June 28, 2020

"Do they make a 'safe space' from the 'woke mob?'"

ADDED: Both "safe space" and "woke mob" have to do with the exclusion of voices that you don't want to hear, so these ideas are not necessarily in contradiction, but the wokeism of today undervalues the desire for safety. That's because of the direction from which the threat to safety comes. The "woke mob" would like everyone to feel unsafe from the charge of racism. And the "safe space" was always only for some people, for some reasons.


Sebastian said...


Better make the woke mob's spaces brave.

JAORE said...

No. And if they did it would be unsafe tomorrow.

Jess said...

"Woke" is a poor excuse for learning history, understanding the reasoning behind the Constitution, and becoming informed voters. The only thing that's woken is a firm belief by honest citizens to find a way to stop the mobs; regardless of the method.

jaydub said...

Not safe, just eaten last.

Shouting Thomas said...

Several commenters noted that I’ve been absent for a while and speculated about why.

The answer is that I’m fed up with racism ranting and don’t want to contribute to it.

This is damned near impossible, but I’m trying. I routinely block anybody on my FB feed who starts ranting about racism and in my private life I simply refuse to engage.

This shit is so damned stupid. The U.S. is probably the fairest, most equitable and least bigoted society in human history. Every one of our institutions... education, media, government, etc., is teaching blacks to obsess over blood revenge, personal slights, anger, scapegoats, grudges... Decent people don’t focus their lives and minds on this evil crap.

This shit is so terrible at the churches where I play that I”m seriously considering telling the idiots to go fuck themselves and walking out.

The Crack Emcee said...

"The "woke mob" would like everyone to feel unsafe from the charge of racism."


I feel fine.

wildswan said...

Hatred has a home on the left. Sanctioned, self-satisfied anger and hate - that's a Woke Mob.

MayBee said...

Sean Ono Lennon has not been afraid to speak during all of this.

Andrew said...

Dumb but sincere question: This name has a blue checkmark. Is he the actual son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono? If so, isn't that significant, that John Lennon's son seems to have been red pilled? And what does his mother think?

Maybe it's easier for him, since he has a famous name and heritage to protect him. But I also expect that he would be targeted for "betraying" his parents.

I suspect that if John Lennon were alive, he would repudiate the modern left. If this is his son tweeting, then he might actually be continuing his father's legacy as a nonconformist.

Marcus Bressler said...

Harrison: Here comes the son.

Wince said...

Both "safe space" and "woke mob" have to do with the exclusion of voices that you don't want to hear...

I think he's talking about literal safety, bodily integrity and the ability exercise basic freedoms.

h said...

Althouse offers insight. I'm seeing more of Sean Ono Lennon comments (tweets?) that are not strictly down the line woke. It makes me wonder if wokeness is seeing an erosion of its brand. Will more and more young people begin to realize that there is a large social group that will accept them and even respect them if they will challenge the accepted platitudes of their peers?

TJM said...

John Lennon's son obviously has more commonsense than his father and mother

Temujin said...

Look at Sean Ono Lennon! He's been showing more guts and common sense than most these days.

Jeff Gee said...

I went back to June first on Lennon's twitter feed. Samples:

June 1st: ‘It seems we are at a crossroads where we can either fulfill the dream of Martin Luther King Jr., or the dream of Charles Manson. I think we should think carefully about which dream we want to come true.’

June 4th: ‘At least 13 have died since protests/riots began. I hear we want to defund but now we’ve given ppl and govt. reason to FURTHER militarize police force, and give them even more power over us. ‘When you play with violence you are playing the system’s game’ and they will always win.’

June 7th, on the Times firing James Bennet: ‘This is the end for you guys. Firing someone for allowing different opinions in your paper means you are no longer a real news paper. It’s been fun. You had a good run. The best in fact. R.I.P’

June 12th, on the defacing of ALL the Penny Lane signs in Liverpool: ‘I remember reading about the Red Army burning things because they were from the imperialist past. Not sure it was a net win for society.’

June 24th: ‘Those who want to see everything through a lens of race and class, judging individuals based on immutable characteristics, pretend to be fighting the very thing they are enacting. And none of us wish to speak up because we have been bullied into silence. Anyway how was your day?’

I'm glad he has his F.U. money. Which, by the way, is the subject of an Eric Weinstein tweet he retweeted...

frenchy said...

Sean is a clever fellow.

Rory said...

"Will more and more young people"

The guy is 44 years old, not a likely influence for youth.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He seems to have both the ability to see the contradictions in the moment, like his old man could on a good day, and the same wit that allows him to condense that sentiment into a pithy Tweet, standing out from the noise of that medium. Thank you for highlighting it for us Althouse. Twitter is a sewer I know longer feel like swimming through to find these nuggets of wisdom.

mikee said...

I like to counter woke mob articles of faith, like white people being inherently racist, with individual rights arguments that I don't give a shit what they believe.

Paco Wové said...

The "woke mob" would like everyone to feel unsafe from the charge of racism

As Crack pointed out, this is incorrect.

The mob wants most people to "feel unsafe". But not people like Crack. They get a pass.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

His parents lived with and worked with people of all races. They literally mixed races. This is the way Love triumphs over hate. Every year more black/white marriages happen than black/white murders. The melting pot is working. Let’s turn down the heat and be cool with each other. Reject racist woke mobs trying to gin up a brawl based on skin color. Life is starting to imitate West Side Story with antagonists t hat kinda all look alike because we are intermarrying and tanning and trying out damndest to all look alike. It’s getting so silly we'll have to admit it’s a class war soon wearing a race war disguise. And as always the agitators simply want to replace the ruling class, people who believe in The Republic as it Stands.

Howard said...

Blogger Shouting Thomas said...

Several commenters noted that I’ve been absent for a while and speculated about why.

The answer is that I’m fed up with racism ranting and don’t want to contribute to it.

That's exactly what I figured. You were getting pretty wound up and seemed like you needed a break. Still, it's nice knowing for sure your doing well.

Howard said...

Joe Rogan provides a safe space from the woke and unwoke mobs. Once again, liberal lefty libtards throwing deplorables a life ring.

Krumhorn said...

Sitting in the Dakota (if that’s where he still lives), he’s probably as safe as one can be so long as the condo board doesn’t get pressured to toss him out onto CPW. Still, The Howardly way to deal with him is to insist that he’s clearly a racist bastid and to dare him to put down the potato chips and make a kinetic response when the time comes.

- Krumhorn

Mark said...

Very interesting that this is coming from John and Yoko's son, given that they encouraged a lot of this nutter nonsense.

Mark said...

This shit is so damned stupid.

Sorry, but you and others are the fool if you still think there is anything rational at play here and can be engaged in with any degree of reasoned thought.

They have abandoned reason. To be sure, "reason" is itself an instrument of white European privilege and power.

So to try to engage on that level, or to even think on that level, is folly.

Besides, you know where all this is leading. It has, actually, all be seen before in history and philosophy.

It ends in the end. The ultimate result is nihilism. Everything must go!

It is utter contempt for mankind. One might even think that there is a satanic aspect to it all.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The assumption that a songwriter MUST live his lyrical fantasies is at least questionable. Words that rhyme, that make the money. Question it.

Amadeus 48 said...

Careful, Crack. Why should you feel fine? If you feel fine, you are probably guilty in the eyes of some. You are supposed to feel bad all the time.

On the other hand, I, like you, feel fine, and I wish you a beautiful day.

Mark said...

They literally mixed races. This is the way Love triumphs over hate.

Let's ask Colin Kaepernick about that. Or Barack Obama.

Howard said...

Kuckhorn loves his strawmen. Tell us more about how you gonna "git sum" one day soon.

Mark said...

They literally mixed races. This is the way Love triumphs over hate.

Let's ask Colin Kaepernick about that. Or Barack Obama.

Look at the vitriol that Tiger Woods received when he basically said to leave him alone with this race identity stuff.

Ann Althouse said...

"Sitting in the Dakota (if that’s where he still lives)..."

Last I noticed, he was living in Greenwich Village with his lovely girlfriend.

n.n said...

Woke and sleepy is their Achilles' heel, upon which they fall and return to their safe spaces.

The Crack Emcee said...

Amadeus 48 said...

"Careful, Crack. Why should you feel fine? If you feel fine, you are probably guilty in the eyes of some. You are supposed to feel bad all the time.

On the other hand, I, like you, feel fine, and I wish you a beautiful day."

Thank you.

Except for Trump promoting that "White Power" video today, everything's been going my way for a while now - Democrats, NewAgers, and racists alike are all finding themselves on the hot seat, one by one or in groups, making me anxious to wake up and greet the day again, just to see who's gonna get it.

I got cancelled when I first met you guys - the process was still ion it's infancy - so I got all the necessary defenses built-ip, like a strong immune system: they don't want none of me.

I think the right needs to chill: the left has a lot more to lose in this - look at the Democrat's 250 something years of racism to atone for - the Republicans can win through a politics of attrition.

Think about it.

JaimeRoberto said...

Who would have thought that an Ono would be a voice of reason?

Achilles said...

The Crack Emcee said...

I think the right needs to chill: the left has a lot more to lose in this - look at the Democrat's 250 something years of racism to atone for - the Republicans can win through a politics of attrition.

Think about it.

Do you mean demographic attrition? I think we are replacing the boomer generation with an equally racist if not more so generation of wokeheads.

I don't think anyone wins if we allow the economic attrition to continue. Republicans might "win" but standards of living will fall and mostly on the low end of the socioeconomic spectrum.

The population in general is accepting these COVID-19 lock downs very passively.

I am not enthusiastic about any aspect of this attrition. Even Trump winning in 2020 does not bring us back to where we were in 2019.

frenchy said...

I agree with crack. Republicans should shut up while the democrat side of things are basically self-immolating. Like the old lawyer adage about shutting up when your opponent is falling apart.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

The Crack Emcee said...

I think the right needs to chill: the left has a lot more to lose in this - look at the Democrat's 250 something years of racism to atone for - the Republicans can win through a politics of attrition.

Think about it.

Spot on, Crack!

Jupiter said...

I have been trying to figure out the context of that twit, or tweet, or twat, or whatever. Does who make a safe space from the woke mob? To whom -- or what -- is he referring? Nabisco? Those big foam columns on either side of Obama when he stopped the tide's rising? Then I finally got it. It's an idiom. It means, "does someone make". "Does anyone make". "Is this thing I desire available". Like, "Do they make those in my size?". Sometimes I am so dense.

Jupiter said...

"I feel fine."

Does this mean you've given up on reparations?

eddie willers said...

[John] Lennon was pretty consistent with his, "All We Are Saying, Is Give Peace A Chance".

My speculation is that, had he lived, he would have had his David Mamet moment.

hstad said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said..."I feel fine."6/28/20, 7:37 AM

That's because it meets with your vision of the World.

You're filtering out 2 crucial facts: 1) the institution of slavery was not based on race; 2) whites as well as blacks were enslaved. You do know that "slaves" is derived from European people. Will you also cancel out the African Slave Traders - Black Tribes. Facts a stubborn things and can't be ignored!

Earnest Prole said...

You say you want a revolution
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out

You say you got a real solution
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
We're doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell is brother you have to wait

You say you'll change the constitution
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
You better free you mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow

Don't you know it's gonna be all right

bagoh20 said...

I think Bill Whittle's advice is best on how to handle the woke mob. He suggest that nothing really works better than a simple "Fuck You". You can't reason or apologize them away anyhow, so an honest "Fuck You" is best, and wastes the least of your time.

bagoh20 said...

"I agree with crack. Republicans should shut up while the democrat side of things are basically self-immolating. Like the old lawyer adage about shutting up when your opponent is falling apart."

While that has an appealing logic and ease about it, isn't that exactly the Republican strategy that lost before Trump did exactly the opposite?

Trump is doing very well so far with resisting the temptation to use the power he has. It's a tricky situation. While many would cheer a more aggressive response, there are just too many confused and weak voters out there who could never handle doing what needs done in their own lives let alone that of the country. They would simply vote for it all to stop, and if Trump takes high profile action, they knee jerk blame him for the conflict. A lot of American blame him now, and he had nothing to do with any of it. It's all Democrats' who made this mess. A reserved approach for Trump will still not save him from the large number of mindless who blame Republicans (who freed the slaves) for all things racism. Stupidity has always been helpful to Democrats. That's why they fight for and insist on such a poor education system in the U.S.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

It is remarkable how the "woke" crowd insists, demands really, that you be very careful with your words and how you express your ideas because they may feel harmed by "hate" words, by speech that causes them emotional damage.

Yet they can denounce you as a racist and Nazi and fascist with no concerns about the effects on you or your life at all. You must be very careful but there are no such limits on what they say.

The level of fanatiscm, of moral certainty is boundless on their part.

Iman said...

Nobody told me there'd be days like these!

CStanley said...

But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell is brother you have to wait
Don't you know it's gonna be
All right, all right, all right

Jupiter said...

"But if you want money for people with minds that hate"

All I can tell you is "Brother, contact any large American corporation. They will hand you tens of millions to use spreading hate against Americans."

The Crack Emcee said...

Jupiter said...

"I feel fine."

Does this mean you've given up on reparations?

Hell no - I expect Trump to pay them.

WhoKnew said...

I can't believe people watch that Villages video clip and honestly take the one idiot saying "white power" as its key moment. But then again, I never expect honesty from my left-wing compatriots. I watched it yesterday and barely noticed him. The star and focus of the clip is that absolutely insane black lives matter woman screaming "fuck trump" at every golf cart that passes.

Craig said...

If there is such a safe space, it sure isn't Nickelodeon. That network has been airing BLM commercials incessantly.

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