From "Fox Business Benches Trish Regan After Outcry Over Coronavirus Comments/The host of 'Trish Regan Primetime' told viewers this week that concerns about the coronavirus were 'yet another attempt to impeach the president'" (NYT).
I just have one question, and it's not answered in the article: Why did they take down Kennedy? Must Kennedy pay for Trish Regan's sins?
This is the first time I've used my tag "Trump derangement syndrome" to refer to someone who is pro-Trump. Is it unfair? Check out the Regan rant in question:
You gotta watch this, I just gotta watch
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) March 10, 2020
I'm not a news-channel junkie, but honestly I've never heard of this person.
Love me some Kennedy though. She's great.
What did Trish say that was not true? She didn't say the virus wasn't real, she said that Dem's jumped on an opportunity to unreasonably blame it on Trump. Just speaking truth to power. Can't imagine anyone who is not a hard-core leftist thinking this is an example of TDS.
You know who Kennedy is and never heard of the show host just prior to her? You really are isolated.
The hysteria level regarding the Wuhan corona virus is over the top. The media are willing, even eager participants.
Are we sure she wasn’t taken off for not having bare arms? How short is her skirt?
People are enjoying this apocalyptic panic.
"You're finally getting the blasted punishment you deserve, you wretched sinners!" seems to be the dominant theme.
From James Lileks: "It's the glory days for catastrophizing miserabilism."
Regan is right. This epidemic will probably be no worse than the H1N1 flu epidemic that was mostly dismissed as routine. The difference in media response is that Obama was president during the H1N1 epidemic.
The panic is intended to damage Trump. It is, in fact, deliberate economic sabotage.
She's spot on and it shows you that Fox news isn't interested in the truth. Fox is just part of the MSM lying media.
Two things can be true: This can be serious and they can be trying to take down Trump. Just like the Russian election interference was serious and it was used to take down Trump. Just like sexual assault is serious and they tried to use it to take down Kavanaugh.
Just like Katrina was serious and they tried to use it to take down Bush.
We can't lose our minds. We can't make it wrongthink to have opposing voices.
What did Trish say that was not true?
On the Other Hand, OVER HUNDRED MILLION Americans have ALREADY DIED because of this virus!
Well, maybe not OVER a hundred million, but CERTAINLY over FIVE THOUSAND americans have died
Well, maybe not OVER five thousand, but THERE IS NO DENYING THAT NEARLY FIFTY ! ! !
seriously, think about how this crisis is affecting YOU, and ask yourself;
is it the virus that is affecting you?
or is it the panic?
WHO is causing this panic?
Nearly 50!
There's no doubt that much of the media complex is working breathlessly to point this to 'the administration'. Whatever happens, it will be pointed out that Trump is selfish, was not sufficiently apologizing for things, and was lame is his response. His team is lame. He's lame. The new testing website is not up and working yet, and it's already been almost 35 hours since it was announced. And we're all going to die.
This was my takeaway watching CNN and MSNBC the last 2 days. MSNAUSEA literally just proclaimed the entire thing the fault of this administration.
What Regan said? Badly timed, especially as this thing is spiking in the NYC area. But her comment about Dems trying to make hay out of bad times is not ridiculous. It's SOP.
Just for reference we should have the clip of what was being broadcast at CNN and MSNBC at the time.
Might make a great montage.
You know who Kennedy is and never heard of the show host just prior to her?
Kennedy was on MTV.
The only bit I've ever read on Althouse's son's blog was his panic bit over Trump being president during this epidemic.
Son is a commie and he's entranced by the notion of a command economy and central planning, so of course only a commie presidential candidate like Bernie or Buttigieg can handle this affair.
The epidemic is, for commies, yet another argument for why we must go full commie. Everything must be planned! All eventualities must be accounted for! Everything must be insured!
And only communism can provide you with this service.
Trisha is the best Fox News commentator personality. Her only crime was using her show for Truth Telling in the First degree. But Fox News is owned by British Globalists who fear Trisha.
"Fox Business attributed the move to 'the demands of the evolving pandemic crisis coverage,' saying it was shifting resources toward daytime coverage of the pandemic and global markets."
I guess I'm supposed to believe this is a lie? To what purpose? If Fox is capitulating to the mob taking offense at Regan's rant why wouldn't they just admit that that is what they are doing? Would likely get a good boost from doing so.
Trish is 1/10th as partisan as your average host on CNN or MSNBC. And 1/1000th as crazy.
"Trish is 1/10th as partisan as your average host on CNN or MSNBC. And 1/1000th as crazy."
In other words, she's certifiable.
I was unaware of this Trish Regan until this post by Ann. We need more of Trish Regan. MUCH MORE.
FWIW, I don't think this virus isn't serious. I just think the panic is also serious.
And I see people using terms like "virus denier" for people who dare to think- wow, maybe everything doesn't have to be shut down. I see people being shamed for doing things like- going out to eat or going to the gym. For living life. For not being afraid. And whenever I see people being shamed for having a different opinion- I suspect the people doing the shaming. Especially when they have no special knowledge.
Jesus you peoples get caught up in all this media hype and think somehow that is reality. Reality is people are taking this thing seriously with a stiff upper lip no evidence of panic no evidence of oh my God we need to change our entire political system to prevent future pandemics. None of that is happening on anything beyond a trace and yet are you insist on swallowing every soap opera script inspired conspiracy theories you're bottle fed by the president and his unindicted co-conspirators on Fox news. The only sign of the Apocalypse that has any basis in reality is the certain death of your antiquated hate filled fear inspired rage of a political movement.
The NYT headline is biased. The editors used her direct quote to modify their own deceitful paraphrase. The Regan quote does not refer to general "concerns" about the coronavirus. It refers specifically to political hysteria about the coronavirus ginned up by the Democrats and their media sycophants.
A more appropriate tag might be "Blatant Examples of Media Bias."
Fifty dead in three months..that is less than the count of murders in one month in Chicago during our great murder phase of the 1990s. We had 900 plus a year with a population of less than three million.
Once again a good article:
I did not hear one untruth. Fox News has got to be shedding viewers by the millions. I only tune in for Tucker and Laura and Maria 's shows.
I hate to say this but Howard (Johnson) is right!
The panic, whether it is justified or not, is not the Dems trying to oust Trump. These quarantine measures, and worse, are being used all over the world.
Of course, the Dems and media are politicizing this and will use the WuFlu to try to damage Trump.
Both things can be true at the same time.
Eek! Overdone political news analysis in a time of plague. Who ever heard of such a thing?
Fox Business can't let that go on. MSNBC and CNN have a corner on that market, and they are killing themselves.
Shut up, Trish.
No, I don’t gotta read this.
You're a bit shrill. Calm down, everything will be OK. I have couple of extra rolls of TP if that will help.
I just started watching Fox business again a couple weeks ago. Honestly, I forgot it was there. Outside of a couple shows I quit Fox after the Megan Kelly thing.
I started watching Trish Regan a couple times, but only made it a few minutes. To me she's a soft spoken Hannity. I grew tired of 'all partisan, all the time' commentary long ago.
The panic is intended to damage Trump. It is, in fact, deliberate economic sabotage.
And the cabal responsible for this "deliberate economic sabotage", has also managed to shut down Italy, Norway and Spain next.
The only saving grace of your idiocy is you have not yet tied George Soros to this fiendish plot.
Conservatives live in a WWE tag-team world where the opposition gets to hit us with chairs and R.I.P. us with can-openers hidden in their shorts while the referee studies to see if we are an inch too far into out full Nelson. The left media can say anything about the right, about a Trump, with impunity while even our own media must be guarded, “fair and balanced.”
We become angry, a cold anger that builds and builds over time. Then it explodes and a Trump appears. The left gave us Trump three years ago and they are giving us Trump II in November. Guaranteed.
Is Fox News helping?
@MayBee - the panic is already worse than the virus ever had even the potential to become, IMO.
Still to be determined, I know, but that’s my early take.
The next 1-2 weeks will be VERY interesting and if I’m right, a lot of eyes might be opened to the idea that this was a huge overreaction with a large hit to the economy. During an election year. Funny how that works...
True story. In elementary school this new kid came in must have been 3rd or 4th grade his name was Howard Johnson. The only other Howard. He was a bit of a bully and no one gave him a hard time for his famous name.
In the face of trump announcing a national emergency this looks even more like hack right wing hysteria.
People don't know Kennedy from FBN. She not only was on MTV, but she gets a lot of face time on FNC and really stands out in a crowd. Trish Regan isn't as colorful and doesn't stand out as a personality. I don't mind Kennedy, but I know people who hate her and can understand why. The libertarian thing can be annoying, even if you are half-way to agreeing with her. You can't be that privileged and that hard-edged and get away with it with everybody.
Why did the network cancel the shows? My best guess is that they felt that it was time for somebody's head to roll and figured that Regan was the one to sacrifice. It's hard to figure out these decisions. There are a lot of angles involved. It's not all politics. It's not all ratings. It's not all what the executives' spouses and friends think. It's a mix.
I record Tucker Carlson every night. I like Tucker because he's a big picture guy, very analytical, and covers important issues literally everyone in the news business ignore.
I get that several people were on the ground floor exposing corona and the disastrous impact it could have on America.
He, like others, are now simply piling on and stoking panic. I couldn't finish watching his shows Wednesday-friday.
Is Fox News helping?
In general, yes. The message is wash your hands, don't touch your face, call your older relatives but don't visit them, self-quarantine and we'll get through this, and they get that message out as well as any other channel. Whether all the layers of political commentary all the cable news networks overlay that with is helping or not, is harder to say, but is the political spin really the point now?
Meanwhile IL Gov Pritzker is proving Trish right:
Is there some magical La La Land where we could implement emergency contingency plans 2 days ago to protect our nation and our health from the pandemic all these people are freaking out about 24x7 AND have it run smoothly right away? By government employees?
What a magical p,ace that must be. No wonder Democrats are always trying to take us there.
Yes, Fox News is helping. Lot’s of solid advice from REAL DOCTORS. Fox is not trying to panic people either.
And, for the record, I agree with Trish in that video. Call me TDS then.
Someone above noted correctly that we can treat this seriously, we don’t have to panic and the Fake News and Dems are trying to Damage Trump.
There is no doubt that the Dems and MSM are trying to use coronavirus against Trump. Well, Dems at the Federal level anyway - Dem state governors like Cuomo and Newsom seem to have realized that this is "hang together, or hang separately" time. Of course they have real responsibilities, unlike Dem legislators who are fee to cause trouble.
But just because Federal Dems and MSM are trying to weaponize the virus against Trump doesn't change the fact that it's still a deadly threat. And Trish Regan was out of line.
You don’t have to be a “Katrina denier” to observe that the left used a hurricane to attack BusHitler (although maybe people weren’t eating each other in the Superdome). Criticizing Regan for calling out the left for what they are doing (or saying she has TDS) is “I’m tired of politicizing things” bullshit.
This is the first time I've used my tag "Trump derangement syndrome" to refer to someone who is pro-Trump. Is it unfair?
Very unfair. You liberal BS artists surely do not like it when the “truth spoken to power” is spoken at you, do you?
Is Fox News helping?
Want to elaborate? Helping whom?
This crazy shit seems the same as JAWS. Thrill me, scare me, lets go through the funhouse again kinda thrill. Friday the 13th, The Jason goes on Social Security chapter.
Everyone who thinks canceling everything and stoking widespread panic was the right call is silent on these two points:
1) the trillions of dollars that disappeared in the markets in a matter of days and the real world impacts this will have for months or even years, and
2) what is the end game for this shutdown, how do you know when you’re done?
Did we just invite a recession so we could feel good about managing risks that might be overstated or exaggerated?
Freedo’s brother, the Governor, “This is going to be EVERYWHERE.”
Chuck Todd is now whipping people up right now. It’s a Special Edition. I’m sure there were no Special Edition during Obama’s Swine Flu.
What a fucking partisan prick.
How is she wrong? The left will use anything at all to Impeach Trump. Biden's wholesale crimes, lies, now this.
Fox News has been taken over by Rupert Murdocks progressive sons. That's the reason why they put Trish on hiatus for telling the truth, and why they give the liar Donna Brazile more speaking time after she told the WH Press secretary and REPUBLICANS to GO TO HELL, because they brought up the ways Democrats cheat in elections and will probably work together to make sure Bernie doesn't win again. Donna can stay, but Trish is out??? This is why I hardly watch this crap channel anymore. I guess they think we need another progressive propaganda channel.
A remote in me hand and a one nostril high
A doleful damsel I heard cry,
Oh Trish I hardly knew ye.
2) what is the end game for this shutdown, how do you know when you’re done?
A million times THIS.
Who is going to be the first to re-open and face the "you're killing people!" onslaught?
Peter Navarro with REAL NEWS on Sunday Morning Futures now with Maria.
Fuck Chuck Todd, scaremonger.
Question I have asked before and will ask again:
How long before Dems will accuse Trump of overreacting?
Of course, they have a tiny problem in having accused him of being slow, but a little hypocrisy doesn't bother them. One week it was racist to stop flights from China, the next why don't you do something. We know them.
The other tiny problem is that Dem governors and lefty colleges are pretty much following the same line and collaborating with the feds. So even for Dems it will be tricky to turn to an overreaction narrative when their fellow Dems were so involved in the overreaction.
Of course, I'm hoping they will have good reason to fall back on overreaction.
I suspect ratings. Both shows have become unwatchable.
She provides evidence of what she is saying -- as if we haven't seen it every single day from the Dems since this thing started -- and you ask if her absolutely accurate words warranted a "TDS" label?? Get. A. Clue.
The problem is that we as a community are not prepared for a full out coronavirus pandemic. We have insufficient hospital beds, insufficient ventilators, insufficient doctors and medical staff, insufficient testing facilities etc. etc. If we had sufficiency in all those items then we could face an all out pandemic and manage it to keep deaths to a minimum. In an ideal world, someone gets sick, they get immediately tested with results available in 15 mins. If symptoms are serious, they get admitted to an isolation room with a respirator available if they require it. With insufficiency of resources, the only solution is to slow down the roll out of the viral infection by washing hands, closing social venues, and self-isolating. That will slow the trajectory of the disease so hopefully we have enough resources to handle it over a longer period of time. What we are doing is buying time to spread out the disease. During that time we can start building resources and solutions. The cost to buying time is social and economic upheaval. Is it worth it? We really wont know until it is over. Even then it will be difficult to quantify given that we are dealing with the unquantifiable, the value of a life.
Trish nailed it.
The cynic in me says it is all about the Benjamins baby!
The Murdock boys probably believe FNC makes more money and draws more viewers when the president is an incompetent dpey Dem like Obama than a capable one like Trump.
Is Fox News helping?
Define "helping."
Have we learned anything after 1841 when "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" was published?
"We go out of our course to make ourselves uncomfortable; the cup of life is not bitter enough to our palate, and we distill superfluous poison to put into it, or conjure up hideous things to frighten ourselves at, which would never exist if we did not make them."
Reality is people are taking this thing seriously with a stiff upper lip no evidence of panic no evidence of oh my God we need to change our entire political system to prevent future pandemics.
Howard doesn't watch MSNBC or CNN. Neither do I.
I agree with wendybar, the Murdoch kids are shifting Fox left.
I see all the lefties weigh in to bash Trump. The sun rose today.
She's right about the politics of the matter, even if this is "no time for politics." Cancellation of her show is evidence of the correctness of her contention, and also that what media-watching Trump supporters people say about the direction of FoxNews under the younger Murdoch. The political hacks don't bury the hatchet during a genuine crisis, in fact those are the opportunities they wait for and seize. The world is worse than Trish Regan thinks or at least presents on her show.
If you can bear to watch the Sunday morning shows, say MTP with rodent-like Chuck Todd, you will see quickly that he is a bit more subtle and skilled in his presentation, mostly setting up his guests to say the sharpest things against Trump, but they are working in tandem to give their fortunately dwindling viewership the impression that Trump is responsible for all bad things befalling us. The more nuanced way to present it is that we have dysfunctional politics, which is Trump's fault naturally, since he's our chief politico.
I think they've rearranged the set, btw, on MTP, so that guests are sitting much farther away from one another. The camera work is weird this morning, and they can't capture more than one person in the frame on any of the shots they used to use to do that.
Within two months we will learn if our efforts to blunt the curve were successful or, alternately, if we're in the middle of a great plague. One thing certain: the media will take credit for forestalling a tragedy or, alternately, for giving early warning of the tragedy to come. We live in a world where the media is never wrong in its pronouncements or emphases. Except for people like Trish Reagan of course.
Here is a survival tip for dealing with the coronavirus pandemic:
Stop watching televised news and news opinion shows. They will only make you go crazy.
Use the internet to sample a variety of sources. In other words, take control of your media life.
Why does anyone watch any shows of this type? And why do they put so much makeup on people for television now?
In the face of trump announcing a national emergency this looks even more like hack right wing hysteria.
OK gaslighter
They all want to "push the narrative" even Fox News. Basically, 100 people decide what is news and what you hear, read, and see every day. Anyone who strays too far from it, gets canned and taken off the air. We can't have diversity of thought, only of skin color.
“I’m tired of politicizing things” bullshit.
Yah it's this. Let's pile up all of the thing Trish is railing against vs the pile of Trish railing against it and compare the asymmetry.
Instead of reacting by bitching, the lefties in Congress could have been calling for action on the government's inadequate preparation instead of resisting and slowing government with Hawaiian judges and political hoaxes. No credit for reacting now...
Trish made an assertion and backed it up with evidence. It is hard to find fault...
A news network presenting stories highlighting the damage being inflicted by destructive political narratives meets the definition of 'helping'. If it's exposed there's the possibility it's less likely to be effective...and repeated.
How dare someone question the motives of Democrats who have DEFINITELY NOT been working to remove Trump every single f'ng day for the last 3 years?
F'ng lefties, man. Such a bunch of whiny bitches. Would have more respect if they'd just admit what anybody with room temperature IQ already knows.
I don't watch anything, even most videos posted here. I don't want my brains exposed to a dementia inducing psychotic virus.
I've never once seen Trish's show. Her frosted flake tips and shrink wrap face are quite compelling.
If you have to watch ANY Sunday Show, Maria Bartiromo is the one to see. She asks the best questions and has people from all sides on. I hardly ever miss it. I used to watch all of I'm down to Maria!!! I have better things to do!
Maria Bartiromo is great and agree about her show being consistently high quality. She also works harder than anyone in the media, doing shows 6 sometimes 7 days a week. She seems genuinely irritated by bullshit, which she doesn't tolerate.
What Wendybad said at 11:01.
Batiromo should soon replace the liberal hack Chris Wallace.
She's also the only Sunday Morning talking head Joey Ramone wrote a song about.
Everyone sneeze in Howard's direction.
Is Fox News helping?
Not sure, but if we're going to start censoring political pundits saying unhelpful things, perhaps we should start with those who helped perpetuate a fake Russian collusion hoax on the country for three years. Have CNN, MSBC, NPR, CBS, ABC, NBC, NYT WAPO, etc., etc. been helpful?
“Is Fox News helping?”
Name one news outlet that is. The irony is, that if we ever get to the serious heaps-o’-corpses phase, people will long since have stopped listening to the panic mongers.
Howard said...
I don't want my brains exposed to a dementia inducing psychotic virus.
Psst, Howie...too late.
They aren't fired and disgraced. They are only "on hiatus," so they could be coming back. Or FBN could go off in a different direction. Political commentary gets predictable and stale. They could try something new and see if it works.
I watched One America News to catch up on non-virus news yesterday and saw a great feel-good American story. Several individual basketball stars have stepped up to cover all the pay for all the people employed at their home arenas for the duration of play stoppage. This is private capital (evil rich) being deployed in a charitable fashion that alleviates stress and suffering in a time of fear and uncertainty. More stories like this would lessen the fear and uncertainty. Where is THAT media when we need them?
I wouldn't sneeze in Howard's direction- he is a worthwhile commenter, so fart in his general direction if you must.
The fake news are always trying to hurt Trump. Why would any rational person think that this time they would act differently? That woman only repeated what millions of Americans have already been saying to each other.
Should she say it on-air? Probably not. But should leftists talking-heads spout all manner of ugly conspiracies against Republican presidents, even when they're proven false? Probably not; but they do.
But as someone said above, the so-called decent people only allow leftist talking-heads to repeat conspiracies with impunity. This woman should've known better.
walk don't run said: "The problem is that we as a community are not prepared for a full out coronavirus pandemic. We have insufficient hospital beds, insufficient ventilators, insufficient doctors and medical staff, insufficient testing facilities etc. etc. If we had sufficiency in all those items then we could face an all out pandemic and manage it to keep deaths to a minimum."
More misinformation about the medical readiness of the US as compared to other countries. This very blog perpetrated that misinformation with the following lead to a post based on a WaPoo story just yesterday: "The United States has roughly 2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people. South Korea, which has seen success mitigating its large outbreak...has more than 12 hospital beds per 1,000 people. China, where hospitals in Hubei were quickly overrun, has 4.3 beds per 1,000 people. Italy, a developed country with a reasonably decent health system (Italy), has seen its hospitals overwhelmed and has 3.2 beds per 1,000 people."
In reality, according to the most recent information from The National Center for Biotechnology Information, The Journal of Critical Care Medicine and The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine,the US has (per 100K population) almost 3 times the critical care beds (34.7) that Italy has (12.5), more than three times Korea (10.6), 5 times Great Britian (6.6), almost 10 time China (3.6) and more than France, Spain and Japan combined (27.6). See the table at
So, the US is no doubt much better prepared to handle a Coronavirus pandemic than the rest of the world, and observing what is happening in China, Korea or Italy and assuming the same events are likely to happen in the US is idiotic. Anyone who has traveled outside Madison and experienced first hand the hospitals in Italy and Korea (like me) know that their hospital facilities, staffing, equipment and technology are far behind the US. Think about it people: have you ever seen a single area where a given process in a socialist administered system is equivalent to one in a market system? Visualizing the process in a US hospital and assuming that translates to Italy or Korea are as delusional as the students who think the "free" colleges and universities in Europe are no different from the tuition charging colleges in the US.
Is Fox News helping?
Civility bullshit?
If you have to watch ANY Sunday Show, Maria Bartiromo is the one to see
I agree. I rarely watch TV but do get her show sometimes, often after an important interview replayed.
Ann Althouse said...
Is Fox News helping?
Should we get in the wayback machine and see what Ann had to say about swine flu?
Covidity bullshit.
Not overhyped, but a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change, not limited to panic. Some Democrats have been more rational, reasonable, and apolitical than others. And after more than 12 trimesters of witch hunts and warlock trials, the latter need to be confronted in order to mitigate progress.
The fake news are always trying to hurt Trump.
As we have observed for over 12 trimesters, it's not just Trump. Sacrifices are a viable choice to pave their progressive path, their great leap forward. NYT, WaPo, CNN, PBS et al are a social contagion.
This epidemic will probably be no worse than the H1N1 flu epidemic that was mostly dismissed as routine. The difference in media response is that Obama was president during the H1N1 epidemic.
The panic is intended to damage Trump. It is, in fact, deliberate economic sabotage.
Exactly. In fact, I'd be surprised if it comes close to the H1N1 virus.
300k infected. 60k hospitalized. 13-17k dead. Zero cancellations.
"Should we get in the wayback machine and see what Ann had to say about swine flu?"
In addition to the question of whether Fox News is helping, there is the question of whether, on balance, President Trump and Jared are helping.
This first hand report from WaPo poses the question clearly.
Here's a report from Madtown about 6 months later
Thank you, thank you daskol! I must have been in a coma in 2008. I have the album on you tube now. I'm certainly going to watch her more now!
Turns out George Soros owned Media Matters is bragging that they had a hand in her hiatis. They just love to silence people who don't think like they do.
When was the album from? I see Joey died in 2001. It doesn't seem that it could have been that long ago.
More from Madtown.
And more from a blog called Althouse:
Trish Regan is right on all that. The first question should always be a sober "Is it true?".
In this case, yes. What she said was true.
More importantly, Gilbar's question is central to our lives right now:
"seriously, think about how this crisis is affecting YOU, and ask yourself;
is it the virus that is affecting you?
or is it the panic?
After months of exposure, the U.S today has 2800 cases out of 320 million, and most of them are not actively sick. So that's 1 out of 114,000 people. Yet virtually everyone is being effected by the panic. Most of the action being taken is not driven by science or fact. Most of it is driven by fear: fear of being wrong, fear of law suits, fear of blame, but not fear of sickness or death. A lot of the rest of the reaction is driven by opportunism.
This might have been mentioned, the swine flu virus targeted pregnant women and young people (anyone 6 months to 24 years.) People who lived with or cared for infants and adults with chronic diseases were also especially vulnerable.
I still have the email i sent to our 3 adult kids in 2009 offering to fly to (New York, NY, LA) and nurse them back to health if they were to come down with the disease that was targeting their age group while taking it easy on mine. No response.
Of course, they were all in their twenties then and I was the only one in the family who was free to travel on a moment's notice.
Now, 10 years later, they are in their thirties and deep into their respective careers. Still, would it kill anyone to just call in and check up on the old boomer? Makes me a little sad, I must admit.
We can't have diversity of thought, only of skin color.
Speaking of skin color: Trish's was distinctly odd sometimes. I assumed some sort of make-up or spray-tan thing.
Now, 10 years later, they are in their thirties and deep into their respective careers.
My son is a fireman/.paramedic and his wife is worried about his paramedic calls to sick people. He is an insulin dependent diabetic although in great shape , and I just called in a prescription for hydoxychloroquine for him. It is showing that is is prophylactic, plus curative, for the virus and is a common inexpensive drug in use for malaria prophylaxis since WWII. The hydroxy version (the pharmacy is out of chloroquine) is known as Plaquenil and is used for rheumatoid arthritis. They had that one.
I suggested that he keep it until/unless he gets symptomatic. Once the general public learns this, it will disappear like toilet paper. China and UK are already banning export.
Stephen said...
In addition to the question of whether Fox News is helping, there is the question of whether, on balance, President Trump and Jared are helping.
Trolling again, I see. Big international airports are a major problem and the TSA, created by Democrats in 2001, is a mess and has been all along. It was Democrats that insisted on a unionized TSA in place of the security checkpoints pad for by airlines, in order to pass the Patriot Act in 2001. Personally, I would repeal the Patriot Act.
The song was from the late 90s, not from an album. At one of Joey's birthday bases at the Continental, during the encore, was when I heard it: impromptu, as supposedlyMaria showed up at the party though not a punk or Ramones fan, and Joey took the stage with one of the bands he was promoting and played the tune. I thought it was a novelty one-off, maybe redone lyrics to a different song, but no, it was a real song. And it's catchy as hell.
Joey being the respectful guy he is, didn't even work in her nickname at the time: the Money Honey.
As a general observation (without wishing to opine on Ms. Regan or her comments), wrongthink that is false can be rebutted with truth, but wrongthink that is true can only be punished.
I'll definitely miss Kennedy's show if it is cancelled permanently. She is one of the few commentators who would call out absurdities on both parties, and brooked no idiocy from those who came on to parrot the party line.
Michael K.
That article has absolutely nothing to do with TSA or the Patriot Act--these were inbound people and the issue is not prevention of terrorism, but rather public health. The point of the article is that the Administration did not take the time to plan the implementation of a widely publicized public health intervention so as to ensure that it actually achieved its stated goal, instead of making the problem worse. Did you even read the piece?
Do you know anything about the TSA ?
Sorry, Stephen to interrupt your TDS,
We can't have diversity of thought, only of skin color.
Skin color, yes. However, diversity doctrine is a color judgment, not limited to skin color, but low information attributes (e.g. sex, gender, class... context matters), and inference to paint, to schedule (e.g. color quotas) a class of people. It is a doctrine under the Pro-Choice religion.
thanks for pointing out who Kennedy is (MTV veteran, that I slightly remember). I had seen her as one of the semi-regulars on The Five which I listen to on YouTube while driving. Something irrational inside of me doesn't like people (other than singers) who go by a single name. Seems pretentious. Perhaps she is. Perhaps she isn't.
Favorite mononymous singer: Dion!
thanks for pointing out who Kennedy is (MTV veteran, that I slightly remember). I had seen her as one of the semi-regulars on The Five which I listen to on YouTube while driving. Something irrational inside of me doesn't like people (other than singers) who go by a single name. Seems pretentious. Perhaps she is. Perhaps she isn't.
Favorite mononymous singer: Dion!
The point of the article is that the Administration did not take the time to plan the implementation of a widely publicized public health intervention so as to ensure that it actually achieved its stated goal, instead of making the problem worse. Did you even read the piece?
Yes and I realize, you idiot, that Trump was elected head of Dulles Airport Customs and Border Security.
Have you ever worked at a higher level than janitor in a large corporation. Do you expect CEOs to run every small division ?
Michael, My understanding is that incoming public health issues are dealt with not by TSA but by Customs and Border Protection. See the following link. If that’s wrong I apologize. The deeper point is whether you believe in the phrase “The buck stops here.” Trump has been quick to claim credit for lots of good things, such as the last three years of prosperity. Why shouldn’t he take the blame for his Administration’s failure to effectively implement a border screening program that was his idea? Even closer to home, isn’t he responsible for the consequences of his own misleading or flat out wrong statements about the pandemic?
Michael K.
Apropos of my last comment about passing the buck, do you think Trump is accountable for repeated false or misleading statements, such as statements that we have it under control or that testing was available for all. Full listing here:
These misstatements are not about relatively trivial matters, such as the size of an inauguration crowd, but about matters of consequence for millions of Americans. If he was wrong, is it right to hold him accountable? Or should he be allowed to pass the buck on them as well?
I say this as someone who is longing to have Trump make an honest, forthright speech about coronavirus and to visibly demonstrate that he understands the issues, the stakes, the necessary measures, and the hardships. The benefits for the country would be huge.
Italy, Spain, France: these are not third world countries, and they are in deep shit. We are very close, if we are not already there. You are scientifically trained and presumably understand public health issues. Do you find Trump's representations accurate? Informed? Reassuring? Why?
I didn’t hear her minimize the virus. I heard her blame blameworthy people. Not one of the people she showed is doing anything to help, they are all exploiting fear.
Ha! I see Bob Boyd agrees with me but he put it much more cleverly than I did: “ Covidity bullshit.”
Bravo Bob, exactly.
i think its bull shit sham her like that she is so sweet i love her to dith
just me
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