May 7, 2020

“Justice Dept. Drops Case Against Michael Flynn.”

NYT reports.
The extraordinary move comes amid a sustained attack by Mr. Flynn’s lawyers on prosecutors and the F.B.I., accusing them of egregious conduct. In recent days, Mr. Flynn’s lawyers said the Justice Department had uncovered new documents that pointed to misconduct.

In a possible sign of disagreement with the Justice Department decision, Brandon L. Van Grack, an assistant United States attorney who led the prosecution of Mr. Flynn, abruptly withdrew from the case on Thursday. Mr. Flynn’s lawyers have repeatedly attacked Mr. Van Grack by name in court filings, citing his “incredible malfeasance.”


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J. Farmer said...


It's ok Smug.
You should get defensive over true things.
I understand.

Curiously, I've never seen much point in reading a stranger's opinion on social/political issues, make a determination about what this opinion reveals about their character, and then call them names on the basis of that determination. That's the method preferred by social justice warriors, who upon reading an opinion, immediately set about determining how this opinion must reveal what an awful person they are. But hey, different strokes for different folks.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jonathan Turley
The motion notes that McCabe "cut off" objections raised about the aggressive pursuit of Flynn. It lays out a Department under Comey that was seeking to bag Flynn at any cost and on any grounds. Some may defend this record as "standard" but it had little to do with justice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jonathan Turley
I recently wrote about serious concerns that Mueller prosecutors, including Brandon Van Grack, may have violated court orders in withholding evidence and making misrepresentations to the Court. Shortly ago, Van Grack suddenly withdrew from the Flynn case

Iman said...

1 milliinga = 2 millikohns

Serious stupidity territory, Drago. It must be said.

Birkel said...


Why are you mad that the attempt to frame an innocent man is revealed?
Why should government agents acting to deprive American citizens of civil right ma under color of law appeal to you so much?

(See, Smug? That is more of that reading the blank spaces. Get it?)

gadfly would support southern Democratics like Northram who wore the Klan hood.

Birkel said...

I believe the conversion factor between millIngas to miliKohns is 0.85 to 1.00 but I am willing to be persuaded.

Kohn is more stupid because of the size of her audience.

Birkel said...

Inga stupid = yards.
Kohn stupid = meters.

The Godfather said...

Can we all agree that the Logan Act ought to be repealed? Show of hands if you disagree.

How about some brave reporter -- if any such is ever given a chance -- asks Biden if he supports repealing the Logan Act. What do you think Joe will say?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Why not tie toghether Flynn and Goldstein?

Guildofcannonballs said...

It'll be a more Irish-centric redo of the Coen's "Miller's Crossing."

Errol raping Irish, Errol raping Irish, Errol raping Irish.

HistoryDoc said...

You'll have to pry that Pulitzer out of Maggie Haberman's cold, dead hands.

Birkel said...

It is rude to tease me like that.
Still, I volunteer.

Michael K said...

So Trumpy will have to get out his pardon pen ahead of the election

Gaddy, are you looking for a pardon ? You may be an asshole but I don't think it is criminal. Just stupid.

Drago said...

I love how gadfly, like Inga and victoria, simply goes on pretending its still January of 2017 and everything we "knew" then is all that we know now.

This mentality is so invincible in its ignorance that every now and again you simply sit back and marvel at it.

Quaestor said...

We'd best get used to even more delusional rants like gadfly's. Fascists get scorched-earth desperate when the jig is visibly up.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Sometimes I laugh not but instead contemplate the depths of futility.

steve uhr said...

Now justice can do some real work and focus on Comet Ping Pong.

Birkel said...

Please note that your comment was followed by that of steve uhr.
It is almost like he has no self-awareness at all.

Andy said...

I was born in a cross-fire hurricane
And I howled at my ma in the driving rain,
But it's all right now, in fact, it's a gas!
But it's all right. I'm jumpin jack flash,
Its a gas! Gas! Gas!
- The Rolling Stones

It's been bothering me, I knew the phrase "cross-fire hurricane" but hadn't thought to deeply about where it came from. Then today reading the comments I thought of the Whoopi Goldberg movie "Jumpin Jack Flash" the scene where she is trying to figure out the lyrics to the Stones classic and says "This has got some weird assed lyrics". The thing I am wondering is who choose the name "crossfire hurricane" as the name of this "investigation". Did they think it sounded cool or did it mean something to them. Did they get from the song or the movie? The movie does involve espionage, KGB, Soviet Russia and has a character named Mr. Page. That all sounds like it has more associated with the Russia Hoax than anything in the song. Who of all of the players involved would have associated "Jumpin Jack Flash" with a 1986 Whoopi Goldberg movie than with the Stones classic?

Jumpin Jack Flash - film

RigelDog said...

I have a hard time believing that Flynn would stoop to a guilty plea for these reasons }}}

My husband and I are career prosecutors; he's a Fed. We both agree that we would plead guilty to assassinating JFK if it would keep our kids out of jail.

Drago said...

Birkel: "Drago,
Please note that your comment was followed by that of steve uhr.
It is almost like he has no self-awareness at all."

It is uncanny how Li'l Stevie continues to pop in "lastest" with the "leastest", with apologies to gadfly in the idiocy department.


daskol said...

RigelDog, I'm married to a litigator, childhood best friends with a prosecutor recently turned defense (kid 2 turning point), and not without experience of the judicial system. What I am not and I assume also you are not is a deeply connected near cabinet level intelligence official, former senior military leader and current NSA. You would plead guilty. I would plead guilty. Why the fuck did he plead guilty? Concern for family is the number one bullshit explanation out there because nearly everyone has a family and neglects them for work purposes. This is about as plausible as people leaving work to spend more time with their families.

effinayright said...

gadfly said...
I thought that this was a law blog.
There's yer problem, right there.

Ray - SoCal said...

"The plea bargain must cease to be a process of extorting and suborning perjured inculpatory testimony under threat of prosecution and inducement by immunity for the catechized perjury." - Conrad Black

The Federal Conviction Rate is 99.8%

Federal Prosecutors can:

1. Overcharge you, so you are facing a huge amount of time in prison. And if you are charged with 100 items, will a jury convict you of at least 1? A plea deal is a lot safe outcome.

2. Feds can go after your associates and family. That is how they got Michael Millikan.

3. Conrad Black fought his conviction and won in the Supreme Court, and when it went back to the regular court, he was still found guilty of an item.

Progress, but it would be nice if the discovery of Covington went on just a little bit further.

J. Farmer said...


(See, Smug? That is more of that reading the blank spaces. Get it?)

I guess the question of what makes "gadfly" mad or what does or does not appeal to him is not something I could ever imagine giving a fuck about. What someone does is more interesting to me than why they did it.

Ray - SoCal said...

More by Conrad Black

Injustice System

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Nadler calls for inspector general probe over the DOJ's Flynn decision”

Complete posturing. Obama had his AG, Eric Holder, drop charges against New Black Panther tugs, who had been found guilty of voter intimidation. Pretty much, as long as no money changed hands, there was nothing that anyone could do about it, because it was well within the President’s (and consequently the AG’s) prosecutorial discretion Article II, § 1 Executive power. AUSAs Van Glyck, Weissman, etc have zero prosecutorial discretion other than that delegated from the President. If they could dismiss charges, so can President Trump, AG Barr, his DAG, all his AAGs, and all his USAs.

The flip side though is not true - they cannot ethically file and maintain charges unless they can show a reasonable belief that they can prove each element of a charge beyond a reasonable doubt. Yet, that was precisely what AUSA Van Glyck. He could never hope to prove either that Flynn had knowingly lied to FBI agents Strzok and his partner. The original 302 showed that it was unlikely that Flynn was knowingly lying. Sure, those portions of the 302s were excised at the behest of DD McCabe, and the 302s fudged at his behalf had that exonerating evidence removed. The amended 302s were completely inadmissible in court, and the only other way to prove intent would be through their testimony, that would be subject to attack utilizing the original 302s that had indicated that Flynn sounded and acted innocent. They can’t prove intent here, which is one of the legal elements of a §1001 lying charge.

The other aspect here is that the lying to a federal agent, has to be material to the case in question. It wasn’t material, since there was no valid investigation of Flynn at the time.

daskol said...

The tragedy of life thing didn't work at all.

How many trees makes a forest, Farmer?

0_0 said...

He was screwed over by DoJ, but I doubt Flynn will hold any high office; he still has the minor but skeevy sloppiness of being a pro-life Democrat and the unregistered foreign agent/ taking money to speak at RT and such.
It's less than the piles of money Hunter Biden rolls in, but would blunt those attacks on Biden.

Ray - SoCal said...

The "Sprawling" Conspiracy Parties:

- President Obama, Susan Rice in the former administration
- CIA, NSA, etc. Multiple US intelligence agencies,
- Senate Intel Committee
- State Department
- Clinton Campaign
- Foreign Intel - Italy, Israel, UK, Australia, Ukraine, Turkey, and ?
- People in the Trump Campaign
- Covington - Eric Holder is partner
- MSM - Used by various involved parties to leak. Washington Post, NY Times, Yahoo, etc.
- Fusion GPS has been doing an A+ job of analyzing all the stuff coming out of Flynn and this Russian B.S. He is a former FBI Special Agent and Lawyer, and understands all the technical terms. A couple of commenters from Althouse comment over there.

Conservative Treehouse usually has good analysis, and figuring out connections. They are very anti Barr, I am not sure why.

From what I can see, Barr via Durham is trying to clean out the rot of what happened , and the scope is unbelievable. Sprawling was the word he used. The headache is without an air tight case, the bad guys and gals, will walk. I am amazing at how much has some out so far.

Grennel as acting DNI is doing an amazing job! Amazing how fast John Ratcliffe is being fast tracked through, after being turned out. The deep state hates Grennel more! Just look what Grennel is doing to Schiff...

J. Farmer said...


How many trees makes a forest, Farmer?

That's unanswerable. But I know a forest when I see it.

PubliusFlavius said...

Change my mind...the flynn case doesn't....

And where is the discussion of Mrs. Bloom's tender quips?

walter said...

The Godfather said...How about some brave reporter -- if any such is ever given a chance -- asks Biden if he supports repealing the Logan Act. What do you think Joe will say?
Sumpin' sumpin' intercourse."

Bruce Hayden said...

“I thought that this was a law blog. Apparently not anymore. Michael Flynn pled guilty to two separate judges multiple times and was found guilty each time. Flynn's fate lies solely in the hands of Judge Emmett Sullivan.”

Not really. Judges almost never stand in the way of the prosecution moving to dismiss all charges.

“Anti-rule-of law actors Donald Trump and Billy Barr have no cards to play in this game unless a grand jury is permitted to consider charges against General Flynn and his son for actions related to working on behalf of the Turkish government, failure to register as a foreign agent and failing to declare $530,000 in income for this travesty. Rumors of the Flynn's being involved in a kidnapping attempt against a legal US resident for the Turks needs to be further investigated.”

They played their card. It was the top Trump card - the prosecution moved to dismiss all charges, since there was no reason to believe that all, or actually any, of the required elements, could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. No grand jury involved whatsoever at this point.

“As for "new evidence" to change the government's stance in this matter was presented by Trump administration temp Timmy Shea and lawyer Sidney Powell of Fox News is just nowhere to be found. Judge Sullivan has already ruled on most of this garbage. What is evident here is that Michael Flynn does nothing but tell lies related to talking to the Russians. He even lies about lying.”

This is one of the more clueless statements that you have made. There are essentially three elements to violating § 1001: a 1) Knowing 2) misstatement to a federal official of a 3) material fact. All three have blown up in the last couple months since Judge Sullivan last ruled. Recent developments have shown that it was Van Grack, etc whose actions were actionable under this statute. Critical here were the original 302s that show that the two agents who interviewed Flynn believed, at the time, that Flynn was not lying to them. The FD 302s provided to Flynn and the Court has been modified months later under orders of DD McCabe who had that exonerating evidence excised. There was also no obvious misstatement. Finally, the evidence that there was not a legitimate investigation underlying the interview was not forthcoming until this last week. If there was no legitimate investigation, then there could not be any material facts to be misstated. And also new were the notes of FBI CD AD Bill Priestap who gave away that the purpose of the interview was as a perjury trap, in order to take him out. Lying to the FBI agents at such a time would not have been illegal under §1001.

“So Trumpy will have to get out his pardon pen ahead of the election. All these investigators out and about trying to get Trump out from under the Mueller findings is insane in our dying economy.”

The only real finding of the Mueller investigation was that there had never been any collusion between Trump and the Russian government, they had known it for better than a year, and were keeping the investigation alive merely to try trapping their boss, Trump, in Obstruction of Justice, which, again, was impossible, since there was no legitimate criminal investigation underway at the time to obstruct. Everything else you think might have a finding of Mueller, et al, is a figment of your imagination.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ You would plead guilty. I would plead guilty. Why the fuck did he plead guilty? Concern for family is the number one bullshit explanation out there because nearly everyone has a family and neglects them for work purposes. This is about as plausible as people leaving work to spend more time with their families.”

That is one of the most bullshit things I have heard all night in this thread. My bet is that 80-90% of those here, facing what LTG Flynn faced, would have made the same sacrifice. That you apparently wouldn’t have is a comment on your own character, not his.

Bruce Hayden said...

"James Comey just tweeted that “DOJ has lost its way." Given what this motion and the new evidence says about Comey's own conduct, I would hope so if Comey is referring to his way of running the DOJ. Comey is implicated in this ignoble effort to bag a Trump official at any cost."

For a long time, I believed that Comey was the innocent dupe of DD McCabe, who had been bought and paid for by the Clintons (through their longtime bagman, Terry McAwful). McCabe did run the scheme, setting up Flynn with his phone call, then sending over Strzok and Joe Pietra, followed by directing the rewriting of their FD 302s. And he and AUSA Van Grack are the two who most obviously committed crimes setting Flynn up. But Coney was involved up to his eyeballs, approving the entire operation, including ignoring qualms and misgivings by CD AD Priestap.

Of course Comey is panicking right now. Boy Scout Comey has just been exposed as a traitor to the country, having knowingly helped in the attempt to remove a sitting President through illegal misuse of his office as Dir of the FBI. He made the mistake of bragging about it. Stupid.

PhilD said...

"extraordinary move" "sustained attack", "accusing them of egregious conduct", "repeatedly attacked"

It is as if the NYT doesn't know what a, non corrupt, defense lawyer does.

Btw, the AP article also uses Grack's "possible sign of disagreement". Rather an incestuous affair, this MsM circus.

Mr. Forward said...

sunrise type #4: rises in West.

iowan2 said...

McCabe is on CNN. The DNC mouth piece interviewing him is letting him lie, with no push back. either he didn't read the DoJ document or is fine with all the lying. McCabe is sticking with the lie that FBI had lots of evidence of Flynns questionable foriegn contacts including Russia that triggered the investigation in the name of national security. ALL of the Obama officials that have sworn testimony detailing that after investigations, NOTHING had been found.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Re Bridgegate, I'll never forget the FBI was on site the day after Bridgegate was first reported by the media. Yet it took months for the FBI to get off their asses and try to get Hillary's emails.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN - where corrupt lying hacks get a platform and a job.

“FBI supervisors, however, are not supposed to rewrite other agents’ 302 forms. Nor are 302 forms supposed to be edited by FBI personnel who were not present at the interview, and both of these things happened in the Flynn case.”

MikeR said...

I know it's unlikely that they will ever truly be held accountable, but it seems to me that this filing is an admission by the DOJ itself that those who presided over the prosecution are criminals. How do you justify not punishing them after what the DOJ says they did?

TJM said...

Vicki from Pasadena,


Holder is Doing what Dear Leader wants him too

The projection runs deep in you. You would have been the perfect gaulieter in Hitler's Germany or an aide to Joseph Goebbels

TJM said...

Vicki from Pasadena,


Holder is Doing what Dear Leader wants him too

The projection runs deep in you. You would have been the perfect gaulieter in Hitler's Germany or an aide to Joseph Goebbels

Michael K said...

McCabe did run the scheme, setting up Flynn with his phone call, then sending over Strzok and Joe Pietra,

What ever happened to Pietra ? Did he have Arkancide or is he squealing?

daskol said...


Bruce, I said I'd have pled in the snippet you quoted. I love my kids and I don't have the president on speed dial. I just don't get why a guy like Flynn would plead guilty.

daskol said...

"so and so resigned in order to spend more time with his family" is about as convincing as Flynn pled guilty because he loves his son. The point of such a story is to get you to stop thinking about it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

‘What is our goal?’ Priestap asked, ‘Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?’

choke on it, Gadfly.

daskol said...

That right there from Priestap is the weirdest part of this whole fucking thing. Who writes a thing like that down? Why?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN gives a platform to all the liars, hacks and losers who are the REAL Russian assets.

McCabe, Brennan, Strozk et al...

daskol said...

Memo to self: that charitable donation I claimed in my 2019 tax return was exaggerated by about 50%, but everybody does it, right?
Memo to self the second: I have successfully carried on a clandestine affair for several years without being caught, a fact I would like to memorialize in this memo which I will leave in my filing cabinet,

Bruce Hayden said...

“I thought that this was a law blog. Apparently not anymore. Michael Flynn pled guilty to two separate judges multiple times and was found guilty each time. Flynn's fate lies solely in the hands of Judge Emmett Sullivan.”

Pleas have to be knowing and voluntary. Bri ging in his son, who had a baby at home made the plea non voluntary, or at least if that were part of a deal, it was supposed to be disclosed to the court, and esp this. Ours, where the judge already distrusted the prosecutors. And the first one was far from knowing. He made his decision based on the advice of very expensive counsel, who failed to tell him that his attorneys were compromised, and part of their deal with the prosecutors was getting him to plead out. Which was, of course, highly unethical on the part of both the prosecutors and his own attorneys. As for affirming his plea, his son was still vulnerable to prosecution for a supposed FARA violation. It was only after his son was out of legal jeopardy that Flynn, Sr tried to retract his guilty plea.

An interesting side note is that the prosecutors forced Flynn, Sr to essentially lie to the judge in order to get the plea deal. He had to tell the court that there were no side deals. There were - a deal that got his lawyers off the hook from supposedly screwing up his FARA application, and his son got off the hook for his own supposed FARA violation. He may not have known of his lawyer’s side deal, and likely did not understand its ramifications, even if he did. But he clearly knew about his pleading out protecting his son, because that was why he did it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yo Gadfly - Pound sand

So Sally Yates is stunned to learn about Flynn-Kislyak wiretapped call from...Barack Obama. Susan Rice is there, writes memo-to-self about meeting, insisting it was all OK, 'by the book.' And who else was in the room? Joe Biden.

Martin said...

I do not think it is all that "extraordinary" for a prosecutor to drop a case after it is shown to be based on entrapment an d the Court will trow it out with prejudice in a few days, anyway.

Van Grack is probably busy lawyering up.

ColoradoDude said...

Did the lawyers, on both sides, act ethically? I find it interesting that, given all the coverage of perhaps questionable behavior by this case’s lawyers, nobody is suggesting that they should face their states’ attorney conduct boards.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"So Sally Yates is stunned to learn about Flynn-Kislyak wiretapped call from...Barack Obama. Susan Rice is there, writes memo-to-self about meeting, insisting it was all OK, 'by the book.' And who else was in the room? Joe Biden."

Byron York tweet.

narayanan said...

instead of withdrawing, what if DOJ had said vanGrack is being removed and we may not replace

Iman said...

How about some brave reporter -- if any such is ever given a chance -- asks Biden if he supports repealing the Logan Act. What do you think Joe will say?

“Logan’s Act? Great movie!”

—- Joe Biden

Big Mike said...

Judge Sullivan needs to dismiss this case, and then resign in shame and humiliation. He’s a victim as much as Flynn, but he has been a willing victim.

narayanan said...

Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
"So Sally Yates is stunned to learn about Flynn-Kislyak wiretapped call from...Barack Obama. Susan Rice is there, writes memo-to-self about meeting, insisting it was all OK, 'by the book.' And who else was in the room? Joe Biden."
it is not clear to me if the 'stunned" is because Flynn was under surveillance or because Obama knew about it?

please someonesplain

Lewis said...

Everyone worked for this - it's great to see a victory like this - but no schampus yet - - wait for what the Judge says. And what did that lass say in a decade back - "Agreat day to burry bad news!.

Lewis said...

Extreme ways are back again
Extreme places I didn't know
I broke everything new again
Everything that I'd owned
I threw it out the windows, came along
Extreme ways I know move apart The colors of my sea
Perfect color me
Extreme ways that help me
That help me out late at night
Extreme places I had gone
But never seen any light
Dirty basements, dirty noise
Dirty places coming through
Extreme worlds alone
Did you ever like it then
I would stand in line for this
There's always room in life for this
Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Extreme songs that told me
They helped me down every night
I didn't have much to say
I didn't get above the light
I closed my eyes and closed myself
And closed my world and never opened
Up to anything
That could get me along
I had to close down everything
I had to close down my mind
Too many things to cover me
Too much can make me blind
I've seen so much in so many places
So many heartaches, so many faces
So many dirty things
You couldn't even believe
I would stand in line for this
It's always good in life for this
Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
All day, all day
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
(Falling apart)
It's a Monday morning, it's everywhere
Oh no I can't
All day, all day
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
All day, all day
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
All day, all day
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
All day, all day
Like it always does, always does
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Richard Melville Hall
Extreme Ways lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Warner Chappell Music, Inc

Lewis said...

And then, Ms Althouse, we have a full moon - completely unapposite! - I can't tell weather it's truly 'full' or slightly occluded - my bad eyes! I just feel there's something in the flouride ( Dr Strangeglove!) that might make it less 'It's not dark yet, girl but it's getting there'. Well, it's not light yet, babe, but maybe, maybe, it's getting there?

Lewis said...

I don't mind you rejected - I think youv'e read my spiel - I'm embarrassing, I know that - I just hope your well and your family is well - tha's sounds creepy - I mean be well - no creepy! (I live in bloody Morecambe, UK so my creep can't creep that much!)

Michael K said...

Judge Sullivan needs to dismiss this case, and then resign in shame and humiliation. He’s a victim as much as Flynn, but he has been a willing victim.

He is senior status and I wonder if we are seeing some early senility. He was on top of the Ted Stevens case but he seems confused here.

Lewis said...

It maybe you really don't like me, which is ok, though I like you - or my comments are really stupid, which I think very doubtful, even from my bias vantage (I am a writer, after all) or what? Let me in!

Lewis said...

It's a Woody Allen - you know, he's on a train, the wrong train and the other train, there having party - this is his dream - he tries to escape from his train to get to the other - he fails! Last comment!

Nichevo said...

Drago said...
rcocean: "Flynn was too stupid to be NSA. He didn't last long and was a bad choice."

Flynn is a brilliant intel strategist who effectively analyzed what was happening with obambi's ME tactics/strategies and Flynn was committed to massively overhauling intel gathering and analysis.

For you to say he was too stupid to be NSA simply opens you up to charges of stupidity.

5/7/20, 3:17 PM

buwaya said...
Flynn was not competent at dealing with the deep state attack on him.
He did not understand that his own lawyers were untrustworthy.
He went along with the absurd advice they gave him.
A trusting man is not suitable for such an internal struggle.

He may have been good at military intelligence management vs an open foe, but obviously not at institutional civil wars.

He needed to be the biggest snake in the snakepit.

5/7/20, 3:33 PM

I can see what you are saying, and I do think that the whole truth has not yet come out...but consider.

This level of betrayal by main/core government elements, in broad daylight, is unprecedented; unthinkable; like a Secret Service agent, guarding the President, pulling out his briefcase Uzi and blowing him away at point-blank range. It's supposed to be beyond the reach of plausibility. And I guess? that if he tried, some other USSS agent, trained to be just that paranoid, is supposed to spot him and take him out first?

It's just beyond reckoning. The Japanese High Command could process losing an island, another island, having Rabaul cut off to die on the vine, losing Guam, Saipan, Okinawa...could extrapolate from that an invasion of Japan...could work the correlation of forces and determine that at the cost of twenty million Japanese lives, a million Allied soldiers could be killed and the invasion stopped...could ignore the possibility of close blockade and total starvation...

What they could not reckon with was the atomic bomb. All their forces could be set at naught without a single Allied casualty. It was beyond them. Even if it had to be done a second time for the lesson to sink in.


Nichevo said...


Obamagate is the Tsar Bomba of political corruption. The world has never seen its like. Not since the Medicis or the Byzantines or the Abbasids has such chicanery possibly occurred, and that at penny ante scale compared to this. Credit Mobilier, Teapot Dome, Watergate, recede into infinitesimality besides this. This is like a revelation of aliens controlling our government. "If people knew...they would fall apart."

I will say this: PDT thinks this big. He's kept his own security on the job. Maybe just because of the prior incidents of hookers & blow under Obama, maybe because why not, but I bet his food taster has a food taster.

I'd have to know more about everything to offer a lasting judgment on LTG Flynn's past and future performance. I think he is neither ruled in nor ruled out. If I had to decide without full information: in. There are literally no limits to what could have been done to bring pressure on Flynn. Especially if Obama was another Stalin...

In 1968, five years before the first volume of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago" was published in the West, Conquest published "The Great Terror," a history of Josef Stalin's purges during the 1930s. In one episode, which could have come from Arthur Koestler's classic 1941 novel "Darkness at Noon," Conquest recounted a conversation between Stalin and an aide named Mironov, who was failing to extract a confession — to a political crime — from a prisoner named Kamenev:

"'Do you know how much our state weighs, with all the factories, machines, the army, with all the armaments and the navy?'

"Mironov and all those present looked at Stalin with surprise.

"'Think it over and tell me,' demanded Stalin. Mironov smiled, believing that Stalin was getting ready to crack a joke. But Stalin did not intend to jest. ... 'I'm asking you, how much does all that weigh?' he insisted.

"Mironov was confused. He waited, still hoping Stalin would turn everything into a joke. ... Mironov ... said in an irresolute voice, 'Nobody can know that. ... It is in the realm of astronomical figures.'

"'Well, and can one man withstand the pressure of that astronomical weight?' asked Stalin sternly.

"'No,' answered Mironov. "'Now then, don't tell me anymore that Kamenev, or this or that prisoner, is able to withstand that pressure. Don't come to report to me,' said Stalin to Mironov, 'until you have in this briefcase the confession of Kamenev!'"

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