July 5, 2020

Totally bland — and yet, I think, effective.

Sometimes you want mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes, a peanut butter sandwich, and ice cream.


Drago said...

I'm middle class and I don't grope young girls and shove my finger up employees nor sell US policy for huge russian/Ukrainian and ChiCom payouts to my family and order the DOJ/FBI to spy on my domestic political enemies and use fake laws to target political opponents for lawfare harassment and, in an unprecedented way, undermine the peaceful transfer of power in a republic which requires that.

I also never had the young kids at the pools rub my legs.

But that's just me.

Bilwick said...

Statism is a middle-class value now? Remarkable. I remember when, to the Hive, "middle class" was a pejorative, and one of the reasons was that the middle class wasn't falling into line fast enough and lacking the Hive's enthusiasm for the State. How times have changed.

mccullough said...

Plagiarism, nepotism, corruption, Andy racism are Biden’s values.

How did Hunter get into Yale?

Bob Boyd said...

Did Hunter turn out better than Joe?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I guess we simply forget the Joe Biden used his power as VP to enrich his son Hunter--
With our tax dollars - washed thru a Ukrainian Energy Company.

It's illegal to do so, but Biden has a D behind his name, so therefore his is above the law.

Being above the law. What kind of family value is that?

ALP said...

How does Biden escape "ok Boomer" responses?

Bob Boyd said...

Joe has finally decided to fight for your family as hard as he fought for his own. He doesn't have much time left, but maybe he can still get your family some of that sweet China money.

Butkus51 said...

Nothing says middle class values more than getting your son a high paying fake oil job.

Ampersand said...

It's only effective to the extent it's believed.

Narayanan said...

Emerita Professora - please confirm if this is a 'fisking' or not

because inquiring minds want to know - But then when and where did he learn to lie (about the fatal family accident) and plagiarize (about his life origins)?

Ann Althouse said...

There's really nothing to believe.

Birkel said...

I see the 2 and 20 deal that generates $30 million in bribes every year for Hunter "Coke Head" Biden and the stripper fund for unclaimed grandchildren.

Mashed bro-taters.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nice looking family! like some nice mashed potatoes. Please feed me!


The rubes will love it. They wanted Bernie - but they need to shut up and eat their taters.

Birkel said...

Agree with Althouse.

Completely unbelievable bull shit.

Rory said...

"How does Biden escape "ok Boomer" responses?"

He's too old to be a Boomer.

Narayanan said...

... I’ve carried the middle class values ...

Q : how much wiggle room in front of say St.Peter for a Catholic's conscience in saying 'carried' vs 'lived by'

doctrev said...

Do liberals actually think gauzy hackery takes itself seriously? Do they really plan to stack it against the President's actual speeches this weekend?

Yeah, of course it's not going to work. One man's rallies and speeches are all anyone can talk about (and mostly lie about, as the lugenpresse loves to do), while the other has to settle for transcripts and more competent people voicing his ads. This is not gonna be close.

Bill R said...

So is he trying to fool his leftie pals or is he trying to fool us. It's one or the other. Probably both.

Bill R said...

So is he trying to fool his leftie pals or is he trying to fool us. It's one or the other. Probably both.

PatHMV said...

You're right, there's nothing, in reality, to believe in this claim. But as symbolism, it will strike a lot of folks as really absurd. Middle class values don't include your children making a fortune from foreign governments/businesses in industries they know nothing about.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Mustache man is the uncle even THEY don't talk about.

le Douanier said...

Did I see a Boy Scout uniform?

Not good. That was before the Scouts were woke.

Limited blogger said...

How did 'bland' work out for Mittens?

Carol said...

It's not him, it's the Team.

Oso Negro said...

Good Lord. Joe Biden! Just a regular guy.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Mashed potatoes, a peanut butter sandwich, and ice cream."

I bet his grandchild will love to eat those foods.

While sitting at a table far outside the Biden family residence.

I am Laslo.

Dave Begley said...

If Kanye West gets on the ballot in a fair number of states, Trump wins 49. Biden wins Delaware. That's it.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Why is Althouse bothering blogging about Biden. She’s already proclaimed Biden has disqualified himself by repeating the lie Trump said Nazis were good people. Biden never apologized for that statement nor disavowed it.

So he must still be disqualified in Althouse’s eyes. Yes?

Bob Boyd said...

Seems like the Dem's have been focused on the black vote for quite a while now.. This ad seems to be aimed at the whites. Are the internals showing a problem there?

n.n said...

It evokes a purely em-pathetic response.

cubanbob said...

If Biden wants to sell vanilla then he should sell real vanilla and not the cheap ersatz and rancid vanilla he is pedaling. Middle class values and middle class morality coming from the Biden clan is almost as risible as that of the Kennedy clan.

Skeptical Voter said...

My middle class values never included skinny dipping in front of female Secret Service agents assigned to protect me. But then I really never got the chance. Who knows what I might have accomplished if I just had Slow Joe's middle class family values? The Corvette--the mansion in Delawre, being close to the bottom of my law school class, plagiarism--I mean there's a lot I missed out on.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

Biden may have mashed potatoes for brains, but he’ll be carrying the Marxist, anti-American left Into the White House if elected. Nothing middle class about their values or objectives.

Arc Eye said...

“ you’re full Shiite man,,lying dogface pony soldier I’d like to take out back after school.

Michael K said...

The entire Biden family is corrupt and all based on his federal offices over the years.

The Biden chapter in "Profiles in Corruption" is the longest.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Mashed potatoes? It's very inappropriate to describe his mental issues like that!

rcocean said...

Of course Joe. Of course. Good ol' "middle class Joe". Who has been a Rich man and DC Senator and VP for almost 45 years. But I'm sure he's keeping those 1950's Middle Class values, he learned 60 years ago. Whatever those are. Fill in the blanks yourself. And remember, its only lie if you don't believe it!

That was Biden's shtick for almost 25 years. He'd make some socially conservative noises and take some popular stands on Busing or crime, and then vote 100% ADA liberal. He pulled the same con game on Trade. He was in favor of NAFTA and every free trade deal in the 1990s, then made some noises about opposing "Unfair trade" when Bush was in office, and then went back to supporting globalization and TPP when Obama was in Office. Once elected in 2021, he and the D's in Congress will push through TPP.

But Bden always pretends to be "Blue Collar Joe" the guy from Scranton PA and a working class Delaware Neighborhood.

rcocean said...

His son Hunter is making Millions off of CHina. He won't fight China. Biden's been bought.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago seems a little desperate. It's over Drago. Let it go. Relax and spend some time in Texas with your relatives, wearing no masks and building that big beautiful herd immunity.

Temujin said...

Very quaint of him to bring up the middle class. Soon no one will know what he is talking about.

LA_Bob said...

It certainly could be an effective ad. That the Biden campaign made it tells us where they think the votes are.

Paco Wové said...

Voting Democrat is the equivalent of paying protection money. "Nice little country you've got here... shame if something were to happen to it." Vote D. and all the scary people vanish back into the woodwork, and you can tell yourself everything's gone back to normal again.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bill, Republic of Texas said...
So he must still be disqualified in Althouse’s eyes.

Let me break it down for you in terms of different degrees of infinity. Biden may be disqualified but Trump is infinitely more disqualified. The degree of disqualification is different for the two men.

Makes sense when you think about it.

narciso said...

people have peanut allergies, the monsters,

Darkisland said...

Wouldn't it depend on whose kitchen table you learned those value at?

To paraphrase George Carlin nothing good will come of sitting around Jeffrey Dahmer's kitchen table eating the boiled head of a Cambodian teenager.

I suspect that a lot of people learned some pretty shitty values around the kitchen table growing up. Joe's kids to start with.

John Henry

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

We are going to get a whole lot more herd immunity in Trump's America than we are going to get wall so we should celebrate the brave folks in Texas and Florida. They're not pussies hunkered down in their homes, they're out there getting drunk and, more rarely, getting laid, building that herd immunity for the rest of us. Three cheers for our idiot compatriots.

Marshall Rose said...

The road to tyranny is fine as long as it is served as mashed potatoes....

Jersey Fled said...

And they’re the values I’ll bring to the White House.

Does sleepy old Joe remember that he already spent eight years in the White House - to no apparent effect?

Joe Smith said...

Crack cocaine, getting strippers pregnant, and siphoning off money from the Ukrainians and the Chinese...those truly are the values we need in these troubled times.

Friendo said...

BCARM - you are a troll and a cunt. Give it a rest already FFS.

OldManRick said...

One thing I'll say about Trump - he doesn't lie about who he is. We've seen it and we know who he is. We can accept him for telling the truth, although sometimes it annoys us. Not like old Joe Biden and his handlers, who will tell you that he is whatever he thinks you want to hear.

A long time ago, stuck in an airport watching CNN or CSPAN, I saw Trunp testifying before Congress on how the UN was ripping off the US for the refurbishment of the UN building. He was pointing out the normal per sq foot costs to do that kind of work in New York and showing the UN was asking for almost double the normal costs. I got the feeling then that Trump didn't like the sleaziness of government contracting and corruption.

If anything, Trump may have kept much of his conservatism hidden to be able to work in the New York political atmosphere. Now, Trump couldn't get a dog house built there.

Browndog said...

Sure, that'll work.

Joe Biden's husband Joe Biden is going to convince people that spending your entire adult life as a politician, a creature of Washington D.C., is a 'middle class value'.

Birkel said...

ARM still believes it was over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.

rehajm said...

Middle class values don't matter to Biden and they don't matter to the people who will vote for him. The joy of hypocrisy matters to him and his voters.

Enjoy your hypocrisy.

Gk1 said...

'Bad touch' Biden should really stop reminding people he used to have a family. It just reminds us of what a great "Father" Michael Jackson was.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ARM - Actually Biden's unlawful acts as VP make Biden qualified for prison. Like Hillary.
Good thing he's a democratic(D).

with a nice looking family and bullshitty words, created by the WaPo campaign/ and various puppet masters.

Jim at said...

This is not gonna be close.

I wish I shared your optimism, but unfortunately there are far too many people who hate this country and what it stands for ... well, unless they're in charge.

Whether Trump wins or loses, the people that voted for him aren't going anywhere. The left has shown they refuse to accept election results. Two can play that game.

alanc709 said...

ARM, don't talk about making sense. You never make sense. You wouldn't know reality if it bit you.

cubanbob said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Bill, Republic of Texas said...
So he must still be disqualified in Althouse’s eyes.

Let me break it down for you in terms of different degrees of infinity. Biden may be disqualified but Trump is infinitely more disqualified. The degree of disqualification is different for the two men.

Makes sense when you think about it."

Be a reasonable man and enlighten us in detail how much more Trump is disqualified than the moronic,grifting, prevaricating and senile Joe Biden. So please break it down for us.

madAsHell said...

Wow!! I predicted they would put Joe Biden in a mask, and then do voice-overs.

I was wrong about the mask.

Drago said...

Beijing Boy: "Let it go."

Filed under: Things Heard in 1988, 2000, 2004, and 2016.

Note: the dems/left/LLR-left started their serious refusal to accept the outcome of elections in 2000 when their polling lies finally befuddled themselves beyond reason.

Darkisland said...

Arm is sounding more desperate by the day.

Joe is being tested regularly for mental fitness regularly. He says. He won't release the results, though.

Last week or the week before a reporter, at a presser, asked sleepy "One last questin real quick. Some have spec..." and sleepy cut him off in then middle of the word "speculated" with "you're a lying dog face..." then started giggling.


This is not the incident of a month or two back where he called a black student a "lying dogfaced pony soldier" This is new.

Will we see him calling PDJT a lying dogface pony soldier from the debate stage? If he turns up for any of the debates at all, of course.

John Henry

Drago said...

Congratulations Lefties/LLR-lefties, your Howard's Heroes just killed another child.....because of course you did:

"An 8-year-old girl was shot and killed last night by armed individuals blocking an entrance ... across the street from the burned down Wendy's. This should be national news on every Fake News Media propaganda station in America. But it won't be."

The only likely issue the lefties/dems/LLR-lefties have with this outcome is that they weren't on the scene fast enough to harvest the little girls body parts for sale.

JRoberts said...

"Paco Wové said...
Voting Democrat is the equivalent of paying protection money. "Nice little country you've got here... shame if something were to happen to it." Vote D. and all the scary people vanish back into the woodwork, and you can tell yourself everything's gone back to normal again."

BTW, what happened to all the Code Pink protesters after November 2008?

Where did all the Occupy Wall Street protesters go after November 2012?

Yeah, that's what I thought also...

Mountain Maven said...

It woulda been more effective if Biden had narrated the ad.

Leora said...

Globalism, cronyism and abortion are what he's fought for over his 45 years in public office. Oh and turning Supreme Court nominations into high tech lynchings. And he's awfully rich for the middle class. Odd, how he did that on a public servant's salary.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Paco Wové said...

Voting Democrat is the equivalent of paying protection money. "Nice little country you've got here... shame if something were to happen to it." Vote D. and all the scary people vanish back into the woodwork, and you can tell yourself everything's gone back to normal again.

You say that as if they are being subtle about it. Last week I saw a Demmie senator saying that if Donald Trump wins in 2020 (and presumably in 2024) the Demmies and their allies will keep up the bullshit. Bullshit meaning riots, destruction, physical attacks on people, antifa/fascism and so on.

If we don't like those things, we need to vote democrat.

It's basically the same as Russell Buffalino saying "You've got to talk to your son. You've got a really nice store here. It would be a real shame if people didn't want to shop here anymore."

John Henry

Tommy Duncan said...

"Mashed potatoes, a peanut butter sandwich, and ice cream."

Dentures can be limiting.

Sally327 said...

I think the ad is intended to make us believe Joe Biden is 47 not 77. There's only one relatively current picture of him that I spotted and that's him from the side so his decrepitude is obscured. It was funny, though, Hunter Biden turned out better than his Dad? That is serious chutzpah.

Mr. Forward said...

Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Roy’s mashed potato scene. ‘This mean’s something.”

MD Greene said...

Biden more resembles a potted plant to me, but what do I know? I worry about the trade-offs being made by the people pulling his strings in order to win the election and put themselves into power.

As a politician, Biden has been on every side of every hot-button issue for more than 40 years. This would have got just about anybody else "canceled," permanently, by now. Is the aura of the Obama force field so powerful that it still protects this piece of mediocrity personified?

He and his relatives have made good fortunes from his career in "public service." He's always had a claque of hangers-on (many now K Street lobbyists building their own wealth,) and he never has articulated a coherent set of ethical principles that I have observed.

Otherwise, he's a dynamite candidate.

I know at least a dozen more principled and wiser persons than this chucklehead. They don't get in twitter fights, and they are comfortably settled because they have been cautious with money they have earned. Some have run complex companies or organizations. Some are brown and Black, and some are female. I'd vote for any of them over the candidates we've been given by our two stand-for-nothing political parties in recent elections.

robother said...

So. Joe Biden looks at his son Hunter Biden and realizes that he turned out better than Joe? Good to know.

n.n said...

Voting Democrat is the equivalent of paying protection money.

Exactly. They operate diverse rackets where democracy dies in darkness and change is redistributive, progressive, really, on threat of abortion... cancellation and other euphemistic affirmative actions.

On a related note...

Woman Hit by Car During Protest Blocking Highway Dies

Taylor was one of two women hit by a man driving a white Jaguar around 1:36 a.m. on July 4.

Charlottesville 2.0? First, Antifa, and NOW, some, select, Black Lives Matter.

chuck said...

Apparently honesty isn't a middle class value. But the ad is effective, that is all that matters. No one expects a politician to be honest.

chickelit said...

This works for the Biden the way that "All Gone To Look For America" Bernie ad worked: It harkens back. Trump harkens forth.

Known Unknown said...

Joe is mashed potatoes.

His cabinet which will push him around will be Nashville Hot Chicken drowned in jalapeños and Sriacha sauce.

Think, Professor, think.

Known Unknown said...

"that big beautiful herd immunity."

It's the only way out, dipshit.

Beth B said...

So, is Joe saying that his son, Hunter (sleazy, corrupt, lost without nepotism, alcoholic, crack-selling, coke head, dead brother's widow-humping, baby-leaving, stripper aficionado) turned out better than him? That's a bold choice.

gilbar said...

middle class values:
Being a crack cocaine addict, that knocks up strippers

Clyde said...

You realize that that order comes with a side of Antifa, right? No substitutions. If you vote Democrat in November, you can kiss America as you know it goodbye.

Craig said...

Biden did not tweet that himself.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Sometimes you want mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes, a peanut butter sandwich, and ice cream.

Yabut....I don't want 40 year old mashed potatoes, stale rancid peanut butter sandwiches and curdled ice cream.

The "use by date" is long long ago ago expired on Joe Biden. And the rest of his family too.

BoatSchool said...

Nothing says middle class values like swimming naked in front of your female secret service agents on your security detail, which agents don’t really have a choice except to endure it. Cobra! Cobra! Cobra!

effinayright said...

Bill, Republic of Texas said...
Why is Althouse bothering blogging about Biden. She’s already proclaimed Biden has disqualified himself by repeating the lie Trump said Nazis were good people. Biden never apologized for that statement nor disavowed it.

So he must still be disqualified in Althouse’s eyes. Yes?

Don't be asking Miss Ann to be intellectually consistent.

C'mon, man! She's got a business, a blog, going on here! As long as the customers click through her site to Amazon to buy shit, she's golden!!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

n.n said...

On a related note...

Woman Hit by Car During Protest Blocking Highway Dies

Taylor was one of two women hit by a man driving a white Jaguar around 1:36 a.m. on July 4.

Charlottesville 2.0? First, Antifa, and NOW, some, select, Black Lives Matter.

Noooooo! That one will get buried real fast. Here's the suspect, if you didn't know.

Wince said...

Hasn’t Biden’s rhetoric been replete with appeals to “brute force,” particularly in his criminal justice policy?

Amadeus 48 said...

Joe Biden—elected to the US Senate at 30, wrong about every major issue since the 1970s, progenitor of children who are decadent sociopaths, confused about the difference between mediocre and middle class. Joe Biden: feeding at the public trough for almost 50 years.

Joe’s father played polo until he drank himself out of a job. Totally middle class, that.

This is pathetic.

lane ranger said...

The political spectrum does not run from Trump to Antifa; Trump is closer to the center of the political spectrum, and Joe Biden's announced policies, not to mention the Democrat party platform, are well to the left of center and much closer to Antifa.

Nichevo said...

Laslo Spatula said...
"Mashed potatoes, a peanut butter sandwich, and ice cream."

Serious question: who the fuck eats a peanut butter sandwich without jelly? Unless of course you don't have access to preserves, but of course I think the Bidens, and most American middle-class homes, do. Is it a thing? Sounds like a punishment.

Michael K said...

ARM does not understand that no one is going to prevent the Wuhan virus from infecting the same 20% of the population that the cruise ship showed us is the usual prevalence of the SARS2 virus in a population. The Democrat governors of NY, NJ and MI culled the nursing home population with insane practices that should have been avoided after the Washington State experience. Whether this was stupidity or malice is still unknown. In any event, it gave us 50% of the deaths in the epidemic.

What is left, and what ARM is blabbering about, is the remaining low risk population that will experience the infection like a case of the flu, some more severe and some asymptomatic. Steroids now seem to be useful after the CDC idiots early on said it was contraindicated.

Kevin said...

Middle class values don’t swim naked in front of their security detail.

Gunner said...

Judging by the Twitter comments, the Russian Bounty bs story is the new Charlottesville.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Middle class values include using our intelligence services to spy on opponents? Using specious schemes to overthrow a duly elected president? Using your office to funnel overseas money to your deadbeat son? Biden is a senile, corrupt pervert, The middle class aspires to none of that.

stevew said...

I am quite middle class. Was raised in a blue-collar, middle class Boston Irish Catholic household and community. Joe Biden is anything but middle class with middle class values. Look at the history and details of his adult professional life. The guy is a dope, a corrupt politician, a sexual creep, mean-spirited, and a scumbag. The ad may be effective, for his supporters and the Democrat voter base, but it is demonstrably false.

bagoh20 said...

Sure Joe. Now I dare you to say what those values are. Go ahead. A value you don't have the guts to actually put out there in specific language is no value at all. In fact, your whole campaign is and will remain that: a big foggy nothing, meaning nothing, saying nothing, and eventually doing nothing. His message is simply: "Vote for Badfinger Joe - he's still breathing."

He Joe, which parent did you get the digital penetration value from, and by the way, your parents are not running for President, your husband Joe Biden is.

Trump would never try this lame shit, and nobody would buy it if he did, because it's just an incredibly pathetic ploy. Biden is showing you how low his opinion is of you as a voter. He's calling you a chump right to your face.

If that cowardly response is effective on you, then you are simply a sucker.

Drago said...

Beth B: "So, is Joe saying that his son, Hunter (sleazy, corrupt, lost without nepotism, alcoholic, crack-selling, coke head, dead brother's widow-humping, baby-leaving, stripper aficionado) turned out better than him? That's a bold choice."

Low bar.

Ray - SoCal said...

The Seattle Hit & Run is strange.

Black Driver of a Jaguar
Hits a White Protester for Black Lives Matters on Interstate 5
And I5 was closed down by Washington State Police to allow the protesting

Ray - SoCal said...

The Biden Spot would work against the usual GOP Candidate.

The usual GOP Candidate does not push back, and/or show the lies of a Democratic Candidate. They plays by Marquess of Queensberry Rules. Romney was the Poster Child of being "Nice".

But they got Trump.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Middle class values to Slow Joe is helping your three brothers get rich off the govt teat and your sister makes money running your campaigns.

Tom said...

I love those no-show multi-million dollar middle class jobs on Ukrainian oil company boards. Five people on my block are on one of those boards right now.

Matthew Heintz said...

Rush says that liberalism is a disease. Althouse will vote for Biden because he's "bland". Rush is right. Hi

bagoh20 said...

Are the people who actually care about middle class values really interested in voting for defunding the police, looting and burning cities, and tearing down monuments to the founding fathers?

Are the people who do support that anarchy OK with him bringing his parent's values to the White House? Is that what they are all about with the destruction?

Somebody is being lied to. Is it you, or them, or all of you?

Personally, I have no idea what Biden's values are, but I should after four decades. I don't think he has decided what they are yet, or he forgot.

I know he wants to be President. It will make him powerful and rich, and give him the ability to enrich friends and family, punish enemies, and cover up a lot of corruption, which will serve him well. Trump never needed or used the Presidency for any of that. Even if he wanted to, the Press would never let it happen.

These two clearly different futures is one of the best reasons for Trump in 2020.
Trump is and will remain the most transparent President ever, because he has no choice. But Biden? He actually could shoot a guy on Fifth Avenue, and then we would be told how the victim was a racist anyway, and probably a slave holder in a previous life.

If you want a President who will be forced to answer for his actions, the Press gives you no choice other than Trump.

Not Sure said...

That ad seemed like a scene of one of those Watergate-era movies where the paranoid view of politics turns out to be true.

It's the ad that the sinister, shadowy corporation that really runs things creates after some guy gets the info that will show The People what's really going on. In this case, the ad is telling us that we haven't really seen what we think we've seen of the FBI, CIA, NSA. etc.>ad nauseam. Elect Biden and you'll wake up from this bad dream, and go on with your happy little oblivious middle-class existence.

MadTownGuy said...

Ann Althouse said...
"There's really nothing to believe."

Watched the video. There's no "there" there. The bland, leading the blind.

bagoh20 said...

"Black Driver of a Jaguar
Hits a White Protester for Black Lives Matters on Interstate 5
And I5 was closed down by Washington State Police to allow the protesting"

I saw that Black man widely called a white supremacist, before we knew his race. It shows you how much those charges are based on anything at all when they're thrown about by the left and those who swallow it, like Inga.

In the video, he clearly runs directly into the two victims, but that was after avoiding a parked car and the larger group of protester. At that point, he had no alternative. I don't think he meant to hit anyone. I assume he just got on the freeway (the wrong direction) by accident, was rushing to get back off, and was surprised to find the protesters right in his way, because WALKING IN MIDDLE OF THE FREEWAY IS REALLY DANGEROUS, AND NOBODY EXPECTS THAT LEVEL OF STUPID.

Mary Beth said...

"Success means looking at your child and realizing they turned out better than you."

Like Hunter?

KellyM said...

Blogger Nichevo said..

"Serious question: who the fuck eats a peanut butter sandwich without jelly? Unless of course you don't have access to preserves, but of course I think the Bidens, and most American middle-class homes, do. Is it a thing? Sounds like a punishment."

Those of us who prefer Fluff. (No, not marshmallow creme; that's gross)

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Clue: "Mashed potatoes, peanut butter, ice cream "

Answer: "what 3 foods best describe Biden's brain?"

JAORE said...

My middle class family did not teach me the values of using my position to enrich my sons. They did not teach me to spew a vile lie about my opponents like the "good people on both sides". They did not teach me to totally reverse my positions on important subjects just because the political winds shift.

William said...

Trump was a successful parent and more so than Joe Biden. Even I'm annoyed by that.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Yeah, that'll rope Black folks in. It's couldn't be more blatant. In the political arena "middle-class values" means White. Been true at least since Nixon's first term.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Ray - SoCal said...

The Seattle Hit & Run is strange.

Black Driver of a Jaguar
Hits a White Protester for Black Lives Matters on Interstate 5
And I5 was closed down by Washington State Police to allow the protesting

Also, wasn't it at 1 AM or some strange hour?

IgnatzEsq said...

Isn't bringing what Biden calls "middle class values" and what Amy Wax calls "bourgeois values" to the Whitehouse racist? Isn't even mentioning "values" racist?

Unknown said...

Mashed potatoes

Is that what Bidens brain is made of?

Which parent gave him the plagerism value?

DeepRunner said...

Madame La Professeur's "cruel neutrality" is showing again. Professor, you are firmly in the D camp, or so it often seems, and that's fine. Why not just say so?

NCMoss said...

ARM sharing Joe Biden's values is hilarious at so many levels.

Terry Ott said...

Pitiful. Is Geritol still on the market?

wendybar said...

Bahhaahahahahhha. A Middle class family where the father and younger son are bilking Americans...and working with China and Ukraine raking in millions of dollars. And the same son got kicked out of the service for Cocaine, dated his brothers wife, got a stripper pregnant, and the Candidate won't even acknowledge his own grandchild. Okay then.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The point of the photo is to make his sons look young and innocent.

Not stripper impregnaters living off the US tax payer dole via Ukraine energy company.

Impeach Trump!

stlcdr said...

Is appearing bland the best way to secure a way to the White House? Perhaps it is.

SGT Ted said...

The Biden ad is merely Trojan Horse packaging of a candidate, whose family is riddle with nepotist corruption from 45 years in Federal office, for a now openly Maoist political party aligning itself with Anarcho-Communist street gangs who hate the USA.

Sounds like a winner to me.

gerry said...

From BlackLivesMatter.com : We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

Notice that the last sentence excludes fathers from the list. At least Joe, if elected, will deliver what Black Lives Matter wants: fatherless extended families and "villages".

Iman said...

Beloved Clown ARM... keep dat hope alive!

Truth be told, you have nothing to say to nobody...

Paul Doty said...

I don't know that crack-head whore monger Hunter is better than Joe Biden, but certainly he's no worse, I'll give them that.

The Genius Savant said...

Sorry, Anne. Anyone who uses the term “systemic racism” seriously, as Biden has done is not middle of the road of anything.

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