July 6, 2020

"Why do none of Trump’s ‘jokes’ feel like jokes?"

A column by Richard Zoglin in WaPo. And if you're jumping to answer the question with something like they're not funny to people who hate Trump or who are the butt of his jokes, you're wrong. Zoglin — author of "Elvis in Vegas: How the King Reinvented the Las Vegas Show" and "Hope: Entertainer of the Century" — has something way more interesting and — as far as comedy matters go — erudite.

Zoglin looks at some important Trump jokes/"jokes": 1. "When you do testing to that extent, you’re going to find more people, you’re going to find more cases. So I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down, please,’ ”  2. (about Hillary's emails) "Russia, if you’re listening,” 3. (about police putting arrestees in squad cars) “Don’t be too nice,” 4. whatever he said about injecting disinfectant, and 5. challenging Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to an IQ test.

Zoglin says Trump is using an "avant-garde and subtle" form of humor!
Trump’s chief model, it seems to me, is the deadpan performance-art comedy of people such as Andy Kaufman and Sacha Baron Cohen. They created elaborate put-on characters, like Kaufman’s obnoxious lounge-lizard Tony Clifton or Cohen’s blundering Kazakh journalist, Borat.

The key to pulling off this sort of comedy is to stick with the ruse, to stay in character, to dupe the audience for as long as possible....

Trump, the Tony Clifton of presidents, has proved equally adept at sustaining the put-on. He never breaks character. He never laughs at his own jokes (or anyone else’s, for that matter). On those rare occasions when he feels compelled to backtrack from an especially ridiculous comment, he does so with a scripted monotone of can’t-miss-it insincerity.

[Some things Trump says] make sense only as performance art. And in that respect, Trump is peerless. Even Tony Clifton and Borat couldn’t keep their acts running for four years straight.
If you buy the theory that Trump is doing performance art... what a great artist!


Eric said...

I've come to believe that Trump invented his "The Donald" personna to sell real estate and he has used parts of that in his political career. Many (most?) people don't see that there is something below the surface, so they cannot identify his jokes.

Amadeus 48 said...

The real joke is the lame and predictable response of Trump’s critics. I think Trump does it just to watch them dance.

On a very small scale, look at the stylings of our own ARM, Inga, Howard, etc. What could be more absurd than the uniform responses of the (probably) paid trolls that inhabit the nether regions of the Althouse comment section? Trump never does anything right, according to them. Never. And he doesn’t love his family, and his ties are too long. Our trolls believe Trump hates blacks and gays, even though he is the most pro-gay president ever elected, and he has done more for interests black Americans in three years than Obama did in eight.

Dance, clowns, dance.

Paco Wové said...

I don't know, his jokes sound like jokes to me. His style reminds me a bit of some of the higher-ups in the company I work for, speaking when they're in small group meetings.

Dull, humorless earnestness (or the feigning of same) is a hallmark of modern American politics, presumably because our politicians fear if they actually said something that they thought was funny, it would alienate too many voters. It is the era of "that's not funny!", after all.

Or maybe it's because they are dullards. There's always that possibility.

Paco Wové said...

The Hillary e-mails joke was a real litmus test. If you couldn't tell that was a joke, you're not bright enough to participate in adult conversation.

Kristen said...

Overthinking, just a bit. Haven't you known someone who said things just because they knew it'd get under someone else's skin? The reason people who hate Trump don't think they're jokes is-- they're the people whose skin the remarks are designed to get under. The people who like Trump know he's not serious, and don't mind him poking at people that hate them too and honestly, they don't like, either.

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

rhhardin said...

Trump's deadpan is aimed at making the fake news double down, which is why it's funny. It's the high-class news slipping on a banana peel Trump has put out.

Jeff said...

It doesn't sound "avant-garde" to me; it sounds like typical rough-edged, somewhat mean, but not enough to provoke a fight, male humor -- the kind of thing I've for decades heard at athletic practices and competitions, bars, locker-rooms, or just goofing around with friends. Maybe Trump's biggest problem in this regard is simply that the people who report and comment on these matters have no experience in this type of humor.

Sebastian said...

"performance art"

True. Which by now we take seriously, though not literally. And which, after the coup attempts and the Mt. Rushmore speech, now also has a political point.

Althouse was ahead of the game, deconstructing Trump's manner of speech without prog prejudice. Which is nice.

But prog hegemony means that they think they can afford not to understand the Other.

DarkHelmet said...

I think that's pretty accurate. And given how our media/political culture has been wholly subsumed in a morass of Marxist/post-modern/woke miasma Trump's schtick is probably the perfect response.

Sincere Christian didn't work for W. Bush. Yes, he won twice, but at the end of the day the D.C. machine had its way with him. Nobody on the right side of the aisle is planning to run as the next W. Bush. It certainly didn't work for Jeb. Mr. Nice Guy didn't work for Romney. Maverick Super Patriot didn't work for McCain. Kinder and Gentler Gentry didn't work for GHW Bush.

There are two personas that have worked for the right side of the aisle over the last forty years: Reagan's Morning in America and Trump's MAGA. Reagan's was huge success, and Trump's has accomplished a few things, though if he is not re-elected his legacy will certainly fall short of Reagan's.

stlcdr said...

Some people have a very droll sense of humor, but it doesn't define who they are.

I'll put this down to the whole 'identity' issue that the left and media personalities insist must exist.

Temujin said...

Trump's greatest joke, one that had me laughing out loud at the time it happened, occurred at one of the RNC debates 4 years ago. It was at the time when no one could 'find' Hillary's emails. Those 30,000 emails that had been destroyed. The FBI could not get them. Hillary had 'no idea' where they could have been. Remember her comment about beach bit "you mean like wiping with a cloth"?

That was also the time we knew that Hillary had been using a home server for years and that the national security apparatus of pretty much every country in the world was reading Hillary's emails. At the debate, Trump remarked, we should ask the Russians for Hillary's emails.

It was a hilarious line at the time. I thought it was brilliant. And...no one laughed. The people-who-do-not-find-anything-funny decided that it was proof Trump was working with Russia and opened the door to the Three Years of Nothing trials.

Howard said...

So true, Eric, Many (most?) people don't see that there is something below the surface. Neither his enemies: the haters and never Trumpers; nor his supporters: the deplorables and white nationalists. However, to us normals, it is quite easy to plumb the shallow depths of PDJT, the self-serving opportunist not driven by ideology or principle. Our allies, adversaries and the corona virus are not taken in by his trolling. I remember back in the day dealing with some mini-mogul Wall Street sharpies who saw the feature of investing in contaminated property. The crusty old man described his dashing young partner (who resembled the young DJT) as a mile wide and an inch deep.

TreeJoe said...

Some of these are such obvious jokes it's been painful to watch the media both portray them as serious and have entire conversations around how terrible this serious thing is....i.e. "I told them to slow testing down"

Other things listed are not jokes.

Why is Trump so hard to understand? Only reason I can see is hatred.

Tommy Duncan said...

Trump's story about the slippery ramp and the two-handed drink of water was a tour de force. WC Fields would have been envious.

Matt Sablan said...

I honestly don't think people don't think these things are jokes; I think they are being deliberately obtuse so they can feign some outrage. It is a standard, and very annoying, modern critique style to switch between understanding, not understanding and taking statements in an overly literal style, or pretending a word means something it clearly doesn't given the context.

roesch/voltaire said...

True his lies and misinformation have become a running joke that at times turns deadly particularly when he spouts about the virus.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trump uses sarcasm and irony often. Most people understand what sarcasm is and what is ironic....hint....it isn't rain on your wedding day.

Zoglin, obviously, doesn't get sarcasm or irony and probably also doesn't like being the point of a joke that he doesn't "get". These journalists are like they haven't ever grown out of their junior high acne riddled angst and hormonal emotions.

I find Trump really funny and enjoy his off the cuff remarks. Dark humor even. Dark humor is appropriate in dire situations....like now when we are fighting for our lives and freedoms.

Perhaps Trumps remarks are scripted but, because those segues and ramblings feel spontaneous...they are funny and amusing because our "political class" doesn't usually do this type of speaking. Talking like regular people do without a script.

Limited blogger said...

I need some humorless leftist to explain Trump's jokes to me?

Don't worry, we get it.

Jeff Gee said...

Another thing all these performers have in common: a substantial portion of the comic charge depends upon a big chunk of the audience NOT getting the joke. Tony Clifton only hits on all cylinders if you got lots of folks sitting there under the impression that Tony Clifton is just a shitty Vegas style hack. If *everybody's* laughing uproariously at Kaufman's hilarious routine, it doesn't work. In effect, the people who aren't in on the joke function as the stooge or straight man.

Leland said...

The elites don't laugh at Trump's jokes because his comments are meant to force them into humility. Either they show some humility or they are laughed at for being uptight. Call it Avant Garde or whatever, indeed the elites are the subject, butt if you will, of Trump's jokes.

Wince said...

Trump's performance art humor is one of his best subversive, anti-establishment and populist qualities.

Original Mike said...

IDK, his jokes are obvious to me. How do you not see that "When you do testing to that extent, you’re going to find more people, you’re going to find more cases. So I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down, please,’ ” is a joke? And I do not believe "Russia, if you’re listening,” was not seen to be a joke by all but the dimwitted.

traditionalguy said...

Trump stays on script which includes a populous President. The surprise is that this comic genius is taken seriously. And the Trump Train rollsalong like Patton’s Third Army headed to Berlin.

ConradBibby said...

The author is definitely onto something. The hatred we see toward Trump is similar to how people reacted to Andy Kaufman (not in the Tony Clifton guise, but as "himself"). People who perceived that the Kaufman they saw on TV or read about in newspapers was "real" couldn't stand the idea that such a person was regarded as talented or entertaining, because all they could see was a slow-witted faker with no sense of propriety. But those who were in on the joke (or THOUGHT they were, anyway), could slough off AK's eccentric behavior and admire the performance, while also laughing at the people who took AK seriously and literally.

Fernandinande said...

In The Devil's Advocate a bunch of fancy people were disappointed Donald Trump didn't show up at their party.

Ice Nine said...

I'm not a Trump hater and, though I think he's rather funny for a politician, I don't find a lot of his specific jokes all that funny. But that's irrelevant. The real issue is not that Trump haters do not find Trump's "jokes" funny, it is that they take these *throwaway lines* of his, such as those Zoglin listed, as serious statements of his policy. And they do that with intent. And that is not wrong -- that is obvious to anyone who isn't looking for more reasons to hate Trump, as they are. Zoglin is barking up a tree.

jeremyabrams said...

Who is the last president to take this kind of joy in life? JFK? Maybe if he had been healthy. Really no one.

JB71-AZ said...

"Many (most?) people don't see that there is something below the surface, so they cannot identify his jokes."

Or don't want to.

Let's face it - Trump is not a standard politician. He never was, never will be (no matter how some would plead and cry for him to act 'Presidential' - he's who he is and he doesn't care about how some see him - especially the political animals for whom appearance is EVERYTHING. (And the results from 'Good Ideas' whether good or bad are essentially worthless. What matters is the APPEARANCE as they push out the 'Good Ideas'.)

He's what we need at present. Biden's the senile representative of an aging and ineffective gerontocracy that's desperately pandering to the worst aspects of their followers, the Libertarian party's a joke.

I don't agree with everything Trump does, but I have no doubt he's trying hard to do things for the good of the country as a whole instead of the good of the folks inside the Beltway.

Eleanor said...

No comedian has universal appeal. I went to see George Carlin and half the audience left their seats at intermission and never returned. Successful comedians find their audience and only book themselves into venues where those audiences are. Trump has found his crowd. It doesn't matter if the left can't tell when he's kidding and when he's not. They don't think memes the right creates are funny, either. Know any lefties who follow Iowahawk? Dennis Miller? Know any righties who think Sarah Silverman is funny? Kathy Griffin? One of easiest ways to scope out someone's true politics is to see who makes them laugh.

Nonapod said...

I generally look at a lot of Trump's jokes in a similar way to the sort of jokes that a typical pro wrestler may make, like something Ric Flair or The Rock or John Cena may have bellowed out during a promo or an event. To use the jargon of the Pro Wrestling world, Trumps public persona, his public jokes are kayfabe I guess.

bagoh20 said...

Erudite? Ok, if you say so. I always get his jokes, and nobody would ever refer to me as erudite, avante guarde, or subtle. I doubt Trump thinks about this even 1/10th as much as an intellectual seems to. He's just making a joke, probably in the fashion common in his family or circle. Or he just adopted it as a young person. Or he's a subtle genius of the stable variety.

wild chicken said...

Ya know, I get his jokes. I always did. So what's wrong with me? I'm a terrible, terrible person?

My spouse doesn't get them either. It's 7x24 TDS with him.

Joe Smith said...

I think @Eric at 7:04am has a point...the bombastic personality is something I think he developed early on as a form of branding. There are many successful real estate developers in Manhattan that you've never heard of. From there it was an easy (for him) slide into other high-profile projects like casinos and entertainment.

Then came the ties, the water, the steaks, etc. Each of these was a pure marketing play; those products didn't have anything different about them other than the Trump name or brand. When selling those products, he received millions of dollars of free advertising and exposure just by being himself. Kind of genius in a way.

Some people just don't have a gift for comedic timing. I'm sure he's a pretty funny guy telling off-color jokes on the 17th tee or after a round of golf in the clubhouse with the boys...but that's a different kind of funny.

Trump may be a lot of things but he's not (as his critics claim every day) stupid. Yes, he was bankrolled by his father. But so were a lot of people who are dead broke living on the street. Even if he grossly exaggerates his wealth and is worth only $800 or $900M. The man is POTUS and made it on his first try in a game he never played before.

Maybe not funny but certainly not dumb.

Paul Snively said...

I'm going to stick with Salena Zito's insight that "Trump's critics take him literally, but not seriously; Trump's supporters take him seriously, but not literally." It's pretty obvious by now which approach better reflects reality, whether you agree with everything Trump does or not.

Joe Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

Paco Wové wrote:

"The Hillary e-mails joke was a real litmus test. If you couldn't tell that was a joke, you're not bright enough to participate in adult conversation."


le Douanier said...

FTR, I was very early to recognize the performance. One sentence: “Elect a clown, expect a circus.”


Yancey Ward said...

And the first comment by Eric is right on point. I think Trump's critics continuously make a huge mistake in believing that Trump the actor on the stage is the same person in his interior. This sort of belief is pretty much always a mistake no matter who you are dealing with, be it Donald Trump, Joe Biden, or Joe Schmoe.

roesch/voltaire said...

Telling folks that 99% of the virus cases are harmless is no joke and not good for the country. He obviously does not have the the good of the country at heart, but as Bolton, and so many others have pointed out--only his own ego.

Rory said...

First time I ever found Trump amusing was when he was mocking himself in the last weekend or so of the campaign. He'd say something off-the-cuff to the audience, then switch to the voice of his handlers: "Stay on message, Donald."

Second time was he explained that North Korea had location, location. location.

Yancey Ward said...

"Know any righties who think Sarah Silverman is funny?"

I have always been a big Sarah Silverman fan despite her obvious politics.

Tank said...


Yancey Ward said...

This, by the way, was the first time I ever saw Sarah Silverman.

Sam L. said...

The WaPoo has no sense of humor.

narciso said...

joe biden is the joke, without the punchline,

Pillage Idiot said...

The MSM and the rest of the Left, don't get Trump's jokes, because they don't ever observe the set-up for the joke.

Take the "slow the CV testing" joke. The Right has been commenting for weeks that every single CV data point will be spun to make Trump look bad. The media harps on the number of deaths for weeks. As soon as the death rate starts plummeting, they immediately pivot to the number of cases. We all watch the obvious sleight-of-hand tricks and can see the card up their sleeve. Only the gullible portion of the public believes the narrative being spun by all of the media sources.

When the media pulled out the "increases in CV cases" card, it was utterly predictable. The Right can easily see Trump's comments as an "in" joke, because we could all see the set-up coming from a mile away.

The MSM is like the stupid character in a sit-com that can't see the obvious end destination of the "brilliant" plan that they hatched.

Mr Wibble said...

Trump is a salesman, a seducer, and understands that there's a performance aspect to everything that he does.

Lucien said...

Temujin: The people who pretend to be upset about “Russia, if you’re listening” as a request to hack emails would have to assume: 1) that both Secretary Clinton and the FBI were lying when they said the evidence had been deleted more than a year before Trump’s comments; and 2) that Secretary Clinton had been lying when she said that none of the tens of thousands of pieces of evidence she had destroyed contained any classified or sensitive information. Nobody has really made that argument, have they?

I Callahan said...

This definitely should have the "Era of That's Not Funny" tag.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

You don’t have to be the keenest observer to recognize that American politics is an absurdist circus. Trump sees it and treats the clowns accordingly.

le Douanier said...

“It would be quite amusing if Trump set aside his performed character in September and October and appeared to the public as solidly Presidential during the Campaign, running rings around Biden in the process.”

That’s not how it works. DJT’s clown character is a feature, not a bug.

If he wasn’t running the gov like a circus, his strong support from the R base would dwindle. He needs to keep up the white supremacy tweets and terrible governance (from bankrupting US to staffing disasters and letting lobbyists control agencies to letting Putin kill our military) because such actions prove that government sux, hence Rs are correct!

Logic is tricky.

Drago said...

Howard's Heroes now going after Christians trying to enter their church for worship.....because of course they are.

BLM is an explicitly marxist, anti-Christian, anti-Western organization dedicated to destruction of the nuclear family and the United States.

They happily proclaim it.

No wonder Howard praises them so.

Here's some video of BLM "protesters" forcing black families to get escorted into their own neighborhood church:



Hey Howard, anything to say about your Heroes harassing a mixed race neighborhood Christian congregation.....besides you obviously feeling a great deal of pride about that?

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "Telling folks that 99% of the virus cases are harmless is no joke and not good for the country."

Don't you have more russia collusion lies to spread?

Earnest Prole said...

If “performance art” is a broad enough term to include highly sophisticated trolling, count me as persuaded. The best trolling is stone-cold deadpan that never breaks character.

Howard said...

Trump Performance Art

A Florida mother took her high-risk teenage daughter to a “COVID party” at their church, tried treating the girl at home with unproven drugs when she got sick — and then hailed her as a patriot after she died.

The ...medical examiner’s report, ...shows her mother, Carole Brunton Davis, had taken her June 10 to a church-sponsored event to intentionally expose her immunocompromised daughter, who had survived cancer at 2, to the potentially deadly coronavirus.

More than 100 mask-free children attended the event, and Davis gave her daughter azithromycin, an anti-bacterial drug...after she developed headaches, sinus pressure and a cough, Jones reported.

Davis — whose Facebook page is awash in QAnon conspiracy theories, anti-vaccine and coronavirus misinformation and dubious legal theories — next put the girl on her grandfather’s oxygen machine after she “looked gray” on June 19.

Then she gave the girl hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug touted as a cure by President Donald Trump, despite evidence of deadly side effects, and Carsyn’s condition worsened.

Davis finally took her daughter to a hospital, where she was admitted to a pediatric intensive-care unit — but declined intubation until it was too late.

Howard said...

Drago's approval of rampart racism against Persons of Color directly leads to a pandemic of hate crimes across Amerikkka and the world. Someone, please stop this Drago!

NY Daily News|2d
Husband of woman caught on video pointing gun at black family loses job after arrest

Virginia Beach, VA
White Man Shoots Daughter’s Black Boyfriend, But Is Out Of Jail On Lenient Charges

Mineral Wells, TX

North Texas Man Accused Of Yelling ‘White Power’ & Other Racist Slurs Before Repeatedly Stabbing Black Man

Miami, FL

Man Accused of Using Racial Slurs While Pulling Gun on Black Miami-Dade Homeowner


Nurse claims police arrested her because she was ‘a black person who was just sitting in a car’

Fayetteville, NC

Woman Evicted After Hurling Racist Abuse at Black Soldier

Provo, UT

Provo Police arrest two people after Monday’s shooting at protest


Arrested! ‘Karen’ charged after video shows white woman spitting on Black teen protester

Madison, WI

A Black Teen Says Four White Men Lit Her Face on Fire


Police arrest Black pastor after he reports alleged attack by white family

Manchester, CT

White men in car chased down Black teens on bikes in Connecticut, 1 hurled slurs, police say

The Daily Dot|20d

Black pastor arrested after calling 911 on white people threatening him

Bloomfield, CT

Man followed 8-year-old through Bloomfield pawn shop, yelled racial slurs at him, mother says

Denver, CO

Denver man accused of killing neighbor after argument involving racial slurs


White attorney arrested twice in 2 days after allegedly spitting on black teen, shoving college student

Valdosta, GA

White cops break Black man’s arm while arresting the wrong person (video)

traditionalguy said...

Remember, Bobe Hope made Trump's Garden of Statues list. Mr. Hope was a comedy warrior going alongside our troops letting them know we supported them wherever in the world we sent them to fight.

bbkingfish said...

But Tony Clifton and Borat were funny. Audiences, for the most part, laughed. I know I did.

Very few people laugh at Trump's jokes, though. Even his fans. When folks ask if he's being serious, they just think he's off his rocker.

That's different than comedy or performance art, I think.

rehajm said...

As I've said from the beginning...It's a bit of an act. You can still not like him but if you think it's all sincere you've been had.

Drago said...

Howard: "Drago's approval of rampart racism against Persons of Color directly leads to a pandemic of hate crimes across Amerikkka and the world. Someone, please stop this Drago!"

I feel bad for Howard.

His obvious and rather adolescent lies about what all this is about have been obliterated methodically, one by one.

And the latest is possibly the worst blow of all.

Black Atlanta Mayor has now openly called Howard's Heroes "protesters", whom Howard has called patriots equivalent to our Normandy D-Day invaders, literal "cowards".

Yep. Black Atlanta Mayor Bottoms has officially labeled Howard's Heroes "cowards".

This is a very tough blow for Howard and his Heroes who chalked up another 5 young black children as victims just this last weekend.

Let's see how Howard deals with this latest slam against his marxist, anti-family, anti-Christian, anti-American Heroes.

BTW Howard, did you happen to catch the videos I posted above? In one, one of your Howard's Heroes white boy "protesters" accosted and screamed at a young black woman who was trying to enter the Church.

BTW, having young white male protesters screaming in the face of young black women who simply wants to enter her Church is Simultaneously Peak Howard 2020 Wokeness AND 1957 Democrats Don't Allow Blacks To Enter Schools.

Drago said...

Looks like its also Continuing Panic Time for Beijing Boy ARM:

"China’s threats on behalf of Huawei are becoming desperate"

Even the weak-kneed wussie Canada is now pushing back against ARM's Beloved and Heroic People's Republic of China Huawei.

And that's saying something!

That's also bad news for Howard and His Heroes. Less cash for the ChiCom's to funnel to Howard's Heroes for their activities in the states.


Jim at said...

Know who was a laugh riot? That Obama guy.

I mean, who didn't fall of their chair every time he scratched his cheek with his middle finger anytime he mentioned a political foe?

Gold, Jerry. Gold!

cubanbob said...

The better question is why doesn't the WaPo feel like a newspaper but feels like a propaganda outlet.

Earnest Prole said...

Troll-lol-lol: “They name teams out of STRENGTH, not weakness, but now the Washington Redskins & Cleveland Indians, two fabled sports franchises, look like they are going to be changing their names in order to be politically correct. Indians, like Elizabeth Warren, must be very angry right now!”

Drago said...

More bad news for Howard and his Heroes: the suspected killer of the 7 year old black child in Chicago has been picked up.

You know Howard, its never too late to extend your GoFundMe for the Atlanta Howard's Hero child murderer to the Chicago Howard's Hero child murderer.

The way Howard looks at it, that's just one less Howard Hero that can be sent over to disrupt Christian church services and attack Christian service attendees.

eddie willers said...

Some of these are such obvious jokes it's been painful to watch the media both portray them as serious

One that slayed me was when Trump escorted [I believe] Macron to Mt. Vernon and said things like, "How come his name isn't on the building... How can you be famous if your name isn't on the building?". And, I swear to God, the reporters were wondering how he could be so stupid. I nearly split a gut.

PS. I see him more as a Steven Wright type.

Qwinn said...


"True his lies and misinformation have become a running joke that at times turns deadly particularly when he spouts about the virus."

I see roesch got the prog memo. "Oh shit, we relentlessly bashed hydroxichloroquine because Trump said good things about it, and practically forced doctors to stop using it for treatment. Then it turns out that when it was used, it saved 50% of the patients versus the control group! We probably killed tens of thousands of people by discouraging its use! Quick, all our loyal useful idiots, claim that what Trump says about the virus kills people over and over and over, ad nauseaum, until no one notices that that's exactly what we do every single time we talk about the virus. At least when the Governors we elected and defend relentlessly aren't forcing infected people into nursing homes, anyway."

Al Kuhseltsur said...

Trump's "Russia, if you're listening" comment was the funniest thing said in the 2016 campaign. I was on a business trip, working out, and watched (involuntarily) CNN for literally 20 minutes as they humorlessly said that Trump was encouraging Russia to hack Hillary's emails. I was laughing so hard it was difficult to keep exercising. And the other side continued to insist it wasn't funny and they couldn't figure out how sarcastic it was because of Trump's deadpan.

bagoh20 said...

"Dems and Media to Blame for Countless COVID-19 Deaths After Anti-Hydroxychloroquine Hysteria"

We can add Howard to those responsible.

"A new large-scale study conducted by the Henry Ford Health System concluded that hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drug touted by Trump as a potentially game-changing treatment for the coronavirus, successfully lowered mortality rates (by more than half) for hospitalized coronavirus patients. The results were published Thursday in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
The study also determined that despite previous reports, there were no adverse effects on the heart."

"Vindicated? Trump-touted COVID-19 drug hydroxychloroquine works, according to new study


Some people were absolutely joyous when they were lied to about it being useless and dangerous. What warps a person soul that much?

effinayright said...


Spitting, threatening, yelling at, hurling abuse....

Nothing about the fifty-odd blacks killed by other blacks in big cities over the long weekend....

THERE'S yer pandemic, right there.

donald said...

The Russia joke was a charge (Or element, or part IANAL) in his impeachment. That despicable. Piece of shit Adam Schiff read it into the record. Those people are garbage.

Nichevo said...

it is quite easy to plumb the shallow depths of PDJT,

Yeh, shallow, not deep like you, Fredo.

Nichevo said...

Drago asked, rhetorically...

Hey Howard, anything to say about your Heroes harassing a mixed race neighborhood Christian congregation.....besides you obviously feeling a great deal of pride about that?

When's the last time Howard the Coward stood tall and defended something? Anything? Terrorists are great as long as they stay on offense. I wish the Israelis would wipe out the Pals sometimes just to see how they like taking it instead of dishing it out.

Yeah, Ivan, you'll get fat waiting on Garbage Howie to say, "Yes, I admire and advocate the harassment of innocent churchgoers by Bolsheviks Loot and Murder Inc, here's why."

Martin said...

I think Zoglin is probably more right than wrong--and another way of saying it might be that Trump is trolling his opponents, knowing they cannot resisttaking the bait making fools of themselves.

DavidUW said...

This has been obvious since 2015.

The only person who “got it” in the press was Selena Zito when she noted that trump supporters take him seriously but not literally while journalidiots took him literally but not seriously.

The amazing thing is that he’s been playing this with the press for 5 years and no one has learned. Not a single one except her.

Birkel said...

Cool story, bro.
Now do all the crimes in the opposite direction.

Narayanan said...

there is a lot of self-indulgent self patting on the back going on here.

Professora pats herself for getting the erudite avant gardism of the article and writer

commenters pat themselves for getting Trump the Joker / Jokester

Al Kuhseltsur said...
Trump's "Russia, if you're listening" comment was the funniest thing said in the 2016 campaign. I was on a business trip, working out, and watched (involuntarily) CNN for literally 20 minutes as they humorlessly said that Trump was encouraging Russia to hack Hillary's emails.
was Hillary still using the server in 2016? what was there for Russia to hack?

FWIW ...The email server was located in the Clintons' home in Chappaqua, New York, from January 2009 until 2013, when it was sent to a data center in New Jersey before being handed over to Platte River Networks, a Denver-based information technology firm that Clinton hired to manage her email system....(there is no mention of their security clearance level)

the joke if there was one was while Hillary and Comey FBI was pooh-poohing the seriousness of her breach of security the moment Trump pointed out Russia can/maybe had her emails the matter became serious offense by Trump.

the joke was played by D's and GOPe on those who elected Trump for electing Trump.

Known Unknown said...

"Telling folks that 99% of the virus cases are harmless is no joke and not good for the country."


Scroll down. 4,498,670 (99%) in mild condition
57,982 (1%) in serious condition.

Maybe you don't believe their numbers.

daskol said...

Trump developed a lot of his persona in his wrestling days, contesting Vince McMahon in the WWE, Trump the people's billionaire vs. Vince the rich villain. So actually, Trump is first and most Andy Kaufman president for sure. But a lot of this humor identified as conceptual is really just deadpan, and the writer being unable to imagine how many people are nodding along with Trump.

daskol said...

Of all the divisions, the cracks emerging across this country, it's still sad that we have the most comically talented president in history and so many Americans don't get the jokes.

mikee said...

I, for one, cannot resist telling my sister-in-law that she's needed in the kitchen whenever she begins to drone on about Hillary, Obama and now Biden at family gatherings. It took her several years to realize that not only was she not needed in the kitchen, but that it was an anti-feminist joke. Not a good one, but for a while she'd walk into the kitchen instead of droning on.

As for Kaufman, the final scene of his biopic (starring Jim Carrey) was one of the best jokes he ever pulled, and it was on himself.

Sam L. said...

The WaPoo people have no sense of humor.

traditionalguy said...

Remember, Bobe Hope made Trump's Garden of Statues list. Mr. Hope was a comedy warrior going alongside our troops letting them know we supported them wherever in the world we sent them to fight.

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