May 14, 2020

At the Moonlight Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.

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walter said...

Another reason why testing is so important, those testing positive need to be strictly quarantined obviously.
Unless the fatality rate is low enough

gadfly said...

@Joan said...
Mandatory mask-wearing is bad for healthy people

At least according to retired neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock - who obviously has water-on-the-brain. If we don't need masks to help prevent the spread of Covid-19, why are healthcare workers treating these patients wearing N95 masks?

Achilles said...

Joan said...

All this sounds quite logical to me but IANAD. What do the doctor types around here think?

Logical doesn't matter to the Nazi's like Cuomo and Evers and Inslee and the other democrats.

They only care about shutting down small businesses and competition for their big business donors and state union shops.

If they cared about saving lives they wouldn't be forcing nursing homes to take COVID positive patients or shutting down schools.

The fatality rate for people under 50 is so low that it is only malice and evil driving the shutdown of schools and other "non-essential" businesses.

stevew said...

What ever happened to 'turn the other cheek'? In this forum it would be wise to talk about what interests you and skip or ignore anything you see as an attack. Escalation doesn't accomplish anything and is bad for your health.

I see the news about Inslee's orders and assertion that anyone refusing testing, tracing, and self-identification will be confined to their home, even prevented from making "essential" trips for groceries and the like. My governor, Baker, while nominally a Republican is no conservative and prone to authoritarianism such as is displayed by Inslee.

So, with the quality of document creation software these days I will be making myself, and mrs. stevew, false identification cards, one a replica of an official state ID, the other a Proof of Antibodies Certificate (just in case). I'm tempted to adopt a joke name (Mike Hunt, for example) but that could give away the game. Given that the checking of these documents will be done by regular folks like me, rather than government officials, it could work.

Or I could just move to Maine.

gadfly said...

“Mr Trump, [$42 Million, or else] if you want to stay president, poke a sharp stick at the guys [the law firm of Grubman, Shire, Meiselas and Sacks], otherwise you may forget this ambition forever. And to you voters, we can let you know that after such a publication, you certainly don’t want to see him as president … The deadline is one week."

BUMBLE BEE said...

Anne-I-Am Consider this. it is a Kimber...

Lewis Wetzel said...

If we don't need masks to help prevent the spread of Covid-19, why are healthcare workers treating these patients wearing N95 masks?
Apples & oranges. Healthcare workers do not wear dirty bandanas wrapped around their faces. Also, they handle with strict protocols (or are supposed to) to prevent them becoming a source of contamination.

gilbar said...

Wyoming removed More restrictions today,
All counties now have inside dining, churches, barbers, campgrounds, etc are open

Pretty much the only remaining thing, is :
Complete disgust with both covid, and karens

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Thanks for the info from last nite

Michael K said...

And to you voters, we can let you know that after such a publication, you certainly don’t want to see him as president … The deadline is one week."

gadfly, the extortion fan. Do you also buy from Nigerian princes ?

Bruce Hayden said...

“ I have a Firestar M45 that I purchased 35 years ago and a Springfield XDS 45 that I purchased more recently. The Firestar holds 7, the XDS 13. I paid $189 for the Firestar and $745 for the Springfield. For whatever reason, familiarity, practice, size, I'd take the Firestar into a conflict over the Springfield every time.”

The Firstar seems to have an outstanding reputation. I think that a lot of people would love to get one at even twice what you paid for it. But it appears that both the manufacturer and the importer are out of business, and, thus, most of the search results are for replacement parts. My view is that the best weapon to have when you need one is the one you are most comfortable with.

Right now in rural MT, this time of year, I am mostly carrying a 10 mm Glock 20 with the first 15 round magazine being loaded with hard cast bear loads. Brown bear are mostly limited to the ridge north of us, that they use as a highway between wilderness areas. But I do have black bear in the subdivision that I just bought. Not that often, but they do come by the houses on occasion, checking for food. I also carry a magazine loaded with self defense ammunition, in case I run into something else - we have all of the major mammalian predators in this county, most recently with wolves having moved back in. They are, so far, mostly limited to the south ridge. Probably about 1/4 of the land in the subdivision has houses on it. It is the other 3/4 that I am now walking over a lot, now that I bought our subdivision, that is problematic. It is weird. We are inside the city limits, and I can look down on the fire station from the NE corner of the property, and discharging a firearm would probably be audible from city hall. But much of that 3/4 of the subdivision probably hasn’t seen a human, besides me, for years. Much more likely that it has seen black bear, mountain lions, and coyotes. Of course, carrying a heavy 10 mm handgun makes much less sense in the half a year when we are in Phoenix.

Jim at said...

You’re a shit pot stirrer. - Inga

I'm just going to let that comment sit there in all its glory.

Inga said...

And you are the fly Jim.

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