June 20, 2020

"You want people to walk down the street with a mask on?"

ADDED: Joe Rogan is trending on Twitter, but probably not because of that clip. You click on his name in the Twitter sidebar and you get all manner of things. The sidebar says "Trending with: Joey Diaz," so.... whatever.

Anyway, there's this, at the Daily Wire yesterday: "Joe Rogan: ‘News Media On The Left Has Completely Ignored’ Biden In ‘Cognitive Decline.'"

“I’m seeing this one thing that I keep hearing over and over again from people on the Left that really disturbs me – it’s this concession that what you’re voting for is the Cabinet, you’re voting for the Supreme Court, you’re voting for someone who’s not going to reverse Roe vs. Wade,” Rogan, who made positive comments about Bernie Sanders during the primary, said. “That’s what I keep hearing from my friends on the Left. They’ve basically just made this concession in their head like, ‘Hey, you know, this is what I’m voting for now.’ And the news media on the Left has completely ignored all of these Biden speeches that clearly show some sort of cognitive decline.”...

“Sometimes people get really tongue-tied and panic under pressure, and words come out all f**ked up. That is possible. But there’s a trend,” Rogan continued. “If you go back to when he was a younger man, that trend didn’t exist. You’re seeing a change. The idea that as you get older you become less comfortable with the media, less comfortable with speaking publicly, that doesn’t jive with me. That doesn’t make any sense.”

Scientist Bret Weinstein, who was Rogan’s guest on the show, responded, “I agree with you. I see a decline. But irrespective of what that is, Joe Biden is an influence peddler. He’s not an idea guy, right? He’s the same idea as Hillary Clinton in a different morphology. … How dare the Democratic Party do this to us again at this moment.”
MORE: Okay, this is the story that is the reason Rogan is trending:
Joe Rogan is in hot water after video surfaced of him laughing while friend and fellow comedian Joey “Coco” Diaz spoke about not allowing female comedians to go on stage unless they performed oral sex on him.


Achilles said...

The guy who trusts the CDC is an idiot.

Mike Sylwester said...

Courageous survivor Tara Reade describes to journalist Megyn Kelly how she was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden

Big Mike said...

Well, so far the CDC has managed to screw up everything it has touched during this epidemic starting with monopolizing — then badly botching — development of tests, then telling us not to use masks. Trump needs to clean house at that agency in his second term.

So, yes, I would apply my own common sense and online research before I’d pay the slightest attention to the CDC.

Michael K said...

When I see someone outside with a mask on, I assume they are a Democrat.

Big Mike said...

The idea that as you get older you become less comfortable with the media, less comfortable with speaking publicly, that doesn’t jive with me.

Or any other sentient person.

Achilles said...

They are dancing around the problem again.

They said the democrat party and the republican party were representing opposing sets of corporations. This was not true. They were all on the same team.

Joe and Bret are under they impression they are smarter than Trump.

They aren't.

They can't see through the fog.

Lyle Smith said...

The CDC doesn't even know though. Their guidelines keep changing. They first said no masks, for weeks and weeks. I think they were just following what the WHO medical professionals said.

Fernandinande said...

smoking a cigar

The [covid] risks associated with smoking are disputed: increased risks were initially reported; recent studies suggest that smokers are under-represented among those with more severe disease; and a potential protective mechanism for nicotine has been suggested."

Jupiter said...

I wouldn't say better than the CDC...

Fernandinande said...

Joe Rogan is trending on Twitter,

Is the trend toward more popular or less popular?

JAORE said...

So you are voting for a cabinet, the Supreme Court.... because Biden can not perform the duties of POTUS? Who the heck doyou think will name the cabinet? Who the hell will pick the SC nominees? Ar you willing to vote for the unidentified man, woman or group behind the curtain?

Or are you counting on the VP to run the show - fat chance sez I. And I'm not looking forward to a puppet show. But let's go with the VP in charge.

My ultra liberal neighbor agrees Biden is showing clear evidence of dementia. But he'll vote for Biden no matter the VP pick.

So, rational voters, look at the woman (for sure), person of color (almost for sure), AA (also almost for sure) VP candidate and ask yourself if she is Presidential timber.

Stacey A? Rice? Kamela? Atlanta's mayor?

Tell me who and why.

I'll wait.

Achilles said...

I love the talk about COVID.

"Escaped from the laboratory."

It was in the Italian sewer in 2019.

Sebastian said...

I do not think the CDC has evidence to show that walking down the street with a mask on prevents virus transmission.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

People on the left who HATE Trump would vote for a petrified Hitler turd-puppet.

mandrewa said...

Of all the institutions that failed us in this coronavirus epidemic it was the CDC that failed us most egregiously. It is not just that the CDC is full of mediocrities that owe their positions to their politics, aka they are almost entirely leftwing, and it is not just that the CDC has not been doing its patently obvious job for many years now, that is tracking disease organisms and their presence in man.

No, the key failure is systemic. And that key failure was the gathering of all power to the CDC. This idea that one centralized power is a good thing and that many different private companies are a bad thing. So that we found ourselves when the epidemic broke out with only the CDC legally able to invent and distribute tests to identify the coronavirus.

We were crippled, we were systematically crippled, by all those fucking Nazis in academia and the media and the government who believe in the government and centralization and of course they echo the very same spirit of Nazi Germany, a history which we are prevented from knowing by academia's airbrushing of the past.

Jamie said...

Still, Rogan's point is well taken: it's not going to do any good to try to convince any "Biden" voter that Biden is not mentally up to the job - they already know. They are not voting for Biden. They're voting for what Biden's side says they could or would do if elected.

That is, voters on the left who take an interest in politics already know Biden himself is not really on the ballot. There's a whole 'nother cohort of Democrat voters out there who are of the ilk of my in-laws: they'll blame Trump for every bad thing that has happened in the past three years even when hard evidence is presented that each bad thing they bring up was the direct result of a Democrat's action, and they'll vote for Biden because he's not Trump and that's all he has to be. Such voters as these don't know anything about either candidate, have not watched any of the primary debates, wouldn't watch a presidential debate, wouldn't go to a rally or donate directly to any candidate's campaign (though my father-in-law is a lifetime NRA member!). They are low-information and are happy to stay that way, voting along family or peer group lines no matter what.

So I hope Trump's campaign is planning for both.

narciso said...

they are reintroducing the mask mandate in orange county, it's one of those bill engvall 'there's your sign' moments,

RK said...

Back in the day, organizations like the CDC were places to pack in your diversity hires. Really, what were the odds that it would matter ...

Skeptical Voter said...

Big Mike--as you get older and more experienced you come to realize that today's media are a bunch of lying skanks--and best not to say a doggoned word to any of them.

But on electing Biden to President: What the Democrats are asking us to do is to elect the Politburo with Biden as a figurehead. If he dies while in office they just might stuff the carcass with straw and keep him out there on display for a while. We will get government by unelected committee if we allow the Dems to install Biden in the Oval Office.

Carol said...

It's "jive" all right.


gspencer said...

Masks - pretending it's Halloween all year round.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

It seems odd that people can ask how THEIR party can do anything TO them. Aren’t they the party? Oh, that’s right, the name is ironic.

Browndog said...

Wait until you get a load of the isolation prisons the CDC has planned for school children this fall.

mezzrow said...

You have under two minutes to sum up Joey "CoCo" Diaz. This'll do it.

Google "joey diaz school bus flavor".

Still, it's not the funniest story on the internet.

For that, plug in "dynamite story Texas". It's a corker.

The moral of that story is to always ask "what are you going to do with this" before you give dynamite to another individual.

You're welcome. Go ahead, Meade. Trust me.

n.n said...

3 m, 6 if you follow the precautionary principle. Don't forget the goggles. The eyes are a window to [viral] contagion. Also, avoid greenhouses, where there is an effective increase of receiving a viral load.

RK said...

We will get government by unelected committee if we allow the Dems to install Biden in the Oval Office

Kind of like the EU.

Anonymous said...

The rioters are the hardcore Berneie bros. These are Rogan's people.

They don't care about the candidate because they know they can co-opt a brain-dead Biden administration with ease, like the parasitic Cordyceps fungus hollows out it's hosts from the inside.

Dave Begley said...

Biden won't be in the ballot. He picks the female Obama: Kamala Harris. After the convention, Biden withdraws. Kamala goes on top. Kamala picks another woman as the VP nominee. Probably Val Demmings of FL. Girl power! BLM.

And Trump wins about 40 states. Open crying on TV by news readers that night. Ben Rhodes unable to process the results.

c365 said...

Have we forgotten they've been wearing masks for a decade on China and had to resort to lockdowns, covering up crematorium stats, odd stories of temporary hospitals of infected collapsing, etc?

China can't be trusted on their numbers, but they have been wearing masks far more than the USA.

Plenty of people who wear masks get and still transmit covid.

steve uhr said...

This blog has a strong anti-science bias. From global warming to masks. Amazing that commentators with no education in a subject — a PhD) are so confident their position is right and the vast majority of scientists are wrong. Read some peer reviewed scientific articles and explain in scientific language why you disagree. Instead at best you simply cite to someone who says what you want to believe even if he or she represents a tiny percentage of scientists. . Sorry but that’s not how science works. The fact that others here give you the thumbs up doesn’t change anything. You’re ignorant and can’t even see that.

steve uhr said...

Task force head pence in 2001 - “smoking doesn’t kill. In fact, 2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness ...”. The mind of a Nobel laureate at work.

Francisco D said...

Michael K said...When I see someone outside with a mask on, I assume they are a Democrat.

The Mayor of Tucson decreed that all stores must require masks yesterday. Today it is Pima County.

The media is trying to convince us that Arizona is in COVID crisis.

rcocean said...

The D party line now, is that it doesn't matter who is President. As long as he's a willing tool of the RIGHT Lefty people surrounding him, we can get by with a President's who's not really there. Its a good theory. Certainly, we've had AWOL Presidents before. Wilson after Nov 1919, FDR in his last year in office, Possibly Reagan in his last year.

That's why Biden's VP pick is so important. You wonder why they're waiting so long. My gut tells me they want to pick a white woman - who can really run the country - but they couldn't announce that while BLM and Antifa were rioting. Or perhaps they wanted Atlanta Mayor Lance Bottoms, but she took herself out of the running with her horrible response to the police shooting and the riots.

Or maybe sleepy Joe just can't make up his mind.

rcocean said...

I'm astounded people aren't rebelling against all the CDC nonsense. Where were they when Antifa and BLM were marching in the the thousands WITHOUT MASKS? Now, its back to being CONCERNED. Sorry, no can do.

Howard said...

Self-described Meathead too nuanced for deplorables and the woke.

Lucien said...

Okay Ann, time to dig into “jive” vs. “jibe”.

steve uhr said...

And I the CDC failed us in not taking the virus as seriously as it should have early on. January 17 briefing — “for a family sitting around the dinner table tonight this is not something that they generally need to worry about” End of Jan they were still saying health risk to Americans low.

Question- when did CDC first overstate the risk? Date and quote please.

Michael K said...

The Mayor of Tucson decreed that all stores must require masks yesterday. Today it is Pima County.

The media is trying to convince us that Arizona is in COVID crisis.

I heard this morning there is a supreme court challenge.

Michael K said...

Howard said...
Self-described Meathead too nuanced for deplorables and the woke.

Yeah, Reiner is pretty stupid.

Michael K said...

You’re ignorant and can’t even see that.

Steve, I assume you are a lawyer and, like most lawyers, avoided math and Physics. I was an Engineer and an MD. I read the literature and was unable to find a good rationale for masks, especially outside. I wore them in surgery for 40 years but that was for bacteria, not viruses. How much virology do you know ?

As for climate, the models are based on similar models in the Chinese virus cases. Remember 2 million dead ? Remember the world would have famine by 1970 ?

Jaq said...

I can’t be responsible for what other people do, that’s why I wear an N95 mask when close to anybody I am not isolated with. I was on the sidewalk in Burlington, having just picked up a takeout meal, so I was still wearing one of those disposable masks when one of those street guys passed me on the narrow sidewalk, looks right into my face and says "Hello! How are you?” and I got a lung full of his stale tobacco breath. BTW, watch My Fair Lady if you want to get it about ‘H’s and the propulsion of breath.

It really doesn’t matter to me what other people do or say in deciding what measures I will take. I used to think that that was because I was a conservative, but now I see that conservatives are just a different kind of groupthink worshipping cult than liberals, different in style only.

Carol said...

What that professor said, that the protesters are inarticulate. That's it right there.

Back in 1967 we'd try to explain what an LSD trip was like, and invariably it would come down, "words just can't explain, man.." Because were fucking inarticulate.

But the radicals are always there to fill in the blanks. All over reddit, whenever a drug addict or medical student or homeless whatever complains about their lot in life, there's always someone there to say, it's capitalism, bro...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“This blog has a strong anti-science bias. From global warming to masks.”

Now that’s hilarious. Steve blithely picks two issues where the models and Wolf!-criers have consistently been wrong.

Never confuse scientists with science. The former are people, the latter is science.

hombre said...

The CDC recommends wearing masks on the street? That must be if you are a demonstrator/looter/rioter.

Dog bites man. The leftmediaswine habitually ignore facts detrimental to Democrat objectives like Biden’s mental decline, but so do other Democrats. My neighbor, the brilliant doctor, says, “He’ll appoint good people.” I say, “Like Obama did?” She, anticipating what’s coming, “I don’t want to talk politics.”

During this century it has come to pass that being a Democrat erodes your brain cells and your morality.

Jaq said...

"Read some peer reviewed scientific articles and explain in scientific language why you disagree”

Most of the peer reviewed stuff would be classified as skeptic to denier compared to the reporting on that science that we actually see in the media, mediated by politically activist journalists.

I have stopped arguing about it, but I have been accused of being a denier for quoting the wrong sections of an IPCC report. You don’t read the science, is my guess, My guess is that you read the MSM about “the science."

Achilles said...

steve uhr said...
This blog has a strong anti-science bias. From global warming to masks. Amazing that commentators with no education in a subject — a PhD) are so confident their position is right and the vast majority of scientists are wrong. Read some peer reviewed scientific articles and explain in scientific language why you disagree. Instead at best you simply cite to someone who says what you want to believe even if he or she represents a tiny percentage of scientists. . Sorry but that’s not how science works. The fact that others here give you the thumbs up doesn’t change anything. You’re ignorant and can’t even see that.

You are a moron.

The handling of "Climate Change" is completely antithetical to the Scientific Method.

You clearly have no idea that a Scientific Method even exists.

I will also point out I have been right about everything including predictions of how COVID-19 would play out and the CDC and your scientists have been wrong about everything.

You have to be stupid to support democrats.

steve uhr is stupid.

Jaq said...

Masks aren’t perfect, but if I am goign to play Russian Roulette, I want as few bullets in the chamber as possible. Just got some new 3M N-95 masks with the little vent thingy and they seem vastly better than anything I had up to now.

steve uhr said...

Michael K. I got a bs in zoology from wis. Took college level math and physics. But you’re right. Not my strong suit. But I don’t pretend that I am an expert on climate science. But I understand the scientific method. Cherry picking studies that match your preconceived views is not how true scientists operate. You of course know that.

Michael K said...

Masks are the least of the problems of the left. This morning I saw that there was a gunshot wound in the Seattle CHOP. Somebody called police dispatcher and reported 6 shots and someone wounded in front of some store. The police and fire department were blocked from entering. The future of leftist cities on display.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

If cognitive declining Biden beats the crap out of Trump electorally, currently the most likely outcome, will the Trump supporters here acknowledge that Trump is the shittiest president in centuries? How else could you interpret such an outcome?

Drago said...

steve uhr: "This blog has a strong anti-science bias."

Li'l Stevie Uhr has had about as much "science" as Greta Thunberg and he understands even less.

But he is strongly pro-science!!!.....just not enough to have ever studied any if it or familiarized himself with the basics.


Drago said...

Sebastian: "I do not think the CDC has evidence to show that walking down the street with a mask on prevents virus transmission."


Also there are approximately zero studies validating the 6 foot separation rule.

None. Nada. Zip.

But Li'l Stevie Uhr knows that he friggin LOVES SCIENCE...and thats why he knows snowfalls are a thing of the past, peak oil is areal thing and 2.2 million people will be piled up like cord wood on street corners.


PubliusFlavius said...

I already shared this in another thread, but I think any free thinking lover of language of the english language would appreciate this disassembling of the corona narrative.

"Shelter in place. The fraudulent use of this term stands in synecdoche to all the rest. “Shelter in place” originated in US Civil Defense regulations in the context of a possible nuclear attack; over the following decades, the term evolved to mean any emergency order to “take cover until the coast is clear on order of officials.” But it has never had the slightest connection with disease control."


effinayright said...

steve uhr said...
This blog has a strong anti-science bias. From global warming to masks. Amazing that commentators with no education in a subject — a PhD) are so confident their position is right and the vast majority of scientists are wrong. Read some peer reviewed scientific articles and explain in scientific language why you disagree. Instead at best you simply cite to someone who says what you want to believe even if he or she represents a tiny percentage of scientists. . Sorry but that’s not how science works. The fact that others here give you the thumbs up doesn’t change anything. You’re ignorant and can’t even see that.

Not a single bit of "argument" in anything you've said here, just empty assertions and even more vapid exhortations, based on your belief that we haven't a science education that meets your standards. (but since you're going with "credentialism", what's yours, by the way...)

Did you not notice that over the last three months we've been treated to contradictory advice about masks and distancing, again and again? That mortality predictions were wildly off the mark? That so-called "public health officials" are blessing political demonstrations they favor but condemning political rallies they don't? Is that "science"?

As for global warming, the onus is on your side to explain why all the models have been wildly wrong, and--for that matter--why there are so many models that contradict each other.

Where's the "settled science" in all that?

Drago said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent: "Now that’s hilarious. Steve blithely picks two issues where the models and Wolf!-criers have consistently been wrong."

Li'l Stevie Uhr didnt realize his mistake there because he is scientifically illiterate....even though he Friggin Loves Science!!

pacwest said...

Or maybe sleepy Joe just can't make up his mind. (VP pick).

What makes you think Biden has any say in the matter?

PubliusFlavius said...

"You’re ignorant and can’t even see that."-s u


Educate instead of castigate?

Got some links bruh?

Francisco D said...

steve uhr said... This blog has a strong anti-science bias. From global warming to masks. Amazing that commentators with no education in a subject — a PhD) are so confident their position is right and the vast majority of scientists are wrong. Read some peer ...

More than a few of us here have Ph.D.s and extensive training in scientific method.

You are a lawyer.

Need I say more?

Jupiter said...

"Gavin Newsom@GavinNewsom
REMINDER: CA, you are now REQUIRED to wear a mask in public spaces.

We’re seeing too many people with faces uncovered. Wearing a face covering is critical for keeping people safe and healthy, keeping businesses open and getting people back to work.

Do your part. Wear your mask."

Little fucker has a blue check and everything. REMINDER: Gavin, you are now REQUIRED to eat a heaping plate of my shit.

steve uhr said...

Scientists are people. Science is science. It's profound statements like this that keeps me coming back to this blog.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Lucien said...
Okay Ann, time to dig into “jive” vs. “jibe”.

for "jive", see "Obama; Shuck &"

for "jibe", ask Dr. K.

Tom said...

Got some inside info that Joe Rogan is going to endorse Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian Party Candidate.

Michael K said...

Steve could have audited my Biostatistics class at Dartmouth. He was over in Boston someplace. If only I had known, I could have helped him.

Birkel said...

I worked in a chemistry lab at a very good university.
But steve uhr assures me he Loves Science.
Surely that means more than knowing science.

And feel free to call him Shirley.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

But what if the mask makes it so I can’t breev?

Jaq said...

I always take my electoral analysis from shop teachers who specialize in ax grinding.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“will the Trump supporters here acknowledge that Trump is the shittiest president in centuries? How else could you interpret such an outcome?”

Can’t speak for the others, but I’ll gladly acknowledge the Left are batshit crazy.
But this ploy isn’t going to fly. Once it becomes widely known that Biden is sliding into dementia his candidacy is done. Even with a slavish media, Democrats aren’t going to be able to sell this one with endless cries of Orange Man Bad.

Jaq said...

"Cherry picking studies that match your preconceived views is not how true scientists operate.”

LOL. The IPCC TAR is a summary of the state of scientific knowledge at the time it is written. You can throw that cherry picking charge (without evidence) at anybody, but face it, it’s based on faith only, and your reading of non scientists like Bill Nye, who write for the media.

AZ Bob said...

"Under state law, residents who violate the (mandatory mask) order could be charged with a misdemeanor and potentially face a fine, according to the Newsom administration."

How does a police officer issue a failure-to-wear-mask citation in California? Better yet will officers even bother to issue such citations?

Michael K said...

for "jibe", ask Dr. K.

Avoid accidental jibes. They can take your head off.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

@Char Char
poke hoes in it, yo

Bruce Hayden said...

“No, the key failure is systemic. And that key failure was the gathering of all power to the CDC. This idea that one centralized power is a good thing and that many different private companies are a bad thing. So that we found ourselves when the epidemic broke out with only the CDC legally able to invent and distribute tests to identify the coronavirus.”

I agree. The CDC is filled with functionaries and bureaucrats, who have spent the last several decades doing almost anything else besides their real job of preventing and fighting pandemics. For example, they have repeatedly tried to pervert science to support gun grabbing. That is only on hold because they have been repeatedly told that it is none of their business by Congress. They trusted WHO because it is staffed by other functionaries and bureaucrats, and their director is beholden to the CCP for his selection (and the virus came from China, and, indeed, was very likely created by the Chinese, and negligently released into the public by them). Of course, they failed to replenish their supplies of ventilators and masks, exhausted during the Obama Administration. They had more important things to do. And, of course, they centralized testing under their own control, then screwed up the few tests that they were doing. That is what bureaucrats and functionaries do.

Sure, they have their fair share of MDs and PhDs. But many of them are left wing political operatives, and they are all bureaucrats and functionaries. That is the mindset of the type of people who would go to work there. Rarely, the best of the best, and more often than not mediocrities. Always keep in mind that the average IQ of PhDs, MDs, (JDs, etc) is roughly one standard deviation above the mean, which means that there are invariably half of them below this point, and many below even the population mean (100).

Tomcc said...

A strong anti-science bias? Not that I've noticed. There is a lot of confirmation bias in everyone's life. It's important to read information from as many sources as one can; challenge your own assumptions.
As far as climate change; I remain skeptical. I don't think that dissenting views are particularly well vetted. Add to that, the models for this Coronavirus thing- where you have a relatively small set of variables (comparatively) and measurable events, have been shown to be wildly inaccurate. It does not instill confidence in the "scientists".

Howard said...

Tim in Vermont,. the vent thingy makes it easier for you to exhale because the exhaust does not go through the filter. It defeats the purpose of a mask keeping your bodily fluids from spewing onto other people. I'm only telling you this because you actually give a s*** about the health others around you and their intimate family and friends... unlike the deplorable brotherhood.

Howard said...

Char Char: if you can't breathe through a mask, then you will die soon anyway because you are an out of shape POS. Keep wearing the mask so it helps you expire quickly and make room for us healthy people who are not a helpless burden eating up finite resources.

Bruce Hayden said...

Keep this in mind - the evidence so far is that almost all COVID-19 infections happened indoors in this country, or at a minimum, on closely packed subway platforms. It is just hard to get a high enough viral load to infect people outdoors, and esp if they are social distancing.

But probably more importantly, the violent rioters and arsonists have adopted masks as part of their uniform, and to hide their identities from facial recognition (this was the case long before the pandemic). Moreover wearing masks make them scarier to the public because of their anonymity. Governments demanding masks outdoors (which is usually what is at issue here) justifies and protects the mask wearing by the violent rioters and arsonists. Not surprisingly, most of the governments requiring outdoor masks are Dem controlled, and are sympathetic to the violent rioters and arsonists. In short, it is mostly political.

Big Mike said...

Cherry picking studies that match your preconceived views is not how true scientists operate.

OTOH, it does describe climate “science” very, very well. Particularly when Michael Mann wished away the well-documented Medieval warm period and even better-documented Little Ice Age to make his hockey stick graph work out.

Drago said...

steve uhr: "Scientists are people. Science is science. It's profound statements like this that keeps me coming back to this blog."

Someone familiar with science would understand that comment.

You do not.

Which is weird, since you #FrigginLoveScience so very very much.....

Drago said...

Li'l Stevie Uhr is quite taken with the current Lysenkoist "science model" which is based solely on appeals to authority political expediency.


Big Mike said...

@steve uhr, how about you go back to defaming the kids from Covington Catholic? You were semi-competent at that.

Drago said...

Beijing Boy: "If cognitive declining Biden beats the crap out of Trump electorally, currently the most likely outcome, will the Trump supporters here acknowledge that Trump is the shittiest president in centuries?"

ARM's marxist pals are currently ripping down and defacing and destroying statues and memorials to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln.

According to ARM and his Howard's Heroes buddies, there are NO GOOD Presidents in our centuries old history....except for Nobel Prize Winning Awardee (based on melanin levels) obama.

Drago said...

steve uhr: "Michael K. I got a bs in zoology from wis. Took college level math and physics. But you’re right. Not my strong suit. But I don’t pretend that I am an expert on climate science. But I understand the scientific method. Cherry picking studies that match your preconceived views is not how true scientists operate."

We are literally coming off revelations of cherry picked and falsified "studies" and data that backed up lefty political requirements in both the ChiCom flu and AGW scenarios!!


Jupiter said...

steve uhr said...
"This blog has a strong anti-science bias. From global warming to masks."

Steve, my PhD is in physics. I work with weather models running on supercomputers. And the quality of the "science" in those models is laughable. It's worth trying, we learn by trying, but there's no reason at all to imagine these models work. But the reason I stopped believing in Global Warming had little to do with that. The fact is, the geologically recent history of climate, the last million years or so, makes it very clear that the Earth's climate has two quasi-stable states. One is hot, and one is cold. The Earth is more often in the cold one, but it is currently in the hot one. Therefore, we will soon -- geologically speaking -- be in the cold one. Nothing in existing weather models can explain what causes these transitions. Therefore, nothing in those models can predict anything about when the glaciers will be back. But unless we can find some way to stop it, they will be back. QED.

Francisco D said...

steve uhr said...Scientists are people. Science is science. It's profound statements like this that keeps me coming back to this blog.

This of us who are trained scientists understand that statement. Need help?

Science is a method. Scientists are people who utilize that painstaking method. We do not know the answers, per se, but we use the scientific method to discover answers. We are necessarily wrong more often than we are right.


Jupiter said...

As to the masks, remember when they told us to stop touching our faces? Has anyone here touched his face in the last few months? No? See, that's why you are all so healthy! You listen to the wise MDs, and do as they say!

Jupiter said...

"If cognitive declining Biden beats the crap out of Trump electorally, currently the most likely outcome, will the Trump supporters here acknowledge that Trump is the shittiest president in centuries? How else could you interpret such an outcome?"

You know, ARM, I was pondering on roughly that same question four years ago, while we all awaited the inevitable and fore-ordained election of Hillary Clinton. I have often heard, that when everyone you meet seems like an asshole, it means that you are the asshole. So what does it mean when everyone in America elects a woman President whom you believe belongs in a prison cell? Not good. Not good. I struggled, I can tell you. But I realize now it was all effort wasted, trying to reason from a false premise. So here's what; you seem like a reasonable man. Unless you have one of those infallible models Steve uses to predict the future, let's both just wait and see what happens before we try to explain it. OK?

Gahrie said...

But I understand the scientific method

The scientific method is based on skepticism. The climate change alarmists insist that to be skeptical is to be in denial. The scientific method is based on releasing your unaltered observational data, so that others can attempt to recreate your results. Climate change alarmists refuse to do this, and usually insist that the data is "lost". The scientific method depends upon confirmation, but none of the climate alarmists models agree with each other, none accurately predict the future, or accurately predict the past when given historical data.

Climate change is actually the best example of the scientific method being abandoned in favor of ideology.

PubliusFlavius said...

@AZ Bob

no police will enforce the california dicktator's edict.

I have begun vocal Civil Disobedience in groceries, and all public mask mandated zones, while taking it off immediately upon exit.

Expressing my displeasure publicly at being herded by ignorant law breaking political fools brings a modicum of satisfaction, particularly when I find most people have reached there endpoint due to the latest idiocy from Sacramento.

The California state governments actions and inclinations are for the first time in 30 years of me being here, inspiring me to look for another home.

Michael K said...

Climate change is actually the best example of the scientific method being abandoned in favor of ideology.

Actually, I disagree. It was abandoned in search of grants.

le Douanier said...

“So what does it mean when everyone in America elects a woman President whom you believe belongs in a prison cell? Not good. Not good. I struggled, I can tell you. But I realize now it was all effort wasted, trying to reason from a false premise. So here's what; you seem like a reasonable man. Unless you have one of those infallible models Steve uses to predict the future, let's both just wait and see what happens before we try to explain it.”

So looking back, how do you explain your mistake re thinking that HRC deserved jail time?

Not only did it turn out that she did not deserve jail time, but the deep state wrongly attacked her during the election. DJT even had to fire Comey because of his deep state HRC attack during the election!

So you have a lot of mistakes to explain.

Jim at said...

I'm only telling you this because you actually give a s*** about the health others around you and their intimate family and friends... unlike the deplorable brotherhood.

For the last, fucking time - you and your family's health is your responsibility. Not mine.

Original Mike said...

Blogger steve uhr said..."But I understand the scientific method."

No steve, you don't. Gahrie explains it succinctly.

Blogger Gahrie said..."The scientific method is based on skepticism. The climate change alarmists insist that to be skeptical is to be in denial."

PluralThumb said...

Mr. Rogan will be in Madison Square Garden on October 3rd of this year.

Lewis Wetzel said...

But the models show that masks work!

Vittorio Jano IV said...

In the linked video, the late theoretical physicist, Richard Feyman, anologizes the game of chess to the scientific method in about three minutes.

walter said...

ARM just can't stop mentally masturbating about Trump in every thread.

Joe Bar said...

I listen to both of these guys a lot. Just heard this podcast. You have to remember, BB is always going for the laugh. He admits he is uneducated, and ignorant. He makes me laugh. That's why I listen, period.

tcrosse said...

Belmont Stakes run with nobody in the stands. At Riders Up, masks all around. After the race, those jocks who kept their masks on took them off of their noses. No masks for the horses. Take that, Cuomo.

Joe Bar said...

Oh, and you should listen to JR's podcast with Dr. Rhonda Patrick. Completely different vibe. Take Vitamin D and get sunlight, people!

Jupiter said...

steve uhr said...
"Michael K. I got a bs in zoology from wis."

Zoology, huh. Study of zoos, right? Just kidding. Did you by any chance study mammalian reproduction? Could you fill us in on how you can tell a mammal's sex?

PluralThumb said...

I am ignoring Sir or Miss Plurousflavourus and instead correctind the following.

" poke hoes in it, yo "

A period is ado after; yo !

Don't get too excited so soon, a coffee meet up is adoo.

~ Not personal

Gospace said...

I wore a basic mask today for the first time since this covidiocy started,not an N95, but the scrub type. Only because I wouldn’t have been able to donate blood without the damn thing. Got tired and had trouble breathing just walking down the hall to check in. In 7-10 days I’ll know if I have covid antibodies.

Last hour I spent about 25 minutes walking around the boiler plant, about 6 laps, with a two story elevation change each lap. With no problems at al, no heavy breathing, no feeling out of breath, no feeling tired.

I’m in pretty good shape for a 65 year old. And a basic mask creates breathing problems. Which I knew and is why I don’t wear one.

Any of you pro-mask covidiots want to tell me how I should wear a mask to protect my health?

Yesterday I witnessed someone properly wearing his mask properly protecting hisself as he rode his bicycle. On the wrong f—-Ing side of the street. Do you think he is capable of properly evaluating risks? You can probably guess what I think.

Howard said...

Jim at: yes absolutely I know that and I plan accordingly. But you must know that not everyone shares you are troglodyte view of human responsibility.

I take it by your attitude that you are in support of abolishing the police as well because you're on your own mother f***** right?

Michael K said...

Not only did it turn out that she did not deserve jail time,

We have trials for that sort of thing. Maybe you belong in the CHOP.

Gk1 said...

Joe Rogan is constantly making my liberal friends squirm as his 'Biden has dementia' points are irrefutable and they have to admit they are voting for a hand puppet controlled by god knows what. Jimmy Dore is a regular guest who makes the very same points about Biden.

Everytime one of his regulars want to deflect with mental health whataboutism on trump, Rogan brings them back to reality and plays a quick 3 minutes of a typical Trump press conference as a splash of ice water on his friends.

I give Rogan until October to tow the liberal line as the pressure to conform will be too great to tell the truth. If they can get to Drudge they can get to Rogan.

mandrewa said...

Jupiter said,

"I work with weather models running on supercomputers. And the quality of the "science" in those models is laughable. It's worth trying, we learn by trying, but there's no reason at all to imagine these models work."

Well, I don't work with models running on supercomputers, but my father did. And I once spent a little time going through some of his stuff to try to get a feel for how mathematical models are supposed to work.

And here's what I found and I don't think it should be that surprising, even though I get the feeling that 99.99% of the people talking about global warming don't know this.

Most people seem to think that mathematical modeling is taking what we know about something and then creating a model and then running that model to see what should be happening based on the things we know about.

No. That is not how it works at all!

The real issue is the world is too complicated. With the occasional, rare exception, when you create a model based upon what we know, you end up with something that cannot be run on any computer that we have. Sometimes such a program would take longer than the universe has existed even to do a single run.

So what is mathematical modeling actually used for? It's about creating a radically simplified view of the world in the hope that it will offer some predictive value. And it's a kind of unreasonable thing to expect -- I mean you are deliberately ignoring things that you know matter -- but surprisingly often it does work. Not always, because there are some fields where nobody yet has been able to find a useful mathematical model at all, but the successes seem more frequent than may seem naively plausible.

And by work I mean maybe it predicts 70% of what you are trying to predict. And 70% is obviously not a 100%, but it's a whole lot better than nothing.

So how do modelers do this? Well they make a guess. And then they test their model against reality. And usually the model fails. And then they make another guess, and on and on. And then if the modeler finally finds something worth publishing does he talk in his paper about all of the guesses that didn't work? Well of course not.

And the key to this process, the essential ingredient, is the ability to test your predictions. But guess what climate science modelers can't do?

exhelodrvr1 said...

steve uhr,
Climate change, as an example. Which of the experts are most accurate? The ones who are skeptical of the doomsayers. I.e. the ones who agree with most of us who comment on this blog. Give me the commoner commenters' common sense consensus over the experts anytime!!

Gospace said...

For all those thinking otherwise- What mistake knowing Hillary Rodham Clinton deserved jail time? I’m not aware of any past or present member of the military who thinks her unlawful mishandling of classified material was innocent and undeserving of punishment.

That said, even while holding that thought in their mind, I know a few who bought into the obvious lie of “Russian Collusion “ and saw her as the lesser of two evils.

I still haven’t seen any curiosity from the press or members of Congress as to why our ambassador to the UN, who has no function in the intelligence community and therefore no need to know- had broad unmasking ability. Forget how many unmaskings were attributed to her, why did she have the ability to unmask?

narciso said...

james baker of the ona, when queried by grassley, said his unit and halpers handling of same was entirely above board, so that's that,

Birkel said...

I am in favor of abolishing the police where Howard lives.
Yes, absolutely.

I want you to win everything you advocate for others.
Own it.

Michael K said...

upiter said...
steve uhr said...
"Michael K. I got a bs in zoology from wis."

Zoology, huh. Study of zoos, right? Just kidding. Did you by any chance study mammalian reproduction? Could you fill us in on how you can tell a mammal's sex?

Long ago, when I was in premed, Zoology was the usual major for premeds. I was not as I had been an engineer and just returned do the required premed, like Organic chemistry and embryology. I had already done Physics and Calculus which was not a Zoology requirement.

Like I said, too bad you never got to take Biostatistics.

Big Mike said...

So looking back, how do you explain your mistake re thinking that HRC deserved jail time?

Not a mistake. Read the relevant statutes and regulations. Comey argued that there was not intent to violate the law — but the laws do not say anything about criminal intent. You violated the regulations, accidentally or deliberately it doesn’t matter, you are guilty and need to go to jail.

le Douanier said...


What is the crime? And, what is the amount of time that she should do in jail?

Here are the facts from the DJT administration to help you use reality to suss that out:


Bruce Hayden said...


Sorry. It doesn’t say what you wanted it to say, which is that Crooked Hillary shouldn’t have gone to jail. It said that the Espionage Act violations by her subordinates were not systematic, and they made an attempt to follow the law, when it didn’t inconvenience Her Majesty. It stated that there wasn’t evidence of an intrusion on her server, but there actually was - the Chinese apparently left behind code that automatically forwarded all of her email elsewhere - presumably to them. More importantly though, she was never required to turn over her server (despite it containing email belonging to the US government) to the FBI. Instead, in contrast to their standard practices, they allowed her attorneys to delete whichever emails they wished, including a number that were work related, and thus belonging to the American people. So yes, the FBI, by failing to follow their standard practices, never got their hands on her server, and thus, presumably intentionally, did not find proof of her server having been intruded by a foreign government.

But then it is Politico, a rabid left wing rag, if there ever were one.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ What is the crime? And, what is the amount of time that she should do in jail?”

Somewhere between 30,000 and 60,000 violations of the Official Records Act for illegally storing work related emails on her private server; up to 30,000 violations for deleting official records from her server; hundreds, if not thousands, of violations of the Espionage Act for illegally storing classified documents on her private email server; 18 USC §1001 violations by lying to the FBI about her email use and her understanding of the classification system (she had had a high level security clearance for 16 years, at least, and had been the principal classifier for the State Departmenr for four years); and Obstruction of Justice for deleting 30,000 emails, instead of turning the over to them. Emails that were under Congressional subpoena at the time they were deleted. I should also add in maybe 50,000 instances of campaign finance violations for her campaign orchestrating flushing almost $100 million campaign in bundled contributions through 43 state parties, which, by giving her campaign control over their bank accounts, acted as her alter egos. Which means up to maybe 100k federal felonies. That should be good for several lifetimes behind bars, under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Yes, the numbers are grotesque. But so were her actions. Likely the biggest security breach in decades. And she was given a complete pass by Comey and the FBI.

Jupiter said...


Your observations are correct for a large number of fields, but not all. As you say, when it is possible to perform large numbers of controlled tests on a system, one can model the system's behavior as a mathematical phenomenon, without worrying too much about "causes" and "effects". Find a polynomial that fits the curve.

But because we cannot do controlled experiments with the weather, let alone the climate, we have no choice but to try to build a model using what we know about thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, molecular spectroscopy, etc, etc. And we model the Earth with unit cells 60 miles on a side. And we put in lots of fudge factors, so we can "tune" the model. Because if you don't tune it, it jumps off a cliff as soon as you start it up. So, we may be learning something, but only an idiot thinks the predictions are valid. An idiot, or an ideologue. Personally, I think it is quite likely that weather and climate are both "chaotic", in the mathematical sense. They are inherently less and less predictable as time advances. It is only the steady metronome of the days and seasons that lends them the illusion of predictability.

Drago said...

Forget it Bruce.

adSs STILL thinks the russians hacked the DNC and did it to help Trump.

Both conspiracy theories, along with many many more pushed by adSs, thoroughly debunked by released documents in 2019 and 2020 proving it was always a hoax.

But adSs stopped listening in January of 2017.

Valentino thomas said...

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