May 31, 2020

"Federal law enforcement actions will be directed at apprehending and charging the violent radical agitators who have hijacked peaceful protest and are engaged in violations of federal law."

"To identify criminal organizers and instigators, and to coordinate federal resources with our state and local partners, federal law enforcement is using our existing network of 56 regional FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF). The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly."

A statement from Attorney General William Barr.

From the FBI website:
The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces, or JTTFs, are our nation’s front line of defense against terrorism, both international and domestic. They are groups of highly trained, locally based, passionately committed investigators, analysts, linguists, and other specialists from dozens of U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies....


Inga said...


“Antifa and other similar groups...”

Who are these other similar groups, name them. I’ll guess, does it sound like “Boogaloo Bois”?

Wince said...

As Kurt Schlichter wrote...

“When the first of these little trust fund sissies figures out he’s not walking out of his cell after 20 minutes with a $50 fine but looking at five years in Leavenworth on a Fed rap, he’ll squeal on his comrades. This is an opportunity to destroy Antifa root and branch, and to eliminate the armed wing of the Democrat party. Forever.”

narciso said...

well lileks pointed out ms 13, mexican mob and other graffiti,

chuck said...

“Boogaloo Bois”


chickelit said...

As the venerable edutcher wrote elsewhere, Trump (Barr) needs to RICO their asses.

Drago said...

Inga: "Who are these other similar groups, name them. I’ll guess, does it sound like “Boogaloo Bois”?"

Maybe they are Macedonian troll farms and russian bots and Michael Cohen's phone from Prague and Trump tower servers pinging Moscow banks.

Drago said...

Inga: "Good!"

Lets start with Keith Ellison.

Jersey Fled said...

Inga never gives up.

Drago said...

narciso: "well lileks pointed out ms 13, mexican mob and other graffiti,"

Uh oh.

You mentioned MS13. Inga is not going to like that. Not one bit. She disapproves strongly of anyone disparaging these "spark of divinity" little darlings.

Jersey Fled said...

Anyway, this is what we need. Smart move by Barr.

Michael K said...

This is years over due but at least Trump is doing the right thing.

The rioters have been trying to provoke Trump into another Kent State but he is more media savvy tan Nixon was.

The Inga bot still hoping for a Great White Defendant.

Inga said...

Officials see extremist groups, disinformation in protests

“As demonstrations spread from Minneapolis to the White House, New York City and overseas, federal law enforcement officials insisted far-left groups were stoking violence. Meanwhile, experts who track extremist groups also reported seeing evidence of the far-right at work.

Investigators were also tracking online interference and looking into whether foreign agents were behind the effort. Officials have seen a surge of social media accounts with fewer than 200 followers created in the last month, a textbook sign of a disinformation effort.

But there are signs of people with other disparate motives, including anarchist graffiti, arrests of some out-of-state protesters, and images circulating in extremist groups that suggest the involvement of outside groups.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said Sunday that state authorities were hit with a cyber attack as law enforcement prepared to diffuse protests in Minneapolis and St. Paul, the epicenter of the unrest.

“Before our operation kicked off last night, a very sophisticated denial of service attack on all computers was executed,” Walz said. “That’s not somebody sitting in their basement. That’s pretty sophisticated.””

bagoh20 said...

"All God's children".

bagoh20 said...

Get the ones with the MAGA hats first.

Birkel said...

It's about time the FBI focused on criminals instead of attempting a coup.

Wray must be replaced but timing is everything in life.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Inga dutifully swallows every BS lying meme from her Dem masters.

YoungHegelian said...

How much you wanna bet that when the money trail for Antifa is exposed, there's going to be some big name Democratic money involved? "I'm shocked --- shocked! ---that funds I meant to be used for social justice was instead used for violence!" will be heard again & again.

Another prediction: funds that the Obama Justice Dept unconstitutionally kept after extorting it from the finance industry after the 2008 Wall Street meltdown settlements found its way, via various cut-out organizations, to Antifa. The Justice Dept handed out the settlements to their favorite lefty orgs, and no doubt one of the deals was for some orgs to launder the funds as they flowed to some very unsavory left-wing groups.

That the Obama DoJ got away with something as clearly unconstitutional as the Wall Street settlements is just one more appalling example of how corrupt & useless the press is.

Big Mike said...

Memo to Dr. Michael K., you can talk it over with your daughter Kate, but I sincerely doubt that the FBI has any stomach for investigating and infiltrating Antifa. Too much political protection from the Democrats. If she disagrees, ask her which organization besides the DNC could claim their Email servers were hacked by a foreign government, but then successfully blow off the FBI when the agency asked to perform a forensic analysis on the servers?

bagoh20 said...

Pretty simple profile: people always looking for free stuff. I know who that is, and I know who stands up for them.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Who are these other similar groups, name them. I’ll guess, does it sound like “Boogaloo Bois”?

5/31/20, 6:14 PM

Black Bloc, and BLM.

All members in good standing of the International Society of Deluded and Stupid Leftist Assholes and Inga is also a card-carrying member of that pathetic tribe.

Big Mike said...

and to eliminate the armed wing of the Democrat party. Forever.”

Kurt Schlichter often has thought-provoking political insights, but the Democrats enjoy violence too much and “forever” is a long time.

@Althouse, you may want to believe that I am wrong about your beloved Democrats, but — to paraphrase someone — deep in your heart you know I’m right.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Inga’s just reflecting the panic of her fellow ideologues. They’re about to get Antifa hung around their necks and are desperately flailing for a diversion.
Note for the Leftist stylebook. Antifa will henceforth be solely described as “young white men”.

AustinRoth said...

Inga - other than your fellow left wing nutsiod attempts to blame the current Antifa-organized riots on the right, name one riot that has been conclusively connected to “Boogaloos”.

I can give you over 100 connected to Antifa. That is worldwide, because that is what they are - a worldwide terrorist organization.

Jupiter said...

Yeah, round up all those white supremacists that pratface Governor was talking about in Minneapolis.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

This is political posturing. There was no peaceful protest to hijack.

Birkel said...

RICO them all the way up to the Senators and Representatives who coordinate action with the Leftist Collectivist moneyed interests.

Do not stop with the street level thugs.
The major players need to get rolled.

Browndog said...

I think this is when we pretend the FBI isn't a broken political organization and Wray is still the director.

John henry said...

What Narciso said.

There seems to be some evidence of funding for antifa by the Mexican cartels.

I have also seen reports of Iran funding Antifa.

If they are an international, rather than a domestic terrorist organization, I think that changes the equation, doesn't it?

John Henry

Bay Area Guy said...

AG Barr has been a huge upgrade over Sessions. Hopefully these fuckheads and their enablers will soon feel the Barr.

FullMoon said...

Never gonna happen. Same as Comey, Brennen etc. Nobody going down.

Lincolntf said...

I saw some mug shots of the Antifa shitburgers that were arrested. Perfect representation of the future of the Democrat Party, scrawny wimps with scraggly beardlets and fear in their eyes as they hope that Daddy can bail them out one more time.

Drago said...

Browndog: "I think this is when we pretend the FBI isn't a broken political organization and Wray is still the director."


I wouldn't be surprised to read in the WaPo that the FBI has opened a riot investigation into Trump.

MountainMan said...

Good article from Andy Ngo at The Spectator: Antifa’s American Insurgency

And I think Young Hegelian’s comments above about the financing of all this are spot on. One of the biggest scandals of the Obama years that people paid little attention to was the shakedown of various organizations and companies to fund left-wing causes. I also have often wondered where all that money went. I believe early in the Trump administration the old “sue-and-settle” scam was put to death.

Big Mike said...

Note for the Leftist stylebook. Antifa will henceforth be solely described as “young white men”.

@Cracker Emcee Refulgent, I must be tired. There are plenty of women in Antifa. Mostly overweight to obese, but some are quite fetching in their black masks and matching black hoodies with black jeans.

Yancey Ward said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent is probably right- we are only days away from Antifa being cut loose by the Democrats and the media because they are white guys and likely covertly right wing. Will watch for this narrative change closely- you will most likely become aware of it first because Inga will try it out here in the comments sections.

Big Mike said...

"Before our operation kicked off last night, a very sophisticated denial of service attack on all computers was executed,” Walz said. “That’s not somebody sitting in their basement. That’s pretty sophisticated.”

Walz must be a computer illiterate. There is absolutely no reason it can't be both. DoS attacks can be sophisticated, but if your organization's security posture is poor then it can easily be developed by a person with poor social intelligence coupled with better than average computational skills and an innate urge to break things. Quite likely to be living in Mom's basement or even still in his old bedroom.

buwaya said...

It takes very little infrastructure to do a denial of service attack. Just a little knowledge and a malicious attitude. The tools and info are out there, public domain.
You most certainly can do this from your basement.

Many US companies register DoS attacks of one sort or another daily.

Now, an effective attack against a hard target is another matter.

jeremyabrams said...

Trump should fire Wray and appoint Grenell on a temporary basis, citing this as the emergency requiring it.

Michael K said...

Blogger Big Mike said...
Memo to Dr. Michael K., you can talk it over with your daughter Kate, but I sincerely doubt that the FBI has any stomach for investigating and infiltrating Antifa.

They got all sorts of backlash under Nixon. Remember ? Domestic spying?

Remember COINTEL pro? Maybe that was a spoiling attack by the left who were already planning their insurgency. They certainly got the FBI firmly fixed on the left.

Michael K said...

How much you wanna bet that when the money trail for Antifa is exposed, there's going to be some big name Democratic money involved? "I'm shocked --- shocked! ---that funds I meant to be used for social justice was instead used for violence!" will be heard again & again.

All the big Foundations, like Ford and Rockefeller, are firmly on the left. The people who go into that sort of administration are lefties. Ford is probably spinning in his grave at the purposes his money is used for.

madAsHell said...

I think this is when we pretend the FBI isn't a broken political organization and Wray is still the director.

I'm convinced the FBI is dead man walking, and I really thought this might be handed over to the US Marshals. Maybe the Marshals need time to ramp up?

jeremyabrams said...

Barr's move lets the feds unmask communications between antifa and - well, we'll see. Celebrities and media, most likely.

DanTheMan said...

Mrs. DtM and I were watching the news from Santa Monica, where there is massive but rather casual and completely unopposed looting.
She correctly noted that "These people aren't rioting. They're shopping."

Drago said...

"How much you wanna bet that when the money trail for Antifa is exposed, there's going to be some big name Democratic money involved? "I'm shocked --- shocked! ---that funds I meant to be used for social justice was instead used for violence!" will be heard again & again."

Look for the Tides Foundation.

Gk1 said...

I want to see blow back on celebrities offering to pay for bail for all these hoodlums. It should be as fashionable as paying the bail of Klansman accused of suppressing the black population in Mississippi circa 1952.

Michael K said...

Mrs. DtM and I were watching the news from Santa Monica, where there is massive but rather casual and completely unopposed looting.

My daughter, who was a Bernie bro, called today to ask about how many guns I have and could they have another one. They have one, a .38 spl, and I suggested they go to an indoor range to practice. She said they already know of one and are planning to do so. Funny how this stuff affects people. She lives in Santa Monica, just off Lincoln.

chickelit said...

Rioting has bumped Covid off the Orange County Register's front pages. Santa Ana is heating up right now. A friend stays he is trapped in his house.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Dan the Man: your wife is observant and funny too! I bet the NYT could twist her words and use a headline like this “Americans Returned to the Shopping Malls over the weekend”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump, White Supremacists And Russia: Here’s Who Democrats Have Blamed For Riots So Far

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

David Reaboi

"I’m living for the moment between Democrat talking points, when riots are both (a) totally righteous and justified, and (b) the dastardly work of Trump, Russians, white nationalists, etc."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga grabbed her bullshit talking point from her corrupt party of leftwing liars early.

Boogaloo you, B.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When we see images of ANGRY blacks looting and burning their own cities - and young punkass whitey antifa goons doing the same... the big coordinated lie from the collective left is that our eyes are deceiving us -


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember when big name democratic officials were all in on Occupy and Antifa?

We do Inga.

I guess you forgot.

The Democratic silence on antifa is dangerous

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Walz was already caught in a lie about protestors being from out of state. LIE.

inga likes lies.

Dan in Philly said...

Amazingly, some oppose the rioting fomented by these terrorists because it night help Trump!

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Boogaloo is a joke. Igna doesn't get it.

Big Mike said...

@Dr. Michael K., I had forgotten about COINTEL, but once Antifa is classified as a terrorist organization then it seems to me that they legally become fair game. As to your daughter in Santa Monica, it would be good if you or Kate could spend time giving her additional training. Without an instructor it's too easy to develop bad safety habits.

Big Mike said...

@Dr. Michael K., if the daughter in Santa Monica is also the daughter who plans to spend part of her year in a cabin in grizzly bear and wolf country in Montana, perhaps she should think about a lever action rifle for her second home defense firearm. Something like a Rossi M92 or Marlin 1894 in .357 mag. Or the Winchester 1892 in .357, however actual Winchesters generally cost twice as much and work no better. With luck she'll never need it all the time she's in Montana, but like a fire extinguisher, if she ever needs it she will need it pretty bad.

Anyone who's watched a Western knows how to use a lever action rifle, they are very reliable, and despite its wooden stock and foregrip a Rossi M92 weighs about the same as an AR platform. Plus a .357 round coming out of a 16 or 20 inch barrel hits pretty hard (only marginally less energy than a .223 from an AR according to one ballistic table I have read), it's California legal, and in a pinch it will fire her .38 special ammo as long as she isn't using wadcutters or semiwadcutters. When compared to an AR, the perceived recoil from a lever action rifle is worse, but even so it's still pretty manageable. A second choice would be a Ruger Mini-14 ranch rifle, which is chambered in the AR's 5.56 NATO cartridge, which I think is California legal, but check it. And Mini-14s are cheaper than Winchesters, but still expensive.

(But avoid the Winchester 1866 or 1873 models, as these are much heavier rifles than the Marlin or Rossi or Winchester 1892, and generally cost well over a thousand dollars.)

h said...

THey're not looting they're shopping. LoL.

Antifa funding. Especially if federal funds moved their way. This is way bad. George Soros or the Ford Foundation can give money as they please. But use of tax dollars --- huge scandal should it be proved true.

Bruce Hayden said...

Big Mike and Dr K

CA legal guns are a pain. But the nice thing here in MT is good supply of a variety of ammunition. At least both Buffalo Bore and HSM make bear rounds - solid cast, flat nosed, and non expanding. I carry a 10mm G20 in bear country, loaded with 15+1 220 grain Buffalo Bore solid cast flat nosed bear rounds. We have brown bear on the north ridge of the county and wolves on the south, with black bear everywhere. You definitely do not want to use mushrooming self defense ammunition on bears, esp brow bears. You need something that will penetrate as much as possible. If someone could get depleted uranium, it would probably sell like hot cakes in brow bear country. But because of the different threats, I also carry a magazine of mushrooming self defense round, in case I meet wolves in particular.

Buffalo Bore does make bear rounds in .357 magnum, and even 9mm. Sporting goods sores (esp Cabellas) in both Missoula and Kallispell typically have a good selection of bear rounds available. Over in N ID, I would try Cabellas right on the WA border (on I-90) or Black Sheep (by Costco) in Coeur d’Alene.

daskol said...

Money has been laundered through our government to fund these "activists." This shakedown was laid out by Tom Wolfe in the 70s and not much has changed, except it's gotten more complicated to describe. Money can be laundered through a variety of organizations to provide opacity. Have we got senior officials interested in and willing to delve into this, how these activists and protesters get their money? Do we even want to do that? If so, then these "riots" are merely a taste of the coming struggle.

Ray - SoCal said...


Senate Intel Chairman Marco Rubio: “terror groups on BOTH far left and right are instigating, committing acts of violence and looting”…

Possible explanation:

And a reminder of what Trump has been fighting, and this is a so called ally!

wendybar said...

All your favorite celebrities are doling out their money, as long as they keep the rioting away from their houses...because they are so WITH the movement.

Big Mike said...

@Bruce Hayden, thankfully where I live I don’t have to deal with brown bears (by which you mean grizzlies, I presume, unless Alaska Browns get down there) or wolves. Black bears are dangerous enough. I have seen .44 mag vs. 10mm debated online and in print. Six very hard-hitting rounds vs. lots of rounds only a bit less powerful. Both kick awfully hard for an inexperienced petite female shooter to handle. If she limp-wrists a 10mm then she’s got a single-shot handgun before the predator(s) are on her. Another reason for a rifle.

jeremyabrams said...

The democrat party always has a violent enforcement arm. It used to be the KKK, which was highly effective in maintaining political dominance in the South for a century. Now it's Antifa.

Just like Sinn Fein and the IRA.

Quaestor said...

Boogaloo Bois, the latest CNN shibboleth — necessary because even Inga suspects Nazis!! is getting a bit stale.

Nazis... now there's a construct that is simultaneously the glue, lubricant, and fuel that keeps the Rube Goldberg contraption known as progressivism rattling and wheezing its merry way to humiliating demise. The antics of man-bunned, tattooed, and pierced "anti-fascists" in pursuit of entirely mythical Nazis are marvelously entertaining, especially in the light of their likely behavior in the face of actual Nazis like Jochen Peiper, Paul Hausser, and Wilhelm Bittrich — headlong flight followed by abject capitulation followed by enthusiastic collaboration.

Matt Sablan said...

So, anyone tracking how many white nationalists vs antifa supporters we'll find in the final tally?

Matt Sablan said...

"Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said Sunday that state authorities were hit with a cyber attack as law enforcement prepared to diffuse protests in Minneapolis and St. Paul, the epicenter of the unrest."

-- Considering this is the same governor that lied to us that every person arrested was from out of state when the opposite was true, I'm not sure how much I trust him.

Leland said...

It would be nice to hold liable all these Hollywood celebs that are posting bail for these rioters. I expect recidivism to be high among this group.

Matt Sablan said...

On Nazis: Nazis are bad; with people saying that Nazis are rising in America, it makes me wonder why those same people have decided to stand with the people who are deciding to break glass at night to intimidate people politically. I mean, it's not a perfect analogy, obviously, but you'd think the optics of siding with the people spreading terror at night by breaking glass would be obvious enough that people would say, "Hey, maybe we shouldn't support them since Nazis are bad."

Matt Sablan said...

"It would be nice to hold liable all these Hollywood celebs that are posting bail for these rioters. I expect recidivism to be high among this group."

-- If celebrities want to put their money where their mouth is, I say let them.

Quaestor said...

Big Mike writes: I have seen .44 mag vs. 10mm debated online and in print.

Statistical analysis of existing data regarding bear attacks and firearms strongly suggests that the best anti-bear weapon is a high-capacity 9mm Parabellum — the most commonly owned and carried firearm in this country.

Several years ago the Department of the Interior commissioned a study of bear attacks reported to federal and local authorities. Of the cases reviewed there was only one well-attested example of bear attack deterred or terminated by a single shot, and that was from a .357 magnum revolver. In every other case, the animal was shot or shot at multiple times, averaging four shots. There was no statistical difference between bear attacks deterred or terminated by magnum or super-caliber handguns — .44 magnum, .454 Casull, etc. — and service-type 9mm semi-autos like the Glock 17. Apparently, victims of bear attack who are armed tend to shoot at close range, probably because the typical attacking bear charges from cover and is not seen until quite close. Instinctive human self-preservation reactions compel most victims to fire rapidly at the bear until it falls or flees. Furthermore, most victims aren't sure how many times they fire at the bear or how many shots were hits until discharged cases are counted and necropsies are made on the bears. Another interesting datum extracted from the reports is the general irrelevance of the projectiles used. Both military-style FMJs and specialty self-defense bullets were seen as effective.

Since most big-bore revolvers hold five or six rounds and the typical successfully terminated bear attack involves four shots of anything from 9mm Parabellum FMJ to .480 Ruger hollow-point the obvious conclusion is the person who survives a bear attack unscathed who still has an effective reserve of ammunition, twelve rounds of 9mm Luger in the case of a CZ-75B versus two rounds of .44 magnum in the case of a S&W Model 29, is better off than a disarmed person. Given the statistics, the two rounds remaining in the Dirty Harry gun can't be regarded as effective. "Do you feel lucky, punk?" just won't cut it with a grizzly. The bruin is definitely going to say, "I gots to know."

Andy said...

Ah, the cell a wonderful devise, keeps track of were you are all of the time. They should use cell phone location data to arrest anyone out after curfew. Arrest them in the morning before they head out for the "protest". If bob's cell phone had him out in front of a building right before it caught on fire. Pick 'em up and bring him in for questioning. Don't tell them how you know he was there, just say he was identified as being present, and let him wonder which one of his little friends ratted him out. You have to start picking them off one by one before they head out to the riot.

gerry said...

Shit or get off the pot, Mr. Barr.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

FBI’s linguists are on the case so they can build evidence that anyone who ever said “boogaloo” instigated the riots, so watch out, Igna!

Tina Trent said...

I've infiltrated several of these groups. They're violent, well-trained, well-funded thugs with international and national media support. They are unapologetic fascists. Also mostly trust fund babies, black and white.

Kirk Parker said...

Big Mike,

A Marlin 1894C in .357Mag is everything you say it is, and more.... except for grizzlies. Shooting a grizzly with a .357, even from a carbine, is like shooting a human with a .32ACP: it might work.

The pros who work in grizzly areas recommend either the 1895 in .45-70 or a shotgun with slugs. Either way not a low-recoiling setup.