May 7, 2020

"And so I do have empathy for what it feels like to suddenly be told that you can’t go back to work, or that you might lose your job, and it’s a situation you have absolutely no control over."

"And so while we may have found ourselves in similar situations albeit for very different reasons, I still feel that some of the emotional struggles are very much the same."


chickelit said...

But Spacey had agency over the reasons why he told he couldn't go back to work. This article just garners undeserved sympathy for him.

Chris said...

Difference is, most people worried about those things, are not sitting on millions of dollars in assets.

wendybar said...

Kevin Spacey is a pervert. I wouldn't watch anything he is in

Ampersand said...

Re KS, nobody is as bad as they seem on their worst days, or as good as they seem on their best.

Known Unknown said...

While I believe in the sentiment expressed, I can't help but feel that Spacey has never stopped performing for the camera.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"I have no magic wand"

Really, a-hole? We were so hoping you could solve the world's problems with your actor magic.
- ugh to Hillaryoowdland megalomaniacs.

BarrySanders20 said...
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BarrySanders20 said...

He is a very good actor. Good at manipulating the emotions of people who watch him. He might be sincere. Or he might not. Predators are cunning.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

False allegations are as bad as any other crime.

However, if you want me to feel sorry for over-paid millionaires who play dress up and cry on Q for a living. Not gonna. happen.

Lurker21 said...

Interesting shelves. More toys than books. And no accent.

Interesting collar, too. Elon Musk yesterday, now Spacey. The Nehru jacket may be making a comeback. But sleeveless?

Dave Begley said...

He's a sexual predator. And I don't like his acting. No role for him in my "Frankenstein, Part II." So there!

Bob Boyd said...

Pro tip: If you're goal is to fight your way back from being cancelled as a perve, don't show up in sweater vest.
The fashion statement made by a sweater vest is, Watch out. I could very well be some kind of perve.

Bob Boyd said...

Maybe Spacey believed only V-neck sweater vests are pervy, but if that was true before he made this video, it is true no longer.

Temujin said...

Kevin Spacey, relating to those of us out of work who don't bend young men over tables as part of our former jobs.

Oso Negro said...

By definition, all homosexuals are perverted. The relentless 40-year drive to mainstream homosexuality has not changed that fact.

Jack Klompus said...

American Beauty was a worthless piece of garbage on par with Harmony Korine movies. Every frame of that cinematic atrocity is worse than the previous one. I loved Six Feet Under but Alan Ball shows what a true shmuck he is with American Beauty, a perfect vehicle for a creep like Spacey.

WK said...

Watched a movie he was in the other night “21”. We discussed and could not come up with a movie in which he did not play a really awful person. So is it really acting?

Wince said...

"And so I do have empathy for what it feels like to suddenly be told that you can’t go back to work, or that you might lose your job, and it’s a situation you have absolutely no control over."

That's especially true if (a) you are not afforded due process and (b) your fate is entirely in the hands of people concerned primarily with saving their own ass at your expense rather than arriving at the truth.

Gunner said...

If he was on the other side, he would be constantly referenced as "disgraced Republican donor, Kevin Spacey".

Ray - SoCal said...

I wonder which Crisis PR Firm Kevin Spacey is using?

Good job getting some buzz and sympathy. Coronavirus is hot!

Perhaps Sunshine Saks? They worked for Harvey Weinstein, and are currently have Meghan Markle as a client.

n.n said...

Kevin Spacey is a pervert. I wouldn't watch anything he is in

Yeah, the lawyers are going after institutions with millions of dollars in assets, and they decline to characterize the offenders, but take comfort in their religious/ethical bigotry to spread aspersions, and normalize indulgence of diversity (i.e. color judgments). Very politically congruent. #MeToo #NotHer #NotHim #Them

n.n said...

By definition, all homosexuals are perverted. The relentless 40-year drive to mainstream homosexuality has not changed that fact.

Transgendered, with active efforts to normalize, but trans-social (e.g. pedophilia) is, in principle, and for most people... persons in practice, a step too far.

M Jordan said...

Celebrities opinions mean nothing. They’re a coin flip, a random event, meaningless.

tcrosse said...

I bet he never bothers buttoning and unbuttoning all those buttons, but uses that sweater as a pullover.

Lurker21 said...

I guess Bobby Darin in Beyond the Sea wasn't a really awful person. But that was producer-director-writer-star Spacey's own project. It was about how he saw himself, not how the world saw him.

Darin only lived to 37, and Spacey played Darin from the singer's beginnings in his 20s till the end of his life. Spacey was 45 at the time, so while the character wasn't creepy, the performance kinda was.

He also was the protagonist in The Shipping News. IIRC, the character wasn't a horrible person. That could be why the performance didn't work and the movie didn't click.

Jason said...

wE'rE aLl iN tHiS tOgEtHeR