June 11, 2020

At the Waning Gibbous Café...


... you can wax eloquent.

And you can shop though the Althouse Portal to Amazon.


Francisco D said...

@Michael K,

How are the Tucson mountain fires affecting you?

We are on notice to prepare for evacuation.

Inga said...

Suspect in Santa Cruz ambush linked to federal officer killing in Oakland; charged with 19 felonies

“In a 14-page affidavit filed in Santa Cruz County Superior Court, Carrillo — who was on active duty at Travis Air Force Base — was charged with murder in the death of Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller and with the attempted murder of Deputy Alex Spencer, who was critically injured and remains hospitalized. They had been responding to a call from a concerned citizen in nearby Boulder Creek who reported seeing firearms and explosives in Carrillo’s white van.

In all, Carrillo was charged on Thursday with assaulting a firefighter and trying to kill three other law enforcement officers, as well as the resident who ultimately pinned him to the ground as he tried to steal the man’s car during a desperate run from police.

A former friend of Carrillo’s — Justin Ehrhardt, who had served in the Air Force with him before retiring — said Carrillo’s Facebook posts point to a right-wing extremist group that includes former and active military members. In particular, Carrillo was sharing memes about the so-called “Boogaloo” movement that considers itself a libertarian anti-government citizen militia that is preparing for the next American civil war. Last week, the FBI arrested three adherents to the Boogaloo movement in Nevada, charging them with inciting violence with Molotov cocktails and other explosives at protests over the death of George Floyd.”

Lawrence Person said...

Leftwing madness: Defund the police and let slip the dogs of anarchy.

Inga said...

From my link above.

“On Thursday, a source close to the investigation confirmed Carrillo is also believed to be behind the May 29 Oakland shooting that claimed the life of Federal Protective Services officer Dave Patrick Underwood. Underwood had been patrolling the federal building in Oakland blocks from a protest as tens of thousands of people took to the streets in cities across the country after the Minneapolis police killing of Floyd.

Federal prosecutors are reviewing the Oakland case and are expected to make a filing decision in coming days.

In testimony before a congressional panel on Wednesday, Underwood’s sister, Angela Underwood-Jacobs, said her heartbreak and grief are unexplainable.

“My brother wore a uniform, and he wore that uniform proudly. I’m wondering, where is the outrage for a fallen officer that also happens to be African American?” Jacobs told the House Judiciary Committee. “I truly hope that you take your positions, your offices so seriously that you want to go back and really work together and collaborate, because if you can’t get it right, there’s no hope for the rest of us.”

Gutzwiller, the officer Carrillo is charged with killing, left behind a pregnant wife and young child. More than a thousand people turned out the day after his death for a vigil, and while it was clear that the case had national political overtones, the tragedy was deeply personal for this local community.”

stevew said...

"I met this guy - and he looked like might have been
A hat check clerk at an ice rink
Which, in fact, he turned out to be. And I said:
Oh boy. Right again

Let X = X. You know, it could be you
It's a sky-blue sky. The satellites are out tonight
Let X = X

You know, I could write a book
And this book would be thick enough to stun an ox
Cause I can see the future and it's a place
About 70 miles east of here. Where it's lighter
Linger on over here. Got the time? Let X = X

I got this postcard. And it read, it said:
Dear Amigo - Dear Partner
Listen, uh - I just want to say thanks. So... thanks
Thanks for all the presents. Thanks for introducing me to the Chief
Thanks for putting on the feedbag. Thanks for going all out
Thanks for showing me your Swiss Army knife. Oh and uh -
Thanks for letting me autograph your cast
Hug and kisses XXXX0000
Oh yeah, P.S
I - I feel - Feel like - I am - In a burning building - And I gotta go
Cause I - I feel - Feel like - I am - In a burning building
And I gotta go
She said: It looks. Don't you think it looks a lot like rain?
He said: Isn't it. Isn't it just like a woman?
She said: It's hard. It's just hard. It's just kind of hard to say
He said: Oh, isn't it just. Isn't it just like a woman?
She said: It goes. That's the way it goes. It goes that way
He said: Ah, isn't it? Isn't it just. Isn't it just like a woman?
She said: It takes. It takes one. It takes one to
It takes one to know one
He said: Isn't it. Isn't it just. Ah, isn't it just like a woman?
She said. She said it. She said it to no. She said it to no one
Ah, isn't it? Isn't it just? Isn't it just like a woman?

Your eyes. It's a day's work to look into them
Your eyes. It's a day's work just looking into them"

Let X=X

Tomorrow's a big day.

Original Mike said...

I've always had trouble remembering Waning's alter ego, Waxing. As a skywatcher I encounter it frequently, but have to resort to deciphering it as "the opposite of Waning" rather than remembering its meaning directly.

Jon Ericson said...

The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway Illustrated - Complete

Inga said...

Man charged in deputy ambush scrawled extremist 'Boogaloo' phrases in blood. Steven Carrillo, accused of killing a sheriff's deputy in Santa Cruz County, California, wrote the words on the hood of a car, prosecutors said.

Jon Ericson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Here's another racist, caught scrawling anti-black messages on a university campus:


FullMoon said...

uMM, ok.

"During a round table in Philadelphia on Wednesday, Joe Biden claimed the death of George Floyd was bigger than the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr"

FullMoon said...

Man charged in deputy ambush scrawled extremist 'Boogaloo' phrases in blood. Steven Carrillo, accused of killing a sheriff's deputy in Santa Cruz County, California, wrote the words on the hood of a car, prosecutors said.


narciso said...



narciso said...

Is that engstrom in the palme case.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

From my link above.

“On Thursday, a source close to the investigation confirmed Carrillo beat an elderly woman with 2x4s, assaulted and terrorized thousands of innocent people, murdered David Dorn, and burned and looted dozens of inner city areas."

Andrew said...

It's fascinating to watch the journalists and politicians rediscover the COVID-19 virus. We went to war with Eurasia for two weeks, but now we're back to war with Eastasia. Shame on Trump for starting his rallies again. Doesn't he know that could be dangerous?

Rory said...

Turkeys surrounded my car today. My dog didn't bark at them - I think that he knew it was better to just shut up and wait them out.

Rt41Rebel said...

I'm sick of these Republicons demanding that Trump usurp state and city authority and deal harshly with the situations in Seattle and other liberal cities. Let them deal with their own mess, and let it be all over the news for weeks or even months. In the end, liberal leadership will be shown for what it is, and liberal epicenters will collapse. There will be collateral damage, but those people knew when they set up home and shop that they were in a viper's nest. As Greg Gutfeld put it, when you catch your teen smoking, you make them smoke two more packs in rapid succession until they're sick of their own sin.

Jupiter said...

Something I still don't understand, is why no one seems to be interested in investigating this idea of "passing a $20 bill". It seems to be generally accepted, by all sides, that Floyd was guilty of the crime of intentionally passing a counterfeit bill.

I know, that I don't check the bills I receive. I stuff them in my pocket, and spend them later. It would be easy for me to unintentionally spend a counterfeit bill. Yet no one seems to be suggesting that Floyd had innocently passed on a bill he had received in commerce.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I love Big Science. The funny thing is the first time I heard "O Superman" on the college radio station I distinctly thought If I ever start liking this stuff, I'll know I've gone 'round the bend.

Strange Angels is great too": "Hiawatha" is amazing.

jaydub said...

Okay, Inga, you've convinced me. One far right nut equates to six blocks of Seattle city center under hostile occupation by antifa and a dozen cities trashed, plus hundreds of cops injured and several killed.

le Douanier said...

Have folks heard that the stars and bars are out? That took quite a long time. I mean, it’s been a while since those folks lost in America.

Anywho, how long will it be until the stars and stripes are forcibly removed from the culture?

I suppose we can’t start the countdown until we have the replacement that will take over America. I tried to google for a CHAZ flag. Couldn’t find one. Presumably Beelzebuby Ross is finishing it now.

le Douanier said...

BTW, I’m thinking about going to CHAZ.

Just not sure what’s best re logistics re getting close and walking in. Wish I had a shitty car.

Plus, what do losers who can hang around being idiots all day long wear? I gotta fit in.

le Douanier said...

If these comments were live, this would be the # 1,120 view:


Probably gonna get a bigger number.

Though it sux when compared to the last co-sign.



le Douanier said...

Wrong link fer the oldie but goodie:


Tyrone Slothrop said...

I looked hard at the picture but I didn't see any wailing gibbons.

Yancey Ward said...

I read all the stories about Carillo, Inga. I couldn't find an actual statement from a prosecutor that supported the claim that he wrote those phrases in blood. You would think the NBC story would have an actual quote with a name for such a claim. The body of the story doesn't even go as far as the headline did- no one quoted, just the assertion by the journalists themselves.

Additionally, I find very odd that no one captured any of Carillo's Facebook posts that are described by third parties- just a single profile picture. Why is that? In this day and age, surely someone has screenshots saved- it isn't like Facebook took them down the instant he was arrested.

However, let me grant all the above is actually factual in the NBC story. What do you have to say about the same sources telling you that Carillo supported Antifa's actions (he explicitly blamed the riots on the police, according to your links)? That Carillo was very anti-police for the same reasons that BLM is, and that one of the last posts claimed to be posted by Carillo attacked the police for shoving and injuring the guy in Buffalo? None of the description sounds right wing to me- it all sounds exactly like what someone who supported Antifa and BLM would do. He clearly wasn't a Trump supporter at all according to all the stories, and his post had explicit anti-white statements. All his actions don't seem to have been attempts to "instigate" anything- he was acting directly, and not trying to conceal his purpose or motive.

Yancey Ward said...

Indeed, the more and more I read about the Boogaloo Bois, the more they sound like left-wing activists, but with guns. That seems to be the only right-wing aspect to them- that they don't mind buying and owning firearms. Their targets are all the same as far as I can tell from all of Inga's links- Carillo especially, if you believe the stories about his Facebook posts.

effinayright said...

For some reason, when I saw the word "gibbous" I was reminded of the word "gibbets".

I wonder why...?

le Douanier said...

I just ordered a 6ix9ine face mask to wear to CHAZ. It's all black with a subtle green text that says "are you dumb stupid or dumb huh."

I think that I'm set for clothes. The only thing I'm a little worried about is a hoodie zip-up that has the Burberry pattern on the inside of the hood, but the pattern is in a various tones of blue (i.e., not the normal tan and such.) Aside from the inside of the hood, the rest is just solid turquoises with a silver zipper (I have another version of this, in another color w/ a gold zipper, that would NOT work.) This is as basic as I get w/o getting into workout type clothes or activity brands that Seattle folks may recognize as not being cheap (e.g., Moncler and Veilance), and even if these are hard to brand-ID (w/o too much label stuff), I don't think that they look very Antifa-y, IMHO.

I'm still not sure what to do about getting there re hiding my car. And, I don't dare tell my family that I'm going. But, I won't lie to them.

Still, Meadehouse documented how the libruls keep trashing Madtown, so I feel like I need to not be a pussy, too.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hey, Kids, I got a lot of reckonings going on these days (making record companies pay me for old records, those kinds of things) but I got one I need your help with:

Years ago, ZeitgeistSF, a bar/restaurant gave me a lot of grief after I served them well, and they used skinhead Nazis, violence, and lawyers to do it. I may have mentioned it, here, before.

I'm not going to get any more opportunities to have this addressed, even in the court of public opinion, if I don't take advantage of the BLM shit so would you do me a favor? Find me on Twitter @TheCrackEmcee and re-tweet (or whatever) that thread? I really need this, or I wouldn't ask.

I did a lot of things for them - set-up the DJ booth and worked it some nights, designed flyers and handed them out all over town, bar-backing and garbage duty - whatever was needed. But I want credit and payment for naming the bar and designing it's logo. It sticks with me. Not just that I did it and they robbed me, but how they did it, in America. I'm not kidding. That wasn't supposed to happen. Not just to me but at all. I dealt with Nazis in Europe, I shouldn't have been dealing with them here and nobody cared.

I'm talking too much. Please help me with this one. It's personal. @TheCrackEmcee - and Thanks.

Drago said...

Looks like Inga, after demanding the name David Dorn never be uttered again, has found a name she wants to talk about.

Gospace said...

Steven Carillo. Must be one of those white Hispanics, like George Zimmerman.

The people who want a boogaloo, such as they are, are a bunch of crazies united in being anti-government, not white supremacy. A USAF Staff Sergeant? An MP at that? WTH?

OTOH, there is a much wider range of people who think we're on the edge of a boogaloo happening. Dictators Cuomo, Inslee, and Whitmer seem to be striving hard to create the conditions for one.

There is some considerable evidence that Mexican gangs keep some of their members clean enough to join the US armed forces to stick around long enough for specialized training- then go AWOL to use their training for them. This doesn't seem to be the case- at age 31 he's been in too long for that scenario. But someone on active duty saw it coming, and didn't say anything. They're either not going to speak up now for fear of getting in trouble, or-- OR --- they sympathize with his wackadoodle views and aren't going to say anything.

le Douanier said...

Regarding my garb, I”m thinking that I may be missing something that will be a total tell re the CHAZ losers.

I once went fish snagging w/ one of the “basic” (yes, that’s a euphemism) people that I know (employ) in one of my country houses. As we walked down the river, everyone we saw would act really weird and start, essentially, twiddling their thumbs.

My friend (employee) told me that I looked like a narc because I was wearing all Simms and had baller stuff.

Anywho, I did learn from that experience (and other experiences) that normal people have ways of recognizing each other. Not that that sorta thing wouldn’t be obvious anyway, but it’s not obvious what characteristics are the tells that particular cultures suss out re their peers v outsiders.

Anyanywho, have folks here noticed that I write ‘y’all’ and ‘gals’ and that ‘sorta’ stuff? Not to mention my abuse of punctuation and such? It’s not like I know nothing about passing. Natch.

Anyanyanywho, I think I’ll safely make it outa CHAZ. Or, at a minimum, I’ll walk towards it until I decide it’d be unwise to keep going.

buwaya said...

I am ever more a fan of Natalia Lafourcade.

Mexican music of the best strain of this nation. Mexico can make distictive stuff that is not narcocorrido rap.

This is a cover, with lyrics, of an piece by the great Agustin Lara ("Granada").
Amor, Amor de mis amores - a little, entertaining thing.


Lafourcade has covered, with modifications, much of Laras work. She does it in her intimate, very feminine style, very unlike Laras mid-20th century cool showbiz. Or the emotional explosions of his contemporaries like, say, Lola Flores. Her take on Lara, and her stuff influenced by his genre, is growing on me.

Mexico, even at this remove, astonishes constantly, yet also constantly disappoints. It is a weird combination of the cheerful, the intimate, the excellent, and sometimes the astounding, with, always, the squalid and the terrifying.

Michael K said...

Francisco D said...
@Michael K,

How are the Tucson mountain fires affecting you?

We are on notice to prepare for evacuation.

We are at the extreme southwest corner of the evacuation zone so are staying home. I brought my wife home from the hospital Wed night. Staying home.

iowan2 said...

yYancy Ward said
The body of the story doesn't even go as far as the headline did- no one quoted, just the assertion by the journalists themselves.

I know the masses are, well, the masses. The masses just get moved by the flow. They don't know why, or where they are going, just that they are moving.

But if you hang out here, you have to be intentionally attempting to misinform. The link provided to support a position, that does not support said position happens too often to be ignorance, it's dishonest.

Howard said...

Buwaya Puti says: Mexico, even at this remove, astonishes constantly, yet also constantly disappoints. It is a weird combination of the cheerful, the intimate, the excellent, and sometimes the astounding, with, always, the squalid and the terrifying

You managed to put into words something that is seemed impossible to communicate verbally.

Kai Akker said...

"I think that I'm set for clothes. The only thing I'm a little worried about is a hoodie zip-up that has the Burberry pattern" [antidS]

Not sure anyone GAS. I don't, no matter how many comments you think this is worth.

Gospace said...

anti-de Sitter space said...
....Anywho, I did learn from that experience (and other experiences) that normal people have ways of recognizing each other. Not that that sorta thing wouldn’t be obvious anyway, but it’s not obvious what characteristics are the tells that particular cultures suss out re their peers v outsiders...

Each generation also does it. I knew all the druggies in high school by glance. Not necessarily all the other groups- but everyone knew who the druggies were. I couldn't even tell you how.

Somehow, the homosexuals all find each other- elsewise it would be hard for them to practice their peculiar perversions. IRC, there was a congesscritter picked up in a restroom for foot signaling at a urinal... I have absolutely no clue what a foot signal saying "I'm available" looks like, and hope I never do one by accident.

I've been told Masons signal each other a lot. As do gang members. Moose and Lions? Don't know.

My kids can pick out the druggies of their generation. Along with the gamers and other sub-cultures. But the, as I said above, I could only pick out the druggies in HS- they were obvious. I have a hard time reading people. If the diagnosis had existed then, I'd have likely been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, now high functioning autism. I'm quite satisfied it didn't- it would have robbed me of the opportunity to grow up.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ How are the Tucson mountain fires affecting you?”

It was almost two weeks ago, but...

I have been sending a former GF birthday wishes for a long time now. We met and started dating a half century ago at the first of July. Her mother, 98, lives with her. This year, early this month, in response to by Happy Birthday text, she told me that they had been evacuated from the house they had just moved into because of a fire by Cave Creek (AZ). They were temporarily staying at a friends’s house in the Boulders, in Cave Creek (we stayed there maybe 30 years ago a couple times, when this family’s house was over full with guests). Need to reach out to both of them to see how they did.

Don’t know how she does it, stuck to local news here in MT, but my partner knew all about that fire. I had no idea. A year and a half ago, I was looking for lots in the area to build on. Looked at a couple that may have been in the fire zone. Certainly in the evacuation zone. But took my partner up there, to see some of the lots, and she was adamant. Not only No, but Hell No. she has lived by the desert all of her life, and finds it boooring. Her view is that only people from places like Chicago (where these friends left 40 years ago) like to live in such desolate country. She loves green. Loves it here in MT. Not the ugly brown of AZ or SE NV. So, our new house is safely in a new subdivision, maybe 30 miles south of that fire, safe from wildfires. But not, apparently floods. First time in my life, I had to get flood insurance. In friggen Phoenix, AZ. We are apparently right at the edge between the 100 year and 1,000 year flood plain, and it costs as much as our regular homeowners insurance. But at least we didn’t have to rush back because our house was threatened by a wildfire.

Francisco D said...

She loves green. Loves it here in MT. Not the ugly brown of AZ or SE NV.

I don't get it. We see green all year long. The Spring colors are far more spectacular than in the Midwest.

@ Michael K,

Best wishes for you and your wife.

We did not have to evacuate nor did we have to take in my MIL whose senior care facility is at the foot of the mountains - to the Northwest of you off Oracle.

Michael K said...

Her view is that only people from places like Chicago (where these friends left 40 years ago) like to live in such desolate country.

Well, I left Chicago to go to college 64 years ago. Los Angeles was paradise then.

I moved to Orange County in 1972 and lived there until 4 years ago. I didn't use to like the desert. It may be an age thing, but as Francisco says, the area here is not at all like the California desert. We have an acre with lots of plants, including 11 saguaros. The foothills behind the house are pretty when they are not on fire. The fires do not move fast like they do in CA. In 1961, my first wife and I lost our wedding presents when her parents' house burned down in the Bel Air Fire. That fire moved 20 miles in an hour. Every night the flames on the mountain here are still there.

The Crack Emcee said...

Gee, thanks for the help, Guys.

Really got the racists on the run now.



Bruce Hayden said...

“ I don't get it. We see green all year long. The Spring colors are far more spectacular than in the Midwest.”

She’s what she calls a “desert rat”, growing up in Las Vegas, and moving to Phoenix at maybe 25. I honestly thought that she would love the lots I found NE of Phoenix. All overgrown with cactus, and other desert flora, even some saguaros. Nope. She was adamant. If I bought one of the lots and built on it, she wouldn’t join me. And that would have been awkward this last fall when she decided that she couldn’t sleep upstairs after a couple episodes in the neighborhood. That neighborhood (in a SW PHX suburb) seemed to go downhill in record time. I can say that now, with that house now under contract. We moved into a new house NE PHX, right by Scottsdale, with professionally designed xeriscaped front yards, all packed together. She loves it. Go figure.

She loves it here amidst all the trees in NW MT. She asks me, as we drive through the forests, how many shades of green I see. I respond “three, light green, medium green, and dark green”. She claims to see hundreds. She probably would love to spend the entire year up here, except that she doesn’t tolerate cold well (as a “desert rat”). Worse, she has metal in her body that doesn’t do well in winter, esp with pressure swings.

Funny thing though is that her son lives down by you and Dr K - east of Tucson right up by the eastern portion of Saguaro Nat Park. They built a house up on the top of a big hill, and all you can really see in three directions is desert filled with saguaros as far as you can see. Only one 40 acre lot between them and the Nat Park. I told her that we could build a house on one of the other hills on his lot (wasn’t going to happen - her DIL would have had a complete mental break with her MIL that close). I could have adapted to it. But she couldn’t. Still, the sunsets, over the desert, from their porch, looking west toward Tucson, are spectacular.

Michael K said...

Bruce, your mistake was Phoenix. Ever spend an hour in downtown Phoenix?

I have been coming to Tucson for 20 years. I had a second home on the east side with a former SO, that she ended up with. I bought on the west because I was commuting to PHX a couple times a week until I finally retired retired 2 years ago. Driving 220 miles round trip at 90 mph twice a week got old.

Tucson is as crazy as a typical college town but that is all down south of the river. So is all the crime. There are some gorgeous old homes down there. Linda Ronstadt has one. But there is also crime. The foothills or Oro Valley are the upscale part.

ken in tx said...

The Confederate naval jack, which most people call the Confederate (battle) flag is not the Stars and Bars. The X shaped cross, which depending on the color, is the Cross of St Andrew or the Saltire of St Patrick, was borrowed from the British Union Jack. It represents the Celtic peoples of the UK. It is echoed in the flags of Scotland and Nova Scotia.

The Stars and Bars was the original official Confederate flag and had no cross on it. The current state flag of Georgia is very close to it. It looked like the Betsy Ross flag with the 13 stripes replaced with three bars--hence the name.

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