March 1, 2020

Buttigieg drops out.

The NYT reports.


Michael K said...

Surprise. His funding must have dried up.

Original Mike said...

And here I had just learned to pronounce his name. At least I won't have to learn how to spell it.

Geoff Matthews said...

Does Klobuchar benefit from this?
Didn’t make sense that a small-city mayor should jump to President.

curt said...

Looking forward to future Democrat debates consisting of three 79 year old white men.

Lucien said...

Don’t see why he would do that instead of hanging in for two days. How much could SC have changed things for him?

tcrosse said...

Surprise. His funding must have dried up.

He may have had another offer.

Bay Area Guy said...

Springtime in South Bend
for the young, gay soldier, plus
cheese on Apple pie

Jersey Fled said...

Buttigieg = Beto

Bay Area Guy said...

"Looking forward to future Democrat debates consisting of three 79 year old white men"

Heteronormative, too.

mockturtle said...

The question is: Whom will this benefit most?

mockturtle said...

He dropped out before Super Tuesday for some reason. Or for someone.

tcrosse said...

The question is: Whom will this benefit most?

There's not much benefit there to spread around.

jimbino said...

How long will we have to wait for a candidate as smart, well-spoken and multi-lingual as Buttigieg? He is far too socialist for my tastes, but I hate to see him quit.

Browndog said...

Whispers about DNC/Hillary mega donors buying him off to clear the slate for Biden.

I'm sure it's nothing.

Vance said...

So Pete pulled out eh?

If you want to read a bunch of far better jokes than that one go to Ace’s place.

Condolences to Inga and Chuck on the Democrat Party rejecting yet another “diverse” candidate in favor of old white men.

Browndog said...

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Pete Buttigieg is OUT. All of his SuperTuesday votes will go to Sleepy Joe Biden. Great timing. This is the REAL beginning of the Dems taking Bernie out of play - NO NOMINATION, AGAIN!

I'm not sure what that means. I'm headed over to Vox for an explanation.

tommyesq said...

Mr. Smith doesn't go to Washington...

narciso said...

it's a poser, now who will deutsche bank and goldman sachs and Citicorp give money to now?

Francisco D said...

The question is: Whom will this benefit most?

Probably Bloomberg. The DNC is all in on mini-Mike as the presidential candidate. (Biden is toast due to his cognitive problems).

Let's see if Democrat primary voters feel the same way.

stevew said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Browndog said...

Robert Barnes
‏ @Barnes_Law

Robert Barnes Retweeted Political Polls

Pete was stealing from everybody; the main effect of his absence is to give all the non-Bernies a chance at delegate viability in more states. Pete's exit isn't to boost Biden; it's to boost a contested convention.

Big Mike said...

Don’t see why he would do that instead of hanging in for two days. How much could SC have changed things for him?

Because black residents of South Bend got the word out that he was totally insensitive to their concerns. No one can win the nomination with zero per cent black support.

stevew said...

Likely out of cash, and without hope of winning nor of getting a VP nod, he's made the smart choice. Will he be back next time? I think not.

Personally I'm just happy Steyer has suspended his campaign. That guy! No more stupid thumb pointing advertisements!

The Godfather said...

I don't know Indiana politics. Does Mayor Pete have any place to go in his home state? Congress? Senate? Governor?

JML said...

Operation ANYTHING to STOP SANDERS (ASS) is in full force.

Jim Gust said...

My guess is that Bloomberg agreed to pay all outstanding campaign debts if Mayor Pete dropped out tonight. Bloomberg is doing worse than he expected, and benefits most from the dropping out.

Amadeus 48 said...

Here is the hutchku of the day:

Mayor Pete punts.
South Bend, he is back.
But he is not mayor.

The rules: 15 syllables arranged in consecutive lines of 4, 5, and 6 syllables; must make fun of a personal foible; no rhymes (this is fake high culture).

rcocean said...

Odd time for him to go out, two days before super Tuesday. Suspicion: The D Establishment or some of the big donors told him to get out of the race NOW to help Biden. Otherwise, expect zero dollars when Mayor Pete wants to run for Governor or Senator. Or get a post in the Biden Administration.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

That's gay.

rcocean said...

I suspect Warren will stay in to see how she fares in Massachusetts. If she loses to Bernie, she'll get out.

Limited blogger said...

So Biden's numbers on Tuesday may be more respectable. Still not good, respectable.

Amadeus 48 said...

Buttafuoco could have been promised Biden's Veep slot.

Automatic_Wing said...

I saw some polling data a week or two ago that said Sanders is the second preference for more voters than anyone else in the field. If so, lesser candidates dropping out only helps him.

Limited blogger said...

Warren must stay in a while longer cause her votes would go to Burno at this point.

rcocean said...

He was fighting Biden for the Non-progressive lane. He was a so-called "Moderate" who was saying Bernie and Warren were "too radical" and couldn't pay for all their programs.

So, this will help Biden.

stevew said...

Agree @rcocean, Liz has to win MA. Reports are that the cash in has fallen to a trickle.

rcocean said...

This may become a 3 man race after Super tuesday. Bernie, Bloomie, and Biden.

rcocean said...

Letting Tom steyer in the debate last week was a piece of idiocy. The debate wasn't just about SC, it was about super Tuesday, where Steyer had zero chance of doing anything.

Rory said...

"Does Mayor Pete have any place to go in his home state? Congress? Senate? Governor?"

It looks like the filing deadline for the primaries was early in February. A Republican holds the seat around South Bend, won by 10 points in 2018. Two Democrats filed for their primary.

But, yes, leaving his campaign means that Pete needs a job.

Amadeus 48 said...


Buttigieg could
Be Biden VP.
Paris was worth a mass.

Drago said...

Amadeus: "Buttigieg could Be Biden VP."

Buttituvwxyz offers nothing of real value to a ticket.


rcocean said...

How many Presidential Rivals become the VP choice:

1960 LBJ
1980 Bush
1992 Gore

Ford should have taken Reagan in '76, but his feelings were hurt because Reagan had run against him. Too bad, because a Ford-Reagan ticket might have won. Of course Ronnie didn't want to be VP, but if he'd been courted, maybe.

rcocean said...

Biden and Bernie have to choose a Female and/or minority VP. The D's won't accept two white males.

curt said...

After 4 more months of these guys, even Hillary might seem relatively fresh when she emerges from the smoked-filled room in Milwaukee.

Mark said...

Must be the quickest drop-out of the Iowa winner ever.

Lucien said...

Rcocean: So if Bernie or Biden pick Schiff the party will say no?

Lucien said...

Imagine: Adam Schiff a heartbeat away from the presidency, with a 79 year old president.

Mark said...

I would think that Pete would have been on the positive side financially, i.e. no campaign debts. And Bloomberg paying them off would be illegal anyway (except for the $2,800 limit).

Sebastian said...

"Buttigieg drops out"

Oh no! JAC hardest hit! What will the Althouse clan do now?

Mark said...

Wins Iowa.
Comes in close second in New Hampshire.
Out of the running in South Carolina.

"I quit!"

Browndog said...

Jay Caruso
‏Verified account @JayCaruso
24m24 minutes ago

This marks the first time since 1992 when the winner of the Democratic Iowa caucus did not go on to win the nomination. (Tom Harkin won in 92)

2000 - Gore
2004 - Kerry
2008 - Obama
2016 - H. Clinton

Kevin said...

Pete’s Butting out.

But, yes, leaving his campaign means that Pete needs a job.

Bain Capital always seems to be hiring.

AllenS said...

Does Butti know how to code?

JML said...

This marks the first time since 1992 when the winner of the Democratic Iowa caucus did not go on to win the nomination. (Tom Harkin won in 92)

But did he really win Iowa?

gilbar said...

Surprise. His funding must have dried up.
He may have had another offer.

my scenario:
"pete, you're a finance guy; What would it take for you to quit the race, and come work for Me?"

"I wouldn't for you, or your stupid paper; for a Billion Dollars!"

"Seems, reasonable; when can you start?"

"tomorrow, i guess"

Mark said...

Makes sense only considering that he is only 38 years old -- about 12 years away from being being electable anyway (2032).

traditionalguy said...

He tried hard to be the sane one. But he was still the unqualified boy being used by others, who including his Marxist CIA father who wanted to use Pete to destroy the USA faster than Obama did.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Buttituvwxyz offers nothing of real value to a ticket."

Well, you are probably right, but you could look at it this way:

Biden plays well with black voters, so that is covered, plus he has some residual regular guy blue collar appeal. Mayor Pete plays well with the Youth Vote and the Resumé Conscious Suburban Moms of America (Pete is young himself and credentialed--Harvard! Rhodes Scholar! US Army! Mckinsey! and such a nice boy!), plus he covers the inter-sectional academic market (Have you heard? He's gay!). I actually think Mayor Pete (ret.) is a likely Veep choice for the Demmies. Down side: Joe is as dumb as a box of rocks on his best day, and Mayor Pete has no real experience.

Rosalyn C. said...

Buttigieg had no chance of getting the nomination but he had a great run and presented himself well. He is now a nationally known political figure and positioned for whatever comes next. Dropping out now makes him look smart: he lasted a long time and knows how to get out of the way and be a team player. I don't know who benefits most from his exit, probably Biden.

I'm looking forward to seeing Pete's next move. My guess --writing a book and monitizing his fame. Perhaps he'll be running for governor of Indiana next year.

gilbar said...

JML said...
But did he really win Iowa?

Hell to the No!
Sanders WON, by about 6,000 votes.
Of course, Sanders' votes were from city mice; and (in iowa), country mice count more.
Sanders would only be sending 3.00055 delegates to Milwaukee
Buttifuc would have sent 3.00183 delegates; so they "said" he "won"

They BOTH would have sent THREE delegates apiece

Mark said...

Suspending -- not dropping out.

He wants to keep control of his delegates.

Automatic_Wing said...

Biden plays well with black voters, so that is covered, plus he has some residual regular guy blue collar appeal. Mayor Pete plays well with the Youth Vote and the Resumé Conscious Suburban Moms of America (Pete is young himself and credentialed--Harvard! Rhodes Scholar! US Army! Mckinsey! and such a nice boy!), plus he covers the inter-sectional academic market (Have you heard? He's gay!). I actually think Mayor Pete (ret.) is a likely Veep choice for the Demmies.

Those are all good points, but also reasons why Buttigieg dropping out is not going to help Biden much. The youth vote is going to Bernie, the status conscious suburban soccer moms to Bloomberg. Intersectionals, who knows, but there aren't a lot of them anyway and none of the remaining candidates really has more LGBTQetc appeal than the others.

Yancey Ward said...

Buttuvwxyz's voters are more likely to be Sanders supporters than Biden supporters just based on the age and race demographics of Buttuvwxyz's supporters; so his dropping out benefits Sanders.

Mark said...

Meanwhile, they are responding with Festival! It's the Red Hour!

It's the will of Landru.

walter said...

He could do some ads for that pricey moisturizer.

Yancey Ward said...

Warren and Klobuchar should be following Buttuvwxyz out the door this Wednesday- Klobuchar for certain since her supporters might prefer Biden. The DNC may try to pay Warren off to stay in to deny Sanders any more support, and if Warren does stay in, then you will know for certain that the DNC is orchestrating everything behind the scenes to stop Sanders.

Gilbert Pinfold said...

Buttigieg was not Army; he was a “direct commission” into US Navy Intelligence (Hunter Biden is another noted military credential seeker via this route). No real training, bypassing enlisted, ROTC grads, and USNA grads. Compare and contrast with Tom Cotton, who enlisted in the Army after 9/11, eventually went to Officer Candidate School after a deployment to Iraq even though as a Harvard Law grad he could have gone in directly as a JAG. Some people plump a resume, some people serve.

Amadeus 48 said...

Gilbert--you are right--USNR. Sorry. I really haven't been paying attention to these characters, but that was sloppy.

Yancey Ward said...

rcocean wrote:

"He was fighting Biden for the Non-progressive lane. He was a so-called "Moderate" who was saying Bernie and Warren were "too radical" and couldn't pay for all their programs.

So, this will help Biden."

He mouthed the words of a moderate candidate, but that wasn't the source of his support. I think everyone should understand that 90% of his support came solely because he was gay. With him out, those shallow supporters, very young will gravitate towards the only other candidate left that draws a lot a young voters- Sanders.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Suspending -- not dropping out.

He wants to keep control of his delegates.

I don't think it's that. They always "suspend". I think it has something to do with taxes, accounting, and being able to access the campaign funds.

Yancey Ward said...

In other words, if Buttuvwxyz had been straight and married to a woman, he would have had less than 1% support in Iowa and New Hampshire, all else being equal.

Yancey Ward said...

And, my suspicion is that Buttuvwxyz dropped out today because, in his heart, he wants Sanders to win the nomination. In short, I think his entire campaign position was basically a fraud of a kind. I don't think it was necessarily that he was trying to hide his politics with evil intent so much as it was him simply trying to place himself in the lane he thought might be the most open one given the field. In other words, with Warren and Sanders both strong candidates all of last year, Buttuvwxyz looked around at Biden, Klobuchar, etal. and decided that the moderate lane was terribly weak and open to a new face.

mockturtle said...

Trump is on the right track. If Buttygig gives his delegates to Biden that will hurt Bernie the most, which is what the DNC wants.

Yancey Ward said...

Buttuvwxyz tried to run as the gay white Obama. However, Biden had more life in him than it appeared, and Bloomberg took a shit in the moderate punchbowl.

Yancey Ward said...

Buttuvwxyz can't give his delegates to anyone. They are committed to Buttuvwxyz on the first vote, and are free agents on any subsequent vote. They are, however, likely to support whomever the party leaders designate at their choice.

Iman said...

I thought that it would take another few weeks for my contention - that a dead-ringer for Alfred E. Neuman will never be elected president - to be proven true.

I'm happy to be off in my calculations...

hawkeyedjb said...

Bye-ku for Buttigieg:

Old white straight people
Party of diversity
Get out of here Pete.

Big Mike said...

Warren and Klobuchar should be following Buttuvwxyz out the door this Wednesday

@Yancey, now that was funny. I mean either woman dropping out.

Big Mike said...

Looking forward to future Democrat debates consisting of three 79 year old white men.

Two 78 year old men and one young whippersnapper of 77.

Mark said...

Buttuvwxyz tried to run as the gay white Obama.

Some would simply say that he tried to run as the white Obama.

Mark said...

An inconvenient fact that Dems will ignore while attacking Republicans and conservatives as being backward homophobes --

The reason that Pete can't get any support from black voters is because he is gay. Don't expect the Dems to openly call the black community on that. But below the surface, there is a lot of resentment -- both ways.

Inga said...

Mostly a very good job Mayor Pete, but it’s not your time yet. Run for the House or Senate, get some more experience and let time work in your favor as far as acceptance of a man kissing his husband on stage goes.

Ken B said...

Amadeus 48
Sorry, only comic book allusions are permitted. Huguenots are not part of the Marvel universe.

Gk1 said...

I had a Mayor Pete canvasar at our door this afternoon and brushed them away and in less than 20 minutes saw Pete had quit. I wonder if the canvasar got the news yet?

Mark said...

Dropped out, pulled out, suspended.

I think the best description of what Pete did is that he aborted his campaign.

Ken B said...

I hope it hurts Sanders. Any nominee has a chance to win. It’s better for the country that Sanders never have that chance.
Still, I do dislike Biden so.

gilbar said...

I think the best description of what Pete did is that he aborted his campaign.

ladies and gentlemen
i Do Believe, Mark has WON!

Ken B said...

Brokered convention idea. A former Governor of a major state, who has recently returned to public life.


Iman said...

You'd better run
You'd better hide
You'd better lock your house and keep the kids inside.
Here come the twenty first century's latest scam
He's a half a boy and half a man

He ain't a playah
but he's a mayah
And he'll never be mistaken for that damn Gale Sayahs
He'll moisturize at night like any woman can
Cuz he's a half a boy and half a man.

Howard said...

Major Pete takes one for the Deep State team.

rehajm said...

so his dropping out benefits Sanders.

If his supporters break for Not Bernie candidates it hurts Bernie. There are many races where two or three candidates are near the 15 percent threshold. If just a percent or two go to Liz or Mike or Amy they deny Bernie the proportioned delegates he would have received had they fallen short of fifteen.

Francisco D said...

I would think that Pete would have been on the positive side financially, i.e. no campaign debts. And Bloomberg paying them off would be illegal anyway (except for the $2,800 limit).

Do not underestimate Bloomberg's financial hold on the Democrat party. He could easily finance any future race by BootyBoy. The boy was never a serious POTUS contender. This was prep for the future.

We will get a better idea if and when BootyBoy endorses someone. My guess is still mini-Mike.

Beasts of England said...

Maybe one day we’ll learn why he was running. Anyone supporting or shilling for that neophyte should be fucking embarrassed.

BarrySanders20 said...

See ya Mayor Pete
Black Dems said no fucking way
They are so gay-cist.

Bay Area Guy said...

He won Iowa! But got screwed out of any bump due to the caucus imcompetence. I reckon it went south from there.

Lucien said...

MEG: So your theory is that by dropping out now he avoids the hit to his reputation that would come from a poor showing Tuesday? Doesn’t he take a hit as a quitter this way? I don’t see how he otherwise would have fewer options if he waited ‘til Wednesday.

Ken B said...

I confess I am surprised. I did suggest anyone who got less than Steyer needed to face the music, but I didn’t really think they would.

Ken B said...

My theory is he looked at his support among blacks and decided not to let that be seen in future primaries. He is thinking of his next run for whatever he runs for.

Ken B said...

He does take a hit as a quitter — I eagerly await JAC explaining why that makes him the best — but that isn’t death to a Democrat. “Can’t get black votes” would hobble him running for senate or governor. Or mayor.

wildswan said...

The Wild Weasel has a plan - we'll see in time what it is.

You'd think a couple of billion would wrap a guy in a gentle but powerful glow that would draw voters like the moths. Instead relying on money seemed to suck the life out of Steyer - it's as if an alien life form was controlling him and ordering him to say certain things, as if he were his wallet's Siri. I know there was more there - clever, well-intentioned. B4u$t$ i$t$'$s h$a$r$d t$o g$e$t p$a$st M$O$N$E$Y, if there's a lot$$$$$$$.

madAsHell said...

He won Iowa!

After the DNC fumbled, didn't everyone claim Iowa.......or maybe that was your point!!

minnesota farm guy said...

I told you all that Pete would not carry black votes. Primarily because he is gay and the bulk of blacks are opposed to gays.

In addition, the black organization went all in for Joe in SC. It clearly worked - and one must ask if Joe was any worse choice for them than any of the others. The answer is a resounding "NO"!

I'm Full of Soup said...

If he had been a straight, Repub mayor of a small town,he'd have been mocked by liberal hack media and been the butt of late night TV shows.

madAsHell said...

African-Americans are the only thing standing between us, and a gay President.

Does anybody else see the civil rights irony??

Rabel said...

A lot of the vote is already in, isn't it.

Mail-in votes were 65% of the total vote in California in 2018. Some of the most enthusiastic supporters get the high hard one from Pete.

minnesota farm guy said...

I still think Joe won't make it to the end of the campaign. I suspect that the saner heads are going to recognize that his dementia is progressing rapidly and will become an even greater negative.. So who's left: Bloomie or Hillary or (?)?

Todd Roberson said...

As a Hoosier I can assure you Buttigxzg has no chance of any statewide office in Indiana.

gilbar said...

Instead relying on money seemed to suck the life out of Steyer

It looks like it cost several THOUSAND dollars, for each vote (not delegate!) that he got
SURELY, a simple cash exchange would have been cheaper?
How much would YOU sell your vote for? i, personally could USE several thousand dollars

madAsHell said...

I suspect that the saner heads are going to recognize that his dementia

The saner heads are going to recognize his dementia, and.......embrace it. The same way that Hillary made Obama her house boy.

gilbar said...

I'm Full of Soup said...
If he had been a straight, Repub mayor of a small town,he'd have been mocked by liberal hack media and been the butt of late night TV shows.

But WAIT! it gets more better!

a straight, Repub mayor of a small town;
that was a finance wonk for a multi-billion dollar consulting firm
that THEN became a direct commission finance wonk Naval Intelligence (read: CIA)

Ken B said...

Minnesota farm guy
I predicted that Biden would collapse and the professional Democrats would pick either Bloomberg or Klobuchar. So, one of those two or Sanders. I am less confident now. Biden has really made some astonishing gaffes that call his mental capacity seriously into doubt, and still won big in SC. Maybe he is more resilient than I thought.

William said...

Best thing for him. Take gap year. Maybe wander among the fjords in Norway and perfect his language skills. Conrad didn't learn English until he was forty. Maybe Buttigieg will realize that what he truly wanted and what would truly fulfill his restless soul would be to become a Norwegian novelist or poet. I can far more easily picture him as a great Norwegian poet than as the next President of the USA.

Mark said...

Joe is setting up to be one of the great political tragedies ever in American history.

Chuck said...

3/1/20, 6:43 PM
Blogger Mark said...
Suspending -- not dropping out.

He wants to keep control of his delegates.

Well all large campaigns “suspend.” The want to be able to continue as an entity to raise money to pay campaign debt. The FEC more or less requires it. They can’t shut the books on a campaign until the debts are paid. There may be some federal matching funds that play into the equation as well.

I don’t think his pledges delegates mean much of anything.

Mark said...

Well, if Pete is worried about money, maybe he shouldn't be running commercials promoting his candidacy, like the one that was just on CNN.

Greg the class traitor said...

Blogger Mark said...
Wins Iowa.
Comes in close second in New Hampshire.
Out of the running in South Carolina.

"I quit!"

You can't win as a Democrat if black voters don't like you. Not on a State of Federal level, anywhere outside of Iowa or the northeast

SC was solid proof that black voters don't like him.

I suggested yesterday that he should be talking to Biden . / Bloomberg about considerations for jumping out now.

Can Bloomberg give his campaign a bunch of money? No

Can Bloomberg fund a "non-profit" that then hires Pete to "run" it, at a really nice salary?

Why yes, he can.

Given the huge effective difference between getting 14% of the vote and getting 15%, Pete getting out and getting out of the way could be quite significant

We'll know Wed morning

Paul Snively said...

Great. That only leaves, what? Five? Six? hardcore socialists and a doddering dementia patient left in the running.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Best thing for him. Take gap year. Maybe wander among the fjords in Norway and perfect his language skills.

I think he's already pining for the fjords!

Rosalyn C. said...

Todd Roberson said...
As a Hoosier I can assure you Buttigxzg has no chance of any statewide office in Indiana.

I'm curious why that is. What is so unique about South Bend that Buttigieg was able to be elected

narciso said...

A university town and the right credentials

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I'm curious why that is. What is so unique about South Bend that Buttigieg was able to be elected

3/1/20, 9:57 PM

It's a college town.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I spent my "gap year" washing dishes and making french fries at a drive in called "Porky's" on West Lake Street in Minneapolis.
I do not look back on that year fondly.

wbfjrr2 said...

Rcocean nailed it in his 6:04 comment.

n.n said...

Know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em.

richard mcenroe said...

Michael K or the DNC made him a cash offer to take a dive.

Achilles said...

minnesota farm guy said...

I told you all that Pete would not carry black votes. Primarily because he is gay and the bulk of blacks are opposed to gays.

That isn't true. Pete would be fine with african americans if he wasn't gay.

The problem is Pete is racist.

His administration in South Bend made several decisions that directly screwed poor and Black people.

Black people all listened to their brethren in the city Pete ran. Black people in South Bend do not like Pete at all.

AllenS said...

Maybe Mayor Pete and his husband/wife could make porn movies. After all, they like to kiss in public. Porn would be a step up. Politically, I think it's all over for him. If you owned a business would you hire him?

Quaestor said...

Brown Dog writes: I'm not sure what that means. I'm headed over to Vox for an explanation.

Why do such a silly thing? I'll tell you what this means without polluting your brain. The departure of Buttigieg means Sanders won't clinch the nomination in the Primaries and the DNC's super delegates will decide the issue, which in turn means Sanders' brownshirts will do a number on Milwaukee, something between Kristallnacht and the storming of the Winter Palace.

Silly Calabrese said...

The scope for very un-woke word play just narrowed disastrously. Calling Bloomberg 'Bloomey' is very weak gruel in comparison.

Silly Calabrese said...

(Be careful when you jump the fags in the Wisconsin back alleys, lil allen... Sometimes, they bring friends. ;-) Just saying, watch yourself little man. Don't let your words pump you into something you are not, farmboy. Don't stray too far from your grounds/lane, k? No more losing wars or battles, you dog-faced pony soldier you.)

What is all that? I come to these comments for wit, sly digs, clever banter and contrarian analysis? That's middle-school tosh at best.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Silly nailed it...

stevew said...

I'm with you Silly.

Curious George said...

"Yancey Ward said...
...I think everyone should understand that 90% of his support came solely because he was gay."

That's so unfair. 100% of JAC's support was because he was gay.

Doug said...

I am shocked ... shocked that democrat primary voters reject women, Native Americans, blacks and queer persons for the office of president.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
Mostly a very good job Mayor Pete, but it’s not your time yet. Run for the House or Senate, get some more experience and let time work in your favor as far as acceptance of a man kissing his husband on stage goes."

Do you think our resident dullard realizes how this reflects on Democratic voters?

Craig Howard said...

They are so gay-cist.

For my money, that wins the thread.

JAORE said...

Just saw my first commercials for Steyer and Mayor Pete last night.

I know these things are booked way in advance. But it struck me as ironic hearing them explain why they were the one we were waiting for.

mtrobertslaw said...

I think Mayor Pete's decision has something to do with his husband. During the press conference, Pete's husband appeared very distraught, breaking down a few times, during his introduction of his husband.

bagoh20 said...

It seems clear now that as an old straight white guy, I'm just irresistible to most Americans. I think both male privilege and White privilege are just common preferences. I'm not sexist or racist myself, but obviously most of you are, especially you Democrats. Anyway, come and get some.

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