The headline uses the words "painting" and "street art" to refer to "Black Lives Matter" painted in large block letters on the street.
Vincent Seeley, the president of the board of trustees, which voted down the proposal, said they were willing to put up banners saying "Black Lives Matter," but the activists reject that alternative and insist on the large letters painted on the street.
Seeley says the board has now gotten requests "to hold a 'Blue Lives Matter' rally on Main Street, and to post an 'Unborn Child Lives Matter' and an 'All Lives Matter' banner" and they might just need to "to reconsider whether to allow any public messaging on its streets."
Along Main Street, where vintage Black Panther texts are displayed at the counter of the Magpie Bookshop and anti-racism messages have popped up on chalkboards outside restaurants, few people were willing to publicly voice opposition to the Black Lives Matter painting. Dissent has seemed to take place mainly under the cover of social media, where rancorous debates run rampant in comments.Here's the third-highest ranked comment at the NYT:
I applaud this community for rejecting BLM demands. The article says "The proposal didn't seem like too much of an ask...". Well, it was!! I firmly believe the "silent majority" who are paying close attention but not voicing any opinion, will be heard on voting day. BLM has no right to "assume" they can put their message wherever they want. Believe it or not, other people have opinions that are "equal". BLM doesn't want equality, they want superiority and they use race and intimidation as a club to get it.I don't think a political message should be painted in large letters on the street. The street should be kept clear and uncluttered, with the safety of drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians as the overwhelming priority. It's one thing to paint "STOP" crosswise on a street at an intersection, where the idea is to force the driver to be even more aware than usual of the need to stop. It's quite another to paint several words lengthwise on the street and to distract the driver into reading something that isn't related to driving. Quite aside from safety and neatness, the city shouldn't be choosing one political message over others and making it a semi-permanent part of the infrastructure. Political speech should be left to the people to write and speak to each other. That's community — when people can speak to each other, not when they can get the government to repeat their slogan for them in paint on the street.
There are two uses of BLM. As a slogan, of course black lives matter and should not be shot. However, BLM is also an organization partially funded by the democrat party and by George Soros. As such, saying BLM and allowing them to paint the street is support for a Democrat party fragment and is political. BLM has policies they want enacted. At one time their policies for police reform were reasonable. But not they want to defund the police (a policy even blacks do not want) and other crazy stuff. They openly proclaim hatred of white people. I am supposed to support that?
Seriously. Why hasn't any conservative local governments painted:
"all lives matter" in front of abortion clinics.
"Freedom of speech" in front universities.
"Molon labe" in front of Democrat HQ?
Some, select, Black Lives Matter. Shortsighted.
All Lives Matter, or its corollary Baby Lives Matter, would be enlightened.
All Lives Matter. Please dont shoot me in the head. Thank you.
Come on down to the Mermaid Café and I will
Buy you a bottle of wine
And we'll laugh and toast to nothing and smash our empty glasses down
Let's have a round for these freaks and these soldiers
A round for these friends of mine
we must be lectured with gay rainbows and BLM and more more more lectures. Non- stop lectures.
No doubt this white owner of the Mermaid Cafe hasn't done a damn thing her entire life that really advances the cause of equality and equity for Black folks, but she'll make up for it with this BLM signage and with her moral superiority over those who demur.
...where just over a fifth of the population is black...
Color me surprised that a town that far north on the Hudson is "a fifth" of the population is black. But, hey, wadda I know about the demographics of the Hudson River Valley? Clearly, not a lot, let me tell yah.
The Wikipedia entry on Catskill had 30% of the town as black from the 2010 census. What happened to cause the decrease of 1/3 of the black inhabitants (i.e. from 30% to one fifth, 20%)? Is he NYT wrong in its demographics? Is the census, and the NYT has other sources? Did a large number of non-blacks move in in ten years & the black population remained stable, thus reducing them as a percentage?
That really is a yuuuuge change, and such a demographic change could explain much about the social pressures the Catskill black community is undergoing (e.g. a large influx of Latino residents, both legal & not).
Ames Iowa decided last fall;
that It Would Be Neato, to repaint the Pedestrian Crossing white bars in Rainbow colors!
So that Everyone Could SEE that the City Embraces LGBTQWERTY people
Some FASCISTS said HATEFUL Stuff; about how some people wouldn't realize that they were Ped Crossings, and might hit people.
But (so far) No one has been Killed (yet). Some injuries, sure; but no fatalities (yet)
Nothing says that you are a RADICAL! like being permitted by the government to paint your opinions on a street!
I don't think a political message should be painted in large letters on the street.
The problem is no one, not even Republicans, will state the obvious: BLM is a political group.
The concept is verboten.
Diversity (i.e. denial of individual dignity, denial of individual conscience, color judgments, affirmative discrimination) breeds adversity.
That's community — when people can speak to each other, not when they can get the government to repeat their slogan for them in paint on the street.
The government is taking the side that no conversation need occur because only one side has the moral authority to speak.
It is blatantly and purposely shutting down free speech by telling one side it need not engage in debate to achieve its outcomes.
This is voter suppression by another means.
Either cities exist to further the interests of the property-owners whose taxes support them, or they exist to further the interests of the municipal "workers" who have hi-jacked the democratic process and their friends, who are legion.
Silly liberals. They really think their pet cause of the moment will be the only one allowed on the public square? The litigation red team is just warming up in the bullpen ready to go after cities which turn down other slogans. This will devolve into corporations being allowed to paint "Enjoy Popeye's 2 for one Square Meal Deal!" on main street.
"Either Black lives matter, or they don’t."
Is anyone advocating the position that black lives don't matter?
Or are we just regurgitating a strawman to avoid a real debate?
They will push until we say "No" then they will call us racist and destroy or steal our stuff.
I question the good faith of those saying this is a good way to get Americans to work on how to restrain police brutality.
Here's the third-highest ranked comment at the NYT:
I applaud this community for rejecting BLM demands.
When you've lost the New York Times...
When the paint gets slick in the rain, and a driver loses control, spinning out and striking a pedestrian, is the city liable? what about the BLM organization? the local group that wants the street art? the individuals on the board of that organization?
There's an election coming up (I don't know what offices are up this Fall in this town, but they will all be up before long). If you live in this town, and you allow people to get away with claiming that if you don't support painting BLM on the street then you "don't" care about Black lives, then you're a sucker. And you deserve what you'll get.
And you'll get it good and hard.
I don't think a political message should be painted in large letters on the street. The street should be kept clear and uncluttered, with the safety of drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians as the overwhelming priority.
Then stop voting for Democrats.
Agreed. I think this shows that the real demand is for submission.
I'm just glad they're not calling this street writing "murals" anymore. Also, who's idea was it to put this slogan somewhere where it has to be driven over or walked on constantly?
Name the things that reduce this alleged tension.
"Come on down to the Mermaid Café and I will
Buy you a bottle of wine..."
Oh, yeah, it must be from the Joni Mitchell song.
The answer to the question what's the other side is nothing. The opposite of writing X on the street is not writing ANYTHING on the street.
"Color me surprised that a town that far north on the Hudson is "a fifth" of the population is black."
From the article: "Catskill has had a sizable Black population since at least the early 1800s, when the village was a prominent Hudson River port; by the latter part of the century, local historians said, the village drew Black families from the South. Nearly a century later, Catskill continued to attract Black residents, drawn in part by the construction of new public housing like Hop-O-Nose; in more recent years, a new wave of visitors from places like Brooklyn, lured by the scenery and cheap housing stock, has given the village a more trendy vibe."
that is the essential point, susan rosenberg, a white marxist revolutionary, sprung by bill clinton, with imput from nadler, is the cause of this, with sufficient corporate funding,
"Either Black lives matter, or they don’t."
"Black Lives Matter" means something other than the literal meaning of those three words, particularly if "All Lives Matter" is interpreted as denial of them. We are talking past one another.
The Leftist Collectivists want us to be Green Grocers.
Their aim is to make us say/repeat/paint/post ridiculous things until we yield completely to their political will.
Look, I understand black lives matter. All well and good.
And I understand that if I say "All Lives Matter" then I am racist.
And if I say "Blue Lives Matter" then I am racist.
Can anybody explain which lives do not matter, please?
If black lives mattered to blacks, then they wouldn't be shooting each other so often.
The phrase "black lives matter" is nothing but bullshit, so don't fall for it. Do not vote for people who express that black lives matter, because they are part of the problem.
There is probably a lot of pressure on professional football and basketball owners to express solidarity with the foolish expression. What will this do to the ticket buyers?
Look at this bullsh*t:
A BLM degenerate threatened to kill everyone on a Chicago bound flight unless his fellow passengers "accept[ed] Jesus was a black man." But this is not true. Scholars studying ancient skeletons from Judea and other skeletons of neighboring people from the same time period have established an "ethnic profile" for Jesus. The man looked something like a modern day Iraqi Jew. Of course, the Iraqis are Caucasian (probably more so than your average White American, at least those from the South!!!) Anyways, I'm okay with this but I wouldn't argue with the guy threatening to kill everybody. It's just odd how emotional the degenerates are.
Ann Althouse wrote:
"Idon't think a political message should be painted in large letters on the street. The street should be kept clear and uncluttered, with the safety of drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians as the overwhelming priority. It's one thing to paint 'STOP' crosswise on a street at an intersection, where the idea is to force the driver to be even more aware than usual of the need to stop. It's quite another to paint several words lengthwise on the street and to distract the driver into reading something that isn't related to driving. Quite aside from safety and neatness, the city shouldn't be choosing one political message over others and making it a semi-permanent part of the infrastructure. Political speech should be left to the people to write and speak to each other. That's community — when people can speak to each other, not when they can get the government to repeat their slogan for them in paint on the street."
That is excellent and sums up what has been bounding around my Dr. Pepper-deprived brain. Thank for you the clarity.
"It's quite another to paint several words lengthwise on the street and to distract the driver into reading something that isn't related to driving."
My town forced my barber (under penalty of fines) to turn off the rotating barber pole that he had on his sign for decades because someone decided it was too distracting to motorists and therefore "dangerous." It was an old-fashioned, unlit, 2-ft tall pole on the side of a 6'x10' sign listing the names of businesses in the lot. It's probably at least 25' from the road. When it was turned on, the red, white, and blue stripes on the pole would slowly rotate.
Somehow, I doubt the town council would find a large set of BLM letters painted on the street to be the slightest bit distracting.
As for safety, it could be painted not along the street but across just like 'PED XING," etc.
It would just have to be in reeeeeeaaaaalllly skinny letters.
If these are actual black citizens pushing for this then they are acting like children holding their breath to get what they want.
Democrats already treat them like children, another reason sane people shouldn't.
Blogger Mark said...
No doubt this white owner of the Mermaid Cafe hasn't done a damn thing her entire life that really advances the cause of equality and equity for Black folks,
You mean like offering them a job ? Nah, that wouldn't do it.
"Either Black lives matter, or they don’t."
"Black Lives Matter" is a brand name. Just as the Democratic Party need not actually be democratic, and "Mom's Delicious HomeMade (brand) cookies" need not made by "mom," or be "delicious," and certainly not homemade.
It's just a brand name, not even a product claim. Yet it does seem a disease of the Woke to take everything absolutely literally, as if the "Black Lives Matter" brand was literally what it calls itself.
[Transgender] Rainbow
Ironically, exclusive of black, brown, and featuring the shredded remains of white lives. Poorly chosen symbol and association.
Gk1 said... "This will devolve into corporations being allowed to paint "Enjoy Popeye's 2 for one Square Meal Deal!" on main street."
Just wait until towns and cities realize they can sell naming rights to bridges and roads, the way they already do for athletic stadiums.
"all lives matter" in front of abortion clinics.
Abortion chambers and Mengele (reduce, reuse, recycle) clinics. All Lives Matter, and its corollary Baby Lives Matter, would violate civil rights under the Twilight Amendment, and trigger Progressive protests of giving a voice to babies... Fetal-Americans. To paraphrase Nike: Let's do it.
@ Caligula at 6:04pm
Great on. It's a money grab as is everything else.
"Said Michelle Williams, the white owner of the Mermaid Cafe on Main Street...".
Dumb cunt thinks they'll eat her last. By the end of the week, they'll have burned her alive in her own kitchen.
"given the village a more trendy vibe..." Interesting way to spell "gentrified."
Conservatives planning to file lawsuits about government privileged speech are going about it all wrong. They should first propose the addition of "Muslim lives matter," then "Trans lives matter."
I think we've reached peak preening.
Gilbar said:
Nothing says that you are a RADICAL! like being permitted by the government to paint your opinions on a street!
Nothing says you are STUPID! like thinking that it is your legal right to use public property to force your opinions on others, especially when the government takes sides and allows you to do it.
Why not tell us that it's OK to spray political graffiti all over government buildings and monuments? Same thing, right?
And even better if the government DOESN'T allow it, right?
I blame Trump for this shift of the Overton Window. Just like using racist rhetoric to edumacate the 'merican folks about Juneteenth, his ballistic assault to sweep and clear a pathway for #bunkerbubbleboy to sashay to his bible photo op caused the DC Mayor to paint and rename the street. After setting this example by his tremendously effective groundbreaking unprecedented leadership, folks all over the country inspired by President Trump want to replicate the art painted in front of his house in his honor.
Obviously if you oppose this street art, you are disrespecting the President of these United States.
Any mayor honoring his oath of office would not permit that political messages to be painted on the road.
Would the Leftists agree to "All Lives Matter?" If not, why not? Don't ALL Lives count. But that's just a minor point. The main one, is why should everyone be running around saying "Black Lives Matter"? Is there anyone publicly saying black lives DON"T matter? No. Has anything happened in the last year that shows Black lives don't matter? No. There was George Floyd, but there are 10 George Floyd's getting killed every year - including under Obama.
All this is politically motivated - race baiting. And its being done by WHITE upper class whites NOT poor black folks.
When Mitt Romney supports the marixst BLM organization and says that "black lIves matter" you know this has zero to do with actually helping Black folks.
Blogger Caligula said...
"Black Lives Matter" is a brand name.
I think it's more like a brand slogan:
Burger King – Have it your way.
Coca Cola – You can’t beat the real thing.
Apple – Think different.
Nike – Just do it.
Or the now forgotten slogan "Black is Beautiful".
I think the enterprise behind BLM is simply the radical left. The product they are selling is socialist revolution. BLM is one of their sales slogans. "My body, my choice", "Global Warming" and "Green New Deal" are other slogans.
“The answer to the question what's the other side is nothing. The opposite of writing X on the street is not writing ANYTHING on the street.”
When you stop wanting to paint BLM, you don’t start wanting to paint nothing. You start wanting to paint anything.
"Just wait until towns and cities realize they can sell naming rights to bridges and roads, the way they already do for athletic stadiums."
I'm Secretary of State, brought to you by Carl's Jr.
AllenS said...There is probably a lot of pressure on professional football and basketball owners to express solidarity with the foolish expression. What will this do to the ticket buyers?
I think there will be tremendous pressure this fall for all players to kneel. Those who don't will be branded and suspected of racism. This doesn't take a crystal ball to see. And I don't think the NFL owners care about their older white male fan base. They have written them off just like the Democratic Party did.
Why is this not described as "divisive"? That's certainly how they describe just about every other statue in America....I think there's a large segment of the town's population that's not on board with this. Do their opinions matter? Should some effort be made to win them over? Is it fair to dismiss them as racist simply because they think this is a bad idea?
Althouse 5:27
Catskill has had a sizable Black population since at least the early 1800s ... in more recent years, a new wave of visitors from places like Brooklyn, lured by the scenery and cheap housing stock, has given the village a more trendy vibe."
Town's gentrifying. Black townspeople have been enjoying a spot on the Hudson. Not rich. The Gentry indifferently push them out. But fear not. The Gentry then paint a sign on the streets they took from the black community - Black Lives Matter. And so as the sun goes down behind the beautiful Hudson Highlands, it's as if a bugle plays: all is well, we are woke.
"BLM is one of their sales slogans."
The left has always tried to use "racism!" as a weapon against America.
Howard said...
I blame Trump for this shift of the Overton Window.
If he cured cancer you loonies would be whining about the oncologists out of work.
Maybe they should paint "Black Lives Matter" on the streets of areas with high black-on-black crime.
Like, as a reminder.
It couldn't hurt.
I am Laslo.
"That's community — when people can speak to each other, not when they can get the government to repeat their slogan for them in paint on the street."
OK, fine. We appreciate your sensibilities. But after a century of progressivism, which involved people trying to get government to impose a lot more things than just repeating slogans, it's a little late for all that. Face it: progs aren't into community, they don't care a bit about "people speaking to each other."
If you want community in a free society, vote right. Of course, the actual GOP will manage to screw things up, but you catch my drift.
Fuck!! If you can't see "Black Lives Matters" as propaganda for the useful tools, then you can't see shit!!
This COVID virus thing will end on Nov. 4, 2020.
Howard said...
I blame Trump for this shift of the Overton Window. Just like using racist rhetoric to edumacate the 'merican folks about Juneteenth,
Oh my fuck Howie, I'll buy you a goddamn bottle of Thunderbird if you'll just stop sniffing glue.
Two things. First: All Moments of Black Lives Matter - not just the last one. Some might say that what happens before the police stop a black man matters even more than what happens at that stop, especially since what happens beforehand might prevent the stop. Though I suppose this view only pertains if you believe that the police, and American society generally, are not - what's the term? - systemically racist.
Second: Howard. You are (as is the fashion these days) blaming the person behaving normally (in this case, the President of the Untied States, choosing a venue to make a public statement) for the ridiculous and sometimes violent overreactions of those who disagree with him.
When I was a kid, I worked at McDonald's. I have a clear voice, so I often worked the drive-thru. One day I waited on a woman who seemed strangely upset, off-kilter... but I did as I always did, gave her her food, accepted her money, thanked her, referring to her as "ma'am," as I referred to all women I encountered there. She drove off, too fast, but I had another customer, so I turned my attention to him. He was staring out his windshield in what looked like shock or horror, not paying me any mind. I tried to see what he was looking at -
- just in time for the previous woman to stride up to the window from where she had abandoned her car in the parking lot, curse me out for "making fun of her by calling her ma'am," and punch me in the face, twice.
By your standards, Howard, I inflamed her anger by behaving normally and the assault on me was therefore my fault. Is this what you believe? She felt insulted because she felt that a young woman with a college-y manner calling her "ma'am" was actually mockery rather than just normal business practice - so she gave me two black eyes and a rip-roaring, if fortunately short-term, case of PTSD.
FWIW, the police later asked me why I didn't hit her back. There was absolutely no way for me to win any part of this thing. It happened in about 1985 in North Highlands, CA, just north of McClellan AFB on Watt Ave., lest anyone think I'm fabricating.
Street graffiti is fixing what? Mindless symbolic gestures making black lives matter?
Black one year olds life don't matter, that baby took a bullet this weekend and died. Maybe if the dems put their African Pandering Scarves back on, and get on their knees, blacks will stop shooting black one year olds.
By all means lecture me on white privilege, if that's what get you to sleep at night.
Wildly Natural Foods posted a sign earlier this week that said, “If you support ANTIFA and/or BLM please shop elsewhere. All lives matter to us.”
“I would rather see the community come together against them, instead of letting it pass by,” Bibo said.
I’ve never seen evidence that black lives matter.
Act Like It
Hey, I've been saying the 'Rona will disappear on November 4.
Either Biden, and the media all proclaim it gone thanks to his magical powers even if he's not in office yet.
Or Trump and a wave of new riots gets the headlines. (but more importantly the states realize there aren't any bailouts coming and so they open up out of self-interest).
Not just a sappy wildly overrated Lennon song.
Imagine if instead of #BlackLivesMatter, it was BlackLivesMatterToo.
One of the earliest, and weirdest, examples of cancel culture here at Althouse was Birkel trying to erase Truman. He would not even use the name, but instead talked about the 33rd president. Unimportant of course, but just plain odd.
I've heard of the New York Times. I understand it's the nation's foremost college newspaper.
Just wait until towns and cities realize they can sell naming rights to bridges and roads, the way they already do for athletic stadiums.
I am reminded of a bridge over a creek in my neighborhood that recently got an artistic upgrade of some mosaic tile. Rather pretty. The bridge's name was included in the tiling. As the bridge's name was the name of the creek, no naming rights were paid for.
Which will be more lethal. Covid-19 or Novem-3?
When I think of BLM I think of a bunch of black people in camo and berets screaming at white people running around In circles with underwear on their heads screaming Sir Yes Sir! Like a bad fraternity hell week. After all a Corp email I got this week said that the most pervasive danger to Blacks in the U S Is being murdered by policemen.
Ann Althouse said...
I don't think a political message should be painted in large letters on the street.
Careful, Ann. Such a stance stokes the cancerous vultures of the cancel culture out of their miserable hiding places, so that their youthful, aimless, tattooed, privileged, cult-like, white-bread status can be on display. (No stereotyping there, I'm sure.)
Bravo for standing up for free speech and diversity of opinion. BLM, like most folks, is all for freedom of speech until it's speech they don't agree with. Then it must be shouted down.
“You will be made to care.” — Michelle Obama
BLM is national socialist movement with ideology based on claims of racial discrimination, explicitly
rejecting equality and human rights, gaining power by quashing dissent and terrorising people using organized militant groups, by media manipulation and cooperation, by extortion of big business and politician. Social base of BLM are lumpens, unemployed poorly educated white atheists. They are supported by old school politicians as a tool to fight an outsider. And they are antisemits.
Sounds familiar.
Comments to NY Times articles are usually reliably left-wing, and often far left. The comments to this article, focusing specifically on the comments upvoted by readers, surprisingly include many negative takes on BLM and on the sign painting. This kind of expressed dissent from the current dominant leftist narrative is very unusual in reader upvoted Times comments. Something is going on . . . .
I want to paint Abortion KILLS on the street in front of every Planned Parenthood genocide lab......If they get the right to paint what they feel...then so should I!!! It's about equality and fairness, right???
Why not, simply, "Lives Matter"?
I'm waiting for Black Lives Matter to stage a protest march through Chicago's inner city protesting black gangs killing black children. I think that will be a long wait.
Ken B is a lying cvnt.
No such comments were ever offered.
Well, there were 0.00 murders per thousand residents there last year.
So they really don't have much reason to complain.
BLM as slogan is fine but it is also an organization affiliated with the democrats (and funded by them) with policy proposals that include defunding police. It is also a chaotic organization with some members promoting killing white people. Which aspect do you support?
Abortion KILLS on the street in front of every Planned Parenthood genocide lab
Nearly 100% excess mortality and progressive collateral damage on a forward-looking basis where abortionists and Mengeles do not have medical support. Four choices, then Pro-Choice the wicked solution for social and medical progress. One step forward, two steps backward. #BLM
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