"Thousands of people have indicated on Facebook that they will attend, making it potentially the largest gathering so far in a nationwide series of protests against stay-at-home restrictions.... 'This seems to have become a proxy war for the state Republican Party and it does have a zombie Tea Party feel to it,' said Charlie Sykes, a longtime conservative talk radio host in Milwaukee who left the airwaves at the end of 2016 and has since turned against Trump-era Republicans. 'This will energize them to think that they’re back on the offensive. They didn’t miss a beat from losing that Supreme Court election and this all seems about mobilizing and firing up the base.'... The organizers of the Madison rally and the two others held last weekend have gone to great lengths to describe themselves and their events as nonpolitical, despite ample evidence that the state’s Republican leadership is intricately involved. They are also trying to prevent the gatherings from becoming a platform for other conservative causes, or from appearing like de facto Trump campaign rallies.... 'All indications are that these are manufactured protests,' [Madison Mayor Satya] Rhodes-Conway said. 'They are seeking attention. I think they are getting more attention than they deserve.'"
The NYT reports.
Madison's David Blaska writes:
This just in from the good folks at the New York Times: ‘Reopen Wisconsin’ is FAKE!
Ersatz. Astroturf. Piltdown Man. Hitler’s Diary. Jussie Smollet. No one really thinks America should begin to reopen from the novel coronavirus lockdown! Why, it’s only good common sense that Chicago and Detroit should open a full month before Wisconsin’s North Woods — May 26 for Wisconsin; April 30 for Illinois and Michigan....
Here’s how you know higher powers are NOT behind Friday’s Reopen Wisconsin rally: the dumfuks — a minority of a minority to be certain — will cater to the news media’s biases. They will hoist battle flags, show off their firearms, display placards of Tony in an SS uniform, and eschew face masks. A well financed and managed rally would stay on message. This one will not....
"...manufactured protest..." - Is there any other kind?
And just like that, leftists don't like protests. (borrowed that)
"This will energize them to think that they’re back on the offensive. They didn’t miss a beat from losing that Supreme Court election and this all seems about mobilizing and firing up the base.'..."
Charlie Sykes, DNC lackey. Can't say as I miss you, Charlie.
Sykes does a nice job of pretending to give a conservative view of events (while spouting DNC talking points). Charlie gives the article "balance".
Blaska is right, of course.
Strange to me, how the Times assumes that only "right-wing" nut jobs are down to begging creditors for more time and desperate to get back to work. Of course, Reid Epstein, who wrote that piece for the Times, has a job so he doesn't see any point to the protests other than partisan politics.
the dumfuks — a minority of a minority to be certain — will cater to the news media’s biases. They will hoist battle flags, show off their firearms, display placards of Tony in an SS uniform, and eschew face masks. A well financed and managed rally would stay on message. This one will not....
I have no idea who the Blaska person is. Is he trying to say that this protest is going to be made up of a bunch of Mobys?
Leave it up to Democrats and their various fart sniffers to turn freedom into a partisan issue.
There is absolutely no reason to shut down most of Wisconsin. Or most of the country. A free people who make decisions for themselves would have handled this virus much better than our elites.
And fuck Sykes. It is past time we start labeling the fascists in charge what they are.
And if you support the shutdown you are a fascist. The shutdown is the definition of fascism. Ken B. Ann. Meade. Inga. All of you are fascists.
This crisis has showed us our failure.
Blaska is making exactly the point I made about Michigan, and got shouted at for. Disciplined, respectful protests work, but you cannot afford to give the media pictures showing bad or irresponsible behavior. And some protesters will.
And just as Whitmer was the winner so will Evers be.
Sounds more like grassroots progressive thinkers. It is inevitable the nation will reopen but who is it that's standing in the way but lefties. How regressive
Delegitimize! It worked so well in Germany in the 1930s!
"A Facebook group called Reopen NC has retained the legal services of Michael Best & Friedrich, a Wisconsin law firm whose clients include President Trump. The firm is well known for its work with dark-money groups that fought the recall of the Koch ally Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin and waged war on unions." - NY Times
Compare and contrast the NY Times on law firms:
On the one hand, bad Republican lawyers, obvious connection to "dark money groups" (racist much?) "stoking brush fires" (arsonists, you see).
Then we have famed scientist Rick Bright - according to the NY Times two days ago, he was fired for daring to cross Trump on hydroxychloriquine/arithromyicin treatment.
His lawyers? Why, the exact same ones who represented Christine Blasey Ford who, without evidence, accused a Supreme Court Justice of rape.
Obvious connection to dark money groups? Are these good Democrat lawyers "stoking brushfires?"
No mention in the NY Times of this.
They are so pathetically obvious. Not to mention there's a really good solution to all this discovered by William Shakespeare and that is to first, kill all the lawyers.
Are they going to displace those solidarity singers, or whatever they called themselves?...
A truly unbiased newspaper would, of course, not present the governor’s position as being motivated by the desire to curb the spread of the virus. From the opposition, the question is whether the governor is motivated to foment panic, deep six the economy and present himself as a savior for political gain.
257 fatalities in Wisconsin. Coronavirus remains a non-event in the state. Not even newsworthy.
In my view, the governor is a tyrant using fear to justify the suppression of civil liberties and to justify social engineering of the state economy.
This, in fact, is the true opposition. The Democratic Party is playing up a more or less standard epidemic for political gain, to panic people and to hope they are called in as our saviors.
Why, it’s only good common sense that Chicago and Detroit should open a full month before Wisconsin’s North Woods — May 26 for Wisconsin; April 30 for Illinois and Michigan.
Illinois has just extended its lockdown to the end of May.
It really makes no sense to me that it's unsafe to reopen now but it will be safe in 30 days or whatever. The conditions are not going to be appreciably different - the virus is still going to be out there and the people who are vulnerable to the virus are still going to be vulnerable to the virus.
The NYT can only see things in partisan black and white, so it assumes everyone else does too. Of the people I've heard talking about going to the rally, it's about 40% Dem. It's really about an urban / rural divide more than a political one.
Wisconsin has 40 counties with no COVID deaths. Many counties haven't even had ANY positive CASES! Why in the world would they stay on lockdown another month?
you mean like the Bernie bros that pretended to be a Nazi, ken,
ah reid Epstein, he was a hack at the journal and now at the times,
"Charlie Sykes, DNC lackey. Can't say as I miss you, Charlie."
Yep. A total FAKE CON. is supporting Biden in 2020, supported Hillary in 2016. Sykes supported his father - a Liberal Democrat Pol - when he was younger, but couldn't find a niche, and then drifted into talk radio, where he played a Neo-con for years. He finally dropped the mask in 2016.
interesting that the NYT thinks this is a Left vs. Right issue, with anyone upset at being locked down and unemployed is RIGHT WING. They're probably correct, Liberal/Leftists don't think for themselves, and would never in a million years protest a DEmcorat POl - no matter what.
Why is there so much contempt for poor rural white people from wealthy urban white people? 30 million jobs are now gone, perhaps forever. Isn't that enough?
Whose job is it to carry Swastika signs and chant anti semitic songs? Those are affirmative action jobs for Nordics.
exhibit a
"And just as Whitmer was the winner …"
According to whom?
Blaska is making exactly the point I made about Michigan, and got shouted at for. Disciplined, respectful protests work, but you cannot afford to give the media pictures showing bad or irresponsible behavior. And some protesters will.
Well, any protest is going to attract its share of nuts and loonies. It's the nature of the beast.
The difference is that for left wing protests, the media ignores the nuts and loonies and presents reasonable looking people as the "real protesters". For something like this, they do the opposite.
Well, Montana's going to start opening. Nate Silver says we're way past peak now. I dont know where he gets that exactly. Probably CDC numbers.
Actually think Bullock is handing this wisely. Damn..
got shouted at for
You do an awful lot of bitching about how people talk to you for someone who seems congenitally unable to comment without either insulting others or juvenile they/them framing.
So Original Mike, whatever happened to the recall Whitmer thing? Still going strong is it?
Did you see her latest approval rating?
Ken B: "Blaska is making exactly the point I made about Michigan, and got shouted at for. Disciplined, respectful protests work, but you cannot afford to give the media pictures showing bad or irresponsible behavior."
A known Bernie Bro carrying a sign with a swastika was used to attack conservatives who dared protest against the lock downs.
Did Ken B ever come to the defense of protestors falsely accused of being nazis?
No. No he did not.
As I recall he, Ken B, himself, has labeled those who disagree with him on this issue as literal racists who want people to die on this very blog.
No Ken B. There is nothing any protestors could or could not do that wont be shown in a negative light by 98% of the media every single time without fail.
Ask the Covington High Schoolers and Brett Kavanaugh about that.
Next up for Ken B, how a couple MAGA-facemask wearers jumped him in front of the Tim Hortons as he returned from buying toilet paper while screaming This Is Trump Toilet Paper Country you stinkin'canuck and also threw hockey pucks at him and shoved dried maple leafs into his nose.
Automatic -Wing
Of course the press is biased. Doesn’t change the fact that bad optics kills support. And we are about to get bad optics.
So are they supposed to sit at home and wait for the almighty Pelosi to get off her ass and send them all money from her personnel account since she is so rich and is the reason for the last holdup?? Some people live paycheck to paycheck and don't have a freezer full of designer ice cream. "Sit in your homes and wait until we become Venezuela and have to fight for Zoo Animals to eat???"
You didn't answer the question, Ken. I'll answer it for you.
According to you.
Is he trying to say that this protest is going to be made up of a bunch of Mobys?
No, but they might as well be. We've got a bunch of dumbfuck attention whores on our side. But whaddya gonna do?
Every time I read the comments on any local CV news reports I get depressed due to the overwhelming presence of Karen drama addicts and their stupid whining about how they don't feel saaaaaaaaafe and it's tooooo soooooooon.
No one is forcing anyone to do anything. Last I checked you are getting paid to sit on your ass and post on Facebook so what's the problem? I would just appreciate it if, in the absence of an actual public health threat which accurately describes our community, you'd mind your damn business and get TF out of my way while I attempt to live my life by making mutually beneficial connections with other humans in my community.
Husband and I have a construction we use in movies, etc when people in control do things the little people object to or would if they knew about them. "Adults are talking." Sometimes adults have to do things that the little people find scary or threatening or even ethically questionable. Doesn't mean they don't need to be done. I hope my governor, Greg Abbott, continues to be the adult in the room and ignores all the fraidy cats and danger porn addicts.
The MSM will scour through today's protest and highlight every Kook and nutter and make them the face of the demonstrators. Look for the NYT's to have a picture of some fat old white guy with a gun and a MAGA hat, or a bearded white guy with Nazi armband on the front page tomorrow.
They called Trump and his supporters racist. They called the tea party racists. They called Mitt Romney racist. They called Palin and McCain in 2008 racist. So you can sure the MSM will call the Wisconsin Protesters racists.
Nonapod said...
"the dumfuks — a minority of a minority to be certain — will cater to the news media’s biases. They will hoist battle flags, show off their firearms, display placards of Tony in an SS uniform, and eschew face masks. A well financed and managed rally would stay on message. This one will not....
I have no idea who the Blaska person is. Is he trying to say that this protest is going to be made up of a bunch of Mobys?"
Blaska describes himself as a "recovering liberal" who used to be a Dane County supervisor. The way I understand it, he's saying that it's not a well financed and organized rally (I.e. astroturf) so there may well be mobys among the plain folk.
I'm stuck on the "well-financed" part. What does that even mean? Does it mean the protest has to have more money than it can actually spend? Or does it mean that the "correct" type of Soros minions aren't bankrolling it?
Anyways, the Ken Bs of the world are never going to support Americans who haven't been given the Legitimacy Seal of Approval from the elites, or from their chuckservative pets. Whitmer's fake poll approval ratings aren't terribly going to matter either. When one of the 30 million unemployed gets angry enough to do something about it, it'll be an Anders Breivik situation, not a Tea Party one.
Doesn’t change the fact that bad optics kills support. And we are about to get bad optics.
The Canuck seems to ignore that fact that this is the purpose of the MOBYs. We had the same thing at Tea Party rallies.
I should add that any mobys among the plain folk may be plants - fake protesters seeded among them, like tares in with the wheat. "Plants" pun intended.
I’m not sure that a “brush fire” is the right metaphor if you are trying to argue that the protests are manufactured by outside agitators like the Koch brothers. Don’t brush fires ignite only when weather conditions produce a large amount of tinder as fuel? I live in the east and for most if not all of the year I couldn’t ignite a brush fire if I tried.
I note that CNN is still trying to push the fiction that the election in early April caused COVID too (Lt Gov Barnes was on the other day pushing this). It's unfortunate that correlation and causation are not taught in JSchools.
And we are about to get bad optics.
Ken B is worried about "optics" while people are worried about losing their jobs, homes, businesses, their lives.
We have bigger worries than what things "look like" to Ken. Wait until he finds out what people will actually DO to get their rights and their lives back.
People who simply want to work and support their families are now effectively painted as right-wing, with a lingering odor of zombies and astroturf.
Will the last person outside the Overton Window please turn out the lights?
I am Laslo.
Well it’s easy to see that from the perspective of elitist NYT lefties people who demonstrate because they want to work to support their families must be right-wingers.
The lefties’ time might be better spent analyzing the circumstances and political decisions that made New York City and surrounds the world hot spot for the virus (assuming, of course, that the ChiComs and their WHO pimps are telling the truth). Analyze? Analyze? But doesn’t that require rational, objective thinking.
Thank you Pants.
Of course the press is biased. Doesn’t change the fact that bad optics kills support. And we are about to get bad optics.
Yes, of course it's bad optics. But what I'm telling you is that having protests where 100% of the people are nice and respectable looking is not an option. That's just not possible. Protests attract weirdos and attention seekers.
So the choices are either 1) Protest,knowing that the inevitable nutcase or two will be used to discredit you, or 2) Don't have street protests at all.
If I were King of the Right, I would probably opt for 2. But it is a tough call to make.
Ken B: "The Canuck seems to ignore that fact that this is the purpose of the MOBYs. We had the same thing at Tea Party rallies."
Oh he knows it alright. In fact he goes along with it.
Thats why Ken B calls those who disagree with him racists, "isolationist Trumpkins, etc etc etc.
Once Ken B gets going with Inga and ARM and Howard he forgets he is supposed to be a reasonable moderate or whatever and starts to insist upon things like Open Markets must mean permanent tariff barriers for US goods exports while everyone else has wide open access to US markets at low tariff rates.
"The MSM will scour through today's protest and highlight every Kook and nutter and make them the face of the demonstrators ..."
They've already pre-written the narrative. Here's Reid Epstein (no apparent connection to Jeffrey Epstein's plane):
"Officials from both parties rushed to familiar corners this week." How does he describe this?
Democrats: Rallying behind Evers (not stoking anger)
Republicans: Stoking anger (not rallying behind)
Democrats: "Democrats"
Republicans: "Right-wing protestors"
Democrats: "Rallying behind Evers"
Republicans: "Covertly helping to coordinate"
Democrats: "Democrats:
Republicans: "Zombie Tea Partiers"
Democrats: Supported by "progressive organization Future Now Fund"
Republicans: Supported by "Dark Money Groups" (cue eerie ghost music)
Who is Reid J. Epstein? Is he the New York Times Wisconsin correspondent assigned to pandemics/illnesses?
Nope, he "covers campaigns and elections from Washington."
He's 27. Knows absolutely nothing. - Ben Rhodes
People are being naive - Liberal/Leftists show up and wear nazi armbands or behave like to Kooks to undermine any Right-wing protesters. Of course, usually what they do is show up as masked Antifa and beat the shit out of people, while the police look on.
This has been going on for a long time. In 1941, British Intelligence hired a man and woman to run on the stage during an "America First" rally at Madison Square Garden. The man - pretending to be an America First member - hit the woman in view of 20,000 people. Later, the Press headlines were all about the assault - not the rally or its speakers. Mission accomplished. BTW, FDR was all for British Intelligence operating on US Soil and playing dirty tricks on "isolationists".
One way to play Moby is leave lots of white space. LOL!
If you want to win you pay attention to things like how your protest looks to others. It could look sincere, honest, serious, hear-felt. It won’t, because too many protesters are like you and most of the folks here. You want a gratifying scream more than you want to make your case.
Let’s look at the coverage later. Will it look like the disciplined Pettus bridge or the Lansing debacle?
I know how I am betting.
“The shutdown is the definition of fascism. Ken B. Ann. Meade. Inga. All of you are fascists.”
Oh? Well then I’m in good company.
So Charlie Sykes--whoever the heck he is--I can't keep up with all the "players" in obscure regions in flyover country--much less the wack jobs on the coasts--is worried about the resurgence of a "Zombie Tea Party"?
That got me thinking about Harry Belafonte's Zombie Jamboree, so I looked up the lyrics. Considering how hard New York City was hit by the virus, it's clear that Belafonte was prescient.
The first verse goes:
It was a Zombie Jamboree
Took place in a New York cemetery
It was a Zombie Jamboree
Took place in New York cemetery.
Belafonte has a woman jumping out of a coffin with a quart of rum banging on a Congo Drum.
He goes on to say:
Back to back, belly to belly
I don't give a damn,I done dead already
Back to back, belly to belly
At the Zombie Jamboree
As a horny teenager, I heard that line as "I done that already"
But why not Zombies in Madison? Are they any less worthwhile than Zombies in Manhattan?
Go away Charlie; go away you sneering nitwits in the NYT.
I don’t mind your insults, but I do mind you attributing Michael K's words to me, and I bet he minds it too. Do try to be minimally accurate and honest, for a change.
Blaska sounds just like some people around here. And I’ll predict he’s wrong. Wrong about gun displaying, rebel flag waving and everything else he wrote. My what a principled conservative that Sykes guy is huh? No wonder he’s off he’s another phony joe like Mika’s husband.
Well, I do know one thing, if the righties are protesting, they’ll leave the place cleaner than they found the place.
How many of the "dumfuks" will be left-wing provocateurs deliberaterly masquerading as right-wing to discredit the movement?
Staged phony protests seem more sincere, Ken? I don’t care what they look like, Americans forced to publicly assemble and demand the right to earn a paycheck is news. Real America is diverse. You might see a Gadsden Flag (gasp) or rebel flag. Get over it. These aren’t AstroTurf bullshit artists they are real people hurting from lack of income. Have some compassion for a change.
Ken B: "Drago
I don’t mind your insults, but I do mind you attributing Michael K's words to me, and I bet he minds it too. Do try to be minimally accurate and honest, for a change."
Nothing I've written is false. I was there for each instance.
You have called those who disagree with you on the lock down racists, you gleefully described those who disagree with you "isolationist Trumpkins", your "open markets"/permanent US negative tariff imbalances was in a discussion with me, and you also implied quite strongly that lack of agreement with NY officials was driven by anti-semitism.
I dont blame you for running away from your own words. Those are the types of words from which you should retreat.
Whats most interesting is that you've been doing that for quite some time now in full view of the readership and niw you want to pretend none of it happened.
Sorry Lad of Canuckistan, "Teh Interwebs" is forever.
KenB If you want to win you pay attention to things like how your protest looks to others
Yes and NO. Winning doesn't always look nice. We tried nice. The Tea Party was nice, polite, cleaned up after themselves, said pretty please..... and got called all sorts of names.
Many of us also found out, in the 60's, that much "well meaning" advice given by the KenB's of the world isn't well meaning at all. Quite the reverse. Subversive snake in the grass comes to mind. You aren't fooling anyone.
Nice is "nice"... in theory. We found out that doesn't work out so well. You have to get ugly to win.
Won't Back Down
On the bright side, maybe getting called a bunch of hick, racist, COVIDiots, by the media will push the numerous rural Dem voters in attendance at the protest to consider changing allegiance.
This is so discouraging. When people on this very blog are happily acknowledging that the press is biased and will continue to be only against one party, I realize it truly is a divide too great to cross. When people are arbitrarily told who can work and who can't, government can, big box stores can, florists inside big box stores can but small florists can't...the government is making the decision as to who can make it and who can't. And some people here seem to be cool with that. It's a battle between people who simply want the freedom to work to support their families, and people who want big daddy government to take care of them and make the decisions and damn the fallout. When we have people gleefully virtue signaling about making masks and not caring about people going bankrupt or unable to get their cancer treatments, it makes me absolutely sick to my stomache. As if 240 dead people (less than our normal amount of dead this year) is worth ruining millions of peoples lives as long as it isn't their life ruined. And spare me the "we are all gonna die" line - it's pretty clear that the "scientists" have and are continuing to fail miserable on projecting this. Why I was told by Evers that we would have 100,000 dead by April 12! Why anyone would listen to the putz that left MPS in the worst possible shape ever is beyond me. Where do you go in the world when the country founded on freedom is willingly, and in some cases gleefully, giving it up?
“Well, I do know one thing, if the righties are protesting, they’ll leave the place cleaner than they found the place.”
They will Chlorox the steps of the Capital!
Approximately 65,000 people die annually in Wisconsin.
To date, which is to say in the first quarter, 257 people have died of COVID-19.
This is a fucking preposterous panic.
Can anybody out there hear me?
“When we have people gleefully virtue signaling about making masks and not caring about people going bankrupt or unable to get their cancer treatments, it makes me absolutely sick to my stomache.”
Go outside and get some sun, that’ll help.
<a href="https://apelbaum.wordpress.com/2020/04/16/need-a-nazi-for-a-project-but-cant-find-one-here-is-how-to-make-one-up/#comments? more than meets the eye </a> john chisholms mad crusade, like mini mueller, 1.0, grabbed up a whole host of innocents like Cyndi archer, (to his credit David French, once upon a time, noted her travails, the seventh circuit said it was fine, because the info, yielded other targets,
No, you shutting up would help a lot, Inga.
You’re an evil partisan jerk trying to profit from a ridiculous panic.
Which is just the usual for you. What a piece of shit you are.
You’ve gone from Russia collusion to the COVID-19 panic. It’s a mental illness with you.
And your taunt about going outside is pretty evil, too, you rotten bitch.
We’re living under house arrest.
Hi Inga
Nice little pun there. But the truth is still that the righties will clean up after themselves
'All indications are that these are manufactured protests'
'All indications are that these are independent protests, not authorized democrat ones'
“When we have people gleefully virtue signaling about making masks and not caring about people going bankrupt or unable to get their cancer treatments, it makes me absolutely sick to my stomache.”
I wonder what would happen to our healthcare system if it was overrun with Covid patients if there had been no social distancing? Do you think that anyone would be getting in to see their doc about anything? You think there wouldn’t be bankruptcies in even greater numbers should Covid have infected huge numbers of people all at once? Some people don’t seem to be able to think beyond their partisan politics. Don’t be a Drago. Think.
They will Chlorox the steps of the Capital!
Try to find some. Anyway, I keep hoping Nancy will mix up her botox and Clorox. Too much to hope for, I guess.
So, if COVID-19 death rates continue to scale over the remainder of the year...
The epidemic will account for 1.5% of deaths for the year in Wisconsin.
As I said, the real issue here is that the Democrats are inciting a panic over a non-existent crisis for political gain.
Some people don’t seem to be able to think beyond their partisan politics. Don’t be a Drago. Think.
Self analysis is not your strong suit, Inga.
“Which is just the usual for you. What a piece of shit you are.”
Oh go bleach your tongue.
“Self analysis is not your strong suit, Inga.”
Nor you, apparently.
First, Inga flogged the Russia collusion hoax for 3-1/2 years.
Now, she’s flogging the non-existent COVID-19 crisis.
The woman has no conscience and no sense. She’s utterly vicious and rotten.
What is it about lying to foment panics that thrills you, Inga?
As I’ve been saying, let the protestors congregate in nice big groups. Let them sing and yell their stupid slogans loudly and with gusto spewing droplets in each other’s faces. Hopefully they won’t pass on Covid to anyone else. Let them bring their big guns and display them proudly.
You will have to forgive Inga.
She is still reeling from last night when she first learned that UV sunlight attacks viruses.
She and Howard were having a big old laugh at that howler when it was pointed out that researchers are very close to delivering interior lighting which makes use of "Far UV" for indoor lighting (lighting that will kill viruses indoors without harming human tissue) AND that fiber optics ate in advanced testing to deliver Far UV inside the human body.
Inga became so upset at the failure of her hoax talking points she just gave up and started posting song lyrics.
Which, lets face it, was a big improvement for her.
And all that was on top of Christopher Steele, the hoax dossier "author" (it was actually FusionGPS) admitted in court that ALL of his hoax dossier documentation and audio and video records somehow, someway, inexplicably, amazingly.....got "wiped".
Like with a cloth.
Disappeared. Magically. Without a trace. Never to be seen again.
It was rough for our Inga. So rough that she will probably need another couple of hours to find a new hoax to push.
Good luck Inga!
Inga, the COVID-19 panic is a lie.
You’re a liar. As usual.
Lying is your life. It consumes you.
If those who want to go back to work are labeled right wing... that means the left are self defined.
Shouting Thomas said...
First, Inga flogged the Russia collusion hoax for 3-1/2 years. Now, she’s flogging the non-existent COVID-19 crisis. The woman has no conscience and no sense. She’s utterly vicious and rotten.
That is too harsh, ST.
Inga believes what she reads in the DNC press, although she often does not understand what she reads. I think she is well intentioned, but lacks any significant underlying knowledge base or reasoning power.
In other words, she is the traditional Democrat voter who believes that Republicans are either evil or stupid or both because that is what the media has been pushing since Eisenhower was POTUS.
As we respond to Democrat trolls, it is always appropriate to step back and notice that they have been reduced to supporting a demented old grifter who has been at the public teat for decades and accomplished nothing.
Matthew 7:16-17
“You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit.” The Bible is handy for this sort of thing.
So is the Gateway Pundit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/busted-media-caught-camera-staging-fake-photos-medical-worker-counter-protest-video/
5769 “confirmed” cases in Arizona with 249 “Covid-related” deaths. Bullshit stats! Still in lockdown. WTF are we doing? Somebody needs to protest since the mediaswine are complicit with anyone and anything trying to take down the economy and Trump with it.
Some things to note
1) Does any source accurately count recovered cases? All I see is totals accumulated now over 2 months. The virus lasts 3 weeks. Should we start subtracting out the March cases at least from the totals?
2) We're clearly at the zero net cases point, if you subtract out old cases that should be dropping of/turning inactive from the newly reported cases.
3) which means again, curve flat. next derivative is down. The drop off will be particularly steep in 25%+ infected NYC.
It is stupid to remain shut down.
The Very Forgetful Inga: "Some people don’t seem to be able to think beyond their partisan politics. Don’t be a Drago."
Tell us more about Carter Page's career as a russian spy.
Shouldnt be hard. You spent 4 years telling us about it....and so much more.
Just yesterday the denialist here were saying protesters should shit on the capital steps. So much for leaving things cleaner than they found them.
Some people are always going to be too blind to see anything beyond their own situation - I just always thought perhaps it was a minority - but am seeing now that it isn't. We should all be protesting this heavy handed government - at a minimum every government employee should be forced to go on unemployment like everyone else. Everyone with a government pension should have to take a huge haircut on it - then perhaps people would wake up and realize what is going on. Maybe the silver lining will be when all the small business which paid a ton of taxes is gone, the people who rely on "government" money will be hit hard and then will finally realize what they have bought into. Looking forward to what Illinois does - their pension system is cratered and you can bet they will be asking big daddy federal government for money to save their bad decisions.
One more:
In yet another completely enclosed inadvertent experiment, the maximum infection rate on the Teddy Roosevelt ended up around 20%. and 1 death out of 840 infections on a 5000 sailor ship, or yet again 0.1-0.2% death rate associated with this virus. Eerily similar to the princess cruise line and everything else coming out from random sampling data.
0.1-0.2% death rate is what we've shot the economy in the face for.
20% of America gets infected and 0.1% death rate and we get to... 60k dead. JUST LIKE A BAD FLU SEASON.
Inga: “ Let them bring their big guns and display them proudly.”
Look at the responses Inga
Type 1: hell yeah, let’s do it, loud and proud.
Type 2: if that happens it’s mobys trying to discredit us.
The same people are producing both types!
"ALL of his hoax dossier documentation and audio and video records somehow, someway, inexplicably, amazingly.....got "wiped"."
It was NOT a hoax! And if his documentation hadn't been mysteriously wiped (probably by nefarious actors, perhaps by Nunes himself!), he would prove it to you!
Inga the "health worker"...
UVC Light Disinfection for Hospitals is a safe, scientifically proven and well established technology that has been used for decades.
Look it up in your Funkin Wagnalls, it will be on the final!
“When we have people gleefully virtue signaling about making masks and not caring about people going bankrupt or unable to get their cancer treatments, it makes me absolutely sick to my stomache.”
Inga Go outside and get some sun, that’ll help.
Inga's version of "Let them eat cake"
She's just a modern day Marie Antoinette y'all.
At the risk of sending Inga all the way over the edge, here's an example of what Trump was alluding to yesterday in his press briefing:
"Determination of the Effectiveness of Oral Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of COVID 19"
This study will be conducted over the next several months....and not a single "journalist" or lefty at Althouse blog knew about it nor about the advanced Far UV light research and applications fir interior lighting or for use inside the human body.
But how they all laughed and laughed and laughed at Trump for mentioning it.
DBQ - exactly. Add Ken B to that list - glad they think it's so funny that people are losing their livelihoods...tee hee what a laugh! Them and their big guns and their clorox! Glad I don't know either of these people personally - yuk.
Ken B, joined at the hip with his natural ally, Inga.
Birkel called this one early on.
David UW - good info - thanks
However bad the optics might be, it will beboot the memories of those independents and Democrats that reluctantly voted for Trump 4 years ago. That whole populist/conservative coalition that turned several states away from Clinton. You know, the small business owners, social conservatives, blue collar workers, etc. As bad as the optics may look to the media "elites", it will remind these people of who really is modeling care and empathy for their plight. Maybe even pick up some more this time around.
In Wisconsin, certainly not a creepy Governor who grew up on the grounds of a quarantine health facility*. I imagine play dates were hard to come by. Wonder what psychodrama informs his worldview.
* - his father was Medical Director at Rocky Knoll in Plymouth, WI. It was a live-in position, and the place served as a tuberculosis sanitarium.
Those protesters going to Madison are basically invading a foreign country within their own State. The population of Madison and Dane County actually believe the Capitol only belongs to them. Go get em!
I posted on the protest Facebook page that everyone should wear medical scrubs. That way the press will cheer and they can be heroes. I also recommended that if anyone talks to the press, they say their a teacher. Both great disguises.
They have no obligation to tell the press any truths. It will not be reciprocated.
If they really have balls, they'll do the "Jump Around".
I used to think the NYT was at least good enough to line the parakeet cage.
"Can anybody out there hear me?"
Nope - their brains have been turned off.
"This study will be conducted over the next several months....and not a single "journalist" or lefty at Althouse blog knew about it nor about the advanced Far UV light research and applications fir interior lighting or for use inside the human body."
DNC Media: Orange Man Eats Tide Pods
Democrat seals: clap, clap, clap, clap
Hey Wisconsin!! Let's vilify the recently unemployed!! Wisconsin nice....
But how they all laughed and laughed and laughed at Trump for mentioning it.
Sheesh, you are really grasping at straws. Basically, the study is to have patients drink chlorinated water (at about the concentration you would find in a swimming pool). Even if Trump knew about the study, what he said is completely different than what this study is looking at.
so in addition to axios, the tampa bay times and the seattle times also got stimulus money, the st Petersburg times, the home of politico didn't apparently,
OMG....the NYT's gets Charlie Sykes to comment... That guy is the biggest has been in Wisconsin history except may Tony Mandarich.
This is the "fact checking" syndrome again. If you look hard enough you can find some organization behind any grassroots protest. Somebody is calling other people to get them to show up and they probably rely on membership lists of organizations. If you agree with the protest, you just don't look for organizations, and leave readers with the assumption that it's a spontaneous mass movement.
#NeverTrumpers who spend their lives seeking power assume Trump is trying to "build an autocracy." #NeverTrumpers who are always building political organizations assume that counter-protests are more organized than they really are. Nothing in politics is ever a spontaneous mass movement, but Sykes sees a lot more structure and organization than is really there.
“This piece of garbage was rooting for infections today.”
Why are you worried about the protestors getting infected? If they are worried, why would they gather in large croups during a pandemic? Death wish? Stupid partisanship? Or just plain dumb? Sweden has the highest number of cases and deaths of all the Scandinavian countries.
"That guy is the biggest has been in Wisconsin history except may Tony Mandarich."
Reid J. Epstein (a never was) interviews Charlie Sykes (used up has been.)
Gusty Winds: "OMG....the NYT's gets Charlie Sykes to comment... That guy is the biggest has been in Wisconsin history except may Tony Mandarich."
Charlie Sykes is completely owned and operated by far left billionaire Pierre Omidyar and a host of other radical left funding sources.
Needless to say this makes Charlie Sykes a hero to democrat hack governor Whitmers legion of FakeCon LLR supporters.
Should be groups, but “croups” actually works even better.
Speaking of Tony Mandarich, what's with picking a quarterback?
Let's hope the bikers roll into town, and the Antifa Madison Chapter comes out their parents' basements. Good television.
I wonder what would happen to our healthcare system if it was overrun with Covid patients if there had been no social distancing? Do you think that anyone would be getting in to see their doc about anything? You think there wouldn’t be bankruptcies in even greater numbers should Covid have infected huge numbers of people all at once?
No no no. We're past that now. It doesn't matter what might've happened if things were different. The whole point of the lockdown, and all its accoutrements, was precisely that, to prevent the healthcare system from being overburdened, and you know what? It worked. Healthcare workers are being laid off because of the empty beds and lack of COVID patients. The hospital ships weren't needed.
What do we do now, is the question. We have numbers, to the extent that they can be relied upon, that are coming in below the low end of the models that include social distancing. We have different impacts in different areas of the country. Why should the situation in NYC determine what happens everywhere else, or anywhere else?
When would it be okay to let me go to a restaurant to eat? What event or events or whatever would you point to and say "this is the point that needs to be reached to make it okay to do XYZ"? And don't say "more testing and then we'll let you know. In the meantime, suck it up, unless you want EVERYONE TO DIE."
Inga, I read the blog everyday and have for over 15 years. I don't really comment much, but I see you here and I've read your stuff over that period. You're Queen Of The Fucking Karens, as far as I can tell.
"What if I had wings instead of legs and the earth was square and rotated in the other direction, huh? What then?"
Jesus H. Christ on a bike, some people are tiresome.
Just think, all it took was 7 words to destroy an entire days worth of Ingas lies:
Oral chlorine dioxide
Far Ultra-Violet light
And whammo!
Down go the latest 2 daily lefty/LLR-lefty hoaxes!
I wonder what today will bring?
Origninal Mike: Quarterback. Rogers is great, but he is not a durable as Favre. Packers looking beyond Rogers. When he goes down, they lose. Building for the future.
I really want to know whether you still believe that Trump and/or any of his associates conspired with the Russians to steal the election.
If you answered this before and I missed it, I apologize.
Best part is...the protesters were denied a permit. Restaurants closed. Bathrooms will be limited. So for one day...Madison can experience what it is like to be San Francisco.
Gusty Winds: Seems a couple of years too soon. Remember the debacle of having both Favre and Rodgers? But this stuff is completely unpredictable.
Field Marshall and Noted Bundy Case Liar Freder: "Even if Trump knew about the study, what he said is completely different than what this study is looking at."
Trump speaks to the leaders of the major R&D firms and our own public health leaders every single day and they share what they are working on with him.
Thats where he gets it.
So why dont your magnificent and brilliant "journalists" assigned to cover this stuff know anything at all about any of it?
Any one of them can ask Trump any question at any time, for HOURS...but they dont.
Because they are simply lying political hacks advancing the dem cause.
Watching the livestream .... commentary about Madison and Capitol police result in a huge round of booing.
Guess only some blue lives matter.
Lots of people out and crowded together (square has been fenced in with construction for a long time) .... not going to be a good look as it seems crowded.
surprise, well not really do people in Madison, have any more immunity then others, the ones in green bay are probably pretty safe,
"Inga: I really want to know whether you still believe that Trump and/or any of his associates conspired with the Russians to steal the election."
Oh, she does.
Will Meadehouse attend? For a safe distance?
Mark 12:34 is the good Mark.
Mark, do please edit your handle here.
"Inga: I really want to know whether you still believe that Trump and/or any of his associates conspired with the Russians to steal the election."
…though her reticence to talk about it, after months of gleeful talk of "rubbing it our faces", suggests she really has come to the realization that she's been had.
DavidUW said...
One more:
In yet another completely enclosed inadvertent experiment, the maximum infection rate on the Teddy Roosevelt ended up around 20%. and 1 death out of 840 infections on a 5000 sailor ship, or yet again 0.1-0.2% death rate associated with this virus. Eerily similar to the princess cruise line and everything else coming out from random sampling data.
0.1-0.2% death rate is what we've shot the economy in the face for.
And for that, a panicked CO took a front line carrier out of the battle line. His relief is looking more justified every day.
Lefty Mark: "Guess only some blue lives matter."
Ken B thinks lefty mark is the "good" mark.
Birkel was absolutely prescient.
Sweden has the highest number of cases and deaths of all the Scandinavian countries.
4/24/20, 12:21 PM
And, what if there is a second and third wave and Sweden's numbers are much lower at that time because they have developed herd immunity?
I don't know if that is the correct approach. Neither do you, Karen. Only time will tell.
Gospace: "And for that, a panicked CO took a front line carrier out of the battle line. His relief is looking more justified every day."
And note the TR was going to operate near China to show support for the Taiwanese against ARM's Beloved and Heroic People's Republic of China ChiComs...and this Captain openly shared the material readiness/combat preparedness of his capital ship to an enemy in a time of high tension.
"I have no idea who the Blaska person is. Is he trying to say that this protest is going to be made up of a bunch of Mobys?"
No. He's saying it's more truly grassroots, which means some of these people are going to be idiots and they'll be holding signs and flags that the media will use to denounce the whole group as deplorables.
If it was controlled elites, they'd have better discipline and keep those people out.
“ He's saying it's more truly grassroots, which means some of these people are going to be idiots and they'll be holding signs and flags that the media will use to denounce the whole group as deplorables”
Inga said...
“Self analysis is not your strong suit, Inga.”
Nor you, apparently.
Inga has these devastating come backs. I swing by every few hours to learn from the bed pan expert.
The CFR is now around 0.1% and the left wants a depression. It's as easy as that.
Inga: “I wonder what would happen to our healthcare system if it was overrun with Covid patients if there had been no social distancing? Do you think that anyone would be getting in to see their doc about anything? You think there wouldn’t be bankruptcies.”
There could be interesting discussions here if lefties were not so predictably dishonest, or stupid. Which of the non-lockdown states have had their “healthcare system(s) overrun with Covid patients”?
Who is arguing against social distancing?
Biden for President! No petroleum! No coal! No guns! No abortion survivors! No jobs! Wow! Just wow!
Ken B:
“ Just yesterday the denialist here were saying protesters should shit on the capital steps. So much for leaving things cleaner than they found them.”
Bollocks. No one said any such thing.
Next time you are going to say what someone said, how about using copy and paste. I’m sure Google can cough up instructions in case you don’t know how.
Michael K : “ The CFR is now around 0.1% ”
Hey Skipper
Yancey Ward said to shit on the steps. Piss too.
You can now
1 apologize
2 admit you post claims with no evidence
I'm waiting *tap tap tap*
Ann Althouse said...
{"I have no idea who the Blaska person is. Is he trying to say that this protest is going to be made up of a bunch of Mobys?"}
"No. He's saying it's more truly grassroots, which means some of these people are going to be idiots and they'll be holding signs and flags that the media will use to denounce the whole group as deplorables.
If it was controlled elites, they'd have better discipline and keep those people out."
You mean the way they kept good order at the WI Capitol protests? Pardon me, but with all the fake hate crimes since the run-up to November 2016 (and they are <a href="http://www.fakehatecrimes.org/>legion</a>), I'm more inclined to believe that "those people" are likely to be tares among the wheat.
Ach! Missed a quotation mark. Should have been:
You mean the way they kept good order at the WI Capitol protests? Pardon me, but with all the fake hate crimes since the run-up to November 2016 (and they are legion), I'm more inclined to believe that "those people" are likely to be tares among the wheat.
3). laugh in your face
And we are about to get bad optics. - KenB
You keep referring to 'we.' You're a Canadian.
You. Not we.
David Blaska can't even lie correctly. He needs to get a job picking up dog shit in back yards. I have every confidence that he could apply himself to that if he really tries hard.
Tea Party? Grassroots.
Coffee Party? Lefty Astroturfing.
Same with every other protest movement over the last forty years. And Democrat election rallies.
Ken B I gave up responding to Canucks.
I wonder what would happen to our healthcare system if it was overrun with Covid patients if there had been no social distancing?
As I've told you before - and you refuse to let this sink into your thick skull - in Washington state, we were dealing with the coronavirus from the end of January, all through February and halfway through March before Inslee shut down the state.
If your scenario were to come true, it would've already happened here.
But it didn't.
Michael K
Self evidently false. You've given up having evidence for your claims. Pretty much what Farmer has been saying about you for a while.
Inga, sorry to disappoint you because I know you're rooting for the death of deplorables, but most of the elderly dying of this are in very blue areas - NYC, NJ, and here in Wisconsin, in Milwaukee and Madison.
It's highly doubtful that they are predominately Trump voters or Republicans.
The red areas of states are doing much better - but still have to follow the same stupid and arbitrary restrictions.
If this disease attacked mainly people in rural areas, do you think NYC would be shut down? Don't make me laugh. And you and the other leftists would be laughing about the rednecks dying off.
Mitigate its progress and sustain its viability. That said, a dysfunctional choice that was probably justified in the wake of disinformation from China, a dearth of knowledge from local and state, and persistent globalism and anti-emigration.
most of the elderly dying of this are in very blue areas
PP: Planned Parent, Gaia's Choice, mostly, complements PP: Planned Parenthood, or wicked solution, her choice.
Blogger Ken B said...
"Blaska is making exactly the point I made about Michigan, and got shouted at for. Disciplined, respectful protests work, but you cannot afford to give the media pictures showing bad or irresponsible behavior. "
Hey-hey-hey! Blogger Ken B has just tested positive for ....
Concern Troll!
Hey Skipper said Ken B is trafficking in bollocks.
Ken B said: Yancey Ward said to shit on the steps. Piss too.
You can now
1 apologize
2 admit you post claims with no evidence
You do not understand meaning.
Apologies to Yancey if I speak badly for him, but his clear meaning was that to avoid the government's ire, act like homeless people: shit and piss everywhere. He could have also mentioned leaving used hypodermics and condoms all over the place, suffering third world diseases, and after all that is accomplished, be completely immune to social distancing requirements.
But that would have been overselling the satire. Well, to everyone save you.
The phrase you will never see in an NYT headline “Left Wing”. Seldom in a story but never in a headline.
Somebody mentioned Sweden being worst among the Scandinavian countries. True.
Sweden has 50% fewer deaths per million than draconian lockdown Michigan. Both have about 10 million population, both have cold climates. MI has 3085 deaths, 310/million. Sweden 2152 deaths, 213/million. Which has had its economy wrecked?
Sweden is in much better shape than Italy, France, Spain, UK, Belgium, Netherlands.
Not to mention vs NY, NJ, CT, MA,LA, DC in the US.
All stats are per worldometer as of 6:20 PM mountain time 4/24.
So there is little reason to condemn Sweden's approach, but plenty to question why we have been willing to throw 26 million into unemployment, cause untold human life damage (suicides, spousal and child abuse, drug and alcohol abuse etc) leading to actual deaths not caused by Wuhan virus but by ridiculous, overly extended lockdowns based on wild ass guess models that, while taking into account mitigation, still were totally and completely overstated. Why, they even caused some to think 11 million would die here in the US.
Anti-body testing in Santa Clara County, LA County, NY (city and state), Boston homeless shelter, Roosevelt carrier, Germany, France indicate that many more infections have happened than reported cases, driving the infection fatality rate to around.1% to .5% (the latter is NY per Cuomo), about the same as flu. Even though St. Fauci loudly and proudly proclaimed the virus to be "10 times deadlier than the flu!" He should be fired forthwith for pulling a number out of his ass and leveraging the media to get Trump to go along with his incompetent recommendation.
Now that we know so much:
- Strict quarantine for the proven fatal risk folks (infirm elderly, those with dangerous disease and obesity, all nursing homes, assisted living)
- All positively tested for anti-bodies back to work
- Aggressively press ahead with anti-body testing, especially in hot spots
- Open all states/counties etc that are not hot spots
Get the country back to work. Those who want to remain cowering, do so. No unemployment bonuses for you though.
So Hey Skipper your argument is you were wrong but that’s OK. Slightly less honest than AOC are you. Noted.
Ken B:
“So Hey Skipper your argument is you were wrong but that’s OK. Slightly less honest than AOC are you. Noted.“
No my argument is that you completely ignored satire and irony.
Sort of like if I said “Ken B is honest, perceptive, and would never twist someone’s words.”
What I said said is the exact opposite of what I meant.
I ignore the NYT , for I despise, detest, and distrust it. (And their little dog, WaPoo, too!)
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