June 3, 2020

"A bronze statue of Frank Rizzo, the former Philadelphia mayor and police commissioner known for his violent law enforcement strategy, was pulled down..."

"A bronze statue of Frank Rizzo, the former Philadelphia mayor and police commissioner known for his violent law enforcement strategy, was pulled down by city authorities overnight Tuesday, according to NBC Philadelphia. Rizzo, who served as police commissioner from 1967 to 1971 and mayor from 1972 to 1980, oversaw a legacy of police brutality in the city and of discrimination against minorities" (Daily Beast).


Yancey Ward said...

Philly's Italian history is now all carried by Rocky Balboa.

Narayanan said...

They should be able to raise funds for The Cause by holding statue for ransom.

whatever happened to ransomware for Trump dirt in news last week?

Phil 314 said...

They just discovered the statue and the history?

Phil 314 said...

Will they erect a statue of John Africa in its place?

MadisonMan said...

Wrong-think will not be tolerated, in a retroactive fashion. But authorities in Philly can now say they did something. I suppose that's better than Madison's City Council. Keep voting Progressive, Dane County. Look how successfully Progressive Dane has worked for minorities.

Dave Begley said...

Why was this done at night?

My constitutional law professor at Creighton (no Ann Althouse, he) used to call Frank, "Ratso Rizzo."

gilbar said...

serious question
WHAT does it Mean, that the stock markets are sky rocketing* during these 'troubles'?

sky rocketing* Well, no; not 'sky rocketing', but climbing at a pretty impressive rate

Kevin said...

First they came for the Confederate statues...

Lincoln won't be around for much longer.

madAsHell said...

Behold!! The past is ours to re-write!!

The city employees are working after dark in the summer time?? Hmmm.....methinks not!

Someone has already been paid for the bronze.

Kevin said...

As we've seen time and again, the statues are pulled down when one form of government ends and another begins.

If the United States is ending, what kind of government are these people proposing?

Other than anarchy, which would be the default.

DanTheMan said...

When do the book burnings start?

John Borell said...

Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with

narciso said...

wilson goode took out a city block, with an explosive device, because reasons,

DanTheMan said...

“The future is known. It's the past that keeps changing.”

Tommy Duncan said...

History begins anew each morning.

Winston Smith is busy.

oldirishpig said...

Ah, I thought he was a Democrat, but he switched party affiliations and finished as s Republican. No wonder they were willing to put him down the memory hole.

Michael K said...

He certainly discriminated against criminals but that is no longer acceptable to Philly.

madAsHell said...

I just viewed the video. This looks like a Weekend Update skit. I love the guy at the end of the video with kevlar, an M4, and masked up for the virus.

I can imagine the guy thinking, "Yeah...gimme the mask!! I better go full doofus, and hide from the video camera!".

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Yancey Ward said...

Philly's Italian history is now all carried by Rocky Balboa.

You're talking about the mob-enforcer thug who beat up the patriotic African American?

Not a good look.

Fernandinande said...

a legacy of police brutality in the city and of discrimination against minorities

How come universities are the only government organizations that discriminate against Asians?

TreeJoe said...

This wasn't just done at night, this was done IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. Best I can tell this was done between 2-4am.

And the mayor is celebrating it this morning.

WTF is going on. If you celebrate it, you announce you are doing it and do it during the daytime. But instead they hid it, then celebrated it?

That reeks more of "Ask for forgiveness rather than permission." like you knew they were doing something wrong.

Yancey Ward said...

Ignorance is Bliss,

I am glad someone got the full meaning of my quip.

Skeptical Voter said...

Nobody ever confused the Rizzo brothers--either one of them--with Nathan Bedford Forrest---until now.

Jersey Fled said...

Rizzoli served two terms as Mayor as a Democrat and later ran unsuccessfully as a Republican.

Lurker21 said...

If the rioting continues the city fathers might actually consider putting the statue back as a sign that they were finally cracking down on the chaos. Rizzo certainly got on some people's nerves, but he wasn't a terrible mayor. He kept the city from falling apart. Of course, I was only a kid in the suburbs at the time and didn't pick up on everything adults were saying.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Once again - Boooglashalala booog goog. in action.. *slurps koolaid*

Can we learn more about this mayor who was so awful they erected a statue to him once upon a time? nah - you only need to know what the hack-press tells you.

Tom T. said...

"serious question: WHAT does it Mean, that the stock markets are sky rocketing* during these 'troubles'?"

Investors believe that the riots ensure a Trump victory.

cubanbob said...

Philly needs Rizzo more than ever.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Jersey Fled said...
Rizzoli served two terms as Mayor as a Democrat and later ran unsuccessfully as a Republican.

6/3/20, 11:13 AM

That's his real crime - becoming a Republican.

BTW, New Yorkers pointed out on Twitter that while Manhattan and Brooklyn burned, things were pretty quiet in Bensonhurst. The rioters weren't quite dumb enough to go after Guido's and Luigi's businesses.

Dan in Philly said...

Shows you how useless statues are in terms of cementing your legacy.

Larry said...

I rather liked him. But, I’m from Portland.

Michael K said...

In WEB GRiffin's series of novels about the Philly police department, Rizzo is a fictional character. There was a lot of detail about Philadelphia back when it had civilization.

William said...

I don't know that much about Rizzo, but it does seem that a demonstrable part of his legacy is that he left behind a city that black people wanted to live in and a city which would go on to elect a black mayor. I wonder what the legacy of the current mayor will be.....I note in passing that black people--those who have options--are moving out of Baltimore. Does Philadelphia aspire to the same level of social justice that exists in Baltimore?

CJinPA said...

This is the city that tore down a statue of Kate Smith - KATE SMITH - for being alive and singing in pre-enlightened America.

Rizzo was my mayor for most of my early life. He was hated by the left, beloved by most everyone else. Most, until his ego got the best of him. In my college radio days, I interviewed him by phone as he was gearing up for a comeback. He never stopped eating peanuts for the interview.

There is a famous photo of him during the 60s riots, showing up at an affair in a tuxedo and a baton in his cummerbund.

wendybar said...

Teardown the Liberty Bell too. Progressivism killed the America we love!

elkh1 said...

Good riddance. It's un-American to raise statues for politicians. George Washington and Abe Lincolns are the only exceptions.

CaroWalk said...

A good reminder that the Left excels at tearing stuff down. I’m betting that when you see the glaziers, plumbers, hvac techs and contractors on the scene for restoration, there’ll be a sea of Maga caps.

n.n said...

Discrimination with a diversity motive or a criminal contagion?

Kai Akker said...

Rizzo went in for big financial payoffs to the unions for their support. Every too-generous promise since his time has then compounded his inflation-beating packages. Result, the city is way behind on unfunded liabilities and will be there soon after Chicago, Oakland, wherever else on re-doing the finances and defaulting without calling it default.

Kai Akker said...

"serious question: WHAT does it Mean, that the stock markets are sky rocketing* during these 'troubles'?"

Investors believe that the riots ensure a Trump victory. [TomT]

Could be. I think, overall, the Fed printing like mad again has brought the mania back. Also the virus was bad, and isn't going away, but it has not been as bad as originally feared. So this has been the re-opening rally. I think the stock mania ends within a day, or an hour, of Apple making a new high. It's about 4 points shy right now. It shouldn't make a new high on actual fundamentals, but the traders have the bit between their teeth and they won't quit until they get that price. Personally, I wouldn't wait for the last percent to sell. The wake-up call from the economy's many new limitations could be severe.

gilbar said...

Tom T. said...
Investors believe that the riots ensure a Trump victory.

That's pretty much, what I was thinking too!

RigelDog said...

Carowalk said: A good reminder that the Left excels at tearing stuff down. I’m betting that when you see the glaziers, plumbers, hvac techs and contractors on the scene for restoration, there’ll be a sea of Maga caps."

True. But not the optics--even before this evil Leftist pall settled over the city last week, you would be taking your life in your hands in Philadelphia to wear a MAGA hat. Meanwhile my next door neighbor's yard has been covered with signs for the past 3 years proclaiming "Trump is Putin's puppet" and "The Republican party is a terrorist organization" etc etc. You see, THEY are allowed to do that and no one has so much as looked at them sideways, but I am afraid to even put an election sign in my yard supporting a milquetoast Republican state rep lest my car be vandalized and, in this current climate, my house firebombed.

Mary Beth said...

wilson goode took out a city block, with an explosive device, because reasons

I was going to suggest they replace the statue with one of him.

mikee said...

Is he now oofficially an unperson, or just another of the vast numbers of discredited Democrat politicians? Can we compare his behavior to that of Clinton with the Branch Davidians now without being reviled? Has he the stigma of George Wallace yet?

JAORE said...

Rizzo was in the Confederate Army?

I was assured it was only those slave whippin', traitorous,red-neck, plantqation ownin' rebels that we could not honor.

Jefferson is a gonner. Washington too.

Hollywood should be nervous, have you SEEN the racism of the early movies?

Burn MGM!

Birkel said...

Where is Freeman Hunt?

podpolia said...

Rizzo was a very Trumpian figure in many ways. I've found him fascinating since I first learned about him in grad school. There's a couple good biographies on him out there.