March 23, 2020

Sunrise, 7:03.


Actual sunrise time, 6:55.


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Mark said...

The Washington Post is beyond contemptible.

Mark said...

Current Washington Post headlines --

Trump suggests containment measures may be too extreme as surgeon general warns of a worsening crisis

Want to know why Trump shouldn’t be allowed on TV? Listen to Anthony Fauci.

Why we can’t trust Trump on the big bailout ‘slush fund’

As he bungles this crisis, Trump turns to a familiar scapegoat: Immigration

Trump cares more about the stock market than humans

The U.S. faces two disastrous scenarios. There's a third option.

The GOP just smuggled another awful provision into the stimulus

Fauci gets frank about Trump: ‘I can’t jump in front of the microphone and push him down’

Trump flirts with a less-aggressive coronavirus response, echoing Fox News

Trump leads from behind on the coronavirus, invoking federalism to excuse his dithering response

narciso said...

you know the groucho marx line 'doctor it hurts when I do this' then don't do that, bezos has gotten to that point,

Bob Boyd said...

As unfair as it may seem, the virus doesn't care if you got into a good school when you were a teenager.
Maybe that will be a silver lining in the end.

Shouting Thomas said...

News tidbit: Massachusetts shuts down recreational marijuana sales.

Medical sales continue.

chuck said...

The use of chloroquine off label reminds me of one of the central episodes in Arrowsmith,

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Watch the NYT create propaganda:

First Headline
Democrats Block Action on 1.8 Trillion Stimulus

Second Try
Democrats Block Action on Stimulus, Seeks Worker Protection

Partisan Divide Threatens Deal on Rescue Bill

Whew. That was close. The NYTs almost accidentally committed an act of journalism. Any liberal wants to defend that?

wild chicken said...

Trump touted chloroquine without evidence!

Meanwhile retired doctors, dentists and PAs are cleaning out supplies self-prescribing. Just in case the fam needs some.

So who's wrong?

Jimmy said...

can anyone here name an instance where the nyt, wapo, or leading Dems have done anything that would make our situation better? any type of cooperation with Trump. on any level?? any attempt to calm and give people a sense that things will be ok?
then why does this blog and others constantly link to articles from nyt wapo and the other papers. they are clearly, by any definition, not journalists, but propaganda. Pravda would be embarrassed by them.
it is hate trump, all the way down. and it will result in a back lash, that will be violent, and terrible. People, most people are sick and tired of propagandists and party apparatchiks running the dem party.

Anonymous said...

SIAP, I'm reading that many people that contract CV, and are otherwise asymptomatic, lose their sense of smell and taste. (AA batsignal)


Rick said...

Dems are working hard to ensure the Trump performance on the coronavirus to elect Biden. Ultimately the Biden appeal rests on the belief the President is a figurehead while a competent bureaucracy handles the real issues. Dems don't seem to understand their blaming Trump for not replacing the mask stockpile after the 2009 swine flu directly contradicts this because it asserts the President is responsible for details within others' expertise.

Consider that while watching this video of Biden stumbling from one senior moment to another.


Ken B said...

Ha! I just saw warnings about DKE 19, the Dunning Kruger Effect outbreak.

CNN was overwhelmed long ago. It’s hit Althouse's comments section hard and is poised to take out PJM immediately.

narciso said...

remember the kurt Vonnegut story, when they would use horns to scramble the thoughts of people, that's what the ap the times the post, usa today, and most of the journal is good for,

when it comes to democrats they demand you silence any doubts, and worship their every word, and if you don't you are racist sexist, yadda yadda, so even when the la times notes the tidbit about the exhausted n 95 masks they bury under a pile of orange man bad stories,

Sebastian said...

"Current Washington Post headlines --"

Thanks, Mark.

"Almost" all want us to win, Althouse said -- almost all, except almost all progs.

Narr said...

My son, being the junior employee, has been laid off--the rest of the crew (it's classic small business, maybe ten people) have had their hours cut.

I went this morning for my yearly Medicare freebie, only to be told that I would have to be rescheduled--of course they had tried to let me know uhhuh but it's not a long drive, and the day is splendid.

The worst part was that the donut place I prefer, and one of whose apple fritters, w/ice cold milk, is my annual reward for making it through another physical, is closed!

And now the mayor is ordering the closing of all non-essential businesses for two weeks. That's a fortnight!

Best donuts ITFW. Don't argue with me at a time like this!

("Donuts" is OK with the spellcheck but not "Donut.")

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Re. federalizing CV-19 emergency measures, a uniform policy for all states: would there be a lot size exemption (perhaps 20 acres) from having to shelter in place indoors? Asking for a friend.

Sebastian said...

"My son, being the junior employee, has been laid off--the rest of the crew (it's classic small business, maybe ten people) have had their hours cut."

And so the devastation continues. At what point will he and his peers pick up pitchforks?

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Back when we were in Jr.High, and Readers' Digest published a Table of Contents on the cover, we would find entertainment in reading the titles, appending "between the sheets" to each.

Today Hammond suggests reading print and internet news headlines, appending "Amid Corona Virus" to each. Works only for the 5% of headlines not already containing the phrase.

tcrosse said...

Big liquor store chain here in Las Vegas has closed until April 17. Luckily, supermarkets still sell liquor in this state. Haven't seen panic buying yet.
My friendly neighborhood supermarket seems to be getting back to normal, except no eggs and very little chicken. I asked the stock guy what comes in first, the chicken or the eggs, but he didn't get it.

Jimmy said...

"And so the devastation continues. At what point will he and his peers pick up pitchforks?"
it is much closer than people think. especially with the msm, and the dems pushing partizan politics over country. they have already stopped enforcing laws, and letting criminals get away with crimes.
the msm and the dems are actively pushing hysteria. and propaganda. they have been for over 4 years.

walter said...

"I asked the stock guy what comes in first, the chicken or the eggs, but he didn't get it."
Yeah..I miss asking dollar store staffers "How much?"

traditionalguy said...

The report coming from tropical African areas plagued by malaria, where Chloroquine is taken by everyone and sold over the counter for 50cents a pill, is that nobody is getting sick from this special Pandemic. Trump haters need to deal with that report before slandering our Commander in Chief in wartime.

rehajm said...

My friendly neighborhood supermarket seems to be getting back to normal

I took a morning shopping excursion for a few of those hoarded staples- tp, disinfectant, yeast, flour. Target changed their hours to open a hour earlier so I went and was surprised to see only 5-6 others at open. Looked like only two small boxes of tp and clorox wipes. One spray bottle of germ killer, one bag of flour, no yeast. They likely didn't last the hour. Down the street at Kroger was better- the paper aisle about 2/3 full with a few choices. A big bottle of yeast, a case of flour. Everything else looked plentiful and not much hoarding. A good sign perhaps...

rehajm said...

For fun while we're isolating... Thao on NC GOP approval

Go ahead and shoot yourselves in your own dick, Democrats.

Dave Begley said...

The Hy-Vee grocery store says people over 60 can shop exclusively from 7-8 am.

I refuse to exercise my old guy privilege!

mockturtle said...

So...letting thousands of prisoners out of jail & prisons is just a swell idea. And I'm so confident that these folks are likely to adhere strictly to the health guidelines./s :-(

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I just got back from Costco. I was told earlier in the week that they were limiting the number of people in the place to 50 at a time and there might be a line. There were more than 50 people in the store and they were still letting people in, but it was a pretty light crowd. Biggest difference was that they had somebody handing out disinfectant wipes where you got your cart, or buggy as some call it here, and everyone was using them. Inside all the shelves were full. I was able to pick up fruit and vegetables, bread and milk and eggs no problem. There was plenty of meat available, but I didn't need any. Didn't check out the TP supply, but saw a woman with it in her cart in the parking lot. Saw a couple of people wearing scrubs who had on surgical masks.

Yancey Ward said...

Partisan Divide Threatens Deal on Rescue Bill"

Wow, you are optimistic with that "finally". No doubt the final version will be "Trump kills deal.'

Bay Area Guy said...


My son, being the junior employee, has been laid off--the rest of the crew (it's classic small business, maybe ten people) have had their hours cut.

Sorry to hear. Same thing happened to one of sons, from the BBQ joint he works at part-time.

However, he's young, in school and can continue to mooch off me. A "non-essential" worker.

The problem, though, gets much worse when multiplied by tens of thousands of adults working across the nation in restaurants, bars, airlines, or casinos. Those folks have mouths to feed, and bills to pay, and don't have the luxury of simply "staying at home."

Yancey Ward said...

Ron, where are you?

Michael K said...

The Hy-Vee grocery store says people over 60 can shop exclusively from 7-8 am.

Costco in Tucson told my wife the same for 8 to 9 AM. "Senior citizens"

Ken B said...

DKE 19, an example from Hoyt ar instapundit

Mark my words, in the US the mortality will be negligible, except perhaps in those cities which have become highly fecalized environments.


Anyone can be wrong. She keeps doubling down. Glenn keeps letting her.

Calypso Facto said...

mockturtle: "So...letting thousands of prisoners out of jail & prisons is just a swell idea. And I'm so confident that these folks are likely to adhere strictly to the health guidelines./s :-("

Plus, we're going to dump them out into a crippled economy with high unemployment and police departments explicitly saying they're not going to arrest anyone for anything short of violence? What could go wrong?

Michael K said...

Dems are working hard to ensure the Trump performance on the coronavirus to elect Biden.

I have thought for a week that Cuomo being on TV every day was a sign he is running for a draft at the convention.

Now, I am not the only one.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I live in Central Alabama, not far from Bham.

tcrosse said...

The Hy-Vee grocery store says people over 60 can shop exclusively from 7-8 am.

So does the Kroger, except that the bread, milk, and eggs don't come in until 9. The oldsters get first crack at the empty shelves. Same thing in the UK: supermarkets open at 7 for the oldsters, but local ordinances don't allow deliveries until 8.

Marc in Eugene said...

Oregon's Governor Brown finally issued the home quarantine order.

Construction and manufacturing, for example, may continue so long as they ensure that their employees are maintaining social distancing measures. Day cares can continue to operate but with restrictions. Restaurants can continue to offer delivery and to-go service, and grocery stores, gas stations and hospitals, among others, may remain open. Businesses that must close include shopping malls, gyms, barber shops, beauty salons, nail salons, spas, theaters and amusement parks. Offices must close to people who can do their jobs remotely.

Additionally, Brown classified playgrounds, basketball courts, skate parks and other outdoor recreation facilities as off limits.

People should only engage in activities outside their home, the governor said, if they can maintain a six-foot distance from others to avoid spread of the virus.

Those who defy the order can be charged with endangering public health, a class C misdemeanor. People found to have violated her order could be jailed for up to 30 days or fined $1,250.

I may take a detour while walking to the supermarket in the morning-- usually go before or not much after dawn, as part of my morning walk-- and stop at the park on the way to swing for five minutes: if only I had a black leather jacket, pomaded hair, a swtichblade, and a cigarette I could play the rebel.

It will be interesting to see if pedestrians make a point of maintaining the six feet distance. The last time I was out I was being attentive to oncomers, and was willing to move aside to make an obvious six feet, but not a soul acted as if she or he was interested in doing that particular dance. Or shoppers, either, at the local supermarket or at Walmart etc.

Jimmy said...

"I have thought for a week that Cuomo being on TV every day was a sign he is running for a draft at the convention."
agree with that Michael K. Biden is too pathetic and far gone even for the Dems. They must have a plan b, and it does seem like Cuomo is one of the top choices. I'm sure there are others, and I am also sure it won't be Sanders.

Michael K said...

The GOP just smuggled another awful provision into the stimulus

The Hillary voters self identify. Sort of like the communists and the Hitler-Stalin pact.

walter said...

traditionalguy said...The report coming from tropical African areas plagued by malaria, where Chloroquine is taken by everyone and sold over the counter for 50cents a pill, is that nobody is getting sick from this special Pandemic.
CNN etc have found 2 Nigerians who overdosed on it!

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Fauci can’t jump in front of microphone and push Trump down!? IMPEACH!!!!!

Ken B said...

Nobody seriously believes Biden is up to the job. You can just sense that in the air. So maybe he won’t be the nominee. I don’t think he will be. But if he is he still might win.

rehajm said...

No doubt the final version will be "Trump kills deal.'

Here's the evolving storyline...

stevew said...

narciso: that's from Vonnegut's short story, Harrison Bergeron. Was made into a short film too.

In the year 2081, the 211th, 212th, and 213th amendments to the Constitution dictate that all Americans are fully equal and not allowed to be smarter, better-looking, or more physically able than anyone else. The Handicapper General's agents enforce the equality laws, forcing citizens to wear "handicaps": masks for those who are too beautiful, loud radios that disrupt thoughts inside the ears of intelligent people, and heavy weights for the strong or athletic.

WaPo, et al, are the loud radio intent on disrupting the thoughts of intelligent people. Harrision is a tall, athletic, and uniquely superior dancer. He ends up dead.

"So...letting thousands of prisoners out of jail & prisons is just a swell idea. And I'm so confident that these folks are likely to adhere strictly to the health guidelines./s :-("

And they all will return to prison once the crisis is over, right?

Sebastian said...

Looks like the curve is flattening in Italy. It also looks like their hump will prove higher than all others.

Of course, that does not take out misclassified deaths, of very sick old people who died "with" Wuhan and therefore are counted as Wuhan deaths.

mockturtle said...

Funny how the Wall Street pundits are now taking the virus seriously. New Yorker Lives Matter!

mockturtle said...

Where is my Nancy Pelosi dart board?

Marc in Eugene said...

Am praying one of the minor exorcisms from the Roman Ritual (with the appropriate adjustments of language) in the hope that Mrs Pelosi might soon recover her wits.

Ken B said...

Drudge screams Fauci and Trump clash. Fauci says “I don’t disagree on the substance.”


Bay Area Guy said...

Here's a good paper (pre-proof) in the scientific literature -- SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data .

Remember the title -- fear v data.

Money quote: "The problem of SARS-CoV-2 is probably overestimated, as 2.6 million people die of respiratory infections each year compared with less than 4000 deaths for SARS-CoV-2 at the time of writing."

walter said...

COVID-19 Reinfection Not a Concern, Monkey Study Suggests

Genentech Launches Phase III Trial of Actemra as Coronavirus Treatment

Francisco D said...

Nobody seriously believes Biden is up to the job. You can just sense that in the air. So maybe he won’t be the nominee. I don’t think he will be. But if he is he still might win.

The medical crisis will be over well before the election, but the economic damage will still be there.

Does any rational person think that Biden (or the Democrat establishment that would run his administration) is going to spur economic growth?

The DNC media will be in overdrive blaming Trump for "mistakes" during the pandemic, but people who watched his press conferences know better.

Drago said...

traditionalguy: "The report coming from tropical African areas plagued by malaria, where Chloroquine is taken by everyone and sold over the counter for 50cents a pill, is that nobody is getting sick from this special Pandemic. Trump haters need to deal with that report before slandering our Commander in Chief in wartime."

Trump haters have to be a bit careful here. They have to figure out how to thread the political needle whereby Trump is an horrific unscientific idiot Hitler for calling for chloroquine to distributed while Cuomo is a magical delightful unicorn of wonderfulness for calling for the use of chloroquine.

Temujin said...

Cuomo will now be the Dem nominee. Because:

>He's a Cuomo.
>He can speak.
>He hate Trump.
>He's from NY.
>He's a Cuomo (this is almost like being a Kennedy, but without the crown.)

Dave Begley said...

Agree. Fredo's brother somehow gets the nod.

Maybe Biden gets the nomination and names Andrew his VP. And then he quits. It will be rigged.

I would prefer Joe as Trump would clean his clock.

Ken B said...

Thanks for the paper link, and the Genentech link.
From the paper
“It is concluded that the problem of SARS-CoV-2 is probably being overestimated, as 2.6 million people die of respiratory infections each year compared with less than 4000 deaths for SARS-CoV-2 at the time of writing.”

The time of writing was less than three weeks ago. The number of deaths has now topped 15000. It might be higher because China and Iran hide data.

Rick said...

Fredo's brother somehow gets the nod.

It makes a big difference if it's Sonny or Michael.

walter said...

Buck Sexton
Noticing a lot of “let’s not make this partisan” from politicians and journos who in the next breath make it stunningly and grotesquely partisan, and demand you do as they say-

My patience for this has evaporated, and Im quite sure I’m not alone

AllenS said...

I just finished half of my Chinese take out dinner of chicken and mixed vegetables. I'll wait about an hour, and eat the rest. I'm thinking about eating there twice a week. The rest of you should stay in your basements, and order your food and have it delivered to you. Remember, don't get close to anyone, you might get the dreaded Chinese Flu and die.

Chinese fortune cookie say:

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.

Lucky Numbers 16, 13, 53, 1, 22, 27

Drago said...

Good news everyone!

In addition to asking for:

- Increased abortion funding
- Increased power for unions
- Increased fuel efficiency standards for aircraft (New Green Deal)

the dems are also demanding:

- New Corporate Board diversity rules
- Post office bailouts
- Same day voter registration!

All of these things sound vitally important to curbing this virus and its effects!

Thanks dems and LLR-lefties!

Fernandinande said...

The rest of you should stay in your basements, and order your food and have it delivered to you.

I'm going to Wendy's in a little bit; the Chinese place is closed on Mondays.

Panic in Detroit (Bowie)

He looked a lot like Che Guevara, drove a diesel van
Kept his gun in quiet seclusion, such a humble man
The only survivor of the National People's Gang

Panic in Detroit, I asked for an autograph
He wanted to stay home, I wish someone would phone
Panic in Detroit

Ken B said...

“I just finished half of my Chinese take out dinner”

Shouldn’t call it that.

chuck said...

I have thought for a week that Cuomo being on TV every day was a sign he is running for a draft at the convention.

Running the state with the highest rate of infections and death will be hard to sell as a qualification.

AllenS said...

It was the dinner, Ken.

AllenS said...

You know, if you were a Democrat primary voter, and you gave money to one or more of the people running, and all of a sudden, the Democrat Big Heads decided that, no, no, we'll pick who we want. Would you be pissed?

Achilles said...

At least 2 times as many people died of the flu today as COVID-19.

Same in 2019.

And 2018.

and 17...

We live in a fascist country now. Thank god Hillary isn't president. She almost was.

It is pretty clear most of the people in our country wouldn't risk death for freedom. We don't deserve it.

Meanwhile Xi Jinping deserves a million deaths. Nancy an Chuck and Joe are not far behind him.

You know there is a chance those 3 are in power with dictatorial powers soon?

chuck said...

Where is my Nancy Pelosi dart board?

Out of stock.

mockturtle said...

We may come up with a cure for COVID-19 but there will never be a cure for TDS.

Achilles said...

traditionalguy said...

"The report coming from tropical African areas plagued by malaria, where Chloroquine is taken by everyone and sold over the counter for 50cents a pill, is that nobody is getting sick from this special Pandemic. Trump haters need to deal with that report before slandering our Commander in Chief in wartime."

It is warm and humid relatively in Africa. Not flu season.

Kinda like Brazil, South America in general, Australia, Pakistan, India they don't need Chloroquine either.

Mapped against temperature and humidity the outbreak of COVID-19 follows a very tight temperature humidity band.

Ken B said...

You called it *Chinese* food. That’s racist. What if someone didn’t like the food? Think of the hurt feelings. Do better.

AllenS said...

I thought about calling it Mexican chicken and vegetables take out dinner, but I didn't think that a Mexican fortune cookie would work.

Marc in Eugene said...

The executive order that Governor Brown issued earlier today is here (not that it's made convenient to find on the State of Oregon website).

As I read it, it seems to me that my place of work could stay open, so long as the boss appoints a 'compliance officer' who is willing to do whatever compliance officer things may be stipulated by the Health Authority-- the principle one being to make sure everyone stays six feet away from each other, which would in fact be manageable in that particular physical environment. Since I'm not working because business is so slow it is immaterial to me but I do wonder what has been decided: three co-workers were still on the schedule today.

Sebastian said...

"The problem of SARS-CoV-2 is probably overestimated, as 2.6 million people die of respiratory infections each year compared with less than 4000 deaths for SARS-CoV-2 at the time of writing."

Which probably doesn't count the reduction in flu and regular respiratory deaths due to distancing and quasi-quarantines.

What is the net impact, really? Which of the people who otherwise would have died of respiratory infections anyway are now counted as Wuhan victims? How can we tell the difference, if at all?

Mark said...

Washington Post headline --

As Trump touts an unproven treatment, supplies vanish for patients who need those drugs

Michael K said...

Running the state with the highest rate of infections and death will be hard to sell as a qualification.

Not if the death rate is low, as I expect. He could ride the same wave as Trump will when this is over.

Italy has a cluster of bad factors. HIgh population density, I understand they have lots of Chinese students and workers, many of whom went home for the New Year, social practices like men kissing in greeting and I don't know how good their medical system is.

Drago said...

Mark: "Washington Post headline -- As Trump touts an unproven treatment, supplies vanish for patients who need those drugs"

Meanwhile, MSM/LLR-lefty media is praising Cuomo as Presidential for touting "hopeful" treatments which may save thousands.....(which is exactly the same stuff Trump was calling for).

But remember, our media is definitely playing this right down the middle and not taking sides.

Drago said...

Michael K: "Not if the death rate is low, as I expect. He could ride the same wave as Trump will when this is over."

He will have to explain his 2015 refusal to stock the estimated required number of ventilators (estimated $550M cost) and instead use that money for a $700M solar energy boondoggle.

Mark said...

Radio: "(Call sign, call sign), 211 in progress, see the man."

Sebastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastian said...

Christine Pelosi: "Rand Paul's neighbor was right."

Cuz we're all in this together and we all want us to win.

Mark said...

It's Ellie May! Thought some old man was trying to break into her house, but it was just a prior owner looking around.

Rory said...

There's a nice channel called "Classic Arts Showcase." It shows 3 to 10 minute clips of performances from classical music, jazz, opera, ballet, drama. A foundation sponsors it, it was offered to cable systems for years. Now it's streamable:

I'm streaming it to my TV with a little Roku box. It's the kind of channel you can keep on all day for background.

Mark said...

Washington Post headlines --

Trump, as usual, is just making things worse

The coronavirus lawsuits are coming. That’s not a bad thing.

Mark said...

Washington Post headline and blurb --

El Paso shuts down as Trump closes the border
On Friday afternoon, the usually packed streets leading to a bridge on the U.S.-Mexico border were almost empty, with many businesses already closed.

Racist Trump.

traditionalguy said...

Governor Kemp just issued a shut down of all non-essential businesses ...for a week starting noon tomorrow. Teachers were told this Morning. The roads are nearly empty at 5:00 PM. Mid grade gas is $1.94/gal. Road Trip time, bring your own food.

Mark said...

Washington Post headline --

The Trump administration has contradicted itself on coronavirus no fewer than 20 times in less than six weeks

traditionalguy said...

Good news is that school shootings are impossible until later.

Mark said...

Good news is that school shootings are impossible until later.

Except in Baltimore.

Narayanan said...

FullMoon said...

They actually believe the stuff they publish. Sounds like 4chan has infiltrated ABC news

White supremacists encouraging members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews...

narciso said...

the new al queda emir in the kingdom, batarfi, 'forgot the skill of not being seen, he'll learn in time,

Mark said...

You knew it was going to happen.

So Reed and Malloy were driving this hinky car all shift. They respond to a call, stop with a shot of Malloy pressing the emergency break, they jump out for a foot chase and . . .

They turn around to see the car rolling down a hill and crashing into a pole.

Drago said...

Susan Rice, National Security Advisor for O-biden-bama, now retweeting twitter calls to forcibly remove Donald Trump from office...NOW.

If you dont think the dems are pushing us over the brink in order to force a political result they desperately desire, then simply provide an alternate explanation for what these dem leading lights are saying and writing.

Mark said...

Dems --

When you've pissed off Romney, Collins and Murkowsky, you've gone too far.

Birkel said...

Yeah, we're all hoping for recovery.

Mark said...

Media blasts Trump for saying that the shutdown can't last forever and that they will reassess in a week.

Darling Cuomo says that we need to start planning to pivot back to restarting businesses.

narciso said...

this is like alex in the clockwork orange

Mark said...

President coming out now.

Mark said...

Dems and MSM outraged as Trump expresses hope and optimism.

ngtrains said...

Well, the press conference has started
where is the Dr?

walter said...

"Keep Hope Denied!"

BarrySanders20 said...

"Maybe Biden gets the nomination and names Andrew his VP. And then he quits. It will be rigged."

All Cuomo has to do is identify as a black woman. But Crazy Joe probably doesn't remember that promise, and the leftist media wont remind anyone or hold him to it, so that one's in the memory hole if Joe has to lead the ticket.

walter said...

"All Cuomo has to do is identify as a black woman."
Northam says "Careful with the shoe polish." (begins moonwalk)

Michael K said...

He will have to explain his 2015 refusal to stock the estimated required number of ventilators (estimated $550M cost) and instead use that money for a $700M solar energy boondoggle.

Not to Democrats. They want solar and windmills instead of money for unemployed.

Mark said...

President announces prohibitions on hoarding, stockpiling and price gouging of scarce needed medical goods.

Remember the guy who bought up all this sanitizer and tried to sell it at sky-high prices??

rehajm said...

Not if the death rate is low...

Speaking of death rate were still hanging in there with South Korea at 1.3% vs 1.2%, which has now flattened the curve.

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Only 20,000 cases in New York.

Sebastian said...

"Susan Rice, National Security Advisor for O-biden-bama, now retweeting twitter calls to forcibly remove Donald Trump from office"

Sure. They want to win. It's just that winning doesn't mean to them what it means to Althouse. At some point, even Althouse will acknowledge that we're not all in this together.

Jimmy said...

"Susan Rice, National Security Advisor for O-biden-bama, now retweeting twitter calls to forcibly remove Donald Trump from office...NOW."
You will see more of this. it will be pushed by the normal propaganda outlets. At what point do we decide that such behavior isn't misguided, or misinformed or unfortunate: but that it is out right treason. The dems have destroyed their party, their chances in 2020 and beyond. they are in now attempting to bring down the American economy, just to hurt Trump.
When does it become obvious to normal dem voters that their party has gone insane. and promotes violence, discord, and revolution?

rehajm said...

White House briefing referring to the fifteen day challenge while this morning Democrat Congressman referring to thirty days. He must have meant thirty days to sufficiently tank the economy...

Rory said...

"Christine Pelosi:"

Not just Nancy's daughter, her protege. 20 years on the DNC.

narciso said...

does any govt agency work anymore, we know the bureau and the company, couldn't produce effective intelligence before 9/11, we know the dhs hasn't done much better, of course Obama had the security services purged of any expertise on islamists, we see the cdc didn't manage hini with any degree of effectiveness, shall we bring up the va,

Bob Boyd said...

I don't know what ya'll are going to be able to say you did during the Great Quarantine of 2020, but I just invented the stickless corn dog!

narciso said...

this may have been brought up before

Mark said...

Reporter pretending to not understand tries to force Trump into the MSM narrative.
Reporter fails.

rehajm said...

but I just invented the stickless corn dog!

If it wasn't before Chicken & Pancakes is now a thing...

Mark said...

AH CNN reporter (I thing he's CNN) complains about Rand Paul getting tested even though he had no symptoms.

Well, maybe he thought it prudent to be tested because he is at high risk given that he has half a lung missing because some MSM follower attacked him.

Robert Cook said...

"We may come up with a cure for COVID-19 but there will never be a cure for TDS."

That is true for both strains of TDS.

narciso said...

top men

AllenS said...

I use gojo on my hands before I leave the shop, and then in the house I use Lava soap, to get the hand cleaner off of my hands. I try not to lick my fingers, but I still lick my eye brows, not because I have to, but because I can.

Mark said...

Reporters stuck on the narrative.

But then again, they have a big problem. The story they will later publish was written hours ago. Now they need to get Trump to say something they can plug in to those pre-written stories.

Drago said...

Robert Cook: "That is true for both strains of TDS."

Correct, for both typical democrat lefty TDS and commie lefty TDS, which is worse.


Narr said...

Thanks for the sympathies, folks; my son has some reserve and my gut feeling is that things will get back to new normal pretty soon-- and I'm rarely accused of optimism.

Found some plums in a scout through Superlo gro--one of many options in my totally legit ventures outside. I saw empty shelves of things I don't buy, but the obvious shortage is TP. Store busy enough, with lots of masked and gloved folks, both customers and employees.

Ran into a friend and we compared notes on what store had what the other day . . .

I'm thinking of ISO-HOOP (tm) [you lawyers are my witnesses to this claim of servicemark]:

Like ladies' hoop skirts from the 1860s. Gay-ron-teed to keep the wearer at least three
feet or one meter from others. If both people wear them, voila! Social distancing AND
a whole new avenue for fashion. With today's materials, imagine what we can do!

I have to eat dinner now.

Think about it

Mark said...

Reporters thinking to themselves, how many different ways can we ask Trump the same question?

walter said...

Come mosquito season, you will be considered an essential worker with that ability.

narciso said...

the frumiest

Gahrie said...

Maybe Biden gets the nomination and names Andrew his VP. And then he quits. It will be rigged."

Cities will burn.

Mark said...

That reporterette asked the same question three or four times.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Dave Begley said...

Maybe Biden gets the nomination and names Andrew his VP. And then he quits. It will be rigged.

I can just hear ol' Joe making the announcement now!

"After due consideration, I've decided to name he Governor of New York Perry Como as my running mate!"

walter said...

What about this other Biden?
A talented family.
I can't wait to subscribe to The Biden Network.
Hunter's going to have a Bob Ross style show.

AllenS said...

That reminds me, walter, once it warms up, wood ticks are a big problem around here. Here's is what I do about this, and it's no joke. When I have a wood tick on me, I grab it and stick it in my mouth, and crush the fucker, spit it out and swallow my saliva. I've been doing this for about 10 years, and the past couple of years, if they bite into me they usually are dead when I find them.

I'm big into this immune theory stuff.

narciso said...


Francisco D said...

AllenS said: ... I try not to lick my fingers, but I still lick my eye brows, not because I have to, but because I can.

Stop me if you have heard this one before: A guy walks into a bar and sits next to a gorgeous blonde .....

OK. You have heard this one before.

narciso said...

magna carta, what is that?

Mark said...

Finally a reporter asks an intelligent question --

When might we have an antibody test to determine who might already have been unknowingly infected and recovered?

AllenS said...

"Here's is what"

My sentence structures need work.

Browndog said...

"Here's is what"

My sentence structures need work.

It's fine.

walter said...

Seems sound, Allen.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Dr. Bix or whatever her name is clarifies that the 60-80 percent of people will be infected is a number that is extended over several years. And in subsequent years, better treatment will be available.

Now -- if the MSM/Dems weren't so invested in Trump hate, we might actually get some news that people need to hear, like this.

Achilles said...

AllenS said...
That reminds me, walter, once it warms up, wood ticks are a big problem around here. Here's is what I do about this, and it's no joke. When I have a wood tick on me, I grab it and stick it in my mouth, and crush the fucker, spit it out and swallow my saliva. I've been doing this for about 10 years, and the past couple of years, if they bite into me they usually are dead when I find them.

I'm big into this immune theory stuff.

After a trip up the mountain a few years back during a particularly bad tick season with the family we noticed some ticks so we all deloused. Everyone found at least 2. The dog was a mess. We got them all before they got deep.

I had 3 on me. They were all dead.

We figured it was something the army did. I know they tested various things on us.

Mark said...

Idiot reporter asks question demonstrating complete ignorance over the devastating effect of an economy that crashes.

wild chicken said...

Really, Trump should not have used "hoax" in the same spiel as "virus."

Is it too much to ask that a non lawyer, non-doctor speak clearly?

Getting tired of defending him.

Mark said...

Do you not understand that people cannot eat if they don't have an income and they can't eat if the grocery stores are empty?

AllenS said...

Achilles, two words... salt peter.

AllenS said...

I think that Blogger has the flu today.

Mark said...

Reporters apparently want everyone locked in their homes for the next ten years.

Mark said...

So don't chicken.

Ignore it. Ignore it rather than perpetuate it.

No one has been talking about it for over a week.

Drago said...

Mark: "Reporters apparently want everyone locked in their homes for the next ten years."

The democrat/LLR-lefty media strongly desire a depression in order to blame Trump for a terrible economy in the Nov election.

It's completely transparent now.

Anyone who claims not to see that is simply pretending not to see it.

Browndog said...

Trump wants to return to work. Reporters are pretty sure it's up to Fauci when that happens.

Mark said...

Asking the same question about 20 times now.

"How can you be so obtuse? Is it deliberate?"

narciso said...

remember v vs vendetta, that display of blair and bush derangement, there was a viral outbreak, that enabled a dictatorship, just a how to manual for them,

stevew said...

Trump asking the doctor when the reporters can return to the briefing room, fill all the chairs, sit close to the podium, virtually in each other's laps. Delicious tweaking of those idiots in the room.

Tomcc said...

In other news:
Ex-campaign staffer sues Bloomberg over layoffs, cites fraud
According to the complaint, there had been a promise made to be paid through November.

mockturtle said...

I've found, to my surprise, that Spam doesn't taste as bad as it looks. Fried and with eggs for breakfast. Not that bad! It was one of the few canned products left on the shelves the other day.

reader said...

When I was a child my mother would make fried potatoes and tomatoes. Which was one or two potatoes sliced very thin and fried. She would serve the potatoes with a sauce made from a can of Del Monte Stewed Tomatoes thickened with a cornstarch slurry.

We ate this with fried Spam

It is my sister’s favorite comfort food.

pacwest said...

Getting tired of defending him.

I don't watch the briefings anymore. I'm tired of cringing. If he could just rein it in for an hour or two. The Dems are showing themselves to be the most vile of people, and Trump keeps opening the door for them.

Tomcc said...

I really liked Spam as a kid! Haven't had it in years, though. (I admit to being turned off by the jellied substance surrounding it in the can.)

stevew said...

Dinty Moore is pretty darn tasty. I've always enjoyed canned peas. Brown bread from a can... to die for. Oh, and Campbell's Bean w/Bacon soup. Do yourself a favor.

Drago said...

Browndog: "Trump wants to return to work. Reporters are pretty sure it's up to Fauci when that happens."


According to our lefties/LLR-lefties, Fauci runs all executive branch decision-making for national health care policy (and he is a big time Hillary fan-boy).

Further, CALL HIM LTCOL Vindman-Sgt York Hero, runs US foreign policy.

Nancy Pelosi runs the US Senate.

Adam Schiff and Commie Brennan should be running US intelligence.

There almost seems to be a pattern...........I think.....maybe.........

sinz52 said...

""The problem of SARS-CoV-2 is probably overestimated"

The number of hospitalizations for COVID-19 in the U.S. is now increasing at a rate of 20% *per day*, which means a quadrupling every week.

If that trend were to continue, we would easily surpass the flu pandemic of 1968 and start to close in on the flu pandemic of 1918.

And we can safely assume that the percentage of deaths will be a function of the number of hospitalizations, because few people who are well enough to self-treat at home will suddenly die without warning. Hence the percentage of deaths will probably quadruple per week too.

Sebastian said...

Trump long, long briefing: a masterclass. Reporters running out of potshots.

President clearly on the side of anti-panic rationality. Good.

He's gonna "listen" to the experts but clearly wants us to get back to work. Good.

A little too eager to make a deal with Dems, wants to shovel money at workers. Not as good.

Even the good doctor, and I do mean good, was clear about the risk profile: sick old people at risk, duh. I have a feeling she's not gonna railroad him, John Bolton-like.

So, Slow Joe can't get through ten minutes of teleprompter reading, and Trump does this: compare and contrast.

Hey, Althouse, are you still neutral?

grackle said...

Amazing. Simply amazing. It turns out Bill Gates predicted this mess years ago in a fucking TED Talk! Bill Gates is a genius! Readers, Do yourself a favor and view the video. It also happens to be highly entertaining. I apologize if this link has already been in the comments.

Merny11 said...

Sebastian yes, Trump was great in tonight’s briefing, as was Dr Berx. I felt an optimism from both that hasn’t been there before. Too soft on the Dems; that is my only complaint

Sebastian said...

"It turns out Bill Gates predicted this mess years ago"

Yes, Gates was very good. I respect him.

But his model was more Ebola than SARS: he underestimated Chinese mendacity. No special teams to help with measurement and containment would have helped there.

Plus I am not quite sure what sorts of "preparations" would have helped. I don't think he mentioned ventilators -- did he?

Michael K said...

The number of hospitalizations for COVID-19 in the U.S. is now increasing at a rate of 20% *per day*, which means a quadrupling every week.

Could you please provide a link for this ?

Browndog said...

This doctor Tucker has on is a real pro. Top notch.

Paco Wové said...

"Reporters stuck on the narrative."

"Stuck on stupid", as they used to say.

Drago said...

Sebastian: "Trump long, long briefing: a masterclass. Reporters running out of potshots."

The "reporters"/Dem-mouthpieces were clearly petrified at the thought of the US economy cranking up again. Absolutely petrified.

Sebastian said...

"Sebastian yes, Trump was great in tonight’s briefing"

Shockingly good, really. Considering the pressure, the complexity of the issue, the stakes, the information he has to process, the political games being played by adversaries, the number of people he has to deal with.

I say this as a form of penitence: in '16 I thought Trump was a clown. I was wrong.

Mark said...

Huh? Wha?

Sorry, I fell asleep.

walter said...

Pressers a mixed bag. But the willingness to answer the same shit over and over reveals the lameness of the press.
I laughed when he mentioned the hands never stop going up and (paraphrasing) "Who knows, one of them might be a good, unique question"

Drago said...

Sebastian: "I say this as a form of penitence: in '16 I thought Trump was a clown. I was wrong."

Trump, already the most competent communications republican candidate/President since Reagan, and possibly much better, has grown even more while in office.

Worse, from a dem/LLR-lefty point of view, is that Trump in a second term would actually have a leadership team that is aligned with his vision and policy preferences, and that's why the dems and many establishment republicans are in a frenzied panic.

Mark said...

Where was I?

Oh, yeah.

So tonight, Catwoman is very pregnant -- the good Catwoman -- and they have trouble with the Klingons, again.

Michael K said...

It looks like you may have used this site for the 20% number but that is positive tests, not hospitalizations. Positive tests are NOT hospitalizations.

Try not to let your left wing pretensions run away with you.

mockturtle said...

Drago observes: The "reporters"/Dem-mouthpieces were clearly petrified at the thought of the US economy cranking up again. Absolutely petrified.

Especially the guy who thought Trump had said it will be months [of shutdown]. He asked, loudly and gleefully, "Months?" Whereupon Trump answered, "No, we're not talking about months" [or something like that]. Imagine the disappointment. What a bunch of scum are these reporters.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The salt in ordinary spam is through the roof. I like salty foods and I think it is too slaty. The low sodium stuff is better. Wait, wasn't that the deal in the andromeda strain? People with too little salt in their blood died?

Mark said...

It was pH levels, Lew.

Howard said...

Thanks Allen S, the most interesting piece of information I've glean from this thread is that I need to start eating more ticks.

It's next level from rub dirt on a gash

Nichevo said...

So, Slow Joe can't get through ten minutes of teleprompter reading, and Trump does this: compare and contrast.

Hey, Althouse, are you still neutral?

Oh, no, no, no. That cake is baked. Ann Althouse is voting for Donald Trump in 2020. You cam take it to the bank!

Here's why:

Althouse does not lie. (Source: Althouse)
Althouse does not vote third party or stay home. (Source: Althouse)
Biden is gonna be the nominee. (Source: Althouse)

And Ann Althouse will never, never, never vote for Joe Biden. (Source: follows)

Bay Area Guy said...
Our fiery and righteous Hostess nailed Slow Joe at the beginning of his campaign for spreading this toxic, racist lie:

How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?! The hypocrisy of offering to bring us together and embrace lofty values when he is either repulsively ignorant or just plain lying!

I could not finish watching that video. I tried, but I couldn't force myself. It's utterly toxic bilge.

If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President.

Posted by Ann Althouse at 10:33 AM 4.25.19

1/2/20, 12:47 PM

And surely Ann Althouse would never go back on her solemn vow?

Mark said...

People at work (women) were constantly hounding me for eating poorly, eating too salty food.

So I went on a low sodium diet.

A couple of weeks later, I started noticing my hands were cold all the time. Never were before.

After about a week, I connected the dots. Went back on the salt.

Warm hands.

Mark said...

McCoy smacks Catwoman.

And she likes it!

Yancey Ward said...

"Genentech Launches Phase III Trial of Actemra as Coronavirus Treatment"

Interesting. I remember they treated SARS patients with cortico-steroids to knock back the cytokine storm, and I assumed they were using the same treatments for COVID-19 patients. For those interested, Actemra is a mono-clonal antibody directed against the receptor for IL-6, and IL-6 itself is a cytokine involved in a lot of inflammatory pathways. If I remember correctly, Actemra was originally indicated for treatment of certain lung tumors. There was another way to disrupt the IL-6 pathway, have an antibody against IL-6 itself, but I don't remember if it ever went anywhere. I worked on cytokine disruption targets at one time in the distant past.

Rory said...

"Dinty Moore is pretty darn tasty."

There's going to be a lot of fat eating when this thing blows over. If my dog was still young, he'd be in heaven for a month, but he has to watch his diet now, so I'll have to eat the stew, canned chili, et al.

Yancey Ward said...

Julie Newmar was in Star Trek episode? Didn't know that. Which episode?

narciso said...

this one

Yancey Ward said...

Pregnant woman Klingons, Friday's Child.

Mark said...

There are two ways this can go --

One, come November we are all dead and so there are no elections.

Two, we have weathered the storm and even Dems see the wisdom in going with a known quantity Trump, who led us through it, rather than going with some addle-brain dinosaur maroon.

Yancey Ward said...

I got it when I saw Mark's earlier comment.

Mark said...

Meanwhile, Kirk tries to help out, as they are going up a hill, by putting his hand on Catwoman's butt to give her a push.

Mark said...

James T. is going to get some one way or another.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Inga is this blog's king.

If only the critics could understand they were critiquing substance whilst Our Gal Inga has been a style-only person; why by God style wouldn't matter as much as substance, which will always be the determining factor here.

Then, maybe, it might have become clearer to the oldsters.

Satan convinced me in other ways, but the methods used are repetitive.

Browndog said...

If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President.

Posted by Ann Althouse at 10:33 AM 4.25.19

It's not that hard to get re-qualified when you're a life-long liberal starring down the barrel of a ballot with Trump's name on it.

Not that I care either way.

Ralph L said...

Brown bread from a can

Is that still available? Left over from 50 years ago?

Rory said...

It's always fun when Scotty's in command.

Mark said...

Don't know the wisdom of having your chief engineer in a command position, but I guess it's better than having the ship's therapist in one.

narciso said...

About 10 years later, she played zarina the war witch on buck rogers.

Michael K said...

No link from Sinz52 yet so I assume that was bullshit hysteria,.

Drago said...

Guildof: "Satan convinced me in other ways, but the methods used are repetitive."

"Satan doesn't exist".......which is Satan's greatest trick.

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