[E]ach day Dorsey wakes up... checks to see what the sleep-tracking ring on his finger says, then lowers himself into an ice bath before meditating in a warm tent sauna. This is followed by a seven-minute workout and then drinking his breakfast, which he calls “salt juice,” a concoction of water, salt, and lemon, which is the only thing he will “eat” until the evening, when he enjoys his single real meal of the day. His day wraps up in a slightly more extreme version of the way it began, with a ritual of 15 minutes in his barrel sauna, followed by three minutes in his ice bath, which he does back and forth three times for an hour. He then meditates again.... He enjoys working from home at least two days a week, often in his kitchen, or at his desk under the glow of a near-infrared light. When he does go into the office, he always walks the five miles there...Lots more in the article. I didn't excerpt the details about various efforts to oust Dorsey. I'm stressing the weird stuff — the hot and the salty.
In Silicon Valley, tech founders embody all of the industry’s highest values—much like Greek gods. Someone like Dorsey, who goes on silent meditation retreats, dresses in couture costumes, runs two companies at the same time, and dates supermodels, is the epitome of “making it.” For a long time, Wall Street really couldn’t argue with the “cult of the founder” philosophy, as it’s called, as tech companies grew exponentially... Yet in recent years, as one start-up after another has fallen under the weight of its own bullshit, the cult of the founder has given way to a much more realistic reality....
As for the 45 total minutes Dorsey allegedly spends in his 220-degree sauna at night (which he breaks up into three separate stints), two World Sauna Championship competitors (yes, that’s a thing) collapsed after spending six minutes in a sauna only 10 degrees warmer than Dorsey’s (which is already hotter than boiling water). After being dragged out, the competitors were treated for severe burns, and one of the men died....
April 20, 2020
"Twitter’s CEO, last of the Steve Jobs-like tech-founder demigods, was on the verge of being pushed out by private-equity investors. But his will, and wiles—and COVID-19—gave him new purpose. For now."
From a new Vanity Fair piece about Jack Dorsey (by Nick Bilton):
Sounds like he's moving toward the John McAfee personality and behaviors. No wonder they're trying to move him out.
stark raving mad, well he's a minitrue mandarin, the work is never done,
Fact check:
"220-degree sauna... only 10 degrees warmer than Dorsey’s (which is already hotter than boiling water)."
220 minus 10 is 210. The boiling point of water is 212.
Simple arithmetic mistake.
Are all billionaires weirdos?
These guys have the weirdness of Howard Hughes.
But not the accomplishments.
The co-founder of Twitter is Evan Williams from Nebraska. Worth $1.8 billion. I know a woman from Clarks, Nebraska who is about his age.
"Williams was born in Clarks, Nebraska, as the third child of Laurie Howe and Monte Williams. He grew up on a farm in Clarks, where he assisted with crop irrigation during the summers. He attended the University of Nebraska–Lincoln for a year and a half, where he joined FarmHouse fraternity, leaving to pursue his career."
he looks like a bum, he was just an investor in the company, not the brains of the outfit, if memory serves,
Steve Jobs-like tech-founder
That means there must be at least one profile of Dorsey that points out some dumb idiosyncratic behaviors he swears by.
220 minus 10 is 210. The boiling point of water is 212.
Saunas can get hotter than boiling water.
"Five-time champion Timo Kaukonen had become adept at enduring the tournament's 110C (230F) heat, lasting over 16 minutes in 2003."
"However, a self-confessed "sauna freak", he usually heats the room to 100C, while others regularly prefer short three to four-minute bursts at 130 to 140C." (266F to 284F)
Can we dispense with the fiction that this moody monk is actually running these massively overcapitalized companies?
Twitter is subject to humongous capital investment by Chinese Communist controlled capital firms.
This explains much about the company's policies.
Dorsey isn't running anything, except some bizarre aspirational lifestyle auto de fe.
Steve Jobs created Apple, was kicked out, then returned and built it into what it is today: one of the strongest, most successful tech companies, ever.
How is this guy "Steve Jobs-like"?
The air might be hotter than boiling water, but the heat transfer isn't. Stick your hand in a 450F oven. No problem, for quite some time. Now touch the wire shelf.
remember the last time they celebrated a mogul like this Jeffrey Epstein, 16 years ago,
he looks like a bum, he was just an investor in the company, not the brains of the outfit, if memory serves,
Apparently it doesn't.
"By age fourteen, Dorsey had become interested in dispatch routing [a non-trivial problem]. Some of the open-source software he created in the area of dispatch logistics is still used by taxicab companies."
I think people googleing "weird stuff hot and salty" are gong to be disappointed in this result.
Dorsey isn't running anything, except some bizarre aspirational lifestyle auto de fe.
In fairness when talking about gargantuan public companies, who really runs anything? There's rarely a singular decision maker in these behemoth organizations. In those cases generally it seems to me that the purpose of the CEO is to take them blame when things go bad. They're expendable appendages in a crisis, like a lizard giving up its tail to escape a predator. But all decisions are made by committee.
Twitter strikes me as one of those things that may not survive the coronavirus era. Not a twitter-user, so maybe I am missing its virtues, but it strikes me as an emblem of a more superficial time. Things are getting more serious, so one-upping someone else's tweet should slide down the priority list quite a ways, I would think. In which case, Jack Dorsey and his studied quirks could become a moderately difficult trivia question in another 10 years.
The air might be hotter than boiling water, but the heat transfer isn't.
Of course. Saunas are filled with moist air or steam, not water.
Now touch the wire shelf.
Fun fact: the specific heat of water is almost 10 times that of iron.
So Dorsey has more idiosyncrasies than most, I don’t care. The fact that he is a totalitarian leftist and partially owned by the CCP is the main issue
How is this guy "Steve Jobs-like"?
Hippie affectations, borderline autistic, babbles about global change. Seems pretty obvious that Dorsey is self-consciously aping a lot of the Steve Jobs mythos. Jobs is basically the pinup for tech nerds with delusions of grandeur.
Twitter strikes me as one of those things that may not survive the coronavirus era. Not a twitter-user, so maybe I am missing its virtues, but it strikes me as an emblem of a more superficial time.
I think Twitter in its current form does far more harm than good and would be happy to see it die. But unfortunately I think it'll survive this pandemic. Its users are addicts. And most of them are high functioning addicts whose addition hasn't (yet) ruined their lives. And as we all know, generally addicts won't try to get clean until they've hit whatever their personal rock bottom is.
"I'm stressing the weird stuff — the hot and the salty." You could have fooled me.
I mostly can't figure twitters out. There's like a string of weird names, in blue, separated by at signs "GeebleBits@HogWild@FruitSald@Bobsnuts", and then there's some picture. But whatever you click on, it takes you to a page that says there is nothing there. Maybe it doesn't work right on this browser.
Weenie bloggers like cory doctorow and xeni jardin promoted the hell out of twitter in 2006. It's the nuclear weapon of the web - very effective but you wish it hadn't been developed.
Paul Singer and Jesse Cohn are very interesting investors.
I don't tweet, but those who hate on twitter are missing something very big. Don't confuse the current product or mgmt for the platform. In times like these, with a media like ours, Twitter is invaluable as a source of information. I've learned more from Twitter than from any other news site over the last few months. It may be a terrible addiction that brings out the worst in many people, but it is an unbelievable platform/network and example of virtual connectivity and connectedness in all its glory and horror.
Bezos would be a better comparison to Jobs.
Jobs is basically the pinup for tech nerds with delusions of grandeur.
Used to be Gates. The tech nerds I run into don't seem overly influenced by Jobs, nor consumed with delusions of grandeur. They are tech nerds consumed with tech, more Steve Wozniak than Jobs.
Eccentric, kooky, free-spirit billionaire.
If he were poor he'd be a nut case.
This guy seems to have as many people around him who can tell him “No” as Michael Jackson and Prince did. Hope he comes to a better end. Wouldn’t want his life, though.
>How is this guy "Steve Jobs-like"?
If he takes a shower and doesn't smell, that would make him "un-Steve Jobs like".
"demigods"? We still have those?
Sounds like he does a salt bowel cleanse every single day.
"Its users are addicts."
True, but the same applies to blog comments sections. Just sayin...
Does he have security with him for that 5 mile walk to work? If I were worth a fortune, I don't think I would publicize that I took a walk at the same time every day (along, I assume, the same route).
I can see the salt. If you spend a lot of time in the sauna, you can risk developing hyponatremia. (low sodium levels in the blood)
Sounds like he's moving toward the John McAfee personality and behaviors.
At least McAfee is entertaining.
Yancey Ward said...
"Its users are addicts."
True, but the same applies to blog comments sections. Just sayin...
I'm not an addict! I can quit any time! I just... don't want to.
Mark O said...
Are all billionaires weirdos?
Yes. By definition billionaires are abnormal people. Most people may worry about how they're gonna make rent. People life Jack Dorsey worry about dying too early.
Jack Dorsey is doing everything he can to survive until the "singularity". All that caloric restriction, the ice baths and saunas in order to elevate heat and cold shock proteins, the targeted excercise regimes... they're all obviously about trying pretty much everything to extend his life. If there was credible evidence to suggest that eating ones own earwax increased ones lifespan he'd do it. He wants to live to see the post scarcity golden age.
That 10 degree difference in the sauna can be huge. Ten degrees at the fringes of human tolerance mean a lot. They didn't need to mention that part to make their point - it's already odd that he does this everyday.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Fact check:
"220-degree sauna... only 10 degrees warmer than Dorsey’s (which is already hotter than boiling water)."
I think Dorsey’s was set at 220 degrees (already higher than the boiling point of water) and the guy who collapsed had his sauna set at 230 degrees (ten degrees hotter). So:
Boiling point 212
Idiot #1 220 (already hotter than BP)
Idiot #2 230
he's the tiger king of tech,
Now we have an explanation form the weird politics of these oddballs.
Read "Bad Blood" for another example.
Works in his kitchen. But eats only one meal per day? Seems unlikely.
It's easy to armchair and say a weird dude like Dorsey doesn't do anything. Let's talk through that:
- It's not too hard to have a great, simple idea for something new
- It is hard to build that into a working prototype
- It's very hard to take a simple invention and bring it to the market
- It's fucking really hard to take a marketed simple invention in a crowded field and make it popular
- It's super duper hard to scale a popular new thing to massive size while making no money off of it for years but have it be a reliable, growing service
- It's nigh-impossible to do all that for a tech service that has non-stop competition trying to one-up you every 3.4 seconds for years on end.
Today twitter has 330 million monthly active user.
I remember I personally said Twitter would never make it. Their platform wasn't commercialized, it was so simple and stupid, blah blah blah - I outlined all the reasons to myself and others Twitter would fail to facebook or other 'free' social products.
And I was wrong.
Dorsey doesn't have to do jack shit a day. A CEO of a company like that should have his existing platform running like clockwork.
What he SHOULD be doing as a CEO is figuring out "whats next" and the proper way to allocate resources to maximize growth and return. What a lot of people don't understand is that you can do that type of thinking during meditation, yoga, saunas, ice baths.....it doesn't mean he's "not working" to be doing that stuff. For a company like Twitter.
Guy gets huge credit from me. He had an idea, he implemented that idea, he scaled that idea, he fought off the toughest competitive market in the world, and his idea stands among the titans.
Also, any article that indicates a 10 degree difference in Sauna heat is not a big deal is idiotic on it's face.
Eat well.
Stay fit.
Die anyway.
People forget that most of Steve Jobs' adult life he dressed to the nines. We only remember the last decade.
and what's he done lately besides empowering these committees of public safety, going under china's zte network umbrella in Africa,
Jack Dorsey is an imp of satan and a f*cking liar. He's also a secret pedophile. Hand to god.
Fight me.
Death must be a particularly painful and tragic experience if you're young and rich. Even Steve McQueen wasn't especially cool in the way he handled end days. Maybe he lives in the shadow of Steve Jobs and figures an ounce of prevention.
I grew up in the Copper Country in Michigan's UP, which was settled by Finns. The traditions of the FInnish sauna lived on when I was there. 220 degrees F was not considered particularly hot by the sauna aficionados I knew. Which is not to say that there were not many people who heated their saunas to only 180 or so. The key is to move very slowly. Your body instantly produces a layer of sweat that insulates you from the heat. If you blow even very gently on your skin, it feels like you are burning.
At 220, you do not want to stay for more than 15 minutes at a time. And that will be followed by a plunge through a hole in the ice and a 15 minute rest. Three rounds of this is pretty typical.
But it's a dry heat!
Actually, a dry sauna. A wet sauna/steam room at 220F would kill you pretty quick.
Dave Begley said..."The co-founder of Twitter is Evan Williams from Nebraska. Worth $1.8 billion."
A few years before Evan Williams co-founded Twitter, he co-founded Pyra Labs, which created the product known as "Blogger," which, of course, is the platform that houses althouse.blogspot.com. Some also credit him with coming up with "blogger" as a term to refer to people who maintain weblogs.
“ I think Dorsey’s was set at 220 degrees (already higher than the boiling point of water) and the guy who collapsed had his sauna set at 230 degrees (ten degrees hotter).“
You’re right. I stand corrected.
Wouldn’t 220 cook you?
I read global warming alarmism that says people will cook to death at much lower temperatures... like 140.
I know you can roast a chicken in a 140 oven. It takes all night and day but it’s super tender. It was a fad to roast chicken like that in the 70 s.
Jack Dorsey is the God-Emperor of pedophiles. Everything he does--every step he takes--is ultimately in service of pedophilia.
Hot + Salty = Supermodels
Where is Laslo on all this?
Jack Dorsey, a pretentious douche who made millions providing a platform for the stupidest people on the planet to be dicks to one another. And yes of course I'm just mad that I didn't think of it first.
"Twitter’s CEO, last of the Steve Jobs-like tech-founder demigods....(by Nick Bilton)..."
A bit over the top by Vanity Fair's writer to garner reader interest.
But if they were serious then Vanity Fair should go out of business. To compare "Dorsey" who is a now nothing moron to "Jobs" who weathered a lifetime of difficulties and successfully founded many businesses and finally succumbed to a dreadful disease, is the height of narcissism by both "Bilton" and "Vanity Fair".
That's why CEO with real smarts try to become majority stock holders, so they are in the power of "Private Equity firms".
Eating one meal a day is extremely hard on your body.
"I'm stressing the weird stuff — the hot and the salty."
Meade, would you care to comment?
At 220, you do not want to stay for more than 15 minutes at a time. And that will be followed by a plunge through a hole in the ice and a 15 minute rest. Three rounds of this is pretty typical.
There is a very funny Tom Bodett recording about two couples that skied in to a sauna shack next to an icy pond in Alaska. They sat in the sauna, then ran naked to jump in the pond. While they were in the pond, the sauna caught fire and burned up their clothes. They had to ski naked 5 miles back to the road to get out. Hilarious recording.
@Ann:Wouldn’t 220 cook you?
Eventually, but not in 15 minutes. I cook chili at 195 and it takes 3 hours for the beef to be done.
Furthermore a live human has a temperature regulation system that is working. A dead human wouldn't.
Eccentric, kooky, free-spirit billionaire.
If he were poor he'd be a nut case.
Crash Davis (to Ebby Calvin "Nuke" LaLoosh):
"Your shower shoes have fungus on them. You'll never make it to the bigs with fungus on your shower shoes. Think classy; you'll be classy. If you win 20 in the show, you can let the fungus grow back and the press'll think you're colorful. Until you win 20 in the show, however, it means you're a slob."
Bull Durham (1988)
Wake me up when Dorsey takes his "Howard Hughes" turn and really goes off the deep end.
"Last of the Steve Jobs-like tech-founder demigods" is a bit presumptuous, no?
"People forget that most of Steve Jobs' adult life he dressed to the nines. We only remember the last decade."
He wore bow ties!
If he were poor he'd be a nut case.
If he were poor and a nut case nobody beyond his immediate family would be talking about him. But here we are, because he's not poor.
"Its users are addicts."
True, but the same applies to blog comments sections.
I've always considered blogger.com to be a bad habit.
It's easy to armchair and say a weird dude like Dorsey doesn't do anything.
Reading his Wiki page dispels that idea.
The guy's really smart, in business as well as "nerdy" computer stuff, and he's also really rich; I think it's funny seeing the poorly disguised jealousy in these posts.
poorly disguised jealousy
I wasn't referring to you, TreeJoe.
"While they were in the pond, the sauna caught fire and burned up their clothes."
Most of the saunas in the UP that I knew about were outbuildings. One reason for this was to get as close as possible to the lake. The other reason was to keep your house from burning down in case the sauna caught fire.
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