The Year Without Summer. Dem Governors close beaches and parks. And all over America little enterprises - restaurants, beach town stores, summer festivals - that depend on the summer trade are going under right now as they realize that in their area, at least, there will be no summer trade wind to carry them on through another year. It's so sad. For me, my covid test was negative and it's a beautiful summer like a summer from the past down in Maryland. It's raspberry season. Yet you keep hearing about enterprises closing, people in tears, people clenching their jaws: "we'll get through this." And kids can't go away to college. Seminaries are closed. And PhD graduate students can't be accepted because their research training demands too much space if distancing is ordered. And interns have to work from home at those boring tasks that were interesting because you were in a new city with new friends and in touch with great names. All that burning energy of youth, all that effort that keeps an enterprise going - it's just flaring away into nothingness. Right now.
A fire starting 8am on a Sunday morning in an area of the aircraft carrier without work being done (cargo area) seems suspicious to me.
When my kids were little we drove onto Coronado Island then into the Naval station, without being stopped. We drove our car right up to the dock where the Nimitz was parked. It wasnt till we were out and walking up to the ship that the MPs drove up and stopped us. I just acted dumb and they pointed us back to the gate.
That size of young bird is a poult? I had, one morning last week, nineteen turkeys in my front yard, just passing through, and didn't know if the smaller ones were poults or... whatever the next chronological stage is-- I looked it up but have already forgotten. There were 10 or 12 poults in the crowd I saw, if those are poults in Althouse's photograph. I stayed near my front door because Tom, an enormous fellow, was keeping his eye on me and I'm pretty sure he could've ripped the screen door apart if he took it into his little brain to do so-- didn't care to antagonize him.
Matthew Heintz said... I won the 1987 Iowa State Wild Game Cooking Championship with a turkey breast dish that I still cook today when the opportunity presents itself! ----------============== that is teasing - must provide recipe.
I have something to say about People of Color (PoC).
I’ve been off of bread for a while now, but love peanut butter as a snack. We get the two-pack of Skippy at Costco that comes in a clear plastic container.
I held the jar up to my forearm and noted that my skin color (summer, golf, etc.) is about 2 shades darker than the peanut butter. On my honeymoon, after two weeks in the Caribbean I was darker than O.J. Had I lived in the antebellum South I would have been owned by some democrat. Why am I not considered a PoC? Why didn’t my children get preferences when applying to colleges? Why didn’t they receive scholarships based on the skin color of their father (me)?
Remember, these are their rules. The PoC scam isn’t about race or place of birth, but “color.” So there clearly must be a way to classify the shades of a person’s skin in order to dole out political and economic favors.
And if this is the metric, then darker blacks should get more money than lighter-skinned blacks come reparations time. And some Indians (dot) should get the most money of all…it’s science!
Hog Butcher for the World, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler; Stormy, husky, brawling, City of the Big Shoulders:
They tell me you are wicked and I believe them, for I have seen your painted women under the gas lamps luring the farm boys. And they tell me you are crooked and I answer: Yes, it is true I have seen the gunman kill and go free to kill again. And they tell me you are brutal and my reply is: On the faces of women and children I have seen the marks of wanton hunger. And having answered so I turn once more to those who sneer at this my city, and I give them back the sneer and say to them: Come and show me another city with lifted head singing so proud to be alive and coarse and strong and cunning. Flinging magnetic curses amid the toil of piling job on job, here is a tall bold slugger set vivid against the little soft cities; Fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action, cunning as a savage pitted against the wilderness, Bareheaded, Shoveling, Wrecking, Planning, Building, breaking, rebuilding, Under the smoke, dust all over his mouth, laughing with white teeth, Under the terrible burden of destiny laughing as a young man laughs, Laughing even as an ignorant fighter laughs who has never lost a battle, Bragging and laughing that under his wrist is the pulse, and under his ribs the heart of the people, Laughing! Laughing the stormy, husky, brawling laughter of Youth, half-naked, sweating, proud to be Hog Butcher, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, Player with Railroads and Freight Handler to the Nation.
News from the City of the Big Shoulders
MONDAY, JULY 13, 2020
Another 50-Plus Weekend
From (with a few hours left to go as of this writing):
6:00p Stupidity Tally: 10 killed, 46 wounded
Outpacing four of the past six years in total hits, and three of the past six in terms of dead bodies.
Forty-seven dead so far in July and not even halfway through the month.
I stop by a Trader Joe's on by 23rd and 6th Ave of Americas today. Greatly good and priced groceries. Line up, 6 feet apart, great energy crew to keep pace. A young girl whom is pregnant is sitting outside with a change cup. Mind you, I was in a DHS homeless shelter facility for 4 years. Was this a centiment of manipulation that other white people are shaming or ignoring ? Because what keeps me above black supremacy are white people paying, because I work. So, Black lives matter, but white lives do not. Keep this as neutral, I Don't Know. But ! Love the so called white New Yorkers that take advantage of ' Black Lives Matter. ' Black lives matter as much as I rule the streets with my partener. Yeah, yeah, white lives matter. Are they paying ?
I’ve been thinking about the things I’ve gotten wrong during the course of this virus:
—When Trump first extended the shutdown guidance, the White House cited an estimate of 100,000–240,000 deaths that I found incredible. But here we are, sadly, right in that range.
—I thought we’d get a seasonality break, because that’s what many experts said, and it tracked with what happens with the flu. But we have the highest number of confirmed cases here in the middle of summer.
—I believed we were on the same trajectory as Western Europe, with cases in inexorable decline.
—Finally, I thought conditions in New York made it particularly susceptible to a large-scale outbreak — the subway system, density, etc. — in a way that the rest of the country wasn’t. But Florida, Texas, and Arizona now have large outbreaks of their own. The spike in cases in these places hasn’t yet produced anything like the deaths we saw in New York and New Jersey, and perhaps it never will (it’s a younger cohort getting infected), but it is alarming.
Here is the catch 22. White Suñremacy is keeping Black Supremacy alive. And in return Black Supremacy is keeping White Supremacy in poverty. Well, poverty is some sort of farm life in a sense, Outside the gold and riches, outside coal, oil, gold, salt, herbs, etc. Who's to thank, who's to blame ? Hurt feelings is the main cause, but WE ARE overpopulated. The solution ? Starters, white people need to start loving white people. But what of the arch and wanting some alone time and such....? The black/white connection is dim to me. Not all so called white people are equal AND not all so called balck people the same. The meeting point is trippy or not. IDK !
The outcome is always to leave that to the pros or so called elders. At 40, I do not like elders as per so called old. Etc.
Karma is continuous. Inga 2.0 really agitates me as a 40 year young white male. Her brother is diverting blame unto me to prove a double point towards the so called leaning left. I quit Inga ! Get a photography habit Igna, or a job you hippy.
Thank you Professor ! No sarcasm.
Thank you Grandma ninja Inga ! Likewise.
My mother is almost 70 and as a boy/man, I notice the value of female friendship for life as life, outside of competition.
Turkeys! We have those here (CT). Because I am a soft-hearted liberal (but I repeat myself) I keep feeding birds in the summer months. And you know who shows up to scavenge the spill? Mama turkey and her babies. They are an absolute blast to watch.
The retrospect solution to age word problem was to mix the extremes. White and black. But, the gender difference was left to the iS of AD. The good, the bad, the ugly, the strong, the witty, the beautiful, the young , the old, the in between, the ugly. Are a few in the mix. Outside and inside of Church and Politics. In retrospect. A turkey can not be with a goat, and this is where AD is challenged. Because a Turkey male, has to be with a Turkey female. Sexually and reproducingly mided. That is AD. Male or female percpective ? Not sure. I'm a hermit. And !, has validity if other Turkeys agree or disagree. I like roast beef. Quick and easy. Spoken like a hungry white man. Coffee with half and half. Toast, lightly brown and no side borders, with organic butter. Now I'm veering liberal. Coffee, black with a lot of sugar. I'm only 40. Give me a break !
No jealousy or envy with my free water. Just food.
Thank you BCARM. Now I know that both you and Lowry are idiots. Actually no, Lowry is simply a fool writing drivel out of context. You however are an insincere tool who gets his jolly's trying to stir the pot. What's your point? Don't you have a life? Or do you comment here only after running out of flies off which to pull their wings. Or cans to tie to dogs' tails.
By the way, I'm white. Yet, probably the white guy on a retrospect 2 dollar bill. With all my introversion, I know I'm not a Turkey. At least, not around Thanksgiving time.
“I respect Dr. Fauci a lot, but Dr. Fauci is not 100 percent right, and he also doesn’t necessarily, he admits that, have the whole national interest in mind,” “He looks at it from a very narrow public health point of view.” Adm. Brett Giroir
Gosh! I said that three and a half months ago. And for expressing that obvious truth I was called names.
Corona cases are up but deaths are down and still falling. States which are doing more testing and which are opening up are getting more cases but deaths are still falling across the country. Moreover, the dirty dozen which have had the most cases per million all along, still have the most cases per million and the most deaths. (see Real Clear dashboard) Personally, I would like to get the rona now in the summer with all the sun and fresh air. I still think they should open everything up - a lot is being destroyed. Maybe it isn't a flames on the news but still a lot is burning down.
I watched the Netflix series on Epstein, Filthy Rich. Not very good. It spends little time on the unresolved issues, such as who actually knew, or covered up. It felt Oprah-ish rather than like an investigation.
ARM At least Lowry can admit he was a dupe, at least he can learn. Yancey Ward still thinks 7500 dead, for the whole run of the epidemic, was a fine prediction. Michael K's number was 20,000.
Senator Hirono has said that Trump's base is full of white supremacists. Full of them would suggest there must be tens of millions of white supremacists. And it got me to thinking about how white supremacist has become such a widespread charge lately. I think it's basically the Democrats' amp that goes to eleven.
You see, most blokes, you know, will be calling their opponents racists. You're on racist here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on racist. Where can you go from there? Where?
- I don't know.
Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do?
- Call them white supremacists?
White supremacists. Exactly.
[Sorry, Rob Reiner. I'm guessing you're right there with Maizie.]
Tucker Carlson takes "long planned" vacation which has nothing to do with his lead mouthpiece getting caught and fired for the high crime of posting shit like the Althouse deplorables vomit up every day.
Has cancel culture have no decency?
Tucker sheds light on the real problem and how G_d will punish the libtards for this unspeakable crime:
"We should also point out to the ghouls now beating their chests and triumph of the destruction of a young man that self-righteousness also has its costs. We are all human. When we pretend we are holy, we are lying. When we pose as blameless in order to hurt other people, we are committing the gravest sin of all and I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. ."
As requested: dip in egg and cream then dredge in seasoned flour two turkey breast tenders(with tendons removed), saute in olive oil and butter 'til golden brown. Place each one on a bed of mixed wild and other prices, then generously cover with morel mushrooms cooked in the same pan! Enjoy!!!
It’s not hard to believe that the spike in deaths in California is from those “mostly peaceful” demonstrations since they line up pretty much exactly where one would have predicted if one took the bigoted and heretical belief that viruses can spread during protests that are deemed righteous by the Lord.
I hope you recover, Birkel. My understanding is that 50% of the people who are called names show no symptoms. It’s too bad you are one of the unlucky ones.
I know that Biden is now sticking up for fracking in a craven cave to the voters of PA, but even so, it’s the right move. Natural gas is critical for renewables, which are subject to rapid changes in production, to actually work, since a gas plant can fire up very quickly. And it has half the carbon of coal, and none of the mercury. Combined with nuclear, we could cut our carbon emissions even faster than we have been. Meanwhile Democrats are out using the courts and other extra democratic means to prevent the use of this clean technology.
The biggest problem with natural gas and nuclear? Republicans would actually agree with it, so where is the political benefit for Democrats?Where is the divisiveness they require for their divide and conquer strategy they are using on the American people? The Sierra Club actually did the research and came out in support of this solution, but their readers rebelled and forced them to recant through economic pressure. We are so fucked. Not by global warming, it seems to be a lot less than what they said, but by the tactics those who rule us use to secure their hold on the levers of power. Many of the “levers of power” lie outside the government and are for sale to the highest bidder, BTW.
While Biden is at it, he should come out against ethanol, which is an environmental disaster that no longer has any real benefits for energy independence, if it ever did. It would be nice to have a functioning adult running as a Democrat, too bad that’s not possible.
But Florida, Texas, and Arizona now have large outbreaks of their own. The spike in cases in these places hasn’t yet produced anything like the deaths we saw in New York and New Jersey, and perhaps it never will (it’s a younger cohort getting infected), but it is alarming.
The spike in Texas and AZ is coming from Mexico. All the sick cases are in border towns. Most of the rise in "cases" is simply the testing results among younger and at less risk people. We will end up with about 20% of the population infected. That's about 66 million total, the same percentage as the cruise ship. The deaths are grossly inflated by adding "presumed" and deaths from other causes with a positive test.
The rise in deaths from the shutdown hysteria is beginning as delayed diagnosis and treatment will start to result in "excess deaths" from all causes.
Howard said...Tucker Carlson takes "long planned" vacation which has nothing to do with his lead mouthpiece getting caught and fired for the high crime of posting shit like the Althouse deplorables vomit up every day.
Watch out folks! Little Howie, the fake ex-Marine is going to dox you and try to get you fired for unacceptable opinions.
“ Turkeys! We have those here (CT). Because I am a soft-hearted liberal (but I repeat myself) I keep feeding birds in the summer months. And you know who shows up to scavenge the spill? Mama turkey and her babies. They are an absolute blast to watch.”
I learned not to do that 30 years ago. We had a group of turkeys that would entertain us on our evening strolls. Turns out that the reason that they were hanging out where they were, was because the neighbor there was feeding them. Until bear scat started showing up on their front porch, where they were being fed.
We have a similar environment here to where I was living 30 years ago. Same trees (pine, fir, and spruce), only bigger. Same species too - in this case, turkey, deer, and black bear. There, we had more mountain lions. Here they stay high up, and maybe being pressed on the south ridge a bit by wolves. In any case, we don’t feed the turkeys, for the same reason that we discard meat down by the highway, instead of off the front porch, like we do with vegetable matter - to keep bears away from the house.
We do typically have a flock of turkeys that migrates through the neighborhood afternoons in later summer. Haven’t seen them yet this year. But the deer seemed to run late this year too. In years past, we have had a doe and her (inevitable) twins spending their afternoons in the yard. She has seemingly been replaced by a nice sized buck. Indeed, I don’t think that I have seen any young deer this year. But the weather is all screwed up, and that might be the trouble. Last winter, the ground apparently didn’t freeze, and only needed to plow the roads once, which left money left over that we used to do a bit of road repair. But the Road To The Sun in Glacier a couple hours away was still not open for the season last week. Pictures of a big rotary snow blower working on it 5 days ago. It’s been wet and cool this summer so far - I finally mowed the lawn Saturday. It was the first 90 degree day of the year. We are back into the 70s for the week. I wonder if the wet and cool spring and first half of the summer, is why both turkeys and deer seem to be running late around here this year.
for the record .... in some ways, I share little with the fictional character who shares my name.
For example, I cannot remember a time when I was not aware that God loves us all, including me ...
I have never felt, in this world, anything less than royal, in the sense that in the eyes of God we are all royal, to the extent we are kind and brave enough to reflect the glory of God in our actions ....
we are descendants not of Adam and Eve alone, but also of Abraham and Sarah, either by birth or by adoption, born into a cosmos where we are recognized as children of God .... royalty, in other words.
You have such big hands, my friend, and, yet, you do such delicate, beautiful things with them? How? - My hands are small and I fail to do anything with them - hence, my shame.
Not many years after that we realigned, Catching eye to eye a second sight: With age had come the clearer thought that sees And does not like, the in become the out. Lining the brow with an ignorant script Intervening chance and all those things not done As two. And this chance that’s worst of all.
She seemed to say through move of eye and mouth (Though she asked the usual things one asks) That, where ever once we’d met, those people Then had ceased to plague a time unfortunate And dead: who were these gathered on a chance It did not matter, an inconsequence Set up to sting a faded photograph.
Faded, yes, but not gone: we both had kept The odds and ends of our separate lives And, this one conjunction amongst them all Illusion, like the rest: one recovered, The other not: “The lies that we call soul I see and yet I cannot dispense with soul But have kept that wound festeringly bad.”
And so her to I had not forgot. But, As usual, I blindly circumscribed My image there on cast. And though her face Discouraged all it had not changed for me But grew inside till it at last cracked out. Shocked and battered and in retreat she said: “Well, must be off. Another day, perhaps?”
Who dances in the Elysian fields Or laughs in the alley of posterity? No songs past memories rest: all, all a ball Of billowing winds wrapping chaos In the cries of vulgar sentience; Or the mechanics of bombardment And the assorted atom contending For upper air in feverish necessities, Scratched epitaphs of void. Death is a place past illusion Where permanents and eternity Are finally confounded As dust across a plain When a plain has gone.
It was a comic sight: His earnest face forward In the fury of impotence, Awkward and shyly expressed, And she agile in her agreements Reassurance with a “Yes, yes, yes.”
Had muddy eloquence enchained her Or the force of that will Desperation implies Perhaps afraid of turning keys Of murderous desire:
Who knows the end of these things?
In the street and in the rain He let her dwindle like his voice That, lost and inept, Had weakly made a pledge Diverted by the beer She ordered at the bar: Words stopped in a shock stare, He and she were released From the embarrassment of proposal: “You must avoid awkward promise of intent Striving for a perfect civic form Impossible and blind.”
It was a comic sight: His earnest face forward In the fury of impotence, Awkward and shyly expressed, And she agile in her agreements Reassurance with a “Yes, yes, yes.”
Had muddy eloquence enchained her Or the force of that will Desperation implies Perhaps afraid of turning keys Of murderous desire:
Who knows the end of these things?
In the street and in the rain He let her dwindle like his voice That, lost and inept, Had weakly made a pledge Diverted by the beer She ordered at the bar: Words stopped in a shock stare, He and she were released From the embarrassment of proposal: “You must avoid awkward promise of intent Striving for a perfect civic form Impossible and blind.”
That was the last time he saw her: The idea afloat for a while Till stress and ulcer and the starving age Each had slashed its way Through to his cognisance. All the point was gone: What had been a mirage Of tempting possibility Was a joke a city smiled at In its busy search for gold.
Poetry is a mean excuse for being 'human' Like tripping up someone On the way to the bathroom - You bully your way out of escuses The soup on your side table, Your heart in your mouth
Poetry is a mean excuse for being 'human' Like tripping up someone On the way to the bathroom - You bully your way out of escuses The soup on your side table, Your heart in your mouth
Ok, between Austria and the Czech Republic, newly formed, at that border, between two dogs, no mans land, I fall asleep - who gives a damn! They take my bag, my whatever. Beat me senseless. I fall asleep. I believe, at that time, in Martina - she will come back and rescue me - and she does. So sensible, so smart and I so stupid!
I purposely burnt my ships - - I said to fb more or less bs, foff - I was sick with my own stupidity - and, of course, everyone elses - how people behave is not my business - but, perhaps, it is.
What makes me jealous - is 'happiness' of the 'ordinary' - to be a 'common wife' and a 'common husband' - to have children, to bring them up - how difficult could that be? And, yet, I found it impossible - extraordinary people need extraordinary times - but I find this just boring. I don't 'envy', I don't despise, I just feel 'ill', Dostoevsky ill. I want to be 'Jesus', like he did - megalomania and all that - but I want to be humble. No one remembers history. Watch 'Plenty', my darling - it tells you about the Brits, how they failed.
O’Brien: Smith? I have been reading your Newspeak articles in the Times.
Winston Smith: Yes?
O’Brien: You write it very elegantly. That is not my own opinion – I was recently talking to a friend of yours who is an expert. His name… has slipped my memory for the moment. What I wanted to say is that there were one or two unwords, only very recent. Have you seen the 10th Edition of the Newspeak Dictionary?
Winston Smith: No… we’re still using the 9th Edition at MinRec.
O’Brien: A few advance copies have been circulated – I have one myself. [pause]
O’Brien: You might be interested?
Winston Smith: Yes!
O’Brien: There are some plusskillful new developments. Let me give you my address.
[gives Winston a card]
O’Brien: I am usually at home in the evenings. If I am not there, then my servant will give you the Dictionary.
Winston Smith: They got you too?
O’Brien: They got me a long time ago.
Winston Smith: Does Big Brother even exist? O’Brien: Of course he exists. Winston Smith: No, I mean… does he exist like you or me? O’Brien: You do not exist.
O’Brien: You once asked me, Winston, what was in room 101. I think you know. Everyone does. The thing that is in room 101… is the worst thing in the world.
I'm not a good man, by definition - if push came to shove I'd probably run away and hide - I wouldn't protect you - except in extremis? - You know what men are like - cowards - yet they do what they can.
Anne, I'm the smartest in the 'English speaking world' - I know that. But, also, the most old and stupid. Stupid because I'm not stupid. And what does that mean? Imagination, empathy - how to stop that? Well, stop drinking.
I'm in extreme despair - I keep wanting to lift myself up from the floor -a kind of joke others laugh at - the miserable condition of piss - the whole place smells and I'm constantly feeling I must clean it up - but I'm afraid - last weak I was beaten up and I still don't know why - of course, because I mumble to myself in my own room!
The piss pints, pot of you - you edge against the world - lean on it - think you make it move - you do nothing of the sort - boring - alone - a poet without honour.
What a fool! "You talk about 'social-distancing'", he says, "I've been doing that since I was born!" My mum wasn't very kind to him - nor he to her - so most of my life he's been hiding in a hole somewhere in Morecambe. Never been there, don't care to, but I know it's a shithole. So how is he coping, this alleged 'dad' of mine? Cantankerously, badly - he, of course, thought from the beginning, it was a conspiracy, directed at him, specifically to stop him seeing me or what's left of my mum, cooked up by a confederacy of fascists. You should hear him on happy, clappy Thursdays - I'm told he just shouts out the window - he lives in an attic, cliche, I know - he just shouts out "Fascists, fascists!" His mantra being "Privatise the NHS - sack them all!" Embarrassing and I know he doesn't mean half of it but I get his point. Which gets me to mine - my dad is drinking himself to death. Yesterday, he phoned me up - or, rather, left a message - I never answer him - saying he's got the shakes real bad. What is he, who is he, Robert Johnson?! He can't stop shaking, he says. He tried to stop drinking and went straight into cold turkey and when the earth started moving, he thought, o shit, I better go back on the sauce. Apparently, it was to late. It took a whole day before he could lift a cup without shattering his teeth or spilling his gin all over the place. You see - he's always been in despair - at least, since he ran away from us. Never betrayed my mother, always been in love with her, lived like a stupid monk, frightened of the 'world'. But he had a kind of naive faith in his fellow British, what he calls, working class - a rude bunch of sods, he thought, illiterate, without memory or future, without purpose, but decent, obdurate, right thinking. Now they come out of their houses to praise the state! So he's one whisky away from death. What to do? How do you restore 'hope' to a man like him? He's very resilient, so he'll probably, eventually, restore himself - but it's gonna take some work and this time he might not survive that 'work'. I suppose I'll have to see him. It will be disgusting but I'll have to talk to him, my dad.
Sue, I know fear - how to be good when was if afraid - that can't stop, that's learnt - you're tough, strong, you protect yourself - love yourself, still - we are weak but in the end we pull through - not as naziz but as ultimately good people.
Rattle round in my head, The brain I have left, Pickled, stupid, a wallnut, Stewed, forbidden, Thoughts that not even you could think, Daring them, out of a kind of desperation, Wanting to provoke (no, this no poem!), Wanting love, wanting to give it. ('It'', what stupidity!)
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Nice shot.
Looks like Thanksgiving on the hoof.
We had a hen who raised her brood of 10-14 poults in our field and yard for 8 years. My son named her Turkalurk, and she was our family "wildpet"..&
I won the 1987 Iowa State Wild Game Cooking Championship with a turkey breast dish that I still cook today when the opportunity presents itself!
The Year Without Summer. Dem Governors close beaches and parks. And all over America little enterprises - restaurants, beach town stores, summer festivals - that depend on the summer trade are going under right now as they realize that in their area, at least, there will be no summer trade wind to carry them on through another year. It's so sad. For me, my covid test was negative and it's a beautiful summer like a summer from the past down in Maryland. It's raspberry season. Yet you keep hearing about enterprises closing, people in tears, people clenching their jaws: "we'll get through this." And kids can't go away to college. Seminaries are closed. And PhD graduate students can't be accepted because their research training demands too much space if distancing is ordered. And interns have to work from home at those boring tasks that were interesting because you were in a new city with new friends and in touch with great names. All that burning energy of youth, all that effort that keeps an enterprise going - it's just flaring away into nothingness. Right now.
Look like partridges from here.
We used to get those, before civilization encroached.
When dinner walks in.
Only 4.5-months to Thanksgiving
A fire starting 8am on a Sunday morning in an area of the aircraft carrier without work being done (cargo area) seems suspicious to me.
When my kids were little we drove onto Coronado Island then into the Naval station, without being stopped. We drove our car right up to the dock where the Nimitz was parked. It wasnt till we were out and walking up to the ship that the MPs drove up and stopped us. I just acted dumb and they pointed us back to the gate.
Gobble gobble
That size of young bird is a poult? I had, one morning last week, nineteen turkeys in my front yard, just passing through, and didn't know if the smaller ones were poults or... whatever the next chronological stage is-- I looked it up but have already forgotten. There were 10 or 12 poults in the crowd I saw, if those are poults in Althouse's photograph. I stayed near my front door because Tom, an enormous fellow, was keeping his eye on me and I'm pretty sure he could've ripped the screen door apart if he took it into his little brain to do so-- didn't care to antagonize him.
Matthew Heintz said...
I won the 1987 Iowa State Wild Game Cooking Championship with a turkey breast dish that I still cook today when the opportunity presents itself!
that is teasing - must provide recipe.
I have something to say about People of Color (PoC).
I’ve been off of bread for a while now, but love peanut butter as a snack. We get the two-pack of Skippy at Costco that comes in a clear plastic container.
I held the jar up to my forearm and noted that my skin color (summer, golf, etc.) is about 2 shades darker than the peanut butter. On my honeymoon, after two weeks in the Caribbean I was darker than O.J. Had I lived in the antebellum South I would have been owned by some democrat. Why am I not considered a PoC? Why didn’t my children get preferences when applying to colleges? Why didn’t they receive scholarships based on the skin color of their father (me)?
Remember, these are their rules. The PoC scam isn’t about race or place of birth, but “color.” So there clearly must be a way to classify the shades of a person’s skin in order to dole out political and economic favors.
And if this is the metric, then darker blacks should get more money than lighter-skinned blacks come reparations time. And some Indians (dot) should get the most money of all…it’s science!
Hog Butcher for the World,
Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat,
Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler;
Stormy, husky, brawling,
City of the Big Shoulders:
They tell me you are wicked and I believe them, for I have seen your painted women under the gas lamps luring the farm boys.
And they tell me you are crooked and I answer: Yes, it is true I have seen the gunman kill and go free to kill again.
And they tell me you are brutal and my reply is: On the faces of women and children I have seen the marks of wanton hunger.
And having answered so I turn once more to those who sneer at this my city, and I give them back the sneer and say to them:
Come and show me another city with lifted head singing so proud to be alive and coarse and strong and cunning.
Flinging magnetic curses amid the toil of piling job on job, here is a tall bold slugger set vivid against the little soft cities;
Fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action, cunning as a savage pitted against the wilderness,
Building, breaking, rebuilding,
Under the smoke, dust all over his mouth, laughing with white teeth,
Under the terrible burden of destiny laughing as a young man laughs,
Laughing even as an ignorant fighter laughs who has never lost a battle,
Bragging and laughing that under his wrist is the pulse, and under his ribs the heart of the people,
Laughing the stormy, husky, brawling laughter of Youth, half-naked, sweating, proud to be Hog Butcher, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, Player with Railroads and Freight Handler to the Nation.
News from the City of the Big Shoulders
MONDAY, JULY 13, 2020
Another 50-Plus Weekend
From (with a few hours left to go as of this writing):
6:00p Stupidity Tally: 10 killed, 46 wounded
Outpacing four of the past six years in total hits, and three of the past six in terms of dead bodies.
Forty-seven dead so far in July and not even halfway through the month.
Labels: crime, stats
Poults become Jakes and Jennys in their 1st year. I know an old longbeard when I see one!
Poults become Jakes and Jennys in their 1st year. I know an old longbeard when I see one! I've shot a couple "fence hangers" in my day!
I stop by a Trader Joe's on by 23rd and 6th Ave of Americas today. Greatly good and priced groceries. Line up, 6 feet apart, great energy crew to keep pace. A young girl whom is pregnant is sitting outside with a change cup. Mind you, I was in a DHS homeless shelter facility for 4 years. Was this a centiment of manipulation that other white people are shaming or ignoring ? Because what keeps me above black supremacy are white people paying, because I work. So, Black lives matter, but white lives do not. Keep this as neutral, I Don't Know. But ! Love the so called white New Yorkers that take advantage of ' Black Lives Matter. ' Black lives matter as much as I rule the streets with my partener. Yeah, yeah, white lives matter. Are they paying ?
Looks like the Partridge Family.
"Ummmm call the Social Workers I guess lol"
Rich Lowry said ...
I’ve been thinking about the things I’ve gotten wrong during the course of this virus:
—When Trump first extended the shutdown guidance, the White House cited an estimate of 100,000–240,000 deaths that I found incredible. But here we are, sadly, right in that range.
—I thought we’d get a seasonality break, because that’s what many experts said, and it tracked with what happens with the flu. But we have the highest number of confirmed cases here in the middle of summer.
—I believed we were on the same trajectory as Western Europe, with cases in inexorable decline.
—Finally, I thought conditions in New York made it particularly susceptible to a large-scale outbreak — the subway system, density, etc. — in a way that the rest of the country wasn’t. But Florida, Texas, and Arizona now have large outbreaks of their own. The spike in cases in these places hasn’t yet produced anything like the deaths we saw in New York and New Jersey, and perhaps it never will (it’s a younger cohort getting infected), but it is alarming.
Enemy says zag I weave.
This is a link to end all linkxt.
Here is the catch 22. White Suñremacy is keeping Black Supremacy alive. And in return Black Supremacy is keeping White Supremacy in poverty. Well, poverty is some sort of farm life in a sense, Outside the gold and riches, outside coal, oil, gold, salt, herbs, etc. Who's to thank, who's to blame ? Hurt feelings is the main cause, but WE ARE overpopulated. The solution ?
Starters, white people need to start loving white people. But what of the arch and wanting some alone time and such....? The black/white connection is dim to me. Not all so called white people are equal AND not all so called balck people the same. The meeting point is trippy or not. IDK !
The outcome is always to leave that to the pros or so called elders. At 40, I do not like elders as per so called old. Etc.
Karma is continuous. Inga 2.0 really agitates me as a 40 year young white male. Her brother is diverting blame unto me to prove a double point towards the so called leaning left. I quit Inga !
Get a photography habit Igna, or a job you hippy.
Thank you Professor ! No sarcasm.
Thank you Grandma ninja Inga ! Likewise.
My mother is almost 70 and as a boy/man, I notice the value of female friendship for life as life, outside of competition.
Men are quite meh.
Birds look like a bunch of brown food !
Like a true white supremacist.
I want fish.
Praise Allah for she is a Russian whore whom the non white man subdued with weed. While Miss Islam is siffting through white wicker chair catalogs.
No Coffee for you !
But I like my coffee just like my kidney stones.....
Yeah, blame white supremacy.
Porn, entertainment, art, curry, etc.
Thank you AD for a chance at female/man equality. Or ?
Many wives or husbands.
I'm done.
Thank you professor for professionalism.
Yeah, ism. AD'ism.
Choice !
God bless you !
after Obama/Biden killed U.S. coal, why did Pluggs von Schtuppfinger
and his stripper-schtupping son Humper invest in ChiCom coal?
@BenKTallmadge has some juicy 'Joe Basement'/Humper digs
Turkeys! We have those here (CT). Because I am a soft-hearted liberal (but I repeat myself) I keep feeding birds in the summer months. And you know who shows up to scavenge the spill? Mama turkey and her babies. They are an absolute blast to watch.
The retrospect solution to age word problem was to mix the extremes.
White and black. But, the gender difference was left to the iS of AD. The good, the bad, the ugly, the strong, the witty, the beautiful, the young , the old, the in between, the ugly. Are a few in the mix. Outside and inside of Church and Politics. In retrospect. A turkey can not be with a goat, and this is where AD is challenged. Because a Turkey male, has to be with a Turkey female. Sexually and reproducingly mided. That is AD. Male or female percpective ? Not sure. I'm a hermit. And !, has validity if other Turkeys agree or disagree. I like roast beef. Quick and easy. Spoken like a hungry white man. Coffee with half and half. Toast, lightly brown and no side borders, with organic butter. Now I'm veering liberal. Coffee, black with a lot of sugar. I'm only 40. Give me a break !
No jealousy or envy with my free water. Just food.
Thank you BCARM. Now I know that both you and Lowry are idiots. Actually no, Lowry is simply a fool writing drivel out of context. You however are an insincere tool who gets his jolly's trying to stir the pot. What's your point? Don't you have a life? Or do you comment here only after running out of flies off which to pull their wings. Or cans to tie to dogs' tails.
By the way, I'm white.
Yet, probably the white guy on a retrospect 2 dollar bill.
With all my introversion,
I know I'm not a Turkey.
At least, not around Thanksgiving time.
I like goats, not goat meat.
I do not know how this helps, but...
Nice pic.
"Rich Lowry said ..."
Lowry is a moron. He's morphed (or has he always been?) one of those Lincoln Project Republicans (or is it Log Cabin?). I get the two mixed up).
Scare them off your property! They are cute but destructive. Watch out for your car.
“I respect Dr. Fauci a lot, but Dr. Fauci is not 100 percent right, and he also doesn’t necessarily, he admits that, have the whole national interest in mind,” “He looks at it from a very narrow public health point of view.” Adm. Brett Giroir
I said that three and a half months ago.
And for expressing that obvious truth I was called names.
Corona cases are up but deaths are down and still falling. States which are doing more testing and which are opening up are getting more cases but deaths are still falling across the country. Moreover, the dirty dozen which have had the most cases per million all along, still have the most cases per million and the most deaths. (see Real Clear dashboard) Personally, I would like to get the rona now in the summer with all the sun and fresh air. I still think they should open everything up - a lot is being destroyed. Maybe it isn't a flames on the news but still a lot is burning down.
Let's see, ARM.
Where did I leave those deaths per million statistics?
Oh, yes, there they are.
And if we're going to use Rich Lowry as the standard to measure wrongness, then you must perform ritual seppuku.
In all fairness.
I watched the Netflix series on Epstein, Filthy Rich. Not very good. It spends little time on the unresolved issues, such as who actually knew, or covered up. It felt Oprah-ish rather than like an investigation.
At least Lowry can admit he was a dupe, at least he can learn. Yancey Ward still thinks 7500 dead, for the whole run of the epidemic, was a fine prediction. Michael K's number was 20,000.
Sorry - I didn't mean that everyone should write their bs - just me!
That's unfair and, also, stupid.
That’s the national bird of the Democrat Party. Except they prefer the thoroughly brainless, domesticated version.
Senator Hirono has said that Trump's base is full of white supremacists. Full of them would suggest there must be tens of millions of white supremacists. And it got me to thinking about how white supremacist has become such a widespread charge lately. I think it's basically the Democrats' amp that goes to eleven.
You see, most blokes, you know, will be calling their opponents racists. You're on racist here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on racist. Where can you go from there? Where?
- I don't know.
Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do?
- Call them white supremacists?
White supremacists. Exactly.
[Sorry, Rob Reiner. I'm guessing you're right there with Maizie.]
Tucker Carlson takes "long planned" vacation which has nothing to do with his lead mouthpiece getting caught and fired for the high crime of posting shit like the Althouse deplorables vomit up every day.
Has cancel culture have no decency?
Tucker sheds light on the real problem and how G_d will punish the libtards for this unspeakable crime:
"We should also point out to the ghouls now beating their chests and triumph of the destruction of a young man that self-righteousness also has its costs. We are all human. When we pretend we are holy, we are lying. When we pose as blameless in order to hurt other people, we are committing the gravest sin of all and I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. ."
As requested: dip in egg and cream then dredge in seasoned flour two turkey breast tenders(with tendons removed), saute in olive oil and butter 'til golden brown. Place each one on a bed of mixed wild and other prices, then generously cover with morel mushrooms cooked in the same pan! Enjoy!!!
It’s not hard to believe that the spike in deaths in California is from those “mostly peaceful” demonstrations since they line up pretty much exactly where one would have predicted if one took the bigoted and heretical belief that viruses can spread during protests that are deemed righteous by the Lord.
"I was called names.”
I hope you recover, Birkel. My understanding is that 50% of the people who are called names show no symptoms. It’s too bad you are one of the unlucky ones.
I know that Biden is now sticking up for fracking in a craven cave to the voters of PA, but even so, it’s the right move. Natural gas is critical for renewables, which are subject to rapid changes in production, to actually work, since a gas plant can fire up very quickly. And it has half the carbon of coal, and none of the mercury. Combined with nuclear, we could cut our carbon emissions even faster than we have been. Meanwhile Democrats are out using the courts and other extra democratic means to prevent the use of this clean technology.
The biggest problem with natural gas and nuclear? Republicans would actually agree with it, so where is the political benefit for Democrats?Where is the divisiveness they require for their divide and conquer strategy they are using on the American people? The Sierra Club actually did the research and came out in support of this solution, but their readers rebelled and forced them to recant through economic pressure. We are so fucked. Not by global warming, it seems to be a lot less than what they said, but by the tactics those who rule us use to secure their hold on the levers of power. Many of the “levers of power” lie outside the government and are for sale to the highest bidder, BTW.
While Biden is at it, he should come out against ethanol, which is an environmental disaster that no longer has any real benefits for energy independence, if it ever did. It would be nice to have a functioning adult running as a Democrat, too bad that’s not possible.
Forgot the California link to the spike in deaths.
But Florida, Texas, and Arizona now have large outbreaks of their own. The spike in cases in these places hasn’t yet produced anything like the deaths we saw in New York and New Jersey, and perhaps it never will (it’s a younger cohort getting infected), but it is alarming.
The spike in Texas and AZ is coming from Mexico. All the sick cases are in border towns. Most of the rise in "cases" is simply the testing results among younger and at less risk people. We will end up with about 20% of the population infected. That's about 66 million total, the same percentage as the cruise ship. The deaths are grossly inflated by adding "presumed" and deaths from other causes with a positive test.
The rise in deaths from the shutdown hysteria is beginning as delayed diagnosis and treatment will start to result in "excess deaths" from all causes.
Blogger is unusually screwed up today.
Howard said...Tucker Carlson takes "long planned" vacation which has nothing to do with his lead mouthpiece getting caught and fired for the high crime of posting shit like the Althouse deplorables vomit up every day.
Watch out folks! Little Howie, the fake ex-Marine is going to dox you and try to get you fired for unacceptable opinions.
“ Turkeys! We have those here (CT). Because I am a soft-hearted liberal (but I repeat myself) I keep feeding birds in the summer months. And you know who shows up to scavenge the spill? Mama turkey and her babies. They are an absolute blast to watch.”
I learned not to do that 30 years ago. We had a group of turkeys that would entertain us on our evening strolls. Turns out that the reason that they were hanging out where they were, was because the neighbor there was feeding them. Until bear scat started showing up on their front porch, where they were being fed.
We have a similar environment here to where I was living 30 years ago. Same trees (pine, fir, and spruce), only bigger. Same species too - in this case, turkey, deer, and black bear. There, we had more mountain lions. Here they stay high up, and maybe being pressed on the south ridge a bit by wolves. In any case, we don’t feed the turkeys, for the same reason that we discard meat down by the highway, instead of off the front porch, like we do with vegetable matter - to keep bears away from the house.
We do typically have a flock of turkeys that migrates through the neighborhood afternoons in later summer. Haven’t seen them yet this year. But the deer seemed to run late this year too. In years past, we have had a doe and her (inevitable) twins spending their afternoons in the yard. She has seemingly been replaced by a nice sized buck. Indeed, I don’t think that I have seen any young deer this year. But the weather is all screwed up, and that might be the trouble. Last winter, the ground apparently didn’t freeze, and only needed to plow the roads once, which left money left over that we used to do a bit of road repair. But the Road To The Sun in Glacier a couple hours away was still not open for the season last week. Pictures of a big rotary snow blower working on it 5 days ago. It’s been wet and cool this summer so far - I finally mowed the lawn Saturday. It was the first 90 degree day of the year. We are back into the 70s for the week. I wonder if the wet and cool spring and first half of the summer, is why both turkeys and deer seem to be running late around here this year.
Until bear scat started showing up on their front porch, where they were being fed
...a good way to wind up staring at the business end of a 12 gauge. Is that why the offending bear shat?
"The spike in Texas and AZ is coming from Mexico."
I can corroborate, it's happening CA too.
I have 2 clients that work at hospitals.
One has told me specifically people are being 'imported' from the south for treatment.
Thank you for self-identifying as a cvnt, Tim in Vermont.
Birkel “I was called names”
Unless you were called “Birkel” you got off easy.
That's right, Ken B.
I have written projections of the future that are borne out by events.
And you lie about people online.
for the record .... in some ways, I share little with the fictional character who shares my name.
For example, I cannot remember a time when I was not aware that God loves us all, including me ...
I have never felt, in this world, anything less than royal, in the sense that in the eyes of God we are all royal, to the extent we are kind and brave enough to reflect the glory of God in our actions ....
we are descendants not of Adam and Eve alone, but also of Abraham and Sarah, either by birth or by adoption, born into a cosmos where we are recognized as children of God .... royalty, in other words.
You have such big hands, my friend, and, yet, you do such delicate, beautiful things with them? How? - My hands are small and I fail to do anything with them - hence, my shame.
One has an 'incorrigible' 'disease' - to be 'good'? How stupid - like falling of a clif - stupid, stupid, stupid.
Child At The Window.
Raining again among the ash pots
And hardened flies of a garden.
And the expected face at the window
Seemingly wet, staring at the one broken tree
Toppled on the late roots of a burning.
Eyes amongst clogged weeds
Tossed through the sly greys of morn
The reception he demanded:
Blank and called at dawn
To witness the first vision
Of a broken, scattered soul
Ever to stay hidden
In destined torment
Of childish pains.
Strange Meeting.
Not many years after that we realigned,
Catching eye to eye a second sight:
With age had come the clearer thought that sees
And does not like, the in become the out.
Lining the brow with an ignorant script
Intervening chance and all those things not done
As two. And this chance that’s worst of all.
She seemed to say through move of eye and mouth
(Though she asked the usual things one asks)
That, where ever once we’d met, those people
Then had ceased to plague a time unfortunate
And dead: who were these gathered on a chance
It did not matter, an inconsequence
Set up to sting a faded photograph.
Faded, yes, but not gone: we both had kept
The odds and ends of our separate lives
And, this one conjunction amongst them all
Illusion, like the rest: one recovered,
The other not: “The lies that we call soul
I see and yet I cannot dispense with soul
But have kept that wound festeringly bad.”
And so her to I had not forgot. But,
As usual, I blindly circumscribed
My image there on cast. And though her face
Discouraged all it had not changed for me
But grew inside till it at last cracked out.
Shocked and battered and in retreat she said:
“Well, must be off. Another day, perhaps?”
Who dances in the Elysian fields
Or laughs in the alley of posterity?
No songs past memories rest: all, all a ball
Of billowing winds wrapping chaos
In the cries of vulgar sentience;
Or the mechanics of bombardment
And the assorted atom contending
For upper air in feverish necessities,
Scratched epitaphs of void.
Death is a place past illusion
Where permanents and eternity
Are finally confounded
As dust across a plain
When a plain has gone.
It was a comic sight:
His earnest face forward
In the fury of impotence,
Awkward and shyly expressed,
And she agile in her agreements
Reassurance with a “Yes, yes, yes.”
Had muddy eloquence enchained her
Or the force of that will
Desperation implies
Perhaps afraid of turning keys
Of murderous desire:
Who knows the end of these things?
In the street and in the rain
He let her dwindle like his voice
That, lost and inept,
Had weakly made a pledge
Diverted by the beer
She ordered at the bar:
Words stopped in a shock stare,
He and she were released
From the embarrassment of proposal:
“You must avoid awkward promise of intent
Striving for a perfect civic form
Impossible and blind.”
It was a comic sight:
His earnest face forward
In the fury of impotence,
Awkward and shyly expressed,
And she agile in her agreements
Reassurance with a “Yes, yes, yes.”
Had muddy eloquence enchained her
Or the force of that will
Desperation implies
Perhaps afraid of turning keys
Of murderous desire:
Who knows the end of these things?
In the street and in the rain
He let her dwindle like his voice
That, lost and inept,
Had weakly made a pledge
Diverted by the beer
She ordered at the bar:
Words stopped in a shock stare,
He and she were released
From the embarrassment of proposal:
“You must avoid awkward promise of intent
Striving for a perfect civic form
Impossible and blind.”
That was the last time he saw her:
The idea afloat for a while
Till stress and ulcer and the starving age
Each had slashed its way
Through to his cognisance.
All the point was gone:
What had been a mirage
Of tempting possibility
Was a joke a city smiled at
In its busy search for gold.¬if_t=close_friend_activity
Poetry is a mean excuse for being 'human'
Like tripping up someone
On the way to the bathroom -
You bully your way out of escuses
The soup on your side table,
Your heart in your mouth
Poetry is a mean excuse for being 'human'
Like tripping up someone
On the way to the bathroom -
You bully your way out of escuses
The soup on your side table,
Your heart in your mouth
Sorry for repetition
Ok, between Austria and the Czech Republic, newly formed, at that border, between two dogs, no mans land, I fall asleep - who gives a damn!
They take my bag, my whatever. Beat me senseless. I fall asleep.
I believe, at that time, in Martina - she will come back and rescue me - and she does. So sensible, so smart and I so stupid!
I purposely burnt my ships - - I said to fb more or less bs, foff - I was sick with my own stupidity - and, of course, everyone elses - how people behave is not my business - but, perhaps, it is.
Here am I, an old man, 53, trashing the old room, defenestrating myself, picking myself off the side street as some kind of trash, and, again, wicked.
It's too late
I did what all people of good courage and who are pissed - I said the taboo words - on purpose - in purpose - so I'm banned - for three days!
There are you, driving like a demon, from station to station
He was beautiful, stupid, thin.
I'm sorry for all that.... nonsense - I can't speak - poetry makes my words, but, if not song - I'm the old school, I must burst into song.
What makes me jealous - is 'happiness' of the 'ordinary' - to be a 'common wife' and a 'common husband' - to have children, to bring them up - how difficult could that be? And, yet, I found it impossible - extraordinary people need extraordinary times - but I find this just boring. I don't 'envy', I don't despise, I just feel 'ill', Dostoevsky ill. I want to be 'Jesus', like he did - megalomania and all that - but I want to be humble. No one remembers history. Watch 'Plenty', my darling - it tells you about the Brits, how they failed.
O’Brien: Smith? I have been reading your Newspeak articles in the Times.
Winston Smith: Yes?
O’Brien: You write it very elegantly. That is not my own opinion – I was recently talking to a friend of yours who is an expert. His name… has slipped my memory for the moment. What I wanted to say is that there were one or two unwords, only very recent. Have you seen the 10th Edition of the Newspeak Dictionary?
Winston Smith: No… we’re still using the 9th Edition at MinRec.
O’Brien: A few advance copies have been circulated – I have one myself.
O’Brien: You might be interested?
Winston Smith: Yes!
O’Brien: There are some plusskillful new developments. Let me give you my address.
[gives Winston a card]
O’Brien: I am usually at home in the evenings. If I am not there, then my servant will give you the Dictionary.
Winston Smith: They got you too?
O’Brien: They got me a long time ago.
Winston Smith: Does Big Brother even exist?
O’Brien: Of course he exists.
Winston Smith: No, I mean… does he exist like you or me?
O’Brien: You do not exist.
O’Brien: You once asked me, Winston, what was in room 101. I think you know. Everyone does. The thing that is in room 101… is the worst thing in the world.
O’Brien: Power is not a means, it’s an end.
I'm not a good man, by definition - if push came to shove I'd probably run away and hide - I wouldn't protect you - except in extremis? - You know what men are like - cowards - yet they do what they can.
Anne, I'm the smartest in the 'English speaking world' - I know that. But, also, the most old and stupid. Stupid because I'm not stupid. And what does that mean? Imagination, empathy - how to stop that? Well, stop drinking.
I'm in extreme despair - I keep wanting to lift myself up from the floor -a kind of joke others laugh at - the miserable condition of piss - the whole place smells and I'm constantly feeling I must clean it up - but I'm afraid - last weak I was beaten up and I still don't know why - of course, because I mumble to myself in my own room!
The piss pints, pot of you - you edge against the world - lean on it - think you make it move - you do nothing of the sort - boring - alone - a poet without honour.
My dad is just another whisky away from death.
What a fool! "You talk about 'social-distancing'", he says, "I've been doing that since I was born!" My mum wasn't very kind to him - nor he to her - so most of my life he's been hiding in a hole somewhere in Morecambe. Never been there, don't care to, but I know it's a shithole.
So how is he coping, this alleged 'dad' of mine? Cantankerously, badly - he, of course, thought from the beginning, it was a conspiracy, directed at him, specifically to stop him seeing me or what's left of my mum, cooked up by a confederacy of fascists. You should hear him on happy, clappy Thursdays - I'm told he just shouts out the window - he lives in an attic, cliche, I know - he just shouts out "Fascists, fascists!" His mantra being "Privatise the NHS - sack them all!" Embarrassing and I know he doesn't mean half of it but I get his point.
Which gets me to mine - my dad is drinking himself to death. Yesterday, he phoned me up - or, rather, left a message - I never answer him - saying he's got the shakes real bad. What is he, who is he, Robert Johnson?! He can't stop shaking, he says. He tried to stop drinking and went straight into cold turkey and when the earth started moving, he thought, o shit, I better go back on the sauce. Apparently, it was to late. It took a whole day before he could lift a cup without shattering his teeth or spilling his gin all over the place.
You see - he's always been in despair - at least, since he ran away from us. Never betrayed my mother, always been in love with her, lived like a stupid monk, frightened of the 'world'. But he had a kind of naive faith in his fellow British, what he calls, working class - a rude bunch of sods, he thought, illiterate, without memory or future, without purpose, but decent, obdurate, right thinking. Now they come out of their houses to praise the state!
So he's one whisky away from death.
What to do? How do you restore 'hope' to a man like him? He's very resilient, so he'll probably, eventually, restore himself - but it's gonna take some work and this time he might not survive that 'work'.
I suppose I'll have to see him. It will be disgusting but I'll have to talk to him, my dad.
Sue, I know fear - how to be good when was if afraid - that can't stop, that's learnt - you're tough, strong, you protect yourself - love yourself, still - we are weak but in the end we pull through - not as naziz but as ultimately good people.
Rattle round in my head,
The brain I have left,
Pickled, stupid, a wallnut,
Stewed, forbidden,
Thoughts that not even you could think,
Daring them, out of a kind of desperation,
Wanting to provoke (no, this no poem!),
Wanting love, wanting to give it.
('It'', what stupidity!)
Can you feel my heart beet
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