April 18, 2020

On State Street today — the temporarily closed, the closed for good, and the still open.





Tomcc said...

It must seem eerily quiet in Madison without students. BTW, here in OR weed shops are considered essential.

Ann Althouse said...

Marijuana is actually NOT legal in Wisconsin yet.

Ann Althouse said...

It's kind of sad that store did not live to see the legalized marijuana era. Don't ask me to explain the product that is legal -- it's something that won't get you high, I believe. God forbid you should get high.

Iman said...

LOL... I would've thought stupefying blasts of intoxication would be a hot seller, but if it ain't legal...

AtmoGuy said...

Marijuana is actually NOT legal in Wisconsin yet.

I appreciate the "yet" in that sentence. Will it be soon?

Rory said...

Recently astonished to find that my college head shop from more than forty years ago is still open and something of an institution.

Tomcc said...

OTOH, all the state parks and trails are closed. God forbid you pass someone on a trail.

Iman said...

We be high out here in Cali...

Original Mike said...

"I appreciate the "yet" in that sentence. Will it be soon?"

I don't think the Republican legislature has an interest in it.

Fernandinande said...

BTW, here in OR weed shops are considered essential.

That makes sense when dealing with lung cooties -

"Moderate pot smokers’ lung function better than nonsmokers"
- [Cigarette] Smokers' lung function was worse, unsurprisingly (pack-a-day tobacco smokers had FEV1s 63 mL lower; 20-pack-year smokers' FEV1 were 101 mL lower);

- But in marijuana smokers who had smoked up to 3,650 marijuana cigarettes (10 "joint-years"), FEV1 and FVC were higher than matched nonsmokers. At these common levels of marijuana use, there was a steady dose-response relationship: the more marijuana smoked, the better the lung function (FEV1 increase of 13 mL/joint-year).

- Even in the heavier marijuana users, FVC remained significantly elevated by 76 mL over nonsmokers. Only those smoking large amounts of marijuana every day began to display decreases in lung function.

- All these trends were highly statistically significant (p < 0.001), and supported by the large sample size and body of spirometric data.


Also, and here.

JohnAnnArbor said...

There used to be a shop in Ann Arbor (may still be there) called "Bongs and Thongs."

A head and tail shop.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Fern, I love that you keep that link handy for every marijuana thread.

Tomcc said...

Fernandistein: that is both amusing and interesting. It brings to mind one of my favorite episodes of WKRP... Johnny Fever's reaction time improves as he consumes more alcohol.

J. Farmer said...

CBD oil is the new ginkgo biloba

zipity said...

I've seen reports of a nationwide survey that found that 80% of small local restaurants will never re-open.

Ann Althouse said...

Recreational marijuana is legal in Illinois and in Michigan. So to the south and to the north. And consider that the UP of Michigan is geographically attached to Wisconsin and not to Michigan. As we say when we look at a map: "What? Did we lose a war?"

Anyway, I think we're in a vise grip. It's bad to tempt people to make a run across the border. This is like the problem we used to have with the disuniform drinking age...

J. Farmer said...

That makes sense when dealing with lung cooties -

Even if there was concern about marijuana smoke, there are alternatives like ingesting it or using a vaporizer.

Curious George said...

"On State Street today — the temporarily closed, the closed for good, and the still open."

Also know is the soon to be closed for good, still closed for good, and comeday will be closed for good.

First, this is in fucking Madison, where the whole economy is propped up by government dollars. WI is $2 billion in debt is 30 days!....do you think the next 30...60...90 will be better? Or worse?

There will be furloughs for government and UW employees. Then what? All the supporting businsses, from banks, all the stupid non-profits, lobbyists, they're all done.

So please tell me what you think the end game of all this is?

Steve Pitment said...

RE: review/infrequent-pot-smokers-have-better-lung-function-than-non-tokers-jama/

Of course you never know what can cause cancer years later, but I marvel how well my lungs handled plenty of weed along with 6000 miles a year biking just fine for 20 years. They still handle the biking fine after weed thing ran is course. Maybe exercise counteracts or something.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I could swear that that window is (mis)spelled "CANABIS." Please, folks, don't sample the product while doing your window detailing ...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Actually, on second thought, maybe not. The logo on the door looks fine, and the window is somewhat obscured by reflection.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

can you still do yard work?

...in Michigan, you can smoke grass, but you cant mow it

rcocean said...

Yes, MJ actually IMPROVES your lung function. Sure thing McGee. Look, garbage in, garbage out. I'd be VERY skeptical of that, and would need to verify the study to believe it. There's a LOT of $$$ in legalized MJ, and lots of scientists despite what you may wish to think, aren't Objective Mr. Spocks. A person with an agenda, doesn't give up that agenda, because they put on a black robe, or a lab coat.

I'll put that study in the same basket with Red Wine helps your heart. And moderate drinkers are healthier than teetotalers.

Yancey Ward said...

"Recently astonished to find that my college head shop from more than forty years ago is still open"

Having not ever been a MJ smoker, I had no idea what the term "Head Shop" meant when I read that. I thought it meant something else entirely.😛

Maillard Reactionary said...

The second photograph, with your silhouette hiding in the shadowed reflection, reminds me a bit of the 20th Century American photographer Vivian Maier. Do you know her work, Professor? I think you might like it, and her somewhat mysterious personal story.

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, I think the people who wrote that paper were probably strung out on heroin and paint thinner.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

All retail stores in Wisconsin should be immediately allowed to reopen. There’s no reason Costco, Home Depot, Walmart ant Target should be allowed to thrive while others are forced into layoffs and bankruptcy.

Maillard Reactionary said...

You're in the first one too, as I notice on a second look. Probably in the other as well, if I were to look at it long enough.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Closed for good....the estimate is that 80% of restaurants will be closed for good.

That is a lot of people out of work. A lot of people's hopes, dreams, life time of work, finances all gone up in smoke...and for what? Estimates? Models? Guesses? Political Theater?

What can the "experts" say....Ooops...My bad!! Sooooorrry?

The ones that do reopen are guaranteed to be the big chains and then only in more restricted areas. The era of the cute little bistro, the boutique ethnic fusion cooking, the local japanese or chinese place, the danish bakery, and the mom and pop cozy home style cooking restaurants are gone. It is going to be microwaved and regimented restaurants like Denny's, Olive Garden, McDonalds. Big national and international chains. Get used to it.

They have killed the restaurant industry...among other industries.

gilbar said...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...
I could swear that that window is (mis)spelled "CANABIS." Please, folks, don't sample the product while doing your window detailing ...

If you click on the Professor's pix, they open up in their own window (WITH a +enlarge button)
IF you do that you can clearly read Both the door and the window; but i'm not going to spoil it for you

gilbar said...

. Probably in the other as well, if I were to look at it long enough.

Our Beloved Professor Althouse in on Jimmy John's Help Wanted sign i the 3rd
(not sure why i don't mind spoiling THAT)

Maillard Reactionary said...

Vivian Maier was a genius, by the way. Some of her self-portraits in shop windows were more intentional, it seems. I have a book of her work collected by John Maloof:


Her work was almost completely lost forever. How many such bodies of work are never found?

Gk1 said...

Sadly we will be seeing more of this:


Small town Petaluma ice cream maker couldn't survive the shut down. So many small companies that squeak by as it was, won't survive after we are allowed to go back to work.

I sure hope all of this panicked shutdown was fucking worth it. And no "whoopsie" is not going to cut it, not by a damn sight.

J. Farmer said...

@Dust Bunny Queen:

They have killed the restaurant industry...among other industries.

The effects on independent restaurants is very concerning, and the US government will need to continue funding an assistance program. The Independent Restaurant Coalition is a trade group created specifically for lobbying for such relief. Declining traffic resulting from voluntary choices among consumers is an issue, as well.

David Begley said...

I really can’t get my head around the economic devastation.

JohnAnnArbor said...

As we say when we look at a map: "What? Did we lose a war?"

No, we did, to Ohio. We got the Upper Peninsula as compensation for giving up our claim to the piece of land known as the Toledo Strip.

We ended up ahead on that deal, with all the copper and iron and lumber up there.

J. Farmer said...

@David Begley:

I really can’t get my head around the economic devastation.

Precisely why we will need more economic support packages from Congress. The payroll protection program needs more funding, and the Fed's main street lending program needs to come on board. Another round of direct payments to individuals is probably a good idea, as well.

Howard said...

Love the dual perspective window reflection makes.

Sebastian said...

DBQ: "Closed for good....the estimate is that 80% of restaurants will be closed for good.

That is a lot of people out of work. A lot of people's hopes, dreams, life time of work, finances all gone up in smoke...and for what? Estimates? Models? Guesses? Political Theater?"

Ef'm. "Marginal businesses" all. As alarmist commentators on this very blog proudly, wittily, unapologetically told us.

But the question remains: for what?

Lurker21 said...

When you can't make money peddling pot, you know the country is in deep trouble.

J. Farmer said...


But the question remains: for what?

The need to respond to a potential threat. And just to clarify, the 80% comes from a survey of restaurant owners who say they "may not reopen." Nonetheless, the economic impact is undeniable, and more aid to mitigate the damage is necessary. Also worth pointing out that restaurant traffic began falling fast before any orders to close were put in place.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Fernandistein: that is both amusing and interesting. It brings to mind one of my favorite episodes of WKRP... Johnny Fever's reaction time improves as he consumes more alcohol.

That one was great. The thing about WKRP was it had a few *classic* episodes, and then there was the rest of it..

Churchy LaFemme: said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Openidname said...

"J. Farmer said...

"Precisely why we will need more economic support packages from Congress. The payroll protection program needs more funding, and the Fed's main street lending program needs to come on board. Another round of direct payments to individuals is probably a good idea, as well."

Immediately followed by Weimar Republic-level inflation.

MayBee said...

I can't stop thinking about the lung deaths this winter from illegal TCH cartridges (and Whitmer signing a bill to make fruit vape liquid illegal in response)

J. Farmer said...


Immediately followed by Weimar Republic-level inflation.

Completely unsubstantiated claim. Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany was not solely (or even primarily) by excess debt.

Birkel said...

Well, since every prediction I have made about the economy these last 6-8 weeks has been borne out by events, I will leave it to the reader whether to think I am more attuned to matters financial than some other commenters.

The government can dump untold money into the economy now because the velocity of money has fallen to nothing, comparatively. The trick to avoiding inflation will be to remove money in a way that doesn't crush the soon-to-be nascent recovery, while also trimming the excess money out of the supply. That will be tricky business and no central bank has ever performed this particular magic trick. The odds are against it.

However, that leads to problem #2 which I have mentioned repeatedly:
The federal government has every incentive to keep interest rates low. This, the government believes, will allow the debt to be financed without destroying the budget and et cetera, as inflation would.

Therefore, expect all government payments to be nominally what was promised. But understand that they will be paid with dollars that are worth substantially less than they are now. IOW, savers and retirees are going to get crushed.

For recognizing this I am told I do not care about people.

J. Farmer said...

Macroeconomic forecasting hasn't exactly covered itself in glory.

Curious George said...

"What? Did we lose a war?"

The UP became MI because of a war...The Toledo War with OH. Ohio got the port they wanted in Toledo, and Michigan was given the UP.

Curious George said...

Notice who's missing from this thread?

WhoKnew said...

In my opinion the "thing" about WKRP was Bailey Quarters. She was my youthful crush.

Static Ping said...

I took a walk through the nearby commercial area yesterday. Most of the restaurants were open, though not all of them. Most notable is the Chinese restaurant was closed. It appears ALL the Chinese restaurants in the area are closed except for the local P.F. Chang franchise, which according to their order app had a two hour wait as of yesterday afternoon. The other closed food establishments were a Japanese restaurant, perhaps collateral damage; a deli that I frequent that was specifically closed due to the Wufan coronavirus; and another place with a shrine to someone who had died, though I have no further details. Notably, the ice cream shop was open, as was the pet store (for delivery).

I will say that trying to use the generic delivery apps was an exercise in futility yesterday. UberEats, DoorDash, and GrubHub had this bad habit of (a) displaying restaurants as closed when they were open and (b) displaying restaurants as open, letting me enter my order, and then telling me the restaurant was closed suddenly despite it not being remotely close to closing time. It is making it very difficult to support local restaurants with this nonsense. I have a few places that I frequent that I know are open and will deliver without the middleman, so I'm pretty much sticking with those.