May 14, 2020
"It is important to put this on the table: This virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away."
Said Mike Ryan, the head of the W.H.O. emergency response team, quoted in "Coronavirus Live Updates: Virus Could Be Here to Stay, and Economic Pain Long-Lasting" (NYT).
Then we will learn to live with it, like we do with cancer or diabetes. And the states/cities that insist on economic pain will wither away.
It may means it may not. Wait and see.
Of course. This has always been the case. It is also true that as a coronavirus, just like with the common cold and the original SARS, a vaccine is a long shot. But..herd immunity can be reached at about 60% of the population so...
This is just prep work for the announcement that we continue "living" this way indefinitely.
If it saves just one life...
As for me? Making sure I get my D up. Glad I live where the suns shines.
What does Greta say?
Should I cut my grass?
"And the states/cities that insist on economic pain will wither away."
Sadly they will drag under all of the other states who decide that a productive economy is necessary to keep people from starving to death.
Do people think that house elves just magic food onto grocery store shelves?
Well that makes things simple.
We’re all going to get exposed so just go about your old normal lives.
I’m serious.
If things are going to overwhelm the health system, slow down again.
Otherwise don’t worry about it.
I’ve been in that place for several weeks now.
This is all so much easier if you accept that.
We are all already dead. We just don’t know it yet. Which means get back to living.
Thank China. Whether it evolved in a wet market or was coaxed along in their lab this is a virus that never had a foothold in humans before China’s behaviors created it.
I'm just putting it out there, the sun will rise in the east and set in the west.
Of course the corona virus, or a mutation, will always be with us. The common cold - in near infinite varieties - is a corona virus and will always be with us. The flu virus, in its ever changing form will always be with us. Toenail fungus will always be with us.
Willis Eschenbach at WUWT looks at the numbers and concludes Attention, Citizens! The #COVID19 Emergency Is Over!
I tend to agree. Here in Maryland, the death rate (which lags infections by about 3 weeks) has been falling for at least two weeks, even though the number of cases seems to be stable around 1000 per day due to increased testing. Baltimore, Montgomery County and PG County incurred most of the the infections and deaths, although there is a spike on the eastern shore associated with a chicken packing plant.
There's no reason a county like mine, with some 200 known cases out of 90,000 people should continue to shelter in place.
Which is not to say that we should drop all voluntary personal efforts to contain it. Small businesses need to open, with hygiene restrictions in place.
Who the heck is this mike ryan character
Is it really a surprise that virus don’t get eradicated? They are Man’s natural predator. 700 years later we still have the Black Plague. Trump got played by Fauci and millions of Americans played along. It’s completely stupid.
This virus may become just another of the many viruses flare up periodically to annoy us like pesky mosquitoes?
This is what I expect and my response is, "yeah, so?"
Of course this has been obvious for a long time. There are already a lot of bugs out there that can kill you.
The coronavirus will be with us for a long time, perhaps forever. The economic pain need not be, we can start eliminating it today.
Same as flu and common cold
which covid is
This is not news, but it is the main reason that we have to accept the reality of getting back to life. To delay is not gaining us, but it may destroy us.
Yes! The only way is to get out of the fear bubble.
I don't want Corona, but my father in law has been diagnosed with cancer in the middle of all of this. Of the two, I think I'd rather have corona. Life Is pretty risky.
Everyone that is staying home and not out in the world is damaging their immune system. Your immune system is built up on a daily basis by the constant interaction and response to bacteria and viruses that want to hurt you. When you live in a sterile environment, never leave your house, wash your hands all the time and use antibacterial cleaners constantly your immune system has no work to do. All these people are going to get sick the minute they leave their house. Maybe not with covid but with something
Same as flu and common cold
Same as everything else except smallpox.
This virus is a respiratory ailment, so according to Science, it could be prevented if everyone will simply stop inhaling for a couple of weeks. Anyone who opposes this plan hates Science, and old people, and secretly wants to inhale only to exhale and spread carbon dioxide to accelerate climate change.
China has already conducted an experiment in which thousands of dissenters and deniers - who weren't as enthusiastic about the Chinese government's handling of the crisis as the American press has been - were sealed in an airtight concrete bunker for twenty one days. China reports that when the bunker was opened, all of the volunteers were found to have been virus-free for the rest of their lives.
Though I suppose as a sop to the anti-Science denialists, we could make the virus "go away", I guess by eliminating its natural habitat, which as I said before is the lungs of human beings.
Is it really a surprise that virus don’t get eradicated? They are Man’s natural predator. 700 years later we still have the Black Plague.
Plague, the disease of the historic Black Death (of the 14th century) as well as the Justinianean Plague (of the 6th), is caused by a bacterium (Yersinia pestis), not by a virus.
Fernandistein said...
Same as flu and common cold
Same as everything else except smallpox.
And polio, which is all but eliminated and only survives thanks to the anti-vax feeling in the Taliban allied areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Which is interesting, because polio is basically a cold virus that often has bad effects when not caught early in childhood. A lot like the WuFlu. And there's another one like polio out running around, but it's rare enough that it hasn't got a lot of attention yet.
Unfortunately, the viruses themselves aren't closely related, so the prospects of a good vaccine for the WuFlu are not terribly good:
Wuhan Virus Vaccines
I don't think we can wait for the vaccines.
But if Trump is defeated in November, suddenly we won't need lockdowns any more and Covid will just be background noise.
No shit, Sherlock.
Wow. That's probably the first true statement to come out of the WHO since this all started. The Hong Kong flu has been around since 1968.
Covid could be with us for a long time. In the European middle ages, just about everyone contracted smallpox at some point in their life and about 30% died of it when they got it.
Or Covid could die-out just like the seasonal flu, never to be seen again. We get a different seasonal flu every year and maybe we'll get a different variation of Covid each year too.
Or a vaccine could be found in a year or two and enough people will take the vaccine to wipe out Covid, just like smallpox and (almost) polio are wiped out.
No S___t Sherlock.
"It is important to put this on the table: This virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away."
Right. So stop the social distancing theater, and make sure enough young, healthy people build up immunity for the sake of the vulnerable.
Another part of the narrative to justify destroying the remaining remnants of freedom.
I know people often say embrace the power of "and", but I'm not seeing why the virus existing has to require so much economic pain. Much of the pain isn't coming from the lost of production by those who died. It's the lost of production from irrational fear. It's like Democrats, who long believed FDR got us out of the great depression by claiming "we have nothing to fear but fear itself", have decided to get us into a great depression by claiming "we should fear".
Just like SARS cov numba one?
That could happen too!
"It is important to put this on the table: This virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away."
Like almost every other virus or the common cold (which is a corona virus). We get sick, Get better mostly. Some people don't. The population develops immunity or resistance and we all learn to live together...human and virus. Our genes contain virus snippets and other remnants of ancient viruses
Approximately 8% of the human genome is made up of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs), which are viral gene sequences that have become a permanent part of the human lineage after they infected our ancient ancestors.
It is just political right now and this panic is way overblown. The 'supposed' cure of stopping all human connection and all commerce is worse than the actual virus.
There is no way on Earth to avoid every virus, bacteria or other natural substances. If you try to avoid everything..... you become a parody of Monk or Howard Hughes. That is mental illness.
You could have received this incredible wisdom of the experts right here on this blog a long time ago. Just read my comments. I must have said the same exact thing a half dozen times. Maybe I should have prefaced it with "our models show that..." This is just common sense. Widespread viruses don't just go away. We live with thousands of them them every single day. Something about our education system and the internet has really handicapped our species. We think everything is new. History started yesterday.
Ah, the WHO. What would we do without the WHO? We would have to get our Chinese propaganda directly from Beijing. Or the Washington Post. Whichever.
This is a pointless statement, at least to anyone paying attention.
It's a turn-around jump shot
It's everybody jump start
It's every generation throws a hero up the pop charts
Medicine is magical and magical is art
Think of the boy in the bubble
And the baby with the baboon heart
The Boy in the Bubble
And I believe
These are the days of lasers in the jungle
Lasers in the jungle somewhere
Staccato signals of constant information
A loose affiliation of millionaires
And billionaires and baby
These are the days of miracle and wonder
This is the long distance call
The way the camera follows us in slo-mo
The way we look to us all, oh yeah
The way we look to a distant constellation
That's dying in a corner of the sky
These are the days of miracle and wonder
And don't cry baby, don't cry
Don't cry, don't cry
That was the same argument those two doctors made in their video, before it was taken down. I had never thought of it that way, but it makes sense. Now it's forbidden knowledge.
The Covid Pandemic will be defined by the non-stop stream a baseless speculation by supposed scientists spewed at us by the main stream media. Most of it will have been wrong.
Hard to say. We eradicated smallpox via vaccines, but as others upthread have pointed out, there are viruses such as rhinovirus and influenza. Judging from the head colds I get in the winter every couple years, previous exposure to rhinovirus doesn’t stave off future infections the way cowpox exposure staves off smallpox, so finding a vaccine seems pointless. And influenza vaccines provide limited protection — mostly they seem to be an annual excuse for the CDC to screw up their prediction about which form of the virus will be predominant during the next flu season.
So which of those three models will this novel coronavirus fit into? Can we count on a vaccine providing even limited protection? Some articles say that there are already eight distinct strains of this coronavirus out there. Seems plausible, given that coronavirus in Italy and New York City seems to be nastier and more virulent than elsewhere. That could also explain why the ratio of asymptomatic infections to infections requiring hospitalization is so high.
It's so cool all of the sudden The ChiCom puppets WHO and the New York times Are valuable reliable sources of right think information.
Remember folks masks are useless... so say your Commie Masters. Infection parties and herd immunity are just around the corner. All hail chairman Xi
Unknown said
“ Same as flu and common cold
which covid is”
And yet the denialists get their knickers in a knot when I say that some people here say covid is like the flu.
This is another example relevant to The other thread today. Part of the right is simply deluded. The WUWT link is another example.
I want to hear all about Althouse's travails in the great flu pandemic of 1968-1969 (Hong Kong flu). She was 17 or 18 that year. Did she make it to Woodstock that summer? How many rock concerts did she miss? How many dances and social gatherings were cancelled because of the lock down? Oh, there was no lock down.
100,000 Americans died--more than the Viet Nam War! There were 201 million Americans then. If coronavirus is as deadly, that would be over 164,000 dead with today's population.
Come on, Althouse. Tell us all about it. What did you do in 1968-1969 to deal with the deadly Hong Kong flu. Was that the summer you were a waitress in a restaurant?
We. Have. A. Cure.
Possibly. Two.
And. Most. People. Show. Zero. Symptoms.
O.P.E.N. T.H.I.S. B.I.T.C.H. B.A.C.K. U.P. A.L.R.E.A.D.Y.!
Karen of Texas said...
As for me? Making sure I get my D up. Glad I live where the suns shines.
Dang. I read that initially as "D cup" and momentarily turned into Laszlo.
Don't be a Ken B.
Lady parts deserve better.
Ken B
The denialist governor of Georgia opened the state a couple of weeks ago. No uptick. The denialist citizens are out and about whilst the true believers, the Karen B's are sheltering in place, helping helping caring and caring some more. More even than you who cares a whole lot.
If the Diamond Princess (still the only really good data we have) is any indication, that means that 1-2% of us are going to die of Covid-19. If you don't want to run that risk, stay home. You can keep a Governor in your basement if it makes you feel safer.
I have a list of governors I want putting the lotion on their skin...
Kyzer SoSay mentioned we have a cure. I suspect he means HCQ/zinc/azithromycin. Which isn’t actually a cure but a boost to your immune system so your body kills the virus before the virus kills you. Sort of a jump start.
We apparently also have a very simple and inexpensive, as in downright dirt cheap, preventative. And the more I read about it, that it helps with influenzas, colds, and just about any URI or lung disease. Including TB, which is still around and is present in many of the invaders who illegally enter our country.
Vitamin D.
From the NIH: “Low Vitamin D levels were associated with a 5-fold increased risk for progression to tuberculosis.”
From WHO: “In addition to causing rickets, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to respiratory infections such as pneumonia, tuberculosis and bronchiolitis. “
Do you know your own vitamin D blood level? A month ago mine was 40 ng/ml, my wife’s 60. Both in the healthy range. Her doctor has her on a higher dose than what I take. My VA doctor doesn’t want me to take any. She’s fearful of Vitamin D intoxication, which is actually difficult to get. You have to work at it.
"I have a list of governors I want putting the lotion on their skin..."
Tsk! "Xheir" skin. Don't mis-pronoun your Governors, they'll get you. And your little dog too.
Will YouTube be banning this guy?
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