April 26, 2020

A day after his inflammatory, incoherent disinfectant-injection remarks, Trump announces that his long press briefings are not worth his time and effort.


Stay Safe said...

Ann has spent the last four years pretending Trump is not nuts.

Of course Trump is nuts.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

This is a mistake. Damn the critics, the important thing is face time - and ratings, always the ratings.

Automatic_Wing said...

Haha. When you find yourself in a hole, the first of business is to stop digging.

whitney said...

If Biden pick Stacey Abrams as his VP I'm going to go ahead and vote for him because we know he's not going to last and that means she's going to get become president and that's going to really clarify things for a lot of white people. I'm all for it.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I think they should still do the "briefings". Otherwise it will look like the Government and Trump don't care. Plus then the ONLY news (I mean propaganda) about anything would come from the media.

Just don't allow the media to ask questions in the middle of the briefings. Don't allow them to intrude themselves into the briefings. The media are rude and annoying. They ask stupid, ignorant, gotcha questions, or ones that have nothing to do with the situation. They RUDELY talk over and argue with the President and the others who are trying to present information.

Have the informational briefings. Then later have a representative from the White House screen some questions for the President to answer. Keep the jackals out of the mix. They can howl and snipe on their OWN programs.

In addition....there really isn't that much more to say about the Flu, which is what Corona basically is. Wash your hands idiot. Stay away from dense crowds. This too will pass. It always does.

Stay Safe said...

Even Drudge is distancing itself from Trump.

traditionalguy said...

Trump has been forced to distance himself from the WHO team’s agenda that he enabled by shutting down our economy. All the 2 hour a day show was getting him was being seen fighting the nasty Trump haters of the MSM with no way to win except to declare himself the winner. It’s time for declaring victory and pulling out.

Stay Safe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stay Safe said...

Ann was somehow so smitten with Trump she was made incapable of writing critically about him for the past four years.

Mark said...

For someone who reputedly has the TV on all the time, I am surprised he never watched a full press conference before.

If he had he would know this is just par for the course.

If he cannot stand the heat, perhaps it is time to get out of the White House

Shouting Thomas said...

@Stay Safe

Althouse voted for Hillary. She’s anything but smitten with Trump. It’s only in the last few months that she’s become sympathetic. I think you can still count on her voting Democratic. Identity (feminist) politics trumps everything with her.

The real story over the past few days is that the Obama admin played a major role in financing the Wuhan lab.

The actions of the Democratic Party over the past 3-1/2 years have been criminal and treasonous. The Democratic hack press has been complicit in this crime wave.

Trump is the only thing standing between us and the criminal Democratic Party, which is eager is impose CCP type rule in the U.S.

Stay Safe said...

The United States, which has about 4% of the world’s population, now has suffered about one third of the deaths from this virus.

That's on Trump. And the rats jumping Ship Trump knows it.

Shouting Thomas said...


You missed Obama press conferences.

The Democratic Party hack press swooned over him, kissed his ass and threw softballs.

Because he’s black.

wendybar said...

Now they will be bitching that the White House doesn't inform them. He can't win no matter what with these activists posing as the media.

Stay Safe said...

Shouting Thomas, you are so cute with your goofy right wing rantings and conspiracy theories.

Please, never change.

Mark said...

Shouting Thomas never watched many in person either.

He just angrily passes along talking points.

That's what revolution is to you boomer types, zero thought just mindless talking points.

And you claim to be a rebel.

Calypso Facto said...

Trump did more extemporaneous speaking in the past 2 months than Obama did in 8 years as President. And judging by how glad the Lefties are to see him stop, it must've really gotten under their skin (like bleach!) to see how good he is and know that Biden will be crushed at any debate like a Coke can under a tank tread.

I can't blame Trump ... rather than trying to help the country during this crisis the inane reporters used their access in a singular search for "gotcha" moments, and I wondered why Trump didn't shut the farce down long ago.

tim maguire said...

Stay Safe said...Even Drudge is distancing itself from Trump.

Drudge turned against Trump long ago.

It's a mistake to stop doing the press conferences right after a new media smear job (Trump’s “crazy” comments were, as usual, nothing of the sort. Only someone dumb enough to drink fish tank cleaner could think he was suggesting people inject themselves with household cleansers.)

As Trump well knows, giving in to the lies will only encourage more lies.

Stay Safe said...

Of course Ann voted for Trump. Go back and read her blog postings leading up to Election Day.

But in recent months it finally dawned on Ann that anyone who voted for Trump will be judged as being a twit by their children.

Sorry, but Ann’s four years of being unable to write critically about Trump is her true legacy.

Laslo Spatula said...

It's a shame.

A firm yet responsible media would've made these briefings a truly remarkable period in American history.

A President, willing to talk for hours on the thinking behind the decisions.

A President, willing to brainstorm with the American people.

The idea that doctors out there could elaborate on the ideas, instead of the same tired talking heads.

A press that could've followed up fairly on that would have made a great 'warts-and-all' history of a crucial time in America.

Instead, we got endless gotcha questions and reprehensible re-characterizations of what is said.

It's almost like the press knew the virus didn't live up to the hype.

I am Laslo.

Shouting Thomas said...

@Stay Safe

Althouse, under pressure from her readership, announced a couple of months ago that she voted for Hillary.

I suggest you go back thru her archives.

Josephbleau said...

Stay Safe is our new poetic picket line of Burma shave signs on the tourist highway to socialist victory.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The press is activly hostile at every moment during a crisis - because the press are chi-com democratic Deep state asshole.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey Trump - here's a thought - don't entertain bad questions from shit "reporters"

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Stay Safe (hi Inga) says a bunch of lies.

Drudge has been anti Trump for years. Keep up.

The US does not have 1/3 of the WORLD population deaths from the Covid flu. The statistics are also lies since China is fudging their numbers.

Global Cases: 2,899,830 US Deaths: 54,161 0.01867%

That is only confirmed cases. There are MILLIONS of Covid cases that have never been reported because the people got sick, got better and went on with their lives. Just like every OTHER flu season. The actual percentage is probably far lower.

Stay Safe said...

Sorry Laslo, but that is bunk.

Trump acted like the egomaniacal maniac that he obviously is during these press briefings. While that was maybe entertaining during normal times when some thought ”sticking it to the elites” was the end all, it now seems grotesque for a president to be acting this way. (It was always grotesque for a president to act that way.)

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, Stay Safe appears to be a CCP or Democratic Party bot, if there is any difference between the two.

Kai Akker said...

Sad to see Trump go on the defensive.

Equipment Maintenance said...

Stay Safe said: "Shouting Thomas, you are so cute with your goofy right wing rantings and conspiracy theories."

Stay Safe has forgotten that all Democrat senators and nearly all Democrat representatives voted for civil war a few months ago, so ST's rantings aren't goofy nor a theory.

Shouting Thomas said...

Score one for the CCP/Democratic Party alliance.

Otto said...

Stay safe - ????

First to comment

Ann for trump ????

I submit SS is a plant.My guess- Meade

Ann Althouse said...

Stay Safe has a hidden profile. Is this a troll? A sock puppet? I'm suspicious. There's a burden on you now, Safe Space. I suspect that you are not a good faith commenter. Show otherwise, or I'll be deleting you henceforth.

I think this is a sock puppet. I don't like the hidden profile.

rhhardin said...

I never watched them but I'll miss the pull quote hysteria.

Stephanie Toral said...

Before the latest “disinfectant debacle” I could sense Trump becoming increasingly exasperated. It’s clear that many in the media are most interested in coming away from each press conference with a “gotcha” moment to exploit for political gain. I would hope that he will continue to do the briefings but perhaps shift the focus to economic recovery.

Stay Safe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GatorNavy said...

Far to late, President Trump

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I watched some of the first Covid Briefings. Then I stopped deciding it was a big waste of my time.

Daily is just too much. There isn't that much to really say that we already haven't heard. Especially now. A weekly briefing would be plenty.

The things that the Drs and others were saying were all based on partial or faulty information, which changed daily. The media just ruined the opportunity for anyone on the stage or podium to give information without being interrupted.

The briefings were just opportunities for the media to twist, distort and lie. Also to puff up their own egos by trying to insert their own oh so important selves into the story.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Stay Safe is an Inga sockpuppet. Tells: focus on childish ad hominem and you’re stoopid/no you’re stoopid; past history of sock puppetry; interest in denigrating Trump supporters instead of Trump himself. Only thing missing this morning is the run on sentences and elbowing Ken B in the ribs with “these people amirite” silliness.

Roughcoat said...

Honest question for Althouse: what do you want in a profile? I don't really have one but you know who I am because we've corresponded privately. I don't list my name in the profile because of reasons having to do with the sensitive nature of my work and orders from my superiors to stay unnamed in my online presences.

Stay Safe said...

Ann, I am not a sock puppet and like many here I have a hidden profile.

But what does it matter?

It seems like this is a case where if you can't address the argument then focus on the identity of the person making them.

Mattman26 said...

Inflammatory? Goofy I'll give you, but I can't see how his musing-out-loud meanderings were inflammatory. The press was pre-inflamed.

traditionalguy said...

People who think The Professor is enamored of Trump must have missed the 2015-2018 era when she only condemned his style for vulgarity and arrogance. Then slowly she came around to recognize him for his unique leadership communications skill, but I doubt her initial feelings on his style have changed . The most she writes pro Trump is to point out the unfairness of some of the over the top hit pieces.

Stay Safe said...

And I am a lot less obnoxious (by a mile) than many of your right wing commenters.

Stay Safe said...

Ann, do you deny that you have not (except on a few occasions) written in a critical manner about Trump?

Stephanie Toral said...

@Stay Safe
How about trying Ann’s “Am I helping?” rule?

Brian said...

Allow me to posit a theory for stopping the press conferences.

1. Anything Trump does sucks the oxygen from the room. We’ve seen that since 2015.
2. During the daily press conference “show season”, Trump needed to have the press conferences to highlight what the feds were doing and to combat the state governors own press conferences (e.g. Cuomo)
3. What is the story Trump wants to push to the forefront now, though? The re-opening of America. State by State.
4. Red state governors are already opening.
5. There are protests in states that aren’t opening yet.
6. Trump doesn’t want to take away from that story.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Or maybe Chuck, because he thinks he owns Althouse and has some right to tell her what to think and write about. Stay Safe has kind of a prissy female Karen quality to it as a name, but that doesn’t rule out Chuck. If it gets really mad and then starts with the F bombs that’s a good piece of evidence.

Stay Safe said...

Ann, do you deny that you have applied a vastly different standard of critique when writing about Trump compared to mainstream Democrats of his status?

You have been much more sharply critical of President Obama over the past four years while you have completely waved off the craziness that Trump has inflicted on this country.

Instead, you leant your voice to the chorus that has been screaming that those who are critical of Trump are the real problem. When in fact they were just reacting to his craziness.

Ann, you know what I write here is true.

But you have boxed yourself in over the history of your blog.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Pants Or maybe Chuck, because he thinks he owns Althouse and has some right to tell her what to think and write about. Stay Safe has kind of a prissy female Karen quality to it as a name,

You may be right. Chuck. Inga's posts are much more childish and nanny nanny boo boo-ish when she gets upset.

Either way a completely blocked profile is just a sign that the poster is likely a newly minted (probably as of this morning) sock puppet and is offering nothing to any conversation on the topic posted.

Brian said...

Ann, do you deny that you have applied a vastly different standard of critique when writing about Trump compared to mainstream Democrats of his status

Yep. Sounds like Chuck.

tcrosse said...

As a matter of style, Stay Safe looks to me like Ritmo.

rcocean said...

What a Hostile anti-Trump headline! What mind-reading of Trump.

Lets step back. The Briefing We had Undersecretary of DHS give an interesting talk on CV-19 research. We had the medical doctor and VP Pence talk about the CV-10 situation. We had Trump talk about the CV-19 situation and north korea and other important topics.

So what does the MSM focus on? What's their main story? A side comment/question to the medical experts made by Trump about whether the research on light and disinfectants could be used to treat the CV-19 virus!

The briefing was 15,000 words. Trump spoke about 10,500 words. And the press focused on 135 words relating to brainstorming questions about the use of the research. And IGNORED everything else.

So, why take questions from them? Its a WASTE OF TIME TO TALK TO THE MSM.

Stay Safe said...

My questions, while maybe uncomfortably pointed, are obviously fair.

Conservative ideals said...

Imagine if this type of thinking was applied to the process of any other invention.

“Hmm, when lightning strikes the ground, it creates fires. Those fires are devastating, but if we could make smaller ones that we could control, we could use them for warmth and possibly other things.” Reply “Are you insane? You can’t make Lightning! Are you some sort of sky god? Besides, fire will kill us all. You’re an idiot. Hey everyone, look at the fool trying to create a testable hypothesis from an observation!”

The group that is criticizing Trump over this comment is at the same time criticizing one of the important components of the scientific theory.

rcocean said...

The Press has made it clear they don't care about the CV-19 virus. Like Pelosi and Schumer and the liberal/left this crisis is just an OPPORTUNITY to attack Trump. That's their main priority. The NYT/WaPo, Bezos and Jeff Zucker at CNN don't care about giving us information on the virus, or helping Trump fight it. All they care about is ORANGE MAN BAD.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The hack D press: Exhibit A

Politico goes all in for a Democrat governor

Stay Safe said...

And I think that you others babbling on about my identity are unserious goofs.

But, just so your raging curiosity is quenched--
I'm Batman.

rcocean said...

Trump says something.
Hostile Press misrepresents it - lies about it.
Hostile Press presents their lies as fact.
Internet Liberal/Left parrots squawk out the party line.
Dumb R's and Conservatives accept the lies as fact and argue back

Rinse and Repeat. Been going on for 4 years. Yawn.

Stay Safe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BUMBLE BEE said...

MSM gets paid to do nothing but throw spitballs in class, like stay safe. Incapable of positive contribution, both.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democratic operative fems are feeding their unwanted husbands fish tank cleaner.
Get rid of unwanted husband AND blame Trump.
Two birds one stone.

Shouting Thomas said...

Uh, folks, this hysteria is cover for the likelihood that the CCP and Democratic Party conspired to develop and release the virus.

The Obama admin was a major financier of the Wuhan lab.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Definitely Chuck. The pompousness and weird preoccupation with what Althouse chooses to write about Trump seals it.

Francisco D said...

I have noticed a recent trend here where people are really feeding the trolls a lot more than usual.

It's one thing to argue with Farmer who has intelligent things to say, but there really is no value in responding more than once to ARM, Ritmo, Inga, Kenny B, Chuckles and our recent sock puppet. Even Howard and Cookie can be interesting to debate, but not the intentionally trolling fools.

narciso said...

because otherwise, they would make everything up, I noted how world controller Dorsey vond, memory holed the feed of the experimental uv treatment,

Otto said...

Well i disagree with the consensus that "Ann has seen the light". She constantly blogs about his mannerism starting with a NYT or other leftists reference which always has a negative slant. So the narrative always starts with the left's view and many times she doesn't comment so the post is only the the leftists publications narrative. She harps on Trump being weird.
She hardly never talks about policy or what is her view of policy. On rare moments when she does express her views- pro abortion, anti-Christian, feminism, loose sex and relativism -it shows she is a typical 60s liberal and i suspect has been one since her youth. She clams she is non-partisan but after prodding she admitted voting for Hillary! Her son voted for Stein. Like mother,like son.
I have stated in this election year that she will cleverly blog negatively about Trump. Let's see what happens.

narciso said...

I remember whitmer, back in the 80s when she was swallowing guinea pigs, (she didn't resemble jane badler) really, but still,

Sofa King said...

This is a time of crisis, and I'm coming around to the idea that the current media operations, with their reckless disregard for our need for cooperation, calm, and accurate and dispassionate news reporting, represents a clear and present danger to our nation and its people.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Laslo Spatula said...

It's a shame.

A firm yet responsible media would've made these briefings a truly remarkable period in American history.

A President, willing to talk for hours on the thinking behind the decisions.

A President, willing to brainstorm with the American people.

The idea that doctors out there could elaborate on the ideas, instead of the same tired talking heads.

A press that could've followed up fairly on that would have made a great 'warts-and-all' history of a crucial time in America.

Instead, we got endless gotcha questions and reprehensible re-characterizations of what is said.

It's almost like the press knew the virus didn't live up to the hype.

I expect they're all running around hi-fiving each other this morning, but in the long run they lose. They've gotcha-ed themselves out of a large daily supply of Trump quotes to spin that they were getting absolutely free.

Shouting Thomas said...

I, for one, an a great Althouse fan, and have been since the inception of this blog.

Althouse’s blog is the only net enterprise that I contribute financially to.

Although we don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, Althouse’s methods and her commitment to free speech work effectively over the long haul.

I know her political views but she doesn’t allow them to overwhelm her blog. 99% of the time she presents a legal or textual analysis without a conclusion and sets up the commenters to offer their own. Which is why she gets so many comments.

Amadeus 48 said...

I called out Stay Safe after his first appearance here as a Chinese bot. I am sticking with that.

Bob Boyd said...

Stay Safe is aptly named. Whoever it is, they're afraid to take on Professor Althouse without double secret anonymity.

Chuck said...

Blogger Stephanie Toral said...
@Stay Safe
How about trying Ann’s “Am I helping?” rule?

I am not “Stay Safe.” To “Stay Safe”; the hostess has a definite preference to be referred to as “Althouse,” and not “Ann.” I did no know that at first but once I learned it, I of course respected it.

Now, as for a rule denoted as “Am I helping?”...

What exactly is that rule? How does it work? Where was it written. We all know that Althouse asked that very thing, rhetorically. Is it now a rule?

Does the rule apply to Trump? Is it “helpful” to suggest that there are serious medical questions surrounding “injections [of] bleach”, or “under the skin” application of ultraviolet light? Was it helpful if those notions were serious? Was it helpful if those notions were sarcasm, aimed at trolling hostile reporters?

Speaking only for myself, I am interested in what might be helpful in terms of arresting the pandemic and keeping myself safe. I am certainly not interested in “helping” what Trump’s apparent sole aim is; his re-election.

Be like a tree said...

This notion of SIP/house arrest is akin to "safe spaces" at the university where the people are treated like infants and that We the People can't be trusted to exercise our freedom nor act in good faith when the need arises. According to our leaders and to a lot of the media we need to be ordered and dutifully conform to the latest diktat. I can see why ST is ticked off.

Paco Wové said...

"Stay Safe" reminds me of somebody who used to do a lot of drive-by insulting and sniping here, posting under the names "R. E. Lee" and then "Once written...", and a few other names as well.

A commenter highly worthy of being ignored or killfiled; all insults, no insight.

Michael said...

NY is 9% of US and nearly half its deaths. That is the entire state. Take it down to NYC and you see that this is Cuomo’s fault. Entirely.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Politico Edits False Story Claiming Trump Owes Millions to China

Chuck said...

4/26/20, 9:25 AM
Blogger I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
Definitely Chuck. The pompousness and weird preoccupation with what Althouse chooses to write about Trump seals it.

Good. You have made your choice. Now let’s bet on it. How much do you want to bet? It is going to have to be enough money for Stay Safe to share my winnings.

William50 said...

My wife could not stand Trump, and even though she didn't want Hillary as president decided not to cast a vote for president.

The MSM has done something I thought impossible. They have turned her into a strong Trump supporter even though she still can't stand him.

I Callahan said...

“Stay Safe” resembles “Once Written”. Remember him? Used the term “hillbillies”. Refers to our hostess as “Ann” often. A lot of similarities.

Stay Safe said...

You should all know that I am completely cool with you all obsessing over my identity. I find it hilarious! Carry On!!

Ryan said...

I don't see the big deal about the disinfectant remark. Obviously cleaners on exposed surfaces, including the skin of the human body. Would something similar work on the other side of the skin?

He's thinking out loud, and outside the box.

Amadeus 48 said...

As to Trump’s tweet, all TV shows have to end sometime, Gunsmoke after 20 years, Seinfeld after 9. Trump, Fauci and co. after six weeks.

Trump had gotten stale and he was starting to make mistakes in his counter-punching—Althouse gave him a script for the Clorox spit-balling fiasco, but he went with the lame “sarcasm” defense. No one believed that.

So we say good bye to the daily thrashing of the feeble nincompoops that the corporate media say are their reporters.

Trump has to move on for the campaign ahead. Be sure that he is studying Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom so he can get ahead of the game when Biden drops out and one of them drops in.

I hope everyone has noticed that Tara Reade has finally materialized in some corporate media venues. This signals the operation to cancel Biden and start over. The let him melt in his basement for a month and now they are going to push him out.

Bye-bye, Joe. You were always an idiot.

Michael said...

This is a NY problem that became the nation’s problem. With the national press in Manhattan it was only natural that they would see the disaster that was infecting their own friends and colleagues as a plague of historic size and thus influence the shutting down of the state and the nation. Their friends were catching this. The story was right there in front of them with photo opps within walking distance. And thus the towns n Rabun Georgia with zero fatalities were shuttered. Thousands of towns across the country without a case, without a fatality shuttered.

Ryan said...

I meant cleaners "work" on exposed surfaces...

A vaccine is a kind of cleaner. So is an antibiotic. You know, viruses have been "uncurable" for way too long? Where is our Alexander Fleming of viruses? Antibiotics work. Where is the antivirus?

To a non-doctor such as myself, these are fair questions.

Amadeus 48 said...

The damage that has been done to our workers and businesses has not begun to be recognized. Those state governors who locked down their entire states for more than three or four weeks are fools. There is a lot of good that could have happened in New York state beyond NYC and its retirement homes that never had a chance. The same with NJ, MI, and IL. By the way, notice that there was no spike in Michigan cases after the lockdown protest.

I hope the GOP is ready to run a good campaign. They never have been before. The Tea Party carried them to victory in 2010 and were rewarded with calumny and extermination.

Two trillion dollars is a heck of a stimulus. Keynes gets his ultimate test. Notice how many of his fair-weather acolytes are predicting failure.

Andrew said...

I'm one of those Trump supporters who truly believe that the injection comments were a mistake. Yes, of course the MSM will distort and misrepresent what he said. And of course what Trump actually said was much more complicated than is understood. He was responding to several things that had been spoken by medical professionals. But by now he should know that this is what is guaranteed to happen. He is right to pull the plug on these hearings. The word salad style of his will not work. But he should have stopped extemporizing in the first place. Meanwhile, there are millions of Americans stuck at home who could ask better questions than that malignant press corps. He should take some good questions from regular citizens and answer them directly. He can then point to positive developments, including UV light, new pharmaceutical developments, the latest on HCQ, etc.

Lurker21 said...

Sock puppets need love, too. I think Kermit sang a song about that. Or maybe it was Fozzie Bear.

Odds are Trump will be back taking questions from the media. He lives to mix it up with reporters.

Politicians (and not only politicians) can think every day, "They hate me," and yet still get hurt when they think people don't like them.

Remember when Bush staffers okayed Stephen Colbert's hosting the White House Correspondents' Dinner because they thought his Hate Bush shtick was just an act? Big mistake.

You can have a big ego and a soft skin. Trump will be back.

Michael K said...

Man ! This thread was a waste of time ! The lefty trolls are out on force. Francisco is right. I sometimes engage with the trolls and regret it.

Amadeus 48 said...

I see that Cedars-Sinai is working with a medical device company on a UV-A device that will kill the virus in the lungs using directed UV light.

So long, corona virus!

Andrew said...

Agree 1000%.
It is remarkable to watch the anointing of Cuomo as the heir apparent by the media. They are being very blatant about it. And Cuomo knows it. As poor as he has actually been in this crisis, he would be a formidable opponent. All of his mistakes will be buried, and his leadership style will be endorsed. I could see him winning. Bernie supporters and the like would have an easier time voting for Cuomo than Biden. I think it's only a matter of time before Biden is politely asked to stand down.

Why even bother holding Democratic primaries? Have they finished counting votes in Iowa yet?

Martha said...

Meanwhile CNN has disappeared the 1993 episode of CNN's "Larry King Live" featuring an anonymous caller who was later identified as the mother of Biden accuser Tara Reade. It was no longer listed in Google Play's catalog late Saturday.

CNN fake news is involved in a cover up to protect Biden.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Stay Safe says: And I think that you others babbling on about my identity are unserious goofs.

Well, yeah....maybe. But way more entertaining than talking about the shit YOU want to discuss.

dwick said...

Stay Safe said...
"The United States, which has about 4% of the world’s population, now has suffered about one third of the deaths from this virus."

Actually, at ~26.6% it's much closer to a quarter than a third... so either you need to scale back your exaggerations or brush up on your math skills.

But if we're going to play your little game... 6 major western European democracies (Italy, Spain, France, UK, Belgium, and Germany) with a population of only ~90% of the US have suffered nearly TWICE our number of deaths and a bit more than HALF the deaths worldwide.
Again, that's Italy, Spain, France, UK, Belgium, and Germany - you know, those EU-types with those wonderful nationalized health care systems folks of your apparent persuasion are constantly extolling the supposed virtues of here in US.

Bay Area Guy said...

The better reason that the press conferences may no longer be needed is because the country is pivoting towards reopening. . This is a good development.

Anonymous said...

Trump did not use the word “bleach”, much less “Lysol.” In any case, physicians do use a dilute bleach preparation called Dakin’s Solution for various disinfectant purposes, primarily wound and abscess irrigation. It’s a very effective disinfectant for microbes but non-toxic to human cells. It may well be the case that someone is studying bronchoalveolar lavage with this stuff for Covid patients.

Ultraviolet irradiation of the blood is another disinfectant treatment that was in widespread use before antibiotics were perfected. It may see a revival if it turns out that it works on this virus. Also, I saw a report of a device being developed by one Dr. Pimental at Cedars Sinai that applies disinfectant UV light to the airways via a bronchoscope. (YouTube and Twitter have apparently decided to censor any mention of this peer approved research, by the way.)

If any of this stuff sees the light of day and proves efficacious, some self-appointed medical experts in the media will have to eat a lot of crow.

Howard said...

Damn it was good while it lasted. I guess he's going to have to find another way to self destruct

Ken B said...

I agree with Kai Akker, kinda. It is a shame to see Trump go on the defensive and get petulant. But I am glad the briefings will be shorter.
Trump could have handled this a LOT better. Ann posted how; her analysis is spot on. Not what he did.

I think this has made President Newsom/Klobuchar/Michelle/Kamala or whoever a lot more likely.

Inga said...

“Stay Safe (hi Inga) says a bunch of lies.”

Stay Safe is not me. I have no need for a sockpuppet. I say what I want to say under my own name.

Bay Area Guy said...

Stay Safe sez: "And I am a lot less obnoxious (by a mile) than many of your right wing commenters."

I resemble!, er, I resent that remark!

Hmmm, not that it matters, but I don't remember a "Stay Safe" commenting in the last 5 or 6 years. Maybe, ab initio or ex nihilio (I forget which is which), he/she/Xe has graced this fine blog to redirect our energies towards ....safer stuff. And safer ideas. And safer comments. And safer jokes.

Oh well, I wonder if he/she/Xe will stay ... longer?

Amadeus 48 said...

Martha—I pray daily that Biden stays in, but I think we can be sure that he is leaving. The Tara Reade story actually made some outlets this weekend. That signals that they are ready to dump Joe. They have been letting him destroy himself with his incoherent ramblings from his basement, and now they are going to dump him.

Haven’t you heard how fearless and effective Cuomo has been? And what about California? That virus doesn't dare tangle with Gavin Newsom!

Yup. Joe is a goner. They’ll say his has the virus if they have to. Imagine the quarantine scenes as he passes the torch to another guy. “I have given everything to my country...(cough)...and now my life. I go gladly, trailing clouds of glory if you Americans, who I love so much,
elect [name here] president! (Cough, cough, choke)”.

Bathos doesn’t begin to describe the possibilities.

And then, a dream ticket is announced: For vice president, the governor of the great state of New York, Andrew Cuomo, and for POTUS, Michelle R. Obama!

Otto said...

WE agree to disagree. On one point you are correct , she allows free speech, me being an example. She knows i think negatively of her and have commented as such incessantly but she hasn't banned me.

Amadeus 48 said...

Stay safe— your relative degree of obnoxiousness is not for you to say.

You are pretty obnoxious, though.

How are things going in Wuhan? Getting out much?

Howard said...

Amadeus 48: Yeah, don't get my hopes up.

Inga said...

“You may be right. Chuck. Inga's posts are much more childish and nanny nanny boo boo-ish when she gets upset.”

Ha, DBQ’s posts most always sound like granny in combat boots brandishing a AK47 standing in her compound. I’ve been meaning to ask her why she isn’t enjoying this lock down, isn’t that what she’s been prepping for for years? Just when she could be digging into her vast cache of canned food and beans, she wants to be able to go out into society that she so avoids during normal times.

We are living in strange times when the apocalypse preppers are not satisfied with staying in their bunkers just when their dream come true pandemic/ name your event finally happens.


Bay Area Guy said...

I would like to see more Joe Biden press conferences.....

Ann Althouse said...

"Her son voted for Stein...."


Ann Althouse said...

If someone is here in bad faith, they get power and energy by being talked about, so I generally know better than to say anything. You'll know my decision when you find yourself getting deleted all the time. Arguing and preening about being the subject of discussion is a trollish thing to do. I asked for a demonstration of good faith. If I decide this is bad faith, the deletions will just happen.

Chuck said...

Blogger Skookum John said...
Trump did not use the word “bleach”, much less “Lysol.” In any case, physicians do use a dilute bleach preparation called Dakin’s Solution for various disinfectant purposes, primarily wound and abscess irrigation. It’s a very effective disinfectant for microbes but non-toxic to human cells. It may well be the case that someone is studying bronchoalveolar lavage with this stuff for Covid patients.

Trump used the word “disinfectant.” Trump used that word in the same breath as he addressed “Bill” — William Bryan, an acting* official within the Department of Homeland Security — who had immediately beforehand briefed on the subject of isopropyl alcohol and bleach being used to quickly, cheaply and effectively decontaminate everyday common surfaces.

*There are so many unfilled/no-nominee positions in DHS as in other executive branch departments, it is hard to figure out what Bryan’s actual role and title is. And yet he’s one of the people central to briefing the President on a national emergency. Bryan has not been confirmed by the Senate to any senior position.

Inga said...

The more Trump tries to explain his UV ray/disinfectant injection comments the more he makes himself look embarrassed for sounding like an idiot. He should just tell the truth and say he was speaking off the cuff and didn’t think before speaking. The lie about being sarcastic makes him look like he’s trying to make excuses for his silly comments. Just for once, for pity sake he could own up to what he said.

Ken B said...

Who was often compared to Trump? Ontario premier Doug Ford.
Perhaps no longer ....
An honest politician, laying into his own supporters. Good for him.

Ken B said...

Compare my Doug Ford link to Trump.

JMR said...

It's just par for the course. Trump speaks extemporaneously and the press misrepresents what was said. I am surprised he decided to end the briefings, but I expect within 7-10 days he will be back on the air, it's how he does his thing!

Someone mentioned the craziness that Trump inflicted on the country, and I don't see it.

narciso said...

where did I see damian lewis, the treacherous Nicholas brody, and the sleazy bobby axelrod is doing sometime of performance about Robert ford,

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

"A day after his inflammatory, incoherent disinfectant-injection remarks...

Trump got ahead of himself there moving the discussion directly from surface disinfectants, but at the same time is that worse than everyone pretending to have never heard of chemotherapy, "the treatment of disease by the use of chemical substances," and the inherent toxicity trade-offs involved in their use?

Antiviral Chemotherapy

In broad terms, there are three classes of chemical agents used to combat [viral] infection: (1) Antiviral drugs act by suppressing or preventing viral replication in infected cells, and are sufficiently non-toxic that they can be used to treat infected patients, (2) Disinfectants are designed to destroy the infectivity of free virus particles, but are mostly toxic for the host cell and have no significant clinical effect against established infection, (3) The many antibiotics now available to fight bacteria have no activity against viruses.

Chapter 52 - Chemotherapy of Viral Infections
Medical Microbiology. 4th edition.

Future Antiviral Drugs
The importance of virus infections and the early successes with some antiviral drugs have prompted the search for new agents. This search has been focused on compounds that are active against herpesviruses, retroviruses, and rhinoviruses (Table 52-2). These antiviral drugs of the future are expected to be useful in clinical settings in which the approved antiviral drugs are not sufficiently efficacious...

Main Targets for Antiviral Drugs
For rational drug design, the molecular targets (i.e., proteins or enzymes) should be identified first and then the drugs should be tailored on the basis of the molecular configuration and action of the target proteins. None of the antiviral drugs now available, or considered for clinical use, have been developed by rational drug design (except, to a certain extent, for the HIV protease inhibitors). Instead, their antiviral activity was found first, often by chance, and their molecular targets determined later.

Limitations of Antiviral Drugs
As mentioned above, clinical use of the currently available antiviral drugs is limited by toxic side effects. There are also some general limitations inherent in antiviral chemotherapy (Table 52-4).

Inga said...

“Compare my Doug Ford link to Trump.”

Ken, I just looked at his Tweet. He sounds as sober as a judge, but seriously he sounds like he’s addressing the problem of people gathering in large groups during a pandemic like a true leader and rightfully calls them yahoo’s and selfish. Trump tweets out messages to the yahoos in the US to “LIBERATE!”

n.n said...

Infection, disinfectant (e.g. HCQ+AZ). Trump's mistake was to progress, when he should have advanced or held his ground. With viable vaccines few and far between, the likely treatment in people... persons without innate or acquired immunity will be similar to HIV/AIDS through disinfection of the virus and amelioration of the disease's symptoms.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Inga I’ve been meaning to ask her why she isn’t enjoying this lock down, isn’t that what she’s been prepping for for years?

What lockdown? What pandemic? This is just a slightly worse than normal flu as far as it has been going.

Life is basically the same where I live, except for a couple of restaurants that are closed and less tourists than usual. That part is bad for the restaurant/resorts income.

People are out and about just as always. Loggers are logging. Farmers are farming. Cows are mooing in the fields. Mechanics are turning wrenches. Construction is happening. We are working our own business just the same as always. The grocery stores are the same and well stocked. Local small stores are open and doing more business than ever because the idiots in the big cities have let themselves be locked themselves down.

We are working in our gardens, BUYING SEEDS, spraying the orchards, fishing, doing all the outdoor activities as normal. Two of the Mexican restaurants said screw it and are open on their outdoor decks and patios...where we want to eat this time of year anyway. The Frosty is open and I can get a hamburger and a milk shake...not chocolate like Queen Nancy...blackberry!!

There are no cases of flu in our area. I don't see any Covid zombies roaming the highways. We are ready for the Zombies though. Just in case 😁

Of course, my experience, where I live, is markedly different from other locations. Sorry if you are having a bad time. This is why I live where I live. Freedom and who is going to stop us? The Sheriffs have already said they have better things to do.

n.n said...

"A day after his inflammatory, incoherent disinfectant-injection remarks...

A straw clown and social contagion spread through liberal license to mischaracterize, form close associations a la NYT style guide, and to force acute phobic responses a la the violence, hunts, and trials since his announcement ("conception" and especially at inauguration ("birth") and in progress.

Ken B said...

Exactly. But before this Ford had a reputation as Trump's less reliable, dodgier younger brother. But he has really stepped up. My wife hated him intensely, but she is shocked and impressed now.

Stay Safe said...

Ann, I made all of two comments about others speculating over my identity. Seriously, my identity does not matter here and I truly could not care less if others want to waste their time talking about it.

If you remove my comments it will not be because you believed I was trolling. Instead, it will be because you did not like the truth found within them and you want them to disappear.

Either way, the truth is the truth.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

To be serious, we do miss being able to travel to see family. Not able to stay overnights at some of our favorite motels and get supplies at "big" stores that we would normally be doing this time of year.

But...daily life. No difference

Bilwick said...

I guess people have suspected Stay Safe is actually Inga the State's Handmaiden because the party-line slavishness and lack of rational thought are so similar.

Bilwick said...

Inga and Stay Safe: You know what's killed more people than drinking bleach?

You guessed it: statism.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

I’m not having a bad time, except for not seeing my family in person. My County probably has far more cases than yours as we are about 30 miles west of Milwaukee. FaceTimes are fun, but not the same thing as a snot nosed hug and kiss from a couple little boys and the hugs and kisses from my older grandkids. My daughters and I communicate multiple times daily and probably more than we did pre pandemic.

My daughter just texted to tell me they are bringing over a delicious Mother's Day brunch from one of the really nice restaurants here in our county. Today is my 17 year old grandson’s 17th birthday and I baked him his favorite cupcakes with Chocolate Ermine frosting. My daughter picked it up yesterday, today they’re having his party for just their immediate family. No grandparents, no friends. But I know this will pass and we here in the suburbs will all get back to normal one day. I’m just grateful that I’m alive, my family is alive and I know no one first hand that has died. Though I know of several acquaintances and co workers of friends and family who didn’t survive.

I hope you have a good Mother’s Day. I’m sure you’ll cook something delicious, or even go out to a restaurant

Narayanan said...

A comparison comes to mind.
Nightline (Iran hostages, Ted Koppel, chanting Iranian) vs Trump briefing (Trump, Media, viewing public)

How do the elements line up for "in parallel"?

Krumhorn said...

Trump stepped on his crank the other day. He needs to give the jackals a day or two to high five, preen, and strut (which is why are seeing Safe today)...and then bring it some more with equal enthusiasm. Never ever.... ever ....give up.

As for Safe, there has been a periodic drive-by snarkster on this blog who I have always thought was one of those white boy leftie UW faculty of the homosexual variety in a department that ends in -studies and who has never achieved anything of significance other than getting this job suckling on the taxpayer titty. In his spare time, he’s a practicing antifa thug with the combInation lock in the athletic sock that he swings at any red hat with glee. His boyfriend is Freddie and Safe is the bottom.

- Krumhorn

hombre said...

Lookey. Another Orange Man Bad identity politics troll called “Safe Space”. Okay, Space, moving beyond the obvious “Trump is a jerk” meme, yawn, what’s next?

Demented, crooked Biden for POTUS, abortion on demand, infanticide of abortion survivors, open borders, gun confiscation, high unemployment in non-virus times, Green New Deal, socialism, death of our petroleum and coal industries, religious persecution (Christians only), suppression of speech, institutionalized racialist and gender politics, political corruption of the FBI, DOJ and IRS, etc.?

If Trump goes, what else do you offer beyond this crap?

hombre said...

Oh yeah, Safe, the blank ChiCom flag is a nice touch!

Ken B said...

My guess is Stay Safe has triggered Althouse by poking a sore spot. Althouse has, as she said, been trying to listen to Trump sympathetically. This has probably come at some cost, considering her milieu. And now, with his petulant refusal to admit his error and clean up the mess, and his obvious lie about sarcasm, Trump has made it a lot harder for people like Althouse to listen so sympathetically.

Mica said...

The comments by Trump may lack full coherence of a prepared speech, but are quite OK, are sign of pretty high native intelligence, one without medical background, and show how a very quick mind works to generate a novel idea by combining concepts in a novel way for a starting point.

Mustard gases (arguably an extension of an early chlorine-as-a-warfare-agent approach -- here is clorox connection!) became treatment of cancer, after all. Photodynamic therapy is an accepted concept, experimentally used in lungs. Etc. So, the proper response by our state epidemiologists (cf. Borat) was 'that's a very interesting idea, here is what we do along these lines... but please do not try this at home once press starts misinterpreting it. Also, please don't read Cuomo's wife's blog'.

Trump's statements are a variant of a Rorschach test; those who dislike him in any way, will find faults, those who are more neutral and have good background will understand them for what they are. That said, I am not sure that this is the most effective way of controlling the narrative.

Equipment Maintenance said...

Shouting Thomas said: " Uh, folks, this hysteria is cover for the likelihood that the CCP and Democratic Party conspired to develop and release the virus."

I agree, and I think they are kicking themselves for letting it get into the population about 6 months too soon. This was planned for September/ October to turn the presidential campaign and election into chaos.

hombre said...

Ken B said...
“My guess is Stay Safe has triggered Althouse by poking a sore spot. Althouse has, as she said, been trying to listen to Trump sympathetically.”

Poor guess. Althouse’s focus seems to be on the intellectual corruption of the mediaswine. If you are a minion of the leftmedia, it follows that she appears sympathetic to Trump even when she is not. The average lefty has no idea how indoctrinated they have become. The best evidence is their identity politics and willingness to project onto Trump the worst characteristics of their own schlock politicians to the point of absurdity.

A classic example was Trump being impeached by Dems for allegedly extorting Ukraine, an act to which Biden confessed on a video.

Jim at said...

Worst. Thread. Ever.

When 90 percent of the comments are best spent scrolling past, it's time to do something else.

hstad said...

4/26/20, 7:52 AM
Blogger Stay Safe said...
Even Drudge is distancing itself from Trump.

Where the hell have you been the last 2 years. Drudge has flipped his business model to progressive for sometime - in hopes his numbers continue to gain. However, his gambit is beginning to lose.

BTW, "Stay Safe" you've got to be a paid Troll - so many comments about nothing - a news conference - really?

stevew said...

Why is the Press, and the Q&A with them, necessary at these daily update sessions? Trump is right with his characterization of their behavior. We don't learn anything new or nuanced about the situation from their questions. The follow-up reporting is badly skewed toward anti-Trump hit pieces.

Trump and his team ought to give their update, as usual, to an empty room.

Known Unknown said...

"Drudge turned against Trump long ago."

Drudge may also not be Drudge. There are rumors he sold the site in 2019.

Known Unknown said...

"Today is my 17 year old grandson’s 17th birthday"

I'm glad it's not his 50th birthday. ; )

Known Unknown said...

"If someone is here in bad faith, they get power and energy by being talked about, so I generally know better than to say anything. You'll know my decision when you find yourself getting deleted all the time. Arguing and preening about being the subject of discussion is a trollish thing to do. I asked for a demonstration of good faith. If I decide this is bad faith, the deletions will just happen."

Yes, Governor Whitmer.

(I kid)

Static Ping said...

Trump is not wrong. However, if he wants to change things he would probably be better off doing it on his own terms, rather than let the media get an ill-gotten scalp. But then again Trump seems to do things that go against the grain and they typically work out for him, so who knows?

Paul From Minneapolis said...

Disappointed in you, Ann. He shouldn't have said it was sarcasm, but his original remarks were not incoherent unless someone was looking to see them that way. He was thinking out loud and it isn't hard to find out that there are in fact treatments snd potential treatments for viruses that fall under the very general thinking he was doing.

And inflammatory? What?

Inga said...

"Today is my 17 year old grandson’s 17th birthday"

“I'm glad it's not his 50th birthday. ; )”

Me too, that would make me older than Methuselah if I were still living.

Nyamujal said...

Trump : "...Not worth time and effort..."
Bro, you're just showing up unprepared and winging it.

Ken B said...

The past 6 weeks chez Althouse, summarized.
“Don’t drink that unknown liquid from the laboratory, it might be dangerous.”
“It might be delicious, and if it isn’t it might cure piles.”

Otto said...

Both Inga and Ann are old and most vulnerable to corona virus , so naturally the want social distancing - it's call the fight to survive. But they pontificate for it to be a general policy. Are they thinking of young families that are going through hell economically? My son's business have practically disappeared.
Both have their monies coming in regularly and their life style is moderately affected.
It is obvious that if this flattening continues young people will revolt within the next 2 months.

steve uhr said...

Althouse has been bending over backward and using her formidable legal analysis skills to almost always find that some crazy/dangerous statement by trump is really a sign of genius.

iowan2 said...

Howard said...
Damn it was good while it lasted. I guess he's going to have to find another way to self destruct

Yea, he's been self destructing since 2015, running for the office of the President of the United States. But Wile E,Coyote has just got the latest crate from ACME...self destruction is 100% assured this time!

GRW3 said...

I don’t think he’s going to quit putting out information and talking to the people. I think he’s just going to quit taking questions, like he did Friday.

Kyzer SoSay said...

Do leftists actually believe the things they type? The interpretation that Leftists have of Trump's "gaffe" is akin to Politico's take on Gov. Whitmer's popularity - literally too stupid to bother with a direct response.

Crazy World said...

Just getting started here in the comments but scary to see people losing their minds. Be Best

Crazy World said...

Also who tf is this Stay Safe persona? Creepy

DeepRunner said...

Stay Safe said...
Either way, the truth is the truth.

I don't care who you are. But don't tell us you're telling the truth. Because it's according to you. As much I disagree with some folks in these parts (ARM, Inga, and yes, Althouse many times), I view this as debate and opinion.

Folks like you want to shout down the opposition. So enjoy your time here. Then enjoy the silence.

Amadeus 48 said...

As to a certain commenter and his commitment to the truth, as I recall, he or she showed up here and said he or she was a conservative who was disappointed in Trump, and then has not said one conservative or even liberal thing since, but has been just prattling away about how awful Trump is, with no substance. A-oogah! A-oogah! Phony! Rolcon! Rolcon! Bad, absurd Rolcon!

Rolcon, as we know, is a trolling practice whereby someone poses as a conservative to gain credibility and then distracts the conversation with wacky statements and off point comments. (Do I have anyone in mind when I say that? Maybe.) Bill Kristol has become that, along with Charlie Sykes, Evan McMullin, Sen. Mitt Romney, and others at the Bullshit (sorry, Bulwark).

You can never say that Inga, Howard, ARM, Freder, or even Ken B and several others are dishonest. I'd boot Safe Space for dishonesty alone, not to mention that he or she is probably a Chinese bot. But it is not my blog.

Nichevo said...

Ken B said...
My guess is Stay Safe has triggered Althouse by poking a sore spot. Althouse has, as she said, been trying to listen to Trump sympathetically. This has probably come at some cost, considering her milieu. And now, with his petulant refusal to admit his error and clean up the mess, and his obvious lie about sarcasm, Trump has made it a lot harder for people like Althouse to listen so sympathetically.

Such posts make me think less of you. Suffice it to say that this is a sub-kerfluffle and will soon pass as regards PDT's electoral future. What is important is that valid actual and potential therapies not be mocked because they provide what you have convinced yourself is live ammunition, or that their success could help the President.

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