June 14, 2020

Is there something physically wrong with President Trump?

Watch both videos, then say which of these things is most likely:
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Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Needs a checkup from the neck up.

Unknown said...

Re: two-handed sipping....If you look at how bulky his shirt and suit are, one wonders if he's wearing some type of bullet-proof garment underneath his suit or another garment that restricts his upper body mobility.

Remember that had JFK not been wearing a very rigid corset-type torso brace to protect his spine, he likely would have been able to duck and avoid the fatal bullet.

Kevin said...

I await everyone who see nothing wrong with Biden to immediately demand a thorough examination of Trump.

gilbar said...

remember president Hillary?
now THERE were health problems!
remember president Jo Biden?
now THERE were mental problems!

tim maguire said...

The escalator (not stairs) is a temporary construction that may not be functioning properly—note the officer next to him walks a little funny too. So that one could fall under either nothing is wrong or fake if you want to emphasize that the clip is intended to make us think something is wrong When it doesn’t. The water drinking clip looks a bit odd and could indicate any of a number of problems, big or small, or it could be nothing.

I went with minor problem because of his age, but really, it’s most likely nothing at all.

stlcdr said...

I’d put this down to the fact he is, what, over 70 years old, he acts and behaves like ‘us’ (is not a politician) and that as a person, does derpy things from time to time - not surprising we see these things when the media makes him the focus of everything 24/7.

Readering said...

I thought it was a ramp.

Darrell said...

The temporary ramp was steep, wet, and had no handrail. At any age or physical condition, a wise person takes extra care.

I think we should harvest the Left now--baby seal style. They are past ripe and stinking.

Readering said...

let's see how soon he plays golf.

Darrell said...

Hillary, Biden, and RBG are in tip-top shape, though.
Trust the Party.

gspencer said...

Trump does have "too much mass" which in the heat is especially uncomfortable. If it were easy we'd all lose the extra weight. So would Trump. Things might be catching up though.

Mark said...

Meanwhile people here have been diagnosing Biden for months.

These rallies could get interesting.

MayBee said...

I've been really nervous and had a hard time getting my glass to my lips to take a drink.
I remember for a job interview once, I ordered soup and then spent my time in fear of actually getting the spoon up toward my face.

He probably should go hang out with his grandchildren and then announce he has pneumonia.

Temujin said...

You ever walk down steps that are shallow and short steps. It throws you off. You have to watch your steps because the inclination is to take your full step, but if you do, you end up breaking an ankle. I know. I did it. Since then, I watch where I'm stepping and if its short shallow steps, I watch every step.

But I can read just fine. Trump has never been able to give a speech that he is reading. He's best off the cuff. Everyone knows that. Except for Aaron Rupar, who must literally spend each hour of each day looking for things to tweet or write on Donald Trump. He's a pretty one-dimensional person. Must be a ball to hang around.

clint said...

Unknown probably has the sipping right. I assume he's wearing body armor.

As to the stairs, it looked like he was taking it one step at a time and leading with the same leg on every step. Perhaps he has a bum knee, or did that day?

Given that we've had a President who served in a wheelchair, I'm not sure why I'm supposed to be concerned about a touch of arthritis in a knee.

DrSquid said...

Couldn't get the stairs video to play, but the water drinking looks ok to me.

What is Dr Lee's opinion of the stammering and confusion demonstrated daily by Joe Biden?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The problem is an unethical doctor making a long-distance, politically motivated diagnosis, concern trollery, and the usual snotty snidery of the left.

J Scott said...

The second one looks more like a ramp. Considering Trump wears some super lifted heels I imagine ramps are a particular problem.

DrSquid said...

Ok, I found a working video of the stair descent on the Reverend Dr Lee's twitter page. Looks perfectly fine to me for a man of Trump's age. His careful step is the same type I use when going down stairs.

BTW the sanctimonious preaching with which she fills her page is characteristic of the most obnoxious 3rd year medical student.

J Scott said...

I see that Trump already said it was a slippery ramp last night.


iowan2 said...

Attempting to set the narrative. No actual news, no reporting, to facts, just narrative setting, another day that ends in y

The Vault Dweller said...

He has a case of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis, just like the fictional character, President Jeb Bartlet did in the hit show "The West Wing". The popularity of that show and that character touched him, because he was aware of his own condition at that time the show aired. He then made it his mission to live up to the same potential as Jeb Bartlet. Ironically, a show that was beloved and watched by many on the left was the inspiration for the President that the Left now hates the most. In hindsight, the press corps that travels with President on Air Force One, should be happy that Trump's inspiration wasn't the Presidential character portrayed by Harrison Ford in the movie, "Air Force One". Otherwise they would have been liable to have been forcibly defenestrated by Trump at altitude, as he growled at them, "Get off my plane!"

MD Greene said...

Fine. Now do Joe Biden.

Otto said...

You wish.

Kassaar said...

to have a health reason if he needs to withdraw from the 2020 race

What would the real reason be in this case?

Howard said...

Super-Size Me! Maybe the reason he was walking down that ramp with assistance looking like he was Hillary Clinton was because of his 3 inch lifts that he wears inside his shoes.

EH said...

I think health should be a very important criteria when evaluating all of these older candidates. However, even with those video clips, he still look healthier than Joe Biden.

Sydney said...

Water could be due to dentures. Trying to keep them from slipping while sipping. The stairs are definitely arthritic knees and/or hips. I myself walk down stairs that way because my knees are not very agile or reliable.

Mazo Jeff said...

Looks like a ramp, not "stairs"

Ironclad said...

The water thing is nothing. The stairs look like they are tiny landings. Both men are making careful strides as they walk down. Watch Trump at the bottom - he makes a skip step like he’s glad that’s over then walks normal.

Now let’s watch the innumerable brain freeze SLO JOE clips. Love the one where the mask hangs on his face for effect.

You can see how worried the Left is that Biden is going to do his act where they can’t hide it easily.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a ramp, not a set of stairs. Difficult to navigate when you're trying not to fall on your ass on national TV.

TheDopeFromHope said...

Brandy Lee is a "psychiatrist" at Yale who's been harping on this same stuff for four years. She's clinically insane and therefore well-qualified for her profession.

Clyde said...

As for the stairs, he appeared to be trying to move in step with the general next to him. Sometimes when people are walking in a parade situation, things don’t look natural.

Amexpat said...

Don't think he is faking. He's getting old and heavier. Could be the strains of the job are getting to him, however robust he may be. The presidency prematurely ages it's occupant. Look at the before and after pics.

Krumhorn said...

He seems fine to me. He plays golf. Melania says he’s a real man. He drives the lefties completely nutz. If he wants to pick his steps carefully on a slippery ramp or make sure he doesn’t spill a glass of water on himself in public, that’s fine with me.

Build the wall! Drain the swamp! And Make America Great Again! But above all, beat Sleepy Joe like a red-headed stepchild, and make them pay for that impeachment horror show!

- Krumhorn

gspencer said...

My impression is that he was descending on a ramp and that its pitch was a little too steep for a person in his 70s.

SteveB said...

She also found Biden to be "not so perfect", but better than Trump. Big surprise.


JML said...

I see LLR managed to get a post in at the site. He's still the same, if you haven't bothered to check out the voting.

Marcus Bressler said...

It was a ramp without a handrail. He's a mid-70s man who is at it tirelessly each day. I wouldn't care if he had to hold onto the general. It's difficult being the Best President of my Lifetime™


Didn't watch the drinking video, link went to comments. Really didn't care to pursue it. Let me know when he drifts off in public conversation and forgets his train of thought.

SteveB said...


Browndog said...

Crazy Jane said...

Fine. Now do Joe Biden.

Oh, they will.

By October 35% of the country will know for a fact Joe Biden is the epitome of youth and fitness.

Narayanan said...

I use both hands and even close my eyes ?to savor the pleasure? while sipping bevs?!

as my colleagues/friends have pointed out to me!

so what is with my reflex to close my eyes? can someone tell me / give me a clue

jaydub said...

I'm 75. That's the same way I go down steps, particularly ones that are not standard or don't have a handrail. The steps Trump was walking down were not standard, which is clear from both his and the other person's gaits. (Gee, I wonder if that's why building codes have such rigid stair specs.)

BTW, although I'm careful on stairs because older people like me do not have the same balance as younger folks do, I also walk 5 miles a day, every day, at a mile/15 minute clip and leave most younger people in the dust.

Narayanan said...

@J Scott said...
... Considering Trump wears some super lifted heels
so essentially stiletto in camouflage!
may be he married Melania for high-heel walking lesssons

Michael K said...

Ramp and probable body armor. Plus Chuck snuk in a smear. Usual LLR

Rocketeer said...

None of the above. This is evidence that Democrats know they have a Biden problem, and it's a very clumsy effort to convince America Trump has declined to a similar point.

Howard said...

Is that a good job of hiding the accelerated presidential aging with hair and makeup. The body don't lie.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

3-inch lifts? So the new lefty conspiracy theory is Trump has been faking his 6’4” height what, his whole life? If you geniuses can suss that out how come you never explained what those metal part were that rolled out if Hillary’s pants on 9/11/16 when she passed out because of 75-degree weather? I’ve never heard an explanation for why a candidate for President would need to be heaved about like a side of beef by her literal handlers. Look into that for us, since you obviously have peccable sources.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The reality: Joe is senile and getting worse by the day. Trump has the energy of a man 20 years younger.

The Leftists, as always, project their own sins and flaws onto others.

The preschool taunt of "I know you are but what am I?" is the only argument they can make, the only one they are capable of.

Mark said...

Why would Trump have body armor on while addressing graduates at West Point?

What credible threat there requires it?

Tom T. said...

Anyone with MD in their Twitter handle is not a serious physician, and the willingness to diagnose from afar based on one data point confirms that. Even their political allies are going to recognize this, however much they may find them politically useful. Amazing that people like this are willing to trade their lifelong professional credibility for transient social media clout.

Saint Croix said...

FDR is in a wheelchair.

(Don't tell anybody).

Wince said...

Trump seemed much more spry once he got off the ramp with no rail.

The glass of water was filled quite high to the brim and had a large diameter, two factors that make dribbling much greater. Let's see video when the water level in the glass was lower.

Jeff Weimer said...

I understand Rupar better when I realize he has the uncanny ability to be as stupid as necessary for any situation.

Biff said...

Perhaps the hardest fall I've ever taken was when I was in my 30s, in great shape, walking down a damp ramp while wearing a suit and new dress shoes. A friend told me it looked like a cartoon scene where character steps on a banana peel. Nothing was broken, but I had a couple of impressive bruises and aches for days. A fall like that could do very serious damage to a 74 year old man, especially a tall one. Ever since, I make sure to scuff the bottoms of new shoes, and I take care walking on damp surfaces.

Michael K said...

Amazing that people like this are willing to trade their lifelong professional credibility for transient social media clout.

Anybody who went to medical school with a budding psychiatrist knows how looney they tend to be. 33 of my classmates went into psychiatry.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

typical Trump move.

Inviting criticism of issues that are his opponent's weaknesses

Mental and physical health? You really wanna go there, Dems?

Yes, double-bulky body armor contour lines could be seen when we met
him at Mar-a-Lago for the Repub spring retreat, and as safe a crowd
as WP.

Francisco D said...

MayBee said...I've been really nervous and had a hard time getting my glass to my lips to take a drink.

That was my immediate thought, remembering job interviews when I had accepted a cup of coffee. Of course this is the equivalent of Joe Biden being unable to complete a coherent sentence.

Dr. Lee must be an academic. If she was licensed and in practice, she could be sued for rather obvious violations of the Code of Ethics. Ate that psychiatrists are unqualified to make psychiatric diagnoses, based on their training. They hire psychologists for diagnostic testing and interviews.

Ralph L said...

I'm told he saluted every pair of cadets when they came for their diplomas. That's over 500 salutes. Amazing his right arm worked at all.

Ray - SoCal said...

Great poll question!

Ramp with no hand railing, no brainer at his age to be careful. I'm younger, and I would be careful. Especially if I had the extra weight of a bullet proof vest.

And what of Biden- Amazing how biased Bandy X Lee is.

Gk1 said...

All of this so reminds me of a Joe Rogan podcast I saw on youtube when a resident leftie was saying the same thing about "Trump's obvious neurological tic" and they went to the video and it was nothing more than Trump pausing during a long speech and Joe just laughed in the guys face. "That's it?!? That's your proof?!?" to which the leftie then tried to find another clip but kept struggling and then finally gave up. This is the best you got? You going to go with this one leftie's?

bbkingfish said...

Also, Trump's staff insists that the president is making great progress with this whole "drinking water" thing. They insist he will iron out his "discomfort" with the procedure in time for a second term.

Michael said...

As a 75 year old man, I am a little more careful going down stairs that I once was. BFD. Who could be endlessly on camera and not provide a few seconds of awkwardness for someone who searches diligently? This is another case of Progressives getting their hopes up.

Mark said...

So the MSM has already spent more time and energy on Trump's obvious and overwhelming decrepitness and impending death than they have spent on Demented Joe's mental decline over the last year.

Yancey Ward said...

The second comment is one of the thoughts I had about the water sipping. A heavy body armor under a suit would make the raising of the shoulders an issue for anyone.

As for the stairs- what is the issue here? He is a 74 year old man- old men don't go flying down the stairs, and they don't do it without looking at their feet. To do so is just fucking stupid.

Yancey Ward said...

And watch the salutes- the shoulder never comes up, and likely for the same reasons.

hombre said...

Smart septuagenarians are very, very cautious. Dumb Democrat physicians apparently are not.

Gospace said...

Mark said...
Why would Trump have body armor on while addressing graduates at West Point?

What credible threat there requires it?

Leftists really don't understand the end results of the game they're playing. My son, a West Point grad, is more than peeved about the following-


They politicize the military as they claim the military shouldn't be politicized. Typical lefty BS. Based on just that letter with the time it appears, were you the head of Trump's Secret Service detail, what would you suggest he wear?

cacimbo said...

Walking carefully on ramp just seems sensible.The water was odd, but then I checked youtube. Multiple clips of Trump using two hands to drink water back in 2017.So this is not new, just his own odd way.

Michael K said...

bbkingfish said...
Also, Trump's staff insists that the president is making great progress with this whole "drinking water" thing. They insist he will iron out his "discomfort" with the procedure in time for a second term.

Wishing doesn't help, big guy. The second term is coming like a train.

bbkingfish said...

It's probably prudent for the president to wear "heavy body armor" when addressing the West Point graduating class.

The ceremony would be the perfect place for ANTIFA to sneak in, blend into the background, and throw a pie at him.

Also, trump is not too popular within the military these days, so an abundance of caution is appropriate.

Nichevo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nichevo said...

Mark said...
Why would Trump have body armor on while addressing graduates at West Point?

What credible threat there requires it?

6/14/20, 9:29 AM

A Spenser Rapone II? Or the West Point establishment that facilitated him?
A Col. Vindman?
A Gen. Mattis?
A USSS agent fresh from the Colombia hooker detail?
Any Democrat?

Readering said...

POTUS wears body armour and shoe lifts that make him look weak but won't wear a beautiful mask?

Mark said...

Hey "Mark" --

Where did Oswald learn to shoot?

Like the police, the military might be filled with heroes, but some of them now and then are not so good. And it only takes one.

Birkel said...

This is projection by the Left because Biden is demented.

The speech had no problems.
The stairs seemed to be overly long for the height they descended meaning each step was a short step down, perhaps half the height of a normal step. So it looked weird.

Howard said...

It's a pleasant fantasy to think that Trump would need body armor at West Point.
Alas, his geriatric shuffle was from his bone spurs which always flare up when he gets close to the Army... Unexpectedly

Dude1394 said...

It’s more bull fake propaganda. I’d like to see most of the press walking down that ramp so we can see them on their ass.

Jim at said...

Did they have to thrown him - like a sack of potatoes - into the back of a van?

Mark said...

He is 74 years old. On that scale he is still doing very well.

Michael K said...

Also, trump is not too popular within the military these days, so an abundance of caution is appropriate.

No, those are generals, not the same as the military. "Never trust anyone above O-6."

President Trump’s preferred use of economic warfare makes the Pentagon’s role diminished. Instead of punching North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, President Trump hits the checkbook of Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping. The primary has become the contingency. The value of James Mattis replaced by the effectiveness of Robert Lighthizer. JC Milley isn’t in the planning room; Milley’s been replaced by Wilbur Ross (until he’s needed).

In the Trump era the President is telling the Pentagon where and when to position; and asks them for ‘contingency’ preparation. Decades of Pentagon-centric foreign policy is lessened by an entirely new geopolitical approach based on economic strategy.

They don't like it. Haven't you heard the old Royal Navy toast to "A bloody war or a sickly season?" They don't get promoted in peacetime. George Marshall was a Colonel for 20 years.

Captain BillieBob said...

There is nothing wrong with Trump.
There are many things wrong with the democrats.
Happy Birthday Mr President.

Mark said...

I call bullshit on Trump being under any threat here. He doesn't appear to be wearing it in plenty of other public appearances ... yet West Point?

Sounds like the decision of a paranoid mind.

bbkingfish said...

I think Trump is doing great. I honestly don't understand how anyone could have expected more from him.

I don't at all agree with Michael K that Trump's campaign is the biggest disaster since the Great Train Wreck of 1918.

Have a little faith, Mikey! The Dear Leader's gonna come back swinging!

tcrosse said...

Trump has been dealt a bad hand, possibly from the bottom of the deck. He has shown an aptitude for playing his cards very shrewdly. He has had more political obituaries than I have had hot breakfasts. Don't be too quick to count him out.

narciso said...

and mattis retired to the cohen group working with paul kern, mutineer against rumsfeld, as kelly works with stavridis and zinni, at caliburn,

I'm Full of Soup said...

Bandy is the unlicensed psycho psychiatrist who analyzed Trump on the NYT oped Page. She’s liberal scum and should be deported just for her dumb name.

Drago said...

bbkingfish: "Also, trump is not too popular within the military these days, so an abundance of caution is appropriate."


In 2020,, Trump will expand upon the majority of active duty and retired military votes that he won in 2016.

It's always funny when Inga's moronic talking points infect other lefty posters at Althouse.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "Why would Trump have body armor on while addressing graduates at West Point?
What credible threat there requires it?"

Once again, the Unites States Secret Service fails to properly update Dumb Lefty Mark on their intelligence and tactics.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "I call bullshit on Trump being under any threat here."

Well, that settles it then.

Other things Dumb Lefty Mark called BS on: The claim that Trump did not collude with Russia; The claim that Carter Page was not a russian spy; The claim that Kavanaugh was not a gang rapist; The claim that obama spied on the Trump campaign; etc etc etc

Anybody else picking up on a pattern here?

One doesn't exactly need a deep learning neural network to identify the pattern here, right?

Drago said...

bbkingfish: "The ceremony would be the perfect place for ANTIFA to sneak in, blend into the background, and throw a pie at him."

There are still some obama holdovers at West Point.....

Drago said...

By the way, Biden cut a scripted 50 second ad and they had to splice in and out twice with at least one fade out!


I guess that's why a solid majority of democrats are still desperate to replace Biden with another candidate.

And for ARM, we probably have to add this: Xi is not allowed to run for President on the democrat ticket.........officially.

Unofficially of course Xi will continue to provide direction, funding and support to the democrats.

Drago said...

Howard: "Super-Size Me! Maybe the reason he was walking down that ramp with assistance looking like he was Hillary Clinton was because of his 3 inch lifts that he wears inside his shoes."

Some of the best lefty comments are the ones where the lefties take back previous lies (in this case that absolutely nothing was wrong with Hillary when she clearly collapsed and was tossed like a sack of potatoes into a car) in order to project a new lie onto republicans.

Think of it as the democrats/Hillary russia collusion/Biden Ukraine corruption ploy all over again.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Okay then. Mark declares it safe. It’s on him if Trump believes it, right?

Mark said...

Drago, I said none of those things.

Prove them. You make up stuff about me all the time. None of it true.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark (who has difficulty googling things): "Prove them. You make up stuff about me all the time. None of it true."


So now you are admitting that Trump did not collude with Russia, Carter Page is not a Russian spy and Kavanaugh is not a rapist?

This should be fun....and we'll make sure to not tell Inga.

Amadeus 48 said...

Joe Biden was reached for comment, but no one could understand what the hell he was talking about.

The Godfather said...

Personally, I don't think anyone in his/her 70's should be President. (I'm 77) Being President is hard (at least if you try to do it right). But by all appearances, Trump is physically vigorous -- remarkably so! And whatever his mental/emotional shortcomings, they don't seem to be age-related; if you think he's an ass hat, you almost certainly think he's always been one.

But how about this: Biden has threatened to take Trump behind the barn and whip the tar out of him, hasn't he? So let the highlight of the first 2020 Presidential Debate be a behind-the-barn cage match. The loser concedes Pennsylvania.

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