June 23, 2020

"Protesters attempted to topple a bronze statue of former president Andrew Jackson in a park next to the White House on Monday night but were thwarted when police intervened."

"The scene unfolded dramatically as hundreds of demonstrators protesting police brutality locked arms around the statue in Lafayette Square shortly before 8 p.m., while chanting, 'Hey, hey, ho, ho, Andrew Jackson’s got to go.' Inside the metal pickets surrounding the statue, a smaller group — some clad in black with goggles, helmets and gas masks — scaled the statue and draped ropes around the seventh president astride a horse. Someone scrawled 'killer' in black on the pedestal below.... In a chaotic scene, a helicopter flew low over the park as 150 to 200 U.S. Park and D.C. police moved through the park. Officers used a chemical irritant to disperse protesters and sweep them back to H Street NW. Protesters did smash the wooden wheels of four replica cannons at the base of the Jackson statue. Protesters threw things at police as they retreated, and officers shoved people in the melee. One woman hurled a folding chair, striking an officer, who staggered away from a police line.... As the protest unfolded Monday evening, someone spray painted 'BHAZ' on the columns of the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church. A similar sign was spray-painted on a piece of plywood on H Street: 'BHAZ: Black House Autonomous Zone.'"

WaPo reports.


Mr Wibble said...

Trump 2020: Because if the other guy wins, these nutjobs will be in power.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Ho hum. Wake me when the get to Bob LaFollette.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Now do Woodrow Wilson, the guy who re-segregated the Civil Service. Better he should have dis-integrated it.

Inga said...

There is tremendous anger out there and until these groups of violent protestors see real change they probably aren’t going to stop. After 4 years of Trump people have had as much as they can stand. I’d encourage angry protestors to not fall into violence and destruction and to channel their anger and frustration into getting out the vote, defeating Trumpism peacefully at the ballot box. Change will happen, to be patient, that is what I would say to any young angry protestors should I ever have any interaction with them. Democrats and the grand majority of people on the left are not condoning violence and destruction despite what people on the right want to think.

Trumpism has been so destructive to this country, Trumpists have reaped the whirlwind.

rehajm said...

Extra credit for the excellent use of thesaurus from the creative writing professor.

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

Why are they trying to remove the statue of the founder of the Democratic Party?


iowan2 said...

Protesters vs Rioters. Chemical irritant vs Tear gas.

WAPO continues, narrative setting, vs lies =same

Kai Akker said...

---Trumpism has been so destructive to this country, Trumpists have reaped the whirlwind. [Inga]

Guess that's the new Dem party line for next four and a half months. I can see Inge's point. Stock market highs and the lowest unemployment rate ever can make a person sick. If that person blows her assets and doesn't want to work. Let's it hear it for the Chinese virus and Antifa! What a relief from that Trumpism misery.

Temujin said...

Again- I'm done with these people. They are not interested in Today's Black Lives. They are interested in Marxism and destruction of the US, destruction of Western Civilization (see what's going on in Paris these days?).

Enough. The Left is out of control. It's time to slam back. Time to stand up for what we believe in. Time for adults in the room- if there are any left in Washington DC and the rest of the country, to stand up and denounce this entire thing. It does not make you racist to stand up for your country, your culture, your families, your history.

History cannot be whitewashed to please 300 people out of 300,000,000. Our history is what it is. And this is part of it: no country in the history of this planet ever gave more lives to offer more freedom for more people. And no country in the history of the world has produced more wealth for more people of all colors, genders, religions, than the USA. No country ever opened it's arms to more people of differing colors and backgrounds, religions and races, to live next to each other and to create lives for themselves and their families, than the USA.

Destroy the US and you destroy the light of the world. If you cannot stand up for the light of the world, then you deserve the alternative. It's time to stand up and be counted among those who choose freedom over tyranny- which is clearly what the Left represents.

Dave Begley said...

Jefferson Memorial is next.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Democrats and the grand majority of people on the left are not condoning violence and destruction despite what people on the right want to think."

When they do not publicly discourage it, yes they are condoning it. And please be specific about the Trump-initiated policies that have been harmful to people of color. And then speak about the unwillingness of the Democratic and most black leadership, and the media, to acknowledge the efforts that the Trump administration has made towards addressing issues faced by blacks.

Eleanor said...

Battered women know appeasing their abusers doesn't make the abuse stop. It just emboldens them. We need to re-elect Trump in a landslide. Just like the abused spouse is not responsible for the behavior of the abuser, Trump is not responsible for the reprehensible behavior of the left. He's just their excuse.

Kai Akker said...

---BHAZ: Black House Autonomous Zone.

My wife reports one of these in Philadelphia, now, too. Fifty or more tents along the Parkway leading up to the Art Museum; the area where a recent BLM/Antifa rally was held. She said signs proclaimed No Police Zone. Fits this city government and especially the Soros DA.

rhhardin said...

Jackson was our first black president. Just going by the name.

n.n said...

So Tell Me Again About 'BLM'

The sacking of General Grant's statute by "BLM". May I note that in addition to being a Union General during the Civil War Grant also, after the war, went into the South and under force of arms made damn sure all the former slaves were freed.

The State and City of New York? Named after the Duke of York, of course. Who owned The Royal African Company, which, I remind you, was responsible for the shipping of more black slaves into the Americas than any other institution, and was noted for its extraordinary brutality.

Who runs the Chicago cops? What's his race? How about the mayor? That's the chain of command.

You want to remove Aunt Jemima from syrup bottles and rename the brand? Really? Do you have any idea who that woman is on the label? A literal former slave, she parleyed her love of tasty food into a fortune. A real fortune... She was given exactly none of her money or fame through anything other than her own hard work, effort and intelligence -- no "set-asides", "quotas" or "affirmative action."

Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aimed at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. [Lemkin]
- etymonline.com

Temujin said...

You'd encourage, Inga? You'd encourage?

Yeah- that worked well against the Jacobins previously. Give it a try.

rhhardin said...

It's fun until somebody gets their eye poked out. Then it's still fun, just not around that person. - usenet

iowan2 said...

There is tremendous anger out there and until these groups of violent protestors see real change they probably aren’t going to stop

They are not going to stop because they like the violence, and sense of power they have. If only there was a peaceful way to affect change. Change. Is that really the goal? Is change the real goal? I call bullshit. Tyrants like these overgrown adolescents are lashing out with violence. They are intellectual stunted and incapable of affecting change.

In just over 4 months the entire House of Representatives is up for election. 33 Senators are up for election. All fifty States also have similar governing structures. County supervisors run the Sheriffs, City councils and Mayors, lots of them standing for election.

Are the rioters investing their assets into effecting peaceful change?


Rioters are lawless thugs that are intellectual idiots. Along with commenters here trying to defend the indefensible. Also intellectual idiots. Who but an idiot would connect President Trump to riots that touch no part of the Executive Office of the United States.
When President Trump said he was going to force States to loosen up, we all got a lessen in the 10th amendment. States powers, vs Federal powers. Now a few short months later, Idiots are attempting to drag the President into places, the President wields no constitutional power.

Howard said...

Paint It Black

GatorNavy said...

You all know what these Antifa groups want and are desperately trying to achieve, a martyr. That is what this rioting and destruction is truly about. Once they have another Kent state or worse, they’ll wave that bloody shirt for at least three generations

wendybar said...

All I can say, is as a NON HATER of anybody, I am starting to change me mind. I hate what they are doing, I hate what our country is becoming and I hate the hate they are spewing which the media is gleeful about. If they think this is helping things, they have another thing coming.

wendybar said...

Inga said:
Trumpism has been so destructive to this country, Trumpists have reaped the whirlwind.
6/23/20, 6:45 AM

Funny, how this all started under Obama, who is the one who started the hate the police shit that's going on today. Obamaism was the destruction, Trumpism is the cure. Hope your next 4 years under Trump are glorious ones Inga, because your side is ripping our country apart.

Hey Skipper said...


After 4 years of Trump people have had as much as they can stand.

How much of what?

Ok, aside from colluding with Russians, corrupting the FBI, rapist SCOTUS nominees, and defaming children.

But other than that, exactly what has Trump done that is so enraging, so destructive? Please be precise.

Democrats and the grand majority of people on the left are not condoning violence and destruction despite what people on the right want to think.

And yet virtually all the violence and destruction are occurring in places the left has long controlled.

Super odd coincidence.

iowan2 said...

Democrats and the grand majority of people on the left are not condoning violence and destruction despite what people on the right want to think.

Robert Kramer and Project Veritas is down the memory hole

To Recap, Robert Kramer is the Democrat hired contractor that hired thugs to infiltrate rallies and foment violence. He is the Husband of an Illinois legislator, and visited the Obama White House more than 300 times, and met with Obama dozens to times.

That vast majority of Democrat politicians not only condone violence, they pay people to start violence. (political violence, a keystone of Chicago governance for more than a century, down the memory hole)

Dan said...

Monmouth University is already removing Woodrow Wilson's name from one of their buildings.

hawkeyedjb said...

Inga said...
There is tremendous anger out there and until these groups of violent protestors see real change they probably aren’t going to stop. After 4 years of Trump people have had as much as they can stand.

Well, that's the problem with "real change" - it never really happens. Listen to the protesters - they'll tell you "nothing ever changes." It's nonsense of course, because many things have changed over the decades. And what is it that people have had as much of as they can stand? Honestly, I want to know. Up until the Wuhan flu hit, the country was doing exceptionally well. Have we had enough of employment? Rising stock market? Rising wages? I think it's gotten to the point of "burn it all down to get rid of Trump." I guess that's real change, but I really don't understand the thinking.

Craig said...

Inga in early with the "Trump made me do it" defense.

mezzrow said...

Tim-uh-kwa. Learn to pronounce it. Spelled Timucua.

Soon to be a city located near the mouth of the Saint Johns River, in northern Florida.

Kevin said...

some clad in black with goggles, helmets and gas masks

They sound mostly peaceful.

Probably on their way to some cosplay event.

Equipment Maintenance said...

Inga said: "There is tremendous anger out there and until these groups of violent protestors see real change they probably aren’t going to stop."

Isn't that the perfect definition of extortion ?

hawkeyedjb said...

"defeating Trumpism peacefully at the ballot box."

Why Trumpism? The proximate cause of the recent riots was the death of George Floyd, a man who died at the hands of the police in Minneapolis. Why not go to the polls to defeat the party that has created and sustained these systems of racism in every major American city for 60-70-80 years? Inga, you're cheering for the people who put these racist systems into place. Trump isn't the mayor or the chief of police or even the city council member. You're yelling at the wrong guy.

JAORE said...

Down load your copy today: "Leftists gone wild".

Only $14.95 plus S&H.

Special Director's cut where Talcum X calls for destruction of all images of Christ that appear "white".

The Re-elect Donald Trump Committee thanks you for your contribution.

Birches said...

Oh brother. Yeah, "it's just this war and that lyin Son of a B*tch Johnson."

If leftists aren't willing to confront their extremists, what hope is there that this will stop?

MikeR said...

"One woman hurled a folding chair" Are these people wearing masks? I wonder if the masks make it easier/safer to do things that would send you to jail at a different time. If the scene was filmed, that lady just committed a felony and could be identified and picked up later and charged. With the mask, maybe she feels safe.

Todd said...

Is this another "mostly peaceful protest until the police showed up"?

Like most thugs, antifa is "it will be all right, if you would just do as I say" and "why do you make me hurt you?".

After 4 years of Trump people have had as much as they can stand.

Yep, all that "keeping within the limits of his assigned powers" and "cleaning up the deep-state" and "trying to appoint 'constitutional' judges". What a BASTARD! No wonder the left is all fed up!

tcrosse said...

Change will happen....

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No Inga - your party - the party of Maddow, the party of Schitt, the party of lies-- is to blame.
Certainly your leftwing brothers in arms are the assholes ripping down and destroying property and history in the name of your tantrum and Trump hate.

Hard working conservatives, normal old fashioned democrats, and libertarians are not ripping down statues and history.
No Inga - the Hillary lost anger parade that has not stopped since 2016 - that's your angry party. Your party and your media are doing this, Inga.

Blaming it on your hatred of daddy is typical.

Fritz said...

Do FDR Memorial in honor of Manzanar. Curiously, a word google won't autofill...

And don't forget the Italian curfews either.

He must be cancelled.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Who can we have as a stature?

Jimmy Carter and Barack and Michelle?

Bill Clinton might be too much of a rapist for you leftwing hypocrites. But we shall see.

AustinRoth said...

I gave - I rarely comment on your drivel, but that is probably the single stupidest thing I have ever read.

TreeJoe said...

This country has had enormous societal and social changes since it's founding. And the pace of change has been quickening. Women's rights and voting, desegregation, melting pot of every ethnicity, civil rights, sexual rights and anti-discrimination on sexuality, etc. etc.

3.5 years ago was the end of an 8 year term of a black president.

And the "protestors" - which seem widely dominated by actual rioters and destructive folk who are willing to attack police during attempts to disperse - are no longer even clear in what they are attempting to achieve except perhaps "accelerated change" with no clear measurement or objective to either deny or grant to them.

When it comes to desecrating what is nearly sacred ground to this country - the national mall and monuments to our history, good and bad - it might be time to be more forceful.

You end these things by setting examples and I don't mean through death. You end them by publicly apprehending folks who assault police and putting them in jail for a long time. You end this by showing the price of this type of insurrection.

It's time to enforce laws. If the citizenry is upset enough, enforcing the law will lead to them responding in greater force. But you can't just IGNORE the laws and let this go on. There should be mass arrests going on right now with public examples of the worst offenders (arsonists, rioters, looters) being sentenced to significant jail terms.

Instead there is chaos because people inclined to such activities see no negative result through their destruction and theft

Sebastian said...

Ah, another "protest" "devolving" into something.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw INGA

Derek Chauvin was a racist cop, a registered Democrat, working for a Democrat Police Chief, voted into office by Democrat voters, in a Democrat controlled city, in a Democrat controlled state. Protected by a Democrat controlled union.

He had 18 complaints against him and was let off multiple times by Democrat prosecutors and even Amy Klobuchar.

Inga remains loyal to her party.
Blame daddy!

Bay Area Guy said...

Violent, ignorant leftists falsely blame Trump for their violent ignorance. Interesting concept.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Why are they so angry at Trump Inga? He's only been president for less than 4 years. What major changes has he been able to enact that enrage these America haters?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What our public education, the media, SNL, and the corruptocrat party do to white grrls.

Blame Trump!

Michael K said...

Antifa is still trying to overthrow the government but only Inga will be impressed.

Francisco D said...

Inga said...There is tremendous anger out there and until these groups of violent protestors see real change they probably aren’t going to stop. After 4 years of Trump people have had as much as they can stand.

When the Russian Collusion and Impeachment hoaxes failed, it was time to bring out the Childish Tantrum Squad (aka BLM and Antifa).

What happens when Trump is re-elected, Inga?

Browndog said...

Dave Begley said...

Jefferson Memorial is next.

All the things are next.

There's nothing stopping it.

MadisonMan said...

I wonder if a liberal distribution of Jacksons -- preferably in the wind -- might have dispersed this crowd.

Francisco D said...

I probably should not criticize Inga.

She has a fragile, emotion-based belief system that goes into crisis mode when it is challenged by facts on the ground. It causes her to revert to a fantasy life with Bugaloo Boys, Russian Collusion, Kavanaugh Rape gangs and so on.

Automatic_Wing said...

Inga in early with the "Trump made me do it" defense.

Right. It's like the abusive hippie boyfriend in Forrest Gump. "It's that bastard Johnson and this damn war!"

Curious George said...

Inga: "Democrats and the grand majority of people on the left are not condoning violence and destruction despite what people on the right want to think."

LOL: Show me one example of a prominent Democrat condemning it.

MacMacConnell said...

It's time to pull down the MLK statue, by BLM standards he was a racist for saying, "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character".

Inga said...

“And please be specific about the Trump-initiated policies that have been harmful to people of color.”

“When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice. When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head you know, the way you put their hand over their head like 'Don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head.' I said, 'You can take the hand away, OK? I have to tell you, you know, the laws are so horrendously stacked against us, because for years and years, they've been made to protect the criminal. Totally made to protect the criminal. Not the officers. You do something wrong, you're in more jeopardy than they are.”
Totally misrepresenting what the protest of kneeling during the National Anthem was all about. It was about police abuse of African American people. He as a US President, encouraged private sports team owners to fire players who were expressing their First Amendment rights.

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out! He’s fired. He’s fired’”

Jeff Brokaw said...

As Tucker noted last night, this election is no longer about Trump and Biden. It’s about civilization vs mobs and anarchy.

Vote civilization. And Wake UP.

RigelDog said...

To Recap, Robert Kramer is the Democrat hired contractor that hired thugs to infiltrate rallies and foment violence. He is the Husband of an Illinois legislator, and visited the Obama White House more than 300 times, and met with Obama dozens to times.}}}

His name is spelled Robert Creamer. And yes, Project Veritas caught him and I think others in his organization boasting about how they send their operatives to Trump events and attempt to start violence and sow confusion with false-flags. I remember how the major media and Rachel Maddow were all over that shocking revelation.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Police thwart attempt by protesters to topple statue of Andrew Jackson near White House"
"Protesters did smash the wooden wheels of four replica cannons at the base of the Jackson statue."
"Protesters threw things at police as they retreated..."
"As the protest unfolded Monday evening, someone spray painted 'BHAZ' on the columns of the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church."

"Protesters"... you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NPR lying about so-called "right wing extremists"

Our press(D) is hot garbage.

Birches said...

Trump has been completely ineffective against these protests, but he also has no support from local and state leaders. I'm more than willing to get him reelected to show that riots don't get you what you want.

BothSidesNow said...

On the comment by BleachBit and Hammer, and whether it is Trump who should be reaping the whirlwind, perhaps the powers in Minneapolis bear some scrutiny? What did the city council know? The mayor? The Senator from Minnesota? Since 2012, more than 2600 complaints were filed against Minneapolis police officers. Twelve, yes, twelve, resulted in discipline. What was the discipline? The most severe was a 40 hour suspension. Since the beginning of 2015, Minneapolis police have “ rendered” 44 people unconscious. I have been unfortunate enough to have had three surgeries in the last 18 months where I was “rendered” unconscious. Each time I was surrounded by a team of highly trained nurses and doctors who by all appearances took the act of “rendering” another human being unconscious with the utmost seriousness. That police in a U.S. city acted as street corner anesthesiologists a total of 44 times in the last few years is mind-boggling, not to say utterly shameful.
These facts, which evidence a criminally out-of-control police department, were known, or should have been known, by the city council, the mayor, and the Senator who had previously been the DA. Why haven’t they resigned en mass? The Senator has even called on the Department of Justice to investigate the Minneapolis police department. Wasn’t that part of her job when she was the DA? Does it remind you just a little (or a lot) of OJ’s promise to search for the murderer of Nicole Simpson?
A few years ago, the entire Dutch cabinet resigned in shame due to their actions and inactions leading up to the Srebrenica massacre. That act was an acknowledgment that public officials have a responsibility to act, particularly when human life is at stake. That the city council, the mayor, and the Senator choose to retain their sinecures tells the opposite story – that public officials can fail on matters of the highest importance without consequence to themselves, and thus, that they in truth bear no responsibility. They are the ones who should be reaping the whirlwind.

Dude1394 said...

Dr. Althouse, your political party are violent anti-american radicals. I find it difficult to understand how anyone supposedly "liberal" can support this falsehood.

Dude1394 said...

Wow, Inga really is a loon.

Browndog said...

The statue was minutes, if not seconds from coming down before the federal government took action to stop it.

By my estimate, it was a full hour and a half from the time the marxists started taking down the fencing to the time park police arrived on scene. This, knowing they are going around the country toppling statues, and had organized this specific event on social media.

Further, it is a 10 year felony to deface that monument. Yet, they allowed it to happen, yards from the White House.

No one arrested,

No one is ever arrested. We are a lawless country.

narciso said...


Bruce Hayden said...

Inga said...”There is tremendous anger out there and until these groups of violent protestors see real change they probably aren’t going to stop. After 4 years of Trump people have had as much as they can stand. “

Of course they will stop. She is silly to think that the violent rioters and arsonists were acting spontaneously. Of course they weren’t. The violence was planned by hard core Marxists, funded by outside billionaires Like George Soros, and green lighted by the top Democrats. Possibly even by St Obama himself. It was fired off when much of the country was coming out of COVID-19 shutdown, because the Dems could no longer attack Trump on his response to the pandemic (which was, of course, far better than what Crooked Hillary was likely to have done if she had been able to steal more votes in those three swing states).

It will stop because the Dems calling the shots will order it shut down. It’s simple enough to do - just have the Dem governors and mayors encouraging and facilitating it, put on their big boy pants, do their job, and fill their jails with the core of the violent rioters and arsonists. If they are in jail, they aren’t violently rioting and burning stuff down.

I expect the shut down order in the next couple weeks. Probably shortly after the Fourth of July. The violent rioters and arsonists have to be given one more chance to express themselves and when better than on our national holiday? They seem to love shitting in their own nests. That was something our cat learned to avoid within a couple days of having been weaned, despite a wicked case of diarrhea from the parasites he picked up in the barn he was born in (I got in big trouble when I laughed at him racing for the litter box, with littles squirts from his rear end following him - he was all of maybe 5 weeks at the time). Downtowns in Dem controlled cities across the country have been looted, pillaged, and torched. Many of those city centers aren’t going to recover for a generation. Maybe longer - look at Detroit. And the poorer black communities in these cities have been turned into food and pharmaceutical deserts. Kroger’s, Target, Walgreens, etc aren’t coming back anytime soon, after having had their stores looted, then burned. Shoplifting was already making those stores marginal propositions, and the riots just threw gobs of red ink onto their balance sheets. And with the level of violence increasing, Uber, Lyft, taxis, etc refusing to serve those communities, going elsewhere for necessities will be problematic. And they can thank leftists like Inga, who egged them on, for their sorry state. All because Trump beat Crooked Hillary almost four years ago.

The violent looting and burning is going to be shut down shortly because the Dems running the show were beat by Trump. He didn’t give them their Kent State. Despite WaPo pretending that AntiFA wasn’t involved, etc, they were, and the Dems were shown to be in bed with hard core Marxists. That isn’t a good look - comporting and coordinating with people firmly committed to an ideology that brutally killed 100 million people during the 20th Century. And committed to destroying much of what made this country great. The longer this goes on, the worse it looks for them. They definitely need a diversion to try to convince swing voters to look to them, instead of Trump this coming November. And, no doubt a couple more distractions are in the pipeline. Maybe a bunch of Central American peasants trying to rush our border. Or another impeachment investigation.

It should be interesting.

narciso said...

Oh really:


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

One minute, Inga is blaming boogaloos in Hawaiian shirts for violence, the next minute she's making excuses for the rioters. She has a confused and dimwitted mind.

I guess when her children had temper tantrums, she let them destroy the house, because they had their reasons. Or else she blamed the kids across the street.

I never fail to be amazed by her vacuousness and extreme stupidity.

Bruce Hayden said...

“As Tucker noted last night, this election is no longer about Trump and Biden. It’s about civilization vs mobs and anarchy.”

“Vote civilization. And Wake UP.”

Simple choice. Obvious answer for a majority of Americans. Which is why the Dems are going to shut this down fairly soon. They can’t afford the voting public going to the polls in November with this fresh in their minds. And why they need to roll out their next diversion in short order.

Mark said...

Why are they so angry at Trump Inga? He's only been president for less than 4 years.

He was president for less than 4 MINUTES (literally) before they started rioting against him in the streets of D.C., with not only burning vehicles, but demands for impeachment that same day.

Drago said...

Inga is completely supportive of the riots which she also claims are incited by hawaiian shirt wearing white supremacists and certainly not anyone on the left....while she also argues that more riots are in our future because the cause is just.....while being incited by hawaiian shirt wearing white supremacists.

Meanwhile, Inga is still trying to figure out how to work her continued belief in russian collusion and Brett Kavanaugh as a gang rape leader into the mix.

TrespassersW said...

Inga said...
Democrats and the grand majority of people on the left are not condoning violence and destruction despite what people on the right want to think.

"Silence is consent." Hearing a lot of silence from "Democrats and the grand majority of people on the left" regarding the rioting. At best, it's downplayed. Ergo, "Democrats and the grand majority of people on the left" APPROVE of the rioting, the violence, the looting.

"Silence is consent." Your rules. Own it.

TrespassersW said...

Pro-tip for the Super Genius(TM) hacks at the Washington Post: The people attempting to destroy a statue and who did smash the cannon replicas are not "protesters." The word you're looking for is "vandals" and "felons."

TrespassersW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Freeman Hunt said...

"Democrats and the grand majority of people on the left are not condoning violence and destruction despite what people on the right want to think."

According to the sample of my Facebook feed, this is incorrect.

Ray - SoCal said...

Trump has been amazingly effective at information conflict level.

Trump has been ruthless, forcing the left to own the rioters and looters.

>Blogger Birches said...
>Trump has been completely ineffective against these protests


Bruce Hayden said...

“Trump has been completely ineffective against these protests, but he also has no support from local and state leaders. I'm more than willing to get him reelected to show that riots don't get you what you want”

I think that he has done just fine. It isn’t his job to shut dow the rioting and burning. It is the responsibility of the mayors and governors. That is called Federalism. He offered federal help if the Dem mayors and governors requested it nicely. And promised that he would send overwhelming force to do it. That would make them look even more weak and ineffectual than they already do, and make them beholden to him. So they don’t. They can’t afford to. The Dems gambled and lost when they gave a green light to the rioting and burning by their Marxist and anarchist wing, and even seemed to egg it on. Too bad. So sad.

iowan2 said...

Black lives do matter. To Me. But I'm old school. Taught certain truths that were not swayed by situational ethics.(that's a classic aint it? Situational ethics) Life is precious and always to be cherished. No qualifying language.
Blacks do not believe black lives matter. They keep killing each other. Blacks assassinated a black+ four year old toddler last weekend in Chicago. Any rioters destroying statues of George Washington Carver? No. No riots, no protests amassing 1000's of people to demand change? Of Course not. Change to address the murder of a four year old black toddler could only be affected by change, only attainable by change in individual character. That would require those responsible to admit change is needed. Anybody hear about blacks demanding a change in black culture? You know, culture. Like music. Like rappers celebrated by Americas first half black president. Rappers invited to perform in the White House, that promote the degradation of women and slaughter of police.
Culture. Like the culture that has landed with 70% of black children being born to single mothers. Maybe black males should commit today to rear every child they sire. Having fathers rear young black males would bring about change.
Solutions to the agreed to problem, are not the goal. Somehow a cop that was unfit to serve in a jurisdiction that has been under Democrat control since the 60's, is not a problem that can be addressed by ant President in the Oval Office. Claiming that the solution could originate there, gives light to the lie, a solution is being sought.

rcocean said...

Notice that the NYT/WaPo/MSM REFUSE To label these vandals anything other than "Protesters". Nor does the MSM describe who they are (Black? White? Women? Men?) or investigate WHO organized the riot, or what their politics/Motives are.I

Instead they deliberately call them "Protesters" - I guess they decided calling them "Peaceful" would've been too much. They are obviously Antifa, but if the WaPo/NYT admitted that, then they'd have to agree with Trump. So, better for the Media to say nothing, and then attack Trump for saying "Without evidence" Antifa is destroying property and rioting.

You'll also notice that in their attacks on Trump for calling out Antifa, they use a narrow definition. Antifa = people who are self-described Antifa members. So, if you're a member of another Left-wing extremist group and allied to Antifa, you don't count. Further, if you belong to Antifa, but say you're not a formal member - you're not Antifa -per the Media. BBTW, they've NEVER done that with the Right-wing. Never do they vaguely call them Protesters. They ALWAYS label them.

bagoh20 said...

"Trumpism has been so destructive to this country, Trumpists have reaped the whirlwind.

How much of this violence and destruction happened in places where Trump won? They may not know it, but the message they are sending is pretty clear. Democrats bring shit to your town. They literally bring the shit, and then you live in it.

bagoh20 said...

Trump is acting perfectly, or as perfect as you can in this situation. He is avoiding the use of force, which he could easily resort to, and which any Democrat President would have long ago. Eventually they will accomplish what they want, which is to force a violent reaction.
They won't stop until they do. Trump is letting them make the case for it more and more everyday, so when the inevitable happens, it will be wanted and appreciated my most Americans. I hope they start destroying the things celebrities and the chattering class love like museums, strip clubs, resort hotels, yoga classes, plastic surgery and enema clinics,

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Blaming Trump is a coping mechanism.
the ProgLibDems cannot admit that what they see their side doing is wrong, but they know it's gotten out of hand and dont know what to do.
They own this, they birthed this.
There are no ProgLibDem voices decrying this, only justifying it with OMB

the genteel liberals are quietly freaking out now that
they see that the Clown Car of Wokeness that they cheered for
as it rolled off the assembly line earlier HAS NO BRAKES and
it's coming straight at them.

Whoever is driving this Virtuous Purge has no grounded tenets
really, other than
"Orange & White Man Bad"
so their movement is in free-fall.
That might feel fun for now but it's the sudden deceleration
that is a problem.

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, it is impossible to parody an Inga comment any longer.

bagoh20 said...

Everything they are protesting about was here long before Trump, and will still be after he's gone, although they had been improving lately: less crime, less police shootings, less minority unemployment and poverty, etc. All those things are worse where Democrats rule, and will get worse if they continue to. Or is that too hard to follow?

New York City is the perfect example of this experiment in action. Democrats ruled when it was a high crime, homeless infested mess.

Republicans came in and fixed it so much that it's hard to even believe how miraculous the improvement was. It was one of the safest and best run big cities in the world.

That was very short lived. It only took a few years under Democrats to get it right back to the dangerous shit hole it was before. Today it is devolving into chaos and ugliness.

I have to give Democrats one thing: They do what they do very effectively every single time.

RMc said...

Hey, hey, ho, ho, Andrew Jackson’s got to go.

Here's gone, you morons. That's just a friggin' statue.

And get some new chants, OK? You've been doing the "hey hey ho ho" crap for 50+ years.

Ray - SoCal said...

I’m surprised Trump has not shattered yet the Overton Window on Black on Black Crime.

My guess is he is going to allowing it to get worse, before he shatters it for maximum electoral effect before the election going after the Black Vote.

The murder rate in the Blue Cities of NYC, Minneapolis, and Chicago will continue to get worse with the higher temperatures. Politically, I don’t think their mayors are willing to do anything.

Browndog said...

I expect the shut down order in the next couple weeks. Probably shortly after the Fourth of July.

Non-existant Antifa has already put out flyers for flag burning on July 4 at Gettysburg.

Michael K said...

Blogger Drago said...

Inga is completely supportive of the riots which she also claims are incited by hawaiian shirt wearing white supremacists and certainly not anyone on the left.

Inga lives in 97% white Wisconsin and in a part of it that is 99.9% white. She might even believe the nonsense she posts here. Blinders are part of the equipment to be a leftist cheer leader.

bagoh20 said...

"And get some new chants, OK? You've been doing the "hey hey ho ho" crap for 50+ years."

I'm expecting to hear " Hey Karen, 23 skidoo!"

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Bruce Hayden said...

I expect the shut down order in the next couple weeks. Probably shortly after the Fourth of July...

You may be right. Durkan walked back the 'Summer of Love' nonsense yesterday and says it's time to dismantle CHOP.

I have my doubts that some groups will obey the stand down order, though.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

bagoh20 said...

I'm expecting to hear " Hey Karen, 23 skidoo!"

That's the Biden Campaign's victory yell!

Jim at said...

Trumpism has been so destructive to this country, Trumpists have reaped the whirlwind. - Drooling Ingacile

Leftists resort to countless acts of violence because they lost an election, and it's our fault?

Fuck. You.

JaimeRoberto said...

"some clad in black with goggles, helmets and gas masks"

But no evidence of Antifa.

The Godfather said...

I just don't understand the protestors defacing St. John's Church. The folks at St. John's have been very supportive of the protests. They've given water to the protesters, they've forgiven and excused the attempt to fire-bomb the church, and they've condemned the President for holding up a Bible in front of the Church. What more do the protesters want? That's not a rhetorical question. I bet if they tell the Bishop what they want, she'll do her best to provide it.

JaimeRoberto said...

"After 4 years of Trump people have had as much as they can stand."

Is that why they were rioting on inauguration day? Is that why they were disrupting his events even before the election? Is this why they attacked the attendees of the CA GOP convention in San Jose 4 years ago? Give me a break.

Michael K said...

I kind of agree with Kurt Schlicter.

It’s certainly frustrating to watch a pack of reeking leftist scumbags declare a portion of an American city an “autonomous zone” – what is it with Democrats and their secession fetish? – but do not get frustrated because Donald Trump has not sent the 101st Airborne in to powerwash the human grunge from Seattle’s feces-bedecked streets.

That’s what the Democrats want. And Trump – a better strategic thinker than all the media geniuses, hack politicians, and Afghan War-losing generals who cry about him – is not only not going to give them the victory they crave. He’s going to jam their cheesy plan down their throats.

The libs’ plan to win in November corresponds to Trump’s plan to crush them yet again. Skeptical? Consider this. In the five years since he rode down that escalator bringin’ hell with him, how many times have they come at Trump and won? Zero. He’s spent half a decade on the edge of doom and he’s still here. Why would you think that the walls are suddenly closing in now? You shouldn’t.

It's an Information Operation and Trump is better at that.

Iman said...

Fuck these BLM fanatics and ALL who support them.

iowan2 said...

Comment up thread reminds us all. Where is Saint Obama. If he can lower the seas, surely he can calm peaceful protesters destroying their own homes. Silence supports the imagined racism. Lots of silence coming from The Light Bringer. Silence is condoning the violence. The murders, the assaults, the looting. Silence is condoning vigilantism.

KellyM said...

Has anyone heard a call for the Sen. Robert Byrd statue to come down yet? You know, the guy who was an actual Klan member?


iowan2 said...

BothSidesNow @ 9:24

There's a mouthful. An analysis of these couple of paragraphs, is way more productive then dissecting anything NYT or WAPO offer up.
If someone has a backchannel to President Trumps inner circle, this would be great, delivered from his bully pulpit at his next gathering of Americans.

Crazy World said...

Yes Inga, we know EVERYTHING is Trump’s fault, sorry!

donald said...

Inga’s piece of shit confederates are animals and she blames others. Inga is a piece of shit.

Nichevo said...

hawkeyedjb said...
"defeating Trumpism peacefully at the ballot box."

Why Trumpism? The proximate cause of the recent riots was the death of George Floyd,

They'd slaughter a thousand Floyds and bedeck themselves in the blood if it would defeat "Trumpism," aka, "the American people resisting their being drowned in a slops bucket."

Nichevo said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
What our public education, the media, SNL, and the corruptocrat party do to white grrls.

Blame Trump!
6/23/20, 8:02 AM

Speaking of which, remember Ann was begging, imploring us for evidence of the identification of Antifa?

I may not be able to identify them, but TwitterSafety can:


Ted Cruz
Beyond satire.

Twitter is literally censoring the President of the United States for saying that violent anarchists will not be allowed to take over our nation’s capital & that law enforcement will act to protect public safety.

In Big Tech’s Orwellian world, that’s “abusive.”
Quote Tweet

Twitter Safety
· 5h
We’ve placed a public interest notice on this Tweet for violating our policy against abusive behavior, specifically, the presence of a threat of harm against an identifiable group.

Show this thread

ken in tx said...

The MLK statue was designed and executed by a Chinese guy. It is attached to a huge block of stone that would be impossible to topple by a mob--maybe the mob that erected the pyramids could do it. It is also in a posture that no one has ever observed MLK to hold. However, it is probably one of the few statues that this crew would actually know who it is supposed to be. They wouldn't want to topple it.

BTW, exactly what CHANGE would all these people like to see? They never really say. I mean real examples, not vague wishes like Social Justice.

DeepRunner said...

exhelodrvr1 said...
"Democrats and the grand majority of people on the left are not condoning violence and destruction despite what people on the right want to think."

When they do not publicly discourage it, yes they are condoning it.

Well, you know what they say...Silence is Violence.