July 10, 2020

Lin-Manuel Miranda jumps into the Goya boycott.


Spiros Pappas said...

You don't just learn to bake bread. Not from YouTube or from cooking shows or whatever. It is very hard to make a good, consistent loaf of bread.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cancel culture. The left does it in spades.

Lets cancel the left.

Birkel said...

Haven't we cancelled him* for his celebration of a white (White?) supremacist?
Or for cultural appropriation?
Or black actors wearing white face?

*Lin-Manuel Miranda

Robert Roy said...

Whelp guess it's time to stock up on some beans.

Curious George said...

Make your Broadway musical decision accordingly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left want to destroy the world's economy for their .... power... over you.

Leora said...

Well I wouldn't have taken political advice from Cole Porter either. Irving Berlin, possibly.

Sebastian said...

We know progs are a*****s. Do they have to be so blatantly, stupidly obvious about it?

Gonna have to buy me some Goya products.

tim maguire said...

Standing with the woke crowd is an act of cowardice, standing with Trump is an act of courage. But they're both wrong. Corporations should stay out of partisan politics.

Iman said...

After all the “Hamilton” horseschiff with Miranda and that cast showing disrespect to Trump, Pence and supporters beginning in early 2017, Miranda can go straight to Hell. Jackass.

Sebastian said...

"Lin-Manuel Miranda jumps into the Goya boycott."

To pre-empt Hamilton cancelation?

Sorry, LMM, you can't appease the Red Guards that easily.

Gonna have to do some more serious groveling penance.

Michael K said...

A little Mexican restaurant north of Tucson is called "Sammy's Mexican food." The owners were seen at the Trump rally in Phoenix in January. An immediate boycott was organized by the left. We went there for dinner a few weeks later. You could hardly get in the place, They were so busy that they simplified their menu.

I expect Goya will see a similar bump. I also expect a decline in Chik fil A since the heir has gone hard left.

Rob C said...

I take that to mean don't buy any Hamilton tickets or merch

Conquistador54 said...

In other news Goya announces their new corporate logo is a likeness of Alexander Hamilton.

Amie Boudreaux said...

Time to cancel this dude. He made a fortune selling show-tunes about slave-owners.

Conquistador54 said...

In other news Goya announces their new corporate logo is a likeness of Alexander Hamilton.

Curious George said...

Adobo con Pimienta sounds awesome. Think I'll pick up some. Thanks Miranda. And oh, eat a bag of dicks.

GingerBeer said...

As Lin-Miranda is currently in the cancel cross-hairs himself, now would be the opportune time for him to have his "Do it to Julia" moment.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Who? What?

I’m surprised that corporations ever bother to placate wokescolds and grievancemongers. How much business are you likely to lose? Indeed, will it be more than the business you lose by genuflecting?

The smart company, one that actually makes things, is stone deaf, politically.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Hey Sandy! Were's my Rum & Coke?!?

DonkeyTeeth denying “cancel culture” exists while trying to cancel a company due to differing opinions.

The term “cancel culture” comes from entitlement - as though the person complaining has the right to a large, captive audience,& one is a victim if people choose to tune them out.
Odds are you’re not actually cancelled, you’re just being challenged, held accountable, or unliked.

Martha said...

Let’s all jump into the Hamilton Disney boycott!

Curious George said...

Why does Lin-Manuel Miranda hate Hispanics?*

* This is how this game is played, right?

Laslo Spatula said...

Now that his musical is under the hot lights of the ideological decommission committees, he has to show his allegiance to the proper purity to avoid the Trotsky Icepick. Metaphorically, of course.

One: it is so fucking obvious.

Two: it is a shame he will sell out another -- and himself -- so easily. But -- I'm assuming -- shame is a construct of white supremacy, somehow. I probably should consult one of the helpful charts.

Three: whatever musical he is now writing better be cast with transvestite BLM MeToo QWERTY POC. Fat ones.

Four: Maybe he doesn't deserve the Trotsky Icepick. But he'll no doubt get it, anyway. Metaphorically, of course.

I am Laslo.

Ken B said...

I adhere to the Dexter Rule for canceling. Dexter was the serial killer who killed only serial killers.
He may now be canceled.

Skeptical Voter said...

I've been buying several different varieties of Goya beans for years now. Very high quality--better than the competition. But after hearing about this foo far aw, I bought my first package of Goya pasta--just to help out. I'll try it although it's got to compete with the usual Italian imported pasta I buy. But fideo is a big pasta thing in Tex Mex and Southern California Mexican culture, so if I decide to try fideo, I'll look for Goya brand.

As for Hamilton---somehow I don't think I'll waste the money on a ticket for Senor Miranda's confection.

GingerBeer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

I have a Goya G-10 guitar.

Nichevo said...

Blogger tim maguire said...
Standing with the woke crowd is an act of cowardice, standing with Trump is an act of courage. But they're both wrong. Corporations should stay out of partisan politics.

Many times they're not given the chance. The CEO did not just pop out with I like Trump, he was questioned in an interview. If you're going to be so mealymouthed as to disclaim interest in politics, you'll be damned for your indifference anyway. There's only one right answer and that right answer is the woke answer. Silence is violence and being wrong well hahaha.

And they won't decline to ask you. They won't leave it alone. So decline interviews, refused to be interviewed, hide. Nice!

Drago said...

Goya codfish is going into my next paella.

stevew said...

People suck, especially those like Igorvolsky.

Regular folks like you and me earn a living working at companies like Goya. These jobs allow us to acquire shelter, to put food on the table, and to buy other items of need that in turn are produced by others earning a living. Tweeters like this db produce nothing. That is why they suck.

Flat Tire said...

Off I go to La Chapala for some beans and sauces.

narciso said...

Supporter of the frances tavern bomber, yes miranda has a leg to stand on.

Bob Boyd said...

The least intelligent, least talented have taken over the academy and are ruling it with fear.
The Idiocracy has arrived in America, but it turns out to be a top down phenomenon rather than a bottom up one.

Michael K said...

Just ordered some rice from Goya. Best thing that could happen to them.

Mark said...

This from the guy who idolizes as an icon one of the primary creators of the American system of racism??

Divest yourself of all your ill-gotten gains from Hamilton, you FRAUD, then we'll talk.

YOU are complicit.

Mark said...

Might win you some sugar cubes from your white progressive masters, but real brown people will happily continue to buy Goya.

GingerBeer said...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM: I understand the "Long Island Iced Tea" is her area of expertise.

narciso said...

Beans are good croquettes are pretty good sthe plaintains are ok.

wendybar said...


Stephen Taylor said...

Randall's has a fairly limited selection of Goya, but we bought some beans. Gonna hit Fiesta tomorrow; i suspect they carry the full assortment. The CEO has big brass ones, but the company is family-owned, so there is that; it's not like he's worried about being fired. I also suspect the Goya core demographic could care less what someone on Twitter thinks about Goya. Perhaps his stand will put some spine in the back of other CEO's, but I doubt it.

Temujin said...

Lin-Manuel Miranda and his play "Hamilton" are both incredibly, almost stupidly overrated. I was just having this discussion with a few people the other night and I was surprised at how many others felt this way. I guess the most simple and honest reaction came from my wife who was invited to a 'viewing' of it on Disney +. She came back home after watching it and wondered aloud to me, how does anybody watch that and think it's the greatest musical of our time? Exactly. How does that happen? Because it fits the desired narrative.

But it's not just the play. (and frankly, if you want a great play on that period that actually does deal with the removal of the 'Slave Clause' from the Declaration of Independence, I suggest you read or view '1776'). It's Lin-Manuel Miranda who has somehow, I guess because he penned this play, become a Person Whose Opinion Must Be Heard.

Or not. Fuck Lin. I've used Goya for years. I'm going to buy much more of it going forward. I am so over Leftists demanding anything.

Psota said...

The cancel people come across as more and more hysterical every time this comes up. It's such a pussy move.

Joe Smith said...

Miranda is a world-class idiot.

'Hamilton' needs to be cancelled now. Not because it's not good...it's rather clever.

But because he appropriates white culture, and I'm tired of people of color profiting from the lives, works, and inventions of white folks.

And because blacks and Hispanics should never portray Caucasians on stage, TV, film, voice-overs, etc. It's racist AF.

Sauce for the goose...

Btw, he should pay reparations from the profits of his play to charities that benefit primarily white people.

Hippogryph said...

Should all right-thinking people be boycotting Miranda, though, for failing to burn and effigy of Alexander Hamilton at the end of each of his musicals?

bobby said...

Type in "Goya" on Amazon to see the full selection.

This has to be the reaction to those . . . people . . . calling for a boycott - buy buy buy.

Birkel said...

I have been boycotting Disney since before it was cool.

Fuck all things Disney.

All media companies - as currently constituted - should die in a fire.

Fernandinande said...

Lin-Manuel Miranda and his play "Hamilton"

I wondered who he was. Sailer said "after a while the endless rhymes about the Constitutional Convention started sounding less like Eminem and more like Dr. Seuss."

Dude1394 said...

Democrats could care less about real problems Hispanic citizens have. Just like BLM only Hispanics that have a political value matter.

MayBee said...

narciso said...
Supporter of the frances tavern bomber, yes miranda has a leg to stand on.

Yes!! This is what I was going to say. Puerto Rican FALN leader who carried out bombings in the US? Yes! I'll take you to a show of mine in Chicago!
Say something nice about the current president? That will not do.

daskol said...

Like Jesus, Lin Manuel is imperfect, and casts a stone. Laslo nailed it: like buying carbon offsets or medieval church indulgences, this is prophylactic virtue signaling. And it won’t work, or at least it won’t be enough. He’s just guaranteed they’re coming for his dignity, as he’s shown himself an easy mark.

MayBee said...

This is the thing, though. Miranda went to the Obama White House a bunch of times. Conservatives didn't cancel him. They still went to his show. Mike Pence still went to his show. Because we are used to entertainers being liberals, and so we just handle that.

But liberals are not used to seeing people support Republicans in public. They have it built in- movies, books, the Oscars, tv shows, Broadway, magazine articles- that it will always be Republicans getting the little dings. The jabs. The criticisms. They've created such a bubble that now they can't stand to see someone NOT in that bubble.

Not Sure said...

Not only am I going to stock up on adobo pimiento, but I'm also ordering a bunch of prints of La Maja Desnuda to give as Christmas presents.

Ray - SoCal said...

He also attended an Obama event.

I guess it’s a Goya Themed lunch with my parents this weekend!

Krumhorn said...

Haters gotta hate.

The lefties are nasty little shits.

- Krumhorn

gspencer said...

"No complaint on a comment is too petty"

Rick.T. said...

Just bought some pigeon peas, Sazón with Coriander & Annatto, and sofrito for arroz con gandules. Haven’t had in a while. Thanks for the reminder, cabrón! Sorry, Goya but I’m loyal to the Rico rice brand.

gilbar said...

isn't it COOL! that we are
REQUIRED to toe the company line?
Speak up?
Say the 'right' things?
Boycott ANYONE that does not comply?

Remember the olden days, back when the left 'said' that free speech was good?
Thank Gaia that we've grown past those silly days

n.n said...

Diversity (e.g. racism) and cancellation... exclusion is a progressive condition.

n.n said...

Cancel culture. The left does it in spades.

Progressive Church. Pro-Choice religion. Liberal ideology.

ALP said...

Per Wikipedia, Goya has 3,500 employees. So one says something stupid, the other 3,499 get painted with the same brush? I never understood this mentality. Isn't the character of a company the sum total of *everyone* who works there? Does no one else matter?

narciso said...

If you want something a little healthier


walter said...

Good buycott instigation for the uninitiated.
I doubt Goya's core customer base are going obey a dude who plays a White guy.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Among his other failings, Miranda is also a race traitor?
La Raza may want to have some words with him.

steve uhr said...

The guy seriously is whining about free speech. He really thinks he can lick trump’s butt and there won’t be a reaction? Maybe he should think about his private investors and employees next time he plays Mr Pillow.

DanTheMan said...

I just bought $56 worth of Goya on Amazon.

Get stuffed, Miranda.
They will be coming for you next for glorifying a white slave trader.

narciso said...

Oh one of the theatres miranda performed in was one the faln bombed about 40 years ago.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Agreed , Birkel..
The leftwing media industrial complex CAN ROT.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Do the Hispanic housewives pushing a cart around Piggly-Wiggly give two rips what idiots on Twitter say?

John henry said...

Fuck him. I hope his play gets taken down.

Can't have white actors acting blacks on the Simpsons?

How does he get away with black actors playing whites in Hamilton?

I kind of liked him up to today. Local boy makes good. My granddaughter, 16, saw the play when it was here last year and fell in love with it. Made me buy her Chernow's Hamilton bio. She is reading. Slowly but reading it.

In January, to celebrate her birthday, we took a bunch of her friends to to an amusement park on the other end of the island. On the way, on a Sunday morning, we stopped at a small museum to him in his grandfather's cafe in Vega Alta.

Nothing much but kind of cool. Turned out that the woman minding the store was his aunt. She called him, rousted him out of bed at 9:30AM and told him there were a bunch of fans and he had to talk to them.

He spend about 15 minutes on Facetime chatting with a bunch of 16 year old girls.

They thought it was really something. So did I.

But now he is saying that Roberto Unanue cannot talk about who he likes?

That we should boycott Goya?

Fuck him. We already buy Goya because they make a lot of really good products. Including sofrito.

I have to figure out how to buy more but I'm not sure how.

John Henry

John henry said...

"Goya, O boya"

Tag line for several years in both English and Spanish language ads.

John Henry

KellyM said...

From today, we are now a Goya house. Screw Miranda. It's beyond the pale to put on a show about our Colonial forebears to the soundtrack of wretched rap music. Basta!

John henry said...

Four: Maybe he doesn't deserve the Trotsky Icepick.

I had always heard icepick but had also heard axe about as frequently.

It is probably only in the past 20-25 years that I found out that he was killed with an ice axe like climbers use.

Completly off topic but always happy to add to the store of generally useless information.

You are welcome.

John Henry

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Maybe he can learn how to use a semicolon correctly. That would be so great.

John henry said...

Blogger Mark said...

real brown people will happily continue to buy Goya.

Never been to Puerto Rico, have you, Mark?

I suspect that if we took 100 random Puerto RIcans, mixed them with 100 random North Carolinians, you would not be able to pick which was which with any degree of success.

Unless they spoke, then the accents would give away the North Carolinians.

John Henry

John henry said...

Blogger Not Sure said...

Not only am I going to stock up on adobo pimiento,

Goya probably makes half a dozen kinds of adobo. All very good. But we always get the one with the blue cap.

They also make several kinds of Sazon powder in little packets that my wife uses all the time.

I sold some screw conveyors to the plant that makes the adobo back in the 90s. Spend a day or two in that process and you'll get enough adobo to last you a month or two.

John Henry

William said...

Have we now politicized the buying of beans? I don't eat beans very often. I hope to remember to buy Goya the next time I buy some. I don't think I'll affect sales very much. I don't think Lin Miranda will either.....I like the Chic Fil A sandwiches, but the line there is prohibitively long. I was hoping the boycott would be more successful so I could buy a sandwich there.

Mary Beth said...

Is the owner of Goya an outlier or are other Hispanics noticing that the Left only likes them when it's convenient? How many times will they watch the Left try to shut down a Hispanic-owned business? How many times will they listen to celebrities talk about how we need an open border so we have gardeners and housekeepers, as if that was the point of their existence?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Ray - SoCal said...

He also attended an Obama event.

His mother was a big wig in the NY State Democrat party.

buwaya said...

The founder of Goya, Don Prudencio Unanue, was from near Burgos, Castilla la Vieja. Which means he was as Spanish as anyone can be, as that is the very core of the old kingdom of Castille.

The name however is Basque, with a likely origin in the vicinity of San Sebastian-Donostia, Guipuzcoa, due to the existence there of an ancient caserio by that name. But who knows. It counts as a valid one of the "ocho apellidos" for asserting the purity of ones Basque ancestry. Yes that is still a thing.

This is not unusual, in Spain. The Basque diaspora is very ancient, as old as the reconquista, and much of the sub-structure of the Spanish population has Basque origins, both ancient and modern. This includes the royal clan of Castille, and thus Spain, from the house of Jimenez to the house of Trastamara to our current Bourbons. Its remarkable to think that this long, long chain is unbroken, however many female lines and bastards it has passed through along the way, since the first chieftain on a Navarrese hillside decided to descend into the lowlands. This is also true of, I think, all the great houses of the aristocracy.

It is remarkable also how very few "penninsular" Spaniards immigrated to the US. You will find vastly more Portuguese and their descendants than Spaniards. Most "Spanish" people in the US came via some generations in some Spanish ex-colony. I'm not sure why that was, but I have some speculations.

eddie willers said...

Is he writing a new minstrel show?

bagoh20 said...

I got a really tough question for the Left.
What is OK?
Not just today, but also tomorrow.

I think the need to express the anger of your virtue can be kind of addicting, and you may never stop needing a regular fix.

Bless their hearts. They never think anything through. Is anything more selfish than masturbation that ruins lives. I'm sure you are very proud of yourselves.

dgstock said...

Better pray the Kimberley Clark CEO doesn’t come out with a favorable Trunp statement. God knows what you’ll be using on your backside then.

Readering said...

Hard to boycott a brand I don't buy.

Ken B said...

Burn his paintings too!

Greg the class traitor said...

Lin-Manuel Miranda is boycotting Goya?

Awesome! I'll boycott him

tim maguire said...

Goya sells Mexican staples to cost conscious people. How many members of the Woke Mob buy its products? Not many, I’d bet.

Amadeus 48 said...

What a noble mind is there o’er thrown!

Or something.

Chernow’s book about Hamilton was pretty good. Ortega’s songs are dreck. His play is mostly notable for gimmick casting. (Pro tip: the founders weren't black. They were English colonials steeped in the the classical liberal sea of natural rights and ordered liberty.) Ortega’s play is a pop soap opera with some clever lines.

The performing arts are reeling, with at least a year before live audiences re-assemble. Actors, singers, stagehands, set designers, musicians, directors cameramen, make-up artists, etc., are out of work. Many dancers, singers, and musicians can’t even rehearse. And Ortega decides to hate-tweet some guy who has a political opinion different from his about the most pro-gay, pro-criminal justice reform president ever elected. It is time to pull together, man. Biden hasn’t got the wheels to go to the coffee shop by himself. Lin-Manuel doesn’t appear to be well-informed. Keep talking, dude, but start making sense.

Mark said...

The concern trolling is thick here today. It's Hillaryious watching you all pretend to care.

Amadeus 48 said...

Mark— a hate-tweet is a hate-tweet. Ortega has to own it because he did it. I do not think he should shut up, because he is self revealing. Now I know and the world knows how empty he is. Some will embrace him; some will disdain him.

I think what he did was stupid, because it costs him sympathy from many for his primary occupation, which is writing pop musical plays, which need to find an audience. The genius of Hamilton is that it transcended race with gimmick casting.

Let’s see him do it again.

Michael K said...

Readering said...
Hard to boycott a brand I don't buy.

Relax. Their sales will boom just like Chick fil A did until the heir got woke.

Sammy's Mexican restaurant in Tucson got boycotted by your kids when they were seen with Trump at a rally in Phoenix. We went there about a week after I read about it. We could hardly get in the place. Tiny little mom and pop restaurant. They had to simplify their menu they were so overwhelmed. Still going great 6 months later. Goya will be fine.

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MD Greene said...

Gee, it's almost as if people cannot allowed to think for themselves unless they agree with the prevailing "narrative." If they do not agree, they will exposed as witches, aka "canceled."

Unfortunately, nobody is right 100 percent of the time. This is a fact observed over millennia. It is even a factoid in 2020.

Did we repeal the First Amendment, and I missed it?

Rory said...

As of this morning, Goya is my official bean supplier.

Nichevo said...

steve uhr said...
The guy seriously is whining about free speech. He really thinks he can lick trump’s butt and there won’t be a reaction? Maybe he should think about his private investors and employees next time he plays Mr Pillow.

I know you've heard this a thousand times, Steve-O, but just in case your brain damage makes you forget things, you are trash.

PubliusFlavius said...

"I'm also ordering a bunch of prints of La Maja Desnuda to give as Christmas presents."

Here's a free electronic version with a delightful soundtrack :D


Julian Bream | Tonadilla: La Maja de Goya | Enrique Granados

boatbuilder said...

In my work as an insurance defense lawyer, several years ago I had a trip-and-fall case in a grocery store where the plaintiff tripped over a hand truck while the delivery guy was stocking Goya products. Goya of course had nothing to do with it but got sued; my client (the store) had to defend and indemnify them (this is very common).

In my rather brief dealings with the Goya folks on this relatively trivial matter, I found them to be one of the best-run corporations I have ever dealt with--very professional, and very responsive, at all levels. (And trust me, most large corporations have some real issues at the risk management/litigation level). Somebody at the top knows what they are doing.

Bilwick said...

Those of us in the pro-freedom camp have long used a phrase to describe high self-esteem, pro-freedom Blacks who defy the "liberal" Hive and reject the collectivist Hive Mind: we talk of them fleeing or escaping the Plantation. I guess we can now talk of high self-esteem, pro-freedom Latinos as having fled or escaped the Hacienda.

Not liberal said...

Miranda's reverse minstrel show is an affront to people of color. He(a white man) mocks them with the accoutrements if Western Cukture and patriarchy. Cancel Hamilton.

loudogblog said...

As a Latino I can tell you that the far left overestimates it's control over the latinos.

Cormac Kehoe said...

Live by the sword, die byt the sword. No sympathy if he gets "canceclled."

Jim at said...

He really thinks he can lick trump’s butt and there won’t be a reaction?

Did he really think he could lick Obama's butt and there won't be a reaction?

Do you assholes realize just how god damn stupid you appear to regular people?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Some of us haven't started hurriedly cooking for ourselves just now; we've been doing it, like, forever. I haven't tried making adobo en pimiento, but it can't be harder than the Indian curries I make several days of the week, from scratch.

(Granted, I do use prepared sauces, mainly for Thai cooking, because galangal isn't terribly common in Salem.)

0_0 said...

MK, as long as Chick-Fil-A has friendly people serving great food they will be fine.

GingerBeer said...

Personally, I much preferred the Richard Brookheiser biography of Hamilton, "Alexander Hamilton, American," over Chernow's.

wbfjrr2 said...

Who the fuck is Lin Manuel Miranda, and why should I care what ignorance and hate he bleats out?

GingerBeer said...

I will continue my personal boycott of "Goya Malta." The stuff is atrocious. And this from a guy who loves scrapple.

Unknown said...

Feel free to disagree but don't ruin people's career just because you don't agree with how others think just as long as it is violent in any way!! I still watched and enjoyed Hamilton even after Mr.Miranda's ignorance stance on Goya! As a proud latino I appreciate him but I have been buying Goya for yrs and will now buy even more now,because the CEO took a tough stance and held his ground against the cancel mob!!

Skipper said...

"Hamilton" ought be cancelled because it's an overrated, overlong, boring, monotone narration of a story unclearly told. Didn't anyone teach Miranda that good theater is showing, not telling?