... you can write about anything you want.
This is the earliest of the 3 sunrise photos I've put up today — from the pre-run vantage point. The actual sunrise time was 5:21.
And here's the Althouse Portal to Amazon. Thanks to all of you who are using it!
i love that burnt-pink/orange light blue combination.
On an earlier thread today, this was posted by Expat(ish):
"If the situation really got bad really fast, honestly, I'd get my 1944 vintage M1 Carbine. It fires a really weak pistol cartridge (30 cal) relatively slowly, so less of a danger for people farther away. Plus the stock is made of good eastern oak so can be used as a baseball bat in a pinch.
It's literally an assault rifle, being made to assault Nazi's and Commies and used in Korea. The select fire is gone, but I like to think it remembers what to do.
No, no, and no.
M1 Carbine is NOT a substitute for a rifle. It is NOT an "assault weapon", by any means. It was NOT designed to "assault Nazi's and Commies", and though it WAS used in Korea by front-line troops, this usage was proven by multiple battle experiences to be seriously flawed. The M1 Carbine was developed so that rear-area troops (drivers, clerks, cooks, supply, mechanics) had a better weapon than the standard M1911 .45 pistol at hand to fend off surprise attacks, raiding parties, and sudden breakthroughs of the front lines. They were NOT originally intended for front-line use, and rarely saw any except in limited circumstances. The Pacific Theater was where you saw the most action with them, and against Japanese troops in tropical clothes at shorter, jungle-combat type ranges, they were mostly okay, but still did not hold a candle to the M1 Garand rifle. But the Garand was heavy, and too much to give to rear-area soldiers. The Carbine, being lighted than the Garand but more accurate than the .45 pistol (and with 2x or greater ammo capacity in the clip), was perfect for that role.
In Korea, there are reliable reports of NK and ChiComm soldiers in winter gear taking hits from the M1 Carbine and being unaffected. Most such reports are misinterpreted, but some truly reliable accounts exist. Meanwhile, nobody took hits from an M1 Garand and escaped injury. The 30-06 round fired by the Garand made sure of that. It's vastly more powerful than the wimpy .30 Carbine round.
Finally, the M1 Carbine is unreliable. Yes, a perfectly maintained gun, with good ammo, and good magazines, will probably work fine for awhile. However, the Carbine fouls quicker, has more feeding issues (unless you have a gunsmith work on the feedramp), and shittier-designed magazines than any other contemporary PCC or rifle I can think of that ISN'T cheap knockoff crap.
If you are choosing a gun to rely on for home defense, the M1 Carbine should be at the bottom of your list. At the top should be:
1) AR-15 platform rifle (for large homes or farms)
2) PCC (Pistol Caliber Carbine), which is basically a rifle but chambered in 9mm, .40S&W, or another pistol cartridge - giving it more power than a regular pistol and easier aiming
3) full-size pistol chambered in 9mm. The capacity advantage of 9mm, combined with it's track record and lighter recoil, puts it above .40S&W and .45 ACP in my book, but YMMV.
If ALL you have at hand is an M1 Carbine, clean it NOW (it needs it) and ensure the magazines are in good condition (they probably aren't).
And then go buy something better.
Great photo. Makes me want to dive right in, and start swimming.
every day, across America, somebody whose favorite memories include those long-lost days when he or she went fishing with his or her father catches the biggest fish of his or her life. Some of them know it, some of them don't, but whether they know it or not, they will never ever again catch a fish that big, ever again, in this world or in any other.
Even deep in winter (thanks Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin!).
It is possible that there were a couple days - maybe in January of 1974 or February of 2010 - where, actually, in the entire United States not a single human being went fishing and caught the biggest fish they had ever caught in their life and remembered fondly old memories of fishing, back in the day, with their father.
Possible, but not likely. This is a big country with lots of good fathers, and it will be a long long time before the good people of my generation are forgotten. But if it did happen, my best guesses are it happened in January of 1974 or February of 2010. Not saying your guess is not just as good or better than mine, just telling you what my best guesses are.
The big news is the shooting in Provo. After a man in a SUV was shot by a BLM "Peaceful Protester" - the wounded driver panicked and drove through a few of the mob. The police are now "Investigating" whether the driver acted lawfully. Really.
The other is that Mittens and some other Senators will go to the White House tomorrow and be briefed on the fake news that Russia putting "bounties" on US soldiers. Once again, Mittens and the other weaklings in the Republican Senate can't wait to give the Press credibility for their attacks on Trump. Whether its telling everyone to wear a mask, refusing to defend America's monuments and historical figures, or praising BLM, these Republican Senate clowns are no better than the Democrats.
I was going to say they'll be sorry when they lose their majority, but I honestly believe Mittens and most of the R Senators want Trump to lose AND be in the minority. Then in Jan 2021, they can give brave speeches, let the D's make all the decisions, and sit back & collect their graft. Everything will back to normal.
Personally, I favor the following for home defense:
Claymore mines
Thompson sub-machine gun
WP Grenades
@Kyzer SoSay, I'd like to add to your comment that available M1 carbines are either very old or very expensive (often both). Very old suggests weakened springs and possibly worn parts. Expensive is self-explanatory.
I am not a fan of the the .223 caliber or 5.56 mm rounds, but AR platforms are available chambered in calibers suitable for hunting: .308 Winchester, 6.5 Grendel, 6.5 Creedmore, .300 Blackout, etc. Those are worth considering.
I like the concept of the PCC, especially for new shooters. A handgun round is generally moving about 200 feet per second faster when it leaves the muzzle of a carbine than the same round fired from a 5 inch barreled handgun. And it will have less recoil (due to the shoulder stock bracing the gun against the shoulder) and greater accuracy (from the longer barrel and greater length between front and rear sights). Where I disagree with you is that in my book most of the better carbines are essentially handguns with a shoulder stock and longer barrel. I'm thinking the Beretta CX4 Storm or the Hi Point carbine. The Hi Point may be the ugliest firearm since the Borchart semi-auto, but it's pretty cheap and the same people who hate the Hi Point handgun love the carbine based on that handgun. But I'd also consider the Ruger Mini 14 Ranch Rifle a carbine, though it's chambered in 5.56 (and it's pricey).
I recommend new shooters check out this this video by Paul Harrell before they rush out to buy a gun.
“Then in Jan 2021, they can give brave speeches, let the D's make all the decisions, and sit back & collect their graft.”
Does the graft come from BLM or Antifa?
"If the situation really got bad really fast, honestly, I'd get my 1944 vintage M1 Carbine. It fires a really weak pistol cartridge (30 cal) relatively slowly, so less of a danger for people farther away. Plus the stock is made of good eastern oak so can be used as a baseball bat in a pinch.
I qualified with an M1 carbine in basic but it is not as useful as an AR 15.
I was going to say they'll be sorry when they lose their majority, but I honestly believe Mittens and most of the R Senators want Trump to lose AND be in the minority. Then in Jan 2021, they can give brave speeches, let the D's make all the decisions, and sit back & collect their graft. Everything will back to normal.
For some reason that reminds me of Gen.John Buford's (Sam Elliott) speech in Gettysburg.
@rcocean, there's reason why we used to call the MG-60 "the Pig."
And Claymores are bad news if your teenager tries to sneak home after curfew.
I'm afraid that we have gone past the point of no return. The damage has been done and too many people, too great a proportion of the population, including entire generations of people, no longer have the faintest idea of truth, the genuine good, or the real meaning and dignity of humanity.
It has all been going to crap for a while, and society ain't coming back.
It's over.
All things die. Including nations. Including societies. Including civilizations.
My wife's family were campers and fishers; we . . . were not. I've never caught a fish, though I have eaten many.
Have you seen the price of razor wire recently?
China passed the new Hong Kong security law. The public doesn’t get to see what it says until after it’s enacted. We take our freedom and basic rights for granted.
why did the Dementiacrats delete their white supremacy tweet?
will they essentially re-post it after the rally re Trump/Rushmore's presidents?
...and have you caught the eye-rolls of Biden's beleaguered sign-language lady?
I got an email from Ben Sasse asking for money. For the GOP.
then I looked further and found that the email came from "Romney for Utah".
All I needed to know.
So today we say the market go up again.
This is a heat map of the 2020...
Picture worth a thousand words?
The FAAG M(afia)'s Gain's THIS YEAR!
Facebook 7.5
Apple 23.2
Amazon 45.05
Google 4.3
Microsoft 25.83
The Battle of the Swamp will soon be joined.
Patriots will hopefully stand.
The dearth of coverage concerning both Flynn and Powell tells you ALL you need to know.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
a week old ( but schadenfreude doesnt have a shelf-life )
A Minneapolis Neighborhood Vowed to Check Its Privilege. It’s Already Being Tested.
Blocks from where George Floyd drew his last breaths, residents have vowed to avoid the police to protect people of color. The commitment is hard to keep.
Biden's Beleaguered Signer
...a shoulder shrug and the WTF expression are universally understood
maybe they should use This Guy instead.
...he's already been thoroughly vetted and worked with Biden's boss
After a man in a SUV was shot by a BLM "Peaceful Protester" - the wounded driver panicked and drove through a few of the mob. The police are now "Investigating" whether the driver acted lawfully. Really.
BlackLivesMatter or Antifa? Surely, not BabyLivesMatter.
That said, 50 Shades of Charlottesville. The best outcome happened in Miami when protestors surrounded a police car with the hope to trap and intimidate the officers inside. Fortunately they were not far removed from other officers in the vicinity, and while outnumbered, confronted and restrained multiple suspects. Meanwhile, the second line of protestors recorded the event, perhaps for their Posterity or something.
"Personally, I favor the following for home defense:
Claymore mines
Thompson sub-machine gun
WP Grenades"
MG-60: if you have one, consider yourself lucky. Maybe half a dozen were made. UNLESS you mean an M-60, which is completely different.
Claymores: Not as difficult to make yourself as you might think, but illegal to buy.
Thompson SMG: hell yes. Agreed. One of the few solid options chambered in .45 ACP, mainly because it's got 50 and 75 round drums so the normal complaint of not having enough bullets doesn't apply.
WP Grenades: probably going to regret that when the burning perp sets your lawn on fire trying to put himself out, but it will be entertaining.
"WP" is White Phosphorous, a chemical that self-oxidizes and can burn even underwater. Basically, it burns until it's depleted, which can take many minutes depending on the nature of the material intrusion.
"Personally, I favor the following for home defense:"
You don't favor the Crack home defense plan of social skills and letting it burn down?
The Army's naming criteria is maddening since everything starts with M and the first rifle under this 1930ish numbering system was the replacement of the infantry's bolt-action 30 caliber carbine then called the Springfield M1903 (carbine refers to its short barrel length). In 1936 the fighting weapon of choice became the MI (Garand) semi-automatic 30-06 rifle. The M1903 Springfield became a carbine with a clip and it was called the M1 Carbine which fired 30 caliber shells. It was used by Artillery and other behind-the-lines units beginning in WWII when they finally got enough weapons made for all soldiers to have one. Then in 1958 (when it seemed that every Army in the world had better rifles than we did) our soldiers in Nam began to get M14 high velocity select fire rifles employing 7.62 caliber European ammo.
M14's (I have shot one, a bit, also the M1 rather more; both way back in my youth) used a very slightly modified version of the Winchester .308, and may actually be able to use the civilian .308, as far as I know. In any case it was an American cartridge that the US more or less forced on NATO.
In power the M14/7.62 Nato seems to be (and in my experience too IIRC), almost identical to the M1's .30-06.
I have also tried the M1 carbine, and that is a lovely, lovely gun. Maybe, sometimes, the ergonomic qualities of something override other issues? It is also way more powerful than a pistol cartridge. I would think a pistol made for .30 carbine is going to be a rather scary piece. It may well be obsolete vis a vis modern .223 rifles (I have also shot, and shamefully misused, the original M16). But also IIRC the M1 was more comfortable, if that is an adequate word. You can casually wear an M1 carbine.
The M1 carbine is also better in the PR department, for home defense. It is not as overtly frightening to the armchair commandoes and the female audience. Or maybe a jury.
Yes I know you could get a Ruger mini-14 but even that is not nearly as cute and cuddly as an M1 carbine.
Susan Collins is in quite a fight to retain her position in the Senate. She is conservative-ish, not quite a RINO, and facing a significant challenge this time around. Having recently moved to ME I will be voting for her. Not because she is the kind of conservative I prefer in the Senate, but because she is the closest this state will elect. My DIL, who lobbied hard for us to move to ME, is disappointed. I think she was hoping I would do here what I did in MA: not vote.
Sadly I must say that @rcocean at 9:04 speaks the truth.
I wanted to be a ski bum because it looked easy, turns out it was.
I keep asking where the "smart" people were - 5 days a week - for the 30 years Oprah promoted the paranormal, psychics, spiritualism, conspiracy theories, quacks, alternative therapies, anti-vaccination, and detoxification, but, when I do, they don't wanna talk about "self-serving liars" no more.
steve uhr said...
"China passed the new Hong Kong security law. The public doesn’t get to see what it says until after it’s enacted. We take our freedom and basic rights for granted"
I would think that with you that would be a feature not a bug. You hate free speech and you delight when congress passes laws without letting the public know what's in it. You enjoy it when your comrades physically beat people that disagree with you. You'd make a good communist.
Keeping Biden lets the dems run Trump against a generic democrat rather than a specific democrat. Biden will be replaced by a dem to be named later by the electoral college, which can vote in anybody they want.
Somebody's done a montage of "we have to reimagine policing" among all the news readers today.
The bigger the weapon, the smaller and softer the dick. Good Morning Thomas!
In 1951 or 52 I went fishing with my father and brother and caught the biggest fish I ever caught in my life. It was a perch from the Contoocook River, the largest we caught that day. We took all the perch we caught back to our summer place where the men gutted them in the field and my mother fried them on the wood-burning stove. I've never had a better-tasting fish.
Someone made a Tok-Tok video of all the countries Britain invaded that Britain thinks, now, should just be cool about it.
---Picture worth a thousand words?
The FAAG M(afia)'s Gain's THIS YEAR!
Facebook 7.5% -- Apple 23.2 -- Amazon 45.05 -- Google 4.3 -- Microsoft 25.83 [BrentonTalcott]
Their very good performance through the closing day of the second quarter -- an average gain of +21.1%. Better than all the reds you could have picked off the heat chart. And here are their prices:
FB 227
AAPL 365
AMZN 2755
GOOG 1413
MSFT 203
Let's revisit in six and 12 months.
That’s right Rusty. Everyone who doesn’t love everything Trump does is a Communist. That’s the type of thinking that will get trump defeated in a landslide. No effort to unify and focus on areas of agreement.
"Everyone who doesn’t love everything Trump does is a Communist."
At this point, pretty much anyone not pro-Trump is in favor of the coming oligarchic tyrrany, which is going to collapse, through its own extreme decadence, in chaos.
Communism as such is dead. What you are going to get is something else, which you are not going to like either.
There are no "areas of agreement", or any normal politics of any sort at this point.
It is kind of pathetic to see ants arguing about tiny, vain things, while the boot is coming down on the lot of them.
Your Republic cannot survive the ideological crushing that will be imposed on you, that is already being imposed on you, and which will happen immediately when Trump is gone. You can then discuss "areas of agreement" with your overlords, as you would with a concrete wall.
Listening to two non-racist white guys is such a relief.
Y'all should try it.
You might learn something.
Unify or not, it almost doesnt matter anymore.
Whoever is left undecided (who is that?) will be crushed with the rest.
It is the boot in the face forever time. Until the guys in the boot collapse due to the failure of their own rotting flesh. And when that happens, you may wish for the boot.
Racism is irrelevant. The emotions invoked by this issue are pure vanity.
Whats coming will crush everyone, black or white or brown.
Ants, all of you.
In power the M14/7.62 Nato seems to be (and in my experience too IIRC), almost identical to the M1's .30-06.
@buwaya, I have read that the 7.62 NATO cartridge was designed to be that way, I.e., be essentially ballistically identical to the .30-06.
steve uhr said...
"That’s right Rusty. Everyone who doesn’t love everything Trump does is a Communist. That’s the type of thinking that will get trump defeated in a landslide. No effort to unify and focus on areas of agreement. "
Reading comprehension isn't your thing, is it?
@buwaya, I should add that though are right about the M1 winning the “cute and cuddly” dimension.
teve uhr said...
That’s right Rusty. Everyone who doesn’t love everything Trump does is a Communist. That’s the type of thinking that will get trump defeated in a landslide. No effort to unify and focus on areas of agreement.
steve, yesterday you posted something sane. Maybe the pattern is once a week.
Lots of people vote for Trump because he is the only one standing between us and a third world existence that the global types plan for us. You are delusional that Biden, if elected, would be running anything. The crazies like AOC are puppets and we don't even know who is running the Democrat Party now and why. It's not Soros although he has had a hand in it. Maybe China has bought enough Democrats like Pelosi and the radicals. I just don't know. They do not mean well, though.
It is amazing to see the sheep being herded by herdsmen in the shadows. A lot of Republicans are complicit, if not in on the conspiracy. The Soviet Union was less opaque than the Democrat Party right now.
Howard said...
The bigger the weapon, the smaller and softer the dick. Good Morning Thomas!
Says Mr (LCPL?) AAA
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