July 6, 2020

"People who have lost trust in the police are more prone to settle scores on their own, experts said."

"'The lack of trust, the lack of confidence in police and the lack of willingness to use police, I think is going to have a broader effect,' said [said Thomas Abt, a senior fellow at the Council on Criminal Justice and one author of the nationwide homicide study by Arnold Ventures, a philanthropy focused on criminal justice].... [Chicago’s new police superintendent, David O. Brown] called the open air drug markets on street corners 'the precursors' to much of the violence.... Asked about how they are addressing the gun violence, he said that the police are confiscating guns — 4,629 so far this year, over 10,000 last year. He repeatedly appealed to the public for help, saying that residents knew something about the perpetrators in most cases. A low rate in solving murders — it hovers around 20 percent — and the lack of protection for witnesses both play into the continued high murder rate, said criminologists. Murderers don’t expect to get caught and witnesses feel intimidated, they said.... The city needs to do more to protect witnesses, said Rev. Ira Acree of the Greater St. John Bible Church. 'People want to tell, but they are afraid,' Rev. Acree told a community meeting that he organized to discuss the shootings, adding that people approach him repeatedly about doing the right thing. They tell him, he said, 'I want to go to heaven, but I do not want to go this week.'... Chicago’s toll has mounted steadily since Memorial Day weekend.... Some experts attribute the high numbers of children being killed to collateral damage from gunmen leaving their fingers on the triggers of automatic weapons that they have never been trained to shoot...."

From "Chicago Gun Violence Spikes and Increasingly Finds the Youngest Victims/Nine children under the age of 18 have been shot dead in Chicago since June 20" (NYT).


rhhardin said...

Courts won't settle illegal debts, and that self-help justice has always been there.

Big Mike said...

Plus two teenaged males In Seattle’s CHOP and 8 year old Secoriea Turner in Atlanta.

buwaya said...

One solution, obviously, is for government funded firearms training for gangbangers.
Maybe even "automatic" weapons training.

Big Mike said...

Some experts attribute the high numbers of children being killed to collateral damage from gunmen leaving their fingers on the triggers of automatic weapons that they have never been trained to shoot....

Fully automatic firearms have been illegal since 1934.

PB said...

These are not people who have lost trust in the police. They've lost the fear if getting caught.

Kevin said...

When there is a problem, upper class people call their lawyer.

Middle class people call the police.

Lower class people handle it themselves.

Defund the police is yet another attack on the middle class.

gilbar said...

Leaving their fingers, on automatic weapons??
Chicago Now has a problem with Large numbers of AUTOMATIC weapons?
That's Bad! They had Enough Problems with the semi automatics

cacimbo said...

Wow, who would expect that.When you elect Democrats who run on their anti-police creds respect for police goes down and - crime rises.

Josephbleau said...

Although I doubt that anyone has been killed in Chicago this year using an automatic weapon, it is true that when government took over justice they promised that they would take revenge for you. Like the guy that had to kill his father’s murderer in princess bride, now we will have to go on revenge treks to kill the rapists of our relatives because the police won’t do it anymore.

John Borell said...

“Some experts attribute the high numbers of children being killed to collateral damage from gunmen leaving their fingers on the triggers of automatic weapons that they have never been trained to shoot...“

I’m calling bullshit on this part of the article. Automatic weapons are extremely rare. Almost non-existent in the U.S.

The vast, vast majority of gun killings are with semi-automatic handguns.

I’d love to see a list of killings in Chicago involving automatic, not semi-automatic weapons.

That said, the senseless killing of children is a national tragedy. Defund then police and we will see more and more of this.

Rusty said...

The sad fact is that black lives don't matter to other blacks. They-the people of the south side-have built this culture with the help of the democrat ruling political machine. It has been that way for as long as I can remember.

Owen said...

“...automatic weapons they have never been trained to shoot.”

That may be the Galaxy-class prize winner line for super-compressed fatuity. It implies that the problem is just poor technique, so the reader begins to think, “Well, the solution is to offer *training* and teach them how to aim. Once they learn to fire in short bursts and lead the target, this cruel slaughter of children will abate.”

The reference to “automatic weapons” is rich as well. Either the average street punk has a Federal Firearms License enabling him to buy a machine gun on which he just needs a little training; or he is able to access a virtual river of illegal armaments giving the gangs enough firepower to frighten a Marine platoon. Either way, the situation is hopeless, and any prudent reader is going to be making a beeline to the nearest gun shop in a search for offsetting defensive capabilities.

Nice work, NYT. This is what a half-century of Progressive policies has yielded.

Conservachusetts said...

I’m betting they are NOT using automatic weapons. Would some accuracy about guns be too much to expect?

WWPaulKlee said...

Close to zero percent chance these perps have automatic weapons, which continue to send out projectiles until the magazine is empty, with the trigger engaged. Journalism has died at the hands of 20 Somethings with no life except on an iPhone, or moving images on a screen. Just like the shooters. Could some of the problems be caused by stupidity and cultures awash in drugs? Could Teddy Roosevelt’s advice to young men to control their impulses be valid? I read it painted on the magnificent high walls of the Natural History Museum in War Zone NYC. Should the letters be painted over with gang signs, or the whole heteropatriarchal structure torn down? Paul Klee says, Read More Kafka”.

Kirk Parker said...

What Would We Do Without "Experts"?

tjl said...

We will see do-it-yourself justice creeping up the social scale. Gangbangers today, middle-class homeowners tomorrow who realize that defunding the police means you are on your own.

Minneapolis will be the pilot project. Once the city council abolishes the police department, all who don't leave will get their own guns. Few will want to rely on the city's new corps of unarmed social workers.

William said...

They used to nail murderers on drug charges. You didn't need witnesses for such charges, only possession. Those days are over.....Black people have a kind of resigned acceptance to these shootings. They sound like midwesterners after a tornado. Thug life murders don't cause the kind of ruckus that death by cop engenders. I think if you drew a Venn diagram of gangbangers and looters, there would be a considerable overlap. Black people seem remarkably reticent about criticizing the criminals in their midst.

iowan2 said...

The Federal Government, removing fathers from families. Social Safety Nets, aren't.

The Great Society is proving just the opposite.

Federal solutions, rarely are.

A womans Right, to make decisions concerning her body and the body of her baby, have negated the sanctity of life. Third trimester abortion=30th trimester abortion.

Two murders of children in these protests have made the news, hard to know how many more actually have happened.

This get fixed at the family level, until people want change, the death will continue.

Our form of government only works for a moral population.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Who are we to question the killing of children? None of us has a leg to stand on as our racism causes this. Electing Democratics is our only option for peace: We must abolish the GOP.

The killers are the most diverse sparks of divinity in the universe, more powerful than anything not as diverse, ergo they are now gods. Suck it non-diverse peoples of all races, creeds, and orientations.

Amadeus 48 said...

Automatic weapons are against the law. I would be surprised if there are any automatic weapons on the streets in Chicago. That would mean that gangsters are defying the law. Who ever heard of such a thing? We passed laws to stop this sort of thing. I guess we need more gun laws. That will fix it.

Or, we could enforce the laws we have.

MayBee said...

It does make me wonder how much black people matter to the cause that calls itself Black Lives Matter.

If your family hires Benjamin Crump, your Black Death matters. If the solution is get rid of confederate statues in a far away state, and you are someone bothered by those statues, then your black life matters. If you are someone they can use to renegotiate police contracts, then your black life matters. And if you are someone they can use to close down Michigan Avenue on the Friday after Thanksgiving, or loot cities across America then your black life matters.

But if you are a little kid playing in the yard on the "wrong" side of Chicago, or an 8 year old girl turning into a parking lot in Atlanta, or if you are David Dorn working security at your friends pawn shop, or if you are a guy turning onto the highway in Washington State, or a black young man living in CHOP.....your life matters not one little bit. Your color will be capitalized by the NYT and your history will be rewritten by N Hannah Jones and the money that maybe could have gotten you an education when the schools are closed again this fall will have to go to cleaning up Michigan Avenue or State Street.

Nice Middle Class People of all colors lives matter. Apparently.

doctrev said...

William said...
Black people seem remarkably reticent about criticizing the criminals in their midst.

7/6/20, 7:06 AM

They have to live with the scum, and they know white overlords will keep releasing the scum into their communities.

In former Rhodesia, the blacks openly beg the white man to return and give them jobs while ousting the Mugabe types. I imagine things will eventually come to that point in America. If they secretly haven't already among a certain type of black person.

Jaq said...

I can’t remember where I read it, but Hemingway was with the American army, working with some partisans, and right when the Germans had been driven out of a city, and before the Americans could establish control, one of the partisans, who was from that city, came in to the makeshift HQ to borrow a pistol to settle a score with a guy who took his girlfriend away once. Hemingway gave him the pistol, out of combat camaraderie, a surfeit of death, and a romantic impulse, I guess.

It’s great when there is no law and order. Humans are naturally kind, generous, and altruistic to a fault, unless they put on a police uniform.

Temujin said...

Note to the New York Times. Crime, violent crime, shootings, and killings have all massively spiked in New York. And Chicago. Seattle. Atlanta. Baltimore. Cleveland. New Orleans. LA. Portland. Minneapolis.

All since we determined that Black Lives Matter.

So really, this is nothing new. This is how Democrats run cities and countries and have for years. Decades. In some cases, over a century. That this is even still a viable political party is astounding to me. That people today continue to listen to them and vote for them, and newspapers are the mouthpiece for them, is beyond comprehension. That the Black community continues to support them is insane.

Lucien said...

If BLM really wanted to live out the true meaning of its creed, it’s top priority would be persuading Black people to step forward as witnesses to crimes against Black people.
Fat chance.

Michael K said...

They-the people of the south side-have built this culture with the help of the democrat ruling political machine. It has been that way for as long as I can remember.

Depends how old you are. I remember distinctly when the South Side was safe and very middle class. Even upper class. I grew up there. Until about 1967, it was a very nice place to live. That year saw the decline begin and it progressed rapidly. It was called "White Flight" and that was approximately what happened. It resembled what is happening to New York City and Minneapolis as middle class citizens flee violent and unpoliced cities.

Howard said...

The NFAC (Not Fuckin Around Coalition), a group of Black military men and former U.S. military that are fed up with unarmed African Americans being killed by police or the George Zimmermans and McMicheals of the world.

A Well Regulated Militia

Marco the Lab said...

To be fair about full-auto's, there are street video's where the shooting is way to fast for semi's. Come on legally transferable full auto'? I went to my local Class 3 store and asked what's the cheapest machine gun available? About 6000$ for a ww2 era pistol caliber. One year wait on background check. No public gun ranges will allow rapid fire near my home. A Mac or Uzi will be closer to 10g's. And you need a private range to shoot. I won't be owning one of the 110,000 legal machine guns out there. Too bad I didn't buy a M16 back in the 70's, for less than 2000$. They are now 20-40,000$ depending on how nice they are. Or a drop in auto sear,dias? Sadly I was never any good at being able to predict what would have high future value. Or even remotely have a ammo stash to feed them. Full-auto is mostly a millionaire's club.

Bruce Hayden said...

I don’t think that buying fully automatic firearms with the proper ATF stamps and approvals, through a FFL is a big thing. Gang bangers aren’t going through FFLs for their semiautomatic firearms, so it is absurd to think that they would for their fully automatic firearms. And for e same reasons, they aren’t limited to the list of automatic weapons that was closed under Clinton. Automatic weapons are being smuggled into this country, along with the drugs that the gang bangers sell and consume. Which means that the smuggled guns are mostly seen, so far, along the Mexican border, and my guess is mostly in the LA area, though I think that some were picked up last year in PHX. Mostly AKs and M16/M4s. Mostly used because they are cool and a status symbol, and not tactically. Overall, they would do better sticking to their semiautomatic analogs, because that would increase the number of rounds going where they want them to.

Most of what gang bangers utilize are handguns, mostly semiautomatic, and practically never automatic, since automatic pistols are so rare in our country. The problem is that semiautomatic “assault weapons” and fully automatic assault rifles are very hard to conceal. Of course, that is rapidly changing with AntiFA and BLM now arming up and carrying long guns openly. But when these big Dem cities decide that it is time to reassert law and order, I expect the open carry of long guns to disappear again. We shall see. The alternative is that even more of the middle class is going to flee our larger cities, esp those run by Democrats for decades, or longer.

MalaiseLongue said...

Chicago Gun Violence Spikes and Increasingly Finds the Youngest Victims

Find them all by itself, that pesky Gun Violence.

Joe Smith said...

Go ahead and give the BLM marchers in Georgia their own 'state,' in six months it will make Chicago's south side look like an earthly paradise.

Think about it, Chicago is a complete hell hole (with great food and bars) and they are a 'real' place, with tax revenue coming in, infrastructure, help from the feds and the state of Illinois, etc.

Everyone is bending over backwards to try to solve the problem there (except the Democrats in power...graft pays the bills). Just think what a new black 'state' would look like if nobody gave a damn. Mogadishu, indeed...

n.n said...

from gunmen leaving their fingers on the triggers of automatic weapons that they have never been trained to shoot....

It is Gunmen, gunwomen, and gunOther.

Fully automatic firearms have been illegal since 1934.

NYT follows a style guide that relies on forming close but legalistically deniable associations.

Static Ping said...

I'm shocked that they did not primarily blame the guns. That was the narrative last year. If we got rid of all the guns that would solve the problem.

The natural order of things is might makes right and cycles of violence. Civilization has gone a long way to try to replace this with justice and police. When you abandon justice and police, you go back to the default position. There's nothing new here, other than a generation of poorly educated or perhaps intentionally mis-educated young adults who have not learned the most basic of things.

Gk1 said...

Although it would not surprise me greatly to know some gang bangers have gotten AK-47's and Ak-74's smuggled from Mexico, automatic weapons on the street are rare. I am sure the Chicago police dept. has a list of weapons its confiscated and destroyed to great press fanfare.

Chicago is rapidly becoming a 3rd world shit hole. The lesbian mayor is in way over her head and is not a credible threat to the gang bangers slaughtering their own people. It probably didn't help Mayor Lightfoot gratuitously pissing on the Chief Executive for months on end, now that she could use some federal help, to stop this raging house fire. Trump will offer but her foolish pride will get in the way of asking for it.

n.n said...

The Federal Government, removing fathers from families. Social Safety Nets, aren't.

The Great Society is proving just the opposite.

Not merely removing, but reducing their standing, in their own eyes, and the eyes of their wife, and children, too. Prolonged smoothing functions (e.g. welfare, charity) places men, in particular, increasingly women, too, and families, at risk.

n.n said...

Diversity breeds adversity and excess deaths.

Fernandinande said...

The Federal Government, removing fathers from families. Social Safety Nets, aren't.

That seems to be irrelevant to the crime rate.

"Black men commit murders at a rate about eight times greater than that for white men. This disparity is not new; it has existed for well over a century. When historian Roger Lane studied murder rates in Philadelphia, he found that since 1839 the black rate has been much higher than the white rate. This gap existed long before the invention of television, the wide distribution of hand guns, or access to dangerous drugs (except for alcohol)."

chuck said...

gunmen leaving their fingers on the triggers of automatic weapons that they have never been trained to shoot

What "automatic" weapons? The NY Times lives up to its garbage reputation.

chuck said...

gunmen leaving their fingers on the triggers of automatic weapons that they have never been trained to shoot

What "automatic" weapons? The NY Times lives up to its garbage reputation.

Doug said...

If only Chicago leaders would pass some more gun laws, this wouldn't happen.

wild chicken said...

"Would some accuracy about guns be too much to expect?"

Times:"Whatever, you know what we meant."

Jesus I got raked over the coals by a news editor for getting some guy's title wrong. It stung so bad I went back to law school.

Pays to be elite eh.

Krumhorn said...

It’s not that difficult to convert an AR-15 with some basic tools. The easiest is the bump stock, but your basic doper can afford a longer bolt carrier group and modify the lower receiver. Good times

- Krumhorn

Openidname said...

I accept that fully automatic weapons are rare on the street.

But not unknown. I remember a murder in Upland, California where the killer had an illegally modified handgun that fired 30 rounds per second.

The problem was, the recoil immediately forced the barrel up to the sky, making it impossible to aim. He still managed to kill two 20-something boys, though.

Francisco D said...

Gk1 said... Chicago is rapidly becoming a 3rd world shit hole. The lesbian mayor is in way over her head and is not a credible threat to the gang bangers slaughtering their own people.

Lori Lightfoot was the moderate in the mayoral election.

Things will get worse.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Bruce Hayden said...

I don’t think that buying fully automatic firearms with the proper ATF stamps and approvals, through a FFL is a big thing.

I have not done it, but I have talked to those who have. It's not too bad provided you've got the right lawyer handling the paperwork. Another reason it's as @greg said above; a millionaires club. You have to keep a lawyer who specializes in gun law on retainer. Also, you'll need said lawyer to set up an NFA trust if you want to pass your collection down to your kids once you're gone.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

So racist cops force black people to kill each other in ever increasing numbers?

Damn, those racist cops really have their shit together!

Bruce Hayden said...

“The NFAC (Not Fuckin Around Coalition), a group of Black military men and former U.S. military that are fed up with unarmed African Americans being killed by police or the George Zimmermans and McMicheals of the world.”

George Zimmerman, whom Trayvon Martin snuck up behind, sucker punched, knocked to the ground, then sat on while he pummeled Zimmerman MMA style, hitting his head against the concrete walk? Who was sitting on top of, and leaning over, Zimmerman at the time that he drew his legal concealed carry handgun and shot Martin in legally justified self defense? That George Zimmerman? Turns out that Zimmerman was able to prove his self defense beyond a reasonable doubt, when the legal burden was just the opposite (state required to disprove the defense beyond a reasonable doubt). And that was with the prosecution intentionally suborning perjury and obstructing justice by putting a fake primary witness on the stand (instead of Martin’s actual girlfriend, who refused to testify, prosecutors put her cousin on the stand, who pretended to be Martin’s girlfriend). That George Zimmerman?

Turns out that more cops are killed every year by blacks, than blacks are killed by police, and both numbers are a tiny fraction of the number of blacks killed by other blacks every year. Black non criminals are just not killed by the police. There are two (very small) groups of Blacks who die every year during interactions with the police. You have those like Big Mike Brown, who had committed very serious felonies, such as attempted murder on a police officer (and in his case, was killed in legally justified self defense) and petty criminals like George Floyd, who either did something extremely stupid while in custody (like standing up in a moving police paddy wagon) or resisted arrest or had tried to escape, combined had serious comorbidities (like George Floyd, who had recently ingested a large dosage of fentanyl (and pot), had had COVID-19, and had Sickle Cell Disorder, Type II Diabetes, and morbid obesity).

hombre said...

Here’s my comment on that NYT article. It might get printed as a sort of novelty. Please note that I capitalized “Black.”

“Black criminals shoot Black criminals and innocents, sometimes children, are collateral damage and it’s about the police? Really?

Witnesses won’t come forward because they fear the police can’t protect them and it’s about the police? Really?

If we build more gyms, hire more social workers and/or reform the police all will be well? Really? Black criminals will give up gangs, drugs and guns? Really? For what, ping pong? Counseling? It’s so simple. How come nobody thought of it before? /Sarc

African American culture used to be about families and God. Now it is about absentee fathers and accompanying crime. The community gets what it is committed to. When Black children are slaughtered by Black thugs there are “tut tuts” then silence. When a Black criminal is a victim of police brutality there are shootings, demonstrations, burning and looting. Who is the community committed to, its children or its criminals?

If we weaken or defund the police there will be more crime, particularly in Black neighborhoods. Is that what we are committed to?”

Big Mike said...

My point, at 4:30, was that Dumbocrats keep passing gun control laws that terrifically inconvenience law-abiding citizens, but they never make the slightest effort to enforce those laws when it comes to inner city gangbangers. There are (at least) two ways gangbangers can acquire fully automatic weapons: (1) buy it already fully automatic from a gun runner, or (2) illegally modify a semi-automatic rifle that’s based on a true military weapon. Number 1 is easy. Mexico is awash in fully automatic weapons, and the drug cartels can send some north along with shipments of heroin and cocaine. We can’t stop illegal traffic in drugs now nor illegal alcohol in the days of Al Capone, so gun control laws merely open up a new route for criminal organizations to get rich.

With respect to semi-aromatic versions of the AK-47, conversion from semi-automatic to fully automatic requires no special tools — but you do have to replace the bolt carrier. Making the change to the bolt carrier takes a skilled machinist and some welding, but replacement bolt carriers for fully automatic fire are relatively small and thus easy to smuggle.

But the notion that there are no such things as fully automatic AK-47s on the street in the hands of teenagers and young adults is simply wrong. Several years ago a teenager who had his gold chain necklace lifted at a party while he was passed out came back with an AK-47 and hosed down a group of party goers sitting on a front stoop. This was in Washington, DC, which has gun laws so strict that you are facing jail time for having an empty cartridge case or empty shotgun shell anywhere in your car. (No, I am not engaging in hyperbole!) I have also seen a video of a young black man hopping around and rapping that he has his AK and now everybody is going to be his bitch. But he has crappy trigger discipline and apparently didn’t know about this silly little lever called a “safety,” so he shoots off three rounds before he can let go of the gun.

Sorry guys, but there really are fully automatic weapons — typically AKs — in the hands of teenagers and young men in the inner city.

bagoh20 said...

"“...automatic weapons they have never been trained to shoot.”

Maybe the NYT should be trained to use the English language, or at least know the basics of what they write about.

Wait, I'm sorry. For a second there I forgot that they don't give shit about accuracy anyway. If you have a thousand chickens pounding on keyboards, and you started them off decades ago, you probably got a few stories "loaded in the clip" by now.

Todd said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said... [hush]​[hide comment]
Bruce Hayden said...

I don’t think that buying fully automatic firearms with the proper ATF stamps and approvals, through a FFL is a big thing.

I have not done it, but I have talked to those who have. It's not too bad provided you've got the right lawyer handling the paperwork. Another reason it's as @greg said above; a millionaires club. You have to keep a lawyer who specializes in gun law on retainer. Also, you'll need said lawyer to set up an NFA trust if you want to pass your collection down to your kids once you're gone.

7/6/20, 10:51 AM

The process for a full-auto firearm is very similar to the process for a suppressor. You need to go through an FFL that is licensed for the desired device. You need to purchase it, have it sent to your receiving FFL, complete the paper work with/through the FFL, submit it with the $200 tax stamp fee, and then wait,wait,wait,wait.

For higher priced items like full-auto, the money is often held in escrow until the transfer completes.

The paperwork/fee is basically the same. An NFA trust is a "must have" for your stated reason above and others. Far, far better/easier/quicker to use a trust than to try and "personally" own those types of things. Makes sharing easier as well (all folks items are shared with must be parties to the trust).

TobyTucker said...

That "automatic weapons" comment is such complete and utter BS.

These are gang-related shootings, mainly of the drive-by variety. Gangbangers in a vehicle shooting their HANDGUNS at rivals standing on the sidewalk, etc. They DON'T CARE about anyone else in the vicinity or in the buildings behind them. And if the targets happen to shoot back, the problem only escalates. Shooting from or at a moving vehicle is very hard to do accurately, so it's no wonder that "collateral damage" is the result.

Michael K said...

Lori Lightfoot was the moderate in the mayoral election.

Things will get worse.

Oh, yes. And Kim Foxx is there to prosecute anyone who disagrees.

StephenFearby said...

Informative article:

Machine Pistol

"Not to be confused with Semi-automatic pistol."

"...Today, they are considered a special purpose weapon with limited utility, and difficult to control for all but the best shooters..."

1 History
1.1 World War I
1.2 1920s–1930s
1.3 World War II
1.4 1950s–1960s
1.5 1970s–1980s
1.6 1990s–2000s
2 Comparison with compact submachine guns
3 Criticisms
4 See also
5 References
6 Further reading


Jim at said...

It doesn't take an 'expert' to know this.

When the authorities refuse to do the job they were hired for, don't be surprised when the citizenry steps in and does it for them.

And in various hotspots throughout the nation, that time is drawing nearer and nearer.

Achilles said...

Some experts attribute the high numbers of children being killed to collateral damage from gunmen leaving their fingers on the triggers of automatic weapons that they have never been trained to shoot...."

This is fucking stupid.

As an expert I am going to say those experts are full of shit.

RigelDog said...

This carnage is appalling and heart-breaking. The tragedy is compounded by the fact that we KNOW how to greatly reduce these killings; we just don't have the political support right now. Here's what has worked in the recent past: pro-active policing including stop and frisk and community-based policing. Think plenty of police presence but with as many minority and beat-cops as possible. Assign the most steady, personable cops that you have to the neighborhoods so they can develop relationships and trust. It would be great if you could pay these officers even more, and maybe assign them to work in teams with social worker/clergy/community leader supporting partners. Do NOT abandon any blocks to the worst elements--don't let them own the streets. Yes the drug dealing and other criminal behavior will continue but make them shrink back indoors and into the late-night shadows. Victims and witnesses need a LOT of support in order to feel safe enough to cooperate, and that's expensive but it's money well-spent.

RigelDog said...

Some experts attribute the high numbers of children being killed to collateral damage from gunmen leaving their fingers on the triggers of automatic weapons that they have never been trained to shoot....}}}}

Wildly unlikely! I have access to solid information about gun violence in Philadelphia and fully-automatic weapons are just not being used. Maybe Chicago is way different but there's no obvious reason why that would be the case.

stevew said...

Most predictable and boring headline ever.

Francisco D said...

Michael K said... Oh, yes. And Kim Foxx is there to prosecute anyone who disagrees.

Foxx supported Lightfoot opponents. Lightfoot truly is the relative moderate and probably the most competent of the lot.

It is that bad.

I weep for my former home town. It will go the way of Detroit.

Look for the next Democrat/MSM/SJW push to give trillions to the urban areas that have been victimized by structural racism.

Banjo said...

"Black people seem remarkably reticent about criticizing the criminals in their midst."

This was explained higher up: "I want to go to heaven, but just not this week."

I read somewhere, maybe in "Ghettoside," that every neighborhood in South Central LA has known killers walking the streets with impunity. Short of taking the law in your own hands, co-existence is necessary.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The process for a full-auto firearm is very similar to the process for a suppressor. You need to go through an FFL that is licensed for the desired device. You need to purchase it, have it sent to your receiving FFL, complete the paper work with/through the FFL, submit it with the $200 tax stamp fee, and then wait,wait,wait,wait.”

Except that the registry of machine guns has been closed for most of a quarter century. You pretty much have to buy one that is already on the list. Silencers, on the other hand, are still being made. Someone I know took delivery of a new one last week for use with a .300 blackout AR pistol (barrel <16” and no stock - often replaced with a stabilizer brace instead). The nice thing about .300 Blackout is that it is available both in supersonic and subsonic, with the latter working well with silencers.

Michael K said...

Foxx supported Lightfoot opponents. Lightfoot truly is the relative moderate and probably the most competent of the lot.

It is that bad.

I weep for my former home town. It will go the way of Detroit.

I would like to get my sister out but her grandkids are there. Even out in the suburbs would be safer but her husband is a (retired) cop and had to live in city limits. Illinois will be dragged under by Chicago. Like New York, the state will be destroyed by the city. Minnesota is going the same way.

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