April 25, 2020

"But Friday’s unusually succinct update came a day after Trump ignited another controversy for suggesting that doctors should determine whether an 'injection' of household disinfectants..."

"... such as bleach and isopropyl alcohol, could be used to kill Covid-19 in humans who contract the virus. Trump later claimed he was 'asking a question sarcastically… about disinfectant on the inside.'... Trump has been so eager to deliver good news to the American public, according to a senior administration official, that some White House staffers have presented their boss with upbeat findings that have yet to be vetted.... In an exchange on Thursday, Trump cited 'a very nice rumor' that heat and sunlight can kill the novel coronavirus. At previous briefings, he has also hyped the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a potential promising treatment even though its effectiveness against Covid-19 remains inconclusive. Recently, several White House aides began urging the president to make the briefings far shorter and to only approach the podium to deliver announcements or tout victories, while leaving the technical aspects to the numerous health officials who typically join him at the dais.... Trump has resisted such advice for weeks, viewing the daily briefings as an ideal venue for him to connect with his supporters and perform his favorite tricks. In the absence of campaign rallies or other outlets for his message, Trump has used the briefings to needle his political opponents, smack reporters and air grievances.... Even after campaign aides briefed him on a series of unsettling polls about his appearances, Trump continued making the case privately that his sky-high television ratings would help him trounce Biden in November...."

From "Trump grapples with a surprise threat: Too much Trump/Some allies worry the president is damaging his reelection prospects with his dominance of the briefing room during a public health and economic crisis" (Politico).

Perform his favorite tricks.... like sarcasm?

Claiming something is sarcasm when it didn't much strike anybody as sarcasm seems to be a new trick, and I don't think he should be practicing it in front of a gigantic audience of hundreds of millions of people — especially people who are struggling through something serious and hoping for something to feel hopeful about. Even if he'd practiced that particular sarcastic move in small clubs for years and honed the wording and delivery, I don't think it would ever have been right for the White House stage. And I appreciate Trump's spontaneity and rhetoric. You can see that in my posts over the last few years. But not everything works, and sarcasm is a bad choice in the Task Force briefing context. It mixes false statements in with the truth, but you're supposed to get it, because it's  funny. Fortunately, the move backfires.

And that's assuming it he was telling the truth when he called it sarcasm, which I don't think he was. But assuming... Let's assume that when he said, "I see the disinfectant... is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside... it’d be interesting to check that so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me," he could have leaned more heavily into the sarcasm and said "I see the disinfectant kills the virus, so why don't we just inject the disinfection right into the patient?! That sounds like it just might work! How about all you doctors get on my brilliant idea right away and divert resources into experiments?! I'm sure some of these crazy reporters would love to volunteer to have Clorox injected right into them. Come on, you paragons of ethics, roll up your sleeves." Then we'd all see the sarcasm. So is that what Trump meant to do, but in a subtler style?

I don't believe it, but as I said, it backfires. Trump isn't the only one who gets to use humor. Social media blew up with jokes about Trump and the injected disinfectant. And then he drastically shortened the next press briefing. It wasn't so fun anymore. I'm glad that check on his power worked. Freedom of speech is not just for Presidents. And humor coming from a person wielding immense power — taking advantage of a captive audience — is problematic. I think Trump is a fantastic standup comedian. I enjoy his performances. But some jokes fail.

And some things that are not jokes get called jokes after the fact, which is what I think happened here. Trump undercuts his own reputation as a humorist when he labels one of his non-humor statements as humor. So why did he do that? Desperation? I told you yesterday how I thought he'd try to deal with disinfectant-injectiongate.
1. He'll say it's "fake news"... They said I recommended injecting bleach.... Who would say that?...

2. He'll rephrase his idea so it's situated in a context that makes some sense... how feasible is it to kill the virus once it does get inside the body?...

3. He was just asking the question of the expert, drawing him out....
But he didn't do any of those things. He did something I didn't even think of, calling it sarcasm. It's a little demoralizing to those of us who have been giving him a sympathetic listen. Maybe I'm demoralized because I didn't find myself on the inside, with the people who understood the sarcasm. Did anyone understand it as sarcasm?

In March 2019, I went into some detail about Trump's use of sarcasm — laid on very thickly in front of a very sympathetic audience:
I think this was the funniest 1 minute in Trump's 2-hour CPAC speech:

He's making fun of the Green New Deal.

"The Green New Deal. Or whatever the hell they call it." Pause. Suppressing a little smile and glancing around. "The Green New Deal. Right? The Green New Deal. I encourage it. I think it's really something that they should promote." Pause. "They should work hard on. Something our country needs desperately." Dramatic rising tone and silent fist pound on "desperately." "They have to go out and get it, but I'll take the other side of that argument, only because I'm mandated to. But they should stay with that argument. Never change." Pause, then quietly: "Never change." Long pause. "No planes. No energy. When the wind stops blowing, that's the end of your electric. Let's hurry up. Darling? Darling, is the wind blowing today? I'd like to watch television, darling."

So much sarcasm. Anyone not hearing the humor would be lost, but the crowd has no trouble absorbing every little edge of humor, and nearly every word and pause feels humorous to me. But if you like the Green New Deal, it's got to be horribly irritating, including the humor. Obviously, it's wrong to say that energy from a wind turbine flows into your house only while the wind is blowing, and you'd lose your mind if you believed that Trump doesn't realize that, but it's just as annoying if you think he knows that but he wants to get the fake science out there and he intends to hide behind a claim that it's just an exaggeration — a joke.

Here's Trump — also from yesterday's speech — trashing his antagonists for not getting his joking (or pretending not to get it):

"If you tell a joke, if you are sarcastic, if you're having fun with the audience, if you're on live television with millions of people and 25,000 people in an arena, and if you say something like 'Russia, please, if you can, get us Hillary Clinton's emails! Please, Russia, please! Please get us the emails! Please!'" The plea is exaggerated. He pauses for a long time an looks around, then starts up again, waving his hands about: "Please! Get us the emails! Please!" Pauses. Laughs. Notices the crowd is reacting with a "Lock her up" chant, which isn't quite absorbing his point, but maybe that's how they have fun, how they irritate their antagonists. He stretches out his hand to quiet them. "So everybody's having a good time, laughing, we're all having fun, and then that fake CNN and others say, 'He asked Russia to go get the emails. Horrible.' I mean, I saw it like 2 weeks ago. I'm watching, and they're talking about, 'One of the points, he asked Russia for the emails.' These people are sick. And I'm telling you, they know the game. They know the game. And they play it dirty. Dirtier than anybody's ever played the game. Dirtier than it's ever been played."
That post had a poll:
What's dirtier?

pollcode.com free polls
Poll results:
It's hard to apply that to the disinfectant-injection media storm, because there wasn't a set of Trump supporters who saw sarcasm, so it's not possible to accuse his opponents of presenting words literally when they knew he was being sarcastic.

And, wow, did you watch those old clips? How much more fun Trump was in those happier times! And yet, back then, Trump haters agonized as if we were living in end times. What a contrast between then and now!

Perhaps that has something to do with why Trump lumbered off the stage so early yesterday.

But Trump is a man of boundless energy and massive performance skills. He'll find a way out, won't he?


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Freder Frederson said...

Why in the world would anyone expect the president to have a "basic understanding of virus biology?" He has staff for that. How's your understanding of virus biology ?

Didn't you know, his uncle was a professor at MIT?

Anyway, you are right. So he needs to STFU about things he doesn't have a "basic understanding" of.

Shouting Thomas said...

This might be the stupidest comment thread ever, even without Ritmo.

Inga is rapidly ascending to Ritmo-like status for pure, spiteful stupidity.

I think if we held an election to decide the one commenter we’d really like to stick a cork in it, Inga would win a unanimous victory.

Oddly, knowing how loathsome she is only eggs her on. This must the dominant characteristic of her entire life. What a karma!

Do people kick you in the shins frequently, Inga?

William50 said...

Freder Freserson said... So he needs to STFU about things he doesn't have a "basic understanding" of.

Have you ever participated in Kaizen event?

Known Unknown said...

"PDT has not been used to kill VIRUSES in humans."

Maybe it will in the future. That would be great to have such a tool to combat future coronaviruses.

Optimism ain't that hard.

Michael K said...

"PDT has not been used to kill VIRUSES in humans."

Oh yes, it has. You are paying attention to Inga and Freder, two of the stupider commenters here.

wbfjrr2 said...

There is no known battery technology that can store solar or wind energy for a meaningful period. Well known but not so well publicized by the media idiots. Even Bill Gates has advised doing research into other forms of energy plus looking closely at nuclear as a solution.

Behind every solar and wind farm is a fossil fuel power plant. Sun is down half the time. Wind blows erratically, often when the grid doesn’t need it.

Even Roger Moore is starting to realize the truth. Electric car juice comes from power plants. DUH!!!

Michael K said...

I guess Ann likes to indulge these ignorant commenters.

Mark said...

She allows you to stay, Michael K. That should make it clear.

Earnest Prole said...

PDT has not been used to kill VIRUSES in humans.

Not if PDT stands for "President Donald Trump" -- a plain-talkin', orange-colored, virus-killin' machine.

Rusty said...

"Behind every solar and wind farm is a fossil fuel power plant. Sun is down half the time. Wind blows erratically, often when the grid doesn’t need it"

Every windmill, when the blades aren't turning needs an INPUT of electricity just to keep the systems ready for when the blades to start turning. I'm told that the bearings need special heaters that require a lot of electricity.

Bilwick said...

Inga the State's Handmaiden wrote:

"...The amount of unreasonable support Trump still gets from his followers doesn’t speak well for them."

Substitute "Big Brother" for "Trump" in that sentence, and you'll get the idea why those of us who value liberty look upon the Ingas of the world as retarded. Democide, anyone?

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