On March 2, David Lacey, the husband of Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey, emerged from their home to point a gun at Black Lives Matter protesters on his front porch, telling them, “I will shoot you” in a viral video of the incident. More than five months later, the California attorney general’s office on Tuesday filed three misdemeanor charges for assault with a firearm against David Lacey, 66. The charges further complicate a stiff reelection battle for Lacey (D), who is Los Angeles County’s first Black district attorney and the first woman to hold the job. Amid a national reckoning with racial injustice, Lacey has been assailed by protesters for declining to charge police officers in violent incidents, and has recently lost the endorsements of several top California Democrats....I don't know why I didn't notice this story at the time. The video — which I'm just seeing this morning — is very striking. Not only does Lacey point the gun directly at somebody, but he's got his finger on the trigger:
August 5, 2020
"His response was in fear, and now that he realizes what happened, he wanted me to say to the protesters … that he was sorry, that’s he’s profoundly sorry."
Said Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey, quoted in "Husband of Los Angeles district attorney charged with pointing a gun at BLM protesters" (WaPo).
It's a misdemeanor when he does it. It's a felony when you do it.Still. I'd rather explain myself in front of a judge than have my family bury my remains.
Transcript from a Twitter link on Instapundit:
Protestors on their way to harass the Seattle police chief @carmenbest at her home, encountered locals who were not in the mood to host protests in their neighborhood.
Protestor: “We are peaceful! You pointed a gun at my face!”
Resident: “That’s why you are peaceful.”
moral of the story; if you take out your gun: USE IT
Althouse: Always be Triggering.
Not only does Lacey point the gun directly at somebody, but he's got his finger on the trigger:
You don’t point your gun at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
We don’t know what happened before or what warnings are given.
We do know they were at his front door.
So? What's crime? I know judges have created laws that don't exist. But have governing bodies passed statutes, and are the constitutional? Violent rioters threatening this mans property, he has the right to defend it. This irrational treatment of guns, is just that, irrational. The masses have been conditioned to respond like the Karens have programmed them.
"If they won't engage with us, what choice do we have?"
Work to vote them out. Civics 101.
All of these prosecutions are second amendment suppression.
Pretty soon you’ll have to correctly guess the number of jelly beans before you can pick up your weapon.
The aim is to make it impossible to defend yourself from the coming mobs.
The video was being posted in early June, but I didn't pay much attention to it since it was 3 months old at that time.
I don't blame him for being upset that people were in front of his house and on his porch before dawn (or any time). I don't know what use there was in going outside and threatening them. Maybe it was just a reaction due to exhaustion from being harassed.
Young me, as a "protestor": He came out with a gun!
My mom: You shouldn't have been there.
Me: He pointed it right at us!
Mom: You shouldn't have been there.
Me: His finger was on the trigger!
Mom: You shouldn't have been there.
“Get off my lawn,” is the centerpiece of the American Dream.
It’s why the houses always have white picket fences.
Protestors on their way to harass the Seattle police chief @carmenbest at her home, encountered locals who were not in the mood to host protests in their neighborhood.
Protestor: “We are peaceful! You pointed a gun at my face!”
Resident: “That’s why you are peaceful.”
The time between when you pull and when you shoot the threat should be as quick as your skill allows. Brandishing bad. Problem is now that we're blending violent protesters with mostly peaceful protesters with peaceful protesters all together in a big political mob it's harder to decide what's a threat...
Mob wins...especially if one of the peaceful protesters gets shot.
Imagine the discussions that led up to this. You can bet he’s furious that he has to apologize to these punks, but everything gets sacrificed to the campaign. The irony is, they won’t accept his apology. They never do.
I'd like to know if that guy had training for using that gun.
Maybe it's not loaded and as far as he's concerned, it's a prop, but that's the first thing you'd be told not to do if you were trained.
(I've had training.)
Just out of curiosity, anyone understand why we have a "defund the police" movement instead of a "stop committing crimes and resisting arrest" movement?
Everybody understands that every time we have one of these BLM type incidents, life gets harder for poor Black people, right?
If convicted, will he lose his right to own a gun?
I grew up in an area where you came onto someone’s property carefully, respectfully, and in a non-threatening manner because we all had guns and routinely used them.
An armed society is a polite society.
Who wouldn’t be afraid or angry at that time of day at home?
And check out the organizer in the video. Her earrings are as big as baseballs.
When we see what they were doing, I'll care.
How many of these "news reports" turn out to be sheer fiction? The elderly lawyer assaulted in Milwaukee and now facing seven years for hate crimes for mildly fighting back? The dozen-plus people whose cars have been attacked by illegal -- completely illegal -- mobs blocking streets and highways and exit ramps (very dangerous) as the media accuses them of intentionally "assaulting" protesters? The four and counting people charged with serious hate crimes for defacing .00001% of the grafitti protesters used to deface streets and buildings, while tens of thousands of violent protesters face no charges for destroying and looting and defacing thousands of private and public property? The two people facing serious hate crime charges and unknown numbers facing job loss or assault for fighting back against protesters screaming anti-white racial slurs for weeks on end at police and private citizens?
Note that councilmen and mayors are billing us for public and private security at their homes while denying the rest of us basic public protection.
Training is more important than picking a weapon. Agreed.
What they train, is judicial precedent. They train you to avoid past rulings from the bench. Because the law is worthless to a judge that has a political agenda and desires to make the 2cnd amendment meaningless.
Never apologize. Maybe, having his finger on the trigger wasn't wrong or dangerous. Providing a defense, I would proffer: prove that there were bullets in the gun.
The time between when you pull and when you shoot the threat should be as quick as your skill allows.
There were 30 protesters. California allows a maximum 10 round capacity for magazines.
The numbers make brandishing even more of a bad idea than it would be in normal places (not California.)
While disapproving, the CBS commentators had a sympathetic tone.They expressed understanding of why the DA and her husband might be fearful in the situation.Very different from the way the white St Louis couple have been treated by media.
Althouse is brandishing her firearm... training.
Blogger Dave Begley said...
If convicted, will he lose his right to own a gun?
8/5/20, 6:48 AM
Relevant questions from the BATFE form 4473 for purchasing a firearm:
b. Are you under indictment or information in any court for a felony, or any other crime for which the judge could imprison you for more
than one year, or are you a current member of the military who has been charged with violation(s) of the Uniform Code of Military
Justice and whose charge(s) have been referred to a general court-martial?
c. Have you ever been convicted in any court, including a military court, of a felony, or any other crime for which the judge could have
imprisoned you for more than one year, even if you received a shorter sentence including probation?
While it doesn't answer your question directly, and there are local/local laws which tighten the above, the answer is 'maybe'.
But this is where the media are complicit in creating this situation: he said he was fearful - in fear of his life? - which I would see as reasonable under the circumstances described. Doesn't stop the politically motivated prosecutors and judges with convicting - yet another - black man of a crime that they never committed.
"The numbers make brandishing even more of a bad idea than it would be in normal places (not California.)"
Only one bullet is needed because because the mob is not going to stick around to find out which lucky ones get the other nine.
I think we should do more to verbally discourage protesters from going to peoples homes.
Blogger Kevin said...
I grew up in an area where you came onto someone’s property carefully, respectfully, and in a non-threatening manner because we all had guns and routinely used them.
An armed society is a polite society.
8/5/20, 6:49 AM
In addition, the past few months have demonstrated (sic) we are a long way from a civil society.
[Why would you need a gun in a civil society? But, why would you be afraid of someone having a gun if society was civil?]
"the husband of Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey, emerged from their home to point a gun"
When you know the gory details of "law enforcement," you resort to self help.
@Rusty -
I'd rather explain myself in front of a judge than have my family bury my remains.
When I was an Assistant DA in Brooklyn, the copspeak was "better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6".
I mean, if he was legitimately afraid... then what is the issue with him acting in self defense? I don't see how this WEAKENS his argument.
We have no idea what occurred before or after that 10 seconds of video, so it's essentially worthless. Maybe he was justified in pointing it at them, maybe he wasn't. We do not know.
Viral videos that the news cycle loves are almost always flawed in this way, lacking any context whatsoever. Cruel neutrality requires never posting one, because it's like posting one person's opinion of an event without anything to balance it out.
"Problem is now that we're blending violent protesters with mostly peaceful protesters with peaceful protesters all together in a big political mob it's harder to decide what's a threat..."
Peaceful protest doctrine (see Gandhi) is that if the protest is hijacked by violent people, then the peaceful people must suspend their activity. Thus, there cannot be blending of peaceful and violent protestors.
Replace those protesters oh his doorstep with KKK members: I assume the response to his action would involve less hand-wringing.
Then the argument would be that the KKK would be a more obvious threat.
Than the current protesters known for random violence.
I am Laslo.
Guns. What are they for?
Apparently some think it's only use is to fire a high velocity projectile into another human being.
If you were thinking the very best use of a gun is as a deterrent--don't start none, won't be none--nobody gets hurt type of thing, I guess you'd be wrong.
It does follow the same logic of 'abolish the police'. The mere existence is an act of violence.
I think a great business model would be to have a service where you have multiple day and night vision cameras with battery backup mounted on your roof and in trees that are internet connected to a data storage company with chain of custody. Then even if the prosecutor takes the data from you and tries to hide it you will always have a copy to play in court when they claim you were not in danger.
Taking a deep breath to stop myself from swearing.
Of course he fucking brought a gun to the door. Of course he brandished it.
30 "protestors" on his fucking front porch before dawn.
How the Hell is he supposed to know what their intent is.
Normal, peaceful people do not protect on someone's front porch in large groups when it's dark out.
Jesus fucking Christ, what is wrong with people.
In a world where "protestors" burn things down, attack people, where the police won't respond, this is the natural reaction of normal people.
30 people on my porch in the dark, I'm answering the door with a rifle, not a pistol.
“Remember: Ultimately, cops aren’t there to protect the community from criminals. They’re there to protect criminals from the community. Communities dealt with crime for millennia before police were invented, usually with rather limited due process.”
- Glenn Reynolds
He didn’t apologize. She did and said it was from him, but I don’t believe her. I think she is lying. That big sigh gives it away.
in other news,
An armed paranoid society is a cowardly and depressed society. Is it no wonder you people follow a con man, are addicted to opioids and are fat dumb and stupid.
Only one bullet is needed because because the mob is not going to stick around to find out which lucky ones get the other nine.
Assumes they will behave rationally and that you can have them all in your view at the same time.
There were 30 protesters out front. Three were on the porch, including, I believe, the Cal State professor who made the video.
If I were in politics, I'd install a built-in sprinkler system in my yard that I could activate from inside. I think that would discourage protesters hanging out on my property.
We have lost sight of the law. The law says the resident is innocent. The state is required to prove a law has been violated. Brandishing is overbroad and depends entirely on the persons perspective on freedom. Again this is all irrational, not illegal, and the charges are for public consumption, and does nothing to promote a civil society. I repeat this is created by judicial precedent somehow replacing a self governing populace.
I'll agree that the guy showed poor trigger discipline, but massing on his doorstep before dawn is a greater sin, and arguably more likely to result in injury or death. He shouldn't be prosecuted before they are.
It is always illuminating to see the standards applied to each side. Yes, you do not point your gun at someone unless you plan to shoot that someone and, most likely, the man violated proper gun safety protocols and possibly the law. Also, you do not show up in a mob at someone's house at 5am unless you are planning something bad to happen. In fact, showing up at someone's house in a mob at any hour of the day is not conducive to anything constructive, but showing up at 5am is pretty much begging for a violent confrontation. Yet the guy facing the mob is expected to be absolutely perfect in all things in handling a potentially violent situation for which he is most certainly ill-prepared, and the mob is given a pass for their premeditated actions.
30 people on my porch in the dark, I'm answering the door with a rifle, not a pistol.
If there's 30 people on your porch in the dark and you feel threatened enough why are you answering the door at all?
He should insist on his right to a speedy trial and make them try the case. Do you think you can’t find one in twelve jurors who would say “Damn right he drew down on those assholes, and I would too?” If you get a hung jury, make ‘em try the case again.
If there are 30 people on your porch, invading your property and banging on your house at night!!!..and you brandish a hand gun....you are using the wrong weapon for the circumstance!
You might be able to hit or wound a few with your hand before you run out of ammo and if you are a good shot. Use a 12 gauge shotgun suitable for short range (as opposed to a long barrel for wildfowl hunting). That way you have more chance of wounding more of them. You don't have to be precise. Choose your load carefully for distance and penetration ;-)
Plus....people are unreasonably afraid of shotguns. These "protestors" are chickenshits. At the first resistance they usually fold. If not. At least you took some of them with you.
An AR 15 with a higher magazine capacity would be better. AR stands for American Rifle.
Oooops Armalite AR the manufacturers name. My mistake.
Black politics in LA. The solution is to leave LA.
It's interesting that black residents have left the traditional black neighborhoods, like Watts. They have been replaced by Hispanics who generally don't like blacks.
This stuff won't help. White leftists elect these black politicians.
If I were in politics, I'd install a built-in sprinkler system in my yard that I could activate from inside. I think that would discourage protesters hanging out on my property.
During the 9/11 attacks I recall seeing a White House correspondent reporting outside from 'pebble beach'. Behind him was the White House lawn and the sprinklers were on. The nozzles were shooting a sharp, stinging spray of water that covered every inch of the place. Clearly a threat deterrent. Wouldn't be surprised if they threw in some voltage, too...
I want one of those...
Howard said...
An armed paranoid society is a cowardly and depressed society. Is it no wonder you people follow a con man, are addicted to opioids and are fat dumb and stupid.
Howard pontificating from his all white suburb.
"Assumes they will behave rationally and that you can have them all in your view at the same time."
No, I'm assuming that they will all run at the first shot. It has nothing to do with rational thought, it has to do with fear and self preservation.
Welcome to the real world Prof. Now tell us again about the Floyd video.
God, I wish he'd shot that bitch.
The charges have been dropped, I believe.
Everybody knows it is legal to trespass and threaten people.
And those inside have to wait for the Molotov cocktail to bust the window before being rightly fearful for your life.
My criticism is that he opened the door.
Joe Biden says he should shoot a warning shot through the door.
As a Democratic, Joe Biden knows about guns and such.
Imagine the harm if he had said "Hey, guys. Get off my porch."
That would be a hate crime against the people with cervix.
And also the people with prostates who pretend to have cervix.
Ride the tiger, Leftist Collectivists.
Funny how the "CBS This Morning" anchors expressed sympathy for the Laceys in the wrap-up (was that Joy Reid?).
Would they have been as supportive of a White person being "afraid" of protesters "crossing the property line"?
Probably a silly question.
"There were 30 protesters. California allows a maximum 10 round capacity for magazines.
The numbers make brandishing even more of a bad idea than it would be in normal places (not California.)"
They're douchebags, not a Banzai charge. Shoot one and the rest will invariably get a clue.
Sprinklers that spray green dye would be best.
It's for the grass, of course.
Matt Sablan said...
I mean, if he was legitimately afraid... then what is the issue with him acting in self defense? I don't see how this WEAKENS his argument.
It depends on whether or not he had a legitimate reason to be afraid. Fear is not a justification. I know people who couldn't go to the grocery store without leaving a trail of corpses behind them because they're totally motivated by fear, most of it unreasonable.
Going only from this report, she seems like a semi-sane liberal...rare these days so sure to get booted from office.
Her husband had lousy trigger discipline but the right idea. On their porch in the early hours of the morning...I'm guessing it wasn't 6am but more likely 12:30am.
@Althouse "Maybe it's not loaded..."
These days with ammo shortages, he may have been out of ammunition and figured an unloaded gun is better than nothing.
Either way, I wouldn't convict him of anything were I on a jury.
"...fat dumb and stupid.
That's Mensa material right there...
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
They're douchebags, not a Banzai charge. Shoot one and the rest will invariably get a clue.
Looks like he's carrying a Hi-Point JHP, one shot is about all he could reasonably get off before it jams.
If this is a democrat DA's husband, GOOD! I hope they burn down her house next time. This shit won't stop until they have skin in the game and worry about roving mobs menacing them at their homes at 5:00AM too. Same for the Seattle Police chief. She went along with this shit until it became untenable. Fuck all of them!
The 10 bullets for 30 protesters only matters if the protesters have the courage to charge the shooter. Given what we have seen from the violent protesters, if you push back in a serious way, as in the protesters could get hurt, the large majority of them flee. The mob has courage until it becomes obvious that the target is going to fight back and has the means to do so. Occasionally you get someone who is really dedicated to the cause, or is so riled up that they have stopped thinking straight, or is high on drugs, or is really violent, or actually knows what to do in these situations, and then that becomes a problem. (Typically, these are the members of the mob who get killed.)
In this case, if he fired a warning shot they probably would have fled. There does not appear to have been anyone in the mob that had thought this through even a little bit.
“ Plus....people are unreasonably afraid of shotguns. These "protestors" are chickenshits. At the first resistance they usually fold. If not. At least you took some of them with you.
An AR 15 with a higher magazine capacity would be better. AR stands for American Rifle”
“AR” actually means (or originally meant) Armalite Rifle. Interestingly some of the first AR-15s were select fire, and apparently some of them ended up in Vietnam. To be accurate - the M16 (and then M4 Carbine) were military versions of the AR-15 and not the other way around. Better than a dozen and a half different AR really rifles. The first adopted by the military was a survival rifle. The AR-10 was designed to compete with what became the select fire M-14. The AR-18 is apparently essentially a piston operated AR-15. It operates more cleanly as a result, but is more expensive and maybe a little heavier.
The good news is that the sporting goods store I visited yesterday has .300 AAC Blackout ammunition for sale. They are rationing it, along with most handgun ammunition, right now to 100 rounds a day. I bought 40 supersonic and 60 subsonic rounds yesterday, and plan on dropping by today and tomorrow. (They also had good prices on 10 mm which is rare). Why .300 Blackout? Better for a shorter (<16”) barrel AR Pistol. Normal .223/5.56 ammunition burns too slowly for short barrels (designed for 18-20” barrels). Regular 5.56/.223 magazines will apparently work but I picked up several specialized MagPul M2 .300 magazines last month. The reason for the run on the ammunition is that it makes a better AR pistol. I have one with a 7.5” barrel as well as another identical barrel (long story) for a future build. It is really the best of all worlds - 30 round AR magazines (that can be clipped together for 60 rounds), with a heavier, harder hitting, bullet than is typical for 5.56/.223, or most handguns. More capacity than a handgun (with less recoil), and much more maneuverable than an AR-15 carbine or rifle. Sure, not as accurate at 100 yards. But we are talking font yard distances here.
Howard said...
An armed paranoid society is a cowardly and depressed society. Is it no wonder you people follow a con man, are addicted to opioids and are fat dumb and stupid.
It's almost as if you craved attention. From people you clearly don't like.
Which, experts tell me, would make you a snowflake.
You don’t point your gun at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
I keep seeing this in different forms. It's terrible advice.
You point your gun at a potential threat to get the drop on him, so you can control him and prevent him from attempting to draw a weapon of his own, because his disadvantage is hopeless.
That way, as Sun Tzu wrote, you can win without fighting, which is the acme of skill.
You then have options. He has none, except to break off the immediate attack. He can submit or flee.
If a criminal threat thinks he has a better than even chance of beating you to the draw, then it makes a shooting more likely to occur, not less. With much more risk to the law abiding citizen.
Some, select Black Lives Matter is a Pro-Choice sect of the Progressive Church conceived and born from a false lead. The guy was playing a bit part in their religious play for a national spectacle. Encore!
Protestors on their way to harass the Seattle police chief @carmenbest at her home
Yes, the police chief had a change of heart, as did the Seattle mayor before her. So Pro-Choice, so progressive, until they're not. The very major model of liberal.
You don’t point your gun at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
I keep seeing this in different forms. It's terrible advice.
Jason’s correct. The proper formulation is “Don’t point your gun at anything you aren’t prepared to shoot.”
It is incredibly stupid to scare anybody like that who you don't know . You have no idea who you are threatening, what their mental state is, or what kind of mistakes they are capable of under fear. It's just stupid, and it's the fault of the person doing the invading. You have no right to do that to people and expect to get away unharmed.
Most of the high profile shootings of people like Travon Martin, Michael Brown, and many others only happened because the dead guy decided to scare and attack armed men. Sometimes they know they are armed, and sometimes they don't, which is why you don't fuck with strangers even if you don't have the moral compass to stop you. You should avoid it to avoid getting killed.
"There were 30 protesters. California allows a maximum 10 round capacity for magazines.
I Only Have 12 Bullets, So Some Of You Will Have To Share
maybe Pluggs was right about firing a couple of shotgun blasts off your porch
"Looks like he's carrying a Hi-Point JHP, one shot is about all he could reasonably get off before it jams."
No it has a beavertail, so not a Hi-Point. Jesus, I would hope that a DA's husband could afford better than a Hi-Point. I'm not a snob though, so God bless him if that's all they could afford.
"You don’t point your gun at anything you don’t intend to shoot."
You don't point a gun at anything that you wouldn't shoot.
This is why gun owners should join the NRA. An NRA member would know that you can't use a gun to intimidate. He should be tried to the fullest extent of the law.
I apparently am a regular Nostradamus. Just before this crap hit, I had completed my yearly monetarily allowable firearm purchasing. Right before the shelves dried up. I've added an M-1 Carbine and 1080 rounds of South Korean surplus ball, on chargers in bandoliers, a Walther 9mm and 1000 rounds, and a Star BM 9mm (more for fun than anything). You can't wait until you need this stuff. I bet the only 9mm and 45 ammo available is ball. Plus I can reload every caliber I have except the shotgun, which is first on next years list.
I also think he had poor handling skills and was stupid for opening the door. Open the upstairs window, appear around the house by exiting from a side or back door. Think of these things in advance, just like you would a family fire drill, cause if this shit keeps up, it just might be needed. It's Rooftop Koreans all they way down.
I'm of the mind that this is actually a good thing. If you or I were in this situation there is no question that TPTB would have us trussed up like a Christmas goose. Let them live by the same rules.
More infuriating is that DA Lacey refuses to bring criminal charges against two high profile doctors in LA for sexual assault/molestation. Both are male gynecologists, one at the UCLA affiliated hospital, and the other at USC Medical Center. Some of these victims were minors, and others were women dealing with cancer-related treatments. The hospitals are required to report these sorts of things when dealing with minor children, but did not. DA Lacey has known about these two situations for at least a year, and has decided to give them a good leaving alone.
If this isn't found to be squarely within the "bear arms" part of the 2nd Amendment, something is seriously amiss. Bear has to include bringing them to bear.
Could it be that he was frightened by the angry gathering?????
Michael K: "Howard pontificating from his all white suburb."
Non-combat Howard pontificating from his all white suburb.
This is why gun owners should join the NRA. An NRA member would know that you can't use a gun to intimidate. He should be tried to the fullest extent of the law.
Yeah, right. That's why cops never draw their guns except to kill people. They know it is illegal to point one without pulling the trigger. You'll never see a video of a cop pointing his firearm while shouting "Show me your hands!", because that would be illegal intimidation.
If you live in a blue city, move.
Althouse has had training, but you need to train continually. If you own a gun you should practice at a range regularly.
We seem to be building up to an event where a bunch of White punks screaming "black lives matter!" are going to get killed by a black guy who'd scared shitless of them.
It will be interesting to see all the media commentators try to both lynch the guy and excuse him for it at the same time.
“ Blogger rehajm said...
30 people on my porch in the dark, I'm answering the door with a rifle, not a pistol.
If there's 30 people on your porch in the dark and you feel threatened enough why are you answering the door at all?”
Yes! He should have waited until the Molotov cocktails were sailing through his windows before he reacted!
There were 30 protesters.
Socially awkward.
When a mob comes a-knockin' at 5:30 in the morning an armed response is entirely appropriate. He shouldn't have his finger on the trigger, though, and he shouldn't be pointing the gun at them yet. He needs training.
I sold my shotguns a few years ago since I had not fired them in some time. Maybe I should get another one. My Colt 1911 only has 7 shots but I suspect that would clear the driveway. I do have a 30 round magazine for the AR 15.
Kevin said...
Not only does Lacey point the gun directly at somebody, but he's got his finger on the trigger:
You don’t point your gun at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
does intent need to be actualized always? trotting out this ""dictum?? makes no sense to me
Doc Kennedy, the pistol is for those occasions where you haven't had the foresight to get to the AR. A rifle is much better than a shotgun in most conditions. Much, much better than a pistol.
Also, if you won't carry in Condition One then you are subject to be swarmed before you ever bust a cap. Give serious consideration to a double action revolver.
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