Writes Maureen Dowd in "Covid Dreams, Trump Nightmares/Of masks, unmasking and dropping our professional masks for our medical ones" (NYT).
Okay. So... The Beatles...
"Eleanor Rigby" calls on us to feel empathy for "all the lonely people," but Dowd invokes it to sneer at a man.
Who does not wear a mask — a face that we keep in the jar by the door? How sad it is! Where's the love? But to Dowd, because it's Trump, we are called to hate, not love. A man has a persona as he faces the world, but who is he really? Because it's Trump, that isn't a call to empathy, but a basis for shunning and contempt and disgust — the kind of feeling that made Hillary say "basket of deplorables." The basket, the jar... the dehumanizing.
Here's a better "jar" song to suit the Dowdian mood...
The jar is under the bed...
And let's get the rest of the T.S. Eliot quote. It's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock":
And indeed there will be timePlease carefully read the entire poem and contemplate the extent to which Trump is anything like Prufrock, but let me expedite the process by quoting Wikipedia:
For the yellow smoke that slides along the street,
Rubbing its back upon the window-panes;
There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to murder and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate;
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea.
Prufrock laments his physical and intellectual inertia, the lost opportunities in his life and lack of spiritual progress, and he is haunted by reminders of unattained carnal love. With visceral feelings of weariness, regret, embarrassment, longing, emasculation, sexual frustration, a sense of decay, and an awareness of mortality, "Prufrock" has become one of the most recognised voices in modern literature.Well, that does not sound like Trump at all! Unattained carnal love? It sounds like a list of things Trump doesn't feel — "weariness, regret, embarrassment, longing, emasculation, sexual frustration, a sense of decay." If anything, it's what he makes other people feel. It's one hell of a mask, if what we're seeing is merely a mask and the real Trump is all Prufrocky.
More likely Dowd is just playing around with the nifty bits and pieces that float by in her highly fluid consciousness. Thanks for the quotes, Maureen. They were very bloggy. The Beatles and T.S. Eliot...
...fighting in the captain's tower, while calypso singers laugh at them, and fishermen hold flowers.
recommending Clorox injections
When did Trump do that?
How dare the deplorables resist what they see as tyranny. Especially rich coming from the #resistance clowns.
Trump is standing up against what he sees as injustice by State and local governments in response to the pandemic.
That is not inconsistent.
she's a writer in raccoon city, not noticing the zombie infestation, seriously professor, Cuomo and diblasio, infected the entire country,
Any MoI injection on a Sunday morning is worth a comment. Good work, Althouse.
The new boxing film...
Barack Obama. Prufrock Obama.
life imitates python, the slaughterhouse contract,
Eat the damn peach and be done with it.
one of the actual reporters who has been right about all of this,
think of general Flynn as inigo Montoya,
Again...why do you read the tabloids?? I got over them years ago.
the times the post the journal, are tabloids masquerading as respectable papers, they have papered over the scams of the Russian fraud, they have covered the Epstein and Weinstein case with a gimlet eye.
I felt ripped off by "Uncle Meat" because they made a double album from material suitable for less than one full album, namely "Dog Breath", "Cruising For Burgers", "Electric Aunt Jemima", "The Air", "Mr. Green Genes" and, yes, "Sleeping in a Jar".
I'd feel ripped off by Maureen Dowd if I read her nonsense.
Dowd would rather write the 10,000th column about hating Trump than one about Joe Biden.
Wilkinson represented four principles in the Hillary email scandal, actual statutory violations aplenty,
Shorter article: Dowd Goes Gaga Over Trump
at the same time he is the leader of the resistance to his own government,
That was why he got elected.
That Dowd still hasn’t gotten this tells us all we need to know.
bear in mind, she's the one that uncovered biden's plagiarism,
Maureen Dowd has always been an exemplary liberal—she has all the right opinions and loves beautiful turns of phrase far too much to risk ruining them by thinking too carefully about what they mean. The emotional reaction her fellow travelers get upon reading her beautiful phrases is what matters.
I love Trump. What a nice man.
The sad thing is that you know millions (well, tens of thousands anyway) of Times readers will read Dowd and silently nod their heads in agreement, never giving it the introspective analysis that Ann provided. It does take courage to confront your own ingrained opinions.
even when you do a stupid thing, it is never stupid enough for all concerned,
as Taranto points out, the times doesn't read their own paper,
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
Just one more poem that I'll never understand.
The Democrats have chosen poorly, and they know it.
Dowd confuses being aware of “Prufrock” with being literate, aware of the themes and meaning. Bless her heart she thinks she’s doing literature instead of shitty journalism.
Trump did not recommend injecting Chlorox, nor did he recommend hard core Democrats poison their husbands with fish tank cleaner.
Maureen Dowd has been sleep walking through life if she thinks that Trump has been hiding his disdain, dislike of "Big Government".
He has always said, in not exactly these words but the gist....that the Government as run by the swamp is corrupt and incompetent. It is not protecting the interests of the American Public and they are acting in their OWN interests.
Does she not remember "Drain the Swamp"? That is the main reason that many people voted for Trump. YES!! Get in there and kick their cans. Upset the system and bring it back to what was intended.
Trump isn't rooting for an overthrow of "his OWN government". He is actively trying to overthrow the ensconced bureaucrats who have been trying to actually overthrow his administration.
Trump may be wearing a public mask or for different occasions, we ALL DO. Trump has been saying,since the 1980's.... the same things that got him elected.
I should read the comments first. Kevin at 7:59 said what I said....but much shorter and more succinct.
MoDo loves "writing" her columns by mining her odd mind for cultural artifacts and stringing them together in some odd addled stream-of-consciousness.
Grammatically, the “he” in her sentence should refer to Biden, no? I had to read it several times for it to make sense. Also, Lady Gaga just endorsed Biden, so using outdated slang with no awareness of its recent association is embarrassingly bad writing.
MoDo’s shtick was to be the queen bee of the high school lunchroom, putting down those at the other tables. But after 30-odd years of it, and pushing 70, she’s more like the bag lady who yells at everyone passing by.
Maureen Dowd writes the same dumb column over and over again. She comes up with a lame simile, metaphor, or even an unwitty pun and spins it into 250 words until it becomes nonsense.
She’s sucking wind for material on Trump’s big sins. He has done too many good things by now. Try as they may, his haters cannot slander a good man Without looking bad themselves. Which is a lesson the Fox News’ owners are going to learn the hard way.
Some day after, probably after Trump has left office, AA is going to look back over her posts of his presidency and just delete everything.
The Democrats have chosen poorly, and they know it.
@Wince, it’s not as though they had a lot to choose among.
“[Dowd’s] highly fluid consciousness...”
Yes. Where there’s a swill, there’s a way.
Things like recommending Clorox injections, being an admitted sexual predator, calling white supremacists “fine people”, and using an “untested” drug that “will kill you” are lies people tell to signal that they have nothing serious to say.
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
Just one more poem that I'll never understand.
#metoo. Then again, I won't bother to read it. Tough Shit, Eliot.
Half the time I go out in public I forget to comb my hair (which is pretty short anyway), so the bolded line "To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet" really isn't something I can "identify with, man".
The fact is that Donald Trump has been wearing a mask for a long time, like Eleanor Rigby 'wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door.'
Another, "OK boomer" moment.
Dowd has slipped. It seems like she was one of Bush I's biggest tormentors - or maybe that was Bush II. By the time Romney came around, she had to take a back seat to whoever it was that mentioned the dog on the roof in every column. With Trump, there are so many critics and attackers that there's not much for Dowd to say.
...and his hair was perfect!
Obama was a cipher - people looked at him and saw their deepest hopes and dreams realized. Trump is a cold, hard mirror - people look at him and see their deepest faults, fears and insecurities.
Trump is not wearing a face that he keeps in a jar by the door - Maureen Dowd is wearing virtual reality goggles that replace objective reality with her inner fantasy - she sees only what she wants to see.
At this point most people in the country know what to do to work through this, and we should be, must be, and are reopening.
Certain politicians and others who can only see this through the lens of their particular needs are all that stands in the way. Trump is the worst of the lot, all he's doing at this point is trying to keep his base in line by feeding them more lies and bullshit.
Dowd, the Irish spinster.
Doesn’t the Desolation Row quote earn a Dylan tag? It’s his birthday!
Yesterday a package came from Amazon. It contained the wife's new volume of poetry by Eliot. You can go weeks without hearing about the guy, then twice in two days.
Also yesterday (or was it the day before?) my county got approved to open. The big majority of Oregon's counties are opening now. That means it's in Phase One (of three) of a slow, laborious process of gradually restored freedom. Restaurants will be able to offer indoor seating, with much space between diners. It may not be economical for restaurants to incur the overhead of full service with such seating restrictions but we shall see. And I'll be able to get a haircut. Residents of still-closed Multnomah County, which includes Portland, are not allowed to visit opening counties to eat or shop or be groomed until Multnomah itself opens. One of our favorite restaurants announced yesterday that it will not be reopening, no doubt the first of many.
Dowd, like Grandma says about the Diane Wiest character in the movie "Parenthood," just needs a man !
Between the windows of the sea where lovely mermaids flow
And Maureen Dowd doesn't think too much in Desolation Row
Dowd - age 68 -- plays the role of jilted political high school lover.
The Gal needs a boyfriend. Quickly. Before Trump wins again.
This: "...and his hair was perfect!"
I Knew Prufrock Before He Got Famous
Frank Turner
Is that the Bob Dylan subtle birthday reference?
Althouse is helping you people be more comfortable avoiding masks and going to bars. She is performing a social benefit... For Democrats
Seems like just yesterday “get your game face on!” was a thing, and it was generally accepted that you went out in the world daily to do your business but one never really relaxes until their home. Where the heart is. Gone! Now maintaining a keep calm and carry on attitude is revolutionary. Dowd can only provoke thoughts not actually generate them internally. And I just don’t find her columns interesting.
Dowd is still around?
There are many, many things that are wrong with the world, but to my mind the most important issue -- right now -- is getting people out of their homes and back engaging with the world and making things or doing services with others.
That's the top of the stack, the top priority, and then of course there are a long list of other issues below that.
But once again, why does this happen so often?, the alleged idiot, the orange man, is getting the most important thing right, and the allegedly smart, good people, or in this case, Maureen Dowd, get it completely wrong.
Maureen Dowd can write a colorful, entertaining column, but that's about it, the quality of her thinking is mediocre at best.
"a toast and tea"
"a" toast? That's cheating, T.S.
It's astounding to me that the left can't find a way to criticize Donald Trump without lying.
Criticize his bombastic style. Criticize his off-the-cuff unfiltered stream-of-consciousness speech. Heck, be daring, criticize some of his actual policies. There are actually good arguments to be made on both sides of most policy issues, without just calling people names and screaming at them. Make some!
What does it say that they can't criticize him without making things up?
More likely Dowd is just playing around with the nifty bits and pieces that float by in her highly fluid consciousness.
Even more likely Dowd is just diddling herself.
The poem haunts me on a regular basis the older I get.
"Dowd would rather write the 10,000th column about hating Trump than one about Joe Biden."
Perhaps because Biden is too insignificant to write about?
"he is the leader of the resistance to his own government"
Considering that until recently part of "his" government led the resistance to Trump, that makes sense.
More likely Dowd is just playing around with the nifty bits and pieces that float by in her highly fluid consciousness.
So what you're saying is, you want her job. Well, why not? But you see what the finger points at, when it's not pointed at you.
Prufruck was a nice civilized but enervated British man. Americans rejected that fate a hundred years ago.
Trump is an American archetype, for better or worse.
And Prufrock was great poetry, even if it was assigned in senior English.
Readering will never look back and realize how stupid its comments are.
Readering's comments will stand forever as a testament to thickheadedness.
... and despair.
If you have never read "Prufrock", you should- it is one of the greatest poems ever written. It is only moderately long- much shorter than "The Waste Land" by the same poet. I think it is the ultimate poem on the carpe diem theme- a fundamental warning to not wait or dither. It is a poem I first read as a teenager, and wish I had understood it more deeply than I did at the time- my understanding at that time was purely superficial in that I understood what Eliot was saying, but didn't truly feel it.
Uncle Meat is one of the masterpieces of rock. Well done, perfesser!
Everything in the Times is in skip-over country.
MoDo is MoDUMB.
tommyesq said...
Obama was a cipher - people looked at him and saw their deepest hopes and dreams realized. Trump is a cold, hard mirror - people look at him and see their deepest faults, fears and insecurities.
5/24/20, 8:41 AM
Good analogy...except that their hopes and dreams never materialized at all, and now they are angry, hateful and intolerant to everybody who could see through it.
Is it resistance to Trump's own government, or resistance to State-fellators like Adolf Whitmer and Dowd herself?
From reading this article I see Maureen Dowd must have gotten over her problem with using marihuana.
Readering said...
Some day after, probably after Trump has left office, AA is going to look back over her posts of his presidency and just delete everything.
She won't even delete your comments. Though you may wish to.
One doesn't expect Truth from Dowd, one expect leftist/liberal angst and mockery. But even this has too many lies to go unnoticed:
at the same time Trump is the leader of the resistance to his own government, urging people and states to open up whenever they see fit, recommending Clorox injections, stifling Dr. Fauci, refusing to wear the mask.
All outrageous lies. This is what his enemies accuse Trump of doing, based on nothing but their own Trump hatred and desire for power. Its a script line from a DNC attack ad. Does Down watch DNC commercials or is she writing them?
Like her use of “the mask” instead of “a mask”. So much power given to a useless wet piece of cloth.
Dowd's problem is she can't just attack Trump for what he does, she has to make things up he didn't do or say, or exaggerate them to the point of being insanely unrealistic.
As for T.S. Eliot, Dowd is just the kind mid-wit that would quote him, and get him wrong. Other poetry Dowd knows:
Leaves of Grass.
Ginsberg's Howl
Maya Angelou
Some Bob Dylan.
You disparaged Pajamas Media a while back, and yet you read such crap in the NYT. I don't spend much time at Pajama Media, but they never run the kind of middle school childishness that people at the NYT consider serious. You can't learn anything reliably from people like Dowd. They can't get through a paragraph without resorting to a lie or a misinterpretation. It's just not a good source for much of anything, becuase you can't count on it being honest or clear-eyed. Of course, you know this, so why listen in on the bathroom chatter of the mean girls?
Its amazing we're still writing and discussing Andrew Sullivan and Dowd in 2020. Their time was past a long time ago. I'd say 2008 was their sell by date. But they still stagger on, because the liberal/left Establishment is intellectually/culturally bankrupt. Its why we got Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi for example.
Elanor Rigby had a big impact on me the first time I heard it at 14. But that soon wore off. Young people looking at the middle-aged/old people living lives of "quiet desperation". Now, we're supposed to think old people are groovy and hip and living the life of Reilly.
Pdjt, and citizen Trump before, seem like the most maskless man in public.
Whether or not you like him (I do) whst you see it's what you get.
One problem stowed and others of her ilk have is that they can't see him. They have their facemasks pulled up over their eyes.
John Henry
Freshman-dorm-level philosophizing that probably would have got her roommates rolling their eyes at her even back then. Dowd is all, “I hate Trump, therefore I am,“ just like the rest of her NYT fellow travelers.
The people who live to hate Donald Trump have lost their minds. I listened in on a Zoom call last week in which a Ventura County Congresswoman said, several times, that Obama had left behind a "pandemic playbook" that Trump deliberately ignored.
Paranoia runs deep.
Isn’t Dowd a bit aged to be so flighty?
Dowd reminds me of the woman in "High Plains Drifter" who insults Eastwood's character when he comes to town only to end up being ravished by him.
Well the lonely aging way past her prime cougar memes about Dowd keep on coming. They are sexist and unfair--but they keep springing to mind.
But if the NYT ever tires of MO DO, she can find a happy home at the Los Angeles Times. These days if you filtered all the ant-Trum bits that float in the bowl that is a Times edition, you've got about three minutes of reading material. And two of those minutes will be spent reading the paid obituaries.
Spencer Tracy once said of Katharine Hepburn, "There's not much meat on the bone there. But what there is is chersh." [His spelling, not mine.} That said there is virtually no meat on the bone in today's progressive press blatherings.
I don't think Dowd meant to compliment the president but the fact that he's "not" hiding behind a mask and she "is" says a lot in both a literal and figurative way.
If you SMELLLLLLLLLLL what Prufrock is cooking!
High culture meets low: the best reason to have blog comments, aside from very good technical detail from seemingly random Americans.
I don't think folks like their mythic father figure to show too much complexity which is why, to quote Tim O'Brien he can"....masks his finances, his taxes, his friendships, his ongoing family conflicts of interest, his ignorance and his inadequacies. He’s constantly making up areas of expertise he doesn’t have. As a result of this lack of transparency, his followers can bask in Trumps' stage mask without asking too many questions of this character who refuses to wear the one mask he should..
"Let us go then you and I/ When the evening is spread out against the sky/ Like a patient etherised upon a table."
In mid-20th century America, T.S. Eliiot was lionized as the high priest of modernism, and was widely read. Even by high school students. Which is why popular music lyrics could reference Eliot with reasonable confidence that most listeners would get the reference? Not to mention that old post-nuclear-holocaust novel, "On the Beach."
And today? Not so much; it's been decades since college (let alone high school) students would be introduced to his work. They do, after all, have trendier things to read. If/when they read at all.
Who actually read Eliot anymore? College students (even English majors) no longer even read Shakespeare; why would they read T.S. Eliot?
(Yes, so, Maureen Dowd is mean-spirited (who knew?), and seldom if ever questions the conventional assumptions of those in her bubble (why seek truth if you're already convinced you possess it?)
Readering said...
Some day after, probably after Trump has left office, AA is going to look back over her posts of his presidency and just delete everything.
These leftists are just letting their Nazi freak flags fly so openly.
It is not AA that is going to look back over her posts and delete them at a future date.
It is tyrannical censorious jerks like you.
Readering: "Some day after, probably after Trump has left office, AA is going to look back over her posts of his presidency and just delete everything."
After 4+ years of readering pushing non-stop russia collusion lies, hoax dossier lies, kavanaugh rape lies and hoax ukraine corruption lies against Trump, readering decides now would be a perfect time to make a prediction that in the future Althouse will be so embarrassed by her earlier posts she will delete them.
Plastic people, Oh baby, now, You're such a drag
I know it's hard to defend an unpopular policy every once in a while . . .
Right Maureen?
I hear the sound of marching feet . . . down Sunset Blvd. to Crescent Heights, and there, at Pandora's Box, we are confronted with . . . a vast quantity of PLASTIC PEOPLE.
Take a day
And walk around
Watch the nazis
Run your town
Then go home
And check yourself
You think we're singing
'Bout someone else....
Me see a neon
Moon above
I searched for years
I found no love
I'm sure that love
Will never be
A product of
T'was in the darkest depths of MoDo
I met a girl so impair'd
Cuz Gollum, and the evil one
Crept up and slipped away with her
Her, her, yeah
quasi MoDo.
... never go full MoDo
When a nationally-known columnist repeats a lie that is (and has been) easily refuted...should we not discount all other things that liar has written? If not, why not? Would the answers be the same if the political affiliations were reversed? (Of COURSE not!)
Presumably it would never occur to anyone that Joe Biden is gaga if Trump wasn't painting him as such.
MAGA. KAGA, Why not gaga?
roesch/voltaire: "I don't think folks like their mythic father figure to show too much complexity which is why, to quote Tim O'Brien he can"....masks his finances, his taxes, his friendships, his ongoing family conflicts of interest, his ignorance and his inadequacies. He’s constantly making up areas of expertise he doesn’t have. As a result of this lack of transparency, his followers can bask in Trumps' stage mask without asking too many questions of this character who refuses to wear the one mask he should.."
Yes. This evidence free idiocy is advanced by the guys that called obama "sort of a god" and smarter than all of his advisors and gave obama a Nobel just for existing.
For Christ's sake, Dowd should stick it up her ass.
Maybe Dowd would have more appreciation for our efforts if we ran around with stupid, pink hats on our heads.
The fact is that Donald Trump has been wearing a mask for a long time, like Eleanor Rigby 'wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door.'
Yeah, the face in a jar is make-up. Rumor has it that many women keep that face in jars and in tubes and in drawers.
Scrolling through channels I happened to land on a black preacher in a gigantic church. He was pretty interesting so I hung around a while. Anyway, somehow, he got off topic and onto questioning why a wife would spend an hour making herself look great before going out of the house, and then come home and take it all off and put on face cream and junk while with her husband. Shouldn't she care enough about being attractive for her spouse as she did for strangers in public?
Got a lot of amens and uh-huh's. Pretty sure he somehow tied it into Jesus, or bible but his wife looked a bit embarrassed.
How many dis proven lies about Trump are allowed in an article before the only reasonable response is, "Why are any of us reading this liar?".
Dowd specializes in the pseudointellectual. Incoherent and incongruent assemblages of phrases that purport to be deep thoughts but really only illustrate her shallow understanding.
Modowdy was state of the art when Murphy Brown was on t.v the first time back in 1991. Now? Not so much. When the NYTimes stock tanks again maybe they will offer her a buyout/retirement package?
Maureen Dowd? Next up, AA posts about David Gergin and Doonesbury.
tim O'Brien was the one who wasted a billion dollars on the Bloomberg vanity effort, it is striking how the times can ignore the slaughterhouses in their major cities, which curiously enough follow Ezekiel emmanuels advice to a tee,
Very entertaining to watch every cashier constantly picking and tugging at their masks as they handle my purchases.
"We're all in this together!"
JAORE: "How many dis proven lies about Trump are allowed in an article before the only reasonable response is, "Why are any of us reading this liar?"."
We ought to apply this rule to all the lefties/LLR's at Althouse blog as well.
I really don't know AA - all I'm reading from "Maureen Dowd" is a bunch of stale propoganda Progressive narratives on President Trump which are, at best, dubious if not outright lies. She's long had a 'sell by date' expiration on her articles and her career. This raises an interesting subject, given the hundreds of reporters working at the NY Times and they uniformly tow the Progressive line - how can they separate their brand from each other?
I don't know TSEliot or poems just going by comments here
Yancey Ward said...
If you have never read "Prufrock", you should- it is one of the greatest poems ever written. It is only moderately long- much shorter than "The Waste Land" by the same poet. I think it is the ultimate poem on the carpe diem theme- a fundamental warning to not wait or dither ...
and wendybar said...
tommyesq said... Obama was a cipher - people looked at him and saw their deepest hopes and dreams realized. Trump is a cold, hard mirror - people look at him and see their deepest faults, fears and insecurities.
5/24/20, 8:41 AM
Good analogy...except that their hopes and dreams never materialized at all, and now they are angry, hateful and intolerant to everybody who could see through it.
does it not make you wonder who qualifies to be classed with Prufrock? -
definitely not Trump - no ditherer he.
Jim at said...
Maybe Dowd would have more appreciation for our efforts if we ran around with stupid, pink hats on our heads.
5/24/20, 1:00 PM
Saw that Japanese vid. Probably not real, although the guys head looked kinda small and slippery.
Tyrone Slothrop said...
MAGA. KAGA, Why not gaga?
GAGA - Get America Going Again.
!! subliminally Dowd must be crushing Donnie once her boy next door who got away??
"Perhaps because Biden is too insignificant to write about?"
Ouch! That's going to leave a mark.
Dowd is thirty years past her sale date and the WaPo and the NYT wish Trump was Nixon so they could relive their glory days.
Ah. She is funny acerbic and smart. Who on the right compares?
teve uhr said...
Ah. She is funny acerbic and smart. Who on the right compares?
Lots of people you don't know.
Just so we are clear:
roesch/voltaire is so upset by Trump's private finances being concealed that r/v happily supported Hillary Clinton who made a lot of money soliciting foreign governments for donations - while hiding the finances of her "charity" from all but the Lois Lerners of the world.
Projection all the way down.
No room for turtles.
T.S. Eliot "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock":
For the yellow smoke that slides along the street,
Rubbing its back upon the window-panes;
what was that all about according to your English teachers?
whatever they explained it to be did they believe it themselves?
did you buy that they believe it themselves?
I am really seriously curious.
Birkel - 3:58
&... Trump's private finances are just that. Private citizen. He wasn't a politician.
Hillary is a pol for lifer - and she used her decades in power insider status to attain wealth. The left are fine with that.
Here is Althouse post of typical NYT lying about Trump pre election in 2016.
Did Donald Trump describe an America of "lockups and surveillance and fugitive-hunting squads" hunting down "hotel maids and landscapers"?
That was a pitiful turn of phrase for Dowd, who can surely turn them. Heck that is the only reason to read her. But seems like she is going the extra mile to make Trump not only live rent free but add some other bennies as him reminding her of the Beatles. Is there so much vacant real estate in NY
Surely Trump has labeled her Maureen Dowdy at some time.
Dowd is clearly gaga for statism, as are several who post here.
Is it too much to ask NYT columnists to actually read and understand the ostensibly erudite upper east side "pop culture" references they embed in their writing in a display of pseudo-literary OCD?
That face on the jar was makeup. Eleanor Rigby was all dressed up and no where to go. She was a church custodian, picking up rice after the weddings. Father MacKenzie was the priest in that same church but he never really met Eleanor until he preached at her funeral. Two sad, lonely souls working at the same place who passed each other like two ships in the nights.
This was Paul McCatney’s greatest piece of poetry.
Dowd is as dumb as Inga
Ya know, it’s been dawning on me that Maureen Dowd just flat doesn’t like Donald Trump, and she spends the time between columns trying to find ever more creative ways to say the same thing over and over. But she isn’t very creative and she isn’t very smart but she is thoroughly boring.
One wants to be 'good' - but what is 'good' the correct decision? One doesn't want to be like everyone else but is one, therefore, being recklessly 'violent'? A 'horror' just for the sake of being 'horrible'?
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