June 1, 2020

"Pandemic-weary Americans were already angry — about COVID-19 deaths, lockdown orders and tens of millions of people out of work."

"The pandemic has hit African Americans harder than whites in the U.S., and the killings of black people by police have continued over the years even as the topic faded from the national stage. But there are signs of people with other disparate motives, including anarchist graffiti, arrests of some out-of-state protesters, and images circulating in extremist groups that suggest the involvement of outside groups.... President Donald Trump, Attorney General William Bar and others have said the left-wing extremist group antifa is to blame.... An antifa activist group disseminated a message in a Telegram channel on Saturday that encouraged people to consider Minnesota National Guard troops 'easy targets,' two Defense Department officials said. The message encouraged activists to steal 'kit,' meaning the weapons and body armor used by the soldiers.... Others have seen evidence of right-wing extremists. J.J. MacNab, a fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism, has been monitoring chatter about the protests among anti-government extremists on social media platforms. She has access to dozens of private Facebook groups for followers of the loosely organized 'Boogaloo' movement, which uses an ’80s movie sequel as a code word for a second civil war. She also has been poring over images from the weekend protests and spotted some 'boogaloo bois' in the crowds, carrying high-powered rifles and wearing tactical gear. 'They want to co-opt them in order to start their war. They see themselves as being on the side of protesters and that the protesters themselves are useful in causing anarchy,' MacNab said. She also sees signs that the Three Percenters militia movement appears to be taking an interest. Megan Squire, an Elon University computer science professor who tracks online extremism, saw images of at least four members of the far-right Proud Boys group on the periphery of a protest Saturday night in Raleigh, North Carolina...."

From "Officials See Extremist Groups, Disinformation in Protests" (AP/NYT).


stlcdr said...

It appears there's a lot of effort being put in to 'find' right wing groups in these protests, and overlook the obvious.

mezzrow said...

If you haven't seen the video embedded in this link, stop what you're doing and watch. Thanks to James Lileks and the original videographer. This is possibly the most powerful and illustrative clip of this tragedy I've seen so far. You have seven minutes for this.

Humans are capable of humanity, but we are under the hegemony of our lizard brains. Hatred, greed and resentment fall away in the realization of the humanity of those we seek to destroy.


Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Can someone please tell me what chapter of Revelations we are on this week?

Inga said...

From the embedded link.

“She also has been poring over images from the weekend protests and spotted some “boogaloo bois” in the crowds, carrying high-powered rifles and wearing tactical gear.

“They want to co-opt them in order to start their war. They see themselves as being on the side of protesters and that the protesters themselves are useful in causing anarchy,” MacNab said.

Before protests began in New York City, organizers of anarchist groups began raising money for bail, recruited medical teams to deploy for violent interactions with police and planned how to target high-end stores, said John Miller, the NYPD's deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism.

Scouts on bicycles would also move ahead of the groups to report where the police would be and then direct small breakaway groups to areas where they could torch police cars or throw Molotov cocktails, Miller said.

The Trump administration has largely remained silent on local reports that far-right protesters were also involved.”

Tom T. said...

I'm guessing that Prof. Macnab sees far-right symbols on her morning toast and Proud Boys in her peripheral vision.

JackWayne said...

As usual “officials” take a very small truth and turn it into a Big Lie. Yawn.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

This is the true Achilles heal of Big Tech, not their penchant for harassing and hiding tweets from people on The Right. The way The Left uses FB and Twitter to organize and encourage Antifa right out there in the open and Big Media is part and parcel of it. The DNC-Media complex has taken Antifa’s side and provides support and cover for the ultra violent terrorists who organize it. Several studies of Bug Media twitter accounts has shown them helping to organize their armed allies. FB and Twitter will stop you from organizing an anti-stay at home rally but actually provide help if you organize a riot. A reckoning is coming in the next few days.

Rick said...

We're to believe left wingers have super-secret proof white supremacists are behind the riots?

What a farce.

Left wing academics understand their role is to provide cover for left wing political initiatives. Most prominently they've delivered the claim 1 in 4 women are sexually assaulted on campus and Elizabeth Warren's study claiming most personal bankruptcies in America are caused by medical bills. These studies are pure propaganda created without concern to reality, the assertions are derived solely by political need.

rehajm said...

How much evidence does it take to see the truth? Apparently more than one large pallet of bricks....

If you parse that video try to imagine scenario where that palette of bricks makes sense. Those yellow barriers made from dimension lumber, those yellow lights, the wording and font of that sign. Do they look like things you could scrounge at Amazon and the hardware store or things you always see at a road closing job site in 2002? Where's the DOT jersey barriers or the moveable plastic ones? The state mandated reflective signage?

Who's trying to pull the fast one?

DanTheMan said...

>>saw images of at least four members of the far-right Proud Boys group


Clearly this means we can label the looters "right wing".
Who are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?

Laslo Spatula said...

"... saw images of at least four members of the far-right Proud Boys group on the periphery of a protest Saturday night in Raleigh, North Carolina...."

They were in the shadows behind the fence on the Grassy Knoll!

I am Laslo.

rehajm said...

I mean there's at least a few thousand dollars of OSHA fines just sitting there....

TreeJoe said...

Couldn't read the full article but can someone explain to me the rationale in a news article creating equivalency between Antifa, a huge organization with a well established history of riots and anarchy in many major cities, and things like "This professor spotted 4 members of a far-right group on the sidelines of a protest" or "This professor saw members of the boogaloo bois in tactical gear and carrying rifles and believes they want to co-opt the protests."

Paco Wové said...

I think I'm seeing some disinformation right here.

YoungHegelian said...

She also has been poring over images from the weekend protests and spotted some 'boogaloo bois' in the crowds, carrying high-powered rifles and wearing tactical gear.

Oh, you mean like these guys?

The idea that she can look at a crowd & determine that every person with a gun is a right-winger is, sadly, what passes for analysis among these people.

I mean, lefties never have guns. The Black Panthers were all unarmed pacifists, ya know?

Captain BillieBob said...

These are not riots or protests this is an insurrection.

MayBee said...

It's fascinating to me that we see Antifa out there front and center, but this quotes a few professors pouring over internet posts possibly seeing Boogaloo talking about possibly getting involved.

And Megan Squire may be right, but I was looking at the Chicago Protest twitter last night, and there were dozens of posts of people who think the officer who killed George Floyd is an actor, and they find cops they think are actors. It reminds me of people on the right who thought David Hogg was a crisis actor. Who knows what you are really seeing, but I suspect its what you want to see. Call me unimpressed if you think you see a few guys who look like someone in the background when there are people in the foreground obviously destroying things.

Captain BillieBob said...

More deflection by the lefties intent on destroying the country and installing a permanent democrat majority.

M Jordan said...

Chaos has a short half-life. It will end soon, perhaps with a whimper, perhaps with a bang.

narciso said...

And yet twitter bans lenihan and gives the stink eye to andy ngo.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Left hates America and is able to survive and thrive due to enablers and coddlers in the Democrat Party and its hijacked institutions (Hollywood, Media, college campuses, and Leftwing Mayors/Governors who stand down the police).

Trump is not a perfect leader, but his opponents will burn down your business and your building and try to destroy your livelihood to beat him. George Floyd is but a small fish in a pond to what they seek to do.

MayBee said...

It isn't enough that there are definitely protests, and there are definitely Antifa and black people destroying and looting and throwing concrete at cops. But there may possibly be someone on the right using words to maybe discuss getting involved, and that is equally bad I guess.

Now I just heard the "reasonable" Kareen Abdul Jabbar saying Republicans want to take away voting rights of black people. So I think we see how this is going to go.

Butkus51 said...

These riots are similar to the riot that happened at a cancelled Trump Rally in Chicago

Planned, spur of the moment, just say the word. Conveniently people didnt have to worry about work.


narciso said...

The gwu center whitewashes islamic extremism as well so no surprise

Amadeus 48 said...

Forget it, Jake. It’s NYT.

Here’s the thing: this news channel, which has printed lies and spin time after time after time, with no retractions or apologies, now puts out a deeper truth from some university crank and conspiracy theorist who picks out masked people with positive IDs in a nation of 330 million. I am not buying it.

Jersey Fled said...

"She also has been poring over images from the weekend protests and spotted some 'boogaloo bois' in the crowds, carrying high-powered rifles and wearing tactical gear."

Wait a minute. I have it in good authority (Inga) that they wear Hawaiian shirts.

Kind of makes me wonder about Andy Reid though.

Danno said...

If Charlottesville was any indication, there are probably no more than about 1,000 white supremacists that are active and mobile. There are about 100 cities in North America with protests, riots and all that jazz. So each burning and looted city has about 10 white supremacists doing all this damage?


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

More disinformation for the braindead Ingas to swallow.

Inga thinks everyone hates America as much as she does.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

RICO these rioting motherfuckers!

Fernandinande said...


They sound kinda desperate.

Speaking of which, an amusingly incoherent anti-white racist rant in the NYT:

"Eventually [white and Asian - Ed.] doctors will develop a coronavirus vaccine, but black people will continue to wait for a cure for racism [and the vaccine]."

For some reason this punch-line was in the middle of the rant, rather than at the end of it: "The country is starkly dividing between those who believe in science and those who don’t."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hundreds or even thousands of Antifa in all these blue cities... but someone looking hard hard... hard... found...->

"at least four members of the far-right Proud Boys "

Inga said...

Black Organizers ‘Enraged’ by White Agitators ‘Here to F*ck Shit Up’ PROTESTS HIJACKED. In several cities, African-American organizers pleaded with white protesters and, in some cases, physically intervened to deescalate tense situations.

mccullough said...

So the Biden campaign and Justin Timberlake are putting up bail money for the Alt Right.

Good to know.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"[we're] living for the moment between Democrat talking points, when riots are both (a) totally righteous and justified, and (b) the dastardly work of Trump, Russians, white nationalists, etc."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Russia Russia Inga has little to say about the leftwing Antfia Mobs.

wendybar said...

Ohhhhhh….4 Proud boys. What did they burn down??

tim maguire said...

I just read an article in the NYT while trying to learn about the details of the arrest--like why was he being arrested (passing counterfeit money, which has been largely ignored by the media) and came across this stunning revelation--Chauvin and Floyd knew each other! They worked security at the same nightclub for a year prior to the killing.

How is this not a key detail? It changes everything!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Very few or NO "far right wing" groups are involved.

This is 99% leftwing anarchist. Sadly, the real reason for protesting George Floyd's death has been lost to more CORRUPT CNN DNC lies-> and the lying liars who lie. That's who the Biden-Hillary democrat party is now. LIES. Corruption. Money grubbing.

Russia Russia Inga eats all the BS with her spoon.

mandrewa said...

If I'm not mistaken but I'm pretty sure the "Proud Boys" are proud to be American and that by and large was the purpose of the group.

If I'm not mistaken the "Proud Boys" were organized as a reaction to the violence of Antifa and it was intended to protect people from the violence acts of the left wing and in particular the beatings that have been going on for many years now and that our left-wing media routinely covers up and lies about.

This, and I believe it is nothing more than this, is what is now labeled "far right."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey Inga - look at all the "far right wing" groups looting in SoHo.

George Floyd Protests Escalate Overnight As Luxury Stores Looted In SoHo

Michael K said...

The Trump administration has largely remained silent on local reports that far-right protesters were also involved.”

Very local "reports " by Inga bots that see right wingers in their dreams.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Most of the extreme looting and burning is in BLUE cities. Deep blue.

Funny how all of a sudden these Democrat enclaves are filled with "right wing extremists"

Birkel said...

I wonder if this professor is paid by China, Russia, or Soros to generate this propaganda.

Sebastian said...

Ah, yes, all those right wingers involved in the riots. That must be why Ellison and Walz offspring are so eager to declare solidarity, and Hollywood celebrities offered to cover bail.

jaydub said...

Inga's working overtime to cover for the Antifa marxists. I hope Soros pays her at least time and a half for overtime..

Mike Sylwester said...

Megan Squire, an Elon University computer science professor who tracks online extremism, saw images of at least four members of the far-right Proud Boys group on the periphery of a protest Saturday night in Raleigh, North Carolina

On the periphery!

Ambrose said...

Poring over images of left-wing rioters looking for one or two right wingers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Just look at all the "right wing extremists" captured by the photo journalists - photo journalisticizing.

Evil rightwingers... burning it all down for George.

Yeah - with help from Putin or something.

Clayton Hennesey said...

President Trump has already won reelection.

Everything else everyone is talking about now, including previously undecided African-Americans and independents, everything we are talking about now, is really just talking about how that came about.

rcocean said...

"Others have seen evidence of right-wing extremists. J.J. MacNab, a fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism, has been monitoring chatter about the protests among anti-government extremists on social media platforms. She has access to dozens of private Facebook groups for followers of the loosely organized 'Boogaloo' movement, which uses an ’80s movie sequel as a code word for a second civil war. She also has been poring over images from the weekend protests and spotted some 'boogaloo bois' in the crowds, carrying high-powered rifles and wearing tactical gear. 'They want to co-opt them in order to start their war. They see themselves as being on the side of protesters and that the protesters themselves are useful in causing anarchy,'

What BULLSHIT! This is typical MSM misdirection. WHere is the phrase WITHOUT EVIDENCE - because its needed here. "She" poured over facebook and images and "Spotted" some supposed "Boogaloos" in a crowd? Really. What crowd? Where? Doing what? How does she KNOW they are KKK/Neo-Nazis? Talk about lies!

Meanwhile, Antifa is threatening to kill National Guardsmen, and doing it in writing! But, y'know BOTH SIDES ARE WRONG.

rcocean said...

Its getting insane. We have people protesting the lockdown, and all the MSM does is talk about Confederate Flags, and Swastikas and people carrying Guns. But now we have Antifa and leftists burning, looting and vandalizing Monuments in DC, and the MSM doesn't even want to admit they EXIST. No, all the "protesters" are just poor black folks upset about Mr. Floyd. Incredible!

Of course, we saw this same MSM bias with the Tea party and Occupy Wall street.

mtrobertslaw said...

Ever since Inga won the Miss Okauchee Lake Beauty Pageant years ago, her thinking skills have deteriorated. Now she believes Antifa is our only hope to stop the conservatives.

Lurker21 said...

Megan Squire, an Elon University computer science professor who tracks online extremism, saw images of at least four members of the far-right Proud Boys group on the periphery of a protest Saturday night in Raleigh, North Carolina

"Saw images" meaning "saw their faces and positively identified them" or just made an assumption? "On the periphery" meaning participating or observing like other busybodies?

I wouldn't put it past right-wingers to pretend to be left-wingers, or - what may be the case here - left-wingers to pretend to be right wingers, but it would be silly to assume that all the violence was the fault of right-wing provocateurs.

Plus, there's the fringe of the fringe: free-floating extremists who really don't fit in the boxes that journalists create for them. According to some published accounts, some of those who call themselves "Boogaloo Bois" are more anti-government than anything else and really aren't in favor of violence against African-Americans. They might even join in the riots. If they do, they would be quite useful to people with other agendas.

Ralph L said...

You can bet the far right groups were infiltrated by all the Federal police agencies during BO's terms. I believe it was discovered in Clinton's time that they were informing on each other as the main instigators.

Ralph L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Temujin said...

Much has already been said that I would have said. But I'll add this: The Tea Party was a non-violent grass-roots protest against the fraud of our 2008 banking collapse. It was the people saying enough is enough. Originally, the Tea Party had every race and religion among it's early members. That is until the media, reading scripts from major Left-wing money machines, started in calling the Tea Partiers racist, bigots, homophobes, xenophobes- you know, the usual. Then black people were too afraid of how they'd look joining up. So it became a more one-dimensional group (this is also why there are so few black Republicans but that's another story for another time.). But...Tea Partiers were a true grass-roots movement, spurred by an economic event. And these were peaceful rallies. So peaceful that when a few hundred thousand of them descended on Washington DC in 2010, they left the mall cleaner and more beautiful than it was when they first arrived.

By comparison, Occupy Wall Street came about in 2011, backed by the same Lefty-money machine and media that derided the Tea Party. But OWS was nothing like the Tea Partiers. They raped each other, damaged property, and sounded like they wanted to rip te entire country apart. Oh yeah, they shit on cars as well. Nice people. But the press lauded them. Praised them! And this was where Antifa started to take hold and grow.

The press has been on their side, hell- a part of them- since those early days. Any objective mind could look at and listen to the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street and see: one side stood for freedom and peace, the other side stood for destruction by any means. Nothing close.

So to see the press stare squarely at the same images as the rest of us, images we've seen dozens of times before, of Antifa destroying, then having to listen to the press compare 4 Proud Boys to what is happening from every corner of our country, is just part of the continued disgrace of our Journalist! class. I'm beyond tired of them all. And at this point, I hope Antifa finds the New York Times building in Manhattan. They want to tear things down? That's a good starting point.

Francisco D said...

Michael K said... Very local "reports " by Inga bots that see right wingers in their dreams.

Inga need to catch up. The new meme by Susan Rice holds another group responsible.

It is the Russians, of course.

There have always been deranged people on the Left, but it appears that the majority no longer live in the real world, but one created by Hollywood, the media and academia.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Russia Russia Inga - The Lilly white Antifa agitators are all leftwing Antifa-Occupy fascists. All. Of. Them.

They want to Bern it all down, too. but for different reasons than caring about George Floyd.

CJinPA said...

Blogger mezzrow said...
"If you haven't seen the video embedded in this link, stop what you're doing and watch."

Powerful, ground-level, up close look at looting. I assume some of the looters returned the property because the owner is Muslim, and is seen as an ally against the common enemy. I can't imagine a white person confronting the group and not being harmed. Too cynical?

Rick said...

mandrewa said...

If I'm not mistaken the "Proud Boys" were organized as a reaction to the violence of Antifa and it was intended to protect people from the violence acts of the left wing and in particular the beatings that have been going on for many years now and that our left-wing media routinely covers up and lies about.

This, and I believe it is nothing more than this, is what is now labeled "far right."

There's a further takeaway from this. Note the Proud Boys stand for the same thing many left wingers claim to stand for: opposition to violence. Why then do these left wingers portray PB as far right? It's because PB opposes antifa, but this would not influence people who really oppose antifa. Instead left wingers categorizing the PB as far right are unintentionally revealing their support for antifa.

YoungHegelian said...


The new meme by Susan Rice holds another group responsible...It is the Russians, of course.

One thing that the ascension of Trump has revealed is that many of our betters are simply & utterly bat-shit crazy. I mean Ministry of Silly Walks located at St. Loony on the Cream Bun crazy. Susan Rice as case in point.

Michael K said...

Inga bot is thrilled that Antifa rioter, Wesley Somers, 25, is white. Lileks posted a series of photos from Minneapolis early in the riots showing white guys with Bernie tee shirts involved.

Wince said...

Sure her name isn't Karen?

Megan Squire, an Elon University computer science professor who tracks online extremism, saw images of at least four members of the far-right Proud Boys group on the periphery of a protest Saturday night in Raleigh, North Carolina...."

Couldn't you say the following thing about the media?

'They want to co-opt them in order to start their war. They see themselves as being on the side of protesters and that the protesters themselves are useful in causing anarchy,' MacNab said.

MayBee said...

So....are black people so stupid they are following white supremacists into rioting and looting?

Jupiter said...

"She also has been poring over images from the weekend protests and spotted some 'boogaloo bois' in the crowds, carrying high-powered rifles and wearing tactical gear."

I don't know if they were "Boogaloo bois", but I did see video of a bunch of white guys with AR-15's in Minneapolis guarding a tobacco store. I don't know why they thought the store was in any danger, no rioters came anywhere near it, the whole time they were standing there.

Michael K said...

More of Inga bot's "right wingers"

According to Reuters, at least 13 staffers on Biden’s campaign posted about their donations on Twitter to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which opposes the concept of cash bail, and uses donations to pay bail fees in Minneapolis.

Andrew Bates told Reuters that Joe Biden opposes the institution of cash bail as a “modern-day debtors prison.” But he would not say if the donations were coordinated within the campaign.

These donations come at the same time Minnesota officials are claiming that white supremacists were behind the civil unrest and destruction in Minneapolis.

Just trying to help Inga bot find those Boogaloo Boys.

Rick said...

Inga said...
Black Organizers ‘Enraged’ by White Agitators ‘Here to F*ck Shit Up’ PROTESTS HIJACKED. In several cities, African-American organizers pleaded with white protesters and, in some cases, physically intervened to deescalate tense situations.

Nothing in this link even asserts white supremacists are involved, much less provide compelling evidence. Why it's almost like the difference between white and white supremacist is irrelevant to left wingers.

MayBee said...

In all of this Chicago still managed to have 80 shootings and 12 killed this weekend.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Megan Squire, an Elon University computer science professor who tracks online extremism, saw images of at least four members of the far-right Proud Boys group on the periphery of a protest Saturday night in Raleigh, North Carolina...."

Recognized, how?

JaimeRoberto said...

It wouldn't surprise me if there are some right-wingers (or however you want to label them) at the riots and protests out of curiosity, but being on the periphery isn't the same as participating and instigating.

For example, when I lived in Eastern Europe 20+ years ago there were protests in the main square. I went to watch, because I was curious and it was on my way home from work. I didn't want to end up on the front page of the government newspaper as a "foreign agent" at the protests, so I stayed on the periphery and left after a few minutes.

Jim at said...

Ah, yes. The Three Percenters again.

I have friends who are Three Percenters. They were nowhere near these riots. They're home, buying ammo and waiting for the leftist thugs to get froggy in the suburbs.

hstad said...

Officials look over there "White Supremacists" classic MSM and 'Progressive' slight of hand so they can avoid there real duties of maintaining order. Meanwhile, the only violence seen, to date, is directed and caused by ANTIFA. Look at some guy running around passing out money and yelling instructions to people - amazing. The propoganda absorbed by 'Progressive' officials in obvious in daily pronouncements. I have to LOL because their language doesn't match with the pictures we see every night.

Nichevo said...

J.J. MacNab, a fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism, has been monitoring chatter about the protests among anti-government extremists on social media platforms. She has access to dozens of private Facebook groups for followers of the loosely organized 'Boogaloo' movement,

IOW, Facebook is illicitly bird-dogging and giving her access to private groups?

I wonder if I could get that kind of access to battered women's groups. Abused women are the easiest to victimize. Or maybe a teen LGBT group helping each other figure out how or whether to come out to their parents. Let's take the bull by the horns, kids!

Inga said...
“Of course, as even Gov. Walz has recognized, the riots are to some extent staged, by Antifa insurrectionists. At some point, even Althouse will have to face facts rather than play with words.”

Governor Walz spoke of outside agitators, he didn’t say to what group they belonged to or what their affiliation was.

That's because it's not in his interest to do so, Inga.

bagoh20 said...
I think it's a new phenomenon, but I'm not sure. There's this propensity with one of the political parties to punish law-abiding citizens and to ignore, forgive, even protect the people who break the laws with things like sanctuary cities, and gun control, open borders, government corruption, lying to congress or the FBI, and on and on. It's seems like some kind of obsession with doing exactly the wrong thing.
6/1/20, 7:46 AM

The word you may be looking for is "evil." The inversion of values is in the service of evil.

Kirk Parker said...


"So each burning and looted city has about 10 white supremacists doing all this damage?"

I get your point, but on the other hand that's not really implausible. Look how much disruption Muhammad and Malvo were able to cause in DC/NoVa, or Christopher Dorner in LA.


In this wouldn't it be " left-wingers to pretend to be right wingers pretending to be left-wingers"?

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