June 13, 2020

"We're supposed to be for each other! We're supposed to be for each other! No! No! No!"


deepelemblues said...

And then they had a six hour meeting to resolve the issues.

*Intervention narrator voice*

No issues were resolved.

Temujin said...

When our generation is gone, and they are to tend for themselves, it'll be a country looking for a Beneficent Dictator. These people could not possibly take care of themselves.

Fernandinande said...

Someone there commented: "Lord Of The Flies". Hello Kitty edition

gilbar said...

Temujin said...
it'll be a country BEGGING for a Beneficent Dictator.

Laslo Spatula said...

I watched this, and can't help but think that many of the white kids are revolutionary tourists: they are there to be cool, knowing they can go home to mom and dad at any time if it gets too uncomfortable with the homeless and the angry.

Made me think of the lyrics to Pulp's 'Common People":

Smoke some fags and play some pool
Pretend you never went to school
But still you'll never get it right
'Cause when you're laid in bed at night
Watching roaches climb the wall
If you called your Dad he could stop it all, yeah...

Sing along with the common people
Sing along and it might just get you through
Laugh along with the common people
Laugh along even though they're laughing at you
And the stupid things that you do
Because you think that poor is cool

I am Laslo.

Bob Boyd said...

The Founding Fatherless.

Howard said...

Anarchy sounds great in theory but it is very difficult in practice. That's why just leave these people alone and they will slowly implode and fade away. I know that's tuff for you deplortables to be deprived of police State riot porn tear gassing pepper bombing rubber bullets Billy clubbing and choke holds.

Howard said...

Temujin: exactly because these people are a randomized cross-section of their generation as a whole. Not some nutball sect. Math is hard, sweetheart

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga's people.

Fernandinande said...

Failed dodgeball 101

(I've seen that video with the Chinese writing cropped out and presented as being of US looters)

LA_Bob said...

The "Antifastan" touch is nice. Really says it all.

When things start getting competitive in CHAZ as it surely will at some point, it will really begin to look like an Antifastan.

mezzrow said...

Calvin nods.

minnesota farm guy said...

and these are the people the mayor and police are afraid of?!?

Sebastian said...

"things that don't work": I like the tag. Will be useful for years to come, as it would have been useful had you blogged the past century of socialist experiments.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Lord of the Flies.

I think we should let a whole bunch of these lefty knuckleheads set up their utopia on some island or out of the way place. Then we can watch how it falls apart and they all devolve into anarchy (or tyranny).


PB said...

No rules means no winners. Just losers.

Darkisland said...

That's just too precious. I particularly enjoyed that racist white boy trying to touch and console the black kid. The black kid keeps trying to move away but the racist white kid won't let him.

I wonder if the racist white kid would have acted like this with another white kid?

Thanks for the video, Ann.

John Henry

Darkisland said...


Inga's people indeed. Thread winner!

John Henry

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Howard Anarchy sounds great in theory but it is very difficult in practice. That's why just leave these people alone and they will slowly implode and fade away.

Agreed. Just let them be isolated from the rest of society to pursue their vision of Utopia. Don't give them any support or help that comes from "organized society" or supported by tax dollars. They oppose all of that anyway. Don't make them hypocrites (ha ha ha) by forcing them to participate in or partake of what they want to destroy.

No food supplies from nasty corporate farms or corporate food processors. No police. No fire dept. No EMTs. No deliveries of supplies of any kind. They will find out how anarchy actually works (evil smile)

Let them show us how it is done when they make their own perfect society /s Like Lord of the Flies. The results are always the same.

Seriously though. What about those poor souls who live, work and own businesses in the CHAZ zone? They didn't ask for this. What a nightmare this must be for them.

Wince said...

Where's Rip Torn when you need him?

"...because it's sterile and I like the taste."

n.n said...

The black kid keeps trying to move away but the racist white kid won't let him.

I wonder if the racist white kid would have acted like this with another white kid?

Probably not. Diversity is a progressive condition.

Smoke some fags and play some pool

That's when fag was a cigarette, and gay was a merry, joyous, pleasant, charming character.

Antifastan, Afghanistan, Taliban. Progressive culture.

Yancey Ward said...

"Dodgeball is a sport of violence, exclusion, and degradation."

Yancey Ward said...

Howard, you ignorant slut, that is what pretty much every single one of us has advocated.

I wonder- do you even read our comments before posting?

Birches said...

This cannot be real.

Drago said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Inga's people."

Howard's Heroes.

You know, just like our boys who stormed Normandy, according to the left/Dems.

Drago said...

Darkisland: "That's just too precious. I particularly enjoyed that racist white boy trying to touch and console the black kid. The black kid keeps trying to move away but the racist white kid won't let him."

Is the white kid's name "Biden"?

Tommy Duncan said...

So rubber bullets and rubber balls have the same effect?

Clyde said...

Did everyone get a participation trophy? And will the CHAZ somehow manage to indigenously manufacture more participation trophies once their current supply, however large it may be, runs out?

Clyde said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jake said...

It's kinda cute to let these kids play at being grown-ups.

Yancey Ward said...

LOL, Laslo! I thought about that song for the first time in over 20 years just a couple of days ago, and for the same reasons.

chuck said...

These utopian community experiments have been made throughout US history. The only ones that have much success have been centered on religion, the most successful of which is probably Utah, née State of Deseret. There were also experiments in the 60's, which mostly foundered because the folks returning to the land couldn't hack the amount of sheer drudgery required to pull it off. Farming is hard.

Clyde said...

Dodgeball? Seriously? "Now we see the violence inherent in the system! Help, I'm being oppressed!"

RNB said...

Maybe they could form a quidditch tourney instead.

chuck said...

See also The Utah War. Yes, yes, Buchanan sent in the troops :)

Night Owl said...

When I was growing up kids had a lot of freedom to make up their own games and rules and fight over them-- physically and verbally-- and we learned a lot about each other and how to get along. Our fights sounded a lot like that young woman saying "we're supposed to be for each other!" I'm thinking, this is the result when you don't allow children to have unsupervised playtime.

These people act and sound like 3 and 4 yr olds on a playground. Sadly, they haven't yet figured out how life and people really work; maybe because their "everyone gets a trophy" parents and teachers made all their decisions for them.

I've said before that the left/Democrat voters are emotionally stunted people, and stuff like this just reinforces my belief. Emotionally retarded adults are easily led. Leftist agitators merely need to appeal to the infantile emotions of their followers at a simplistic slogan level; "black lives matter"; "orange man bad". No deep thought is needed, or even possible. These young people may never have learned to think for themselves.

Static Ping said...

Their failures, which were inevitable, are amusing, though no so much for the people who actually have to live in occupied CHAZ, which is a significant number of people. This is not a bunch of hippies moving into an abandoned farm.

The prior belief was these SJWs were so poorly prepared for the real world that they would struggle when they got out of college. Then it changed to them basically taking over institutions that refused to actually enforce any discipline upon their new hires. And now we are at the point that it is clear that the SJWs, despite power grabs, are indeed absolutely not prepared for the real world and the power they have taken. If history is any guide, this revolution is going to end one of two ways: it will fail and the survivors assimilated back into regular society, or we will get a Napoleon.

Robin Goodfellow said...

What kind of idiot do you have to be to foul up dodgeball?

Darkisland said...

 Wince said...

Where's Rip Torn when you need him

Running The Larry sanders Show!

I am working my through all 90 or so episodes on Amazon Prime with an HBO subscription.

The whole cast is great but "Artie" played by Rip Torn is the real star.

John Henry

pacwest said...

Howard sez: Anarchy sounds great in theory but it is very difficult in practice. That's why just leave these people alone and they will slowly implode and fade away.

A couple of problems with that Howard.
1. The increasing economic devastation to the area.
2. No consequences means it will happen again and again.

Think man. Think!

Narayanan said...

don't jerk your knee too soon

I believe it all depends on the education they got

The real Lord of the Flies

The real Lord of the Flies: what happened when six boys were shipwrecked for 15 months
When a group of schoolboys were marooned on an island in 1965, it turned out very differently from William Golding’s bestseller, writes Rutger Bregman
Mano Totau interview: a survivor’s story of shipwreck and salvation
Rutger Bregman interview: ‘Our secret superpower is our ability to cooperate’

gilbar said...

Do any of these people, look like they could dodge a wrench?

The Crack Emcee said...

You guys are supposed to be for me.

Agree with me or disagree with me, I've been here, I'm honest - I haven't let you down - and I wouldn't throw you under the bus.*


* Except for Shouting Thomas, when he decides to get "lippy".

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“watched this, and can't help but think that many of the white kids are revolutionary tourists: they are there to be cool, knowing they can go home to mom and dad at any time if it gets too uncomfortable with the homeless and the angry.“

Absolutely. Lefty Disneyland, while it lasts. I have a niece, works for Microsoft and about as materialistic as a person can be, who toured CHAZ the other day and then posted on Facebook about how peaceful and loving it is. Guess she missed the guys with the rifles.

tcrosse said...

One day in High School gym class the football coach, a real Tough Guy, had us play dodge ball with softballs. He was a winning coach, so could do no wrong. It was a short game.

Original Mike said...

Not being very athletic, I always liked dodge ball. No skill required. I can't imagine what there is to get upset about.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Laslo Spatula said...

I watched this, and can't help but think that many of the white kids are revolutionary tourists: they are there to be cool, knowing they can go home to mom and dad at any time if it gets too uncomfortable with the homeless and the angry.

That's why I hate the little bastards! They'll get the police force disbanded and some hokey community safety organization established. Then when crime runs rampant they'll just bugger off back to the 'burbs and move into Mater and Pater's basement. It will be the working class and small business owners in these of every color and creed that will bear the consequences, not these little pukes!

Jim at said...

Wouldn't have that problem if they were using molotov cocktails.

mikee said...

My first thought: Referees. With butterfly nets. And thorazine filled syringes.

Howard said...

I hear you pacwest, but a violent confrontation would spawn more anarchists more chaos more riot porn. Instead, they will be a one of one ridiculous failure.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Farming is hard.

6/13/20, 11:12 AM

Have you see the "gardens" started by the CHAZ brats? They grew some weed in a windowbox in their apartment once so they're all set to feed the masses. Of course they have Uber delivering pizzas as a backup.

You could give them 100 acres of the most fertile farmland in America and they'd still end up starving to death.

Clark said...

We made up a playground game when I was in middle school. We called it suicide. The object was to get control of the ball and run (anywhere) with it. Whoever had the ball was subject to being tackled by everybody else. No other rules. We played this on asphalt. I do not recall anyone ever getting hurt. I suppose we were ordered not to play it after only few days. But for a while it was great fun.

Krumhorn said...

I know that's tuff for you deplortables to be deprived of police State riot porn tear gassing pepper bombing rubber bullets Billy clubbing and choke holds.

...actually, yes. I would very much like to see that. If there is any chance that Howard would still be in CHAZ at the time, so much the better. The problem is that even he has to go to his mommy's house to take a bath once in awhile so he may miss the show. The prospect of tear gas and rubber projectiles will do that to the less nutted of the group.

- Krumhorn

Original Mike said...

"We made up a playground game when I was in middle school. We called it suicide. The object was to get control of the ball and run (anywhere) with it. Whoever had the ball was subject to being tackled by everybody else. No other rules."

We called it "Smear", as in what happened to the ball carrier.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Seriously though. What about those poor souls who live, work and own businesses in the CHAZ zone? They didn't ask for this. What a nightmare this must be for them."

If it helps any, there's a good chance most of those poor souls voted for the politicians "in charge" of Seattle.

Clark said...

@Original Mike: Smear and suicide. It's just like Leibniz and Newton inventing the calculus independently.

Milwaukie guy said...

As a former member of the Revolutionary Union in the 70s, I told my armchair revolutionary daughter just yesterday that The Revolution is all fun and games until the shooting starts.

I gently remind her how that on opening day of deer season in the Midwest + Pennsylvania, not the same day exactly so there's surely some overlap in the numbers, some 6 million well-armed hunters, many of whom are shaprshooters, take to the woods. How many are urban liberals?

Inga said...

“Anarchy sounds great in theory but it is very difficult in practice. That's why just leave these people alone and they will slowly implode and fade away. I know that's tuff for you deplortables to be deprived of police State riot porn tear gassing pepper bombing rubber bullets Billy clubbing and choke holds.”


Milwaukie guy said...

@Clark. A great playground game, all against one. We called it schmer-em. Being in third grade then, I never thought about the spilling. When our 3rd grade teacher, Miss Shappi, castigated us and reminded us of the rules, she pronounced it smear-em. The boys all laughed. What a hilarious tool. We ignored her.

It reminds me of when I worked on the frame line, the beginning of the chassis line, at the Chicago Ford Torrance assembly plant.in the 70s. We'd drop a string of firecrackers in a 55-gal. drum. When they went off, the supervisors freaked out and the soiboys and girls on the Trim Line used to pop up like gophers, WTF?

With the gunpowder smoke wafting from the garbage drum quite near me, we'd keep working and chant, "What are you going to do?" No frame line, no chassis line, no production, just some smoke curling out of a garbage drum. What are you going to do?

frak said...

We played smear and a variation that we called “Ernie green”. With Ernie green, the guy with the ball would head-hunt you and try to flatten you. Named after the Cleveland browns fullback who ran in tandem with jim brown. As young boys, it looked to us like green was hunting the defense instead of the other way around. We loved him.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“If it helps any, there's a good chance most of those poor souls voted for the politicians "in charge" of Seattle.”

Overwhelmingly. “Good and Hard” seems to be the motto of this political moment.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“We called it "Smear", as in what happened to the ball carrier.”

Oh, jeez. Don’t be so dainty. It was universally called “Smear the Queer”.

Milwaukie guy said...

Schmere-em or whatever. I've heard it called Smear the Queer much, much later. Surprisingly, 3rd graders in 1960 had a much different understanding of the word queer. It meant weird, eccentric but not a retard weird way.

todd galle said...

It was 'smear the queer' when I was in elementary school, early 70s.

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