July 17, 2020

Love or hate Kayleigh —  she is prepared as hell.

Misspelled "Mueller" though.

Who's Hogan? The Republican governor of Maryland. Here's CNN from last night (after McEnany's conference):
Hogan had earlier slammed Trump's early response to the coronavirus pandemic as "hopeless" in an article published Thursday in The Washington Post, elaborating on his efforts to secure testing kits and prevent the deaths of residents in his state. His account, excerpted from his forthcoming book, subsequently drew criticism from White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany.
Mediaite covers the mind-bending binder closeup:
During her tenure, McEnany has developed a reputation for flipping open her briefing book after a particularly confrontational question and reading verbatim from pre-written responses, which often included canned attacks on the press or praise from allies.
Aw, don't they hate that — when they trigger the canned response? Oh, no, not the binder! She has a tab for that!

Interestingly, one of the tabs is "Goya." Speaking of canned....

Oddly enough, that photograph could be what wins him reelection. Think about it. People are emotional.

ADDED: Looks like Kayleigh has some magnificent rings, but they are not sized correctly.


Howard said...

It's the only way to keep all the lies straight

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

but old Joe made his loser son Hunter a rich man with our tax dollars.

Our hot garbage media won't talk about it. at all.
You cannot beat that.

Dan said...

Love Kayleigh! She is always prepared and sometimes she doesn't use the notebook and still has a great answer.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Interestingly, one of the tabs is "Goya." Speaking of canned....

Anderson Cooper had a hissy fit about that Goya photo a couple of nights back.

Scott said...

Yes, remember early on in her tenure when she was asked about a comment she made on Fox Business and she turned it around and asked if several media outlets were going to retract their erroneous statements. And a reporter who asked the "gotcha" question yelled out as she left the lectern, "You were prepared for that!!" Incredulous that the WH Press Secretary would be "prepared" for a wide range of questions.

madAsHell said...

Looks like Kayleigh has some magnificent rings, but they are not sized correctly.

Unadulterated woman snark.

Gordon Scott said...

Kayleigh is also substantially smarter than any of the White House press corps.

The thing is, she's being gentle with them. She could be a lot rougher, but chooses not to for now.

Lucien said...

Mediaite gets it bass-ackward, saying the tabs represent the administration’s priorities.
No, it’s an attempt to anticipate reporters’ priorities. The comment that the “Wins” tab was at the back of a binder that is clearly alphabetized was similarly clueless.

Nonapod said...

It's telling that the press is so absurdly predictable with that you can just prepare a bunch of canned responses beforehand. I mean, I know it's always been at least a little like that with regards to press secretaries expecting certain things will be asked. But I think it's become so ridiculous in the Trump era that it's like some sort of "choose your own adventure" or a text response tree in an RPG game.

The press core is like a pack of tired kindergarteners before nap time, a little cranky and full of inane questions.

Sebastian said...

"she is prepared as hell"

And the MSM are entirely predictable.

By the way, did you catch the fake news about K saying science should not stand in the way of reopening?

Trump and his staff fight back, of course, but the MSM still drive the narrative, especially to turn nice white women away from mean uncouth Trump.

roesch/voltaire said...

Looks like a ring around a binder full of defensive exaggerations.

Big Mike said...

Oddly enough, that photograph could be what wins him reelection. Think about it.

Yes it could. If he gets a whole lot above 50% of the Hispanic vote Biden’s not gonna win.

People are emotional.

Indeed. And despite your best efforts to rationalize your votes for Obama in ‘08 some of us think this applies to you, too.

Bruce Hayden said...

Her press conferences are great. The WH press corps tries to do gotcha with her. She obliterates them with her well prepared responses, it’s a game. By now everyone knows it. But she probably has 20 I Q points, at least, over any of her serious attackers, and they are, if anything, predictable.

Jaq said...

Canned responses to questions intended to provoke seems like textbook public relations to me. Nothing the left hates like having one of their tactics foiled.

Robert Roy said...

I thought they hated that Trump didn't give thoughtful and considered answers and always speaks off the cuff. You'd think the press would be delighted at this much preparation.

Ken B said...

I do think Goya is the hill to die on.

Here is my take. A man expressed an opinion. The self righteous left decided that he must be punished for it. Their chosen instrument of his chastisement is a racially tinged attack on the jobs and choices of people less wealthy than themselves.

This is an almost too good to be true example of the condescending, intolerant, vindictive cruelty and smugness that is destroying civil society. It is worth fighting. It's also funny — po-faced Lefties warning of the harm caused by dried beans and spice mixes — which helps.

rehajm said...

The briefing is fun again- the overpromoted young staffers lay out the coordinated attacks and Kayleigh reads the counterattacks.

Like the robot soldiers in a war by proxy.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"ADDED: Looks like Kayleigh has some magnificent rings, but they are not sized correctly."

Entirely possible they're fake. I know a lot of women who won't wear their real bands out of fear of loss or theft. I recall years ago a woman freaking out - genuinely apoplectic - when the rock in her engagement band fell out somewhere in a Lowes Home Improvement. Can you imagine trying to look for a $10k diamond on the floor of a home improvement store? She had half the store looking for it and some bystanders joined in.

My fiancée wears a fake replica (only cost about $750) and her actual ring is in my safe deposit box, where it belongs. Where she's from bandits will absolutely mug you if they think it's real and consequently very few without private security are willing to do so in public. It's so common they're mostly left alone because muggers assume all jewelry in public is fake.

campy said...

Woman with a full binder.

Todd said...

How dare you be prepared!

Only the press/media (and in some cases the DNC with help from the media) is allowed to pull "gotchas" and whip out past statements/actions to make a point.

How DON'T you understand that your job as the representative of a Republican POTUS is to stand there, take it, and apologize when appropriate, which is EVERY time we make unsubstantiated or erroneous accusations!

Get with the program!

Owen said...

"...magnificent rings..." Is that what they're called?

Unknown said...

super hottie

hombre said...

The “canned responses” are usually Kayleigh reading the media’s own words back to them to emphasize their hypocrisy. Perhaps her critics believe she should memorize them to avoid the “canned” label. It is simply a fact that no one, even someone with a photographic memory, has the capacity to take, in let alone memorize, even a fraction of the evidence of media hypocrisy.

Limited blogger said...

Yes that photo is a winner.

To see how much, go watch Chris Cuomo's completely unhinged rant about it.

Judging by his melt down, I'd say the photo found it's target.

gerry said...

Looks like Kayleigh has some magnificent rings, but they are not sized correctly.

Cruel neutrality.

Menahem Globus said...

She was 75 pounds heavier when she got the rings.

Lucien said...

President Trump’s photo is anti-racist, because bland food is an aspect of “whiteness”.

Nonapod said...

campy said...
Woman with a full binder.

Mr Wibble said...
She's a woman with full binders.

Does Mr Wibble owe campy a coke?

Darkisland said...

I'm on the love side.

I loved when she gave the presstitutes a weekend homework assignment.

I loved when she lectured them about 12 questions on the confederacy, actually the same question 12 times, but nothing on the ongoing street murders in Chicago.

I loved it yesterday when she lectured a reporter on the Hatch Act.

You go, Kaleigh

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Blogger Gordon Scott said...

Kayleigh is also substantially smarter than any of the White House press corps.

Pretty much everybody is. A very low bar.

People go to journalism school because they were not smart enough to get into ed school.

John Henry

Kate said...

Heh. I also noted her rings. The sizing and placement (the band in and the rock out) look very uncomfortable. I hate wearing wedding rings that twirl.

TreeJoe said...

First press secretary I can readily recall who truly excels at the job. She's magnificent.

The attacks on her in almost any other administration would be considered sexist.

Joe Smith said...

The funny thing is, Goya was founded by a Spaniard, from Spain. According to the lefties that makes him a white, European devil.

Dan from Madison said...

My first thought on the rings was that she lost a lot of weight and that is why they are big/spin. I lost weight and have to be careful of my wedding not falling off when I wash my hands ten thousand times a day.

chuck said...

The Democrat Party is an old boys club with feminist window dressing. Trump's secret weapon is that he actually appreciates and uses smart women.

Goddess of the Classroom said...

I live it when she says, “I’m glad you brought that up.”
The binder provides her facts to protect her from accusations of “lying.”

Kai Akker said...

"The thing is, she's being gentle with them. She could be a lot rougher, but chooses not to for now."

I hope you're right, Gordon, but when did she tell you that?

rcocean said...

Its hard to watch the debates between the DNC operatives -widely known as the WH Press Corps - and her. Its so one-sided and they're so stupid. And I loved her attack on Hogan where she noticed that Hogan had publicly & privately praised the Trump administration AT THE TIME, but now pretends back in March 2020, that he was their greatest critic.

Hogan is a perfect example of why we need 3 parties. The Republican party in the Northeast blue states bears ZERO relationship to the Republican party in the rest of the USA. Hogan is nothing more than a liberal Democrat who doesn't like high taxes. He should start a new party and call it "Democrat Lite".

rcocean said...

The press, of course, has been lying about her. The latest is quoting her as saying "Science has nothing to do with opening the schools". Which is wrenched out of a paragraph where she is saying the EXACT OPPOSITE. This, btw, is why the press in constantly asking Trump about racism, the KKK, etc. Its not because they care about what Trump actually says, or the subject, they're just hoping Trump will screw-up and they can use some of his words to call him a racist/bigot.

Personally, I think they should limit the WH Press Corps to ONE question each, AND bring in more conservative and/or expert journalists to ask REAL questions about public policy. I also wish instead of answering the same question twice, Trump or the Press Secretary, would just say "I already answered that" But then that would be boring, and who cares about the real world? People want theater.

narciso said...

so many covid patients did hogan send back to the nursing home, was it a policy like with new york, new jersey, michigan connecticut maine et al,

rehajm said...

Long, elegant fingers means upsizing because knuckle is wider than finger. Or you retain water. Or you sucked weight to bag the guy and are anticipating heading back to 'normal'.

Ann Althouse said...

"I do think Goya is the hill to die on...."

The oft-mentioned hill of beans.

tcrosse said...

The oft-mentioned hill of beans.

He'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of his life.

mezzrow said...

I haven't been able to wear my wedding band since I lost a third of my body weight during cancer treatment. Throat cancer will do that to you. I've managed to put enough back on to deal with this by now.

This will get me around the corner to my jeweler to get a resize solution.

Time to get it back on. Thanks, Althouse! Thanks, Kayleigh!

walter said...

Really takes the fun out of being the predatory press.

Mary Beth said...

Misspelled "Mueller" though.

The one time I heard her mention him, she called him "Muller", so I doubt if she cares if it's spelled right.

She had a daughter last November (according to Wikipedia(. She may have gotten new rings when she was pregnant or gotten them enlarged and hasn't had time to resize them.

Some guy did a GoFundMe to raise money to by Goya foods to donate to food banks. His goal was $10,000. The funding is at $297,526 now.

Francisco D said...

I do think Goya is the hill to die on.

Krogers (Frys) and WalMart in north suburban Tucson were both sold out of Goya products yesterday.

It is the safe way for the Silent Majority to speak and not get cancelled.

Skeptical Voter said...

She's a lawyer. She prepares for the oral argument that the White House press conferences have become. She anticipates the questions--and she has the answer.

Other examples of such preparation occur when an appellate lawyer anticipates questions from a Supreme Court Justice. You have a limited amount of time, and you'd better be prepared to answer say a Steven Breyer zinger.

Of course most of the White House press corp writes their questions with a crayon---but the principle is the same.

She comes prepared. So what?

Darkisland said...

Blogger Joe Smith said...

The funny thing is, Goya was founded by a Spaniard, from Spain. According to the lefties that makes him a white, European devil.

That is (or was back in the day when I taught this) the official position of the US govt. Their definition of "hispanic" excludes someone like Prudencio Unanue, the founder. Spaniards are not hispanic.

Bob Unanue is Puerto Rican. He is hispanic.

Some federal govt definitions include Brazilians as hispanic. The definition says that anyone from the Iberian penninsula is hispanic. Thus portugese is hispanic.

When you start trying to define hispanic you quickly enter bizarro world. If you want to qualify as hispanic, you need to pick your definition carefully. Few people would qualify under all of the 8-10 definitions in use.

Re Goya food, somone mentioned bland white food. Mexican, and central american food tends to be spicy. Puerto Rican, Cuban, and most south American food is not spicy.

Goya makes mainly Puerto Rican food. It's a Puerto Rican company. Most of its business is in the eastern US where the hispanic population is mainly non-mexican and does not prefer the exaggerated spiciness of Mexican food. (A very broad general statement, of course. With lots of exceptions.

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mueller should be investigated for fraud.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Althouse said ...
Oddly enough, that photograph could be what wins him reelection. Think about it. People are emotional.


Gravel said...

If they don't like her being prepared for their utterly predictable questions, maybe they should try to be less predictable.


If she is indeed the first Press Secretary to be this well prepared (which I doubt), I assure you she won't be the last.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Joe Smith said...

The funny thing is, Goya was founded by a Spaniard, from Spain. According to the lefties that makes him a white, European devil.

And apropos of Lin-Manual Miranda's earlier tweet about making his own adobo; the practice of using adobo also comes from Iberia.

But I highly doubt that NYC lefty Hispanics like Miranda and Ocrazio-Cortez regularly eat that much in the way of ethnic food, despite their outrage at the CEO of Goya.

narciso said...

Tony snow was pretty good, but he was too gentle,

n.n said...

Mueller should be investigated for fraud.

Mueller was part of the cover-up for Obama spied, Biden obstructed, Clinton colluded, and JournoLists held witch trials, which were themselves a cover-up of Obama's wars (e.g. Iraq 2.0, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Egypt), catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises), and quid pro Joes with Kiev and Russian assets to force a coup in Russia.

Drago said...

Howard: "It's the only way to keep all the lies straight"

hombre: "The “canned responses” are usually Kayleigh reading the media’s own words back to them to emphasize their hypocrisy."

Indeed, "all the lies" applies to what the lefties in the media say every day.

Did you know we actually had a moron lefty commenter at Althouse who went so far as to accuse Trump of conducting literal "Chemical warfare" against US citizens in Lafayette Park?

That transparently dumb lie was pushed by the media and our very own Howard the Antifa fanboy for weeks....until the lie became so obvious even he had to back off it.

So yes Howard, its not easy to memorize every canned answer to the legion of dumb lefty lies generated daily so Kayleigh uses a notebook to recall them all.

bagoh20 said...

Maybe she can convince the Press to prepare better before they ask her questions. Naaah. They don't learn new tricks.

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tcrosse said...

This ring is magnificent, but not sized correctly

bagoh20 said...

I would be surprised if she wasn't that well prepared. Her job is one of the most important in the world, like it or not. More than anyone else does, she represents The President of the United States. He's kind of a big deal. She does that as one person against dozens, and I mean "against", as in enemies hoping for a kill shot. To not be prepared would be irresponsible, and foolish.

Drago said...

bagoh20: "Maybe she can convince the Press to prepare better before they ask her questions. Naaah. They don't learn new tricks."

One of the best call outs was when the idiot reporter (who cares what his name is, they are all NPC's anyway) tells Trump he has been studying and watching the oil industry for some time and was about to ask his question when Trump asks him "What's the price of oil right now?" and the idiot reporter had to admit he had no idea.

This, no doubt, "journalism"-major had just announced, as if he had some sort of deep understanding, that he had been studying and watching the oil industry for some time....and didn't have a clue as to the price of oil.

Trump laughed at him and told him to look it up and he would circle back to him for a question.

Ben Rhodes was right about the press: they are all 27 and haven't done anything and they are really dumb and will do and say whatever the dems want them to.

bagoh20 said...

It will never happen, even if he wins, but imagine Biden answering questions from a Press as antagonistic to him as they are to Trump. He couldn't get through three minutes of that without pulling his shirt off and threatening to take them out back.

Paul Snively said...

Ronald Reagan: "Be a happy warrior."

Donald Trump: "Hold my Goya."

William said...

They still haven't found a successful angle of attack. They're calling her a Barbie, but that only works with airheads. They'll keep trying. She doesn't know how to spell Mueller correctly. Our investigative reporters have peeled back another layer corruption in the Trump administration.

OldManRick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
OldManRick said...

Is preparation another sign of white woman supremacy?

If so it needs to be banished because PLM (press lies matter).

daskol said...

My hill to die on is hole 12 at Flamingo mini golf. Many a good game has died on that little mound.

Known Unknown said...

That GoFundMe is amazing!

Equipment Maintenance said...

"Oddly enough, that photograph could be what wins him reelection. Think about it. People are emotional."

All the Democrats had to say was, "well we don't agree with him about Trump, but his company makes some great food", and it'd be over. Now Hispanics know that if you cross the Dems on one thing, no matter how hard you work or how successful you are, they will happily, and without a second thought, bury you.

walter said...


iowan2 said...

Side note. I'm a little surprised she uses paper. Not a tablet. All those tabs would be an app Icon.

That's just me. I am working myself to eliminate paper from my life. Documents get digitized of they don't originate that way. I'm into my 60's and I see the value in being to archive digital information. I always wonder why those decades younger than me, eschew technology.

Ebs said...

Beanghazi! If only that could trend. :)

Joan said...

Some days my rings slide up like that but I still have to wiggle them over my knuckle.
A recent conversation with a jeweler confirmed they were correctly sized.

I take my rings off before going to bed because my hands swell up overnight. On the few occasions I’ve forgotten, I end up with cuts where the rings dig in. Anyone seeing that would say the rings are too small, but an hour or so after getting up they have plenty of play once they are past the knuckle.

All that to say the criticism of the sizing of the rings reflects perhaps a narrow range of experience in this area.

I'm Not Sure said...

"All those tabs would be an app Icon."

And when the tablet malfunctions? Then what?

n.n said...

Beanghazi! If only that could trend. :)

Obama's progress from Iraq to Egypt etc. to Libya back to Syria and Ukraine, and, apparently, a quid pro Joe that he didn't have time to follow through on in Russia, but set the stage for 16 trimesters of Democrat-led witch hunts, warlock trials, diversity, and protests.

Ken B said...

“The oft-mentioned hill of beans.

He'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of his life.”

We'll always have paella.

RMc said...

Anderson Cooper had a hissy fit about that Goya photo a couple of nights back.


Ann Althouse said...

“ Side note. I'm a little surprised she uses paper. Not a tablet. All those tabs would be an app Icon.”

It’s best to have paper in front of you when you’re speaking in front of a group. Easier to see and less risk of glitches.

I still have nightmares about losing speech notes and I’ve been retired for 3 years.

Narayanan said...

chuck said...
The Democrat Party is an old boys club with feminist window dressing. Trump's secret weapon is that he actually appreciates and uses smart women.
thanks - now I understand - that explains why D's think Hillary is smart and intelligent

Narayanan said...

William said...
... She doesn't know how to spell Mueller correctly.
even more amazing that Mueller does not know what is legal and illegal

Ignorance is Bliss said...

If Bill Clinton's press secretary had been similarly prepared, it would have been a binder full of women

Ignorance is Bliss said...

daskol said...
My hill to die on is hole 12 at Flamingo mini golf. Many a good game has died on that little mound.

Flamingo Golf?!? Well there's your problem. You should have been playing at Island Golf

daskol said...

I sure hope Bill Burr didn't hear that.

Josephbleau said...

If she kept them on a tablet Bezos and Gates would let the Chinese scramble them at the critical moment. Better to have paper. I always carry a paper copy of my PPT slides just in case, not that I am a government target. I, like the godfathers son, want to have something in my hand other than my putz.

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