June 2, 2020

The NYT and The Washington Post choose their narrative: The protests are peaceful, and Trump's reaction — threatening force and posing as religious — is irrational.

This is how the NYT front page (on line) looks right now:

And this is The Washington Post:


Mark said...

Funny, he didn't follow his advice that he recently gave to the Michigan Governor and invite them in to talk. And these protesters weren't even armed!

"These are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal.”

Clyde said...


Man shot, killed during burglary attempt at South Philadelphia gun store, police say

Investigators said the gun shop owner told them he was staking out his store following an earlier burglary attempt. He said he watched the security screen show three or four men use wire cutters to break through the gate and enter the store.

The owner said he pointed his gun at the man inside the store and fired, striking him in the head. The two to three other people ran from the scene.

Officials said another person arrived at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital with a gunshot wound to his shoulder. Police are unsure if this shooting is connected to the incident at this time.
[VOICEOVER: It was.]

The goblins are increasingly going to start running into armed people defending their property and lives. In this case, scratch one goblin.

R C Belaire said...

Yawn. Another day, another shot at Trump.

mezzrow said...

I wondered where this would go, in terms of how the freakout would roll out in this election year.

The police shootings have started early (see Dallas and Baton Rouge in 2016 - not until summer) and the riots are larger than the rollout in 2016. Trump and the "protestors" have one thing in common. They think this is about Trump.

This is about anger. Anger at the preceding 16 years put Trump where he is. The "white riot" in November in response to our current events may win him 40 states. Before then, there will be more violence. The key is whether the narrative can succeed in making Trump responsible for this violence. After then, the "resistance" will either surrender or escalate. I don't have any chips placed on surrender.

Put the popcorn down, mezz. This has gone past "entertainment."

Earnest Prole said...

"White instigators are to blame for much of the mayhem," as though the media just discovered Antifa yesterday. What a pity curiosity isn't taught in journalism schools.

paminwi said...

My son, who has lived in NYC for over 10 years said he has never heard so many sirens as he did two nights ago and last night. He’s mentioned the constant presence of helicopters like he’s never seen before. He used to go for his run around 8:00pm and it looks like that is gone for him now because of the “peaceful protesters”.
Peaceful my ass!
We are way beyond peaceful protest time.
Have the NYT/WaPo written about how there seems to be miraculous brick deliveries in all these protest areas?
Have they written about how Minneapolis police have found stashes of gasoline in various parts of the city?
The weakness of these governors and cities is just amazing.
DeBlasio had a curfew of 11:00pm? WTF was he thinking?
Taking his cues from the failed Mayor Baltimore from years past who said it’s ok to destroy buildings?

Matt Sablan said...

"Police and Protesters Are Injured"

That's the type of sentence I was specifically taught NOT to write in grammar classes. Also, is this the same peaceful rally that has injured multiple Secret Service members over the last few days?

I get that not every person there was violent, but we have to stop pretending that absolutely no one there is. If the mob won't do what they did in that one video of them grabbing the guy breaking things and throwing him to the police, or stopping other violent crimes, then the police are going to HAVE to act. Hopefully it won't be a disaster.

Clyde said...

And just to add to the story of that Philadelphia looter getting his just desserts at the gun store, I'm sure that he'll get the St. Trayvon treatment from the media: We'll be shown pictures of him in his middle-school graduation cap and gown, looking innocent. Any prior criminal record will be whitewashed by the media to support their narrative. "He didn't deserve to DIE!" his relatives will wail on television. Well, to hell with all of them! He was a goblin and he got what he deserved. And I won't feel any sympathy AT ALL for any other goblins who follow their criminal inclinations to an early grave at the hands of armed, law-abiding citizens.

stevew said...

"Trump Threatens Force; Police and Protesters Injured"

"Tear gas used on Peaceful Rally so President can pose at Church"

"White Instigators are to blame for much of the Mayhem, officials say."

Nothing civil about this civil unrest. I watched the scene of the DC Force moving the "protesters" back to clear the way for Trump to visit the church. The crowd was mostly young white people, and male. Occasionally one protester would approach the line of cops and shout stuff at them. Then self-satisfied, walk away.

My governor, at the beginning of a Covid reopening update, whined that Trump's words were "incendiary". I wanted to ask if Trump's words were more or less incendiary than the riots, looting, burning, and vandalizing of the past few days. Bastard won't take my call though.

Meanwhile, Obama encourages activists to exploit the death of George Floyd to affect "real change". Obama Speaks

How's that for "incendiary"?

And then we have the family of George Floyd, in particular his brother, saying this: “They’re using this as an excuse to be stupid,” Floyd said about his brother’s death at the hands of four Minneapolis police officers. The family wants an end to all of the rioting not just in the Twin Cities but around the country, which they see as an affront to the way George Floyd lived his life. “Do something positive,” he urged, “stop making excuses”

The NYT and WaPo can't seem to find the space to report on that.

Matt Sablan said...

""White instigators are to blame for much of the mayhem," as though the media just discovered Antifa yesterday."

-- Personally, I'm getting sick of the amount of deliberate obtuseness on Antifa. The same people will say "who's Antifa? Show me the group! Who are members? Do they have a roster?" and then say "Antifa started in WW2 against the Nazis. PROUD TO BE ANTIFA." People have gotten so very, very stupid when it comes to antifa.

Michael said...

Fine, Nancy, no tear gas n Ca.

Rick said...

Eleven people are dead. The media calls this peaceful because they want it to continue since they think it will help Dems politically.

rcocean said...

Oh, those poor Protesters! Can't we let them riot, loot, and vandalize in peace?

Why cant' we all get along?

Lawrence Person said...

Sky News Australia is more honest: “Of Course Antifa Is Behind The Violence!”

rcocean said...

White instigators doesn't equal Antifa. The NYT/WaPo still won't call out Antifa for being domestic terrorists & organizing the riots and destruction. Why? Well, one reason is because many top Democrat Politicians have children/relatives in that that criminal organization.

rcocean said...

"White instigators" is a vague word that also allows the Press, without evidence, to push the conspiracy theory that some mysterious "Russians" and "KKK/Neo Nazis" are behind it all.

Balfegor said...

Journalists' insistence on characterizing these sorts of protests as "peaceful" or "mostly peaceful" when there's looting and violence on this scale is infuriating. But I know that progressives threaten them with retaliation if they don't credit activists' nonsense claims that all the violence comes from outsiders, not the "real" protesters. And politicians fall for the same dodge.

Bilwick said...

There's a funny video about "the peaceful protests" by Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire on YouTube. It has the now-classic footage of the reporter commenting on the peacefulness of it all while a building burns in the background; but even funnier is the one with the reporter ducking as rioters throw stuff at him, while talking about how peaceful they are. He concedes that, yes, people just attempted to clobber him, "but not in a mean way."

wendybar said...

Remember the peaceful Tea Party, and how they were called BARBARIANS, RACISTS, ENEMIES, TRAITORS, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION ect...ect…. This is the opposite. We live in upside down world now where destruction is peaceful, and PEACEFUL are hateful...Progressive like to change words, and meanings like that to fit their agendas.

iowan2 said...

"The New York Times and Washington Post choose their narrative"

Thanks AA for finally picking up on my, oh, so astute teachings. I've been pointing out for a long time, the media/DNC has no interest in news, they only care to curate selected current events to set, and advance, their DNC narrative.
That's why linking to any news source to buttress an argument is problematic. But I've seen some actually quote an un-named "source" at twitter, to support their personal narrative. Things are really that bad.

Kevin said...

If Trump acts: Excessive Force Against Peaceful Protesters!

If Trump doesn't act: Trump Lacks the Leadership to Stop the Violence!

Kevin said...

Trump has actually played this pretty well. He immediately denounced the killing and put his administration into high-gear to do something about it.

Then he let the Mayors and Governors try to do their jobs.

Now he's threatening to intervene to give some of them the necessary spine to start arresting people.

And finally he'll go into one or more cities to embarrass the final few who can't stop "understanding" the riots long enough to stop them.

Kevin said...

Where's Hunter?

Anybody seen him?

Browndog said...

Media went from Antifa does not exist to Antifa is white supremcists in 24 hours.

rwnutjob said...

Literally in the NYT:
“I have not seen any clear evidence that white supremacists or militiamen are masking up and going out to burn and loot,” said Howard Graves, a research analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center who tracks white supremacist and other anti-government extremist groups.

tommyesq said...

They chose this narrative two weeks before the protests began!

Howard said...

That's exactly right Trump has purposefully fan the flames of the violence encouraging subversive groups infiltrating the protest in order spur violence and you deplorables are his useful idiots.

Thistlerose said...

I live and work about 5 miles from downtown Dallas. Saturday we covered all entrances with plywood and closed early. We opened the at our normal time on Sunday but they did not take down the plywood. Store employees are the typical Dallas mix of about 1/3 white, 1/3 black and 1/3 Hispanic. Looked like all employees showed up to work on Sunday. We got a ton of questions about the plywood on the windows from customers. This is not a good look, It made the customers realize that what had happened in downtown could happen in their neighborhood. The employees and customers have just been through 3 months of the corona virus scare. We have all bonded and care much more for the people we work with and serve then we care about the people doing the looting.

The protesters need to stop the protests and tell America that their cause is too important to allow it to be over shadowed by the looting that has been following the protests. No one thinks that what happened to George Floyd was right but what is happening now is also wrong. He and his family deserve better than this.

JAORE said...

They chose their narratives about four years ago.

n.n said...

NYT has their own brand of religion, which is notably selective, opportunistic. #HateLovesAbortion

n.n said...

"These are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal.”

The people... persons harmed by the protestors indulging warlock judgments and dreams of redistributive change?

Tom T. said...

The newspapers seem to think that their readers don't watch TV.

n.n said...

Eleven people are dead. The media calls this peaceful because they want it to continue since they think it will help Dems politically.

They are understandably desperate after 16 trimesters of prosecuting witch hunts and warlock judgments. We can empathize with their progress. Let us bray.

Matt Sablan said...

"Eleven people are dead. The media calls this peaceful because they want it to continue since they think it will help Dems politically."

-- I'd like a COVID style tracking of the dead and injured.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Your lying eyes.

The entire leftwing production is all being lied about from the top to the bottom of the corruptocrat party.

Unknown said...

The media are riot cheerleaders

more traffic

chance to hurt Trump

Kills economy when "stay at home" failed

evil, evil, evil group

Enemy of the people

Calypso Facto said...

Matt Sablan said..."I'd like a COVID style tracking of the dead and injured."

It's definitely in the dreaded EXPONENTIAL!!11! phase right now ...

MountainMan said...

Some of you may have already seen this but here is a web page with a pretty good collection of photos and videos on the placement of bricks before the protests. I understand from some other reports I read yesterday that incendiary materials (Molotovs, most likely) are also being pre-positioned. Notice in one of the videos from Manhattan how gleeful the Antifa types are who show up to start collecting their bricks - “Yo, we got bricks, we got bricks!!”

Bruce Hayden said...

I could understand if the papers were from cities without much violence. But they looted Macy’s last night, in Manhattan, and defaced several monuments and burned a 200 year old church in DC. And those two papers are still trying to pretend that there were just peaceful protests. And no doubt some of their sophisticated, well educated, patrons are stupid enough to almost believe them. Until, of course, they try to go somewhere there has been rioting and looting. Like apparently much of downtown a Manhattan, or DC around the WH, etc.

But maybe these papers are right. The protesters during the day are mostly peaceful. It is just the rioters who arrive at night, replacing them, who are so violent and destructive. And that has nothing to do with Trump really, but rather these anarchists and nihilists only real goal is the destruction of this country.

Sam L. said...

I despise, detest, and distrust the NYT and the WaPoo. And here they go again, giving me more reasons to do so.

ga6 said...

"I'd like a COVID style tracking of the dead and injured."

Chicago: May 2020 - 390 shot, 81 homicides by firearms

Birkel said...

When did "narrative" become a synonym for "lies"?

narciso said...

Go on:


Michael K said...

I could understand if the papers were from cities without much violence.

"Who you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes?"

MadTownGuy said...

There's a deliberate attempt by the news outlets to create the illusion of a dichotomy between the peaceful protesters and the violent ones. I think they're both of a piece, one group happy to let the other do the dirty work. "No justice, no peace."

Cassandra said...

re: "Tear gas used on Peaceful Rally so President can pose at Church"

I live in the DC area. WTOP's Neil Augenstein talked to the Park Police and they said:

1. Police didn't use tear gas. They did use smoke canisters....

2. ...because police being pelted with water bottles and protesters were climbing on structures that had been burned the previous day.

3. They had NO idea Trump was headed that way, so he had nothing to do with it.

Link: https://twitter.com/AugensteinWTOP/status/1267791336146636800

Birches said...

They're desperate to control the narrative. I'm not going to go as far as saying this guarantees Trump's reelection, but people aren't stupid. They know the rioting is happening.

We went to one of the only stores open last night because there's a statewide curfew. No one was wearing a mask. We went to that same store a week ago. It was at least half wearing masks. If that doesn't reflect the idea that the public just figured out they were being played, I don't know what does.

Douglas B. Levene said...

Gaslighting only goes so far. I hope. Well, maybe I'm wrong. The country is still filled with millions of people who believe that the Steele dossier was true and that Trump is a Russian intellligence asset, just because the media repeated those claims over and over again for the past three years. So it's possible that the media's attempt to portray riots as peaceful protests, and to blame Trump for the violence, might succeed. After, who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

JaimeRoberto said...

Lots of people don't consider property damage to be violence, so as long as the protesters are only burning and smashing and stealing they are non-violent and therefore peaceful. I'm not one of those people who think that way, but I've seen the argument.

Bilwick said...

Remember that brain-dead State-cultists like Howard, ARM, Inga, et al, actually believe that the State is our best friend and the more power it gets, the better off we'll all be. If you're stupid enough to buy into that, you're stupid enough to buy into any narrative the Hive puts before you.

Mark said...

Meanwhile, after the mob that had destroyed public peace and order was dispersed at Lafayette Park, the D.C. Police used pepper spray, CS gas and projectiles to clear the crowds threatening Judiciary Square, as they had used them elsewhere in the city and the night before and the night before that.

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