obama's book will be published AFTER the Durham report is published.

I really don't understand book publishing. I fail to see how you would make $65 million on the memoirs of an empty suit.

Drago said...

Barack knows he doesn't have to write a single word in order to be handed a Hugo Award and another Nobel for his non-existent tome.

And if you thought the publishing company would even begin to think about holding obambi to account for failing to deliver against a contract worth tens of millions then you are naive beyond belief.

I also have it on good authority that a certain LLR-lefty has already penned a review of obambi's non-existent book and the LLR-lefty calls it "the most magnificent and important book ever written and should form the foundational basis for all "muh principles" "conservative" movements"

Kate said...

I'm still curious (if I must feel something about the Obamas) why Michelle is "in my room" while everyone else in the family is busy. Her book is done. It exceeded expectations. Wow, the pressure to perform is even greater on Barack. And now she's bored and depressed, waiting for him to finish.

Big Mike, breadwinner.

Jaq said...

"Why is the book delayed?”

Jigsaw puzzles are more compelling. Why didn’t he show up for work when he was president of the Harvard Law Review?

Dan in Philly said...

It really doesn't matter what he produces, it will be hailed as genius by those who love him and garbage by those who don't, and will be forgotten by history like 99.9% of all memoirs.

TreeJoe said...

I genuinely can't understand how Obama gets a pass for a close working relationship with a domestic terrorist. I mean, this is clear cut - Bill Ayers found and led an organization that bombed domestic state/federal institutions. Now he's Obama's friend and ghostwriter.

What other political figure of national prominence rolls like that?

mikee said...

Will the book include details on Obama's use of weaponized federal agencies to spy on the Trump campaign illegally, under the faux guise of a counterintelligence operation, or Obama's use of weaponized federal agencies to derail Trump's administration, continuing up to the last interview of an Obama official on CNN 5 minutes ago?

rehajm said...

It's almost like he's been a grifter his whole life, or something...

If you hand him notepads that look like the basketball brackets he'll have them filled out in no time. Then the writers can take over...

RNB said...

I have a spot set aside on my bookshelf for Obama's next book. It will go right between George R.R. Martin's "A Dream of Spring" and Harlan Ellison's "The Last Dangerous Visions."

Steve said...

I think the phrase "get woke go broke" will be tested.

TrespassersW said...

Obama's Failure to Perform.

When the headline is the thread-winner.

chuck said...

Grant wrote the Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant while dying from throat cancer.

tcrosse said...

It's hard to picture Obama getting mad in a family setting, but that's why somebody else needs to write this book.

I am not kidding when I say that reading that sentence brought tears to my eyes.

Ice Nine said...

It's hard for Barack to break away from the lovely 1000-piece jigsaw puzzles and the lovely little Spades games with his lovely little family every night, I imagine.

Wince said...

That 1,000-piece puzzle the Obamas are working on...

When put together, it says "All work and no play makes Barack a dull [censored]."

gilbar said...

you have to realize; that doobies ain't like tobbaco cigs;
tobbaco cigs will burn themselves down
Doobies is different; you HAVE TO keep puffin' them, or they'll go out

Curious George said...

"Barack Obama, in fact, has a history of failing to perform."

No shit.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

hussein spent the advance for “Dreams of a Man I Never Knew” and produced nothing; he’s a deadbeat.

Opportunity knocks but once for most, and never for some, but seems to keep pounding on obama’s door. He got opportunities despite being black, or actually because he was black, and his dirty dog wife crybullies about racism or fun and profit. I hope they both get Covid and quit breathing.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

The book is delayed because Obama doesn’t like what the ghostwriters have produced. Other than being elected, what did he accomplish? ObamaCare? The killing of Bin Laden? So a chapter on each, then what? I’m sure it’s extremely difficult to come up with compelling stories to include in the book and everything submitted so far for his approval is probably as dry as dust.

rcocean said...

The massive advance was a REWARD for Obama. Like people paying ex-Presidents $million for a speech. So, he's not going to asked to pay it back. Instead, he will be given a time extension. Further, Obama is tied up campaigning for Biden, and that will be a good enough excuse for the far left publishers.

There's an additional problem. Trump. If Obama delays the book till 2021, the book will be able to ignore Obama's spying on Trump and possible illegal behavior. Obama can also trash ex-POTUS Trump as a failure, the write about how America has "turned its back on hate". But if Trump is re-elected, he'll need a whole new approach.

Ice Nine said...

If the word "shiftless" didn't keep popping into your mind while reading this...well, I'm sorry, you're lying.

Sebastian said...

The not-so-hidden secret of Barry's career is that he was always a lazy bum.

"Your husband is Barack Obama — the nation's mood elevator — how can you be sad?"

Because, having seen him up close, you know he is an empty suit who brings everyone's mood down.

Anonymous said...

Why should we be surprised at the Obamas' failure to perform? When have they ever been asked to perform in the substantive sense? They've been propped up and carried along by people with guilty consciences their entire professional lives. I'll also say it one more time, that if your warning lights weren't flashing at the mention of Bill Ayers during Obama's first run for president, you were oblivious to existential dangers to the country.

Joe Smith said...

At least we know that Barack doesn't prematurely publish...

Just get Bill Ayers on least that way his books will have a similar style.

rcocean said...

Its quite naive of the Libertarian American Spectator to think that Book Publishers are willing to put Profits first - and are angry at Obama. Wrong. Their allegiance to Leftist ideology and the Democrat Party comes first. For some reason, Libertarians/Fake Cons never seem to get it. The "Muh Free Market" only works when businessmen are obsessed with competing, gaining market share, and making as much money as possible. But what if that's NOT their prime motivation?

And well, there's zero reason to believe Obama has EVER written a book on his own. You don't go through 7 years of college/law school with a rep as a barely adequate writer and suddenly become a best selling author.

Breezy said...

Wow - its not like he has a regular job to do very day... He's obviously not that into earning the money he's already received and likely put into the MV mansion by the sea. Despicable thief.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

he's busy running a shadow government

please be patient

Narr said...

"Memories of the Ford Administration" by the incomparable Updike comes to my mind.

I told my friends Obama was an empty suit in 2008, and have no reason to change my mind now.

(Did not vote for McCain either)

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

The ghost writer is waiting for Obama to approve it, but Obama thought that he'd already delegated that task to a staffer. He did, but that staffer delegated it to an intern, who was high as balls at the time and has completely forgotten about it.

Michael K said...

I mean, were they really stupid enough to believe that they could ever get any return? Did they actually believe that the Obama's would sell $65 million worth of books?

They were not stupid. They got Common Core, a book deal worth ten times or more that "advance." Bribery is easy when you know how.

Mike Sylwester said...

Dystel persuaded Obama to put a book proposal together, and she submitted it. Poseidon, a small imprint of Simon & Schuster, signed on and authorized a roughly $125,000 advance in November 1990 for Obama’s proposed book. ...

Dystel did not give up. She solicited Times Books, the division of Random House at which Osnos was publisher. He met with Obama, took his word that he could finish the book, and authorized a new advance of $40,000.

Bill Ayers, living in Chicago, was scheming to get a huge grant of money from billionaire Walter Annenberg, who had become interested in funding educational reform.

Ayers was organizing an education-research foundation and needed a Black expert on education on his foundation's Board of Directors. Barack Obama was a good prospect for that position, but he had not published anything.

Therefore, Ayers secretly provided the advance money for Obama to write a book. The advance was provided by Poseidon Press, which originally had specialized books about sailing, which was a major personal interest of Ayers.

Obama moved to Chicago to write a scholarly book and to position himself to work for Ayers' foundation. However, Obama was not able to write a scholarly book.

Desperate to get Obama published to that he could appoint Obama to his foundation's Board of Directors, Ayers became Obama's ghost writer. Ayers could have written a scholarly book about education, but Obama now decided that he would rather write a personal memoir. Therefore, Ayers wrote a personal memoir for Obama.

Then Ayers appointed Obama to his Board of Directors. Now that Ayers had a Black, published expert on his foundation's Board of Directors, Ayers won a big grant from Annenberg to do research on educational reform.

Ken B said...

The false premise is that retired politicians are paid for *future* work.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama's deplorable white half to blame. Lazy white half.
the white half of Obama owes the black half of Obama some major reparations.

Yancey Ward said...

LMAO at the headline.

I hope Obama stiffs the publishers.

Temujin said...

If I'm not mistaken, he was and is the only editor of the Harvard Law Review who never published a thing. There have never been any leaks of Obama's school records, not from Columbia, not from Harvard. Nothing he supposedly wrote has been seen.

When he was running, and got elected, a number of people, well...millions, looked at him as an empty suit. A marketing prop. A Chauncey Gardiner. He's clearly bright. But was he, as former historian Michael Beschloss said, the "smartest man to every be President"? Imus Show

Doubt it. What he was and is, is a charming, good looking guy with a lot of smarts. Not sure he was ever a writer, or as deep a thinker as his sycophants made him out to be. If you've seen him speak of the cuff, not following a teleprompter, his speech follows his thoughts: fumbling, stops and starts. A lot of 'ums', 'ers', and of course, 'I's'. Oh yes, he's also one fantastic con man. That plus skulduggery got him into the Illinois State Senate, the US Senate, and two terms of Presidency. Not to mention millions from book publishers and Netflix. Not bad for a Choom Gang guy.

Dave Begley said...

What a fraud.

WisRich said...

Maybe he's waiting for the Durham investigation to end. Whatever Durham decides I'm sure will have an impact on the narrative in the book regarding Trump, Russia, and his administrations' spying scandal.

Fernandinande said...

Speaking of not finishing a book, I just learned that "stereotyping" doesn't mean typing with both hands.

wendybar said...

He's too busy lying and calling whites racist and hateful (and golfing and hanging with his celebrity friends) to actually work on a book...Besides, Bill Ayers got tired of people saying how great a writer Barack was, when Bill ACTUALLY wrote Dreams From My Father

Fernandinande said...

brought tears to my eyes

"Tears can form in the retina, creating a risk of retinal detachment and severe loss of vision."

Better just read it until you need glasses.

LA_Bob said...

Oh, you skeptics, you Doubting-Thomases who think Obama cannot sell at least $65 million worth of books. He is the BELOVED FORMER-PRESIDENT, don't you know?

Fernandinande said...

I thought he already wrote it, whatever it was.

Gahrie said...

Well, I've been told that "hard work is the key to success", "planning for the future", and "adherence to rigid timetables" are White things.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I like it when rich a-holes in the corporate sports world reveal their ignorance about Francis Scott Key and American's racism. As they skip away with their big American pay check.

We are all so racist.

William said...

There was some historian on C-Span who claimed that he had read all the different Presidential memoirs. What a remarkable achievement of endurance and perseverance! And he was relatively young too. Anyway, that historian claimed Calvin Coolidge had written the best memoir. It's not on my list, but it's worth noting. The best writers are not always the most charismatic in appearance, but it does help to sell books. See Hemingway and Mailer vs Dos Pasos and Updike. Obama's book will sell better than Jerry Ford's.....I've read part of Grant's memoirs. He doesn't try to be literary, but he has a clear, direct voice and he holds your attention. To date, this is the only Presidential book I've even partially read. It's not a genre that encourages self revelation or honest reflection. Six hundred pages of posing.....I've read some of Churchill's books. All those brass fixtures on his prose are kind of dated, but his early books about his young life are interesting. Lots of adventure and unabashed privilege.....Lincoln didn't write any extended works, but what he did write was up there with Shakespeare and the King James Bible.

Kai Akker said...


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

But this is American Spectator, so they're going with the account in the 2009 book, "Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage": he got a ghostwriter, Bill Ayers.

If that's really how Obama gets it done, then why isn't the current book done on schedule?

Ghostwriters got to have something to ghostwrite? I mean accounts of Obama's post-Presidential life that center around him supervising the Secret Service guys who take out his garbage aren't exactly fodder for gripping storytelling.

Skeptical Voter said...

Failure to perform--but getting a reward--is the story of Obama's life. It was remarkable that he was elected President of the Harvard Law Review without having produced a publishable note or comment. He's joined the pantheon of people who somehow become famous for being famous without otherwise having produced a single thing.

But he did so something---he managed to make race relations worse, and that's quite an accomplishment for the nation's second Black president (Bill Clinton was the first--a distinction achieved by emulating Martin Luther King's sexual antics).

danoso said...

$65M advance for a book that hundreds will read, maybe. It’ll look good on the coffee table though.

PM said...

As we used to say in South Central: CPT.

tim maguire said...

Is Bill Ayers unavailable? Is Obama worried that he'll be found out if he actually writes the book himself? If Michelle can write her book on time, why can't she then bang out his? If she complains about doing all the work, he can point out that the "earning" won't come from the quality of the book. It'll come from the name that he made famous.

Mark O said...

I just read that Michelle is depressed. Could it be Barack's failure to perform?

Michael K said...

Temujin said...
If I'm not mistaken, he was and is the only editor of the Harvard Law Review who never published a thing. There have never been any leaks of Obama's school records, not from Columbia, not from Harvard. Nothing he supposedly wrote has been seen.

No no no. He was "President" of the Law Review, not Editor. Editor means you wrote something. He has been successfully hidden from view since Hawaii.

gilbar said...

remember the olden days? back when speaker of the house jim wright got in trouble, and had to resign; for making millions through bulk sales of Reflections of a Public Man?

In the Immortal Words, of SE Hinton: That Was THEN, This Is NOW

CStanley said...

Say what you will, it takes real cajones to plead poverty and inability to pay back an unearned advance right after you’ve returned from a trip to Bali.

Joe Smith said...


I think the biggest reason he sealed all of his school records is that, even though I believe he was born in Hawaii, he registered as a foreign student. Why? Probably being rebellious...identifying with his Kenyan heritage as a way to push back against his evil white side. Plus, it was probably a good way to pick up chicks (or guys if you believe the rumors) being an exotic foreigner.

Sure, it's all conspiracy stuff, and it may be 100% bullshit, but it's fun.

Last, as a trained graphic designer, and working with design software since the time it was invented, the White House birth certificate file was a disaster. The only way it could have contained all of the errors it did is if someone did it on purpose...pure trolling.

Jaq said...

" you Doubting-Thomases who think Obama cannot sell at least $65 million worth of books.”

Nobody questions that he will sell 'em, just that anybody will read ‘em.

Scott said...

Barack Obama has no humility and no shame; and only enough modesty to keep his mouth from getting him into trouble.

Every word that emanates from his hamster mind is a cold calculation of effect. It's his Community Organizer training. No false moves. Must motivate people to serve the larger objective. It's all about the cause.

It must be exhausting af for Barack to write anything at all. And in any case, I hope this plastic man gets to keep all of his advance. This grifter has earned every cent.

Browndog said...

He's busy writing all the Executive Orders he's going to have Biden sign in on "day one".

Roughcoat said...

What does being president of the Harvard Law Review entail? What are the duties and responsibilities?

I was once under contract simultaneously to write two books and I received advances for from the publishers for both. Then I went through a very bad patch (family problems) where I couldn't write. So I return the advances. The advances weren't big, but then again I wasn't making much money at the time, hence returning the advance was a significant blow to my economic well-being. But I was honor-bound to return it, and I did. Good for me, eh? Well, no. It's just what you do. Unless you're Obama.

Drago said...

danoso: "$65M advance for a book that hundreds will read, maybe. It’ll look good on the coffee table though."

I have it on good authority that certain LLR-lefties have already installed hermetically sealed glass cases on their coffee tables in anticipation of the future arrival of the sure to be "magnificent" obambi ghost-written and inevitably heavily awarded book into their adoring little mitts in order to ensure the obambi book can be preserved for all future generations that are allowed to read books.

Original Mike said...

The man never did like to work.

But he looks good in a suit!

wendybar said...

Maybe he should hire Michele's ghost writer.

Martin said...

Barack Obama has always been a grifter and race hustler, playing the race card in order to scam people--out of money, favors, votes, whatever.

I think he shd tell Penguin to go to hell, he's keeping the money because they deserve that for being so gullible*, and dare them to come after him in court (which of course there is no way the would do.).

*Taking advantage of people and then saying they deserve it is a marker for sociopathy, and applying that term to Barack Obama does not bother me.

stevew said...

No one would care if they hadn't given him $65m.

Bay Area Guy said...

Barack is a grifter - he likes the money, but not the work.

But the $$ is secondary to "transforming" the country into a utopian paradise. That's what he wants. He's only 59 years old. He's got another 2 decades to run things from the sidelines.

walter said...

You can't rush a multi-layered "composite".

Dr. Graphene said...

He was President for 8 years. I think there was already a lot of evidence that he was more than likely going to fail to perform.

Todd said...

tim in vermont said...

" you Doubting-Thomases who think Obama cannot sell at least $65 million worth of books.”

Nobody questions that he will sell 'em, just that anybody will read ‘em.

8/7/20, 11:21 AM

Right you are! A crap load of that book (if it is ever published) will be sold. Every friggen library will have 20 copies. They will all likely be unread copies but they will be there on the shelf if anyone needs a door stop or a way to reach the books on the top shelf...

walter said...

He's being niggardly with his writing.

gspencer said...

Why Obama is delaying,

Bill Ayers's price for ghosting was too high this time.

RigelDog said...

I read the articles by Jack Cashill about Bill Ayers and Dreams From My Father. He makes a good case that SOMEONE besides Barack wrote that book. The writing style is striking, lyrical, and really really good. There isn't anything else (as far as I know) that is a known example of Obama's writing that comes close to the high quality of DFMF. Meanwhile, Ayers is an evil turd but I have read some of his stuff and he is--sadly--a very talented writer. His writing is clear, striking, and lyrical.

Nichevo said...

His problem is the editing. Every time he writes a page and sends it to Ayers or whoever, he says while skimming through, "Oh great, this is great Barry... Oh fuck! You confessed again! Take that out."

Do that a couple thousand times and it must get vexing.

Poor Obama! Michelle knew nothing and did nothing (except consume oxygen, food and fashion) so is not culpable.

cubanbob said...

WisRich said...
Maybe he's waiting for the Durham investigation to end. Whatever Durham decides I'm sure will have an impact on the narrative in the book regarding Trump, Russia, and his administrations' spying scandal."

95% correct. The other 5% is praying Dementia Joe gets elected.

Matthew Heintz said...

It's Nobama's "failure to perform" that is causing Moochelle's "low grade depression"! From Solyndra to Cialis, from The Vineyard to Viagra!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Obama is still lazy? Jeez with pro sports being shut down for 4 months or so, you'd think that Barack would do some work for a change.

Jim at said...

People are surprised Obama is lazy? Did they sleep through his eight years in the White House?

Larry J said...

Obama was never known for his work ethic. I actually enjoyed it when he spent so many days playing golf instead of playing president. He did far less damage to the country playing golf than when he was doing his job.

Narayanan said...

"Publishers Fret Over Obama’s ‘Failure to Perform’
i thought that was the title of his book following on "YOU DID NOT BUILD THAT"??

AS AN ASIDE - was he doing them from the front or back or top or bottom etc.

Narayanan said...

Could it be that he is waiting for the final chapter of his book - Trump being perp-walked from White House while he does live reporting?

mikesixes said...

"Failure to perform" is Barack's brand.

Michael K said...

In the Immortal Words, of SE Hinton: That Was THEN, This Is NOW

No, the Mayor of Baltimore just got taken down for the same thing Wright did.

Obama is just different. I would sure like to know who is running him. Somebody important.

Krumhorn said...

I am not kidding when I say that reading that sentence brought tears to my eyes.

Now THAT's funny!! Honestly, I can't believe she wrote that and still pushed 'send'. Sweet Jesus!

- Krumhorn

rcocean said...

Presidents since 1900 who could have written their own memoirs (and gotten it published):

Ike (people forget Ike was an excellent writer)

everyone else needed a ghostwriter.

JaimeRoberto said...

"What do you mean I have to write a book? I already got paid! You want the money back? Come and get it! I'm Barack Effing Obama, bitches!"

Anyway, I like Ann's story idea, but it needs Laszlo to punch it up.

Nob490 said...

walter said...
He's being niggardly with his writing.

Walter! How could you?

Tomcc said...

In my mind:
BHO- "Wait, what? I wasn't a Publishers Clearing House winner?"

Anonymous said...

Grant wrote the Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant while dying from throat cancer.

Hands down, the greatest autobiography ever written by a US President. Second greatest among military commanders, after Julius Caesar. Among the greatest by anyone at any time.

MayBee said...

Obama's origin story is really bizarre.

Even the Bali story. In some accounts, his new wife Michelle went along with him. In some accounts, Valerie Jarret told him he should go. In some accounts, Michelle doesn't go. Why is he so close to Valerie Jarrett, his wife's boss?
How do you pay for a month in Bali to write if you have student loans and a new job? Why Bali?

Clyde said...

Obama's report $65 million advance is a dollar for every year since the asteroid killed the dinosaurs. That's a lot of years. That's a lot of dollars.

MayBee said...

This is funny, but so very Press/Obama:

Barack Obama's Work in Progress
Over the past few years, we've gotten to know our president as a lot of different things: campaigner, lawyer, father, basketballer. But what if Obama's first and truest calling—his desire to write—explains more about him than anything else? Robert Draper recounts the untold story of the first man since Teddy Roosevelt to serve as author in chief
October 15, 2009

MayBee said...

This is from The NY Times:
. His half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, said he eventually retreated to Bali for several months with his wife, Michelle, “to find a peaceful sanctuary where there were no phones.” He showed drafts to a few close relatives including his grandmother, of whom Ms. Soetoro-Ng said, “It probably made her a little nervous, having the family written about, just because you don’t do that in Kansas.”

And this is from GQ:
Now he's got to produce. But how? He floats the idea to Jarrett: He'll go to Bali. "What do you think Michelle's gonna say when I tell her I've gotta go?" he asks her nervously. What Michelle says is, Uh, didn't we just get married? She certainly can't come along—she's got a job and they're broke and just back from their honeymoon... Fine, Barack. Whatever. As the first lady now says, "He needed to go and get it done so that we could move on with our lives."

It's not like this happened during the time of the Tudors. These are young people! And the story is never told the same!

Iman said...

The book is delayed because Obama doesn’t like what the ghostwriters have produced. Other than being elected, what did he accomplish? ObamaCare? The killing of Bin Laden? So a chapter on each, then what?

A chapter on his love/hate relationship with his teleprompter?

Nichevo said...

rcocean said...
Presidents since 1900 who could have written their own memoirs

You leave out Reagan, but of course he soon fell ill. Of course, he was younger than Biden. Reagan leaving office was younger than Biden will be in 2021.

Can you imagine RR getting Alzheimer's and THEN running for President? That's what Biden offers, minus the character and vision. I can't wait for Biden's memoirs. Or will that be a contradiction in terms?

Sally327 said...

Failure to perform? That can't be, Barack is LeBron baby. He can do anything. Not really, of course because if Obama were LeBron, he'd have his book done. LeBron has a book coming out next week as a matter of fact. I bet he didn't miss his deadline. Because he IS LeBron baby (okay it's a picture book for preschoolers but that's not the point).

I think it's possible Obama just isn't that interested in writing about his Presidency. i know I'm trying to hard to forget all about it.

Tom said...

Failure to Perform is a great name for his book. It can be about how Trump ruined every good thing Obama ever did — a whine-fest.

GingerBeer said...

Now that's what I call White Privilege.

JAORE said...

Obama's "failure to perform".

There's a blue pill/red pill joke in there somewhere.

JAORE said...

He's put as much effort into the book as he did the Nobel Peace Prize.

Unknown said...

"I do think that at a certain point you've made enough money."

Unknown said...

Did we ever get to see Choom Gang's grades?

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