Great picture, when I see it I hear Edvard Grieg’s Peer Gunter Op 23 Morning Mood, the victory of morning over night. A staple of Bugs Bunny cartoons. I also see a little baby sun sitting in the grass? A lens artifact?
The green and orange wires in the upper right hand chart in Five Thirty-Eight are getting close to touching. When they do, it will short the system and cause heads to explode.
Again, I thank everyone for their kind thoughts. My friend passed away earlier today. I don't know what the arrangements will be.
But, if not for this ChiCom plague, his congregation and many in the town would be there. The Third Brigade Band would play some hymns and ol' DH would preach up a storm. Amazing Grace would have everyone joining in for more than one verse. A bugler would blow taps and seven uniformed riflemen would fire a twenty-one gun salute, honoring Steve like he honored so many others before.
Everyone dies in their time. But in this time of distancing our death rites are disturbed and we cannot mourn in our normal way.
One of those things that makes us humans are our rituals and care for the dead. It's just an additional sadness for so many bereaved. ___________
On a tangent, a major difference between Christians and pagans in the Roman Empire was Christians' care for the sick during pandemics and such. You can look it up.
The reboot missed the message, than a mormon elder clearly intended, the 13 colonies werent really worth saving in the new version. The cylons were more evolvec
Milwaukie guy: that's sad news. People like that deserve an appropriate send-off. A good friend of mine had his mom and mother-in-law pass away on the same day two weeks ago. Can't do an Irish wake under the circumstances.
"A University of Wisconsin-Madison doctor and her husband have been found dead in what cops are calling a targeted double homicide.
A jogger discovered the bodies of doctor Beth Potter, 52, and Robin Carre, 57, in a ditch at the campus arboretum — a popular research and recreation area with more than 1,200 acres of forests and prairies — around 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, authorities said.
Carre was pronounced dead on the scene, and Potter was transported to a local hospital where she also died, according to police."
I don't get all the admiration for Dr. Fauci on this thing. What exactly is he doing that is so amazing? I bet he can't even dunk a basketball, or catch a nice trout. Does he have one those sharp pants creases?
“ On a tangent, a major difference between Christians and pagans in the Roman Empire was Christians' care for the sick during pandemics and such. You can look it up. ”
True. If you want to actually look it up, Rodney Stark discusses it in one of his books.
NYT reports bad things happening in Ecuador. Other poor countries have yet to be hit hard.
All the more reason not to devastate our whole economy. It's not just about us and saving the future of younger generations. The world needs us. America first, of course. But American strength is a global public good. American weakness will have enormous health consequences; Dem pro-lockdown global-solidarity types should include it in their "real calculations."
The disrespect they showed the original was illustrated when they brought richard hatch as a terrorist, then after twenty some years of trying to bring the aeeies back, he didnt have much respect either.
At this morning's press conference New York Governor Cuomo announced that 21,000 medical professionals had answered yesterday's call to come serve in New York. Is there anyone who is not proud of America today?
Series back, someone of steve bs caliber was due more, there is something worth than death in this travail, i guess its like the metaphorical blindness in saramagos tale
How an old tuberculosis vaccine might help fight the new coronavirus Researchers in Australia and Europe are testing whether the Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine, introduced in the 1920s to fight tuberculosis, might be deployed to combat COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Clinical trials are focused on two groups at high-risk for COVID-19: health care workers and the elderly.
Here is what scientists know, and what they are trying to find out:
The BCG vaccine contains a live but weakened strain of tuberculosis bacteria that provokes the body to develop antibodies to attack TB bacteria. This is called an adaptive immune response, because the body develops a defense against a specific disease-causing microorganism, or pathogen, after encountering it. Most vaccines create an adaptive immune response to a single pathogen.
Unlike other vaccines, the BCG vaccine may also boost the innate immune system, first-line defenses that keep a variety of pathogens from entering the body or from establishing an infection. One study in Guinea-Bissau found 50% lower mortality rates in children vaccinated with BCG than in kids who did not get this vaccine. That is a much bigger drop in deaths than could be explained by a reduction in TB cases. Some studies have found similar reductions in respiratory infections among teens and the elderly. ---
The BCG vaccine contains a live but weakened strain of tuberculosis bacteria that provokes the body to develop antibodies to attack TB bacteria.
I've wondered if it might help if people were to get just "a whiff" of an infected person, avoiding prolonged exposure, so that they might get enough to provoke antibodies, but not enough to overwhelm.
So it appears that after getting the President's praise for working to produce much-needed masks, 3M has been caught profiteering by sending the masks to other countries at a higher price.
Milwaukee Guy- very sad to hear of your friend's passing. Doubly sad that no one can send him out But this thing will be gone. If so desired, down the road it might be a good time to get a group together again to remember your friend at a memorial celebration. It would not only give you time to remember this good man properly, but also give you all a chance to look in each others eyes and remember who your friends are now. Today. I suspect that would be a good day.
Mark Medical supplies have to be imported and exported. If you shut off export sales then other countries will as well. Millions of Americans need drugs you can only get from imports. Reagan Republicans understood trade.
On a tangent, a major difference between Christians and pagans in the Roman Empire was Christians' care for the sick during pandemics and such. You can look it up.
Health care in Rome was considered a family matter. The only doctors were Greek and were mostly slaves. The only hospitals were for the army. I have been in one and they are well laid out. Sanitation was good. Better than at any subsequent time until the Great Exhibition of 1851 when flush toilets appeared.
3M should have it's corporate neck stepped on heavily by the Trump administration in public, on Friday. I suspect they're not the only ones, but their CEO was parading around like he had done something other than screw his own countrymen.
I don't think this will sit well with Trump. And I do not think the American people will soon forget. This could be a very bad time for 3M. For no fucking reason at all. It would have been so easy to do the right thing instead.
Whhops: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 2h We hit 3M hard today after seeing what they were doing with their Masks. “P Act” all the way. Big surprise to many in government as to what they were doing - will have a big price to pay!
Yeah Walter, Your drugs come from India and China. If we start turning off working parts of the supply chain now everyone suffers. Parts, ingredients, etc are all distributed globally. It's like Bernie's wet dream, watching Republicans abandon free markets for a command economy.
My Grandma Russell, the Scots-Irish one, was born in 1896 and died in 2004, a three-century woman. In her last 10+ years she was the last of her contemporaries left alive and was really ready for death ans seeing Grandpa in heaven. But her heart was very strong.
She also like being in the rest home where she had the most seniority. And, at 104, she became the oldest person in Iowa to get a cataract operation and was on the front page of the Des Moines Register.
She was really worried about dying during the winter. I guess in the old days when the ground was too frozen to dig a proper grave, they would just be kept in some kind of frozen storage until Spring and the thaw.
Rush Limbaugh gutted by his own past quotes about COVID-19, by Jonathan V. Last at The Bulwark:
I hadn’t realized that Limbaugh had repeatedly been trying to lecture his audience that “COVID-19” was so named because “it’s the 19th coronavirus.” And that as such these things aren’t unusual and no great threat. (In fact, “COVID-19” is the popularized shortening of the name that references the year 2019. As the CDC states; “The name of this disease is coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated as COVID-19. In COVID-19, ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as “2019 novel coronavirus” or ‘2019-nCoV‘.”)
Ken, Are those the countries the masks went to or are you using those countries for convenience of debate? If a country is in dire, crisis level need of a medical product they manufacture during a crisis, I can't blame them for limiting export. But that should apply to us. Patriots owner just sent a team plane to China for masks etc at behest of Mass Gov. Does that ring Reagan to you?
There was an outer limits episode from the 890s reboot, originally on showtime but edited for syndication on the player piano notion of ice 9, which when released froze the water and drove into an ice age.
My old company teamed with 3M back in the day and I was the go-between. They practically defined the word “sleazy” and we learned to expect that they would not meet any commitment they had made except by withholding payment until we could confirm that their deliverables were, in fact, what they had promised to deliver. They were more trouble than all the other teammates and subcontractors combined. So this does not surprise me.
@Milwaukee Guy, something similar happened recently to me. I belong to a North-South Skirmish Association unit and we recently lost our commander to a heart attack. We will have a remembrance for him when restrictions are lifted.
Walter If Trump restrains himself to just one gallery-playing move we might be alright. If he does more and provokes retaliation, we won’t.
I read that a governor commandeered medical supplies, but did not see the details. If that means intercepting supplies in shipment, that way lies a total breakdown.
No Drago. You are saying 3M cannot sell their wares on the open market. The government gets to decide who can buy or sell what. That has nothing to do with free trade, which is about tariffs.
Answering a question we didnt ask, the govt which failed to properly provision, now allows critical equipmenr to be shipped out of the country to the place that declared biological warfare on the world.
If there is a 10% tariff on US cars headed to the EU but for some reason there is only a 2.5% tariff on EU cars coming into the US (and thats exactly what we had for a long long time), then that has to change.
Canada loved the old deals because the trade deals allowed China and the EU backdoors into the US via the NAFTA loophole.
Thats gone now so the Canadians will have to figure out something else now.
Ken B is desperate to define "open markets" as the US market is completely open but other markets get to close off American products completely or have significant tariffs/penalties levied against American products.
Ken B appears very very very upset that Trump is fighting against transparently unfair trade deals and signing new, fairer trade deals which actually open up markets for US firms, as the USMCA, China Phase 1 deal, Japan deal and South Korea deals all did.
What do you think would be happening right now if all the federal, state, and university employees who are "working from home" had to file for unemployment this week? What if you tossed in all the white collar ones in the private sector who are doing the same thing?
Yes, there will be memorials later on, in a couple of months. It will still be hard in the immediate for the bereaved. It's kind of like having the corpse in the barn until the thaw. Well, not quite like that.
There was a recent example where the fbi apparently carted off materials which had been bought in large quantities, they arrested him for the usual orocess crimes and manufactured assault.
Etienne said... The President damns his vice with faint praise: "By almost all accounts, he has done a spectacular job. -- In the current environment, that excerpt is far from faint. But Trump has praised him effusively across multiple pressers. Such an odd take you have.
Milwaukie guy: condolences on the loss of your friend. It is a loss to us all. And the pinched and fearful manner we are forced to mourn him is a great loss as well. It is hard to say, harder to say persuasively, that we can take a rain check on the exercise of our rites. Something is lost, simple as that. Which makes your honoring of your friend all the more important. Thank you and God bless.
in the old days when the ground was too frozen to dig a proper grave
Not that long ago. One of my grandmother's friends died in Feb 1992 and had to be stored until Vermont thawed. She'd been sent south to NC because they didn't think she'd survive another Vermont winter. That was in the 1920's, she died at 108 also. She was one of 3 Catholics in town until WWII.
Yancey Ward said... A hypothetical for the overnight thread:
What do you think would be happening right now if all the federal, state, and university employees who are "working from home" had to file for unemployment this week? What if you tossed in all the white collar ones in the private sector who are doing the same thing?
I think that would shut them up. I used to enjoy listening to the afternoon radio programming on KUSC hosted by Brian Laurentson {sp] until he let his politics bleed through about how he was "getting us all through this." Mind you, I was listening after work on my own time and dime. These stay-at-home-louses need a little harsh dose of reality. I finally shut him off and feel much better for it. I still tune back in for Jim Svedja at 7 PM PT because he is a national treasure.
The government that can demand that a man be taken from his home, forced into servitude, and then order him to go onto some beach or field where his head is then blown off, is the same government that can tell some company in a health emergency that it must sell its critical goods first for the benefit of that nation, and only when those needs are met, may it sell for the benefit of others.
I don't think the FBI is required to wear cameras. But in any case the individual had large quantities of war material. After all, the President has declared war on the Wuhan Bat Flu.
Calling Mrs. Kravitz...Gladys where are you? The California Stasi needs you!
San Diego Sheriff @SDSheriff · 2h Starting April 4th, employees of gas stations, pharmacies, grocery/convenience stores and restaurants must wear masks or face coverings while at work. To report a violation of the County Public Health Order, call 2-1-1 or visit
(The new) Outer Limits -- Alyssa Milano is overcome with sexual desire.
I once saw Alyssa Milano in person. It was when we had tickets to the Arsenio Hall show. She had some hockey boyfriend at the time. Still a teenager, I think.
Starting April 4th, employees of gas stations, pharmacies, grocery/convenience stores and restaurants must wear masks or face coverings while at work. To report a violation of the County Public Health Order, call 2-1-1 or visit
This a test of "how Chinese can we be."
We've got their fucking disease -- we must start acting like them too.
I liked the BSG reboot up until the "All Along The Watchtower" episode. That one proved they had lied to us about all the rules about Cylons, and I didn't bother watching the final season.
I thought Hatch did OK as VP & then very temporary President. The semi-official score-settling courts he set up were probably necessary.
But, yeah the opening credits claimed the Cylons had a plan. Turned out they didn't..
Hillary meant well, which is the same force that allowed otherwise decent people to vote for the person who mocked the disease.
If you can't figure it out, certain people say anything for cash and others forego cash and withstand quite significant setbacks via a process created, or at minimum exacerbated, by our host here at the Altouse blog, called destroying families such as the Palins through harassment and hatred.
They feel so, so good about hatred, delusionally feeling they aren't monuments of hatred of decency allowing for the existence of overwhelming dreadly sorrow, such that they can never recognize that is what they embody. People tell them, they shift.
They spent their productive years arguing what paid, and literally will give those other people's lives to show how sincere they are, with other's lives.
How could not everyone agree? Why didn't Hillary, whom Althouse voted for, and like a fool admitted it instead of merely lying lawyerly which she taught oh so well, win by 50 points?
Because Althouse only taught those hicks who don't matter from WI.
Wow Paul Ryan and Reince Preibus sure must have made Althouse proud. What great Wisconsinites!
The County is implementing these new guidelines to keep COVID-19 from making more people sick. They include:
Residents are strongly encouraged to cover their nose and mouth when leaving home for essential activities, such as grocery shopping, getting gas, visiting convenience stores or pharmacies.
Condolences to Milwaukee Guy. We need these rituals to give completions to our mourning. It's an extra turn of the knife when the same disease that killed him doesn't allow you to properly mourn him.
Something I have seen with both my nieces during this home learning thing: They will have a clear powerpoint (or whatever) presentation of the lession with the relevant text, diagrams and bullet points and neither one (3rd & 10th grades) will read it. They both go stright to google. I'm telling the younger, Here's where they say exactly what they want in a summary of the reading assignment!, and she goes to google, brings up the wikipedia (I think) article on "summary" and starts doing that. It drives me crazy and makes me worry for our future where nobody can pay attention for more than 30 seconds..
What I mean to say, is even if there were Yancey's in charge, and there ain't, even a Yancey would figure out why mothers of invention are necesarrily involved.
AS AN AMERICAN you schmuck.
What would you have done in 1863 or 1943 you puke?
I just finished the Epix War of the Worlds series. The plus side: everyone in the series undergoes much more travail than we are currently undergoing. It's relentlessly bleak and depressing...At the beginning, I thought it might offer some politically incorrect characters or plot hooks. No such luck, but an inordinate number of children and pregnant women get killed in the series. Children and pregnant women generally have plot armor, but this series goes out of its way to kill them.......There's an illegal Sudanese immigrant who commits an ignoble act early in the series. That's a violation of pc rules, but the series quickly gets him back within the pc realm. It was just a bad moment. He turns out to be sensitive, brave, and kind. A perfect gentle knight. The only really vile character was a hetero French cop. You can make hetero cops as evil as you want....I thought it was a limited series, but it turns out it's just season one. It ends on a cliff hanger. It's pretty bleak and disappointing. I bet there's no second season.
Birkel said...It thinks good comes from the grocery stores, e.g. CostCo.
Disagree. I'ma member, but I've shunned them for 3 weeks now. They enable bulk buying and hoarding. Plus their lines are longer than -- for example -- Trader Joe's.
Amazon is another sore spot. I refuse to join Prime because my wife is a Prime member, and (1) I don't want 2 prime memberships in one household, and (2) I don't want to go through my wife for every purchase. So I always carefully accrue purchases to $25 to meet their free shipping qualification. But just recently, Amazon has shunted non-Prime purchasers like me to much longer wait times for shipping, prioritizing Prime members. So I said fuck you, Amazon, I'm moving to eBay. Or, back to eBay.
Yes they had an interesting opening twist and they went all grand guignol gore, but this is the eu they cant even handled invaders from the next continent
The food gets to costco from the fields of the factories by truck.
"Blogger Birkel said... Guild just went even more bananas. It thinks good comes from the grocery stores, e.g. CostCo. That is Grade-A dumb.
Insert Heinlein quote here."
The idea Costco will just run out of food is an idea you can't just say is likely or reasonable.
You have to, if you aren't a shit, figure out what Costco is. Costco is bigger than you Birkel. They have what is known as economies of scale. They will get food, they will get transport, they will retail it.
You weakling can't have the first clue why I am wrong, although of course all the Costco well-paid Americans may fail to do what is required of them.
You simply haven't seen how amazingly attracting Costco execs are.
Or you feel Americans are weak. Are you a weak American? That would explain your lack of faith in the most amazing companies alive, Amazon, WalMart, Costco, to do what they do.
You got you some scenarios huh boy? You shout em out loud while the rich get richer bitch. I will, and all the people I know, continue to eat to obesity if not controlled.
Francisco D: "Has Ken B become a concern troll? It's aboot time we answered that question, eh?"
His playing dumb about the tariff imbalances and pretending that wanting those tariff imbalances to be removed is akin to backing Bernie-style socialism really opened my eyes to the possibility of Concern Trolldom.
If only farmers sold their crops to anybody but a damned middleman, we'd all be rich. why do those idiot farmers do that? Maybe we should become farmers and show them how to do it.
Those farmers deserve a lot more than what the market may/will bear.
The middleman stole that profit! They don't do anything, they don't produce or consume. They just suck up all the profit for themselves, greedily.
Can you imagine how dumb one must be to assume Costco won't find a way to sell what they buy in bulk compared to a single consumer at a lower cost than what was selled at and will ergo sell for more at?
Fuck it, you wanna capitulate I ain't gonna take the time to make the typo corrections leading you into Trump's light. Just know you were resisted, and you acted like a sad sorry shell of an American man.
You little panicked unAmericans wanna go cry find a corner, Americans are eating ourselves obese as always. That will not stop in three months.
The one and only time -- and I am serious -- that I chastised a fellow American was the time 2 weeks ago that I chastised a fellow American coming out of a Costco with a shopping cart filled with toilet paper. The guy's response was a shiteating "I scored" grin.
Is that what you admire about capitalism, Guild? If so, fuck you. I should target you in drunken Buckley Chirbits like I used to do.
An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.
Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.
The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries.
“Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.
The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it.
A debate about hydroxychloroquine was sparked two weeks ago after President Trump touted the drug as a possible “game-changer” in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting critics to accuse him of peddling unproven, untested remedies.
To date, “there is no evidence” that any medicine “can prevent or cure the disease,” according to the World Health Organization.
But Sermo CEO Peter Kirk called the polling results a “treasure trove of global insights for policymakers.”
“Physicians should have more of a voice in how we deal with this pandemic and be able to quickly share information with one another and the world,” he said in a press release.
The 30 countries where doctors were surveyed included ones in Europe, South America, and Australia — and no incentives were provided to participate, the company said.
'Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine believe that they’ve found a potential vaccine for the new coronavirus.
The researchers announced their findings Thursday and believe the vaccine could be rolled out quickly enough to “significantly impact the spread of disease,” according to their study published in EBioMedicine.'
'...The scientists say they were able to act fast because they had already done research on the similar coronaviruses SARS and MERS.
“These two viruses, which are closely related to SARS-CoV-2, teach us that a particular protein, called a spike protein, is important for inducing immunity against the virus,” read a statement from co-senior author Andrea Gambotto, M.D..."'
Guildofcannonballs said...Can you imagine how dumb one must be to assume Costco won't find a way to sell what they buy in bulk compared to a single consumer at a lower cost than what was selled at and will ergo sell for more at?
Yeah, I don't get his reaction. And since he didn't give a link, I'm just going to assume TDS or anti-Semitis
Obviously the only two possibilities for not supporting a New York liberal in the west wing. Are you at all familiar with the criticism of Kushner from Trump's right?
But just recently, Amazon has shunted non-Prime purchasers like me to much longer wait times for shipping, prioritizing Prime members. So I said fuck you, Amazon, I'm moving to eBay. Or, back to eBay.
Plus who in the heart of hearts wants to see the guy hiding behind WaPo succeed?
Obviously the only two possibilities for not supporting a New York liberal in the west wing. Are you at all familiar with the criticism of Kushner from Trump's right?
No. Please school me on "Trump's right" w/o invoking Jennifer Rubin. Who do you mean?
No. Please school me on "Trump's right" w/o invoking Jennifer Rubin. Who do you mean?
Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Pat Buchanan, Peter Brimlow, Mickey Kaus (on immigration), VDare, Taki's Mag. The people who have been trying to sound the alarm about mass immigration, "free" trade, and endless war for decades now.
@Farmer: So you're saying that Coulter, Ingraham, Buchanan, et al., are lining up against Kushner?
No, I am saying they have ben lined up against him for some time now. his latest performance at the press briefing was merely more reinforcement of that opinion. But hey, Kushner did manage to champion "sentencing reform." I certainly know that's why I voted for Trump.
No, I am saying they have ben lined up against him for some time now. his latest performance at the press briefing was merely more reinforcement of that opinion. But hey, Kushner did manage to champion "sentencing reform." I certainly know that's why I voted for Trump.
Well. we might be in some sort of agreement then. I certainly don't take cues from Coulter, Ingraham, Buchanan, et al. Nor from Mitt Romney. The current strife in D.C. is not based on Republican vs. Democrat politics.; It's more of a class struggle. That's what R's and D's still don't get.
@Farmer: Well, that's a gamechanger! All I can say is that Kushner won't get very far so opposing his FIL's policies and wishes; or, once removed, reports of Kushner opposing his FIL's policies and wishes won't get very far.
I bid you a good night. Not that I didn't enjoy tonight's exchange -- I did! it's just that I must get up early tomorrow for another workday in the face of a locked-down public.
@Farmer: Well, that's a gamechanger! All I can say is that Kushner won't get very far so opposing his FIL's policies and wishes; or, once removed, reports of Kushner opposing his FIL's policies and wishes won't get very far
Well there were also the clashes between he and Bannon in the early days of the Trump White House. Unfortunately, there is no hot mic of Kushner openly admitting to trying to undermine Trump's campaign promises. But I don't consider it very far fetched that Jared and Ivanka see their roles as tempering some of Trump's more "troublesome" instincts. Hell, even Trump seems confused about what his son-in-law believes. But we do know that the First Step Act was Kushner's baby.
milwaukee guy, I was very sorry to read of your friend’s passing, and I echo the hope of several here that you and others can give him a proper memorial when the situation permits.
On another note, James Lileks once wrote about his hate mail from both sides: that the ones on the right at least sounded like they were half in the bag and having fun hating his guts, whereas the ones on the left were bitterly sober, regretting the necessity of having to flay him but someone has to or the Republic is DOOMED.
Guild reminds me of a right-wing Lileks-hater. You are hammered every time you post, right, Guild? And you do sound like you’re having fun.
I haven't followed his career much since he left the White House, save the occasional interview or YouTube appearance. But I don't think it is merely a coincidence that the two people Kushner has reportedly butted heads with the most in the administration are Bannon and Stephen Miller.
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Will this judgement somehow invalidate the points he has been making re the pandemic? Is that how epidemiology works? Are we back to the days of the trial of Galileo intellectually?
On a tangent, a major difference between Christians and pagans in the Roman Empire was Christians' care for the sick during pandemics and such.
Since every known society in human history, and probably prehistory, cared for the sick during pandemics and such, you're saying that there was something unique about Roman pagans?
Guild of Cannonballs thinks "food" come from CostCo. It does not.
And the breakdown in supply/delivery will happen when the profit motive is destroyed. Ever has it been thus. And without paying customers outside of government promises or commands, a functioning economy we do not have within another few months.
The golden goose is struggling to hang on. But wrong it's neck a little harder to collect your just rewards.
"That, and his use of the word “denialist” in an attempt to slam people who disagree with him, yes.”
You are an engineer, IIRC, surely if you disagree with him, you can put your argument in clear terms. A lot of people seem to be dancing around what they really think, which seems like it is that old people should suck it up and just die so that young people can get on with their lives. If that’s not what people are thinking, they could always clearly explain what they are thinking.
@tim, if your comment is directed at me, then (1) I have detailed the bases (plural) for my belief that the American mortality rate for this virus will be well below the published estimates that have Ken — and Meade and Althouse and others — so concerned, on other threads, and this is scarcely the right thread to recapitulate those arguments, and (2) I have frequently stated my strong distaste for Ken’s use of the term “denialist,” likening it to the term used by global climate change alarmists. Ken’s weak response is that the alarmists use the term “deniers” while he is using “denialist.”
Blogger Mark said... So it appears that after getting the President's praise for working to produce much-needed masks, 3M has been caught profiteering by sending the masks to other countries at a higher price.
4/2/20, 10:04 PM
There are conundrum-like aspects here. Ken isn't evil at least for noting them.
On the one hand, yes, free markets, and yes, global trade, and yes, probably all legal and aboveboard;
OTOH, I bet Hitler, Tojo and Stalin all would have doubled whatever FDR was paying for enriched uranium and plutonium. Cash on the barrelhead. Think how rich we coulda got!
Or to put it in terms of the law of comparative advantage:
If the United States in 1940-45 were the leading producer (in quantity, quality and price) of atom bombs, and Nazi Germany the leading producer likewise of sex toys, should there have been a traffic in this exchange?
Or in legal terms before used here:
The Constitution is not a suicide pact.
3M is a global company. Honestly, why don't they supply foreign demand out of the Chinese (, etc.?) plants? Why ship Chinese masks here and US masks abroad? To subsidize the airlines?
3M is probably just incompetent here as opposed to malicious. But they had better get their minds right or Daddy spank.
I'd like to hear about the Defense Production Act being used to spin up pharma, both meds and precursors (APIs?) production here now. As in Here. As in Now.
I'd also like all the environmental impact statements to be used as kindling while somebody builds out some rare earths capacity here now. Here. Now.
Free market solutions are fine as long as: Here. Now.
3M will do very, very well to put its back into figuring out how to meet domestic needs, particularly of the obvious institutions who need the shizzle. Domestic Production Act in this instance means: Do I have to draw you a diagram?
(No. But if I have to, I will.)
And I don't know what you heard, Ken, and TBH I didn't attend in detail, but at today's presser, Cuomo apparently did say yeah, we're going to take stuff.
He better take some HCQ+Z and give it to the sick people! I bet my absent foreskin that his baby brother is getting that Rx and is taking it.
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As Stargate SG-1 finishes up, Battlestar Galactica is coming to Comet on Monday, 8 p.m.
Watching the series for a third time can't hurt, I guess.
Hilda Churchill, 108, Dies; Survived Wars and the 1918 Pandemic. The Spanish flu struck her entire family and killed her baby sister a century ago. She died of the coronavirus.
Life is so strange.
Will we be able to talk?
Moderation is necessary but it makes talking harder.
Great picture, when I see it I hear Edvard Grieg’s Peer Gunter Op 23 Morning Mood, the victory of morning over night. A staple of Bugs Bunny cartoons. I also see a little baby sun sitting in the grass? A lens artifact?
Peer Gynt. Apple does not like typing Norwegian.
That was originally a theatre release, they ran into a spot of trouble because lycas sued glen larson for plagiarism
The green and orange wires in the upper right hand chart in Five Thirty-Eight are getting close to touching. When they do, it will short the system and cause heads to explode.
Again, I thank everyone for their kind thoughts. My friend passed away earlier today. I don't know what the arrangements will be.
But, if not for this ChiCom plague, his congregation and many in the town would be there. The Third Brigade Band would play some hymns and ol' DH would preach up a storm. Amazing Grace would have everyone joining in for more than one verse. A bugler would blow taps and seven uniformed riflemen would fire a twenty-one gun salute, honoring Steve like he honored so many others before.
Everyone dies in their time. But in this time of distancing our death rites are disturbed and we cannot mourn in our normal way.
One of those things that makes us humans are our rituals and care for the dead. It's just an additional sadness for so many bereaved.
On a tangent, a major difference between Christians and pagans in the Roman Empire was Christians' care for the sick during pandemics and such. You can look it up.
The reboot missed the message, than a mormon elder clearly intended, the 13 colonies werent really worth saving in the new version. The cylons were more evolvec
On another thread Meade said: Dems know they have a bad candidate. Cancelling the convention would save resources for 2024.
Discuss among yourselves.
Milwaukie guy . I hope you still have the full service at a late date. Your description of your friend reminded me of my father.
May perpetual light shine upon him and may God welcome him into the new creation where there is eternal life and no sorrow, no weeping nor pain.
Milwaukie guy: that's sad news. People like that deserve an appropriate send-off. A good friend of mine had his mom and mother-in-law pass away on the same day two weeks ago. Can't do an Irish wake under the circumstances.
Caprica Six is nice to look at.
So sorry Milwaukie guy.
From Instapundit: average age of Israeli fatalities: 79.8. Similar to Italy. Co-morbidities common. The age and risk profiles seem pretty stable now.
"A University of Wisconsin-Madison doctor and her husband have been found dead in what cops are calling a targeted double homicide.
A jogger discovered the bodies of doctor Beth Potter, 52, and Robin Carre, 57, in a ditch at the campus arboretum — a popular research and recreation area with more than 1,200 acres of forests and prairies — around 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, authorities said.
Carre was pronounced dead on the scene, and Potter was transported to a local hospital where she also died, according to police."
--New York Post
If Catholic, there can be a Mass of Remembrance, which is like a funeral Mass for times when the deceased is not present.
I don't get all the admiration for Dr. Fauci on this thing. What exactly is he doing that is so amazing? I bet he can't even dunk a basketball, or catch a nice trout. Does he have one those sharp pants creases?
Fauci is NIH. As in NOT either CDC or FDA. That seems to be a very good thing indeed.
I discovered that BSG is coming to Comet because I see, in addition to Mrs. Tishell, Apollo is also guest starring in this episode of Poirot.
“ On a tangent, a major difference between Christians and pagans in the Roman Empire was Christians' care for the sick during pandemics and such. You can look it up. ”
True. If you want to actually look it up, Rodney Stark discusses it in one of his books.
NYT reports bad things happening in Ecuador. Other poor countries have yet to be hit hard.
All the more reason not to devastate our whole economy. It's not just about us and saving the future of younger generations. The world needs us. America first, of course. But American strength is a global public good. American weakness will have enormous health consequences; Dem pro-lockdown global-solidarity types should include it in their "real calculations."
The disrespect they showed the original was illustrated when they brought richard hatch as a terrorist, then after twenty some years of trying to bring the aeeies back, he didnt have much respect either.
i try not to beat a horse in late threads but what does it say of our humanity
At this morning's press conference New York Governor Cuomo announced that 21,000 medical professionals had answered yesterday's call to come serve in New York. Is there anyone who is not proud of America today?
Series back, someone of steve bs caliber was due more, there is something worth than death in this travail, i guess its like the metaphorical blindness in saramagos tale
How an old tuberculosis vaccine might help fight the new coronavirus
Researchers in Australia and Europe are testing whether the Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine, introduced in the 1920s to fight tuberculosis, might be deployed to combat COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Clinical trials are focused on two groups at high-risk for COVID-19: health care workers and the elderly.
Here is what scientists know, and what they are trying to find out:
The BCG vaccine contains a live but weakened strain of tuberculosis bacteria that provokes the body to develop antibodies to attack TB bacteria. This is called an adaptive immune response, because the body develops a defense against a specific disease-causing microorganism, or pathogen, after encountering it. Most vaccines create an adaptive immune response to a single pathogen.
Unlike other vaccines, the BCG vaccine may also boost the innate immune system, first-line defenses that keep a variety of pathogens from entering the body or from establishing an infection. One study in Guinea-Bissau found 50% lower mortality rates in children vaccinated with BCG than in kids who did not get this vaccine. That is a much bigger drop in deaths than could be explained by a reduction in TB cases. Some studies have found similar reductions in respiratory infections among teens and the elderly.
My Pillow Guy.
With the virus getting into a lot of nursing homes, they aren't going to lift the visiting restrictions.
Im getting at something more profound than that.
The BCG vaccine contains a live but weakened strain of tuberculosis bacteria that provokes the body to develop antibodies to attack TB bacteria.
I've wondered if it might help if people were to get just "a whiff" of an infected person, avoiding prolonged exposure, so that they might get enough to provoke antibodies, but not enough to overwhelm.
Variolation is indeed a possible strategy. I provided a link the other day.
They also need to suss out covid data among those previously taking HC and cytokine controlling drugs.
So it appears that after getting the President's praise for working to produce much-needed masks, 3M has been caught profiteering by sending the masks to other countries at a higher price.
Amazing punditry on offer today. It will be over by summer, the food system will collapse, nothing can stop it, it’s run its course.
Drudge is in full panic mode.
If you assume no one does anything rational then of course you get disaster.
My prediction is ... we will know more in two weeks.
Milwaukee Guy- very sad to hear of your friend's passing. Doubly sad that no one can send him out But this thing will be gone. If so desired, down the road it might be a good time to get a group together again to remember your friend at a memorial celebration. It would not only give you time to remember this good man properly, but also give you all a chance to look in each others eyes and remember who your friends are now. Today. I suspect that would be a good day.
It seems the thinking is that viral load informs the infection rate, but have no idea if that tracks with severity.
Medical supplies have to be imported and exported. If you shut off export sales then other countries will as well. Millions of Americans need drugs you can only get from imports.
Reagan Republicans understood trade.
On a tangent, a major difference between Christians and pagans in the Roman Empire was Christians' care for the sick during pandemics and such. You can look it up.
Health care in Rome was considered a family matter. The only doctors were Greek and were mostly slaves. The only hospitals were for the army. I have been in one and they are well laid out. Sanitation was good. Better than at any subsequent time until the Great Exhibition of 1851 when flush toilets appeared.
If it's the end of the world, we're all dead.
If it's not, it's not. So let's not kill ourselves.
3M should have it's corporate neck stepped on heavily by the Trump administration in public, on Friday. I suspect they're not the only ones, but their CEO was parading around like he had done something other than screw his own countrymen.
I don't think this will sit well with Trump. And I do not think the American people will soon forget. This could be a very bad time for 3M. For no fucking reason at all. It would have been so easy to do the right thing instead.
In case domestic manufacturers are unaware, the current scenario ain't the 80's.
Reagan would have understood that.
Donald J. Trump
We hit 3M hard today after seeing what they were doing with their Masks. “P Act” all the way. Big surprise to many in government as to what they were doing - will have a big price to pay!
Yeah Walter,
Your drugs come from India and China. If we start turning off working parts of the supply chain now everyone suffers. Parts, ingredients, etc are all distributed globally.
It's like Bernie's wet dream, watching Republicans abandon free markets for a command economy.
My Grandma Russell, the Scots-Irish one, was born in 1896 and died in 2004, a three-century woman. In her last 10+ years she was the last of her contemporaries left alive and was really ready for death ans seeing Grandpa in heaven. But her heart was very strong.
She also like being in the rest home where she had the most seniority. And, at 104, she became the oldest person in Iowa to get a cataract operation and was on the front page of the Des Moines Register.
She was really worried about dying during the winter. I guess in the old days when the ground was too frozen to dig a proper grave, they would just be kept in some kind of frozen storage until Spring and the thaw.
The only command is this dead stop, thats cost us 10 million in lost jobs and thats a conservative estimate.
You want a smaller carbon footprint? Here we are? Now starting the engine back up thats the poser.
Rush Limbaugh gutted by his own past quotes about COVID-19, by Jonathan V. Last at The Bulwark:
I hadn’t realized that Limbaugh had repeatedly been trying to lecture his audience that “COVID-19” was so named because “it’s the 19th coronavirus.” And that as such these things aren’t unusual and no great threat. (In fact, “COVID-19” is the popularized shortening of the name that references the year 2019. As the CDC states; “The name of this disease is coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated as COVID-19. In COVID-19, ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as “2019 novel coronavirus” or ‘2019-nCoV‘.”)
Are those the countries the masks went to or are you using those countries for convenience of debate?
If a country is in dire, crisis level need of a medical product they manufacture during a crisis, I can't blame them for limiting export.
But that should apply to us.
Patriots owner just sent a team plane to China for masks etc at behest of Mass Gov.
Does that ring Reagan to you?
Sorry Chuck,
Your bud Gadfly already posted that twice in one thread.
There was an outer limits episode from the 890s reboot, originally on showtime but edited for syndication on the player piano notion of ice 9, which when released froze the water and drove into an ice age.
My old company teamed with 3M back in the day and I was the go-between. They practically defined the word “sleazy” and we learned to expect that they would not meet any commitment they had made except by withholding payment until we could confirm that their deliverables were, in fact, what they had promised to deliver. They were more trouble than all the other teammates and subcontractors combined. So this does not surprise me.
1990s, except for the real freeze this is what it feels like.
The "We Cannot Make Any Trade-Offs or Have Discussions About Them" pudenda should talk to the banned, racist fopdoodle.
The NeverTrump bromides would be transcendent, one assumes.
IHME projected NY required beds at 56k on today’s date.
Cuomos presser said they had about 13k in beds today.
Not even close on that count.
Kind of interesting. This city is in SF Cal. bay areaFree Fremont Cononavirus Testing Center Opens Friday
IHME projected NY required beds at 56k on today’s date.
Cuomos presser said they had about 13k in beds today.
Not even close on that count.
Almost as if the computer models are not as accurate. as promoted
@Milwaukee Guy, something similar happened recently to me. I belong to a North-South Skirmish Association unit and we recently lost our commander to a heart attack. We will have a remembrance for him when restrictions are lifted.
Sorry Chuck,
Your bud Gadfly already posted that twice in one thread.
@walter, has anybody seen Chuck and gadfly in the same room at the same time? Just askin’
If they have, they can't un-see it.
Ken B: "It's like Bernie's wet dream, watching Republicans abandon free markets for a command economy."
Whats most amazing is people pretending "free trade", by definition, must mean US-must-lose Non-Fair Trade.
Free trade....IF fair trade. Otherwise we punch back.
If Trump restrains himself to just one gallery-playing move we might be alright. If he does more and provokes retaliation, we won’t.
I read that a governor commandeered medical supplies, but did not see the details. If that means intercepting supplies in shipment, that way lies a total breakdown.
Like murphy and klobuchar demanding the entire supply chain be nationalized.
No Drago. You are saying 3M cannot sell their wares on the open market. The government gets to decide who can buy or sell what. That has nothing to do with free trade, which is about tariffs.
Do better Ken.
(whir, whir, whir)
Yep, but in this case it’s Republicans.
Ken B: "No Drago. You are saying 3M cannot sell their wares on the open market."
No Ken B. I am not saying that.
You can tell I am not saying that because I didnt say that.
Thats a good way to tell. For future reference.
Answering a question we didnt ask, the govt which failed to properly provision, now allows critical equipmenr to be shipped out of the country to the place that declared biological warfare on the world.
I say Ken takes a trip to an NYC hospital and plead his case.
I hope he has good life insurance.
Chinas been siphoning material from every country, where it has had interests.
Then you agree Trump is wrong to punish a company for selling its wares on the open market?
If there is a 10% tariff on US cars headed to the EU but for some reason there is only a 2.5% tariff on EU cars coming into the US (and thats exactly what we had for a long long time), then that has to change.
Canada loved the old deals because the trade deals allowed China and the EU backdoors into the US via the NAFTA loophole.
Thats gone now so the Canadians will have to figure out something else now.
Ken hasn't clarified where the 3M masks went. I doubt China..
But he seems uninterested.
It's the Go Go 80's, man.
Ken B: "Drago
Then you agree Trump is wrong to punish a company for selling its wares on the open market?"
Markets must be equally open.
They need an export license right, well you think they will get some in the future.
Well 3m has a preexisting arrangement with huawei, im sure its not the only company doing this sadly.
Ken B is desperate to define "open markets" as the US market is completely open but other markets get to close off American products completely or have significant tariffs/penalties levied against American products.
Yeah....I dont think thats going to fly...
Trumpkins for Bernie.
I noted in the wordometer, france hadnt fully accounted its tally, for today. Considering the cannicule of 2003, i can imagine why.
Thats the word for heat wave i recall from claire berlinskis lion eyes a roman a clef about her time in paris.
Esptein didn't kill himself......he was the first victim of COVID-19.
China isnt particularly noted
Ken B: "Trumpkins for Bernie."
Are all socialists in favor of open, free and FAIR trade?
Because thats news to me.
Arent you Canadian Ken B?
If so, your complaints about the US insisting on open, free and FAIR trade is making alot more sense to me now.
No more NAFTA loopholes to exploit.
The crying about that is music to my ears.
Ken B for avoiding questions.
Mini-Chuck must get his cues from the Bulwark too!
walter: "Ken B for avoiding questions."
Ken B appears very very very upset that Trump is fighting against transparently unfair trade deals and signing new, fairer trade deals which actually open up markets for US firms, as the USMCA, China Phase 1 deal, Japan deal and South Korea deals all did.
Next target for leveling: the EU.
Maybe Ken is involved in siphoning off NY med supplies "out the back door", because Reagan free market.
Jon Ericson: "Mini-Chuck must get his cues from the Bulwark too!"
gadfly, whose pathetic blog launch a few years back crashed and burned by never getting off the ground, has long been The Poor Man's LLR-lefty Chuck.
walter: "Maybe Ken is involved in siphoning off NY med supplies "out the back door", because Reagan free market."
The Canadians were feeding at the NAFTA backdoor trough for decades...til OrangeManBad made the Backdoor Buffet go away.
They dont particularly mention china, they dont omit it either.
Please specify what you are referring to..3M?
I find that unlikely unless they distrust their own mask manufacturers so.
A hypothetical for the overnight thread:
What do you think would be happening right now if all the federal, state, and university employees who are "working from home" had to file for unemployment this week? What if you tossed in all the white collar ones in the private sector who are doing the same thing?
The link at 11:26
The President damns his vice with faint praise:
"By almost all accounts, he has done a spectacular job." - President Trump
Yes, there will be memorials later on, in a couple of months. It will still be hard in the immediate for the bereaved. It's kind of like having the corpse in the barn until the thaw. Well, not quite like that.
There was a recent example where the fbi apparently carted off materials which had been bought in large quantities, they arrested him for the usual orocess crimes and manufactured assault.
Etienne said...
The President damns his vice with faint praise:
"By almost all accounts, he has done a spectacular job.
In the current environment, that excerpt is far from faint.
But Trump has praised him effusively across multiple pressers.
Such an odd take you have.
Has Ken B become a concern troll?
It's aboot time we answered that question, eh?
Not a typo above.
Milwaukie guy: condolences on the loss of your friend. It is a loss to us all. And the pinched and fearful manner we are forced to mourn him is a great loss as well. It is hard to say, harder to say persuasively, that we can take a rain check on the exercise of our rites. Something is lost, simple as that. Which makes your honoring of your friend all the more important. Thank you and God bless.
in the old days when the ground was too frozen to dig a proper grave
Not that long ago. One of my grandmother's friends died in Feb 1992 and had to be stored until Vermont thawed. She'd been sent south to NC because they didn't think she'd survive another Vermont winter. That was in the 1920's, she died at 108 also. She was one of 3 Catholics in town until WWII.
Yancey Ward said...
A hypothetical for the overnight thread:
What do you think would be happening right now if all the federal, state, and university employees who are "working from home" had to file for unemployment this week? What if you tossed in all the white collar ones in the private sector who are doing the same thing?
I think that would shut them up. I used to enjoy listening to the afternoon radio programming on KUSC hosted by Brian Laurentson {sp] until he let his politics bleed through about how he was "getting us all through this." Mind you, I was listening after work on my own time and dime. These stay-at-home-louses need a little harsh dose of reality. I finally shut him off and feel much better for it. I still tune back in for Jim Svedja at 7 PM PT because he is a national treasure.
Government can -- and should -- take certain actions during an undisputed deadly emergency that it cannot take during healthy peace time.
Neither the concept of fundamental freedom nor the U.S. Constitution -- for those of us who are Americans -- are suicide pacts.
The government that can demand that a man be taken from his home, forced into servitude, and then order him to go onto some beach or field where his head is then blown off, is the same government that can tell some company in a health emergency that it must sell its critical goods first for the benefit of that nation, and only when those needs are met, may it sell for the benefit of others.
Let Canada be the champions of cutting their own national throat in the pursuit of shortsighted gains.
almost a year ago
What fresh hell, jon? Im not within a parsex of that.
"manufactured assault"
I don't think the FBI is required to wear cameras. But in any case the individual had large quantities of war material. After all, the President has declared war on the Wuhan Bat Flu.
If we all have masks and perhaps protective eye wear, perhaps we can take the societal risk of being released from our home-jails and go back to work.
But we can't do that if the materiel if it won't be sold to us.
thats not being civil
Calling Mrs. Kravitz...Gladys where are you? The California Stasi needs you!
San Diego Sheriff
Starting April 4th, employees of gas stations, pharmacies, grocery/convenience stores and restaurants must wear masks or face coverings while at work. To report a violation of the County Public Health Order, call 2-1-1 or visit
Might as well ask everyone to ride a unicorm pony, do they want mad max?
(The new) Outer Limits -- Alyssa Milano is overcome with sexual desire.
I once saw Alyssa Milano in person. It was when we had tickets to the Arsenio Hall show. She had some hockey boyfriend at the time. Still a teenager, I think.
Starting April 4th, employees of gas stations, pharmacies, grocery/convenience stores and restaurants must wear masks or face coverings while at work. To report a violation of the County Public Health Order, call 2-1-1 or visit
This a test of "how Chinese can we be."
We've got their fucking disease -- we must start acting like them too.
I liked the BSG reboot up until the "All Along The Watchtower" episode. That one proved they had lied to us about all the rules about Cylons, and I didn't bother watching the final season.
I thought Hatch did OK as VP & then very temporary President. The semi-official score-settling courts he set up were probably necessary.
But, yeah the opening credits claimed the Cylons had a plan. Turned out they didn't..
Yes she was acting in that one, wink wink, was that before she made amends with weinstein. Then again she was amy fisher before that.
And the twist was much like doug adams time, the crew of the galactica are our ancestors from 150,000 years ago.
Wasn't Outer Limits originally on Showtime?
In any event, on Comet they have Alyssa's bare body fuzzed out in certain areas.
Hillary meant well, which is the same force that allowed otherwise decent people to vote for the person who mocked the disease.
If you can't figure it out, certain people say anything for cash and others forego cash and withstand quite significant setbacks via a process created, or at minimum exacerbated, by our host here at the Altouse blog, called destroying families such as the Palins through harassment and hatred.
They feel so, so good about hatred, delusionally feeling they aren't monuments of hatred of decency allowing for the existence of overwhelming dreadly sorrow, such that they can never recognize that is what they embody. People tell them, they shift.
They spent their productive years arguing what paid, and literally will give those other people's lives to show how sincere they are, with other's lives.
How could not everyone agree? Why didn't Hillary, whom Althouse voted for, and like a fool admitted it instead of merely lying lawyerly which she taught oh so well, win by 50 points?
Because Althouse only taught those hicks who don't matter from WI.
Wow Paul Ryan and Reince Preibus sure must have made Althouse proud. What great Wisconsinites!
Together with DS9, BSG had a deep religious theme to it.
That added a dimension that a lot of shows don't have.
I believe i spelled that out mark,
Per the San Diego County News Center:
The County is implementing these new guidelines to keep COVID-19 from making more people sick. They include:
Residents are strongly encouraged to cover their nose and mouth when leaving home for essential activities, such as grocery shopping, getting gas, visiting convenience stores or pharmacies.
In California jogging is an essential activity so a mask is strongly encouraged (for now).
The prequel series Caprica was interesting for a while.
It did but it ran out of steam.a d ratings it went noir, which was an interesting choice.
Guildofcannonballs said...Because Althouse only taught those hicks who don't matter from WI.
I don't think Althouse has taught me anything and I'm sure it's mutual. I'm here because of you guys.
Condolences to Milwaukee Guy. We need these rituals to give completions to our mourning. It's an extra turn of the knife when the same disease that killed him doesn't allow you to properly mourn him.
Priebus seems adaptable to new situations, ryan seems to be stuck in a loop
Grocery stores outta food!
Grocery stores outta food, you're gonna die!
Grocery stores outta food, duh dummy why ain't you hoarding!!!
Yancy, I go to Costco son.
You settle yourself and co-minded likewise.
Costco will always have more than plenty in bigger quantities than you could ever need.
I ain't lying boy, not shut your panicked mouth boy. Before you turn into a little bitch Yancey.
Any other fucks panicked about food wanna spread it? I'll Guild your ass into submission. I don't allow fucks to fuck everything.
You wanna die stayed fucked you do it, but I'll not allow you corrupting others. You understand?
If you're not in a city with a Costco be jealous, and change yourself.
Move to civilization, you might be able to adapt and ergo appreciate what has been give to us here in God's graceful land.
I won't just go break into your home and move you, you lazy cunts.
Guild just went even more bananas.
It thinks good comes from the grocery stores, e.g. CostCo.
That is Grade-A dumb.
Insert Heinlein quote here.
Something I have seen with both my nieces during this home learning thing: They will have a clear powerpoint (or whatever) presentation of the lession with the relevant text, diagrams and bullet points and neither one (3rd & 10th grades) will read it. They both go stright to google. I'm telling the younger, Here's where they say exactly what they want in a summary of the reading assignment!, and she goes to google, brings up the wikipedia (I think) article on "summary" and starts doing that. It drives me crazy and makes me worry for our future where nobody can pay attention for more than 30 seconds..
What I mean to say, is even if there were Yancey's in charge, and there ain't, even a Yancey would figure out why mothers of invention are necesarrily involved.
AS AN AMERICAN you schmuck.
What would you have done in 1863 or 1943 you puke?
I just finished the Epix War of the Worlds series. The plus side: everyone in the series undergoes much more travail than we are currently undergoing. It's relentlessly bleak and depressing...At the beginning, I thought it might offer some politically incorrect characters or plot hooks. No such luck, but an inordinate number of children and pregnant women get killed in the series. Children and pregnant women generally have plot armor, but this series goes out of its way to kill them.......There's an illegal Sudanese immigrant who commits an ignoble act early in the series. That's a violation of pc rules, but the series quickly gets him back within the pc realm. It was just a bad moment. He turns out to be sensitive, brave, and kind. A perfect gentle knight. The only really vile character was a hetero French cop. You can make hetero cops as evil as you want....I thought it was a limited series, but it turns out it's just season one. It ends on a cliff hanger. It's pretty bleak and disappointing. I bet there's no second season.
Birkel said...It thinks good comes from the grocery stores, e.g. CostCo.
Disagree. I'ma member, but I've shunned them for 3 weeks now. They enable bulk buying and hoarding. Plus their lines are longer than -- for example -- Trader Joe's.
Amazon is another sore spot. I refuse to join Prime because my wife is a Prime member, and (1) I don't want 2 prime memberships in one household, and (2) I don't want to go through my wife for every purchase. So I always carefully accrue purchases to $25 to meet their free shipping qualification. But just recently, Amazon has shunted non-Prime purchasers like me to much longer wait times for shipping, prioritizing Prime members. So I said fuck you, Amazon, I'm moving to eBay. Or, back to eBay.
Yes they had an interesting opening twist and they went all grand guignol gore, but this is the eu they cant even handled invaders from the next continent
The food gets to costco from the fields of the factories by truck.
"Blogger Birkel said...
Guild just went even more bananas.
It thinks good comes from the grocery stores, e.g. CostCo.
That is Grade-A dumb.
Insert Heinlein quote here."
The idea Costco will just run out of food is an idea you can't just say is likely or reasonable.
You have to, if you aren't a shit, figure out what Costco is. Costco is bigger than you Birkel. They have what is known as economies of scale. They will get food, they will get transport, they will retail it.
You weakling can't have the first clue why I am wrong, although of course all the Costco well-paid Americans may fail to do what is required of them.
You simply haven't seen how amazingly attracting Costco execs are.
Or you feel Americans are weak. Are you a weak American? That would explain your lack of faith in the most amazing companies alive, Amazon, WalMart, Costco, to do what they do.
You got you some scenarios huh boy? You shout em out loud while the rich get richer bitch. I will, and all the people I know, continue to eat to obesity if not controlled.
Francisco D: "Has Ken B become a concern troll?
It's aboot time we answered that question, eh?"
His playing dumb about the tariff imbalances and pretending that wanting those tariff imbalances to be removed is akin to backing Bernie-style socialism really opened my eyes to the possibility of Concern Trolldom.
ONLY A MONTH LATE: CDC expected to endorse cloth masks for civilians.
Posted at 10:20 pm by Glenn Reynolds
If only farmers sold their crops to anybody but a damned middleman, we'd all be rich. why do those idiot farmers do that? Maybe we should become farmers and show them how to do it.
Those farmers deserve a lot more than what the market may/will bear.
The middleman stole that profit! They don't do anything, they don't produce or consume. They just suck up all the profit for themselves, greedily.
Can you imagine how dumb one must be to assume Costco won't find a way to sell what they buy in bulk at a lower cost than what they sell at?
What type of Yancey or Birkel assumes they know more than the people's whose jobs depend on knowing?
You little panicked unAmericans wanna go cry find a corner, Americans are eating ourselves obese as always. That will not stop in three months.
If it does stop in three years, figure out how to compensate.
In retrospect, I think I'm on Birkel's side regarding Costco rather than Guild's
Say what you will, it's extremely hard to argue with guildy.
I don't know where to begin.
Can you imagine how dumb one must be to assume Costco won't find a way to sell what they buy in bulk compared to a single consumer at a lower cost than what was selled at and will ergo sell for more at?
Fuck it, you wanna capitulate I ain't gonna take the time to make the typo corrections leading you into Trump's light. Just know you were resisted, and you acted like a sad sorry shell of an American man.
Not sure what shows worse judgment. Hiring Jared Kushner or sticking him in front of a microphone.
Reynolds and..other subsidized bloggers are cool with masks.a
(excepting jogging..Reynolds is a lifter)
Thats not the point, its how the supply chain is being stretched like taffy, and we know what ultimately happens with taffy..
You little panicked unAmericans wanna go cry find a corner, Americans are eating ourselves obese as always. That will not stop in three months.
The one and only time -- and I am serious -- that I chastised a fellow American was the time 2 weeks ago that I chastised a fellow American coming out of a Costco with a shopping cart filled with toilet paper. The guy's response was a shiteating "I scored" grin.
Is that what you admire about capitalism, Guild? If so, fuck you. I should target you in drunken Buckley Chirbits like I used to do.
walter said...Say what you will, it's extremely hard to argue with guildy.
I don't know where to begin.
He's like Ritmo on acid.
And theres very little margin for error. Other than its all (redacted) peachy keen.
Good photo...
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NY Post April 2nd
An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.
Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.
The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries.
“Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.
The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it.
A debate about hydroxychloroquine was sparked two weeks ago after President Trump touted the drug as a possible “game-changer” in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting critics to accuse him of peddling unproven, untested remedies.
To date, “there is no evidence” that any medicine “can prevent or cure the disease,” according to the World Health Organization.
But Sermo CEO Peter Kirk called the polling results a “treasure trove of global insights for policymakers.”
“Physicians should have more of a voice in how we deal with this pandemic and be able to quickly share information with one another and the world,” he said in a press release.
The 30 countries where doctors were surveyed included ones in Europe, South America, and Australia — and no incentives were provided to participate, the company said.
Also from the NY Post:
'Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine believe that they’ve found a potential vaccine for the new coronavirus.
The researchers announced their findings Thursday and believe the vaccine could be rolled out quickly enough to “significantly impact the spread of disease,” according to their study published in EBioMedicine.'
'...The scientists say they were able to act fast because they had already done research on the similar coronaviruses SARS and MERS.
“These two viruses, which are closely related to SARS-CoV-2, teach us that a particular protein, called a spike protein, is important for inducing immunity against the virus,” read a statement from co-senior author Andrea Gambotto, M.D..."'
What? We "have no therapies".
Birx has her rolled up paper over your snout.
It took a visceral reaction to Kushner to surface Farmer.
Guildofcannonballs said...Can you imagine how dumb one must be to assume Costco won't find a way to sell what they buy in bulk compared to a single consumer at a lower cost than what was selled at and will ergo sell for more at?
The bigger the scale, the harder the fall.
walter said...It took a visceral reaction to Kushner to surface Farmer.
Yeah, I don't get his reaction. And since he didn't give a link, I'm just going to assume TDS or anti-Semitism.
@StephenFearby: Thank you for your continuing updates on chloroquine and HCQ.
Yeah, I don't get his reaction. And since he didn't give a link, I'm just going to assume TDS or anti-Semitis
Obviously the only two possibilities for not supporting a New York liberal in the west wing. Are you at all familiar with the criticism of Kushner from Trump's right?
But just recently, Amazon has shunted non-Prime purchasers like me to much longer wait times for shipping, prioritizing Prime members. So I said fuck you, Amazon, I'm moving to eBay. Or, back to eBay.
Plus who in the heart of hearts wants to see the guy hiding behind WaPo succeed?
I mean Bezos.
Your point, contention re him in current scenario?
Thoughts, parameters towards resolving the future generally?
Obviously the only two possibilities for not supporting a New York liberal in the west wing. Are you at all familiar with the criticism of Kushner from Trump's right?
No. Please school me on "Trump's right" w/o invoking Jennifer Rubin. Who do you mean?
No. Please school me on "Trump's right" w/o invoking Jennifer Rubin. Who do you mean?
Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Pat Buchanan, Peter Brimlow, Mickey Kaus (on immigration), VDare, Taki's Mag. The people who have been trying to sound the alarm about mass immigration, "free" trade, and endless war for decades now.
Who is "Trump's right" and why do you give it the genitive case? Does Trump possess them?
@Farmer: So you're saying that Coulter, Ingraham, Buchanan, et al., are lining up against Kushner?
must be mistaken
@Farmer: So you're saying that Coulter, Ingraham, Buchanan, et al., are lining up against Kushner?
No, I am saying they have ben lined up against him for some time now. his latest performance at the press briefing was merely more reinforcement of that opinion. But hey, Kushner did manage to champion "sentencing reform." I certainly know that's why I voted for Trump.
No, I am saying they have ben lined up against him for some time now. his latest performance at the press briefing was merely more reinforcement of that opinion. But hey, Kushner did manage to champion "sentencing reform." I certainly know that's why I voted for Trump.
Well. we might be in some sort of agreement then. I certainly don't take cues from Coulter, Ingraham, Buchanan, et al. Nor from Mitt Romney. The current strife in D.C. is not based on Republican vs. Democrat politics.; It's more of a class struggle. That's what R's and D's still don't get.
And you can't just blithely say that a rich man can't be on the working poor's side. Think FDR.
And you can't just blithely say that a rich man can't be on the working poor's side. Think FDR.
You're right. It's good I never made any such claim. My opposition to Kushner is not that he's rich but that he's a globalist.
You're right. It's good I never made any such claim. My opposition to Kushner is not that he's rich but that he's a globalist.
More agreement. Maybe I would dislike Kushner more if you gave more (recent) evidence of him championing globalism.
This is your chance to score big and convince me.
🚢🚢🚢🚢 Ahoy! 🚢🚢🚢🚢
More agreement. Maybe I would dislike Kushner more if you gave more (recent) evidence of him championing globalism.
Jared Kushner is undermining President Trump’s campaign promises
@Farmer: Well, that's a gamechanger! All I can say is that Kushner won't get very far so opposing his FIL's policies and wishes; or, once removed, reports of Kushner opposing his FIL's policies and wishes won't get very far.
I bid you a good night. Not that I didn't enjoy tonight's exchange -- I did! it's just that I must get up early tomorrow for another workday in the face of a locked-down public.
@Farmer: Well, that's a gamechanger! All I can say is that Kushner won't get very far so opposing his FIL's policies and wishes; or, once removed, reports of Kushner opposing his FIL's policies and wishes won't get very far
Well there were also the clashes between he and Bannon in the early days of the Trump White House. Unfortunately, there is no hot mic of Kushner openly admitting to trying to undermine Trump's campaign promises. But I don't consider it very far fetched that Jared and Ivanka see their roles as tempering some of Trump's more "troublesome" instincts. Hell, even Trump seems confused about what his son-in-law believes. But we do know that the First Step Act was Kushner's baby.
Listened to Bannon lately?
milwaukee guy, I was very sorry to read of your friend’s passing, and I echo the hope of several here that you and others can give him a proper memorial when the situation permits.
On another note, James Lileks once wrote about his hate mail from both sides: that the ones on the right at least sounded like they were half in the bag and having fun hating his guts, whereas the ones on the left were bitterly sober, regretting the necessity of having to flay him but someone has to or the Republic is DOOMED.
Guild reminds me of a right-wing Lileks-hater. You are hammered every time you post, right, Guild? And you do sound like you’re having fun.
Listened to Bannon lately?
I haven't followed his career much since he left the White House, save the occasional interview or YouTube appearance. But I don't think it is merely a coincidence that the two people Kushner has reportedly butted heads with the most in the administration are Bannon and Stephen Miller.
Just lovely Ann & of course Meade.
Scotty has 2 Wuhan Virus stories in his latest
"My Grandma Russell, the Scots-Irish one, was born in 1896 and died in 2004,...”
That was an amazing generation in a lot of ways. It really sucked how much of it was wasted in that fucking war over empire in Europe.
Maybe they produced such great artists because of that war.
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""Has Ken B become a concern troll?”
Will this judgement somehow invalidate the points he has been making re the pandemic? Is that how epidemiology works? Are we back to the days of the trial of Galileo intellectually?
There's a lot of public displays of rabbit affection in the backyard, against social distancing.
On a tangent, a major difference between Christians and pagans in the Roman Empire was Christians' care for the sick during pandemics and such.
Since every known society in human history, and probably prehistory, cared for the sick during pandemics and such, you're saying that there was something unique about Roman pagans?
You can look it up.
But wait! There's more!
"God bless those pagans"
My condolences Milw. Guy
Will this judgement somehow invalidate the points he has been making re the pandemic?
That, and his use of the word “denialist” in an attempt to slam people who disagree with him, yes.
Guild of Cannonballs thinks "food" come from CostCo. It does not.
And the breakdown in supply/delivery will happen when the profit motive is destroyed. Ever has it been thus. And without paying customers outside of government promises or commands, a functioning economy we do not have within another few months.
The golden goose is struggling to hang on. But wrong it's neck a little harder to collect your just rewards.
Late arrival today.
Sorry to hear about your friend Milwaukie Guy; so far nobody I know personally has it.
Narciso, Ice Nine is in Cat's Cradle, not Player Piano.
Carry on
"That, and his use of the word “denialist” in an attempt to slam people who disagree with him, yes.”
You are an engineer, IIRC, surely if you disagree with him, you can put your argument in clear terms. A lot of people seem to be dancing around what they really think, which seems like it is that old people should suck it up and just die so that young people can get on with their lives. If that’s not what people are thinking, they could always clearly explain what they are thinking.
New York Deaths Double in Three Days.
This shit is real.
The flattening of the death curve of the past two days is over.
Blaine, Idaho has the most cases per hundred thousand.
@tim, if your comment is directed at me, then (1) I have detailed the bases (plural) for my belief that the American mortality rate for this virus will be well below the published estimates that have Ken — and Meade and Althouse and others — so concerned, on other threads, and this is scarcely the right thread to recapitulate those arguments, and (2) I have frequently stated my strong distaste for Ken’s use of the term “denialist,” likening it to the term used by global climate change alarmists. Ken’s weak response is that the alarmists use the term “deniers” while he is using “denialist.”
@tim, and as a septuagenarian myself, I am not at all in favor of “old people should suck it up and just die.”
Blogger Mark said...
So it appears that after getting the President's praise for working to produce much-needed masks, 3M has been caught profiteering by sending the masks to other countries at a higher price.
4/2/20, 10:04 PM
There are conundrum-like aspects here. Ken isn't evil at least for noting them.
On the one hand, yes, free markets, and yes, global trade, and yes, probably all legal and aboveboard;
OTOH, I bet Hitler, Tojo and Stalin all would have doubled whatever FDR was paying for enriched uranium and plutonium. Cash on the barrelhead. Think how rich we coulda got!
Or to put it in terms of the law of comparative advantage:
If the United States in 1940-45 were the leading producer (in quantity, quality and price) of atom bombs, and Nazi Germany the leading producer likewise of sex toys, should there have been a traffic in this exchange?
Or in legal terms before used here:
The Constitution is not a suicide pact.
3M is a global company. Honestly, why don't they supply foreign demand out of the Chinese (, etc.?) plants? Why ship Chinese masks here and US masks abroad? To subsidize the airlines?
3M is probably just incompetent here as opposed to malicious. But they had better get their minds right or Daddy spank.
I'd like to hear about the Defense Production Act being used to spin up pharma, both meds and precursors (APIs?) production here now. As in Here. As in Now.
I'd also like all the environmental impact statements to be used as kindling while somebody builds out some rare earths capacity here now. Here. Now.
Free market solutions are fine as long as: Here. Now.
3M will do very, very well to put its back into figuring out how to meet domestic needs, particularly of the obvious institutions who need the shizzle. Domestic Production Act in this instance means: Do I have to draw you a diagram?
(No. But if I have to, I will.)
And I don't know what you heard, Ken, and TBH I didn't attend in detail, but at today's presser, Cuomo apparently did say yeah, we're going to take stuff.
He better take some HCQ+Z and give it to the sick people! I bet my absent foreskin that his baby brother is getting that Rx and is taking it.
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