July 3, 2020

"For the past few months, Trump and the conservative propaganda apparatus have struggled to make the old race-and-gender-baiting rhetoric stick to Biden."

"But voters don’t appear to believe that Biden is an avatar of the 'radical left.' They don’t think Biden is going to lock up your manhood in a 'testicle lockbox.' They don’t buy that Biden’s platform, which is well to the left of the ticket he joined in 2008, represents a quiet adherence to 'Kenyan anti-colonialism.' Part of this is that Biden has embraced popular liberal positions while avoiding the incentive to adopt more controversial or unpopular positions during the primary. But it’s also becoming clear that after 12 years of feasting on white identity politics with a black man and a woman as its preeminent villains, the Republican Party is struggling to run its Obama-era culture-war playbook against an old, moderate white guy.... 'Joe Biden is a puppet of the radical left,' Trump said [in his Oklahoma rally], before acknowledging that 'he's not radical left. I don't think he knows what he is anymore. But he was never radical left.'... When the Fox News host Laura Ingraham warns that Biden 'will just melt for the macchiato Marxists,' you can sense the weariness of a tired stand-up comic clinging to a set that no longer makes anyone laugh.... ... Republicans struggle to land a punch on an elderly white man with suspicious hair, a reputation for exaggerations and fibs, questionable policy judgment, and a track record of racist remarks who is running a nostalgic campaign for a bygone era...."

From "Trump Is Struggling to Run Against a White Guy/The president is having a difficult time deploying his traditional culture-war playbook against Biden" by Adam Serwer (in The Atlantic).

By the way, I thought I was looking at Nixon...

... when I saw that oddly cropped image of Biden (at the link).


wendybar said...

Conservative propaganda?????? That's rich...coming from a propaganda site.

mikee said...

Joe Biden has dementia. It does not matter what his policies are. He has dementia and should not be running for office. Shame on those who allow him to continue.

tcrosse said...

To be fair, it can't be easy to campaign against The Man Who Wasn't There.

Wince said...

Revealingly, Serwer tries to tell us who "Biden" isn't, but doesn't say what Biden is for or against that will get people to vote for him.

Insight into the bunker strategy.

Sebastian said...

"Biden has embraced popular liberal positions"

Has he? I want to hear him say it, like, in actual sentences.

Anyway, it's always funny, though not ha-ha funny, to see progs accuse the deplorables of race bating and identity politics.

And what exactly is the "conservative propaganda apparatus"? OK, Trump's Twitter account, so far--any other apparatus?

wild chicken said...

I'd think it would be easier running against another old white guy. Trump can't be beaten up for racism, sexism, or being too old.

Ought to be a good bare-knuckled fight.

Rory said...

It is interesting that Biden is both the old style and the new style race baiter.

Ampersand said...

The Atlantic is monotonously predictable. Orange Man Bad.

Wince said...

The unemployment rate is above 13 percent, and may be as high as 16 percent; more than 120,000 Americans have died in a pandemic; and thousands upon thousands have joined protests against police brutality in the past few weeks. A majority of the public believes Trump has botched his response to all three of these events, and as a result he is polling badly.

If that's the election in a nutshell, a deep dive on each of those issues is likely to favor Trump, especially given the trends. They're going to need a bigger crisis.

buwaya said...

The conservative propaganda apparatus barely exists.
It is mainly samizdat.

Its interesting, isn't it, that the interests of the majority of the country are expressed and defended by underground, unofficial, bypassing methods. Which are being attacked and shut down one by one.

MikeR said...

Don't think any of this is right. Biden is currently leading because more people hate Trump than like him. Biden's campaign are doing their best to hide, and it's working so far. Clinton tried the same, but couldn't do it so overtly.

JML said...

"Republicans struggle to land a punch on an elderly white man with suspicious hair, a reputation for exaggerations and fibs, questionable policy judgment, and a track record of racist remarks who is running a nostalgic campaign for a bygone era...."

They left out sexual assault. And is plagiarism not considered just a fib?

Unknown said...

"But it’s also becoming clear that after 12 years of feasting on white identity politics with a black man and a woman as its preeminent villains, the Republican Party is struggling to run its Obama-era culture-war playbook against an old, moderate white guy.... '"

Where did that come from? Democratic party is THE part of identity politics. And for the life of me I can't think of how Obama was treated any differently than Slick Wille.

MartyH said...

It’s hard to land a punch on someone who hides in the basement and won’t step into the ring.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"I'd think it would be easier running against another old white guy. Trump can't be beaten up for racism, sexism, or being too old."

Which is why Trump chose Biden as an opponent. It's July. Trump's campaign hasn't even begun. Or do you really think they spent the last four years with the assumption that they'd just wing it when the time comes? Doubtful in the extreme.

ConradBibby said...

Analysis like this (in the Atlantic article) are worthless because the writers and editors are all inside the bubble and have no idea how stuff in the news is actually affecting perceptions and feelings of the voters who matter.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Republicans struggle to land a punch on an elderly white man with suspicious hair, a reputation for exaggerations and fibs, questionable policy judgment, and a track record of racist remarks who is running a nostalgic campaign for a bygone era...."

While all of that is true and important....what is MORE important is that Joe Biden is an elderly man with health issues and is SUFFERING FROM DEMENTIA and is obviously exhibiting sings of severe congestive impairment.

He is not mentally capable of extincting the responsibilities of being President. He doesn't know where he is half of the time. I saw my father in his decline and it this is the same. The same fearful deer in the headlights look when he couldn't remember or was lost in his brain. The same sad and scared look, knowing somewhere deep in this brain that he was not OK.

Personally I think it is elder abuse to put this man through this grueling process. AND it would be abuse of the public to push this ailing decrepit, mentally failing man on us.

Trump nailed it. Biden is just a puppet at this point. Think who the puppet masters are and do you want to have THEM in charge of this country?

Dave Begley said...

Biden is a total toll of the Radical Left and China. He's all in on the Green New Deal. And he's too senile to push back.

Last night the Portland Federal Courthouse was attacked. Thankfully the US Army was there to protect because the Dem mayor of Portland won't. As far as I know, Biden hasn't condemned any of the riots or takeovers.

The rioters are Biden voters. He owns them.

If I could I'd ask Biden two questions:

1. Do you agree with 40% of liberals that Mt. Rushmore should be destroyed?

2. What did you know, and when did you know it, about the Obama-Biden Administration spying on the Trump campaign?

narciso said...

they banned from the atlantic, for pointing out such truths, against the likes of conor friedersdorf, sullivan's kramerica intern,

Jeff Brokaw said...

I stopped taking seriously anything The Atlantic says — especially with regard to about politics — about 15 years ago. Used to be a subscriber, 30 years ago. Bye.

This is a perfect example to illustrate why: Serwer’s point about race- and gender-baiting, and trying to “make it stick”. Who the hell do they think they’re kidding here? That is literally all the Dems do today, and all they have done for decades. It’s their whole platform, dumbass. What planet are you from, Serwer?

NCMoss said...

Serwer is simply another underwhelmed democratic voter struggling to discover figurative and literal wokeness in his candidate.

Jason said...

Then there's the footage of Biden groping children and speaking inappropriately to teenage girls.

On multiple occasions.

Skeptical Voter said...

2016 demonstrated that the candidate who is disliked most (in 2016 that was Hillary) will lose. If you throw a blanket over him the "Hiding Biden" strategy, old Slow Joe just might win. Then the Dems can cite the 25th amendment and put him in the dementia dumpster next spring, having carried his mental carcass over the goal line in November.

Joe Smith said...

'My word as a Biden, I am not a crook.'

Drago said...

I think the videos over years and years of Slow Joe completely creeping out the young girls and women along with the hours of videos of Slow Joe describing how he doesnt want his kids growing up in a jungle will be more than sufficient.

Leave the little girls alone Joe. They dont want to rub you leg hairs.

Sam L. said...

I gave up on The ATLANTIC some years back. No trust in it.

rcocean said...

Over his career, Biden has CONSTANTLY moved Left. His standard M.O. is to take a moderate left-wing position when asked about it, and then when it becomes less politically damaging to drop the mask and move Left. Later, he will boast about how he "Finessed" the issue and believed in the extreme left-wing position all the time. He sat there in the Democrat debates and either loudly approved of every crazy Left-wing extreme position, or meekly uttered a few mild objections. On climate change he boasted that no one is more concerned than him, and challenged anyone to top his $500 Billion program. He agreed with getting rid of ICE, wants open borders, no limit to immigration, and recently said "H-1b's" built this country. He supported every bad trade deal, supports out-sourcing and globalism. The only "Conservative" thing about Biden is his love of wars in the middle east, and his desire to start a new Cold war with Russia. Of course, given his $$$ ties with China, he wants to appease them.

rcocean said...

The Atlantic is no longer a serious magazine. All their political articles are just word salads that can be boiled down to:

Hurrah for the Democrats, and fuck the Republicans.

Seamus said...

Biden isn't going to serve as president. If he gets elected, part of the inaugural ceremonies is probably going to be his resignation so the vice-president-elect can become president. (It may not literally be that fast, but he's too doddering to be anything more tha a placeholder.)

LA_Bob said...

Regarding the oddly-cropped image of Biden resembling Nixon:

Nixon had a different nose.

Biden used to have a different nose.

Howard said...

The conservative republican Lincoln Project does pretty good propaganda, Buwaya Puti. They go for the jugular. It's hard to hit because of PDJT's multi-layered jowls, so it'll be death by 1,000-cuts.

Narayanan said...

can anyone mis-take Nixon proboscis ?

MayBee said...

That headline is pretty funny, considering Biden is supposedly considering Kamala "That Little Girl Was Me" Harris to be his running mate.
Yeah, it's Trump who is trying to make Biden look racist.

Static Ping said...

Biden has basically been absent from the campaign for the past several months. Trump is effectively running against "generic Democrat." There are a large amount of elected officials who most certainly would have lost to a generic opponent, but, alas, such animals never get out of the primaries.

narciso said...

well he was against the gulf war (a notion I've come around to) and he was a total soviet tool, in the 80s, with the nuclear freeze and such, he was against taking out ubl in abbotabad, and for the partition of iraq, to benefit his sherpa, peter galbraith, who was the kurds's paid middleman through a norwegian oil company,

Birkel said...

"...conservative republican Lincoln Project..."

Two lies and a proper name that is a lie.
Solid clowning, bro.

Narayanan said...

Bob said...
Regarding the oddly-cropped image of Biden resembling Nixon:

Nixon had a different nose.

Biden used to have a different nose.
is it true the tip grows or shortens by the amount of lies you tell - asking for Pinocchio?

can medical arts help with this process?

Big Mike said...

Trump isn’t just going to run against Joe Biden. Trump will run against the Democrat Party, Nancy Pelosi, governors like Whitmer and Cuomo, and the riots.

Michael K said...

The conservative republican Lincoln Project does pretty good propaganda, Buwaya Put

By a bunch of failed consultants that were not hired and at least one of whom in bankrupt. They are funded by the same left wing billionaire that pays Kristol, and company.

hstad said...

Why AA gives any creditability to "The Atlantic" [circulation of 478k - 2018] is puzzling. The magazine has been teetering near bankruptcy for years. It's audience is purely Leftist, not Liberal. I guess it makes me want to react, [AA's business model] and here I am, giving that rag of a magazine some shade. But we must fight such propoganda or our lifestyle will make Howard, Inga, etc., look like "Attila the Hun" [far right], in comparison, once these Leftist get into power.

Joan said...

Dave Begley, “The rioters are Biden voters. He owns them.”

Does anyone believe those who are rioting actually vote? I can see the peaceful protesters are reflexive Dem voters, but I’d bet cash money that very few of the looters and antifa thugs ever voted in their lives, nor will they ever. They don’t see the point, man! You can’t tear down a system of government and replace it at the ballot box!

wildswan said...

The country is changing and in that sense one can hesitate to say what is happening in the campaign. What are people thinking? How can we know? They will be cancelled if they oppose BLM, Antifa, or Dem policies in general both in the universities and in the workplace. But people see George Washington and Lincoln statues pushed over by groups the Dems support. People see the scenes of anarchy associated with Dem run cities, see the rising number of murders in CHOP, Chicago and NYC, see the burning of black neighborhoods while police are stood down. We the people see that Dem mayors, having taken away the guns, may then take away the police. What are we the people thinking? We are fleeing Chicago for SE Wisconsin, NYC for Connecticut, any Dem city for anywhere outside a Dem city; and we are buying guns. I just can't see those two trends as good omens for the Democrats. Furthermore, the lockdown is ending and the economy is recovering but the Dems want the lockdown to go on or resume. They are saying: "We hate George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln and you, if you are white; and We'll cancel you, we'll destroy your job, we'll burn your city." Does that really sound like a winning party platform? People are trying to get out of Dodge, and are waiting for a chance to rent a U-Haul, and someone asks them whether they are critical of the mayor and the party of the city they'd like to run from, and they say, "He's great, they're great," and the pollsters write that down. Have such polls really captured the moment?

Caligula said...

"They don’t think Biden is going to lock up your manhood in a 'testicle lockbox.' "

If they don't, they should. Biden's the architect of the Title IX inquisition, which did a pretty good job of denying due process to accused (mostly) men.

Ambrose said...

There's a conservative propaganda apparatus? What's their address? (asking for a friend)

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

why spend resources on someone who won't be on the ticket?

Drago said...

Howard: "The conservative republican Lincoln Project...."


Now THAT is funny!

Those hardcore "conservative republicans" who are being funded by leftist billionaires and have been endorsing democrats at all levels for the last 12 years, calling for the republican party to be burned to the ground, endorsing the green nude eel and obamacare and open borders and every other democrat policy imaginable?

Yeah, those "conservative republicans".

If those guys were any more "conservative republican-y", they'd be heading up the Communist Party.

Michael K said...

Howard: "The conservative republican Lincoln Project...."

Compared to Howard, maybe the Omidyar kids are conservative. Sort of. At least they are not proposing sex reassignment. Oh wait....

Drago said...

Michael K: "Compared to Howard, maybe the Omidyar kids are conservative"

Even "better", lefty billionaire Reid Hoffman who had to plead guilty in a courtroom to setting up fake conservative social media accounts to throw the Alabama election to the dem, is another big time funder of the these "conservative republicans"...

Hmmmmmm, lefty billionaire guilty of funding fake conservative accounts to attack the republican candidate for Senate......funding the Lincoln Project....which only attacks republicans....while posing as "conservatives".

I don't know about you, but my spidey senses are tingling and I do believe there is a possibility that a false front op is going on here...

And now the cherry on top: Reid Hoffman is linked in a rather large way to.....(wait for it, wait for it)........Jeffrey Epstein.

Well, doesn't that just tie it all together nicely?

Easy to see why Howard is so enamored of this guy and his minions.

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