June 8, 2020

"Seeing the brutality of a white power structure toward its poor black citizens [on the streets of Ferguson], and at its rawest, helped shape the way a generation of reporters..."

"... most of them black, looked at their jobs when they returned to their newsrooms. And by 2014... Twitter...  offered a counterweight to their newsrooms, which over the years had sought to hire black reporters on the unspoken condition that they bite their tongues about racism. Now, as America is wrestling with the surging of a moment that began in August 2014, its biggest newsrooms are trying to find common ground between a tradition that aims to persuade the widest possible audience that its reporting is neutral and journalists who believe that fairness on issues from race to Donald Trump requires clear moral calls.... The fights at The Times are particularly intense because Mr. Sulzberger is now considering candidates to replace the executive editor, Dean Baquet, in 2022, the year he turns 66. Competing candidates represent different visions for the paper, and Mr. Bennet had embodied a particular kind of ecumenical establishment politics. But the Cotton debacle had clearly endangered Mr. Bennet’s future. When the highly regarded Sunday Business editor, Nick Summers, said in a Google Hangout meeting last Thursday that he wouldn’t work for Mr. Bennet, he drew agreement from colleagues in a chat window.... Mr. Sulzberger... told me... 'We’re not retreating from the principles of independence and objectivity. We don’t pretend to be objective about things like human rights and racism.'"

Writes Ben Smith in "Inside the Revolts Erupting in America’s Big Newsrooms/Staff members’ demands helped end the tenure of James Bennet as Opinion editor of The New York Times. And they are generating tension at The Washington Post. Part of the story starts in Ferguson, Mo." (NYT).

We’re not retreating from the principles of... objectivity. We don’t pretend to be objective....


rhhardin said...

They're objective within a narrative where they're objective.

Marcus Bressler said...

Pravda 2020.


Love that Sean Ono Lennon took them to task in a tweet

Marshall Rose said...

My respect for the NYT would go up if they would be honest about their bias.

Not by much though as their bias is already obvious and their product is toxic.

traditionalguy said...

Smash and grab looting in a mob is the brutality of a tribe against its neighbors. That has zero to do with assembling to protest march. When lead by paid anarchist teams it. is insurrection. But got to keep the story going.

Roger Sweeny said...

"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things." "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

chickelit said...

So the working model is to collect a full salary at the NYT as a “reporter” but spend the day tweeting “news”? Do I have that right?

CJinPA said...

We don’t pretend to be objective about things like human rights and racism.'"

Also, racism is "systemic," so the waiving of objectivity can be applied to every damn thing.

In a healthy society, Ferguson would have provided one media lesson: the damage done when the media industry joins with activists and politicians to promote a narrative that was 180 degrees from the truth.

Instead, rather than a shameful warning, these reporters are using Ferguson as a template for how it should be done. Hired based on their race, they vow to perform as the stereotypical affirmative action hire. This is a tragic comedy.

MadisonMan said...

You cannot turn the objective switch off for one set of topics, but retain it for another.

MayBee said...

It is really easy to convince yourself that your opinion is the correct one, and not subject to other people's viewpoint.
As long as they know that anyone who has ever practiced viewpoint suppression and totalitarianism has done it with the idea that they are doing the right thing for the most good.

rehajm said...

Yah. They already told us they were suspending journalistic ethics because Trump. The revelation is that they are flaunting it.

When do we get to take their 'media' credentials away?

Static Ping said...

The New York Times has gone full Pravda.

The only question now is if the entire country is going to go that way.

cacimbo said...

Ferguson was about a white cop fighting for his life against a black thug and winning. Then due to anti-white racism the white cop was assumed to be wrong so - riots. Now Smith is announcing that "journalists" have built their world view on that false narrative.

zipity said...

You rarely see people so sanguine while issuing their own companies death warrant.

Tina Trent said...

At least they spelled it right.

Mike Sylwester said...

Eric Holder's Question: It remains not only valid – but essential – to question how such a strong alternative [false] version of events was able to take hold so swiftly, and be accepted so readily.

My blog's answer: A few self-proclaimed eyewitnesses lied about the incident convincingly through the mass media.

That is the subject of my blog, People Who Did Not See Michael Brown Being Killed.

As former US Attorney General Eric Holder found, Michael Brown was NOT standing still in the middle of the street, holding his hands up and trying to surrender when he was shot by police officer Darren Wilson.

What did happen was that this false story was told by three young Black liars -- Dorian Johnson, Piaget Crenshaw and Tiffany Mitchell. They repeated their lies in front of a grand jury. If they had been prosecuted for perjury, all three of them would have been convicted.

Those three liars caused destructive riots in their own town, Ferguson, and in many other places.

Black journalists mostly have supported those Ferguson lies -- even though the lies were contradicted publicly, with convincing evidence, by the African-American US Attorney General Eric Holder.

narciso said...

they got sanford (with an assist from frances robles of the herald) ferguson, baltimore and even the garner case, substantially wrong but I work here is done,

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger MadisonMan said...

"You cannot turn the objective switch off for one set of topics, but retain it for another."

Yes, you can if your audience is at least one of the following:
--Not paying attention
--Unconcerned with truth or consistency
--Motivated by political objectives
--Educated in the public schools

Calypso Facto said...

What "brutality of a white power structure" exactly did Ferguson reporters see? The part where Brown robs and assaults the Asian convenience store clerk? The part where Brown and Johnson walk down the middle of the street blocking traffic for people of all races? The part where Brown attacks the white cop and tries to take his gun? Or the the part where an entire nation up to and including the President of the United States go out of their way to create a false "hands up" narrative and cover for the criminal of color?

gilbar said...

Competing candidates represent different visions for the paper

All visions are Objective.. Some visions are More Objective than others

Abdul Abulbul Amir said...

Black Livelihoods Matter

Bob Boyd said...

I guess Tom Cotton should keep his mouth shut.

Fernandinande said...

We don’t pretend to be objective

Well, duh.

narciso said...

details piddling details,


Jim in St Louis said...

I have always considered it a red flag when journalists interview other journalists. This story is nothing but reporters talking to other reporters.

Bob Boyd said...

Obama and Eric Holder were in charge of the brutal white power structure in 2014.

Sebastian said...

"Seeing the brutality of a white power structure toward its poor black citizens [on the streets of Ferguson], and at its rawest, helped shape the way a generation of reporters..."

What does it say about a group of people that their self-perception is mostly based on a lie?

"We’re not retreating from the principles of... objectivity. We don’t pretend to be objective...."

Yeah, so? The truth of the struggle is a higher truth. Objectivity, like anything else, is a tool.

It's your kind of paper. Tell us what you think.

Jim in St Louis said...

from NYT:"The press corps that landed in Ferguson after a black 18-year-old, Michael Brown Jr., was fatally shot by a white police officer, was blacker than most big American newsrooms. That wasn’t an accident-"

OK. If one was to say that black people are only good for certain types of jobs- that they can only be janitors or field hands-then that would be a horrible racist thing to say. But the idea that only black reporters can do stories on race and prejudice is saying the same thing!

Jersey Fled said...

Isn't it funny that they chose Ferguson as their tipping point. Where "hands up dont shoot" didn't happen. And where the policeman involved was cleared of any charges. Even Eric Holder couldn't find anything to charge him with.

Every Liberal movement starts with a lie.

Wince said...

We’re not retreating from the principles of... objectivity. We don’t pretend to be objective....

Far be it from me to tell them they're too angry or to keep their mouths shut.

Lucien said...

I thought human rights were objectively good and racism (real racism, at least) is objectively bad. But the Times can’t see its way to make that stand ?

Nancy said...

Four legs good! Two legs BAAAAAAAD!

Big Mike said...

Love that Sean Ono Lennon took them to task in a tweet

@Marcus, he didn’t just “take them to task.” He told them that they died yesterday. He’s wrong in one way — people (like Althouse) will continue to subscribe and the institution will continue, technically, to exist. He is also wrong in another way — as a purveyor of real news they paper died in the summer of 2016, if not decades sooner.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So these reporters were so dumb that they bought the “hands up don’t shoot” myth during Ferguson, ignored what Obama’s DOJ found there and moved on after learning the wrong lesson. BLM really should have picked something pervasive and real to protest other than this mythical “epidemic” (what a year to overuse that word!) of cops killing unarmed black men. I mean, basing a freaking movement on an event that’s more rare than a lightning strike ain’t smart. That it happens to white men even more often is ignored. And suddenly race doesn’t matter at all, when we turn our attention to how minority cops fare in this “epidemic.” What a shitshow. Basically this article says don’t trust reporters because they’re too goddamn dumb to have the responsibility to do reporting.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Michael Brown narrative was based on lies.

'hands up don't shoot' never happened, and to this day was never corrected by the hack-D press. Even Eric Holder's justice dept knew the truth.

Ferguson burned based on anger created over media lies. The white progressive democratic elite corporate Hillary-Clinton media helped destroy black neighborhoods. Leftwing hack-D press are the real RACISTS. with real blood on their Hillary hands.

Michael K said...

Sulzberger was a 60s lefty and has been open about it for years. Why anyone would believe anything in the NY times is a mystery. The LA Times and Chicago Tribune are as bad. The smaller papers all use their service or AP which are as bad. Smaller newspapers are useful for street closing s and the weather as long it is not a hurricane or other political story.

Jim in St Louis said...

Last comment- Everyone in Ferguson and in St Louis knows what total horseshit was reported by all the big out of town names and celebrities that flew in. Some locals decided to go along with the lies cause they thought it would help them get elected, or to raise money for their group, or because they could get more followers or likes on social media. But I'm telling you EVERYONE local knew it was horseshit.

Mike Sylwester said...

The accusation was that Michael Brown was standing still, holding his hands up and pleading to surrender at high noon on sunny day in the middle of a residential street, populated overwhelmingly by Blacks. While Brown was doing so, he was shot several times by police officer Darren Wilson.

Is that accusation likely to be true?

No, that accusation is likely to be false.

That unlikely accusation should be treated with healthy skepticism and careful examination.

Then, after the accusation is proved to be false, intellectual lessons should be taught about the importance of healthy skepticism and careful examination in cases of unlikely accusations.

However, The New York Times -- in particular, its Black journalists -- continue to wallow in stupid thinking and stupid writing about the Ferguson incident.

The lesson of the Ferguson incident for today is that people should not jump to conclusions. People should wait until they learn the findings of careful examinations. People who jump to conclusions are behaving stupidly.

Instead of that wise lesson, The New York Times still are preaching that the Ferguson incident displays "the brutality of the white power structure toward its poor black citizens".

Spiros said...

"Unbiased" or "objective" reporting is White Supremacy? These POS's are not angels standing above the turmoil. They are revolutionaries in the "thick of the fight." "They are changing the country." If certain people have certain opinions that damages the revolution, don't print them. Heck, don't report on events that are counter-revolution. There is no news nor truth. Just revolution and counter-revolution.

This is not the Pravda. It is the New York Times! This is seriously creepy. Their newspaper s*cks a**. Dull and monotonous BS about black people and believe all women and whatever. Every single sentence in every article they publish is censored. If we were living in a police state, these people would be dreaded. Right now, they're just jokes. I hope it stays that way. (It will...)

Narayanan said...

... We’re not retreating from the principles of... objectivity. We don’t pretend to be objective....
a point of grammar/logic question : "we don't pretend to be" is a double negative = we are objective.

so why all this excoriation?

Temujin said...

Mr. Sulzberger... told me... 'We’re not retreating from the principles...We don't have any.

Kevin said...

Rule 1: We don’t pretend to be objective about things like human rights and racism.

Rule 2: It’s all human tights and racism.

wendybar said...

Hands up, don't shoot was a progressive lie. He never Michael Brown was charging at the police, not walking with his hands up...So sick and tired of the blatant lies they are still telling to divide us. Grow up.

Wince said...

He’s wrong in one way — people (like Althouse) will continue to subscribe and the institution will continue, technically, to exist.

I'd say Althouse is unlike most subscribers. If you divide her one subscription fee by all the people here who don't subscribe but receive a critical view of NYT coverage from Althouse, I'd say the NYT comes out short on that deal.

gilbar said...

after talking with my (lesbian) white (female) cousin,
i'm starting to think there IS something to this whole white (female) privilege thing

I foolishly said to her, something about "it's ALWAYS better to just NOT resist arrest"
and she (and LOTS of her (lesbian) white (female) friends) jumped on me declaring the evil of
they told me over and over (and over and over) that i had NO IDEA what it was like to be black
they then told me over and over that i had NO IDEA what it was like to be arrested

when i mentioned, that not Only had i been arrested (MANY times), but that i had a cop*, draw his service revolver, take me to to ground, handcuff me, and put me in a squad car...
they told me that That "Never Happened" to me... That "as a white, those things don't happen"

That's when i realized, that FEMALE WHITE WOMEN don't live in the same reality as me. Female White Privilege is Definitely a thing. Speaking as a (former!) criminal... MALE White Privilege..... Not so much

a cop* Ames Police Officer Tom Oxley.. early '90's

DarkHelmet said...

There is not a parakeet in the world that is wicked enough to deserve having the NYT used a cage liner.

It is not the Paper of Record. It is the Record of Descent into Madness.

Greg the class traitor said...

We’re not retreating from the principles of... objectivity. We don’t pretend to be objective.

So Professor Althouse, I hope you will remember that

The NYT is not honest, they don't aspire to be honest. And when all is said and done, everything is "things like human rights and racism".

You have it, right there in front of you: The New York Times will cheerfully, willingly, and knowingly lie to you to advance their political agenda.

They tell you that President Trump said "X"? They're lying. Check the tape yourself.

They tell you an "anonymous source" says something that advances their agenda? They're lying. And there's nothing you can check.

If you are paying for a NYT subscription, you are paying to be lied to.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ferguson is a unique situation white conservatives refuse to understand, preferring to rehash the fabrication of "hands up don't shoot" - because it makes them feel like they're honest and blacks aren't - because that obsession keeps them from exploring or recognizing the outrageously racist situation of almost the entire city exploiting it's black population for funds through it's police department.

That willingness of whites to look the other way - intentionally - just to make sure the black victims look bad, is still just another form of white racism.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ferguson is a unique situation white conservatives refuse to understand, preferring to rehash the fabrication of "hands up don't shoot" - because it makes them feel like they're honest and blacks aren't - because that obsession keeps them from exploring or recognizing the outrageously racist situation of almost the entire city exploiting it's black population for funds through it's police department.

That willingness of whites to look the other way - intentionally - just to make sure the black victims look bad, is still just another form of white racism.

Greg the class traitor said...

BLM really should have picked something pervasive and real to protest

They couldn't. If they were protesting something real, like the killing of George Floyd, everyone agrees, and they have no way to differentiate themselves.

They have to pick a "problem" that's lunatic, and make it a simple matter of "in-crowd" vs "out-crowd".

All the left-wing groups do that. They're cults. and they act like cults. It's the process of affirming the lie, affirmign the stupid, that keeps you locked in the cult

bagoh20 said...

"We don’t pretend to be objective about things like human rights and racism.'"

So you admit you will lie to us in order to get us to believe something that's not true, and hopefully act on bad information. Isn't that the exact opposite of your job? Why would any intelligent person use this resource for information? Why do you, Althouse? Do you prefer to be misinformed? You dismiss other sources that are less dishonest.

And BTW, "We don't pretend..." is also a lie.

Michael said...

Ben Smith clearly doesn't know what "objective" means. How can you be a big time journalist if you don't know what critical words in your native language even mean?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Is this supposed to make me love niggers?

Kevin said...

their newsrooms, which over the years had sought to hire black reporters on the unspoken condition that they bite their tongues about racism.

Who were these "newsrooms"?

It's like there were no people involved in creating and enforcing the unspoken condition at all.

rcocean said...

THe real problem with our Media is that EVERYONE of them, except Fox News and NY Post, follow the NYT/WaPo Party line. That even includes Editorials on national matters (except WSJ). They not only march in lockstep, they are proud of it, and attack anyone who breaks ranks. Fox News is pilloried for being "Fascists" and "State run news" just for being objective now and then.

Its like living in USSR - one must glean the truth not from what they report, but what they don't report, and how they report it. And read alternate sources and go to source documents and speeches. I refuse to read any news article on what Trump said but go directly to the Transcript or video. They lie about him constantly.

bagoh20 said...

My partner loves to read the paper everyday. She likes the feel of it, or whatever. She is a lifelong bleeding heart liberal who voted for Obama twice, but now loves Trump. Seeing the unfounded attacks on Trump are what turned her around on a lot of issues. She has become very aware of the blatant bias in most news outlets. She is tired of the lies she reads in the Vegas Review Journal, the local paper we get everyday. We were talking about alternatives. What physical newspaper can be trusted to be fair and balanced? I didn't have a recommendation. I said you have to go online so you can check things in real time against what you read. She wants a physical paper. What sad state that we can't easily get honest information in a free country. People, we just have to stop supporting the liars. Don't pay them to make you stupid.

rcocean said...

Bringing up Ferguson is INSANE. The NYT was completely wrong about the story from start to finish. IF black journalists are using this as an example of the "Brutality of the White Power Structure" than they have left the world of reason and objective fact and are in fact Black Nationalists and Left-wing ideologues.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Now, as America is wrestling with the surging of a moment that began in August 2014, its biggest newsrooms are trying to find common ground between a tradition that aims to persuade the widest possible audience that its reporting is neutral and journalists who believe that fairness on issues from race to Donald Trump requires clear moral calls

The NY Times now brags that it and other other media outlets have become corrupt.

damikesc said...

NYT can do what it wants.

But why should they have press access above what a DNC/RNC hack receives for anything?

Michael K said...

Isn't it funny that they chose Ferguson as their tipping point. Where "hands up dont shoot" didn't happen. And where the policeman involved was cleared of any charges. Even Eric Holder couldn't find anything to charge him with.

One thing about Ferguson was true, unlike Minneapolis. The small city was using its PD to collect small fines and it was impacting the poor and blacks disproportionately.

Crack, on another thread mentioned the Camden NJ situation where they chose to disband their own police force and use the surrounding county for police services. That works for small cities and is routine in Orange County CA. That, however, has nothing to do with Minneapolis or the police function in big cities.

Also, the Orange County Sheriff has had a number of scandals and one former sheriff is in prison.

tcrosse said...

For Althouse to give up the NYT and New York Magazine would be to give up a great source of red, meaty material.

JPS said...

"We don’t pretend to be objective about things like human rights and racism."

Then they'd better hope they are exactly right in their positions on human rights and racism, because if they're not, they won't let anyone tell them, and it'll never occur to them to correct themselves.

How much easier to define their positions as the only moral ones, the only way to be for human rights and against racism. And since they don't have to be objective on these topics, anyone who argues with them is obviously on the wrong side, not worthy of a response.

These are people whose mission, in theory, is to inform us.

cronus titan said...

Apparently, Trump is correct in his assessment of the media as fake news. That is ther strategy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack -

The Ferguson "hands up don't shoot" lie was spread by white progs in the white press.

Read the damn report.

Yeah - some black people lied. Namely - Brown's accomplice. The black witnesses were telling the truth.

The hack-D press made people believe a lie and the people reacted badly with that lie.
You were duped.

Bob Smith said...

Well folks, we’ve known all about lack of objectivity in the media for a while now. It’s why their readership has collapsed.

Jim in St Louis said...

The Crack Emcee said:"the outrageously racist situation of almost the entire city exploiting it's black population for funds through it's police department."

Yes, very accurate. The Ferguson city was and is run on this silly catch-22 where crimes are converted to fines, by people who can't afford lawyers and can't afford the fines, and so they can't pay, and that leads to more penalties for not paying the fine and so on.

And then the cops always get the largest share of the city budget and can afford the fancy Humvees and military surplus.

Ice Nine said...

>>NYT: "We’re not retreating from the principles of... objectivity. We don’t pretend to be objective...."<<

The question that strikes me here, I must say, is how can Althouse, a proud NYT subscriber, not be ashamed to post this story? It is an absolute embarrassment to the NYT - and to all who give the NYT the time of day.

This is not a knock on Althouse, in fact I admire her cheek in posting this story to an erudite crowd that knows of her devotion to this piece of bird cage liner, the NYT. Most people would be embarrassed to display the declaration of rubbishness by that of which they are fans and take seriously, is all I'm saying. It is just interesting and curious.

Basil Duke said...

As several have mentioned on this thread, the Michael Brown/Ferguson crisis was a carefully orchestrated astro-turf operation, fueled entirely by bald-faced lies. To summarize: Michael Brown robbed a convenience store and assaulted the shop's owner. He then, in true Darwin fashion, sauntered down the middle of a public street, which saunter attracted the attention of a Ferguson cop, who simultaneously received a description of the convenience store thief: the suspect strongly resembling the gentle giant then padding down the middle of the public street. Cop and Brown then "dialogue," during which exchange Brown attacks the cop, tries to take his handgun and then hauls ass. Brown, still powerfully infused with Darwin, turns back and rushes toward the cop he just attacked and attempted to disarm. Cop kills Brown. Several local pawns of the region's race hustling syndicate quickly get the "Hands Up! Don't Shoot!" lie flying. Presto! The Ferguson Riots are spawned.

Bob Boyd said...

Crack's right. It's easy to forget that part of the story.
But maybe if the media told and retold those facts instead of insisting on the false "Hands up, don't shoot" narrative, more people would remember the roots of the anger that exploded in Ferguson and share that anger. It's not that most people want to think ill of blacks. They are just so tired of being lied to and manipulated by the media they tend to dismiss everything the media tells them.

Big Mike said...

@Wince (9:21). point conceded. But if Althouse and other reasonable liberals stopped subscribing, the Times certainly would feel it. Because I can’t believe that she’s the only one out there.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "That willingness of whites to look the other way - intentionally - just to make sure the black victims look bad, is still just another form of white racism."

So, "looking away" in the First Degree.

What do you think? 1 or 2 years at hard labor in the reeducation camp breaking rocks and practicing "not looking away"?

Should the sentences be reduced for inadvertent looking away? What if there are extenuating circumstances such as "at the time, a BLM mob was hitting the white dude in the head with bricks"?

What if the white dude's head damages or chips a brick that was thrown at him? Is the white dude liable for the charges to replace the brick?

Drago said...

Jim in St Louis: "Yes, very accurate. The Ferguson city was and is run on this silly catch-22 where crimes are converted to fines, by people who can't afford lawyers and can't afford the fines, and so they can't pay, and that leads to more penalties for not paying the fine and so on."

There is no point is referencing logic or mathematics since we now know that both logic and mathematics are oppressive social constructs developed by patriarchal and racist western civilization and need to be wiped out from society and replaced with "People's Logic" and "People's Mathematics".

Of course, this is not a joke and has been underway for at least 2 generations already anyway.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

This surprises me not at all. What is surprising is how quickly and widely their mendacity is becoming known. I was shocked to hear a couple of apolitical LIVs, people who have zero awareness of the NYT normally, discussing it this morning. That social media is a double-edged sword.

William said...

I wonder if any objective black journalists have ever examined what part the riot played in the decline and fall of Detroit. Did Coleman Young make any mistakes? How about Kwame Kilpatrick? Have any objective black journalists ever examined why Rep. Conyers' predations were never reported? Have any objective black journalists ever broken a story that reflected badly on any black Democratic politician?...I can recall one black journalist reporting on Rev. Jackson's "Hymietown" remarks, but that black journalist was also Jewish so I'm not sure it counts.....There is such a thing as white racism. Black journalists can be expected to report on it, but there is also such a thing as corruption among black elected officials and don't expect black journalists to report on it. I exclude Clarence Thomas or Ben Carson from these remarks. Any weight gain or grammatical mistake these men make will be extensively reported on.

mikee said...

Amazingly, none of the protesters denounce the Democrat Party, holder of all power in the city of Ferguson since time immemorial. Odd, that.

Sebastian said...

It's all well and good to remind everyone that the Michael Brown narrative was a lie, but --

The lie is the point of the narrative: if you can force people to buy the lie, you know they have submitted and they will buy anything.

exhelodrvr1 said...

When the only tool in your box is a racism hammer, every problem is a racist nail.

Mike Sylwester said...

How far did Michael Brown run toward police officer Darren Wilson?

Greg the class traitor said...

The Crack Emcee: "That willingness of whites to look the other way - intentionally - just to make sure the black victims look bad, is still just another form of white racism."

Nope, it's basic honesty

"Hands up, don't shoot" is a lie. until you're willing to drop that lie, until you're willing to say "yes, that was a lie, and that was wrong", YOU are wrong. you are a liar.

i don't listen to liars. I don't care what sad stories those liars have. I don't care anything about them, because it's all a lie.

Because if it wasn't all a lie, you'd simply tell the truth and use that to advance your agenda.

So, drop the lies, and we'll talk. Or FOAD. Either one works for me

Pookie Number 2 said...

the outrageously racist situation of almost the entire city exploiting it's black population for funds through it's police department.

That is legitimately outrageously racist.

Purely as a strategic matter, though, when the decision was made to falsely depict Michael Brown as a gentle giant, then the message conveyed was that the actual unfalsified reality wasn’t so bad.

damikesc said...

Just to toss it out there...why don't black women's deaths seem to matter?

Breonna Taylor was killed, her killer isnt arrested...but it took the death of a man to make progs upset.

Maybe a feminist should be asked why.

Yancey Ward said...

Any story in the NYTimes with any kind of political angle is going to be full of straight up lies and biased interpretation of events- literally every single one. This also applies to pretty much all of the newspapers still in existence in the US. I suspect this has always been true, but before the internet and the explosion in numbers of high-quality video footage, you didn't have a way to actually prove it to yourself, or even become aware that you were being consistently lied to. This is part of Google, Facebook, and Twitter's attempt to censor the right- that flow of actual facts from people on the scene, and that flow of information from unapproved media sources has completely undermined the ability of the media to lie without correction or consequence.

What is surprising to me, though, is this- I would have predicted that journalists would have started to hold themselves to a higher standard of professionalism with such availability of hard facts and informed opinion. Instead, they apparently are reveling in being completely biased, unobjective, and dishonest, but always for a good cause.

Earnest Prole said...

The Times abandoned objective reporting in favor of narrative-driven reporting years ago, so it's good to hear them finally admit it. In the nineteenth century, newspapers often indicated their explicit partisanship in their names themselves, and it would be far more honest if the paper called itself the New York Times-Democrat today.

The real issue, left mostly unaddressed in this piece, is that the Times just experienced a public insurrection by 160 members of its staff, who threatened to destroy the paper's brand if woke-left tribal politics did not immediately replace the lib-left Democratic politics that's been the paper's brand for the past sixty or so years. The Times instantly folded and young, woke children now control the politics not only of the editorial pages but the news pages.

hombre said...

The masquerade is coming to an end.

William said...

Correct me if I'm wrong: It's my understanding that black people in Ferguson moved there in order to escape the crime in St. Louis. Whatever discrimination they suffered in Ferguson was apparently a better deal than St. Louis offered.....In Baltimore, the good black citizens are moving out. The pathologies in that city will be compounded. Whatever challenges the police present are nowhere near as great as those presented by drug dealers and gang members shooting at each other with wild abandon. The record shows that such killings do not generate anywhere near the ire among black journalists that unjustified police killings do. A four year old who gets killed in a drive by shooting does not merit the kind of martyrdom that is reserved for Freddie Gray or Michael Brown.... The good black citizens with steady jobs will move to white towns where the police will look at them cross eyed and the game will begin again.

Yancey Ward said...

The propaganda methods of the Left media are sometimes subtle. Let me show you an example:

Watch this Youtube video that is just someone driving down the streets of Minneapolis showing the shocking destruction. Watch it to the end- it is only 56 seconds long. Do you see what Google did, though, to the video?

etbass said...

I think you guys are being a bit hard on the Professor. She needs material to blog on, not the least, material from the number one newspaper in the nation's largest city. Maybe it is garbage. But it is what the left are reading and believing. What should she do, just read the Washington Examiner? Yes she has a great interest on the cultural B.S. in the New Yorker. It's what the left are reading and following.

What would you guys have to comment and bitch about if she didn't read The NY Times? How would you know what the Times is saying but for the Professor?

And BTW, the Times wouldn't be such a bad investment lately, if you want to peek at their stock price since Trump ascended.

Budge Hinman said...

Then, there's the brutality of the black power structure:

Chicago crime stats:

Last Week’s Totals (5/31 – 6/6)
Shot & Killed: 29
Shot & Wounded: 138
Total Shot: 167
Total Homicides: 32

June has 17 of those 32 homicides last week.

And by the way, not a single shooting by the CPD.

In fact, not a single police shooting in April or May.

(h/t http://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/)

hombre said...

Crack: “That willingness of whites to look the other way - intentionally - just to make sure the black victims look bad, is still just another form of white racism.”

There’s a strange bit of logic or something. When I see videos of black looters stealing TVs, shoes, and everything not nailed down and beating the shit out of store owners trying to stop them or murdering David Dorn, I don’t look the other way and it’s still not the victims, regardless of color, who look bad. But the looters are only stealing stuff because they’re angry, right? That’s why it looks like a party. Yeah! /Sarc

On the other hand when I look at the 6000 black people killed in, e.g., 2015 by other black people, even if I look away, it isn’t the victims who look bad. It is black killers. Who’s looking the other way about that, Crack? You? BLM? Antifa? The moron rioters/looters and anti-police demonstrators? The Democrats? Black leaders? You bet!

For thirty years as a prosecutor I got paid to deal with black people victimizing other black people. Not once, did I see any effort by the black community to deal with rampant black crime however gross. I don’t get paid to intervene now, so I get to be like you and “look the other way, “ to ignore all those black victims of black crime. Are we both white racists?

hombre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Bible is woke...

11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the bmouth, this defileth a man.

17 Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?

18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

Gahrie said...

That willingness of whites to look the other way - intentionally - just to make sure the black victims look bad, is still just another form of white racism.

So the fact that they are committing crimes and resisting arrest doesn't make them look bad, the reactions of whites to them committing crimes and resisting arrest makes them look bad.

Who knew Brown was using his crimes as a means of protest? What was Floyd protesting when he committed his crimes?

Yancey Ward said...

A good read by the ZMan about what is occurring right now with the Democratic Party and, to a lesser extent, Republican Party.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ What did happen was that this false story was told by three young Black liars -- Dorian Johnson, Piaget Crenshaw and Tiffany Mitchell. They repeated their lies in front of a grand jury. If they had been prosecuted for perjury, all three of them would have been convicted.”

To pile on, Dorian Johnson had every reason to lie through his teeth and start the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” myth. Legally, as Brown’s accomplice, he could have been tried for felony murder for Brown’s death, as well as an accomplice in Brown’s attempted murder of Officer Wilson (Brow handed the stolen cigarillos to Johnson so that he could use both hands to attack Wilson as he sat in his Tahoe). By throwing the blame on the Ferguson PD, he was never charged with his multiple felonies that day.

wendybar said...

And yet, Ferguson put up a nice plaque HONORING Michael Brown who assaulted a store clerk and attacked a police officer...because..Justice!!!! https://www.newstalkflorida.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Michael-Brown-Plaque.jpg

cubanbob said...

My fear is that eventually white men are going to conclude if you're doing the time, might as well commit the crime.

Crack to be taken seriously, then the BLM and the White Left has to stop making martyrs out thugs. At least the guy who died in police custody for selling loosies had a more rational basis. He was basically arrested for depriving the City of tax revenue.

Now the Democrats are talking about defunding police and making it easier to bring criminal and civil actions against cops. Trump and the Republicans should seize on that and add to the Democrats proposed legislation the repeal of qualified immunity and a national right to carry. Everyone gets something they want.

Otto said...

Crack, do blacks bear any responsibilities in their present situation in America? Has the fact that blacks have been on the low end of the economic scale in America for over 50 years have anything to do with black responsibility? Has the fact that Blacks have high criminal rate have anything to do with black responsibility? Has the fact that the blacks lag in education have anything to do with black responsibility? Is it all on the white man? It's time to carry your weight .
I will say that you taught me something from some of your old comments - whenever you see someone claim systemic racism , it really means we want reparations.

Gk1 said...

Looking at NYTimes current implosion its funny watching the movie "His Girl Friday" with Cary Grant as the hard boiled newsman and how journalism was portrayed.

Can you imagine what Cary's character or the non fictional Am Rosenthal would have said to the cry bullies populating the news staff today if they complained about an editorial opinion they didn't like? "Hit the bricks pal! If you don't like it tough shit, you know-nothings are a dime a dozen!"

Greg the class traitor said...

Blogger Pookie Number 2 said...
the outrageously racist situation of almost the entire city exploiting it's black population for funds through it's police department.

That is legitimately outrageously racist.

Purely as a strategic matter, though, when the decision was made to falsely depict Michael Brown as a gentle giant, then the message conveyed was that the actual unfalsified reality wasn’t so bad.

Yes. This, 1000 times this. If YOU feel the need to lie about the situation, it must mean that you believe that telling the truth won't get people on your side.

And that tells me that I shouldn't be on your side.

Because if you, who knows the situation intimately, don't think that the reality is good enough to justify supporting you, I'm going to believe your assessment.

Realistically, that's all I need to know

Amadeus 48 said...

As always, the problems start at the top.

Nichevo said...

Yancey Ward said...
The propaganda methods of the Left media are sometimes subtle. Let me show you an example:

Watch this Youtube video that is just someone driving down the streets of Minneapolis showing the shocking destruction. Watch it to the end- it is only 56 seconds long. Do you see what Google did, though, to the video?

No, what?

n.n said...

Diversity indulged with liberal license progresses adversity.

n.n said...

but it took the death of a man to make progs upset.

Maybe a feminist should be asked why.

Keep women barefoot, available, and taxable.

buwaya said...

Institutional demoralization (a lack of virtue, really) causes collapse before ANY organized internal force, even if it is actually very weak.

And the more institutions break, and fall into compliance, the more they will serve to force other institutions to comply.

The way out is ugly, that of destroying the institutions, entirely, from the outside, with both the old guard and the new consigned to the flames.

Michael K said...

Crack, do blacks bear any responsibilities in their present situation in America? Has the fact that blacks have been on the low end of the economic scale in America for over 50 years have anything to do with black responsibility?

To be accurate, you must specify "American blacks" as those from Africa and the West Indies have little to no trouble. My wife's internist is black. I immediately picked up his Jamaican accent. When we were still in California, she had an infectious disease guy who was black and was African. I forget where, maybe Uganda.

My African and West Indian black medical students have no trouble and don't understand American blacks.

Yancey Ward said...

In the video, the poster was simply showing the damage caused by the riots. This, of course, has a political slant to it- Google chose to float a link over the video, starting at the 39 sec mark, to a completely different video by a completley different YouTuber, that had the political slant the opposite way. In essence, Google was trying to soften the impact of the video I linked to. When you go watch the pro-protest videos, Google doesn't do that. I have seen this on at least 20 videos over the last week- anti-riot videos get overlaid links to pro-protest videos, while the opposite isn't done.

walter said...

"I immediately picked up his Jamaican accent."
Same thing happened to Sting.

Birkel said...

As for the cities that use police as profit centers, including asset forfeiture:
I think I stand firmly on three decades of criticism of that practice. I think there should be fewer laws. I think the drug wars have failed and are overly costly; the criminalization helps international cartels make insane profits.

As always I blame the Democratics who run the cities that do that shit.
Fuck those guys.

The Crack Emcee said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Crack -

The Ferguson "hands up don't shoot" lie was spread by white progs in the white press.

So what? What's the point of rehashing that one point forever?

To ignore the racism that was happening.

The Crack Emcee said...

Gahrie said...
That willingness of whites to look the other way - intentionally - just to make sure the black victims look bad, is still just another form of white racism.

So the fact that they are committing crimes and resisting arrest doesn't make them look bad,

The entire town of Ferguson has been committing a racist crime against it's citizens for time immemorial but you fools want to focus on one nigga because the press lied to you about hands up, don't shoot.

There was nothing more you needed to know.

Fuck off.

The Crack Emcee said...

cubanbob said...
My fear is that eventually white men are going to conclude if you're doing the time, might as well commit the crime.



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