Let me get past the headline. Excerpt from the text:
Sources say the former president is ready but that he and Biden are also conscious of the coronavirus pandemic dominating the country and changing the nature of politics....Obama would also create a strong contrast between himself and Biden. The bet is that Obama is so exciting and beloved and missed that we'll just want to do whatever he wants, though we don't get him, we just get Biden. But the appearance of Obama could remind us that we want someone younger and sharper and more vigorous, which points to Trump.
“No one has heard from him in a long time, and people will pay a lot of money to hear from him, even on a computer,” one longtime Obama ally said....
“Seeing Obama on the campaign trail should excite voters who’ve longed to see him weigh in on current issues and give Biden the needed push,” said Basil Smikle, who served as the executive director of the New York State Democratic Party and a former aide to Clinton. “Obama would also remind voters of his competence while in office, creating a strong contrast between Trump and the Democratic alternative.”
It's another estrogen orgy.
The Democrats dust off a shiny object for their base.
2 minutes later: Look a squirrel!
Wasn't it Obama who said "Joe, you don't have to do this." meaning "Joe, please don't do this."
Has the ardor cooled sufficiently that we can honestly say Obama was the worst President in US history?
Obama showing up will ensure 4 more years of Trump. Guaranteed.
I seriously doubt Obama would risk his sainthood by backing a sure loser like Dizzy Joe Biden.
Obama loves himself too much to do that.
"...he and Biden are also conscious of the coronavirus pandemic dominating the country and changing the nature of politics...."
News flash: Biden is conscious. Not the best choice of words there.
"The bet is that Obama is so exciting and beloved and missed..."
OMFG...and so massively f*cking unpresidential. Temujin is right, it's like the Dems calling for Cincinnatus to come back to Rome and defend them and Erkel shows up instead.
It is a sign of massive weakness. Do it you slippery f*cks.
It's good for the morale of all the old and middle-aged women who adore our former affirmative action idiot, so I'm in favor of it.
Biden wants people to think they would be electing Barack if Obama campaigns for him. But voters know that they will be getting senile China Joe in office if he wins.
The challenge is to make Biden look effectual. Will a "healthy" Obama, vibrant, standing next to Feeble Old SlowJoe help?
Just like he helped Hillary.
We won't talk about the Obama voters who, after 8 years Obama-Biden-Clinton-Pelosi slick pants and lies, shifted to Trump.
This is a sick country if Obama is beloved, sick.
The slobber fest that is going to ensue is going to be epic.
How embarrassing.
I’m obviously not an Obama fan. But I can’t imagine he wants to really attach his name to Joe Biden. Obama knows the guy is senile. He knows he doesn’t have the mental capacity to be President. But he does know that Joe can be controlled. If elected maybe he’ll be the first Avatar President.
I wouldn’t count on a high energy effort on Obama’s part. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ll believe it when I see it.
"Democrats salivate over Obama coming off sidelines."
Heh -- hey, it's better than Biden coughing on camera!
If you watched the Trump press conference last night, Trump seemed to be triple-dog-daring Obama to come out and endorse Biden.
Two thoughts:
(1) The earlier the Democrats play this card the less effect it will have. We had forgotten about Obama. This will be good for a 3 day bounce, at which point the progressives will remember that Joe is the actual candidate.
(2) Obama will suck up what little oxygen remains in the Biden campaign. Perhaps this is a way to make it clear that Biden needs to be replaced.
Intellectually I understand the endless fawning over Obama. That is, I can reason out why certain people love him. But emotionally I don't and have never understood Obamaphillia. I've never been able to connect with they guy. I've only ever seen him as a well groomed con artist who cynically targets people whose decisions seem primarily driven by their emotions and peer groupings. In fairness, I suppose you could say that of most politicians, but I really think it's exceptional with Obama. He just flicks certain switches in certain people that override their normal reasoning capabilities, far more than even Trump does.
Wasn’t it only yesterday that Democrats were ridiculing Trump supporters as idolators at a cult of personality?
Let Obama run again.
Trump v. Lightbringer
Let's settle this shit right now.
This November Trump is going to kick a sorry white-ass democrat and a you-know-what democrat.
Blogger Nonapod said...
"I've never been able to connect with they guy. I've only ever seen him as a well groomed con artist who cynically targets people whose decisions seem primarily driven by their emotions and peer groupings."
Why did you say you didn't understand Obama? You nailed it...
"The former president has stayed out of the Democratic primary, but sources say he is anxious to endorse his former vice president, Joe Biden, and become an active player in the general election campaign against President Trump."
Presumably, he has just been waiting for a day that doesn't end in "y".
If I recall correctly, Obama has a poor to terrible track record of picking winners. As you note, juxtaposing his crisp and elegant persona against Biden will not be helpful, to Biden.
"people will pay a lot of money to hear from him"
That's what Barack Obama is salivating over.
Hillary and Bill thought people would pay a lot of money to hear from them too. Turns out, no.
"But emotionally I don't and have never understood Obamaphillia."
He's "black". But he's not Crack. The white chicks figure he won't make them fuck all his friends for money after they sleep with him.
Obama "giv[ing] Biden the needed push" conjures images of a nursing home aide slowly wheeling Crazy Joe outside for some sunshine.
Basil Smikle? What's his real name?
And as GW noted, Trump is having fun with Biden, noting yesterday how quiet Obama has been, followed by something like, "I can only think that's because he knows there's something wrong there." Fun trolling.
"Can Democrats please control the dispersion of their bodily fluids in this time of airborne diseased droplets?"
Well, Linda Tripp DID just die.
I am Laslo.
"...people will pay a lot of money to hear from him, even on a computer"
at least we know what their priorities are...
Of course, Trump has already pre-empted part of the possible Obama boost by asking why O didn't endorse Joe sooner, speculating that he "knew something," something that Trump himself also knew. Usually a step ahead, our DJT.
"But emotionally I don't and have never understood Obamaphillia."
Yeah, it's not as bad as pedophilia, but...
Rabid Democrats salivate. So do rabid dogs. Let the political juices flow.
It's going to be a strange election year. But if Obama is going to throw his "weight" behind a Democrat candidate, better to do it in 2020 than in 2024. People may have forgotten Obama by then. I doubt that memories of Obama will age well.
The MSM - and those in DC - have always overestimated the popularity of Obama. Lots of these people don't know anyone who voted for Trump. Or even for Romney. I've never discovered any great love for the man, even among the Democrats I know. None of the D's I know ever talk about him. Hillary seems more on their mind.
Someone mentioned Linda Tripp, a true patriot who sadly died yesterday. The headline in the AP made my blood boil. Something like, "Linda Tripp who started the Clinton Lewinsky AFFAIR dies at 70". The use of the word "Affair" instead of "Scandal" is outrageous, but typical of the DNC-media. Throughout the Lewisky scandal they constantly tried to pretend it was 'Just about sex' - when it was about sexual harassment, lying under oath, and getting others to lie under oath. you have to wonder why Roger Stone is being sent to Jail, when Clinton wasn't even removed from Office.
He won't answer questions about policy.
He'll speechify and float above the fray.
It's a tired act.
So the media is starting to slobber again. It's actually quite pathetic, and the main reason why nobody trust them at all anymore. King Obama to the rescue and Jim Acosta will be down on his knees!!!
Interesting that Obama has been in constant communication with Bernie and all the other D candidates. Is he a Biden "go-between" or the voice of the D establishment?
The real question for the Democratic media is whether or not Obama's ejaculate can give them COVID-19 if he catches it on the campaign trail.
Knee pads, get your knee pads right here...wire Krugman NYT
The shameful reality for Obama is that he got Trumped by Trump.
If you've been following the Cuomo or Newsome Press Briefings you'll notice the absence of any tough questions - let alone "gotcha" questions. Its all "Tell us more Governor - can you expand on that?" or "Have any criticism of Trump or the Feds? We're all ears".
One can only hope the idiot "Moderates" can see what they are.
Never underestimate the man who brought to American the "cash for clunkers" idea.
Obama handed the Republicans over 1,000 elected positions across the country with his campaigning -- here's hoping he can do it once more!
Obama is our boyfriend.
Biden is his creepy friend who he wants us to sleep with so he can finally get laid.
There's a good rule in life for nearly every organization, big or small, civilian or military, government or private sector.
If you're the top guy, never have a Number 2 who looks/talks/acts better than you. Actually, it's kinda good to have a fuck-up as your Number 2 -- then nobody will try to purge you.
The corollary here for politics: If your Number 1 (Joe Biden) is the fuck-up, well, then you got bigger problems than having a good-looking, ineligible dude on the sidelines.
Just spitballin' here.
Wasn’t it only yesterday that Democrats were ridiculing Trump supporters as idolators at a cult of personality?
Yes, but Obama really is Our Saviour. All the right people say so.
Trump is just pretending. Only the stupid Trumpkins believe it.
The left are into gimmicks and shiny objects.
Philadelphia 2004. Kerry campaign rally. Warm up speech delivered by Bill Clinton who knows how to deliver from the stage. Crowd amped up. Then came Kerry, who droned on and on. About 10% left before he finished.
I imagine this scenario would be similar for a Biden Obama appearance.
If Obama comes off the sidelines and campaigns with Biden broadly, and Biden loses, it will hurt Obama's brand enormously.
And Obama has been extremely conscious of their brand (Michelle and Barack). They don't want to wind up being the Clintons, who aren't getting massively rich off their name anymore. The Obamas, with a carefully cultivated brand that doesn't take a huge hit, can use that to earn 8 figures a year long into the future.
Why jeopardize that for Biden?
My bet is this: Obama makes a small appearance ultimately tied to a larger DNC effort. For example, he speaks at the DNC of the big things the party needs and helps welcome Joe to the stage.But he doesn't independently and largely campaign for him. Similarly, he helps the DNC fundraise a bit....but doesn't put too much of his presence as side-stage to Biden.
At yesterday's presser, Trump asked why Obama has not endorsed Biden. Trump speculated that it might be because he knows something. Trump says that he, Trump, probably knows what that something is. It was a deadly remark......Whatever the reason, Obama's reticence can't be read as anything but a lack of enthusiasm.
Once upon a time, children, there was a big wave of moral hand-wringing over the use of unnamed sources.
Most notably, during the Watergate scandal, where Redford and Hoffman were told by editor Jason Robards to have two sources for every fact they reported.
In newsrooms across the country, rules were established over the use of unnamed sources.
Now that's all gone: “No one has heard from him in a long time, and people will pay a lot of money to hear from him, even on a computer,” one longtime Obama ally said....
A stupid statement, as inoffensive as a YouTube cat video, and yet the person gets to keep his name out of it (unless the person simply doesn't exist).
In "Loserthink," Scott Adams claims that the slippery slope argument is false. And yet, here we are.
"Help us, Light Bringer, you're our only hope!"
"Help us, Light Bringer, you're our only hope!"
Would an Obama endorsement of Biden today dilute the effect of an Obama endorsement of Cuomo in a few weeks?
creating a strong contrast between Trump and the Democratic alternative, whoever that turns out to be.
Obama’s track record is that his campaigning didn’t do anything for anyone much but Obama. I think Trump is vulnerable to the same criticism, at least based on 2018. Of course, in November 2018, the walls were still closing in on Trump, the Kavanaugh hearings were still fresh and the GOP was taking a breather, Mueller had not yet been revealed as senile, and Comey was on his book tour. Since 2018, we have seen what the Demmies have done with control of the House, the #MeToo thing has changed its complexion more times than Justin Trudeau, and Durham- Barr appears to be developing nicely. So we’ll see. Trump can take care of himself. I don’t think Sparklefarts does do much to excite the Bernie Bros.
The key to Trump’s political character, as Holman Jenkins says in his WSJ column this week, is his deep and thorough cynicism about the political game and those who play in it. They call him a racist or a traitor, and he rolls his eyes and thinks, I can do this better than those schlemiels.
If Trump doesn’t win, it won’t be because of Obama. It will be because of Trump.
Light bringer? Lucifer is the son of the morning.
"Has the ardor cooled sufficiently that we can honestly say Obama was the worst President in US history?"
Obama was nothing of the kind.
Obama definitely wasn't a great President, but he was far from the worst president in US history. In fact, the economy grew and we didn't get into any major wars. And while he abused his power on several occasions, that doesn't distinguish him from a dozen past presidents.
The hatred that some base Republicans had for Obama is largely due to their fury over losing power and influence. That's understandable. It's also due to the fact that Obama was an effective opponent of the social-conservative agenda, which always bored me anyway.
I've never been so rabid a partisan that I feel compelled to denounce every political opponent as "The Worst {fill in the job} Ever!"
Seems more likely Obama will substantially damage his brand by lashing himself to Biden's senility.
As noted above, there is no way Obama stakes any of his prestige on Slo' Joe.
If they can get Cuomo or Michelle to move ahead of Biden, then he'll be all in.
bgates: "Would an Obama endorsement of Biden today dilute the effect of an Obama endorsement of Cuomo in a few weeks?"
Yes. However, the media lefties and the LLR-lefties would proclaim it the most masterful and magnificent political ploy Ev-Ah!!...and they would believe it.
Obama trusts and puzzles over models. Trump sleeps with models. Who is more vigorous, Chuck?
Tell me again. What's Obama's success rate campaigning for others?
Obama will be forced to talk about Trump, not himself.
How delicious.
I see LLR-lefty "ChiCom" Chuck is dealing poorly with the performance of his beloved dems.
And to think this latest kick in the teeth for LLR-lefty Chuck comes just days after Gov Moron of MI had to walk back her atrocious threats against doctors and pharmacists (that LLR-lefty Chuck praised to high heaven!) over HCQ and then, COMPLETELY reverse herself!!
What a joy it is when LLR-lefty Chuck's pro-dem, pro-ChiCom plans disintegrate in near real-time for all of us to enjoy!
Best of all, conservative republican Tom Cotton, whom LLR-lefty Chuck has viciously attacked over and over again while defending democratics, is finally getting grudging admission from media outlets that yes, we do need to consider the possibility the Level 4 ChiCom BioLab in Wuhan is a potential source for the origin of this virus.
Another loss for Team Dem/LLR-lefty Chuck!
"But the appearance of Obama could remind us that..."the glorious hero of a shiny past is often brought forth to shill for today's sorry loser.
Despite how the media and LLR-lefties spin, this is how the dem base sees it:
Sean Ono Lennon ✔ @seanonolennon
Amazing Dems spend so much energy on so many things but were ultimately unable to come up with a candidate who can speak a single complete and coherent sentence. I have nothing against this man, he seems very nice, but he is clearly firing on few or possibly no cylinders.
5:55 PM - Apr 8, 2020
Someone should put that to music.
This would kill the story that Michelle is going to run. If she did now it would be an act of bad faith. I have known a couple of high fliers who were like Obama. Not only do they want to succeed, but they want all their friends to fail, to reaffirm how special they are. Obama will passively act to undercut any democrat, as he did Hillary (she is likable enough.) He will not be upstaged.
I am waiting to hear Obama explain why he did not replace national strategic stockpile, which was depleted of about 100 million N95 masks during his presidency.
"His competence while in office"?
Gag me with a spoon!
"Basil Smikle" is the best name I have read in a long time!
Strange, during the 8 Obama years, the only African-Americans who benefited were the Obama's now living in a seaside mansion as FAR away from the African-American community as you can get!
Indictments are coming after the election, that's when I'm going to enjoy the frothing at the mouth of the crooked liberal democrats.
and give Biden the needed push,
....down the stairs?
This too, oh yeah.
endorsing the flatlines, as per dr. death panel,
The appearance of Obama will generate more Trump votes.
Trump is pretty funny. Casually asking "Where is Obama?' and then moving on to another reporter.
Now, the question is out there. People will begin to wonder why Obama has not endorsed Joe.
The whole crew is working on a response for Obama regarding this. Maybe this afternoon there will be some acceptable spin for the left to swallow.
Personally, and admittingly extreme, I thing Big O should go with Covid 19. Unable to speak, ICU, under guard. Sympathy for O, disgust with Trump for bringing it up while "he knows something".
besides being a business reporter, his first novel was about a jihadist spreading a plague, the faithful spy back in 2006
"Obama definitely wasn't a great President, but he was far from the worst president in US history. In fact, the economy grew and we didn't get into any major wars. And while he abused his power on several occasions, that doesn't distinguish him from a dozen past presidents.
The hatred that some base Republicans had for Obama is largely due to their fury over losing power and influence. That's understandable. It's also due to the fact that Obama was an effective opponent of the social-conservative agenda, which always bored me anyway."
I tend to agree with that. The only thing I'll add is that Obama's bureaucracy appeared to be one of the most unconstrained and encouraged to....deviate....and bring political motivations into more and more areas of federal administration. Major institutions like the IRS, DOJ, FBI, and department of education made huge broad sweeping power moves that will take a very long time to unwind.
Obama will live in infamy for having appointed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.
he imposed Obamacare, which made any real response to a major outbreak, that much more difficult, he didn't replenish the ppe stockpile, he underreacted to hini, he turned the justice department into it's own extortion squad against the banks, and spoils system for designated non profits,
I didn't vote for Obama, didn't agree with him, didn't much like him, but after wading through all the insults and bogus conspiracy theories people came up with when he was in the White House, I didn't much feel like attacking him and even had a little respect for him and his wife, given all the shit they had to put up with. I don't think he'd much like me or that we'd get along if we ever met, but that's okay.
I don't quite understand why objecting to cheap shots and low blows directed at the candidate of one's own party or side automatically means accepting and applauding and spreading cheap shots directed at those on the other side. Of course there are legitimate criticisms and legitimate attacks, but so much of what turns up on the Internet isn't either. And, no, he wasn't the worst president in history, or even the worst president in my lifetime.
Some of that has to do with the fact that the guy is retired. If Obama came out swinging and flailing in support of Biden, that would sour me more on the man. He will - and it will be annoying - but that he's kept quiet so long is to his credit, even if it doesn't say much for him as a loyal party man.
now norma desmond as I've dubbed the beast of the bay is trying to extort more spoils, in the next raid on the treasury, to make up for the other garbage she put into the last bill,
No one cares much about endorsements anymore. Political support isn't transferable that way. If it were, Hillary! would be running for re-election.
Biden practices good hygiene with masks.
"I tend to agree with (sinz52 above). The only thing I'll add is that Obama's bureaucracy appeared to be one of the most unconstrained and encouraged to....deviate....and bring political motivations into more and more areas of federal administration. Major institutions like the IRS, DOJ, FBI, and department of education made huge broad sweeping power moves that will take a very long time to unwind."
And from where did they receive this uh ... encouragement.
the same people pushing the Russia pantomime for 3 1/2 years
Irrelevant. The election will be decided on the basis of how the crisis turns out, and what lies the media can get away with about it.
I think Woodrow Wilson is the past president most like Obama. Scholarly, thoughtful, wrong about most things. I have read that Wilson has recently added to his reputation as the supreme doofus of the twentieth century. He not only did nothing to stop the deadly flu of his era but took active steps to increase the spread and the fatalities. Historians have not yet rendered a full accounting of all the bad moves this revered father of the Democratic Party made during his tenure.
I'm still waiting for Wilson to be unpersoned for his unrelenting racism and re-segregation of the federal government.
I'm sure there's another reason it hasn't happened yet besides that he was a democrat.
Ken B: "The election will be decided on the basis of how the crisis turns out, and what lies the media can get away with about it."
Speaking of which, ABC was pushing hard in the latest dem/LLR hoax lie yesterday which claimed (via 2 supposed anonymous sources....wink wink) Trump was given an intel briefing last November which laid out the particulars of the virus, and then...TRUMP DID NOTHING!
Needless to say this was simply another pathetic lie pushed by the dems/deep state and LLR's.
The Intel community had to put out a rare statement calling this lie out for what it is.
Social media analysis indicates this lie has already spread far and wide just like the ukrainian letter hoax and the russia hoax.
This is precisely what Trump was getting at when he called the democrats out early in this process for their latest hoax push.
I think they have tried to at Princeton, he was also extremely antisuffragist,
I don't know about this macho "Coming In From the Sidelines" thing inspiring anyone. I envision mom jeans, floppy wrists and, well, we've all seen him throw a baseball. As manly as Olive Oyl.
CWJ said, "And from where did they receive this uh ... encouragement."
Yes, from Obama. My point was that is one of the least immediately and easily "seen" negative aspects of his presidency. It's easy to see a foreign war launched, or general economic progress. It's far harder to see the immediate and long-term damage with what he did with the bureaucracy and major institutions.
Tl;dr - I was dinging Obama as not the worst president but with so much hidden damage done too.
they used a time machine, in a DeLorean that didn't ring true to any sentient person, I'm assuming that includes the white house press club,
neutralizer on full power
If they are speaking together, I can see Obama just putting his hand over Joe's mouth and doing the talking for him. It's gonna be hilarious watching Obama ramble on about ole' Cornpop, and the hairs on his legs.
"My bet is this: Obama makes a small appearance ultimately tied to a larger DNC effort. For example, he speaks at the DNC of the big things the party needs and helps welcome Joe to the stage.But he doesn't independently and largely campaign for him. Similarly, he helps the DNC fundraise a bit....but doesn't put too much of his presence as side-stage to Biden."
This sounds right. He absolutely isn't going to do anything that jeopardizes monetizing the Obama brand. He didn't in '16, either. It's a fine line but the slobbering keeps any Democrat from examining it too closely.
Competence? From the guy who spent a huge amount of our money on a non-functional website? From the guy who didn't know that there was no such thing as a shovel-ready job?
William said...
"Historians have not yet rendered a full accounting of all the bad moves this revered father of the Democratic Party made during his tenure."
At least he kept us out of World War I!
Oh, wait. No, actually, he was black-mailed into getting us into World War I. Which is arguably why it came to be called World War I, instead of just the Great War.
All of this lusting for a "dream cabinet" or for Obama to descend from the heavens is an admission that Joey Fingers has as much appeal as a 2 week old cup of clam chowder.
Needless to say this was simply another pathetic lie pushed by the dems/deep state and LLR's.
More likely coming from China. ABC is Disney=China communist party
I agree. Obama doesn't want any Biden getting on him. Not now. He served his purpose, now it's under the bus like lots of others in Obama's past.
"people will pay a lot of money to hear from him"
I don't see it. What I remember of the first term of Obama, was the constant narrative, that what ever the issue was, Obama was going to do a speech, and fix it. His next big speech was going to be transformative. But they never were. Nobody remembers what he said. After 3 years of the Trump presidency, not a soul has attempted to compare and contrast President Trumps remarks with that"great speech" delivered by Obama.
Still today, the accepted assumption is Obama gave great speech. Yet no one will put their reputation on the line and quote from one.
Obama has yet to have an original thought. His Autobiography is a work of fiction. People in his life that don't exist, but rather an olio of different personalities he had run with.
I know the left idolizes him, but they have never explained to my exactly why.
Durham and Barr won't be able to touch anything remotely tied to the Obama Administration because it would be 'political'.
Which, as we all know, is election interference, an affront to the Constitution, the destruction of democracy...
...impeachable offense.
The guy at Conservative Tree House is a bit more of a conspiracy theorist than I like, but he has an interesting theory going: that all the current maneuvering in the DNC is in advance of dumping Biden at some point (when they discover he actually is mentally incompetent, presumably). I may not think much of the Dems' policies and practices, but I also don't think they are idiots. I think they can recognize the risks inherent in nominating Joe. The presidency is probably lost anyway, but the Senate and House are important question marks. I don't think that having Joe at the head of the ticket is going to help one little bit down ballot. Therefore the incentive for the Dems is to figure out how to get him off it seems. The VP, no matter who, will not make a difference.
If CTH is to be believed - and every day I become a little bit more convinced he's right - the DNC machinations are going to be highly entertaining, the reasoning a fog of bullshit, and the results as undemocratic as one can possibly imagine.
that reminds me there was another spreader of zao yao, at the ah press shindig, yesterday, shanghai network or other,
Obama was an effective opponent of the social-conservative agenda, which always bored me anyway
You know, sinz52, those people of a social-conservative were the ones to go volunteer to go to the grocery store and bring them to you when you expressed concern about not being able to do so yourself. In fact, they do a lot of that kind of selfless giving to others.
Nobody remembers what he said.
Guy wearing a funny hat and waving his one arm: "I do! I remember!"
"And what did Mr. President Obama say, Mr. Funny Hat one-armed man?"
"He said 'If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period.'"
Other than that, and the 57 states (he musta was thinking of Heinz ketchup, Kerry's wife) and the preposterous "Dear Colleague" letter, the Funny Hat guy really can't recall anything Obama said. Sad.
good news
I expect Obama to appear with Biden maybe once, at a kickoff rally in September for the general. Vote Democrat for the White House! End our national nightmare! Restore the Obama program to help ALL Americans! blah, blah blah.
Biden returns to the home for a couple months. They'll make up some excuse.
Obama and Michelle barnstorm with the woman anointed the VP candidate. Big crowds, because women and POC, if VIP is POC. A Trump rally, but in photographic and ideologic negative. You know the Ds are going to say if Trump can do it, we can. Barack opens with two minutes' material, drolly (!) intros our real stars today! and goes backstage to scroll through his stocks and ball scores. The barking-seal audience gives the MSM what it came for. And maybe the Ds have their 2024 candidate. Michelle, probably.
This just proves that Democrats know their candidate is a dud.
They have no confidence in Biden.
sinz52 said...
"Has the ardor cooled sufficiently that we can honestly say Obama was the worst President in US history?"
Obama was nothing of the kind."
All Obama had to do on January 22 2009 was get Congress to extend the Bush rate cuts for another ten years. Just that. Had he done so, he could have stayed in Hawaii, done just about nothing but chill and would have carried fifty states in the 2012 election. But no, we had the phoney stimulus package, cars for clunkers and green energy nonsense.
Biden may not be the nominee. May be some hedging of bets here.
The Bog O should keep his head down. Long arm of the law comin'
So Obama comes out to campaign for Biden, and Biden chooses as his VP -- Michelle. Isn't that obvious? They might even win.
"Can Democrats please control the dispersion of their bodily fluids...?"
I don't know, sounds maybe a little bit churlish to me. They offer you this gift, this part of themselves, and you reject it out of hand.
Well, everybody's a little on edge these days, and maybe not at his or her best...
Wait a minute, are we sure those bodily fluids the Democrats are dispersing at the thought of Obama are saliva, and not something else?
Just asking.
Mark O-- I've been saying that for over 10 years, but to answer your question, yes.
One of the greatest surprises of my life was living to see a worse President than Jimmy Carter. What are the odds of that?
Drago @2:01 PM: "A lie is halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on."-- Mark Twain
hold my beer
Obama is simply respecting the social distancing required by the authorities. Given Bunker Boy's age, he won't embrace him until it is absolutely safe to do so. And an endorsement is a symbolic embrace: why take a chance?
Obama must now be aware of how strange it will look if he tries to criticize President Trump without mentioning the Democratic alternative.
Obama had small coattails in 2008 and even smaller in 2012. When not on the ballot, he seemed to drag down the Party and those he campaigned for--2010, 2014, 2016.
If the Democrats think Obam is this incredible weapon, they are just projecting their wishes and feelings onto others, who liked Obama as an individual much more than his policies, and that positive sentiment did not transfer.
At most, he might keep some African-Americans in the fold, which can certainly help in the 2016 swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. But he does not have transferable appeal beyond that group.
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