June 21, 2020

Some Trump video clips for your amusement or pain.


eddie willers said...

Are liberals ever going to be funny?

Ice Nine said...

"Shame"?? Did I miss something?

narciso said...

the grift project of rick wilson who was 400k before the qataris paid his way,

Temujin said...

Sarah Cooper is pretty fuckin' funny, and talented. Trump's drinking and tossing of the glass was great. Rick Wilson's videos are, well...Rick Wilson's videos. I liked the one with the Confederate flag better.

Drago said...

Ice Nine: ""Shame"?? Did I miss something?"

Nope. There is nothing there. It's the goldfish feeding, ramp walking, 2 scoops of ice cream made up outrages of the day.

sunsong said...

Sooo funny. Biden has a very good ad making team. Someone said on twitter:

Trump is losing to a man who isn't even campaigning. LOL

I love Sarah Cooper!

BoatSchool said...

Love the video of Biden running UP the ramp in 2016. Anyone think that pulling up a video from 4 years ago simply highlights cognitive decline from them to now ?

MikeD said...


Drago said...

Meanwhile, democratics/marxists are now removing a statue of Teddy Roosevelt in NYC.

Because of course they are.

It was never about the Confederacy.


Inga said...

Hilarious and sad though. Poor guy he looks like he had a good hard cry on the helicopter, some tears dripped on his tie, so now it’s ruined and has to be thrown out, more tears. He is so emotionally spent he lumbers across the lawn to go to bed where the staff have already supplied him with comfort food, a Big Mac, large fries and two little apple pies. No tweets, he’s been so quiet, that’s worrying.

Narayanan said...

Ice Nine said...
"Shame"?? Did I miss something?
he is coming back from Tulsa Rally - dashed expectations

bbkingfish said...

You have to admit it truly is hilarious that a bunch of K-pop fans could completely bamboozle the entire Trump campaign and political, ah, brain trust.

No wonder the Saudis, Israelis, Russkis, Chicoms, and that fat kid from North Korea so easily lead Trump around by the nose.

Note: This is not concern trolling, but, rather, more or less straightforward mockery.

rehajm said...

Is this what this is all about?

Ken B said...

Walk of shame?

Seriously, if you cannot see that clips like this represent the triumph of sneering prejudice you are blind. This is the twitterization of America — to which Trump has contributed — in full flower.

rehajm said...

Speaking of The Lincoln Project...

effinayright said...

I wonder what year of Obama's first term was that Biden West Point clip taken from?

Howard said...

Libtards don't have to be funny with a comedy gold mine like Trump. God ordains humor out of the mouth of babes and sucklings;

readering said...

You need the helicopter video with music choices.

Fubar.N.Wass said...

true walk of shame


bagoh20 said...

I kinda like the whiny bitch one, but who does a "walk of shame" that includes looking people in the eye, waving, and multiple thumbs up. Maybe "shame" means something different in the original Esperanto.

Nothing the Dems have on Trump will overcome the mental incapacity of their candidate, which isn't really funny, just sad.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

He gave a great speech last night, something Biden is utterly unable to do, and so the mean girls and eunuchs that comprise the left and the pathetic Never Trumpers have to come up with their catty little digs.

Who cares? Those who love their country will vote for Trump. The groveling serfs will vote for Biden.

I think there are still more patriots than serfs in the country, despite the best efforts of the American indoctrination system.

wendybar said...

The NEVER Trumpers are as dumb as the progressives they are emulating!!!

Jim at said...

They really have nothing else, do they.

It'll be great fun to shove it down their throats in November.

narciso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

"Trump is losing to a man who isn't even campaigning. LOL"

Is that supposed to be a good thing? It does not speak well for those supporting Biden.

Biden is not only not campaigning, he's not doing anything. Not taking questions from the press, not talking policy, not showing any leadership, not even coming out of his basement. The people who support him should be embarrassed. He's like a 30 year old unemployed drop out living in his parents' basement criticizing the leader of the world who works more hours in a single day than Biden spends awake in a week.

narciso said...

the drooling idiot with his coked up son and his stripper grandkid, reinvented as the enterprising artist, and his other coked up kid, who is big on criminal justice reform of course,

bagoh20 said...

"No wonder the Saudis, Israelis, Russkis, Chicoms, and that fat kid from North Korea so easily lead Trump around by the nose."

In what way did they do that? Seems to me all those nations have been forced to respect the US far more under Trump than his predecessors. I also notice you left some out, like Iran for instance. Their incoming planeloads of extortion cash have seemed to dried up lately, along with their economy and their standing relative to us.

All of our enimies would prefer Biden, including the press and those trying to burn down the country. Nice company you keep.

Birkel said...

Did Trump mention NYC taking down the Teddy's Roosevelt statue?
Or was that decision only made today?

Where are the resident experts on statue removal?


Leftist Collectivists cannot be given an inch.
All the weak-willed pansy asses need to learn this lesson.
They correctly view you as weak.

0_0 said...

I'm watching Wolf Blitzer at the moment. He is bringing on people like a former NAACP head, showing clips of a Trump calling those who burn down churches 'animals', and tut-tutting over how the Republicans are pandering to their base and being unAmerican for condemning 'protestors'.

Marcus Bressler said...

He just got finished a few hours earlier ridiculing the media for making fun of his ramp walk. And now this. They, like some here, just can't help themselves. He looked great at the end of this video; he's a 74 year old man who can run circles in stamina and endurance around Biden or any other Dem that might come up with the nomination.


Happy Father's Day to all out there. It's been a tough one.

Wince said...

Lincoln said there would be no math!

That was not a "3-degree angle".

It may be a 1:3 slope, which is 18.4 degrees.

Ken B said...

Sarah Cooper's humor consists solely in one thing: sneering. I think less of Althouse — and Meade — for liking it.

Narr said...

Biden "not a whiny bitch"?

Don't they know he's a D?

D- on my curve

Michael K said...

You have to admit it truly is hilarious that a bunch of K-pop fans could completely bamboozle the entire Trump campaign and political, ah, brain trust.

No, bb , it's stupidity, Did you notice that Tik Tok is a Chinese company. You know those other communists.

Unknown said...

> bunch of K-pop fans could completely bamboozle the entire Trump campaign and political

I was unaware they switched from 19,000 seat stadium to 1,000,000 seat stadium.

But please continue your narrative.

roesch/voltaire said...

It seems at the ramp rally Trump send most of his time acting out the role of Humpty Dumpty to the amusement of the devoted.

rcocean said...

NYC is taking down Teddy Roosevelt's statue. I'm serious, this won't end till anything related to every President through Ronald Reagan is wiped out. Rich Lowry and National Review are writing "The conservative case for destroying Ike's statue" right now. While David French cries tears for the lack of statues for Adam Clayton Powell.

rcocean said...

Bolten is now saying he will NOT support Biden. Which will make the D's Happy. They don't want this loser's support. Instead, he and Mittens will "write in" the name of a Conservative Republican. In other words, like Mittens and Jeb, he will not support the Republican President for re-election.

Thank God. Trump needs a sister soljah moment where he can tell off the the Chamber of Commerce, RINOs.

rcocean said...

Antifa and BLM are now the paramilitary wing of the Democrat Party. Stormtroopers for the Left. Now we know why the D leadership and the Media refuse to criticize their rioting and violence. They're all on the same team.

rcocean said...

The left used to be funny. Even Jon stewart could be funny. Its like they all took a boring pill when Trump and Obama came along.

Balfegor said...

The water one really is funny. The walk of shame one is prettt blah. Might be funnier if it were shorter and had some background music.

Sebastian said...

bagoh20: "The people who support him should be embarrassed"

Apart from the fact that prog don't do embarrassment, they aren't anyway.

They will eagerly vote for Joe: it guarantees that progs will be in charge and a Joe administration will be the most leftist ever.

Dementia is a plus.

Drago said...

sunsong: "Trump is losing to a man who isn't even campaigning. LOL"

Remember when Trump was losing to Hillary?

Seems like only yesterday.

I recall Inga regaling us with all of mindreading insights into Trump's inner thoughts during the campaign and how panicked Trump always was and how horrible it was always going for Trump........

.......and then.......something.....happened.......

I'm trying to recall what it was.

Inga reading Trump's mind is still my favorite Inga mindreading excursion, even more than Inga's 2 year long Mueller mindreading seance wherein Inga would give us the inside scoop as to the brilliance of Bobby Mueller and what it all meant to a panicky Trump.....

.....and then.....something.....happened......again.

I'm trying to recall what that was as well.

Drago said...

Has Inga explained how it was that those hawaiian shirt wearing Boogaloo-ers convinced the innocent and pure of heart and naive "protesters" to take down the Theodore Roosevelt statue?

Those hawaiian shirt guys are really amazing given that they somehow convinced the Black Lives Matter marxists to vandalize memorials to black Americans who fought against the Confederacy!

That was pretty impressive.

Almost as impressive as the European hawaiian shirt guys convincing the European BLM folks to tear down statues of Gandhi!!

Nichevo said...

Ken B said...
Walk of shame?

Seriously, if you cannot see that clips like this represent the triumph of sneering prejudice you are blind. This is the twitterization of America — to which Trump has contributed — in full flower.
6/21/20, 5:42 PM

Curious-do judges judge on the merits of a case, or on lulz? Because when you're being raped to death in a pool of your husband's blood, the memory of lulz is what you will have to take with you wherever you think it is you are going. The merits of the case will be what sends you on your way.

Curious-the Mathers are just the types who would be canceled today if the canceling people were educated enough, and like enough their turn will come, if indeed there are any monuments left to them. Officer Rolfe's *step*mother was fired for being related to him.

If this all had happened 20 years ago and you lost your career because you are direct Mather kin, would it still be lulzy?

Jon Ericson said...

Some Althouse images for your amusement or pain.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Fernandinande said...

It was never about the Confederacy.

Teddy Roosevelt was white. That's good enough...or bad enough.

I mentioned in at the end of a dead thread here that Steve Hsu has been canceled ("asked to resign"), apparently for mentioning, in 2019, some research which showed that there is little or no racism in police shootings.

The dishonest, hypocritical mealy-mouthed statement from Michigan State University President Samuel Stanley Jr. is here.

The Genius Savant said...

Rachel Fisher has a LOT of comedy she should immediately start watching.

Kevin said...

"Trump is losing to a man who isn't even campaigning. LOL"

Biden should be up by at least 50 points.

Gunner said...

These NeverTrump losers at the Lincoln Project think that it is a "walk of shame" that a man in his 70s looks tired after a big rally and plane flight. Can someone explain this?

Birkel said...

Let's not forget:

The Walls are Closing In!!!eleventyteen!!1!!!!1!

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "It seems at the ramp rally Trump send most of his time acting out the role of Humpty Dumpty to the amusement of the devoted."

Look, I know you really want to jump in and be part of the team, but could at least try and put some effort into it?

I mean, look at Inga. She has spent years convincing herself that she can read minds and is an expert on military strategy and geopolitical relations so her moronic utterances are really quite amusing.

Your moronic missives?

Not so much.

Be better.

Drago said...

"Freedom, Sancho, is one of the most precious gifts heaven gave to men; the treasures under the earth and beneath the sea cannot compare to it; for freedom, as well as for honor, one can and should risk one’s life, while captivity, on the other hand, is the greatest evil that can befall men."
--'Miguel de Cervantes

Yesterday the marxist left, which is now a majority of the democrat party, tore down a statue of Cervantes....

.....because he served in the Confederacy.

Note: we have been informed by Inga andthe rest of the Fightin' Moron Brigade that only Confederate monuments were being taken down.

So PRESTO! Cervantes served in the Confederacy, alongside Major Gandhi and Lt General Winston Churchill.

doctrev said...

bagoh20 said...

In what way did they do that? Seems to me all those nations have been forced to respect the US far more under Trump than his predecessors. I also notice you left some out, like Iran for instance. Their incoming planeloads of extortion cash have seemed to dried up lately, along with their economy and their standing relative to us.

6/21/20, 6:34 PM

China is in the middle of full scale panic. They won't survive four more years of Trump. Iran not only lost the nuclear deal, they were disemboweled when Soleimani died. Now they don't dare stick their necks out: Trump would love to lynch their agents and add some Democrats to the butcher's bill. ISIS has been annihilated, and that makes Dems super sad. While Venezuela is so badly crippled they're hardly even a country.

The second term will have more flexibility, especially in dealing with elders like Soros and Bloomberg.

Readering said...

Only 6 out of 53 comments drago's? Work harder, man!

jeremyabrams said...

That Biden ad is going to remind people of how vital and alive Joe Biden ordinarily is, or is when he is ordinary. Big mistake. No clips of the former Biden, please.

Birkel said...

Fifty something comments and never a single readering comment of substance.

You're trying too hard.

narciso said...

Well cervantes was a slave in algerian proson, after the battle of lepanto so that will teach them.

Inga said...

“Only 6 out of 53 comments drago's? Work harder, man!”


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

rcocean said...
The left used to be funny. Even Jon stewart could be funny. Its like they all took a boring pill when Trump and Obama came along.

6/21/20, 7:49 PM

When you're offended and triggered by everything and Trump and Trump voters are the only things you can safely make fun of without getting into hot water, you become boring. Apparently Jimmy Kimmel had that grifter cracka woman who is making a zillion bucks selling her "White Fragility" screed to leftist cracka idiots and Greg Gutfeld showed the tape last night. As Gutfeld noted, Kimmel looked like he was being held hostage. Instead of jokes, liberals now watch late night struggle sessions and scoldy lectures with the same grim devotion colonial Puritans displayed sitting in church all day listening to Jonathan Edwards.

One reason I increasingly think Trump will win is because it's simply much more fun to be a deplorable. Those people at his rally were enjoying themselves and so was he.

Drago said...

Readering: "Only 6 out of 53 comments drago's? Work harder, man!"

I only post because the Germans invaded althouse blog from the West.

narciso said...

There is the three generation problem, mai came down from the north, deng consolidared it, xi is wasting the advances accrued some will step up to topple him. In iran sanctions and the virus have damaged iran, even rebellion among sugar workers.

sunsong said...

"John Bolton reveals he had to tell Trump things over and over again because they 'wouldn't sink in' "

donald is not fit for the office

Inga said...

“Antifa and BLM are now the paramilitary wing of the Democrat Party. Stormtroopers for the Left. Now we know why the D leadership and the Media refuse to criticize their rioting and violence. They're all on the same team.”

Boogaloo and White Nationalist militias are now the paramilitary wing of the Republican Party. Stormtroopers for the Right. Now we know why the R leadership and R media refuse to criticize their killing and ambushing law enforcement and federal agents and attempting to firebomb power stations. They’re all on the same team.

Drago said...

When Inga runs out of things to say she usually starts counting posts by others.....looks like its contagious.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Yesterday the marxist left, which is now a majority of the democrat party, tore down a statue of Cervantes...."

Not only was Cervantes not a slaveowner, he was actually enslaved for a number of years.

But his slavery was of the sort leftists approve of: the greatest Spanish writer ever was taken captive and enslaved by Muslims. That's the slavery Inga and ARM and readering and sunsong and Howard don't like to think about because it interferes with their "White People are Evil (except for me)" narrative. Well, OK, they might not even know about it because, let's face it, these are not well-read people. The only novel Inga appears to have ever read is "The Handmaid's Tale."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I enjoyed this video: BLM protesters on an ATV do a wheelie while harassing people waiting in line for the Trump rally and end up beclowning themselves, much to the good-natured amusement of the crowd:

madAsHell said...

Tactical Urbanism

You only need the iron sights!!

eddie willers said...

The last funny Democrat was Mo Udall.

He died in 1998.

ColoradoJim said...

How many people in their 70s could lead a rally standing up the entire time under stressful situations going on outdoors then fly back and get back to the White House at 12:15 AM in the morning? You would have to be superhuman not to be tired even at 50 years old. It is remarkable how he has held up under the constant attacks on him ever since he got elected. Imagine any one of the recent democrat presidents facing such pressure. The only president I can think of even remotely close to his situation is Lincoln with a divided country and riots going on in New York City and Washington DC pretty much a Southern city by culture. His press was quite negative as well.

Much of what was going on in the background was hidden by the press to fit their narrative but now with the internet and cell phones things are much more in the open, both good and bad. JFK’s and FDR’s medical issues would have been impossible to cover up as well as Wilson’s stroke. The press may try to spin the news to their favor but they are quickly demolished with a single video or screen capture, hence the intense demand of censoring “fake” or “hate” news. If they can “disappear” unwelcome facts they have a much better chance of controlling their version of truth.

The press courses in schools these days are doing a very poor job of actually teaching people to report the news in a fair and unbiased matter and it has only got worse over the years. Did it start with schools hiring very clearly biased instructors? How on earth was Ayers hired after being involved in a violent group? Or Angela Davis who was once denied a teaching position for being a hardline communist and later got involved in a murder case by providing weapons and was still kept as a teacher? I tried looking online and never found any evidence that Angela or Ayers have apologized for their actions. Yes second chances are possible but not if the person does not change.

Ice Nine said...

>>Narayanan said...
Ice Nine said...
"Shame"?? Did I miss something?
he is coming back from Tulsa Rally - dashed expectations<<

Yes, I know. My question stands.

Mark said...

So AA is posting videos by, and giving credence to, hate groups now.

PubliusFlavius said...

The best clip will be the collection of clips
will be the Tik Tok communists crying on Nov 3.

Narayanan said...

if Trump can decide not to bomb Iran for merely shooting down a drone I don't see why local authorities have to do anything when statues are toppled.

PluralThumb said...

Yes. I agree. Happy father's day !

Chuck said...

6/21/20, 5:24 PM
Blogger Drago said...
Meanwhile, democratics/marxists are now removing a statue of Teddy Roosevelt in NYC.

Because of course they are.

It was never about the Confederacy.


The Roosevelt statue is being taken down, not by a mob, but at the request of the American Museum of Natural History, with the approval of New York City’s elected government.

Their reason for the removal is not about any “leftist/collectivist” claims versus TR; rather it is about the statue itself. Which includes not just Roosevelt astride a horse, but also the bewilderingly patronizing portrayal of an American Indian (war bonnet and all) and a shirtless black man.

The Roosevelt family’s position for several years has favored removing the statue. And the Museum has done community outreach and public displays to gauge public impressions of the statue. There has been a very long push to remove the statue, long predating the Trump presidency.

And the Museum is not condemning TR in any other way. A Department of the Museum; a nearby associated park; all remain named in honor of Roosevelt.

If you have not seen a front-facing photo of the statue, you had better click on some Google images before you comment about this. As usual, what could be a serious and nuanced discussion is quickly taken into the realm of stupid emotionalism and knee jerk reactionism in the Era of Trump.

Rory said...

"These NeverTrump losers at the Lincoln Project think that it is a "walk of shame" that a man in his 70s looks tired after a big rally and plane flight. Can someone explain this?"

They've never done an honest day's work, so they're always composed.

Rusty said...

Walk of shame? He's walking off of Air Force One, loser.

Mr. Forward said...

Can we give Chuck credit when he's right? The Roosevelt statue is a patronizing horror.

Mr. Forward said...

I would like to propose a statue to Cruel Neutrality with the arms not pointing in any direction. The choice for the model is obvious if we can get her to sit still that long.

roesch/voltaire said...

Dear devoted Drago obviously I do not share your complete embrace of Humpty Dumpty whose dismantling of our country is so egregious that I am only left with sarcasm at his continued parody of being president.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Looting America Matters, if you're a Pelosi-Schitt Democratic.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

If someone says he didn’t go to Chicago because of the pizza, did he mean he didn’t go to Chicago?

Curious George said...

"Rusty said...
Walk of shame? He's walking off of Air Force One, loser."

Marine One, but yeah. And to his super model wife.

readering said...

Funny Sarah Cooper, google "How to empty seat"

ken in tx said...

You have to be a dedicated hater to see Trump's step-down from Marine One as a walk of shame. He looks like a valiant warrior home for a welcome rest. I notice he did not fail to return the marine's salute, like some others have done in the past.